Dublin Core for Museums Day 1 Paul Miller UK Office for Library & Information Networking p.miller@ukoln.ac.uk CIMI Thomas Hofmann John Perkins jperkins@cimi.org thomash@amol.org.au Australian Museums OnLine Overview for Thursday March 25 Introduction to Metadata Introducing the Dublin Core CIMI DC Guidelines - Dublin Core for Museums Break DC for museums continued... Lunch Practicalities of Implementing DC Break Introduction to MICI What’s the Problem ? Need to serve a Web audience Demand for content Uncertain quality Expectations for rapid easy access Need to be visible on the Web Two million web sites Half a billion addressable pages Many communities with the same problem What’s the Problem ? Manage and organise interconnected data Different types Different repositories Packages Interoperate with other communities Interoperate with other applications Need a way to: Express meanings in rich and complex data Express the structure of our data Encode the transfer of data What’s the Solution ? Communities address their own needs Do so in a way that works across communities Standards based Collaborative What is a Community? A resource description community is characterised by agreed semantic, structural and syntactic conventions for exchange of descriptive information Libraries MARC Museums AACR2 SPECTRUM MICI Based on a slide by Stu Weibel Communities working together Home Pages Scientific Databases Libraries Geo Commerce ‘Internet Commons’ Museums Whatever... Based on a slide by Stu Weibel Communities working together Metadata Metadata Metadata Metadata Museums Metadata Based on a slide by Stu Weibel What is Metadata? Meaningless jargon or a fashionable term for what we’ve always done or “a means of turning data into information” and “data about data” and the name of a film director (‘Luc Besson’) and the title of a book (‘The Lord of the Flies’). What is Metadata? Metadata exists for almost anything People Places Objects Concepts Databases Web pages What is Metadata? Metadata fulfils three main functions: description of resource content “What is it?” description of resource form “How is it constructed?” description of issues behind resource use “Can I afford it?”. What is Metadata? Many structures have evolved at different levels, and to meet different requirements... MICI For human communication we need... Semantic Interoperability Standardisation of content “Let’s talk English” “cat milk sat drank mat ” Structural Interoperability Standardisation of form “Here’s how to make a sentence” “Cat sat on mat. Drank milk.” Syntactic Interoperability Standardisation of expression “These are the rules “The cat sat on the mat. of grammar” It drank some milk.” Challenges Opportunities Many flavours of metadata which one do I use? Managing change new varieties, and evolution of existing forms Tension between functionality and simplicity, extensibility and interoperability Functions, features, and cool stuff Simplicity and interoperability Introducing the Dublin Core An attempt to improve resource discovery on the Web now adopted more broadly Building an interdisciplinary consensus about a core element set for resource discovery simple and intuitive cross–disciplinary international flexible. Introducing the Dublin Core 15 elements of descriptive metadata All elements optional All elements repeatable The whole is extensible offering a starting point for semantically richer descriptions Interdisciplinary libraries, museums, government, education... International available in 20 languages, with more on the way. Introducing the Dublin Core Title Format Creator Identifier Subject Source Description Language Publisher Relation Contributor Coverage Date Rights Type http://purl.org/dc/ Extending DC (semantic refinement) Improve descriptive precision by adding sub–structure (subelements and schemes) Element qualifier Value qualifier Greater precision = lesser interoperability Should ‘dumb down’ gracefully Creator First Name Affiliation Surname Contact Info Based on a slide by Stu Weibel Extending DC (a modular approach) Modular extensibility... additional elements to support local needs complementary packages of metadata …but only if we get the building blocks right Terms & Conditions Description Archival Management Based on a slide by Stu Weibel Extending DC? DC offers a semantic framework through use of further substructure, meaning can often be clarified “John” <Creator> <Creator> <fore name> “John” John Inc. ? John xyz ? xyz John ? John Inc. John xyz xyz John. Extending DC? DC offers a semantic framework Use of domain–specific schemes greatly increases precision “Washington” <Coverage> <Coverage> <TGN> “Washington” Washington State ? Washington DC ? Washington monument ? Washington State Washington DC Washington monument “North and Central America, United States, Washington” http://gii.getty.edu/tgn_browser/ Dublin Core in the physical world Dublin Core originally designed with electronic resources in mind Physical resources are