SITUATIONAL REPORT CARNAPPING & RELATED UPDATES (October 2012) SEQUENCE OF PRESENTATION HPG MANDATE LAWS ENFORCED BY HPG IN RELATION TO ANTI-CARNAPPING, HIJACKING & HIGHWAY ROBBERY CARNAPPING SITUATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS HPG MANDATE PROMOTION OF ROAD SAFETY ALONG THE HIGHWAYS ENFORCEMENT OF R.A. 6539 (ANTI-CARNAPPING ACT OF 1972) ENFORCEMENT OF P.D. 1612 (ANTI-FENCING LAW OF 1979) ENFORCEMENT OF P.D. 532 (ANTI-PIRACY AND ANTI-HIGHWAY ROBBERY LAW OF 1974) ENFORCEMENT OF RELATED LAWS SUCH AS R.A. 4136 (LAND TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES) • R.A. 6539 (ANTI-CARNAPPING ACT OF 1972) – It is an act preventing and penalizing CARNAPPING , which is the taking with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latter’s consent or by means of violence or intimidation of persons or by using force. – Punishable by no less than 14 yrs and 8 mos. and not more than 17 yrs and 4 mos. when carnapping is without violence. Not less than 17 yrs and 4 mos and not more than 30 yrs when committed with violence – Life sentence to death when the driver, owner of vehicle is killed and or raped • P.D. 1612 (ANTI-FENCING LAW OF 1979) – An act preventing and penalizing buying, possessing, acquiring, concealing, selling or disposing or deal in any article, item, object or anything of value which have been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft • P.D. 532 (HIGHWAY ROBBERY) – A Law/Decree preventing and penalizing Highway Robbery/Brigandage. – Penalized by reclusion temporal in its minimum period. – Reclusion temporal in its medium and maximum periods shall be imposed If committed with physical injuries or other crimes. – Penalty of death shall be imposed If kidnapping for ransom or extortion, or murder or homicide, or rape is committed as a result or on the occasion thereof. • R.A. 4136 (LAND TRANSPORTAION AND TRAFFIC CODE ) – An act to compile the laws relative to Land Transportation and Traffic Rules. – Contains several Chapters that provides for the procedures in the Registration of Motor Vehicles, Operation of Motor Vehicles, and Traffic Rules and Penalties on Violations CARNAPPING SITUATION (NOTE: The following incidents do not include cases which have been validated not to be carnapping but were reported as carnapping cases in the different Police Stations nationwide such as Estafa, casino-pawned and other pawned vehicles, spouses’ conflict, non-payment of sales proceeds, refusal to pay monthly amortization specially in motorcycles, insurance fraud, repossessed vehicles not turned over by bank agents for insurance claim purposes, hoax or feigned reports for insurance claim purposes and such other related circumstances. All entries here form part of the permanent records for stolen vehicles/MCs used as basis in returning recovered vehicles/MCs to their rightful owners). 69.17% The reported carnapping incidents that transpired on October 2012 decreased by 69.17% or 92 incidents less compared to the same period of June 2011. CARNAPPING DATA Comparative Data of Carnapping Incidents by Month 140 120 Jan-12 116 Feb-12 126 Mar-12 126 Apr-12 105 May-12 109 Jun-12 102 Jul-12 101 100 80 Aug-12 88 Sep-12 51 60 40 Oct -12 41 20 0 Carnapping Incidents (Jan to Sept, 2012) CARNAPPING DATA Incidents by Vehicle Type The data on motorcycle theft is 62.5% lower than the 2011 index while carnapping of 4-Wheeled vehicles also declined by 77%. CARNAPPING DATA Stolen While Parked (SWP) vehicles registered the highest with 40 cases or 98% of the total incidents while those that were Seized at Gunpoint with Intimidation (SAGI) or Forcibly Taken vehicles has only 1 incident or 2.5%. CARNAPPING DATA Incidents By Region Carnapping Prone Areas in NCR Las Pinas 1 3 Malabon Pasay 1 Pasig 1 2 3 6 Makati Quezon City 2 Manila 2 0 2 4 10 4 6 8 10 12 The National Capital Region accounted for 85% of the total number of incidents nationwide while Region 4A ran second with 15%. RECOVERY & RELATED DATA JAN - OCTOBER 2012 RECOVERIES January – October 2012 Carnapping Crime Groups Neutralized Hijacking Groups Neutralized Highway Robbery Groups Neutralized Armed Encounters Killed Suspects Firearms Confiscated Suspects Arrested Cases Filed The decrease of carnapping incidents is complemented with recoveries of stolen motor vehicles Attain ments Total 8 1 11 2 6 4 24 118 22 The arrests & neutralization of carnapping crime groups /personalities OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Enforcement of other Laws, Investigation of Road Accidents and Statistics) ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAMS • Continuing Enhancement of Quality Service Lane.: The continuing quest for enhancement of work environment and service facilities, all in accordance with the PNP’s Integrated Transformation Program. • Construction & Facility Improvements: Improvements for secured and presentable impounding areas. While we have already attained considerable enhancement of our Central Impounding Area here in Camp Crame courtesy of DPWH. These facility upgrading is complemented with enhancement of SOPs on the Recovery and Impounding motor vehicles. The Regional offices are also busy initiating similar improvements. • Capability Enhancement : the continuing implementation of personnel capability upgrading, mostly in the form of specialized skill development through training and acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment and office tools – All in line with the priority program of the C, PNP particularly under the continuous bui8ld-up of equipage and enhancement of morale and welfare projects. • PNP IP Card: the adoption of the individual personnel or I.P. Card which was pioneered by TACDS since the time of his Headship of PRO3. The design of HPG IP Card includes the improved HPG Charter Statement in accordance with the ITP-PGS Standards. OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Enforcement of other Laws, Investigation of Road Accidents and Statistics) OPERATIONAL PROGRAMS • Accounting of Wanted Persons: HPG have accounted some 12 wanted personalities who were all neutralized by virtue of Warrants of Arrests from January to September 2012. • Intelligence Project Assisted by PAOCC: HPG intends to pursue the existing HPG Case Operational Plans against carnapping groups which is closely being assisted by the Presidential Anti-Organize Crime Commission (PAOCC). • Focused Patrol Operations for 2013 Elections: The HPG is actively pursuing its role on the PNPs Focused Patrol Operations in relation to the desired peaceful national elections next year which may be hampered by groups or individuals armed with loose firearms. OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Enforcement of other Laws, Investigation of Road Accidents and Statistics) INTER-OPERABILITY ENHANCEMENT • HPG SMS Info-Text System: HPG had established and is continuously maintaining the HPG Info-Text System. Through this system, the inquiries for the status of MVs can be obtained from our data source by way of texting. Operating units of NOSUs and PROs, through their respective Tactical Operations Centers, are now given access to this 24/7 Info-Text System. HPG is currently working on the completion of accessibility for police station at the municipal level. • Sustained Activities of ANCAR SITGs: Strengthening of coordinative efforts among all ANCAR units in NCR and Region 3 and 4A, through the established “Special Investigation Task Group” or SITG, investigative and related operational response on carnapping incidents are jointly undertaken to resolve the challenges brought about by jurisdictional or geographical issues during investigation ACTIONS TAKEN BY HPG (To prevent carnapping and other crimes) SUSTAINED ANCAR INITIATIVES • Implementation of IMPLAN “C-PORTS”: OPLAN C-PORTS – In line with the previous Circular of the NAPOLCOM for the regular conduct of checkpoint on all roads leading to seaports pending the approval of the executive order for the reactivation of the issuance of motor vehicle shipment of stolen vehicles from Luzon to the island regions. • Implementation of Visitorial Inspections : Regularly initiating visitorial inspection jointly with territorial units, of all establishment dealing the trade of 2nd hand vehicle parts pursuant to PD 1612 or the Anti-Fencing Law • Acquisition of List of “Total Wreck “ MVs : Sustained collaboration among Insurance companies particularly on the agreed submission of list of declared “Total Wreck MVs” to prevent identity transfer of stolen vehicles to the total wreck vehicles obtained from the insurance companies. • Implementation of OPLAN Mr. C (Motorcycle Riding Criminals): A vital tool in the campaign against motorcycle-riding in tandem is an HPG-Conceptualized OPLAN MR. C or OPLAN against Motorcycle Riding Criminals. Emphasized under this operational scheme, is the on-the-spot utilization of Info-Text systems of the Land Transportation Office- the Info-Text 2600 and that of the HPG SMS System. OTHER ACTIONS TAKEN • 24/7 Patrols with regular FTX of HPG Mobile Patrol cars and MCs on C-5 and EDSA in tandem with NCRPO and DILG’s 117 • Guarding of seaports (clearance provision of RA 6539 temporarily held ; majority of MVs stolen in Luzon end up in Visayas and Mindanao). • Conduct of counter-intelligence • Neutralization of Syndicates/Groups ONLINE SERVICES • The improvement of HPG WEBSITE which will feature , among others, downloadable transaction forms, including list of recovered MVs which will be updated on a daily basis and linked with the PNP-Website benefiting not only carnapping victims but also insurance companies. THANK YOU
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