Singapore: Present, Past & Future Julian Goh, Director Someformofhuman

Singapore: Present, Past & Future
Creating a sustainable, resilient and equitable city
Julian Goh, Director
Our Present
Bukit Ho Swee Fire in 1961
Source: Urban Development Authority (URA)
Singapore, a compact city-state
5.4 mil population, S$330 billion GDP
5 Airports, World’s busiest port
3rd largest refinery hub
20% of land for defence
Yet Singapore is Green & Liveable
Asia’s greenest city (EIU Asia Green City index)
Asia’s most liveable city (Mercer)
Two-thirds of the land is water
~50% green cover, more biodiversity
than the North America continent
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
Source: CRISP
Our Past
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
A third world city at independence in 1965
With 1.6mil population, two-thirds in squatters & slums
Source: Urban Development Authority (URA)
Building homes and resettling people
Cheap, fast and scaleable
Creating a clean and green Singapore
With a lot of hard work and trial & error
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
HDB – Punggol Breeze
Building resilience in our water needs
Collect every drop of water, and re-use more than once
Keeping our roads congestion-free
And promoting public transport for the masses
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
Systematic planning to meet long-term needs
Projecting our needs, safeguarding our resources
Source: URA
Our Future…
Bukit Ho Swee Fire in 1961
Source: Urban Development Authority (URA)
Pervasive Connectivity
Smart Infrastructure
Fibre broadband >95%
Free Wifi
4G network
Technology has opened up new possibilities
Which we have yet to fully grasp
Harnessing Big Data
Smart, Sustainable Districts
Good Governance needed to realize its potential
And technology will in turn strengthen governance
Good Governance
Sound, competent
Integrated Approach
Think long-term,
Fight productively
About CLC
The Singapore Story @ WUF Medellin
Making Cities Sustainable, Resiiient and Equitable
12:15-14:15, 7 Apr 2014
City Changer Room / UN-Habitat Pavilion
Press Launch of Partnership on Greener Cities by UNEP and UN Habitat
15:00-17:00, 7 Apr 2014
CLC Training Event: Common Challenges, Shared Solutions
8:30-11:30, 9 Apr 2014
Special Session: Urban Equity in Development Medellin City: City for Life
14:00-16:00, 9 Apr 2014
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
About CLC
The Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) was set up in 2008 based on a strategic blueprint developed
by Singapore’s Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development. The Centre’s mission is to
distil, create and share knowledge on liveable and sustainable cities. CLC distils key learning points
from Singapore’s experiences over the last half-century, while creating knowledge to address
emerging challenges. It also shares knowledge with, and learns from, other cities and experts.
CLC receives guidance from its Advisory Board, comprising senior fi gures from academia, industry
and the public sector. A high-level panel of Distinguished Advisors - comprising prominent former
politicians and senior civil servants - contributes to the intellectual development of the Centre. CLC
works closely with its Stakeholder Agencies - representing Singapore’s urban planning, governance
and development expertise – to integrate their knowledge. CLC Panel of Experts are domain
experts with technical knowledge and expertise that CLC will tap for capability development and
future consultancy projects.
The Centre operates as part of the Ministry of National Development, and comprises a dynamic
CLC team of offi cers from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. Guided by the CLC Framework for
Liveable and sustainable Cities, the Centre works across three main areas - Research, Capability
Development, and Promotion.
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
About the speaker
Mr Julian Goh has extensive experience in both the public and private sector in the area of
urban planning and development. He is currently Director of the Centre for Liveable Cities
(CLC), which is part of Ministry of National Development Singapore. At CLC, he is responsible
for research, training and advisory services.
Julian Goh
Centre for Liveable Cities
Prior to this, Mr Goh was with Siemens AG, Europe’s largest infrastructure and engineering
company. He was the Head of Urban Planning & Smart City at Siemens, and a founding
member of Siemens’ Global Centre for Competence on City Management. At Siemens, he
combined his urban development know-how with the technological expertise of the company, to
identify new innovative solutions for cities. He was also directly involved in a comprehensive
strategy review as Siemens re-positions itself for the city market.
Mr Goh started his career with the Urban Redevelopment Authority, with his last appointment as
the Head of Physical Planning. He was responsible for delivering Master Plan 2008, a strategic
blueprint for the development of Singapore for the next 15 years. In his career as an urban
planner, he has involved in the planning of various large scale infrastructure projects such as
mixed-use integrated developments, road/rail lines, and reclamation/coastal developments.
Outside of his professional career, Mr Goh is also active in serving the community, as an
appointed District Councilor for the Southwest District of Singapore.
Mr Goh graduated from Imperial College London with a Masters in Civil Engineering (First
Class) on a Singapore Government scholarship. He also holds a Masters of Science in Real
Estate from the National University of Singapore.
Copyright © Centre for Liveable Cities
You’re Invited to Singapore in June 2014!
Liveable and Sustainable Cities : Common Challenges, Shared Solutions
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World Cities Summit Mayors Forum, 1 June 2014
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An integrated event with:
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- Housing / Resettlement
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- Improve transport system
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