Agile Urban Logistics 02/04/14 Freight & Fleet Programmes Heading 2 Freight & Fleet Programmes 2 P RO J E C T O R I G I N S • GLA application to TSB Future Cities programme • Hypothesis: the use of data, technolog y and innovative, collaborative business models to better manage systems and services in a city • Expose and exploit flexibility in supply and demand to better utilise resources – space, time, energ y, materials • Funding to support innovation in key sectors and to deliver against key city challenges – growth, congestion, pollution… • Secured funding for demonstrator projects that can lead to deployment at scale VA N S A N D C O N G E S T I O N • • • • The key growing road use in London 43% growth projected to 2030 Growth of e-commerce is key driver Rapid innovation in the home deliveries sector – especially in the use of data, IT and business model innovation • Can this be tailored towards Mayoral priorities to mitigate congestion and pollution? OBJECTIVES • Create fewer, fuller vehicles • Promote re-timing away from peak hours • Promote re-routing of journeys away from the most congested roads and pollution hot spots • Promote consolidation and a reduction in the number of pick -ups/dropoffs • Promote utilisation of low emission vehicles • Influence customer preferences to help achieve any or all of the above SWEET SPOT externalities market inefficiencies commercial advantage customer convenience A P P R O AC H • • • • • Mayor’s office backing Working with TfL Freight team Timeframe: 2014-16 Funding: £750k - £1.5m (+ matched investments) Three stages – – Options appraisal, demonstrator design, buy -in – ‘On the ground’ demonstrator(s) – Evaluation A P P R O AC H – S TAG E 1 • Commissioned Arup to – – – – – – – – Assess the state of the market Understand capabilities & interest Appraise options Co-design demonstrator Secure buy-in / commitments Develop implementation plan Establish evaluation framework London Urban Logistics Overview Peter Wilkinson - TfL Dan Evanson - Arup Freight & Fleet Programmes Why have we focused on B2C Heading • Safety: Home Deliveries are typically executed by less regulated van fleets which already have a disproportionate (if less high profile than HGV) impact on TfL’s ‘Killed and Seriously Injured’ (KSI) statistics • Congestion: Home delivery requires less efficient deliveries compared to traditional retail models and drives significantly more vehicles onto the roads, predominately in the peak hours • Environment: The predominant fuel used is currently diesel which is high in nitrus oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) outputs. This is enhanced by the high intensity multi-drop routes which result in very poor MPG performance, unwelcome driving behaviours such as engine idling and therefore even more pollutants • The market is growing • London is growing 10 Freight & Fleet Programmes 10 The National Picture Heading • 1st e-commerce delivery in 1994 • 2012 – 10% of retail spend (Royal Mail) • 2018 – 21% of retail spend (British Retail Consortium) Trend towards - Time sensitive deliveries (Shutl, DPD) - On line SKU explosion (amazon have 1,191,000) - Increased connectivity / confidence - Mobile and tablets 11 Freight & Fleet Programmes 11 The National Picture Heading “Our behaviour as consumers is driving this change in e-commerce and freight deliveries; everyone needs to be part of the solution.” (CILT, 2014). In 2013, there were over 4 million. In 2012, 400,000 tablets were given as Christmas gifts. 12 Freight & Fleet Programmes 12 The London Picture Heading There are really multiple E-commerce supply chains and all are constantly and rapidly evolving. We’re seeking to better understand the picture in London, and then to help suggest the most effective solutions 13 Freight & Fleet Programmes 13 Deliveries analysis to Organisation X in Zone Heading 1 – 5 days data equivalent Business vs. Personal Deliveries to Organisation X Delivery Vehicle Type Mix Business and Personal to Organisation X 17% Personal Business 83% 140 125 120 100 70 80 60 39 40 20 Total 14 2 3 0 Car Hand Large Van Motorbike Pushbike Small Van Delivery In total 250 vehicles performed deliveries to Organisation X where 30 of them were purely for personal deliveries 14 Freight & Fleet Programmes 14 Arup Post Room Data – Amazon deliveries Heading Original date of delivery Delivery company 14/01/2013 City Sprint DPD Hermes Yodel 15/01/2013 City Sprint Parcel Force Yodel 16/01/2013 City Sprint Hermes 17/01/2013 City Sprint DPD Parcel Force Royal Mail (Special) Yodel Time booked 11 09 12 13 09 12 11 09 11 10 11 10 11 12 Taking a day in Jan as an example we can see that 5 different carriers deliver to our office. Parcel Force and City Sprint deliver just a few minutes apart! *that companies may deliver non-Amazon as well 15 Freight & Fleet Programmes Amazon shipped circa 10% of the deliveries received when obvious business deliveries were discounted. Goods came via 18 different carriers 15 Specific Heading Concerns • Building London centric knowledge • Multiple attempted deliveries / returns • Duplicate journeys • Absence of collaboration (manufacturers, retailers and consumers) • Road space All in order to: 16 - Tackle inherent inefficiencies within London’s transport system - Address these inefficiencies and mitigate their impacts Freight & Fleet Programmes 16 Consumer Quotes Heading Essentially convenience - can grocery shop after hours from living room. Also, shopping with small children is stressful so I prefer to order online I would prefer something to be part of my daily route. Whether this is near home, near work, or near the principle train stations that I use on my daily commute I'd rather large items be delivered to Home at a given, narrow, time slot. I live in Middlesex so don't want to have to carry much home when commuting as will probably be standing Depends on the opening hours of the pick-up point: I need them to be open late in the evening Location, convenience and supporting local convenience store / newsagent "Tube/train station- generally experience poor customer service at these locations, so doubt they would be able to cope with parcel collections as well. If I can carry it easily and its not too valuable work is ok, otherwise I prefer near home. Convenience of linked trips (public transport node on route home / shop where I'd drive to do normal shopping) if I have to go to shops and carry the items home, the advantage of the delivery is lost 17 Freight & Fleet Programmes 17 Attendee Heading Overview 18 Freight & Fleet Programmes 18 Discussion Heading Based upon what you’ve heard: • What works well for ecommerce and home deliveries? • What doesn’t work well? • Are there any significant barriers to improve current operations? • What is your view of the characteristics of different product supply chains? 19 Freight & Fleet Programmes 19 Break Heading 20 Freight & Fleet Programmes 20 AHeading Recap of the Questions for Discussion Based upon what you’ve heard: • What works well for ecommerce and home deliveries? • What doesn’t work well? • Are there any significant barriers to improve current operations? • What is your view of the characteristics of different product supply chains? 21 Freight & Fleet Programmes 21 Potential Heading Solutions for debate • Examples solutions could be: Click & Collect: In tube/NR stations and other regularly used locations Penalty prices: charges put in place for deliveries into central London Lockerboxes: all couriers would be able to use them, not single branded Alternative modes: use of electric vehicles, delivery of goods by rail into major rail terminals Consolidation of deliveries: combine deliveries in different areas by postcode Out of hours delivery: if consumers prefer deliveries to be made at home, switch activity to times that better suit… 22 Freight & Fleet Programmes People power: community / neighbourhood based solution 22 Heading Innovative Solutions • Demonstrators • Obstacles • Viability 23 Freight & Fleet Programmes 23 Summary Heading • Objectives • Progress • Outputs from the session • Next steps 24 Freight & Fleet Programmes 24 Heading you Thank Questions? For further information contact: Peter Wilkinson: Dan Evanson: Email: Web: Freight & Fleet Programmes 25
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