PLANOPOLY 7 LLE LONGLI FE L ÆD ER K E • PÅ DE FLE DE L ST TI N DE LO G I KKE B EVÆGE LIG Æ • E ST N RE E S GARA DR ÅR GF JE EB Med et møbel fra Himolla er du sikret lang holdbarhed. Langtidstests af bl.a. skum i sædehynder og fjederindlæg sikrer stabilitet og ligesom stof- og læderkvaliteter gennemgår en række tests for kemikalieresistens og slidstyrke. Udover de tests, som Himolla selv foretager, er produkter og materialer forsynet med en lang række certifikater omkring miljø og holdbarhed. ÅA •P • PÅ SKU M O 5 års garanti F R FE Vælg et 2-pers. modul med praktisk magasinskuffe til opbevaring af din yndlingsplaid, ugeblade m.v. ER ET LIT VA ES TO Vælg et hjørnemodul med udtræk, hvis du normalt sidder bedst med et par puder i ryggen. Funktionen giver optimal siddekomfort med ret ryg. PÅ Chaiselong-modulet bliver som standard leveret med en manuel liggefunktion, hvor man ved et let pres bagover kan presse ryggen tilbage og chaiselongsædet frem. Dette kan også gøres ved et enkelt tryk på en fjernbetjening. Planopoly 7 Her vist som klassisk 6-plads hjørnesofa. Den viste opstilling er monteret med Nuvano Plus stof. L 234/296 cm. nuvano by Impalla Nuvano stoffet er et utroligt flot og lækkert ”high tech” stof, der føles og ser ud som babyfløjl. Stoffet har nogle helt unikke egenskaber ift. pletfjerning, hvor man ved hjælp af vand og sæbe kan fjerne de fleste af dagligdagens små uheld. Nuvano fås i mange flotte farver. Planopoly 7 Her vist som stor hjørneopstilling med åbent afslutningsmodul. Afslutningsmodulet fås også med magasin. Den viste opstilling er monteret med kraftigt læder. L 234/274 cm. Læder er et smukt naturprodukt med sin helt egen historie. Med Longlife læder fra Himolla får du 5 års garanti. Læderet er gennemfarvet og behandlet, så det er nemt at rengøre og vedligeholde. Planopoly 7 Her vist som stor hjørneopstilling med chaiselong. Chaiselongen er som standard leveret med manuel rygjustering, men fås også med elektrisk chaiselong. Den viste opstilling er monteret med slidstærkt Body Flux stof. L 252/343 cm. Body Flux er en helt unik type stof, der udover at øge dit velvære og give din krop energien tilbage, også er særdeles resistent mod snavs. For mere information se PLANOPOLY 7 - ren nydelse indbygget i en sofa Planopoly 7 er et sofa-byggesystem, hvor du på en enkel og overskuelig måde kan bygge din helt individuelle sofa. Uanset din størrelse har du her mulighed for at bygge din sofa helt til dine behov. Vælg mellem 2 siddehøjder (45 el. 47 cm.), og blandt et utal af stoffarver og læderfarver. Hvad mere kan man forlange? PLANOPOLY 7 - tysk kvalitet med fokus på funktion og komfort Himolla er kendt for sine funktionelle og behagelig møbler. Med Planopoly 7 har du mulighed for at skabe den optimale komfort for netop dig og din familie ved at vælge mellem et bredt udvalg af funktioner. Udover de viste funktioner har du mulighed for at vælge bl.a. et modul med sovesofa, indbygget fodskammel, lænefunktion i ryggen m.v. Spørg personalet i butikken, hvad du skal betale for de ekstra funktioner. Du bliver sandsynligvis overrasket over, hvor billigt det rent faktisk er. At fremstille et enestående møbel kræver begejstring. Lidenskab og en evig stræben efter den bedste komfort til hver enkelt kunde hører til Himollas kerneværdier. Hver dag producere mere end 1.100 medarbejdere møbler, der udmærker sig ved at være funktionelle og holdbare. Himolla er en af Europas største og mest moderne producenter af polstermøbler. Gennem mere end 60 år har Himolla formået af opbygge og fastholde en førende position inden for sit felt. Konstant udvikling og fleksibilitet sikrer, at du altid får de bedste og mest innovative møbler. Det er din sikkerhed for kvalitet. Vi tager forbehold for udgåede varer og trykfejl. Ide og layout: GARANT-MOEBEL Marketing Scandianavia A/S. Oktober 2012 Himolla - møbler til mennesker 1101 FABRIC foot headrest headrest headrest armrest not suitable for mohair fabrics recommendation matching headrests 95X/95Y/95Z workmanship: The different headrests are equipped with identical metal holders and can be generally used in every back. Due to different back widths, not all headrests are adequate for each variant. Please find here our recommendation for the respective variant: casual look 96 X 96 U // / seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface / totalh./-d. consumption BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 Please take into account that variant 96 has to be ordered as soon as an end element or intermediate element are combined with another end- or intermediate element! 