fundamentally different Issues of surrogacy become more important Genre, Type, and Format models vary greatly Difficult to remember what is being described, and which characteristics of the resource and its surrogates are ‘correct’. Introducing Physical Objects Aspects of the real world are key to much of what museums do Physical objects have dimensions 23 x 46 cm 12 x 52 x 18 in 18.6 cm3 823 pages Physical objects have a form oil on canvas Tadcaster limestone stainless steel. Introducing Physical Objects Physical objects change over time constructed between AD524 and 873 repaired in AD1270 incorporated into ornamental arch in AD1320 Physical objects move cast in Beijing used in Shanghai taken to Hong Kong on display in Macau. Introducing Physical Objects Physical objects are associated with people written by William Shakespeare acquired by Lord Elgin decreed by the Emperor Hadrian associated with Prince Charles Edward Stuart Physical objects are contextualised fired at the Battle of Trafalgar carried on Apollo 11 from the moon printed on the first printing press salvaged from the Titanic. Introducing Collections Museum objects, whether original or surrogate, are normally part of a collection Collections may be ‘real’... the Sutton Hoo hoard the Terracotta Warriors ...an aspect of the process by which objects enter the museum... the Burrell Collection Solomon Guggenheim’s art collection …or simply practical coins at the British Museum the Tate Gallery’s collection of works by Da Vinci. Introducing Surrogacy Many of the resources we describe are, in reality, surrogates for something else a photograph of King Tutankhamen’s death mask a photograph of a statue of George Washington a film of President Kennedy’s assassination a sound recording of Neil Armstrong’s “One small step for man…” speech on the moon a copy of the Mona Lisa a model of the Great Wall of China a reproduction of the Terracotta warriors. Issues of Surrogacy Many of the resources we describe are, in reality, surrogates for something else we need to be clear whether we are describing the resource or its surrogate the sculptor of a statue is often not the person who made its photographic surrogate the model of the Forbidden City is unlikely to have been created at the same date as the Forbidden City itself the format of a computer image of the Mona Lisa (image/jpeg ?)is not the same as the format of the original painting (oil on canvas ?). Other Museum Issues Museums need to describe real objects and surrogates in a similar manner guidelines/standards therefore need to encompass both, despite their differences Resource descriptions will often be drawn from existing collection management systems in the first instance, rather than created afresh guidelines therefore need to respect existing practices within established systems There is often no ‘right’ answer so practices need to allow for approximate dates, multiple possible creators, etc. Introducing the 1:1 Principle The broader Dublin Core community is tackling some of the problems relevant to museums Their work on the ‘1:1 Principle’ is especially useful in resolving museum issues over original versus surrogate and item versus collection: each Dublin Core ‘record’ should describe only one resource, whether surrogate or original. Associated resources should be linked together by means of the Relation element in Dublin Core. Introducing the 1:1 Principle In a record describing a photo of the Mona Lisa on a web page, for example… Leonardo da Vinci is not the creator of the image The image was not created during the Renaissance …but you might include these as Subject terms, and you could usefully provided a link to the record describing the real painting via Dublin Core’s Relation element Equally, in describing the painting itself… http://www.louvre.fr/…/monalisa.jpg is not the Identifier of the painting but you might link to this image via Relation, just to show people what the painting looks like. The primacy of ‘Type’ In describing museum objects, it is often most useful to first decide what you are describing and why, rather than beginning with ‘who made it’ and ‘what is it called’, as is often the case with books if you know you’re describing a surrogate of the Mona Lisa, then you know Leonardo da Vinci is not the Creator; whoever made the surrogate is if you know you’re describing a collection of 20th century paintings, then you know that Picasso, Hockney et al are not the Creators; the collector is. The primacy of ‘Type’ if you know you’re describing the Sutton Hoo helmet, then the fact that it was added to a particular museum collection in 1939 perhaps doesn’t matter; that information is better placed in the collection record if you know you’re describing a natural specimen, then perhaps it has no Creator; there may be a ‘creator’ associated with its identification or collection, though. Dublin Core for Museums: Assumptions In applying Dublin Core to museums, we are making certain basic