THE FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN PIG PRODUCTION AND HEALTH Book of presentations of the 2nd CPH Pig seminar January 28, 2015 Up to Date with Pig Research Foto: SEGES, Videncenter for Svineproduktion Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................................................ iv Programme ......................................................................................................................................................v List of participants ......................................................................................................................................... vii Key Lecture: Why is the production of slaughter pigs in Denmark decreasing? ........................................... 1 Session 1: Sows and Piglets ........................................................................................................................... 9 Cystitis in Danish sows at slaughter – prevalence and diagnosis ............................................................. 11 Physiological characteristics of high producing lactating Danish sows .................................................... 17 Early life nutrition, development and survival, - Experimental studies in neonatal piglets .................... 23 Sows in SWAP pens .................................................................................................................................. 29 Session 2: Growing Pigs ............................................................................................................................... 35 MRSA in livestock – facts and challenges ................................................................................................. 37 Genome-wide association study reveals a locus for nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in Danish crossbred pigs ........................................................................................................................................... 47 A multi-dimensional dynamic linear model for monitoring growing pigs ................................................ 55 Prioritization of alarms from automatic monitoring systems in livestock production – a review ........... 59 Session 3: Prevention and Therapy ............................................................................................................. 65 Intestinal health in Danish weaners – treatment and control ................................................................. 67 Serotype-independent bacterial immunogens: an alternative vaccine's development against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ............................................................................................................ 73 Natural plant compounds with immune-modulating and anti-parasitic activity; implications for pig production ................................................................................................................................................ 79 Is vaccination an alternative to antimicrobial treatment in pig production? .......................................... 85 Session 4: Welfare ....................................................................................................................................... 93 Creating a Danish animal welfare index for pig production systems ....................................................... 95 A case-control behavioural study to determine the welfare burden of pigs naturally infected with Taenia solium in Tanzania ........................................................................................................................ 97 Welfare assessment of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter ............................................................... 105 ii iii Preface The Center for research in pig production and health – CPH Pig – enhances, consolidates and raises the profile of pig production research. The importance of research and innovation for the Danish pork industry has never been so crucial. The Danish pig producers have never seen such tight financial pressures like those of the present moment. The production of finishers in Denmark is declining as producers export a significant and increasing number of weaners to be finished elsewhere in Europe. At the same time a major driver for changes in Danish pork production, and hence the demands in research and innovation, is coming from the current Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, animal rights groups, corporate supermarkets and general consumers of pork. This has given a new focus on the requirement of knowledge, particularly on increased productivity, survival among piglets, loose housing systems for lactating sows, MRSA, reduction in antibiotic usage and objective measurements of animal welfare. With this in mind, the research presentations of the CPH Pig seminar will cover four main themes: “Sows and Piglets”, “Growing Pigs”, “Prevention and Therapy” and “Welfare”. It is our hope that this second CPH Pig seminar will provide an excellent forum to present new findings, foster in-depth discussions, and hopefully provide solutions to some of the industry’s challenges. The University of Copenhagen and CPH Pig are integral in the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students and generating junior scientists who are essential to the future of the industry. CPH Pig outwardly promotes the involvement of students and early-career scientists, both public and privately funded, at the meeting. The seminar again has a considerable number of young scientists attending and presenting their work and for many it will be their first opportunity to interact with key industry figures and organisations. CPH Pig has been well established since the start 18 months ago and it has been a great honour to have contributed in facilitating the networking of many of those involved in pork production. This seminar is possible because a dedicated group of individuals coordinated and arranged all aspects of the event. We wish to thank everyone for their contribution and dedication. However, most importantly, thank you for participating and making the seminar a great success. We hope you will continue to be part of the future success of the center. Hans Henrik Dietz Chairman Christian Fink Hansen Center Director iv Programme CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Up to Date with Pig Research Time 9:00-9:10 Presenters Asger Lundorff Jensen Title Welcome Head of Department, Department of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences 9:10-9:30 Jacob Rasmussen Why is the production of slaughter pigs in Denmark decreasing? Head of co-op supply at Danish Crown Session 1: Sows and Piglets Chair: Jens Peter Nielsen 9:30-9:45 Cystitis in Danish sows at slaughter – prevalence and diagnosis Physiological characteristics of high producing lactating Danish sows Early life nutrition, development and survival, - Experimental studies in neonatal piglets Sows in SWAP pens Lola Tolstrup Leihardt, Ph.D. Student, IPH 9:45-10:00 Anja Varmløse Strathe, Ph.D. Student, IPH 10:00-10:15 Louise Langhorn, Research Assistant, IKVH 10:15-10:30 Janni Hales Pedersen, Ph.D. Student, IPH 10:30-11:00 MORNING TEA/COFFEE Session 2: Growing Pigs Chair: Henrik Elvang 11:00-11:15 Poul Bækbo, MRSA in livestock – facts and challenges Head of section, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM Section for Veterinary R&D, Pig Research Center, SEGES 11:15-11:30 Merete Fredholm, Genome-wide association study reveals a locus for nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in Danish crossbred pigs A multi-dimensional dynamic linear model for monitoring growing pigs Prioritization of alarms from automatic monitoring systems in livestock production – a review Professor, IKVH 11:30-11:45 Dan Børge Jensen, Ph.D. Student, IPH 11:45-12:00 Katarina Nielsen Dominiak, Ph.D. Student, IPH 12:00-13:00 LUNCH v Session 3: Prevention and Therapy Chair: Anders Miki Boyesen 13:00-13:15 Nicolai Weber, Intestinal health in Danish weaners – treatment and control Serotype-independent bacterial immunogens: an alternative vaccine's development against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Natural plant compounds with immunemodulating and anti-parasitic activity; implications for pig production Is vaccination an alternative to antimicrobial treatment in pig production? Ph.D. Student, IPH 13:15-13:30 Fabio Antenucci, Ph.D. Student, IVS 13:30-13:45 Andrew Williams, Post. Doc., IVS 13:45-14:00 Amanda Brinch Kruse, Ph.D. Student, IPH 14:00-14:30 AFTERNOON TEA/COFFEE Session 4: Welfare Chair: Björn Forkman 14:30-14:45 Björn Forkman, Creating a Danish animal welfare index for pig production systems A case-control behavioural study to determine the welfare burden of pigs naturally infected with Taenia solium in Tanzania Welfare assessment of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter Professor, IPH 14:45-15:00 Chiara Trevisan, Ph.D. Student, IVS 15:00-15:15 Pia Brandt, Ph.D. Student, Danish Meat Research Institute and Aarhus University 15:15-15:30 Christian Fink Hansen Concluding remarks vi List of participants Adam Gjøttrup Kristensen Adriaan Van Den Bogert Amalie M. G. Sell Amanda Brinch Kruse Ana Carolina Antunes Anders Daniel Andersen Anders Elvstrøm Anders Miki Boyesen Anders Strathe Andrew Williams Anita Strøm Pedersen Anja Varmløse Strathe Anne Mette Strunz Hanl Anne Schultz Anne Wolfenberg Anne-Helene Tauson Annette Bech Arne M. Hansen Arne Ringsing Arshnee Moodley Asger Lundorf Jensen Bent-Ole Andersen Besnard Jean-Charles Bigitte J. Vennervald Björn Forkman Bonnie Edahl Hoelstad Camilla Birkegård Camilla Kaae Højgaard Carina Schmitt Carsten Rasmussen Charlotte Mark Salomonsen Charlotte Sonne Kristensen Chiara Trevisan Christian Fink Hansen Christina Fensholt Hansen Christina Johansen Christine Hellner Cilie Kærgaard Hansen Claus B Larsen Laborantstuderende, IVS, KU-SUND Technical Commercial Graduate, Cargill Animal Nutrition Cand.scient & adjunkt, EASJ, Campus Slagelse PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND PhD Student, DTU Vet MSc, PhD, KU-SCIENCE Svinefagdyrlæge/ DVM, Swine health certified, Professor, IVS, KU-SUND Post Doc, IKVH, KU-SUND Post. Doc., IVS, KU-SUND, Vet.afd.Nord, Fødevarestyrelsen PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND DVM, Hipra Danmark, KU-SUND Cand. Agro., Effektivt Landbrug Professor, IKVH, KU-SUND Cand Med Vet, Elanco cand.polit, KU Produktchef, Danish Agro Lektor, IVS, KU-SUND Head of Department, IKVH, KU-SUND Kommunikationsmedarbejder, IPH, KU-SUND Swine Nutritionist, CCPA - France Professor, IVS, KU-SUND Professor, IPH, KU-SUND, KU-SUND PhD Studerende, DTU Veterinærinstituttet Organizing Committee, CPH Pig Optimization, ATR Landhandel DK ApS Cand. Agro, Skov A/S Cand. med. Vet, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Ph.D. Student, IVS, KU-SUND Associate Professor IPH, KU-SUND, Center Director, CPH Pig Produktkonsulent/Product Consultant, ATR Landhandel DK ApS Student, KU-SUND BSc.stud. Animal Science, KU-SCIENCE Stud med vet, KU-SUND Cand. med. vet., Boehringer-Ingelheim vii Claus B. Jørgensen Claus Heisel Cyrielle Elyette Fougeroux Dan Børge Jensen Danielle Petersen Desiree Martin Jurado Else Marie Overlund Andersen Erik Dam Jensen Erik Nielsen Fabio Antenucci Flemming Bolø Haja Kadarmideen Hanne Justesen Hans Aarestrup Heidi Bredberg Petersen Heidi Brisk Heidi Gumpert Helle Pelant Lahrmann Helle Stege Henrik Bech Pedersen Henrik Elvang Inge Larsen Inger Morthorst Møller Jacob Dall Jacob Rasmussen Jan Kristensen Janni Hales Pedersen Jeanne Wirenfeldt Johannesen Jens Frederik Agger Jens Kongensholm Jens Lauesen Jens Legarth Jens Noesgaard Jørgensen Jens Peter Nielsen Jens Svendgaard Jens Sørensen Jesper Poulsen Johanna Zingmark Johannes Barslund John Haugegaard Josefine Lindegaard Julie Fabricius Faustrup Professor, IKVH, KU-SUND Chefdyrlæge, LVK PhD student, KU-Sund PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND BSc. stud. Animal Science, KU-SCIENCE Veterinarian, Andrimner a/s DVM Veterinarian, SvineVet Haderslev Chefkonsulent, Cand. Agro, HEDEGAARD Agro Produktchef, Danish Agro Ph.D. Student, IVS, KU-SUND Cand. Agro, Svineopti Professor, IKVH, KU-SUND Cand. Agro, Erhversakademi Sjælland Direktør, Danske Svineproducenter Stud. med. Vet, KU-SUND DVM, Research Assistat, IPH, KU-SUND MSc, BCS, KU-SUND Cand. Agro., Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Associate Professor, IPH, KU-SUND