95 X 95 Y 95 Z 44/17/18 / 56/17/18 / 68/17/18 / / 0,55 / 0,70 / 0,80 1334 1379 1438 1453 1467 1482 1482 1497 1512 1527 1542 1556 1645 1675 1734 1764 1808 1408 1482 1527 1542 1571 1616 1630 1645 1660 1675 1719 1749 1823 1853 1897 1956 1986 1467 1556 1645 1660 1675 1719 1734 1749 1764 1793 1823 1853 1927 1986 2016 2075 2134 91/92* Back 1: 95X, 95Y Back 2/3: 95X, 95Y, 95Z 89 95X 85/86 95X, 95Y, 95Z 83/84* Back 1: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2: 95X, 95Y 79 95X, 95Y, 95Z 77/78 95X, 95Y, 95Z 75 95X 73/74 95X, 95Y 71/72 95X, 95Y 69/70 95X, 95Y, 95Z 65/66* Back 1: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2/3: 95X, 95Y 63/64* Back 1: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2: 95X, 95Y 62* Back 1/3: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2: 95X, 95Y 61 95X, 95Y, 95Z 60 95X, 95Y, 95Z 95X, 95Y, 95Z 59 53/54 95X, 95Y, 95Z 51/52* Back 1: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2: 95X, 95Y 95X, 95Y 50 49 48 46 45 39 37/38 36 33/34 32 29/30 27/28* 95X, 95Y 95X, 95Y, 95Z 95X, 95Y, 95Z 95X, 95Y 95X 95X, 95Y, 95Z 95X, 95Y 95X, 95Y, 95Z 95X, 95Y, 95Z 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 1/3/4: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2: 95X, 95Y 25/26 95X, 95Y, 95Z 23/24 95X, 95Y, 95Z 21/22 95X, 95Y, 95Z 19/20* Back 1: 95X, 95Y, 95Z Back 2: 95X, 95Y 17/18 95X, 95Y, 95Z 11 95X, 95Y 10 95X, 95Y, 95Z 09 95X, 95Y, 95Z 08 95X, 95Y, 95Z 07 95X, 95Y 06 95X, 95Y 21/44/15 / / 0,55 845 934 993 1023 1023 1038 1053 1082 1082 1112 1156 1186 1230 1260 1290 1319 1364 * Due to the different dimensions of the back widths of this variant, please take into account the numbers of the back elements in the pictogram. LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 94 X Please take into account that variant 96 has to be ordered as soon as an end element or intermediate element are combined with another end- or intermediate element! 1690 1690 1719 1734 1779 1808 1823 1853 1882 1912 1927 2045 1853 1853 1868 1897 1927 1971 1986 2016 2045 2075 2105 2253 1986 1986 2001 2045 2105 2134 2164 2179 2238 2312 2342 2520 Variants 43/44, 41/42 and 15/16 are delivered incl headrest 95Y, and var. 49/50 incl. neck cushion 0818 93X. Variants 67/68 and 13/14 are delivered with integrated headrest. It is not possible to use a headrest with variants 76 and 57/58. 1275 1275 1304 1408 1467 1497 1512 1527 1556 1586 1616 1808 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC not suitable for mohair fabrics open end element with integrated corner storage space in open end element workmanship: 2* 1* trapezoidal corner min. door fr.wid.: 83 cm end element 2 1/2-seater pull-forward sofa end element 2-seater pull-forward sofa 1* 3* corner element min. door fr.wid.: 75 cm 2* casual look seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface 91/92 X SL/SR 91/92 U SL/SR 92/234/91 45/51 totalh./-d. consumption 7,40 / 6,15 89 X 89 U 107/107/91 45/51 4,10 / back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 3,10 back fleece 85/86 X SL/SR 85/86 U SL/SR 175/93/91 45/51 150x70 -/115 6,20 5,40 83/84 X SL/SR 83/84 U SL/SR 145/93/91 45/51 120x70 -/115 5,40 4,80 back fleece 79 X 79 U 107/107/91 45/51 3,65 back fleece / 2,75 back fleece 12981 13811 13959 14107 14285 14448 14611 14789 14937 15100 15441 15737 16419 16923 17412 17901 18405 12848 13544 13663 13796 13929 14092 14211 14374 14493 14611 14922 15189 15737 16152 16582 16982 17412 7306 7824 7973 8062 8195 8284 8388 8506 8595 8728 8936 9158 9603 9914 10225 10581 10892 7202 7632 7706 7780 7869 7973 8047 8136 8225 8299 8476 8625 8951 9203 9454 9706 9973 11440 12166 12670 12863 12981 13114 13263 13426 13589 13707 14018 14330 14907 15367 15797 16226 16686 11396 12018 12507 12625 12759 12907 13026 13129 13263 13396 13663 13900 14418 14819 15204 15574 15974 10299 10907 11381 11514 11647 