assumptions, many of which were tested by CIMI DC is appropriate for use in describing both physical and digital resources DC is easy to learn and simple to use Information can be meaningfully and efficiently extracted from existing museum systems in order to populate DC records the creation of a DC record to describe a museum object is cost–effective, and aids the discovery of resources more than simply allowing access to the underlying Collection Management system might. Practicalities of Implementing Dublin Core Paul Miller Thomas Hofmann Uk Office for Library & Information Networking Australian Museums On-Line p.miller@ukoln.ac.uk thomash@amol.org.au Overview Creation and Maintenance Harvesting and Distribution Retrieval Implementation Models Case Study Dublin Core - Refresher 15 simple elements Focus on Resource Discovery not Resource Description One Dublin Core record per resource Interoperable across communities Can be easy populated from existing databases Can be formatted in XML/ RDF or HTML When should I use Dublin Core? You have a rich standard, need simpler one You want to disclose your data to other communities using commonly understood semantics You want to provide unified access to databases with different underlying schemas You need core description semantics and don’t feel compelled to invent them anew Considerations Creation and Maintenance tools educate Harvesting/ Distribution tools Retrieval tools consensus interface design Creating and Maintaining Dublin Core Metadata Encoding Dublin Core HTML Unqualified Easy Qualified Overloaded Content (HTML 3.2) Additional Attribute (HTML 4) RDF Based on XML Sophisticated More complex Encoding Dublin Core - Unqualified <HEAD> <META NAME="DC.TITLE" CONTENT="My Web Page"> <META NAME="DC.Subject" CONTENT="Computers,Metadata"> </HEAD> Encoding Dublin Core - Qualified (HTML 3.2) <HEAD> <META NAME="DC.Subject" CONTENT="(SCHEME=AAT)(LANG=EN) Statue, Granite"> </HEAD> Encoding Dublin Core - Qualified (HTML 4) <HEAD> <META NAME="DC.Subject" SCHEME="AAT" LANG="EN" CONTENT="Statue, Granite"> </HEAD> Encoding Dublin Core - Sub-Elements <HEAD> <META NAME="DC.Date.Created" CONTENT=" (SCHEME=ISO8601) 1999-03-01"> <META NAME="DC.Date.Modified" SCHEME="ISO8601" CONTENT="1999–03–25"> </HEAD> Encoding Dublin Core - RDF ... <?xml:namespace href="http://iso.ch/8601/" as="ISO"?> <RDF:RDF> <RDF:Description …> <DC:Date> <RDF:Description> <ISO:date>1999–03–25</ISO:date> </RDF:Description> </DC:Date> <RDF:Description> </RDF:RDF> Example Tool: DC Dot http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcdot/ Semi-automated generation of Dublin Core Cut and past into document Conversions to HTML, SOIF, XML, WHOIS++, USMARC, GILS Example Tool: DC Dot Screenshot of http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dc-dot/ Example Tool: DC Dot Screenshots of DC Dot output Example Tool: Reggie http://metadata.net Generic creation tool for any metadata schema published to metadata.net Currently supports: Dublin Core in 5 languages Syntax: HTML META tags (V3.2 and 4.0), RDF Example Tool: Reggie Screenshot of Reggie Example Tool: Site Generator http://www.dstc.edu.au/RDU/MetaWeb/ Tool which parses local web site and automatically creates Dublin Core metadata Syntax: HTML JAVA based tool which requires JDK 1.1 Further Information - Creation and Maint. Metadata Creation Tools General METADATA PAGE AT UKOLN http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/software-tools/ METAWEB http://www.dstc.edu.au/RDU/MetaWeb/ TagGen SE http://www.hisoftware.com/fact_sheetcc.htm User Guides Official User Guide for Simple Dublin Core http://purl.org/dc/core/documents/working_drafts/wd-guide-current.htm CIMI Guide to Best Practice: Dublin Core Harvesting and Distributing Dublin Core Metadata Harvesting / Distribution Tools Z39.50 Gateway Metadata Harvester Full-text Search Engine Resources Indexing, harvesting tools http://www.searchenginewatch.com/ http://www.searchtools.com/ http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/software-tools/ http://www.dstc.edu.au/RDU/MetaWeb/ Z39.50 http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/discovery/z3950/resources/ http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/dlis/z3950/resources/ Searching and Retrieving Dublin Core Metadata Retrieval Tools HTML - search forms HTML - predefined queries Z39.50 clients/ Java applets Standalone applications Interface design Assist users: -help them to understand what they are looking for -give them an idea what terminologies you are using -use commonly understood design language Bringing it all together: Implementation Models Implementation Models Harvesting DC into a repository (database) Distributed Database Search Full-text indexing with metadata extraction Implementation Models Harvesting DC into a repository (database) Query Repository Harvester retrieve resource HTML XML Other types Dynamic document creation from database Implementation Models Distributed Database Search Z39.50 Server