Konsulent, PA., Merial Norden Professor, IVS, KU-SUND Cand.Med.Vet, PhD stud., IPH, KU-SUND, KU-SUND Chiefnutritionist, pigs, Vitfoss Head of co-op supply, Danish Crown Faglig Chef, DLG PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND Stud. Animal Science, KU-SUND Assoc. Professor, IPH, KU-SUND Salgschef SPF-DK, SPF-Danmark Distriktschef, ATR-Landhandel CEO, European Protein PhD, Product Manager, Chr Hansen A/S Professor, IPH, KU-SUND Fodringskonsulent, Dansk Vilomix A/S Svinefagdyrlæge, Svinepraksis DK Cand.agro, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES BSc, Orion Pharma AH Cand Agro, 3S DVM, MSD ah BSc. stud. Animal Science, KU-SCIENCE BSc. stud. Animal Science, KU-SCIENCE viii Julie Krogsdahl Julie Lynegaard Jörgen Lindahl Jørgen Westergaard Karina Ryom Karl Kristian Kongsted Karoline Sidelmann Brinch Katarina Nielsen Dominiak Kathrine Poll Katrine Mørup Jepsen Ken Steen Pedersen Kirsten Jensen Kirsten Volmer Larsen Kjetil Johansen Knud Just Rasmussen Knud Poulsen Kristian T. Havn Lars Kristian Clausen Lars Kunstmann Lars Naursgaard Lars Sangill Andersen Lea Hübertz Leif Meedom Lena Martin Lissi Karlsen Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen Lola Tolstrup Leihardt Lorena Perez Esteruelas Louise Louise Autzen Louise Holm Parby Louise Langhorn Malene Nielsen Margit Andreasen Marie Erika Busch Marie Stengaard Jensen Markku Johansen Marlene Kirchner Marta Krasnodebska Martin Lauridsen Martin Rasmussen Merete Fredholm Stud. Animal Science, KU-SUND BSc. stud. Animal Science, KU-SCIENCE DVM, Distriktsveterinärerna / Ö-VET Dyrlæge, Ph.D., Dip. T.V.M, ADC-Consult, KU-SUND Inspector at Norwegian Food Safety Authority DVM, PhD, Novozymes PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND Cand. Med. Vet., Orion Pharma Animal Health Produktudviklingskonsulent, R2 Agro A/S Adm. Direktør, Ø-vet A/S Cand. Med. Vet, Elanco Cand. Med. Vet., HIPRA Danmark Cand. med. vet., LVK Senior Consultant, BrasilEuropa Consultas Professor Emeritus, IKVH, KU-SUND Svinefagdyrlæge, Svinevet Landbrugstekniker, Faglærer, Vilvorde | Roskilde Tekniske Skole Cand. med. vet., Huvepharma Businees Manager, SCA Danmark Cand Agro, Hamlet Protein A/S BSc. Animal Science, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Dyrlæge, Huvepharma NV PhD (Animal Nutrition), Postdoc, KU-SCIENCE Cand. Med. Vet, Sekretariatet for Det Veterinære Sundhedsråd DVM, PhD, DrVetSci, IPH, KU-SUND PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND Veterinarian, Andrimner a/s BSc. med. Vet, KU-SUND, KU-SUND Specialkonsulent, Fødevarestyrelsen Research Assistant, IKVH BSc.stud.Animal science, KU-SCIENCE Teknisk/Regulatorisk chef, Veterinærmedicinsk Industriforening Cand. med. vet., Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Cand. Scient, DTU Fødevareinstituttet Dyrlæge, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Assistant Professor, IPH, KU-SUND Stud.Animal Science, KU-SUND Direktør/Manager, ATR Landhandel DK ApS Dyrlægestuderende, KU-SUND Professor, IKVH, KU-SUND ix Mette Fertner Mette Hillersborg Mette Olaf Nielsen Mette Schmidt Morten Thomsen Nadia Jakobsen Nana Dupont Nicolai Weber Niels-Erik Manniche Nils Toft Nis Hybjerg Kjer Olga Fredborg Nielsen Per Nielsen Per Runge Peter Astrup Peter Høgedal Pia Brandt Poul Bækbo Preben Mortensen Päivi Worsøe Rene Rolsner Rikke Ingeman Svarrer Rikke Lassen Jensen Rikke Søgaard Sadhana Adhikary Sarah Mortensen Sheeva Bhattarai Simon Smed Sørensen Susanna Cirera Sven Erik Lind Jorsal Svetloza B. Stoyanov Søren Hertel Thomas Særkjær Thomas Sønderby Bruun Tina Sørensen Tong Li Torben Hjorth Torben Jensen Torben Skov Ancker Trine Christner Månsson Troels Olesen Vibe Dalhoff Andersen PhD student, DTU vet Dyrlæge, Ceva Animal Health PMSO, IKVH, KU-SUND Cand med vet, lektor, IPH, KU-SUND Journalist, cand. agro., LandbrugsMedierne BSc.stud. Animal Science, KU-SCIENCE Ph.d. student, IPH, KU-SUND PhD Student, IPH, KU-SUND, PHARManniche Professor, DTU Veterinærinstituttet Optimeringschef, ATR Landhandel DK ApS, KU-SUND Adjunk, IPH, KU-SUND Sales Manager, Vestjyllands Andel DVM, MSD Animal Health Dyrlæge, LVK Ph.D. Student, Danish Meat Research Institute and Aarhus University Head of section,Section for Veterinary R&D, Pig Research Center, SEGES Cand. Med Vet, Merial DVM, PhD student, KU-SUND DVM, Scanvet Cand. Agro, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Cand. scinet. Animal Science, Danish Crown Dyrlæge, Hipra Danmark PhD student, IVS, KU-SUND, KU-SUND Scientific assistant, IPH KU-SUND, KU-SUND Associate Professor, IKVH, KU-SUND Cand.Med.Vet., Seniorrådgiver, DTU Veterinærinstituttet Veterinarian, Manex sun General Manager, Andrimner Salgschef, Big Dutchman (Skandinavien) A/S Cand. Agro, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES Stud. Animal Science, KU-SUND Posdoc, IKVH, KU-SUND Distriktschef/District Manager, ATR Landhandel DK ApS Produktchef, Vestjyllands Andel Cand. Agro, Hornsyld Købmandsgaard a/s Veterinary, LVK Cand. Agro, Dansk Vilomix A/S PhD Student, DTU x Villy Schrøder Jørgensen Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen Yu Zhang Distriktschef Svin, ATR Landhandel APS Chefforsker, Videncenter for Svineproduktion, SEGES PhD Student, IKVH, KU-SUND xi Key Lecture: Why is the production of slaughter pigs in Denmark decreasing? By Jacob Rasmussen, Head of co-op supply, Danish Crown 1 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Why is the production of slaughter pigs in Denmark decreasing? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Jacob Rasmussen Danish Crown ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Increase in piglet production – decrease in finisher production ___________________________________ 30.000.000 Antal Eksport (Slagtesvin) Eksport (Smågrise) Slagtninger i Danmark ___________________________________ 25.000.000 ___________________________________ 20.000.000 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 15.000.000 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Answer ___________________________________ The competitiveness is stronger in competing countries! ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2 ___________________________________ What is competitiveness? ___________________________________ Ability to generate profit. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ What defines profit in the Danish pig sector? (slaughter pigs) Competing value chains Farm cost structure ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cost structure in Danish Crown ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Efficient sales ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ EU expanded in 2004 and 2007 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 3 ___________________________________ Low wages ___________________________________ Index: 100= DKK 270 (Horsens) ___________________________________ 100 85 ___________________________________ -66% ___________________________________ 34 27 20 Denmark Sweden Germany UK Poland ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Danish Crown changed the cost structure Tulip: DC Pork Sdr. Felding (Udbening) Nørresundby (Slagtninger) Ebeltoft (Udbening) Slagelse (Udbening) Bjerringbro (Slagtninger) Hjørring (Slagtninger) Gl. Horsens (Slagtninger) Odense (Slagtninger) Grindsted (Slagtninger) Vejle (Udbening) Viborg (Udbening) Skive (Slagtninger) Hurup (Udbening) Vojens (Slagtninger) Nykøbing Mors (Udbening) Holstebro (Natholdet) Holstebro (Dagholdet) Rødding (Udbening) Esbjerg (Nathold) Esbjerg Sæby (søer) Fåborg 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2012 2014 2016 • • • • • • • • • Brønderslev Ebeltoft Borring Vejle Havn Odense Ringsted Viby Brabrand Sdr. Borup 2003 2003 2003/04 2004 2004 2005 2005 2007 2010 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ New • • • • Oldenburg Boizenburg Polen England 2004, 2009, 2010 2004 2004 og 2006 2003, 2004 og 2007 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ A necessary change ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 4 ___________________________________ What defines profit in the Danish pig sector? (slaughter pigs) Competing value chains Farm cost structure ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cost structure in Danish Crown ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Efficient sales ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Efficient sales ___________________________________ Processing ___________________________________ Specialized cuts and market access ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ DC Foods ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 5 ___________________________________ What defines profit in the Danish pig sector? (slaughter pigs) Competing value chains ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cost structure in Danish Crown Farm cost structure ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Efficient sales ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cost of slaughter pigs ___________________________________ Euro/kg ___________________________________ 2,5 2 ___________________________________ 1,5 1 0,5 0 Same piglet cost, worse competitiveness ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Interpig 2013 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ What defines profit in the Danish pig sector? (slaughter pigs) Competing value chains Farm cost structure ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cost structure in Danish Crown ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Efficient sales ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 6 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ EU regulations ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Why is the production of slaughter pigs in Denmark decreasing? Competing value chains Farm cost structure ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cost structure in Danish Crown ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Efficient sales ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Improvement of 1.200 mill. DKK annually ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Farm efficiency (400 mill. DKK) Danish Crown (400 mill. DKK) Government (200 mill. DKK) Employees (200 mill. DKK) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 18 ___________________________________ 7 ___________________________________ Questions ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 8 Session 1: Sows and Piglets 9 10 Cystitis in Danish sows at slaughter – prevalence and diagnosis By Lola Tolstrup Leihardt, Ph.D. Student, IPH 11 ___________________________________ Urinary tract infections in culled sows. - Bacteriuria and pathologic lesions in full and empty bladders. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PhD-title: “Urinary tract infections in sows - Occurrence, importance, diagnosis and treatment” ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Lola Tolstrup Leihardt DVM, PhD student ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ”Enhedens Introduction Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ UC Care: University of Copenhagen Research Center for Control of Antibiotic Resistance. ___________________________________ Work package 4: Diagnostic of urinary tract infections • human, dogs og swine. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Supervisors: Jens Peter Nielsen (Professor, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM) Ken Steen Pedersen (CEO OE-Vet A/S, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM) Luca Guardabassi (Professor, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVPH) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Master student: Sarah Mortensen ( ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens Introduction Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Aim: To optimize the use of antibiotics for urinary tract infections (UTI) in sows, by providing evidence based protocols for diagnosing UTI. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Main focus: cystitis. ___________________________________ Objective: ___________________________________ To investigate the prevalence of, and associations between, bacteriuria and pathologic changes in the bladders of culled sows. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 12 Background ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Figure 1: Antimicrobial consumption by indication for sows, Denmark. Modified from DANMAP, 2011. ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens Materials and methods Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ • Culled sows – Danish Crown in Skaerbaek ___________________________________ • 176 Bladders with urine • Urine is collected by cystocentesis ___________________________________ • Urine culture ___________________________________ • Macroscopic organ examination • (histology) ___________________________________ • Master project ___________________________________ • 67 empty bladders ___________________________________ • Culture, macroscopic examination og ”Enhedens Data collection ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens pictures by Lola Tolstrup Leihardt 13 ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Preliminary results ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens Results ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens Prevalence – species ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Samples total Full bladders n % af pos. 176 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Culture positve 72 E.coli 43 75* ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Empty bladders 67 Culture positive 51 E.coli 50 ___________________________________ 98* * Significant difference og ”Enhedens 14 ___________________________________ Prevalence – pathology Positive % of all bladders* Full bladders Hyperaemia 96 63 Tekst starter uden - slightly 63 41 - extensive 33 22 Concrements Pus 45 19 29 Hyperaemia 46 67 12 Empty bladders og ”Enhedens *none - slightly 30 45 - extensive 16 24 Concrements 13 19 Pus 11 16 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ is significant Resistance Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ • Resistance evaluation of all isolates • Sensititre plates • ESBL ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens Perspective Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ • 30-75 % prevalence of bacteriuria – importance? • • • ___________________________________ Poor reproduction? Lower welfare of the sows? (mis)use of antibiotics? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 15 Perspective ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens THANKS! ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Questions? ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 16 Physiological characteristics of high producing lactating Danish sows By Anja Varmløse Strathe, Ph.D. Student, IPH 17 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Physiological characteristics of lactating high producing Danish sows ___________________________________ Anja Varmløse Strathe ___________________________________ Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 1 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Introduction Tekst starter uden PhD-project: HIPROSOW: High prolific sows and vital piglets – new protein requirements ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Supervisors: Christian Fink Hansen, IPH, KU Anne-Helene Tauson, IKVH, KU Thomas Sønderby Bruun, Danish Pig Research Centre, SEGES og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 2 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Background Tekst starter uden • Genetic improvements -> high prolific sows What is the right balance between body • Larger litters and higher litter gains What ismobilization the connection and between milk production? fat and protein • Great demand for nutrients for milk production metabolism during mobilization? For many years: zero weight loss is best For many years: Body protein But is the Energy metabolism deficit -> of fat the mobilization sow and more efficient Diet fat mobilization Protein deficit when ->catabolic? protein ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ When But is body it is mobilization not that simple! harmfull? Milk production og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 3 18 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Background • More information on the high prolific sow is needed! Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ • A trial was carried out to test effects of different dietary Valine-to-lysine ratios for lactating sows. ___________________________________ • No effects of dietary treatment -> data was pooled • Characterisation of the high producing sow = sow with high litter gain/milk yield ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 4 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Data collection Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ • • • Conducted in a Danish farm 565 lactating sows (parity 1 to 4) Experimental period: d -7 to d 26 post-partum • Sows were allotted to one of six diets from d 2: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Diet og ”Enhedens 1 2 3 4 5 6 Composition Energy, MJ ME/kg Crude protein, % Standard digestible lysine, g/kg 13.0 14.2 7.1 13.0 14.2 7.1 13.0 14.2 7.1 13.0 14.2 7.1 13.0 14.2 7.1 13.0 14.2 7.1 ___________________________________ Standard digestible valine, g/kg 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.5 6.9 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 5 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Measurements – all sows (565) Tekst starter uden Day -7 • Body weight sow Day 2 • Standardization of ___________________________________ Day 26 • Weaning litter to 14 piglets • Back fat sow • Litter weight • Body weight sow • Back fat sow ___________________________________ • Litter weight • Body weight sow ___________________________________ • Back fat sow ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 6 19 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Measurement – subsample of 72 second parity sows Tekst starter uden Day 2 Day 10 Day 17 ___________________________________ Day 26 • Blood sample • Blood sample • Blood sample • Blood sample • Urine sample • Urine sample • Urine sample • Urine sample • Litter weight • Milk sample • Litter weight ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • Body weight sow • Back fat sow ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 7 og ”Enhedens Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Summary of data Tekst starter uden Measurement Mean Parity Litter size weaning ___________________________________ SD 2.5 1.0 13.0 1.1 Feed intake, kg/d 6.1 0.7 Litter gain, kg/d 2.9 0.5 ___________________________________ Milk yield, kg/d 11.3 1.4 BW change d 2 to 26, kg -22.1 12.7 BF change d 2 to 26, mm -2.9 1.7 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 8 og ”Enhedens Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Results: feed intake, back fat and sow BW Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Litter gain, kg/d Littergain, gain,kg/d kg/d Litter ___________________________________ 4.0 P<0.001 4.0 4.0 P<0.001 5 3.5 3.5 3.5 r=0.48 r=0.46 4 Litter gain, kg/d 3.0 3.0 3.0 ___________________________________ 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2 2.0 2.0 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 -40 -20 3 -40 -2 4 P<0.001 7 6 5 r=0.42 3 4 40 605 80 6 BW -20 0loss, kg 0Feed 20 4 kg/d 40 6 2 intake, 0 20 ___________________________________ 8 7 ___________________________________ 60 8 BW loss, kg mm Back fat loss, og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 9 20 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Results – plasma creatinine Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ High creatinine -> muscle break down Litterplasma gain, kg/d 4.0 ___________________________________ 3.5 Both 3.0 protein AND fat mobilization is required for high ADG ___________________________________ 2.5 P<0.01 r = 0.34 2.0 ___________________________________ 1.5 High muscle mobilization ->160higher 180 litter gain 120 140 ___________________________________ Plasma creatinine, µmol/L ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 10 og ”Enhedens Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Results: Differences between parities Tekst starter uden Milk yield, kg/d First parity vs. Multiparous sows ___________________________________ Milk yield, kg/d 14 12 • Lower milk yield -> Lower litter gain • Lower intake Litter gain, kg/d • Lower BW loss • Same back fat loss ___________________________________ 10 8 6 1 2 3 4 3.5 ADG, kg/d ___________________________________ Parity 4.0 ___________________________________ 3.0 2.5 2.0 • More nutrients are used for body growth 1.5 1.0 1 2 3 ___________________________________ 4 Parity og ”Enhedens Copenhagen January Slide 11 ___________________________________ 28th Department of Large Animal Science Results- Litter gain and output of milk nutrients Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Litter gain, kg/d Litter gain, kg/d 4.0 4.0 4.0 ___________________________________ 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 ___________________________________ 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.001 r=0.45 r=0.49 r=0.64 2.0 2.0 2.0 ___________________________________ 1.5 1.5 1.5 400 200600 200 800 400 1000600 1200 1400 800 400 600 Fat output milk, g/dg/d Protein output milk, 800 ___________________________________ 1600 1000 1000 Lactose output milk, g/d og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 12 21 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ What is next? Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Effects of feed intake, body mobilization and litter gain during lactation on: ___________________________________ • Weaning-to-estrus interval • Litter size in next reproductive cycle ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 13 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Conclusions Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Characteristics of the high producing sow: • High milk yield • High output of nutrients in milk ___________________________________ • High feed intake AND • High BW loss • Loss of both body fat and protein • 2.-3. parity ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 14 Department of Large Animal Science ___________________________________ Questions? Ny slide og klik på ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Copenhagen January 28th Slide 15 22 Early life nutrition, development and survival, Experimental studies in neonatal piglets By Louise Langhorn, Research Assistant, IKVH 23 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Early life nutrition, development and survival - experimental studies in neonatal piglets ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Louise Langhorn, DVM, Research Assistant Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition Dept. Clinical Veterinary and Animal Science University of Copenhagen ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 1 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Clinical and experimental nutrition during different phases of life ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Fetus Preterm Term ___________________________________ Weaning Malnutrition Obesity og ”Enhedens Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 2 ___________________________________ Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition NEOMUNE 2013-2018: Milk and microbiota effects on immunity, gut and brain development ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Neuroendocrine signalling ___________________________________ Dietary & bacterial metabolites ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Immune & inflammatory mediators og ”Enhedens Immunological & neuro-trophic milk factors ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 3 24 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 4 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ Parenteral nutrition during fetal life ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Preterm piglets derived by caesarian section og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 5 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Umbilical artery catheterization ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 6 25 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Preterm pig Colostrum Preterm pig - Formula NEC ___________________________________ Main risk factors of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC): Prematurity, formula nutrition and gut colonization Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 7 og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ The role of gut microorganisms ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Prematurity + formula + germ free => no NEC Sangild et al. 2006. Gastroenterology. ___________________________________ Prematurity + formula + antibiotics => reduced NEC Jensen et al. 2013, Am. J. Physiol Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 8 og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ Does the route of administration matter? Oral vs systemic prophylactic antibiotics in preventing NEC Tekst starter uden NEC incidence ___________________________________ 100 80 10/16 ___________________________________ 10/17 % 60 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 40 20 0/16 PO IA ___________________________________ C on tro l 0 og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 9 26 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ Dietary effects on gut health in early life Tekst starter uden Amniotic fluid Regulatory peptides Caesarean section vs vaginal delivery ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Protein Germ free / antimicrobials ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Carbohydrate Pro- and prebiotics Lactose >>> maltodextrin Enteral/parenteral ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 10 og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Fecal transplantation Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition First nutrition after term and preterm birth - What are the long term consequenses ? Tekst starter uden Body weight (g) ___________________________________ Term-BC Term-TPN Preterm-BC Preterm-TPN 3500 3000 2500 ___________________________________ Whole milk powder ___________________________________ Raw bovine milk Bovine colostrum 2000 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 1500 1000 ___________________________________ 500 0 og ”Enhedens 5 Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 11 10 15 20 25 ___________________________________ Postnatal age, days Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ Upcoming study ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Preterm birth Cortisol adm. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • Prenatal cortisol administration og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 12 27 Comparative Paediatrics and Nutrition ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Thanks! ___________________________________ Questions or comments? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Cph Pig Seminar 2015 Slide 13 28 Sows in SWAP pens By Janni Hales Pedersen, Ph.D. Student, IPH 29 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Sows in SWAP pens Sow Welfare And Piglet protection ___________________________________ Janni Hales Pedersen PhD student ___________________________________ Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ January 2015 ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Background Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Danish industry • 10 % loose housed lactating sows ___________________________________ Loose housed sows is a challenge ___________________________________ Temporary confinement • Only use confinement when needed ___________________________________ Maximise piglet survival ___________________________________ Minimise impact on sow welfare ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens The SWAP pen FF = Free Farrowing Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ SWAP = Sow Welfare And Piglet protection ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 30 ___________________________________ Experiment ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Period Housing Placement to gestation d 114 ___________________________________ Loose Gestation d 114 to farrowing Loose Loose Confined Farrowing to lactation d 4 Loose Confined Confined Lactation d 4 to d 7 Loose Loose Confined LL LC CC Treatment ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Experiment Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Production herd • 700 litters/treatment ___________________________________ Productivity • Piglet mortality • Post mortem examination ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Sow measurements • Saliva cortisol (48 sows/treatment) • Behaviour (20 sows/treatment) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Piglet mortality ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden a a Total mortality b ___________________________________ Crushed x y ___________________________________ z ___________________________________ Batches: 58 56 59 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 31 ___________________________________ Live born mortality ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Before equalisation, % a Equalisation to day 4, % a a ___________________________________ b c b ___________________________________ ___________________________________ n=682 n=668 n=658 n=682 n=668 n=658 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Saliva cortisol ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Behaviour Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Postural changes, no/interval ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Rolling, no/interval ___________________________________ Treatment ×Time: P = 0.02 ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Treatment×Day: P < 0.001 32 ___________________________________ Standing and lying ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Standing, min/interval Lateral lying, min/interval ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Treatment×Time: P < 0.01 Treatment: P=0.66 ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Conclusions Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Confinement in SWAP pens • Improved piglet survival ___________________________________ • Increased risk of mortality from birth to equalisation • Decreased saliva cortisol ___________________________________ • Influence on sow behaviour ___________________________________ • Less rolling ___________________________________ More to come… ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Thank you for your attention!!! ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 33 34 Session 2: Growing Pigs 35 36 MRSA in livestock – facts and challenges By Poul Bækbo, Head of section, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM, Section for Veterinary R&D, Pig Research Center, SEGES 37 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Poul Baekbo Head of section, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM Section for Veterinary R&D ___________________________________ ___________________________________ MRSA IN LIVESTOCK FACTS & CHALLENGES ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PRESENTATION ___________________________________ ● SEGES ___________________________________ ● Danish pig production ___________________________________ ● MRSA CC398 in Denmark ● The strategy on MRSA by The Pig Research Centre ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ABOUT SEGES ___________________________________ The Knowledge Centre for Agriculture and the Danish Pig Research Centre have merged to one company with effect from 1 January 2015. SEGES is our new company name ___________________________________ SEGES ___________________________________ ● ● ● ● About 650 employees Locations in Agro Food Park near Aarhus and on Axeltorv in Copenhagen. Laboratories, research farms etc. in Kjellerup and Vejen Annual turnover is about one billion DKK SEGES is owned by the Danish Agriculture & Food Council ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 38 ___________________________________ ORGANISATIONAL CHART ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 4...| 22 January, 2015 ___________________________________ PIG RESEARCH CENTRE ___________________________________ ● Financed by Danish pig farmers ___________________________________ ● Responsible for research and knowledge transfer to the Danish pig industry ___________________________________ ● Trials for 20 million Euro per year (100 R&D persons) ___________________________________ ● Operating in 200 commercial farms ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PRESENTATION ___________________________________ ● SEGES ___________________________________ ● Danish pig production ___________________________________ ● MRSA CC398 in Denmark ● The strategy on MRSA by The Pig Research Centre ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 39 ___________________________________ DANISH PIG PRODUCTION ___________________________________ 31 million pigs produced per year ___________________________________ ‒ 20 mill slaughtered ● Export of 2 mill tons of pork per year ___________________________________ ‒ Export of 11 mill weaners ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PRESENTATION ___________________________________ ● SEGES ___________________________________ ● Danish pig production ___________________________________ ● MRSA CC398 in Denmark ● The strategy on MRSA by The Pig Research Centre ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS ___________________________________ 50% of the human population are carriers of Staph. ___________________________________ ‒ 25% are permanent carriers ‒ 50% will be infected during the day ___________________________________ ‒ 25% are never infected ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 40 ___________________________________ MRSA 398 = LIVESTOCK ASS. ___________________________________ Methicillin Resistent Staphylococcus aureus ___________________________________ Danish PIG isolates LA-MRSA ● All tetracyklin-resistent ● Some are multi-resistente ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Other animals (outside DK) ● Horses, cattle, poultry ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ NEW HUMAN CASES OF MRSA IN DENMARK ___________________________________ 2500 ___________________________________ 2000 1500 1455 1155 ___________________________________ 1000 1335 ___________________________________ 1129 987 500 788 648 0 14 2007 777 760 648 64 2008 43 2009 111 166 233 2010 2011 2012 MRSA 398 Andre MRSA 2013 2014 ___________________________________ 31% ___________________________________ ___________________________________ FARMER CONGRESS IN 2008 TEST FOR MRSA ___________________________________ 769 participants testet (41%) Pig farm worker Adviser Veterinarian Other MRSA positive 15 2 0 2 ___________________________________ Number testede 486 108 25 150 % positive 3,1 1,8 0 1,4 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 41 ___________________________________ HUMAN RISKS OF LA-MRSA ___________________________________ MRSA risk-report, December 2014 ● For the Danish population in generel LA-MRSA is a very small health problem ● Only limited risk by consumption of Pork ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Main clinical manifestation ● Infected wounds ● Abcesses in the skin ___________________________________ Most human carrieres loses MRSA398 in 1-2 days ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ MRSA CC398 ___________________________________ First isolation from af Danish pig farm ___________________________________ 2006 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ MRSA398 IN PIG HERDS IN 2008 ___________________________________ >30% ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 42 ___________________________________ PREVALENS OF MRSA CC398 INFECTED PIG HERDS IN DENMARK ___________________________________ Random sampling in 80-200 pig herds by the authorities År 2009 2010 2011 % positive pig herds 12 16 16 2014 68 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 63 % infected nucleus herds in 2014 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PRESENTATION ___________________________________ ● SEGES ___________________________________ ● Danish pig production ___________________________________ ● MRSA CC398 in Denmark ___________________________________ ● The strategy on MRSA by the Pig Research Centre ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ FULL TRANSPARANCY ___________________________________ The strategy 1. Takes the problem seriously, but we have to live with it ___________________________________ 2. A high degree of dialog with the authorities 3. Ensure high level of information to all persons at risk ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ___________________________________ Workers in pig farms Veterinarians & other farm advisors Farm visitors People cleaning emty pig farms Truck drivers Meat inspectors (anto mortem inspection) ___________________________________ 4. Promote activities to reduce the overall consumption of antibiotics ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 43 ___________________________________ CONSUMPTION OF ANTIBIOTICS IN EUROPE ___________________________________ Mg/kg animal (biomass) 450 400 350 300 Our strategy on the use of antibiotics - 10% overall reduction by 2020 - 50% reduction in tetracyclin by end of 2015 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 250 200 150 ___________________________________ 100 50 ___________________________________ 0 European Medicines Agency, 2013 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ KEEP MRSA INSIDE THE FARMS ___________________________________ MRSA infected farms ● The herd owner must inform ___________________________________ ‒ Workers and visitors ‒ Byers of pigs ___________________________________ All pig farms ● The herd owner must ensure high level of hygiene, whenever people are leaving the farm ___________________________________ ‒ Change of clothes ‒ Shower out OR wash of hands & desinfection ‒ Farm clothes washed inside the farm ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ENTRY ROOM ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Outer area Inner area ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 44 ___________________________________ NO MRSA DECLARATION/ERADICATION ___________________________________ The Pig Research Centre do NOT see farm declaration and/or eradication as a relevant option ● ● ● ● ● Too many farms allready infected False confidence by the farm workers Reliable free-testing is a challenge No proven way of elimination of MRSA from a farm Potential conflicts with other infections of interest ‒ Pig diseases (SPF-diseases) ‒ Other zoonotic infections (Salmonella) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ NEW R&D ACTIVITIES ___________________________________ Svineafgiftsfonden (2,3 mill kr in 2015) ● Hygiene as a way of reducing spread from pig farms ● Prevalence of MRSA in horses and cattle in DK ● MRSA398 from pig herd to hospital ___________________________________ Dan Jørgensen (35 mill. Kr in 3 years) ● Project by DTU & SSI ● 15 different R&D activities ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ___________________________________ Simulation model of LA-MRSA dispersal & control Occurence of MRSA in pig farms Control & reduction in pig farms Risk for humans due to LA-MRSA in pigs Ecomonic impact assesment for the Danish society ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CONCLUSION ___________________________________ We seek full tranparency ___________________________________ We must learn to live with MRSA cc398 ___________________________________ We must reduce the transfer from farm to society ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 45 Questions ? ___________________________________ VI KAN OG VIL GØRE DET ENDNU BEDRE ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 25 22-01-2015 dok. 20120021 46 Genome-wide association study reveals a locus for nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in Danish crossbred pigs By Merete Fredholm, Professor, IKVH 47 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Genome-wide association study reveals a locus for nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in Danish crossbred pigs ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Per Skallerup Carmen Espinosa-Gongora Claus Bøttcher Jørgensen Luca Guardabassi Merete Fredholm ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding Staphylococcus aureus – an important pathogen May colonize various skin and mucosae sites in healthy individuals Tekst starter uden Humans Livestock ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Wound infections Bovine mastitis Endocarditis Ovine staphylococcal dermatitis ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bacteremia Sepsis staphylococcus-bacteria-coloured-scanning-electr dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Nasal carriage is associated with a higher risk of S. aureus infection ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Colonization of the host Tekst starter uden Longitudinal studies in humans: • Persistent carriers (PCs) ~ 20% • Intermittent carriers ~ 30% • Non-carriers (NCs) ~ 50% The molecular mechanisms underlying colonization of the host are poorly understood • Host factors • Bacterial factors ___________________________________ Successful colonization requires that S. aureus: 1) adheres to certain nasal epithelial ligands ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2) overcomes the host immune defense ___________________________________ e.g. Wertheim et al. 2005 dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 48 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Why study S. aureus in pigs? Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Pigs and other livestock species carrying S. aureus may act as a source of human colonization and infection ___________________________________ Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has become a public concern ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Studies of colonization in pigs might provide information on host-pathogen interaction dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Objective of genetic study Tekst starter uden Perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify loci associated with nasal carriage of S. aureus in pigs. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Study Design Tekst starter uden 600 pigs (finishers) on 20 commercial pig farms were screened once per week over three weeks Nasal swab Viable S. aureus quantified by the most probable number method • PHENOTYPES: Non-carrier (NC), intermittent carrier, persistent carrier (PC) DNA from selected pigs (n=266) • Selection of extreme phenotypes for GENOTYPING ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 49 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Selection of extreme phenotypes Tekst starter uden Major concern in GWAS studies: Phenotypic characterization of the animals: definition of cases and controls Definition of non-carrier Pigs which were negative on all three sampling time-points, OR which had 100 CFU (the lowest positive titer) on one and only one sampling occasion. Definition of persistent carrier Pigs which were positive on all three sampling time-points. dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ N=72 ___________________________________ N=56 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Data set for GWAS #Pigs #SNPs 128 (72 NC + 56 PC) 61,565 Genome position not provided - 12,627 Located on sex chromosomes - 1,381 7 NC 23,638 121 (65 NC + 56 PC) 23,919 Tekst starter uden Initial dataset Excluded during QC* Final dataset *Pigs: call rates > 0.95, FDR for unacceptably high heterozygosity < 0.01, IBS < 0.95 dato og ”Enhedens *SNPs: call rate > 0.95, MAF > 0.05, HWE < 0.05. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 50 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding IgG levels specific for clumping factor A ___________________________________ ** ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Foster et al. 2014 Same trend found in a human study (Verkaik et al, 2009) Espinosa-Gongora et al. 2014 dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Check for confounding ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden λGC=1.06 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Association analysis ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 51 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Eleven spa types were distributed across the farms: Farm No. Non-carriers Persistent carriers (numbers spa-typed) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 20 Total 5 0 4 0 5 10 12 0 0 1 16 5 2 7 5 65 4 (3) 6 (5) 0 5 (5) 2 (2) 0 1 (0) 12 (12) 2 (1) 7 (6) 1 (1) 2 (2) 5 (0) 6 (0) 3 (0) 56 (37) Number of persistent carriers colonized by one spa type 3 (t011) 0 NA 2 (t034, t1333) 0 NA NA 7 (t034) 0 1 (t2315) 0 0 NA NA NA 13 Number of persistent carriers colonized by two spa types 0 5 (t034, t1334, t2462) NA 3 (t034, t1333) 2 (t034, t1333) NA NA 5 (t034, t3131) 0 4 (t034, t2315, t5817) 1 (t034, t1334) 2 (t034, t337) NA NA NA 22 ___________________________________ Number of persistent carriers colonized by three spa types 0 0 NA 0 0 NA NA 0 1 (t011, t1580, t5817) 1 (t2315, t2370, t5817) 0 0 NA NA NA 2 No significant association was found between carriage of specific S. aureus lineages (CC9, CC30/ST433 and CC398) and SNP MARC genotype ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Statistics for the two lead SNPs ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Position (bp) A1/A2 MAF (PCs) MAF (NCs) MARC0099960 12 43,145,785 G/A 0.63 0.32 4.9 10-6 0.04 ALGA0104951 43,380,247 G/T 0.61 0.33 1.3 10-5 0.11 SNP ID Chr 12 PGC raw P ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Perspectives Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Elucidate aspects of host pathogen interaction Potentials for treatment ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Decrease infection pressure Through Selection ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 52 Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Breeding ___________________________________ Acknowledgements ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Tina Neergaard Mahler Christel Ammitzböll Halberg Ditte Lundt Gamborg Peter Karlskov-Mortensen ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Danish Council for Independent Research | FTP ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 Colonizing new territory? 53 ___________________________________ 54 A multi-dimensional dynamic linear model for monitoring growing pigs By Dan Børge Jensen, Ph.D. Student, IPH 55 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Multivariate Dynamic Linear Models for Monitoring of Grower/Finisher Pigs ___________________________________ Dan B. Jensen ___________________________________ Centre for Herd-oriented Education, Research and Development, Department of Large Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 1 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Introduction Tekst starter uden The PigIT Project: • Application of “off-the-shelf” sensors • Data integration, modeling and alarms • Management/alert response ___________________________________ Motivation: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ IF “everything is fine” THEN “things progress as expected” Therefore: ___________________________________ IF “things progress UN-expectedly” THEN “Something is wrong!” ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 2 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Introduction Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Data source: Two double pens from a Grower/Finisher Unit Wet feed use Water flow Live weight ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Also Temperature, Humidity and (Activity) dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 3 56 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Introduction Tekst starter uden Dynamic Linear Models – a Quick Introduction ___________________________________ 1. Features: • Dynamic, i.e. Adaptive • Predictive, i.e. provides (one-step-ahead) forecasts • Assumes normality ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2. Usefulness: • Monitoring of (production) systems over time ___________________________________ 3. Examples from Animal Science • Monitoring litter size at herd and sow level Bono et al., 2012 • Detection of sow oestrus Osterson et al., 2010 dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 4 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Introduction Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Dynamic Linear Models – a Quick Introduction 1. Structure ___________________________________ Observation equation ___________________________________ System equation ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 5 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Examples Tekst starter uden Dynamic Linear Models – Examples (Uni- and Multivariate) ___________________________________ Observation equation ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Co-variance matrix (EM algorithm) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 6 57 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Examples Tekst starter uden Dynamic Linear Models – Examples (Uni- and Multivariate) ___________________________________ System equation ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 7 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Examples Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Resulting Graphs ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH PIG 2015 Dias 8 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ In Conclusion Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Take Home Messages 1. When all is well, the DLM forecast will be within expected parameters – and vice versa! 