11751 11870 11988 12151 12270 12492 12774 13277 13618 14004 14404 14730 10225 10773 11218 11321 11440 11559 11662 11766 11870 12003 12225 12418 12892 13233 13544 13885 14196 6595 6980 7276 7350 7439 7498 7573 7647 7750 7810 7987 8121 8432 8669 8921 9143 9366 6520 6758 7024 7069 7113 7217 7247 7306 7350 7410 7498 7602 7810 7987 8121 8254 8432 19797 19797 20494 21190 22257 22954 23309 23650 24361 25073 25754 28585 18138 18138 18701 19264 20094 20672 20953 21220 21798 22376 22924 25176 11707 11707 12151 12596 13263 13692 13885 14137 14567 14996 15426 17145 10358 10358 10669 10995 11484 11751 11944 12107 12433 12759 13040 14315 16997 16997 17604 18197 19057 19664 19960 20257 20835 21457 22065 24406 16048 16048 16552 17071 17841 18345 18582 18864 19383 19886 20390 22435 15337 15337 15856 16389 17130 17634 17886 18138 18656 19145 19649 21679 14626 14626 15026 15471 16123 16567 16789 17012 17441 17901 18345 20094 10832 10832 11173 11544 12048 12403 12566 12744 13085 13426 13781 15174 9380 9380 9514 9736 10047 10284 10373 10492 10684 10921 11129 12003 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC end element 2 1/2-seater not suitable for mohair fabrics corner with Pendolin Relax-corner min. door fr.wid.: 75 cm min. door fr.wid.: 75 cm open end element with adjustable footstool open end element 73/74 X SL/SR 73/74 U SL/SR 183/95/91 45/51 73/74 Y SL/SR 73/74 V SL/SR 183/95/91 45/51 workmanship: casual look 77/78 X SL/SR 77/78 U SL/SR 175/93/91 45/51 seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. 5,65 consumption / 4,80 76 X 76 U 107/107/91 45/51 3,90 / 9914 10655 11144 11307 11425 11588 11751 11885 12033 12211 12477 12803 13411 13855 14330 14789 15204 9869 10477 10936 11055 11218 11321 11440 11588 11736 11855 12092 12374 12892 13277 13663 14033 14448 4,95 / 3,90 5,45 / 4,95 5,60 back fleece back fleece back fleece back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 2,95 75 X 75 U 107/107/91 45/51 / 5,10 back fleece 7350 7810 8136 8225 8358 8432 8536 8625 8714 8802 9025 9203 9603 9855 10166 10432 10729 7276 7617 7943 8017 8091 8150 8225 8313 8373 8462 8595 8728 9025 9232 9454 9677 9884 8358 8921 9306 9425 9558 9677 9780 9884 10018 10166 10388 10625 11055 11425 11766 12151 12492 8210 8654 9010 9114 9203 9277 9351 9484 9588 9677 9855 10018 10418 10684 10936 11233 11499 9884 10492 10966 11099 11218 11366 11470 11618 11736 11855 12122 12374 12877 13277 13678 14048 14448 9825 10388 10862 10966 11084 11188 11336 11440 11544 11662 11899 12122 12596 12937 13292 13648 13989 9603 10225 10669 10803 10907 11025 11188 11321 11440 11559 11825 12092 12596 12996 13396 13781 14152 9588 10136 10566 10669 10803 10921 11010 11158 11262 11396 11647 11855 12329 12670 13026 13411 13766 11722 11722 12151 12551 13189 13574 13781 13959 14374 14789 15189 16819 10373 10373 10610 10877 11321 11618 11722 11899 12166 12462 12744 13870 13440 13440 13915 14389 15115 15589 15856 16078 16537 17026 17501 19412 11499 11499 11781 12640 13233 13544 13752 13900 14285 14641 14996 16434 15308 15308 15871 16419 17219 17767 18019 18301 18834 19383 19931 22109 14567 14567 15041 15515 16211 16700 16952 17189 17664 18123 18627 20538 14567 14567 15085 15604 16389 16908 17189 17441 17960 18479 19012 21116 13811 13811 14270 14744 15426 15885 16108 16330 16819 17293 17738 19560 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 14330 14330 14863 15426 16241 16775 17071 17338 17871 18449 18982 21175 13322 13322 13781 14241 14922 15382 15589 15856 16286 16745 17219 19057 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC open end element with adjustable footstool open end element end element 1 1/2-seater 71/72 X SL/SR 71/72 U SL/SR 143/95/91 45/51 71/72 Y SL/SR 71/72 V SL/SR 143/95/91 45/51 69/70 X 69/70 U 100/93/91 45/51 67/68 X 67/68 U 100/93/108 45/51 67/68 O 67/68 T 100/93/108 45/51 / 3,85 -/165 5,25 -/165 5,25 not suitable for mohair fabrics workmanship: end element end element 1-seater 1-seater 1x Wall-Free- 1x electr. Wallfunction Free-function incl. headrest incl. manual headrest end element 3-seater casual look seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. consumption 4,50 / 4,15 4,50 / back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 4,15 65/66 