Query Z39.50 Gateway Z39.50 Server Z39.50 Server retrieve resource Implementation Models Full-text indexing with metadata extraction Query Index DB Indexer retrieve resource HTML XML Other types Dynamic document creation from database Questions before implementation Do I really need Dublin Core? What is my budget? What type of resources do I want to describe? Which encoding format for which resource? Do I have community support? Can I provide creation tools? Challenges of implementing Dublin Core Intellectual Education of information creators Community consensus Resistance against sharing information Technical Efficient tools Infrastructure Economical Automatic generation vs. manual creation Cost of training Cost of tools Dublin Core for Masses? Dublin Core for the masses Why Dublin Core hasn’t hit the consumer market yet No killer application Lack of standardisation No support in public search engines No support in mass market applications Non transparent applications Inefficient handling in HTML Further Information Projects Official Dublin Core web site http://purl.oclc.org/dc/projects/index.htm Mailing lists Dublin Core Implementors workgroup Mailing list http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/dc-implementors/ Case Study: AMOL Case Study AMOL (1) Gateway to Australian Museums and Galleries Initial idea: One central access point for all Australian collections Creation of AMOL standard record for object data due to lack of common standards 8 basic field with focus on resource discovery and easy deployment from within existing databases Fields: Object Title, Object Name, Creator, Description, Item ID, KeySearchTerms, Date/DateRange, Associated Places Case Study AMOL (2) AMOL search/ system architecture - current system User queries search engine and gets records delivered to web browser Mapped metadata exported HTML documents Legacy DB AMOL index server Remote web server storing HMTL documents Case Study AMOL (3) Lessons Learned Data and technology related Lack of consistent use of controlled vocabularies, quality of data recorded Performance of indexing software, lack of metadata support in public search engines high administration efforts Intellectual Users have problems with “empty text box” approach Limited information in record to see context with larger picture General Large institutions: bureaucratic machinery, complex collection systems designed without interoperability in mind Small institutions: concerned about security issues, fear of larger institutions Case Study AMOL (4) New perspectives New resource types: Information about institutions, Images, Video, Audio, general HTML pages - goes beyond capabilities of standard AMOL record Need to provide easier access for users New cross community projects require interoperable metadata standards for cross domain searching Strong move in Australia towards Dublin Core based metadata schemas driven by government Strong move towards interpretation of objects through stories Search Architecture and extended AMOL metadata standard Case Study AMOL (5) NEW AMOL search/ system architecture User queries search engine and gets records delivered to web browser Legacy databases AV resources Textual resources Information mapped to DC based metadata plus index text, images AMOL index server Remote web server Providing dynamic access to ODBC databases Case Study AMOL (6) Future Directions Implementation of RDF for dynamically served databases and text style resources Consensus of community: Metadata Forum Further education of users: Metadata Workshops Creation of multi-type metadata schema based on Dublin Core Creation of mapping tools for easier database implementation Case Study AMOL (7) Recommendations Prepare good user guides Run workshops and educate museum professionals Get consensus from community Plan with interoperability in mind Evaluate tools and plan for future additions Biggest Problem still remaining: what is the benefit to the individual institution other than being interoperable for networked resources Dublin Core for Masses? Dublin Core for the masses Why Dublin Core hasn’t hit the consumer market yet No killer application Lack of standardisation No support in public search engines No support in mass market applications Non transparent applications Inefficient handling in HTML Further Information Projects Official Dublin Core web site http://purl.oclc.org/dc/projects/index.htm Mailing lists Dublin Core Implementors workgroup Mailing list http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/dc-implementors/ http://www.cimi.org/ For Machine Communication we need.. Semantic Interoperability Standardisation of content “Let’s talk Resource Description” Structural Interoperability Standardisation of form “Lets use MICI” Syntactic Interoperability Standardisation of “Here’s how to say it in expression HTML” “Creator, Publisher..,” “Field # 1 Element Name “<Meta name= Element Name= “….”>”
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