2. A model combining multiple lines of evidence is hoped to provide more information than the sum of the individual components 3. Multivariate Dynamic Linear Modeling is a relatively simple and effective method for integration of multiple different data series ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Perspectives: 1. Correlating specific patterns of forecast errors to specific conditions could yield specific alarms dato og ”Enhedens CPH PIG 2015 Dias 9 ___________________________________ This research was carried out with support from The Danish Council for Strategic Research (The PigIT Project, Grant number 11-116191) ___________________________________ 58 Prioritization of alarms from automatic monitoring systems in livestock production – a review By Katarina Nielsen Dominiak, Ph.D. Student, IPH 59 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Prioritization of alarms from automatic monitoring systems – an area that needs more focus ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Katarina Nielsen Dominiak PhD student Department of Large Animal Sciences University of Copenhagen ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ About me Tekst starter uden • Cand. Scient in biology from Aarhus University 2005 • Farm manager at a sow herd with 600 sows, nucleus management and weaners (7-30 kg) 2006-2007 • Pig consultant at LMO, Eastern Jutland 2007-2013 • PhD student in the PigIT Project since March 2013 • I live near Bjerringbro in Jutland and have my daily office at Foulum (Aarhus University) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 2 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 60 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ The PigIT project Tekst starter uden • Data is collected in three commercial herds and Grønhøj (Pig Research Centre) • Tail biting Diarrhea Fouling • og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Water consumption at twopen level Feed consumption at twopen level Temperature at pen level Humidity at pen level Activity at pen level Weight gain at pen level ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 4 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ My part in the PigIT project Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Title: ‘Methods for Prioritization of Alarms and Interventions’ ___________________________________ Hypothesis: ___________________________________ By combining information from many different automatic and non-automatic sources it will be possible to reduce the number of false alarms from the monitoring system and thus avoid unnecessary (and potentially harmful) interventions og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 5 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ What creates alarms in traditional pig production? Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Traditionally an alarm is given for any – or most – automatically monitored processes In weaner- and finisher production the alarms are typically for Ventilation • Temperature/humidity/climate ___________________________________ • Feeding system - Mixer when wet feed - Grain snail/spiral when dry feed - List of animals not eating in ESF or weighing pen ___________________________________ Water system - Broken water pipe ___________________________________ • ”Enhedens ___________________________________ • ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 6 61 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ What creates alarms in future pig production? Tekst starter uden Camera monitoring can detect changed activity level as indicator of ___________________________________ - ___________________________________ Tail biting Ear suckling Bullying of a low rank animal (indicating sick/dead animal) Fouling Diarrhea ___________________________________ Changes in growth rate through weight estimation ___________________________________ Lying behavior as indicator of local climate in the pen Changes in eating- or drinking pattern amongst pigs can be an indicator of diseases and general well being of the pigs ___________________________________ Sound recordings can identify respiratory diseases or aggressive behavior amongst pigs ”Enhedens ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 7 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ How specific should a warning system be? Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ When trying to detect a rare event the specificity of the system is crucial ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Rasmussen, M. D. 2003 ___________________________________ A master thesis on oestrus detection in sows had a specificity of 99,4 % but oestrus being so rare an event in the setup meaning that a specificity of 99,94 % would still give 50 % false alarms (Ostersen, T. 2009) ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 8 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Too many false alarms - consequences Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ An alarm demands an action from the farmer or personnel Too many false positive alarms are time consuming and diminishes the trust in the alarm system ___________________________________ Consequences can be that ___________________________________ - Farmer or personnel ignores the alarm from time to time – it’s not taken seriously - The sound or light from an alarm system is deactivated or simply shut off - Farmer or personnel makes up their own prioritization of the alarms based on experience, time expenditure, gut feeling and work enthusiasm - Animal welfare is at risk of being compromised ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 9 62 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ How have other ranked or prioritized alarms? ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden A Dutch group of scientists have had some focus on this area Until now they have published two papers on ranking/prioritization of alarms or alert lists – both on AMS alerts and mastitis diagnosis ___________________________________ ___________________________________ And that’s it! Clearly more focus need to be put on this subject ___________________________________ So much scientific work is put in building models and analytical tools – but they are not implementable in real life because of the amount of false alarms ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 10 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ What I aim to do Tekst starter uden • Write a position paper on the subject • Analyze data from water consumption sensors (at two-pen level) and combine it with non-automatic information from the herd logbook ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • og ”Enhedens Expand my work with data from other sensors and/or outcome of models from colleagues in the PigIT project ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig 28-01-2015 Dias 11 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Thank you for your time – any questions? ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ This project is supported by The Danish Council for Strategic Research (The PigIT project, Grant number 11-116191) ___________________________________ ”Enhedens 63 64 Session 3: Prevention and Therapy 65 66 Intestinal health in Danish weaners – treatment and control By Nicolai Weber, Ph.D. Student, IPH 67 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Intestinal health in Danish weaners – treatment and control ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Nicolai Weber DVM, PhD student, LVK, Department of Large Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Agenda ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden • • • • • Aim - Motivation Study design Results Conclusion Take home messages ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 2 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Aim Tekst starter uden • • • • ___________________________________ Increase intestinal health in weaned pigs Reduce feed cost Optimized animal welfare Reduced consumption of antibiotic consumption ___________________________________ Motivation ___________________________________ • Antibiotic usage • 43 % of antibiotic consumption in pigs in 2014 prescribed to intestinal diseases • Development of diagnostic decision tools ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Supervisors: dato og ”Enhedens Jens Peter Nielsen (Professor, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM) Christian Fink Hansen (Associated Professor, MSc Animal Science, PhD) Ken Steen Pedersen (CEO OE-Vet A/S, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM) ___________________________________ Dias 3 68 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Process ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ Infectiondynamics Timing of antibiotic treatments Data collected in 2014 InterventionE.Coli investigation Dataanalysis Spring 2015 study Alternatives to antibiotic treatments Fall 2015 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 4 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Intestinal infection in weaner pigs Tekst starter uden • E. coli mainly involved 1-2 weeks post weaning(PW) • PWD, Edema disease • Largely controlled with in-feed administration of zinc oxide • Most research on diarrheic outbreaks later then 2 weeks PW has been done on L. Intracellularis dato og ”Enhedens 33 20 • • • • • ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Previous research results • • ___________________________________ % weaner pigs with diarrhoea in ”healthy sections” diarrheic outbreaks investigated 45 % mixed infections 30 % E. coli 10 % L.intracellularis 5 % B. pilosicoli 10 % no agents ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 5 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Previous results Tekst starter uden • • Pooled fecal samples (sock samples) E. coli F4+F18, B. Pilosicoli, L. Intracellularis • • Indirect diagnostic method >1,5 diarrheic pools per pen and > 35.000 bacteria = >15 % of pigs with intestinal infection ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 6 69 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Study design Tekst starter uden dato og ”Enhedens • 3 production farms • No major disease problems in weaners besides diarrhoea treatments • 10 sections • 8 pens selected 14 days after weaning • Fecal samples from untreated pens week 3, 4, 5 and 6 post weaning tested by qPCR ___________________________________ • E. coli investigation • Fecal samples from untreated diarrheic pigs and from pens with diarrhoea prevalence >25 % ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 7 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 8 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 9 70 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ E. Coli investigation Tekst starter uden • • Fecal samples from 93 diarrheic pigs Fecal samples from 31 pens with >25 % diarrhoea prevalence ___________________________________ • Laboratory work-up: • Culture(hemolytic/non-hemolytic) • Toxin and fimbriae testing by PCR • F4, F5, F6, F18, F41, STa, STb, LT, VT2e ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 10 Department of Large Animal Sciences E. coli results – culture + fimbriae analysis Preliminary results ___________________________________ % E. coli growth Number of pigs ___________________________________ 0 3 Tekst starter uden dato og ”Enhedens 1-40 13 40-80 24 81-100 53 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • • 155 strains analysed so far Resistance profiles pending • • • 40% (63/155) F18 positive strains 98 % (61/63) F18, hemolytic strains No other fimbriatypes detected ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 11 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ E. coli results – Toxins Preliminary results F18 + Tekst starter uden F18 - dato og ”Enhedens Toxins STb STb:LT STa:STb STb:LT LT None STb STa:STb None VT2E STb:LT None Hemolysis no of strains + 25 + 19 + 13 1 1 + 4 + + - 25 20 7 2 1 37 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 12 71 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Conclusion Tekst starter uden dato og ”Enhedens • Increase in diarrhoea prevalence over time ___________________________________ • 52 % of pens positive for E. coli F18 week 3 PW • 93 % for L. intracellularis week 6 PW ___________________________________ • Hemolytic E. coli present in diarrheic pigs and in pens with diarrheic pigs ___________________________________ • Preliminary results: • 40 % of stains F18 positive, 98% hemolytic • 87 % of hemolytic strains F18 positive • Toxins present in F18+ and F18• STb toxin most frequently present ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 13 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ Take home messages Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ • F18 positive toxin-producing E. coli present beyond 1-2 post weaning ___________________________________ • F18 positive E. coli can play a role in diarrheic outbreaks ___________________________________ • F18 main fimbriae • F4 fimbriae not detected ___________________________________ • Not all diarrhoea is caused by L. intracellularis ___________________________________ • Mixed infections is widespread 3-6 weeks post weaning dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 14 Department of Large Animal Sciences ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Questions? Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 15 72 Serotype-independent bacterial immunogens: an alternative vaccine's development against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae By Fabio Antenucci, Ph.D. Student, IVS 73 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ SEROTYPE-INDEPENDENT BACTERIAL IMMUNOGENS ___________________________________ An alternative vaccine’s development against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • Supervisor: Dr, Anders Miki Bojesen • Co-supervisor: Dr. Peter Holst • Ph.D student: Fabio Antenucci ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Why a vaccine??? ___________________________________ Cheaper ___________________________________ Prevents ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ No antibiotic resistance ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Vaccination Principles ___________________________________ • A vaccine provides a set of pathogen-specific molecules that, coming into contact with the host immune system, are able to elicit an effective and long-lasting protection against that pathogen. • These molecules are termed antigens and include proteins, ___________________________________ ___________________________________ polysaccharides and lipids ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 74 ___________________________________ Antigens: a molecular I.D. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (adaptive) Immune system ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ The good antigen Immunogenicity: The property of an antigen to provoke an immune response in a host exposed to it ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Antibodies (IgG) ___________________________________ Protectiveness: The immune response provoked by the antigen confers protection against subsequent infections by the same pathogen ___________________________________ Generalities: coccobacillus ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae • Non-motile, gram-negative ___________________________________ Gram-negative bacterium ___________________________________ • Swine respiratory pathogen • 15 serotypes • Transmission by aerosol ___________________________________ or direct contact • High morbidity • High mortality rate ___________________________________ Broadly effective vaccine available, but… The vaccine is rather expensive, being based on recombinant proteins It doesn’t confer protection against the infection, preventing just the symptoms (vaccinated animals potential carriers) 75 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Serotype-independent immunogens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Serotype: a group of strictly related microorganisms distinguished by a common set of antigens ___________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ___________________________________ Conserved antigens (all 15 serotypes) ___________________________________ Antigens selection: Bioinformatic tools ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Different serotypes genomes Immunogenicity ___________________________________ Genes Conservation (DNA homology) Legend: • Prediction • Data Protein properties ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Antigens ___________________________________ Gram-negative bacterium ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 76 ___________________________________ Next steps Observe and characterize the vesicles produced by the OMVs mutants ___________________________________ obtained ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Verify the immunogenicity of the candidate proteins by using convalescent pigs serum ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 77 78 Natural plant compounds with immune-modulating and anti-parasitic activity; implications for pig production By Andrew Williams, Post. Doc., IVS 79 ___________________________________ Natural plant compounds with anti-parasitic and immune-modulating activity: implications for pig production ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Andrew Williams Veterinary Parasitology Group Department of Veterinary Disease Biology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 1 ___________________________________ Our Research Group: Tekst starter uden - Focuses on sustainable control of livestock parasites - Strong emphasis on pig parasites ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • High prevalence • Direct effects on growth and performance ___________________________________ • Secondary effects on immunity and susceptibility to other pathogens dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 2 ___________________________________ Current control of parasites: Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ - Based exclusively on regular treatment with anthelmintic drugs (no vaccines). ___________________________________ - Alternative approach – integrated parasite management. ___________________________________ - Good hygiene and management ___________________________________ - Dietary supplements that boost natural immunity ___________________________________ - Bioactive diets that directly kill parasites - Drugs dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 3 80 ___________________________________ Boosting natural immunity ** ___________________________________ 80 Ig M ( % o f p o s t iv e s a m p le ) Tekst starter uden 60 C D H fe e d 40 C o n tro l 20 ___________________________________ 0 0 14 D a y s p o s t - in f e c tio n ___________________________________ • Improves antibody responses to worms Increases ADG • Stimulates lymphocyte proliferation in vitro 30 C D H fe e d C o n tro l 20 0 1 ___________________________________ D a y s p o s t - in f e c tio n dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ 10 0 • 40 4 Ig G 1 ( % o f p o s t iv e s a m p le ) ** Cinnamaldehyde in feed: ___________________________________ Dias 4 ___________________________________ Boosting natural immunity Further in vitro studies with polyphenols • Tekst starter uden 10 10 10 CD25 10 10 10 10 7 10 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 ___________________________________ 7 39.2% 3.2% 6 6 5 ___________________________________ 4 3 2 ___________________________________ 1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 γδ TCR CD86 on Dendritic cells dato og ”Enhedens Polyphenols may stimulate immunity to pathogens (e.g. worms!) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 5 ___________________________________ Direct anti-parasitic effects Mean EPG counts Tekst starter uden 7500 Diet 1 Normal 6000 Diet 2 I+SBF ___________________________________ ** ___________________________________ Diet 3 Inulin (I) 4500 Diet 4 Sugar Beet Fibre (SBF) 3000 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 1500 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ___________________________________ Weeks post inoculation dato og ”Enhedens Dias 6 (Petkevicius et al. 2001) 81 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Direct anti-parasitic effects ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ M ig r a tio n In h b itio n ( % ) 100 50 ___________________________________ 0 10 100 1000 C o n c e n tr a tio n ( g /m L ) ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 7 ___________________________________ Direct anti-parasitic effects ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden 100 Spadona ___________________________________ % a liv e Puna ___________________________________ 50 0 10 100 Concentration ( ___________________________________ 1000 g/mL) ___________________________________ Foster, et al. 2011. Vet Parasitol 180, 298 - 306 dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 8 ___________________________________ Summary Tekst starter uden • Worms are an increasingly important problem in pigs in Denmark ___________________________________ • Drugs can not be relied upon solely…. Need to investigate complementary control options • Many cheap, natural plant compounds can stimulate natural anti-parasitic immune responses • The same compounds may also directly kill the parasite • Further work is on-going in our group to test these approaches dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dias 9 82 ___________________________________ Thanks Tekst starter uden Everyone in the Veterinary Parasitology Group and elsewhere in IVS ___________________________________ Collaborators in UK, Netherlands and USA ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Dias 10 83 84 Is vaccination an alternative to antimicrobial treatment in pig production? By Amanda Brinch Kruse, Ph.D. Student, IPH 85 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Is vaccination an alternative to antimicrobial treatment in pig production? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ CPH Pig Seminar January 28, 2015 ___________________________________ Amanda Brinch Kruse PhD student Department of Large Animal Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden The overall project The PhD • • • ___________________________________ project is part of UC-Care Interdisciplinary project at the University of Copenhagen Fight against antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals Work package 5: Cost-benefit analysis and decision support for stakeholders Overall aim of the PhD project: “To investigate biological effects of on-farm alternative risk mitigating strategies, compared to current practices involving antimicrobial treatment in pig production.” ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Main alternative strategies to be investigated: • Vaccination and biosecurity in Danish pig production ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Background ___________________________________ Increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria ___________________________________ Focus on reducing antimicrobial use in pig production • Reduce the risk related to antimicrobial resistance • Alternative strategies that will minimize the need for antimicrobial treatment is needed ___________________________________ Vaccination can prevent specific diseases through immunization • Will this minimize the need for antimicrobial treatment? • When and to what extend? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 86 ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Vaccination against M. hyopneumoniae in Danish Farrow-to-finisher herds ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Introduction ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae causing enzootic pneumonia • Most common respiratory disease in pigs worldwide • Lead to secondary infections – need treatment • Prevention of disease by vaccination of piglets ___________________________________ Aim of the study: To determine the change in prescription of antimicrobials in Danish farrow-to-finisher herds after initiating vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Materials and methods – herds enrolled Tekst starter uden Herds Herds registered in the Danish Central Husbandry Register (CHR) with production of sows, weaners and finishers on the same CHR number ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Vaccination Registration of purchase of vaccination against M. hyopneumoniae • Data on purchase of vaccines from Vetstat • First purchase between 2005 and 2011 • Purchased continuously for at least one year • In doses equal to the number of animals in the individual herd og ”Enhedens 87 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Materials and methods – antimicrobial consumption • • ___________________________________ ADD calculations based on VetStat prescription data Output: Change in antimicrobial prescription after vaccination • Given in Animal Daily Doses (ADD) per 100 animals per day ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Materials and methods – study design Tekst starter uden Year before vaccination ___________________________________ Year after vaccination ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Two years ___________________________________ Vaccination initiated og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Materials and methods – statistical analyses Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ T-test: Test for significant change ___________________________________ Generalized linear model: Effect of possible risk factors • Baseline antimicrobial consumption • Herd size • SPF enrolment • Year of first purchase • Season for initiating vaccination (in yearly quarters) • Veterinarian authorization number ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 88 ___________________________________ Preliminary results: T-test ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden 163 farrow-to-finisher herds fulfilled the criteria for enrollment 74 herds had a significant mean decrease • -3.2 ADD per 100 animals per day (p<0.01) ___________________________________ 89 herds had a significant mean increase • + 3.6 ADD per 100 animals per day (p<0.01) ___________________________________ Mean change for all herds ≈ 0 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Preliminary results ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • • • • • og ”Enhedens Monthly mean ADD for 74 herds with decrease in ADD after vaccination Error bars representing 95 % confidence intervals Data from 20-39 herds in each month Highest baseline antimicrobial use Decrease in ADD up until vaccination is initiated ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Preliminary results ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • • • • • Monthly mean ADD for 89 herds with increase in ADD after vaccination Error bars representing 95 % confidence intervals Data from 25-46 herds in each month Lower baseline antimicrobial use Increasing ADD up until vaccination is initiated og ”Enhedens 89 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Preliminary results: Generalized linear model Tekst starter uden • Baseline antimicrobial consumption and herd size had a significant impact on the change in antimicrobial consumption after vaccination was initiated ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Change in ADD/100 animals/day ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Baseline in ADD/100 animals/day og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Preliminary results: Generalized linear model Tekst starter uden • Baseline antimicrobial consumption and herd size had a significant impact on the change in antimicrobial consumption after vaccination was initiated. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Change in ADD/100 animals/day ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Large Small ___________________________________ Herd size og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Discussion ___________________________________ Half of the herds had a significant mean decrease • Due to higher baseline antimicrobial consumption • High baseline due to problems related to M. hyopneumoniae? ___________________________________ Antimicrobial prescription vs. Antimicrobial consumption • Is prescription data a good prediction of antimicrobial consumption? Change in antimicrobial use after vaccination • Lack of information: Why do they start vaccinate? • Is increase in ADD due to no effect or explained by an outbreak? • Is decrease in ADD due to vaccination or other initiatives? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 90 ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Further studies ___________________________________ Effect of other vaccines • PRRS, PCV2, Lawsonia, App • Combination of vaccines ___________________________________ Effect of biosecurity • Another prevention strategy • Also in combination with specific vaccines ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Is vaccination an alternative to antimicrobial treatment in pig production? Vaccination against M. hyopneumoniae could be an alternative • If the baseline consumption is high due to problems related to infections with M. hyopneumoniae • Depends on current disease status • During an outbreak a vaccine will never be an alternative – only as prevention! ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Acknowledgements Tekst starter uden • The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration for providing VetStat and CHR data • The Danish Agriculture & Food Council for providing CHR data • Danish Pig Research Center for providing SPF data • DTU-VET and University of Copenhagen for data assistance • University of Copenhagen (UC-Care) for funding ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 91 ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden Thank you for your attention! ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ og ”Enhedens 92 Session 4: Welfare 93 94 Creating a Danish animal welfare index for pig production systems By Björn Forkman, Professor, IPH 95 96 A case-control behavioural study to determine the welfare burden of pigs naturally infected with Taenia solium in Tanzania By Chiara Trevisan, Ph.D. Student, IVS 97 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology A case-control behavioural study to determine the welfare ___________________________________ burden of pigs naturally infected with Taenia solium in Tanzania Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PhD Student: Chiara Trevisan Supervisors: Maria Vang Johansen and Björn Forkman dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Up to date with pig research 2015 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ Introduction ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden CT-scan image: arrows pointing at calcified cysts ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ Life cycle of T. solium ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Does T. solium have any effects on pig welfare? ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 98 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ Methodology Tekst starter uden Pigs : 17 infected 14 controls ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • Morogoro ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 99 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ Fodder was provided twice a day and water was provided Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ad libitum. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ Amaranthus viridis Spinacia oleracea Leucaena leucocephala Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 100 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Novel object test ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology Cysts count before slaughtering ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 101 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ Organs and muscles with Taenia solium cysts ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens 102 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tekst starter uden ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ dato og ”Enhedens ___________________________________ Thank you for your attention! 103 104 Welfare assessment of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter By Pia Brandt, Ph.D. Student, Danish Meat Research Institute and Aarhus University 105 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Welfare assessment of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Pia Brandt, ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Introduction ___________________________________ • Increasing demands for documentation from the market and the EU (EU regulation 1099/2009) • Welfare Quality® Protocol (2009) • On-site tools for continuous monitoring ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Aim ___________________________________ • To develop a method for documentation of animal welfare on the day of slaughter of pigs; including: • to investigate the relationship between selected ante-mortem observations and post-mortem measurements with the aim of identifying potential welfare indicators for future documentation of welfare of finishing pigs at commercial abattoirs. (Study 1) • to develop an aggregated animal welfare assessment using expert opinion – an animal welfare index (AWI) – for finishing pigs on the entire day of slaughter, including an index within single stages as well as an overall index for the day of slaughter. (Study 2) • to investigate the relationship between an animal welfare index covering the entire day of slaughter with selected post mortem measurements under commercial conditions. (Study 3) 106 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ The day of slaughter Loading ___________________________________ Transport ___________________________________ Break, loading ___________________________________ Lairage Unloading Sticking ___________________________________ Handling Stunning ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Brandt and Aaslyng, Meat Science 103, pp. 13-23, 2015 Study 1 ___________________________________ • • • • • • • 80 pigs from 4 four herds Commercial 3-deck lorries Danish commercial abattoir 1 hour lairage, 15 pigs/pen Automatic race to stunning CO2 stunning in groups Sticking 820 pigs/hour ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Unloading Lairage Race to stunning Sticking ___________________________________ Study 1 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ • Glucose and lactate was significantly positively correlated to behaviors observed in the race to the stunning chamber. • Relationship between creatine kinase activity and post mortem skin damage assessment on the shoulder ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ -> relevant indicators for assessing welfare on the day of slaughter ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Brandt et al., Livestock Science 157, pp 535-544, 2013 107 Study 2 ___________________________________ • 45 pigs from 5 herds • Heart rate ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Study 3 • • • • ___________________________________ 480 pigs from 12 herds Blood samples Blood temperature pH ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Outline - Study 2 and 3 ___________________________________ Heart rate ___________________________________ 0. Home pen 1. Pick-up facility Skin damage Skin damage Duration Stocking density Mixing Fast 2. Loading 3. Transport 4. Unloading Duration Driving style Duration Driving Duration of transport Driving Reluctance to move Duration of breaks Reluctance to move Turning back Temperature Turning back Slipping Slipping Falling Falling Lifting 5. Lairage 6. Race Skin damage Slipping Mixing Falling Duration Overlapping Aggression Moved by gate Posture Mounting Being mounted Time to lie down % of time lying ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 8. Slaughter line 7. Sticking Skin damage Blood sample Blood temperature pH45 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Pick-up Loading Transport Unlaoding Lairage Race Sticking Study 2 ___________________________________ How important is it for me - when I need to assess pig welfare in the pick-up facility - to know whether and to what extent the pig has been / is exposed to the following five factors. Set 1 x in each line where 1 is not important and 5 is crucial. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 108 Study 2 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Animal Welfare Index (AWI) Study 2 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Transport Unloading Race Lairage ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Let’s Work Together ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ 109
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