X SL/SR 65/66 U SL/SR 205/93/91 45/51 6,55 back fleece 8654 9188 9603 9692 9795 9899 10018 10136 10240 10329 10595 10788 11233 11544 11870 12225 12522 8625 9114 9514 9617 9706 9795 9884 10003 10106 10195 10403 10625 10981 11307 11588 11899 12225 8150 8654 9054 9143 9247 9336 9469 9588 9677 9780 10003 10210 10655 10936 11292 11633 11914 8121 8595 8951 9054 9143 9232 9321 9440 9558 9647 9825 10047 10418 10714 10981 11307 11588 7839 8402 8521 8625 8743 8862 8965 9084 9188 9306 9529 9751 10210 10536 10877 11218 11559 12951 13618 13752 13885 14018 14152 14285 14418 14552 14685 14952 15219 15752 16167 16567 16967 17367 14893 15559 15693 15826 15960 16093 16226 16360 16493 16626 16893 17160 17693 18108 18508 18908 19308 10936 11707 12225 12359 12522 12714 12877 13011 13159 13322 13663 13974 14626 15085 15589 16078 16537 13515 13515 13974 14448 15145 15604 15871 16078 16537 17012 17456 19323 12892 12892 13307 13722 14315 14730 14922 15130 15530 15945 16330 17945 12892 12892 13337 13796 14448 14893 15130 15337 15811 16256 16700 18493 12240 12240 12640 13040 13648 13989 14226 14389 14789 15174 15574 17130 12685 12685 13159 13633 14344 14819 15056 15293 15752 16226 16700 18582 18019 18019 18553 19086 19872 20420 20686 20953 21487 22020 22554 24673 19960 19960 20494 21027 21813 22361 22628 22894 23428 23961 24495 26614 16567 16567 17175 17782 18716 19323 19634 19931 20553 21161 21798 24272 / 5,60 back fleece 10832 11484 11973 12107 12255 12374 12507 12685 12803 12951 13203 13485 14018 14433 14833 15248 15648 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 15293 15293 15826 16552 17367 17886 18138 18390 18923 19457 19946 22050 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC end element 2-seater sofa 3-seater sofa 2 1/2-seater sofa 2-seater not suitable for mohair fabrics pointed corner against surcharge also avail. as a demountable vers. (= variant 2090,56) surcharge: end element with storage space (only available in Superlastic med) workmanship: min. door fr.wid.: 87 cm casual look seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface 63/64 X SL/SR 63/64 U SL/SR 145/93/91 45/51 totalh./-d. consumption BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 4,85 8313 8906 9321 9410 9529 9647 9780 9914 10047 10151 10403 10640 11114 11455 11825 12211 12551 / 4,25 back fleece 8299 8817 9173 9262 9395 9484 9588 9706 9810 9914 10136 10358 10758 11084 11381 11722 12033 62 X 62 U 229/93/91 45/51 7,70 / 12818 13707 14344 14507 14685 14893 15070 15248 15441 15634 16019 16374 17145 17708 18256 18819 19383 6,75 back fleece 12774 13544 14107 14270 14463 14626 14789 14967 15100 15263 15604 15930 16612 17086 17575 18064 18568 59 X 59 U 91/91/91 45/51 61 X 61 U 199/93/91 45/51 60 X 60 U 169/93/91 45/51 / / 6,20 3,70 6,80 6,05 / 57/58 X 57/58 U 61/96/86 45/51 2,75 / 2,15 back fleece back fleece 10981 11810 12344 12477 12625 12848 12996 13159 13337 13500 13841 14152 14833 15352 15841 16330 16849 10921 11633 12122 12299 12433 12551 12700 12892 13026 13159 13455 13752 14330 14759 15204 15663 16108 10092 10818 11307 11440 11588 11751 11899 12048 12225 12359 12625 12966 13559 14018 14478 14937 15367 6061 6535 6817 6921 7009 7084 7217 7306 7380 7484 7647 7854 8225 8536 8802 9099 9366 5972 6269 6550 6609 6713 6772 6817 6906 6965 7024 7143 7321 7573 7780 8002 8195 8402 4727 4965 5187 5231 5291 5335 5379 5424 5454 5513 5602 5735 5928 6061 6165 6343 6506 17856 17856 18523 19220 20257 20953 21264 21635 22302 22983 23709 26436 16789 16789 17382 17990 18879 19471 19768 20064 20657 21235 21842 24213 16271 16271 16908 17501 18434 19027 19353 19634 20257 20864 21501 23917 10432 10432 10847 11247 11899 12299 12507 12685 13129 13515 13929 15604 8862 8862 9128 9410 9825 10106 10255 10373 10655 10951 11203 12344 6550 6550 6669 6846 7098 7306 7380 7469 7617 7780 7987 8699 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 12951 12951 13426 13929 14656 15130 15382 15619 16093 16582 17071 18982 12122 12122 12551 12951 13574 13974 14196 14389 14804 15189 15619 17264 20672 20672 21442 22198 23369 24154 24524 24895 25680 26436 27221 30303 19457 19457 20109 20790 21768 22450 22805 23117 23798 24450 25132 27799 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC end element 