Activity Based Learning (ABL) in Tamil Nadu M.P.Vijayakumar on behalf of many Tamil Nadu • • • • • • • • • • Land: 50,216 sq miles Population: 62.4 million Language: Tamil GDP: $70 billion (3rd largest) Growth: 12.1% Poverty: 22.5% (against national average of 27.5%) Literacy: 73% (against national average of 61%) Number of elementary schools (grades 1 to 8 – ages 6 to 14 years): 37,486 Enrolment at Elementary: (98%) Highest level of urbanisation in India (44%) NCERT Surveys--Learning Levels are Improving, but not enough ……. Classes Maths Lang. EVS 1st rnd. 46.51 58.57 50.30 2nd rnd. 48.46 60.31 52.19 • Improvement in learning achievement in all the subjects in class V. • Goa, HP, Gujarat, J& K, UP, Karnataka, Kerala, improved by more than 5% points Ranges in Mean % Scores States 40% to 50% (11) Assam, Chhatisgarh, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, A & N Island, Chandigarh, D & N H, Puducherry 50% to 60% (20) Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Daman & Diu 60% to 70% (2) Karnataka, W. Bengal It is known that… despite enrolment being high… Despite all hard ware in place… Despite investment and many incentives having increased… In spite of much discussion and debate … The essential levels of… Literacy – Numeracy – Subject Knowledge – Understanding - Conceptual clarity Have not been attained by the majority Have not been seriously addressed across the school system Why are learning levels unsatisfactory? Large numbers of first generation learners? Infrastructure deficiencies? High pupil:teacher ratios? Lack of parental demand for quality? Low expectations? Inadequate assessment of learning outcomes? Multi grade/multilevel class rooms But, mostly…State concluded that… It’s because of what goes on in the classroom…. the form of pedagogy affects student achievement more than anything else The Teaching and Learning Process before ABL Teacher gives instructions and expects children to obey and be disciplined; Children listen while the teacher teaches and only hear the teacher’s voice – whatever she says; Learners memorise facts given in the textbook or as told by the teacher or, more frequently, fail to memorise; Teacher controls what happens in the classroom, children’s participation is minimal; No scope for group learning, self learning, peer learning etc….; The Teaching and Learning Process before ABL Timetable is fixed; Seating arrangements are fixed, usually regimented rows and columns; Materials are only for display, not use by the students; Children look bored and disinterested; Assessment is undertaken as a separate activity; Children are assessed through tests and exams – many fail and there is a pervasive fear of failure leading to dropout; Report cards are used to convey the learners’ achievement; Children’s performance is reported in terms of marks for subject areas. Strengthening quality of primary education in Tamil Nadu • Required nothing less than comprehensive curriculum and pedagogic renewal …. a transformation in teaching and learning methodology and processes; complete system change. The Teaching and Learning Process after ABL • • • • • • Teacher provides learning opportunities and guides a range of meaningful learning. Teacher provides learning situations that give children an opportunity to observe, explore, question, experience and develop their own understanding of various concepts. All children participate actively in different activities/tasks and acquire all the necessary skills. All children construct knowledge on their own, based on their experiences inside and outside the school. All children work both individually and also in groups, discussing, sharing, co-operating and respecting others’ viewpoints. Timetable is more flexible, depending to a large extent on the stages children have reached in their learning. Seating arrangement changes according to the activity being organized. The Teaching and Learning Process after ABL • • • • • • A variety of materials, aids and equipment are available and used by children. All children are engrossed in what they are doing. Assessment is self-assessment as part of the teaching learning process. All children are assessed informally by teachers while doing activities/tasks, primarily through the teachers monitoring of progress on the learning ladders – the children are not aware of this assessment. A report conveys the learning and progress of the child. Children’s progress on the learning ladders are reported in qualitative terms and on all aspects of development – some children move faster than others and all types of learners are accommodated in the teaching and learning process. Learning Achievement: Maths Grade III State BAS MAS Difference Gujarat 64.24 62.94 -1.30 Karnataka 68.45 59.66 -8.79 Kerala 51.36 61.02 9.66 Punjab 53.89 58.07 4.18 TNadu 53.48 75.13 21.65 India 58.25 60.92 2.67 Learning Achievement: Language Grade III State BAS MAS Difference Gujarat 58.54 71.65 13.11 Karnataka 69.96 69.00 -0.96 Kerala 63.31 68.31 5.00 Punjab 54.29 66.98 12.69 TNadu 66.51 79.56 13.05 India 63.12 67.53 4.41 Quality Score Chennai Corporation Schools 97.65 89.86 100 90 81.30 71.59 80 70 73.07 56.47 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Teacher Infrastructure TLMs Teacher availability rate availability rate availability rate attendance rate Student Quality score attendance rate Model- nonmodel 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 Nonmodel 50.00 Model 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Teacher Infra TLM Teacher Attendance Students Attendance Timely Task completion Quality score Secrets of Tamil Nadu’s Success ABL comprehensively addresses the context of multi-grade reality and frequent student absence It is a robust and holistic methodology, developed by practicing teachers Successful learning by all children leads to acquisition of confidence, pride and high self-esteem Incorporates assessment and remedial teaching without branding children as failures Curriculum adapted from existing textbooks by teachers, so easier to accept by key stakeholders Working models were developed that managers and teachers could visit to experience the changed practice first-hand Well structured move from pilot in Chennai (2003 to 2007) to pilots in blocks (2005 to 2007) to state wide scale-up (2007) in 37,486 schools, 6.5 million children and 120,000 teachers Effective media strategy and support Complementary graded reading programme, books produced by teachers Secrets of Tamil Nadu’s Success On-site support to teachers provided through 6,000 BRTE – quality of this support high Managers of education have prioritised the reform Adequately resourced through SSA Effectively led by Minister and Departmental Head of Education, political will – logistics excellent; TLM and infrastructure Learners have welcomed the change Success is breeding success Parents are excited and stimulated by the results Secrets of Tamil Nadu’s Success Most importantly ….. The State trusted its teachers, trusted its children, had confidence in its diagnosis, believed in the strength of the new teaching and learning methodology and knew exactly how to take the reform to scale. System changes Half a day curriculum Consciously creating Multi-grade Dropping notes of lesson Giving up exams and home work Changing class room structure and form Not depending on text books exclusively Shifting the Inspectors focus to academics Monitoring orientation on process in lieu of outcome ABL is not panacea, teachers keep on improving Next Steps ABL is continuously renewed and enriched Teacher training is also continuously renewed and enriched Curriculum reform done New curriculum for pre-service New generation of teachers oriented to ABL ABL is opening up a new discourse on teaching and learning in primary schooling and the role of teacher – no longer chained to the textbook! Next Steps The first State-wide ABL cohort will complete Standard 4 in 2011 – a new breed of children who can think and create and search for information Standard 5 is now focus of attention Active Learning Methodology (ALM) in Upper Primary ALM and Project Based Learning (PBL) proposed for Secondary Education Political will to sustain the reforms Thank you
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