The Daily 5: Building a Foundation for Literacy Brick by Brick August 8-9, 2013 Dallas ISD Core Beliefs • Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement. • Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic performance. • There is no excuse for poor quality instruction. • With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-at risk students. • Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence. 2 DISD formated ppt.pptx Norms: • Listen fully and reflectively • Hold experiences and revelations of others with care • Challenge the limits of your potential • Support one another in learning • Be responsible for your impact in the room • Make it real and meaningful for self reflection and growth • Monitor all personal technology and use appropriately 3 DISD formated ppt.pptx Learning Objective: Participants will analyze The Daily 5 literacy structure to support teacher implementation. 4 DISD formated ppt.pptx Demonstration of Learning (DOL): Given the literacy structure, coaches will create 3 high-impact steps of action to support teachers in the implementation of The Daily 5. 5 DISD formated ppt.pptx What is the Daily 5? • Literacy structure • Differentiation and consistency • Classroom management system • Five tasks 6 DISD formated ppt.pptx The Daily 5 Components Are: Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work on Writing Word Work It is NOT called The Daily Five because they have to do all 5 each day! 7 DISD formated ppt.pptx What Can Teachers Accomplish During Daily 5? Each day, teachers: • Deliver 3 – 5 whole group mini-lessons • Teach 3 – 4 small groups • Hold conferences with 9 – 12 individual students 8 DISD formated ppt.pptx What Can Students Accomplish During Daily 5? Each day, students: • Engage in reading and writing • Receive focused, tailored instruction • Practice self-management and self-direction 9 DISD formated ppt.pptx When You Visit Daily 5 Classrooms, You Will See … • Mini-lesson (whole group instruction) • 1st round of Daily 5 • Mini-lesson (whole group instruction) • 2nd round of Daily 5 • Mini-lesson (whole group instruction) • 3rd round of Daily 5 • Reflection: Table Talk 10 DISD formated ppt.pptx Planning/Preparing You need to have a few things organized before you begin Daily 5: 1. Designated meeting area for small group instruction 2. Area where you will meet with the whole class 3. Multi-level classroom library or book center 4. Place for each student to store their Daily 5 materials 5 . Listening center 6. Place for writing materials 7. Space for Daily 5 anchor charts 11 DISD formated ppt.pptx Building the FOUNDATION • Trust students • Provide choice • Nurture community • Create a sense of urgency • Build Stamina • Encourage Independence 12 DISD formated ppt.pptx Choice: Encourage students to start their day with some questions in mind: • What are my goals in reading and writing? • What will I do first? • Whom will I work with? • What do I want to accomplish? • What was I working on yesterday that I want to continue today? Choice is highly motivational and puts students in charge of their own learning! 13 DISD formated ppt.pptx Turn & Talk “We move slowly to eventually move fast…the payoff is enormous.” p.42 14 DISD formated ppt.pptx Read To Self 15 DISD formated ppt.pptx Book Boxes Have a separate book box for each student: • Use cardboard magazine holders, cereal boxes, small trash cans, clear plastic envelopes with Velcro, eco-bags, shower caddies, juice boxes (Capri Sun –cut the top off), plastic baskets, or 2 gallon ziplock bags. • Place 3-5 books in a box • Books are chosen by the teacher until the students are trained (I PICK). • Book boxes are always kept in the same place. 16 DISD formated ppt.pptx 17 DISD formated ppt.pptx Three Ways to Read a Book 1. Read the pictures 2. Read the words (For Kindergarten, find a letter/sight words to start) 3. Read from memory Model *Read the picture – Think aloud about the picture *Read the words – Show how the finger should move left to right under the words *Read from memory-recall what happened in the story 18 DISD formated ppt.pptx 19 DISD formated ppt.pptx How Does it Look? 20 DISD formated ppt.pptx Good Fit Book Five Finger Rule: Read a page in the middle of the book. Put one finger down for every word that’s too hard to read. 0 fingers – too easy! 1-3 fingers – just right! 4-5 fingers – quite hard – but give it a try. 5 or more fingers – too hard for now. 21 DISD formated ppt.pptx Model 1. Create an Anchor Chart with students 2. Go over the Anchor Chart together 3. Teacher models (for about 1-2 minutes) 4. While pointing to the Anchor Chart, ask “Did I start right away?” Was I reading quietly?” 5. Ask students to model incorrect and correct practices. As he/she is reading, ask if he/she is following the Anchor Chart quietly. Practice several times. 22 DISD formated ppt.pptx Read to Someone Read to Someone increases the following : • Volume of reading • Level of attention to reading • Reading rate, accuracy, and expression • Reading motivation • Fluency • Word-attack skills 23 DISD formated ppt.pptx How Does It Look? 24 DISD formated ppt.pptx Read to Someone 25 DISD formated ppt.pptx EEKK Voice EEKK (Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee) Model : Ask one student to sit down on the floor with you EEKK and place a book in between. Voice Level: Low 26 DISD formated ppt.pptx Word Work As you introduce each material, discuss the following: • Materials in the Word Work Station • How should students use the materials • Where should students sit to do Word Work (table, on the floor, carpet area ) • How to clean up (Ex. make sure the top of the marker makes a “click” noise, return the material to the same spot, etc.) Word Work should CONNECT to what is being taught in class that week or to content that needs to be revisited. 27 DISD formated ppt.pptx How Does It Look? 28 DISD formated ppt.pptx Listen to Reading Materials needed: Books on tape, CD/tape player, headphones or Computer with internet Resources available from Library & Media services. .htm .htm * Some sites may require a membership 29 DISD formated ppt.pptx Work on Writing Why should we write everyday? • Helps us become better readers and writers. • We can choose what we want to write about. • We care about our writing, and we want people to be able to read our writing. 30 DISD formated ppt.pptx How Does It Look? 31 DISD formated ppt.pptx 32 DISD formated ppt.pptx How Does the Management System Look? 33 DISD formated ppt.pptx Video Considerations • Teacher preparation • Physical arrangement of the classroom/materials • Specific components of The Daily 5 34 DISD formated ppt.pptx The Daily 5 35 DISD formated ppt.pptx Preparing for a Successful Start • Make sure you have plenty of materials for students to access while in Daily Five stations. • Be sure to include a variety of multi-level resources in each station. • Establish a gathering place • Explain Good-Fit Books • Create and review Anchor charts • Practice independent time • Introduce and practice calm signals and check-in procedures • Model correct/incorrect behaviors 36 DISD formated ppt.pptx Demonstration of Learning (DOL): Given the literacy structure, coaches will create 3 high-impact steps of action to support teachers in the implementation of The Daily 5. 37 DISD formated ppt.pptx Contact Information Ashley Reynolds Academic Facilitator Division 2 Payton Ishmael Academic Facilitator Division 3 Barbara Martin Academic Facilitator Division 5 Dawn Roberson Academic Facilitator Division 2 38 DISD formated ppt.pptx The Daily 5 Fostering Literacy Independence in Elementary Grades Reference: Boushey, G. & Moser J., (2006). The Daily 5: Fostering Literacy Independence in Elementary Grades, 1st Edition. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. 39 DISD formated ppt.pptx
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