2 1/2-seater with storage space not suitable for mohair fabrics end element 2-seater with storage space workmanship: Relax corner var. 49 - elect. relax function left var. 50 - elect. relax function right incl. 1 headrest 0818 intermediate element 2-seater int. element with bed function 2 1/2-seater When planning corner suiwith bed tes, pls. pay attention to the (straight pull-out function without total depth of the bed! Pls. shifting mechanism) note dimensions min. door fr.wid.: 85 cm (demountable) 1* 2* pic. shows Var. „50“ casual look 53/54 X SL/SR 53/54 U SL/SR 175/93/91 45/51 seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. 5,85 consumption -/138 4,95 51/52 X SL/SR 51/52 U SL/SR 145/93/91 45/51 5,15 -/138 4,50 49/50 X SL/SR 49/50 U SL/SR 107/107/91 45/51 4,95 97/- 4,00 48 X 48 U 150/93/91 45/51 145x185 -/233 4,80 3,95 46 X 46 U 150/93/91 45/51 145x125 -/164 6,15 5,35 back fleece back fleece 10936 11647 12122 12270 12418 12551 12700 12848 12966 13144 13426 13737 14285 14700 15145 15574 15989 10847 11425 11914 12033 12151 12270 12418 12507 12625 12759 13011 13233 13752 14078 14463 14804 15189 9780 10358 10773 10921 11040 11158 11292 11410 11529 11647 11870 12151 12611 12981 13352 13678 14063 9721 10240 10640 10729 10862 10951 11055 11188 11277 11396 11618 11796 12240 12507 12863 13144 13485 12462 13100 13218 13352 13470 13589 13707 13855 13974 14092 14374 14596 15085 15485 15856 16226 16597 12388 12892 12981 13085 13174 13277 13396 13500 13603 13692 13885 14092 14507 14789 15085 15426 15678 14833 15485 15589 15708 15826 15974 16093 16211 16360 16463 16730 16967 17501 17841 18227 18597 18997 14715 15248 15352 15471 15574 15648 15767 15930 16019 16108 16286 16508 16952 17249 17604 17901 18212 11425 12196 12700 12907 13026 13174 13337 13529 13663 13826 14137 14448 15056 15545 16034 16478 16952 11410 12062 12551 12700 12848 12981 13114 13263 13366 13529 13796 14048 14581 14996 15411 15782 16211 15930 15930 16508 17056 17901 18479 18731 19027 19575 20138 20716 22968 14967 14967 15456 15930 16641 17130 17367 17619 18079 18553 19042 20983 14048 14048 14552 15026 15737 16241 16478 16715 17189 17678 18167 20094 13292 13292 13707 14107 14730 15145 15367 15559 15974 16389 16789 18449 16404 16404 16878 17352 18064 18538 18775 19042 19486 19990 20479 22376 15396 15396 15752 16137 16686 17056 17264 17427 17797 18197 18538 20049 19160 19160 19664 20183 20953 21472 21724 22005 22524 23043 23546 25621 18123 18123 18523 18968 19620 20049 20257 20479 20909 21353 21768 23472 17471 17471 18123 18775 19768 20405 20761 21116 21753 22405 23057 25695 16404 16404 16952 17515 18360 18923 19205 19486 20049 20612 21161 23398 BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 back fleece back fleece back fleece LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC not suitable for mohair fabrics manual recamiere int. element elec. recamiere incl. headrest 95Y 2-seater incl. headrest 95Y with bed (reclining back up to a inclination (reclining back up to a inclination angle of 45° towards seating (straight pull-out function without angle of 45° towards seating area) shifting mechanism) area) intermediate element 100 cm end element 1 1/2-seater workmanship: casual look seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. consumption 45 X 45 U 120/93/91 45/51 115x125 -/164 5,25 4,50 43/44 X SL/SR 43/44 U SL/SR 96/165/108 45/123 5,80 -/198 back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 5,40 41/42 X SL/SR 41/42 U SL/SR 96/165/108 45/123 5,60 -/198 5,20 39 X 39 X 100/93/91 45/51 3,40 / 4,00 2,85 back fleece back fleece back fleece 37/38 X SL/SR 37/38 U SL/SR 105/93/91 45/51 / 3,45 back fleece 10195 10862 11336 11455 11573 11692 11840 11988 12107 12255 12522 12803 13307 13737 14107 14522 14922 10136 10699 11144 11292 11381 11484 11588 11707 11855 11973 12181 12448 12877 13248 13589 13944 14300 15145 15752 16374 16493 16626 16775 16908 17012 17160 17293 17560 17827 18330 18716 19131 19531 19901 15056 15619 16226 16330 16463 16567 16715 16834 16967 17056 17308 17545 18019 18390 18731 19116 19457 12981 13603 14152 14270 14433 14552 14670 14804 14952 15056 15322 15589 16123 16493 16893 17278 17664 12966 13529 14063 14167 14330 14433 14552 14656 14789 14893 15145 15382 15856 16211 16597 16938 17293 6565 7009 7098 7202 7291 7380 7484 7573 7661 7750 7943 8136 8506 8788 9054 9321 9617 6565 6950 7024 7098 7187 7261 7350 7439 7513 7587 7736 7899 8225 8476 8684 8936 9173 6387 6846 7128 7232 7365 7454 7558 7632 7736 7824 8047 8225 8610 8891 9203 9469 9780 6298 6713 7009 7098 7172 7247 7365 7454 7528 7602 7750 7987 8269 8551 8788 9040 9291 15263 15263 15826 16389 17204 17767 18034 18316 18894 19427 20005 22213 14404 14404 14922 15396 16123 16612 16863 17115 17590 18093 18553 20523 20761 20761 21175 21709 22539 23057 23354 23606 24169 24702 25236 27399 20198 20198 20538 21027 21739 22228 22494 22746 23250 23739 24213 26169 18671 18671 19131 19664 20509 21027 21294 21576 22124 22657 23206 25369 18108 18108 18508 18997 19709 20212 20479 20701 21190 21679 22183 24154 11158 11158 11559 11959 12551 12937 13144 13352 13766 14152 14567 16137 10329 10329 10684 11040 11544 11899 12062 12225 12581 12937 13292 14670 9751 9751 10121 10506 11084 11470 11647 11825 12196 12596 12966 14507 9069 9069 9395 9736 10240 10566 10699 10862 11188 11529 11855 13144 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC intermediate element 60 cm end element 1 1/2-seater armchair end recamiere with storage space end element 2-seater incl. corner end recamiere fixed not suitable for mohair fabrics 3* 4* 1* 2* workmanship: casual look 36 X 36 X 60/93/91 45/51 seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. consumption 2,30 / 1,95 33/34 X 33/34 U 85/93/91 45/51 32 X 32 U 109/93/91 45/51 / 3,50 / 4,65 29/30 X SL/SR 29/30 U SL/SR 104/187/91 45/63 6,30 BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 4075 4372 4550 4609 4698 4787 4831 4890 4950 4994 5113 5261 5483 5676 5883 6046 6224 4031 4298 4476 4520 4579 4609 4683 4742 4816 4861 4950 5039 5261 5409 5557 5705 5898 6535 6535 6802 7039 7410 7632 7765 7884 8136 8388 8610 9588 5987 5987 6194 6402 6683 6906 6980 7098 7291 7498 7676 8491 / 5,85 6,15 back fleece back fleece 27/28 X SL/SR 27/28 U SL/SR 91/234/91 45/51 29/30 Y SL/SR 29/30 V SL/SR 104/187/91 45/63 / 8,10 5,70 / 6,50 back fleece back fleece 7232 7750 7854 7943 8047 8150 8254 8358 8462 8565 8773 8980 9395 9736 10032 10343 10655 7380 7928 8313 8417 8536 8625 8758 8891 8995 9099 9321 9573 10018 10358 10714 11055 11396 12611 13426 13959 14152 14330 14478 14641 14804 14952 15100 15456 15752 16404 16923 17382 17886 18345 12566 13277 13841 14004 14152 14285 14433 14567 14730 14878 15145 15471 16048 16463 16923 17367 17797 11262 11973 12477 12625 12818 12937 13100 13248 13411 13574 13841 14152 14759 15204 15663 16108 16552 11203 11855 12374 12507 12640 12818 12937 13070 13218 13337 13633 13885 14448 14878 15278 15678 16108 12818 13781 14404 14596 14789 15011 15204 15396 15589 15797 16197 16612 17412 18034 18642 19249 19827 12670 13440 14018 14211 14389 14522 14656 14833 15011 15189 15485 15826 16463 16952 17427 17945 18405 9973 9973 10329 10699 11277 11633 11825 12018 12388 12744 13129 14626 12033 12033 12507 12937 13648 14092 14300 14522 15011 15456 15915 17738 19457 19457 20138 20820 21857 22524 22850 23206 23872 24569 25221 27947 18701 18701 19338 19931 20849 21472 21753 22094 22702 23324 23946 26406 18004 18004 18656 19308 20286 20938 21250 21605 22228 22865 23532 26125 17234 17234 17827 18390 19279 19842 20183 20464 21057 21635 22228 24569 19605 19605 20375 21175 22331 23117 23472 23887 24673 25443 26214 29325 17856 17856 18508 19131 20109 20761 21072 21413 22050 22717 23369 25947 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC end element 1 1/2-seater incl. corner not suitable for mohair fabrics end recamiere with storage space end recamiere fixed end element 2 1/2-seater with foldaway bed end element 2-seater with foldaway bed variants „X“ and. „U“ matching to the corners 89/79/76/75/50/49 varinats „Y“ and. „V“ matching to the corners 59/56 and all other variants variants „X“ and. „U“ matching to the corners 89/79/76/75/50/49 varinats „Y“ and. „V“ matching to the corners 59/56 and all other variants workmanship: 1* 2* casual look 25/26 X SL/SR 25/26 U SL/SR 91/194/91 45/51 seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. 6,85 consumption / 23/24 X SL/SR 23/24 U SL/SR 104/207/91 45/63 / 5,60 back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 23/24 Y SL/SR 23/24 V SL/SR 104/207/91 45/63 / back fleece 21/22 X/Y SL/SR 21/22 U/V SL/SR 175/93/91 45/51 145x125 -/164 6,60 7,50 back fleece 19/20 X/Y SL/SR 19/20 U/V SL/SR 145/93/91 45/51 115x125 -/164 5,80 6,40 back fleece back fleece 10892 11707 12211 12403 12537 12744 12892 13070 13233 13381 13752 14048 14715 15233 15722 16226 16715 10803 11440 11944 12062 12196 12344 12477 12596 12759 12877 13159 13411 13944 14374 14744 15159 15559 13766 14552 14715 14863 15026 15174 15337 15485 15648 15811 16123 16434 17056 17530 17990 18464 18938 13737 14463 14611 14759 14907 15041 15189 15352 15485 15634 15930 16211 16789 17234 17678 18108 18553 12522 13292 13440 13603 13766 13915 14078 14211 14389 14537 14848 15159 15767 16226 16700 17160 17634 12492 13203 13352 13485 13648 13781 13929 14078 14211 14344 14656 14922 15515 15945 16360 16804 17234 13396 14270 14893 15070 15248 15426 15604 15782 15989 16137 16493 16834 17590 18093 18627 19175 19709 13307 14078 14685 14833 14996 15174 15322 15471 15604 15782 16093 16404 17041 17515 17975 18479 18938 12062 12848 13396 13559 13692 13855 14018 14152 14300 14463 14789 15070 15708 16167 16656 17115 17590 12033 12700 13233 13396 13544 13663 13811 13944 14092 14211 14507 14789 15367 15752 16167 16597 17026 16819 16819 17456 18123 19101 19768 20079 20435 21101 21724 22405 25013 15293 15293 15826 16389 17145 17664 17930 18197 18701 19205 19753 21827 20346 20346 21042 21724 22776 23457 23813 24154 24850 25547 26228 28999 19783 19783 20420 21072 22050 22687 23013 23324 23976 24613 25265 27844 19042 19042 19723 20420 21442 22139 22479 22820 23517 24198 24895 27651 18479 18479 19131 19768 20731 21368 21694 22005 22642 23294 23917 26480 19946 19946 20672 21413 22509 23250 23606 23976 24717 25399 26154 29133 18938 18938 19560 20183 21146 21753 22079 22405 23013 23680 24287 26821 17753 17753 18375 19027 19960 20612 20909 21250 21857 22494 23117 25665 16819 16819 17382 17930 18790 19368 19634 19916 20494 21057 21620 23872 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC not suitable for mohair fabrics end element 2-seater end el. with Cumulus function sofa bed electric When planning corner suiincl. headrest 95 Y tes, pls. pay attention to the not directly combineable total depth of the bed! Pls. with var. 91/92, 59/56, 29/30, note dimensions 27/28, 25/26, 23/24 End element 1-seater 1x wall-free function incl. headrest End element 1-seater 1x electr. wallfree function incl. manual headrest 13/14 X 13/14 U 85/93/108 45/51 13/14 O 13/14 T 85/93/108 45/51 -/165 4,70 -/165 4,70 workmanship: intermediate element 120 cm with storage space intermediate element 160 cm casual look 17/18 X SL/SR 17/18 U SL/SR 175/93/91 45/51 145x185 -/233 6,25 5,45 seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. consumption 15/16 X SL/SR 15/16 U SL/SR 83/93/108 45/51 4,65 -/163 3,95 -/138 10 X 10 X 160/93/91 45/51 3,25 4,70 back fleece back fleece back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 4,25 11 X 11 X 120/93/91 45/51 / 3,85 back fleece 15441 16152 16286 16449 16582 16730 16893 17012 17160 17308 17604 17901 18493 18894 19353 19797 20212 15396 16019 16137 16256 16389 16508 16626 16775 16908 17012 17293 17545 18049 18405 18790 19205 19575 12181 12714 13233 13337 13470 13589 13678 13811 13915 14063 14270 14493 14952 15322 15619 16004 16360 12107 12611 13100 13203 13307 13411 13544 13648 13752 13855 14063 14255 14685 14996 15322 15604 15974 12048 12655 12774 12892 13011 13129 13233 13366 13485 13603 13841 14078 14567 14922 15293 15634 16004 13989 14596 14715 14833 14952 15070 15174 15308 15426 15545 15782 16019 16508 16863 17234 17575 17945 8076 8536 8877 8951 9084 9173 9247 9336 9440 9529 9736 9914 10284 10566 10862 11144 11425 7987 8343 8684 8758 8832 8891 8995 9084 9158 9232 9380 9514 9840 10062 10299 10536 10788 7780 8358 8758 8862 8995 9099 9203 9321 9440 9588 9810 10018 10492 10862 11233 11544 11944 7721 8180 8536 8610 8714 8802 8877 9040 9114 9203 9366 9603 9943 10240 10536 10832 11099 22257 22257 22894 23517 24480 25132 25443 25754 26391 27014 27666 30185 21220 21220 21753 22302 23161 23695 23961 24228 24791 25310 25917 28081 16671 16671 16997 17441 18123 18553 18790 19012 19457 19901 20361 22139 16197 16197 16508 16908 17515 17916 18123 18330 18731 19131 19546 21161 16626 16626 17101 17560 18271 18760 18982 19220 19694 20168 20642 22524 18568 18568 19042 19501 20212 20701 20924 21161 21635 22109 22583 24465 12551 12551 12951 13366 13944 14374 14581 14759 15174 15574 15989 17604 11410 11410 11647 11988 12477 12788 12937 13085 13411 13737 14063 15322 13337 13337 13855 14389 15174 15678 15960 16211 16730 17264 17782 19886 12062 12062 12477 12863 13470 13870 14092 14285 14715 15100 15515 17145 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015 1101 FABRIC intermediate element 150 cm intermediate element 140 cm intermediate element 130 cm intermediate element 120 cm not suitable for mohair fabrics footstool with storage space and castors (height 45cm) footstool (height 42cm) (only available in Superlastic med) (only available in Formasoft Polyschaum) workmanship: casual look 09 X 09 X 150/93/91 45/51 seat height 45 cm seat height 47 cm W/D/H abt. S.hght/dpth abt. lying surface totalh./-d. 4,45 consumption / 3,65 08 X 08 X 140/93/91 45/51 4,20 / back fleece BLANK 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 3,50 07 X 07 X 130/93/91 45/51 4,10 back fleece / 3,35 06 X 06 X 120/93/91 45/51 3,85 back fleece 02 X 01 X 112/69/45 45/- 61/61/42 42/- / 2,30 / 1,85 / 3,15 back fleece 7661 8210 8580 8684 8802 8906 9025 9143 9247 9366 9588 9825 10284 10610 10936 11277 11633 7602 8062 8388 8476 8595 8669 8758 8847 8936 9040 9232 9395 9795 10062 10358 10625 10907 7261 7780 8136 8225 8328 8462 8551 8669 8773 8862 9099 9291 9736 10018 10358 10684 10966 7247 7661 8017 8091 8165 8239 8328 8388 8536 8610 8773 8936 9306 9558 9825 10077 10358 6921 7410 7691 7824 7928 8032 8121 8210 8328 8402 8595 8802 9203 9484 9780 10106 10373 6876 7276 7558 7632 7721 7810 7869 7987 8047 8136 8284 8462 8773 9040 9247 9514 9751 6669 7128 7454 7558 7632 7721 7824 7928 8047 8121 8284 8506 8862 9158 9425 9721 9988 6639 6995 7321 7410 7469 7543 7602 7676 7750 7854 8032 8165 8476 8699 8951 9173 9380 5424 5735 5987 6046 6120 6194 6239 6313 6387 6461 6580 6728 6965 7187 7380 7573 7780 2312 2520 2638 2697 2742 2801 2846 2890 2920 2964 3038 3127 3320 3468 3586 3720 3838 12640 12640 13129 13603 14330 14819 15056 15293 15767 16271 16745 18686 11425 11425 11766 12151 12700 13100 13292 13470 13841 14241 14611 16093 12018 12018 12477 12922 13648 14092 14315 14567 15026 15485 15960 17812 10847 10847 11203 11588 12122 12492 12655 12848 13218 13559 13900 15337 11751 11751 12211 12670 13337 13796 13989 14241 14700 15115 15574 17352 10758 10758 11114 11484 12003 12359 12551 12685 13070 13426 13781 15189 11099 11099 11514 11929 12537 12922 13129 13337 13766 14167 14567 16182 10062 10062 10373 10684 11158 11499 11647 11781 12122 12448 12759 14004 8239 8239 8506 8802 9203 9469 9617 9766 10032 10314 10595 11677 3809 3809 3987 4150 4327 4490 4594 4668 4787 4950 5113 5720 LEATHER 18 21 22 24 27 29 30 31 33 35 37 45 back „genuine“ = prices in bold type back „fleece“ = prices in standard type Please specify the following details on each order: seat in: Superlastic plus Federkern Superlastic med Superlastic soft fabric-fabric finish: main fabric (fabric 1) is grey coloured back shell cover: genuine or fleece Pricing: When combining two fabrics from different price categories the higher price will be applied. When combining two fabrics belonging to the same category, price will be increased by two price categories. back in: Formasoft Kaltschaum Attention! Variants 67/68, 15/16 and 13/14 can‘t be directly combined due to technical reasons. Model 1101 is available in 2 seat heights/heights. SH 45 cm / height 91 cm - frame var. X and Y SH 47 cm / height 93 cm - frame var. U and V The mentioned dimensions relate to seat height 45 cm. * numbers for classifi cation of headrests (see page 1 of this model price list) 21.08.2015 required wall clearance for var. 15/16: 17 cm required wall clearance for var. 67/68, 13/14: 13 cm Topper! Model 0830 91X is balancing the difference in height of the bed of var. 17/18 and 48 2727,(cover material can be taken off and is washable). Udsalgspriser in DKR für Garant DK 2015
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