Functions on Tuner Funktioner på Tuneren ”DAB/FM” button: select between DAB or FM reception. “DAB/FM” knap: vælger om FM eller DAB radiosignaler skal modtages. Setting up radio channels: TU150(B) can automatically search and store both Indstilling af radio kanaler: i hhv. DAB og FM kan TU150(B) automatisk finde DAB and FM stations. The automatic search is initiated by holding down the og lagre stationer. Den automatiske søgning startes ved at holde ”Autotune” “Autotune” button for one second. In DAB mode the search includes both knappen inde i ca. 1 sek. For DAB søges gennem hele bånd III og L. Medens band III and L-band. During the search, the frequency is counted upwards in the søgningen foregår, tælles søgefrekvensen op i frekvensdisplayet til venstre. frequency display to the left. A DAB search takes 3-4 minutes. En DAB søgning tager 3-4 minutter. I FM søges fra 87.5 til 108MHz og for In FM mode the search includes 87.5-108MHz. For each station found and hver station, der er fundet, tælles displayet til højre et nummer op. stored, the information display to the right counts upwards. Efter at FM og DAB stationerne er lagret, vælges den aktuelle station med DAB/FM Tuner SPIRIT TU150/150B digit II Instructions for installation and operation Betjeningsvejledning selektorknappen ”Chan/Freq”. After the DAB and FM stations are stored, the stations are selected by the rotary FM: for hvert nyt “klik” på knappen vælges umiddelbart en ny station. “Chan/Freq” button. DAB: For hvert nyt “klik” på knappen vises det næste DAB program i displayet, FM: For each new “click” on the button, a new station is immediately selected. medens det aktuelle program spiller videre. Efter et program er vist i ca. et DAB: For each new “click” on the button, a new service (program) name is sekund, vælges det nye DAB program automatisk. Det tager yderligere ca. et displayed, but the current service continues to play. After the new service name sekund at skifte til en ny station (ny frekvens). has been displayed for approx. one second, the new service is automatically selected. It takes further one second to switch to a new station (new frequency). Man kan slette lagrede DAB eller FM stationer ved at holde ”Display” knappen inde i 2 sekunder. Herved slettes den FM station, der aktuelt er valgt. For DAB It is possible to delete stored FM or DAB stations by holding down the “Display” slettes alle programmer der ligger på samme station (frekvens). Slet f.eks. button for 2 seconds. This action deletes only the currently played FM station. ”svage støjstationer” eller stationer man ikke ønsker at høre. For DAB, all services on the same station (ensemble) will be deleted. Delete e.g. Hvis ”Autotune” køres igennem igen, vil lagrede stationer blive slettet. weak or noisy stations, and stations you don’t want to hear. Man kan også søge manuelt i FM båndet ved i FM tilstand at trykke på ”FM or FM will be deleted. Search” knappen. Hver gang selektorknappen drejes et hak til venstre eller højre, finder TU150(B) automatisk den næste station i FM båndet. The signal strength from the antenna is displayed by pushing the “Signal” knob. If the display to the left shows 7 segments, it means that the signal quality is Signalstyrken fra antennen kan aflæses ved at trykke på ”Signal” knappen. 7 good. If 6 or fewer segments are shown it means that the sound quality is tændte segmenter i frekvensdisplayet til venstre betyder en god signalstyrke. deteriorating. If signal strength is low, use a better antenna or try changing Ved 6 eller færre tændte segmenter vil lydkvaliteten gradvist forringes. antenna position. Normalt falder displayet tilbage til frekvensaflæsning efter 15 sekunder, men Normally, the display will fall back to frequency readout after 15 seconds, but ved at holde ”Signal” knappen inde i to sekunder vil signalstyrken fra by holding the “Signal” knob in for 2 seconds the signal strength readout will antennen vises konstant. Dette er eksempelvis brugbart, når DAB eller FM remain until the station is changed. This is useful e.g. when adjusting the antennen skal indstilles. antenna position. Informationsdisplay: displayet til højre kan vise forskellige informationer fra Information display: the display to the right can show a variety of text den valgte DAB eller FM station. Ikke alle FM stationer tilbyder RDS information from the chosen DAB or FM station. Please note that not all FM (informationer). Man vælger mellem de forskellige informationer ved broadcasters offer text information (RDS). Choose between the different text gentagne korte tryk på ”Display” knappen. options by repeatedly pushing the “Display” knob. FM modtagelse: 1. Stationens navn, f.eks. ”Skyradio”. FM reception: 2. Radiotekst: viser længere informationstekst fra stationen. 1. Broadcaster name, e.g. “Skyradio”. 2. Radiotext: show longer strings of information from the broadcaster. 3. PTY: show program type, e.g. “Rock”. 3. PTY: viser programtypen fra stationen. DAB modtagelse: 1. Programnavnet (service navn), f.eks. ”Klassisk”. DAB reception: 2. Stationsnavnet (ensemble navn), f.eks. ”DR DAB”. 1. Program name (service name), e.g. “Classic”. 3. Radiotekst: viser en længere informationstekst om programmet. Er 2. Broadcaster name (ensemble name), e.g. “BBC DAB”. 3. Radiotext: Shows longer strings of information from the broadcaster. 4. Bitrate, normally between 80 – 192kbit. The sound quality is very dependent of the bitrate. 80 – 128kbit is only adequate for speech programs, e.g. the news. At 192 kbit you can obtain “near CD quality”. ikke altid aktiveret. 4. Bitrate, normalt mellem 80 – 192kbit. Lydkvaliteten er meget afhængig af bitraten. 80-128kbit er kun anvendelig til taleprogrammer. Ved 192kbit kan man opnå ”næsten CD kvalitet”, afhængigt af antenne signalstyrke og musikmaterialets kompression. CONNECTIONS 2V / RCA phono and 4V / XLR (only TU150B Digit II) Digital audio output (FM + DAB): 75ohms Coax and 14MHz optical Toslink DAB/FM antenna: 50ohms/F-connector Radio tuning areas: DAB: Band III + L-Band, FM: 87.5-108MHz TECHNICAL QUALITY TECHNICAL QUALITY Sensitivity: DAB: -98dBm (EN50248), FM (S/N = 26 dB): 2uV FM THD, 22.5kHz dev./1kHz audio: <0.03% Tuning system: FM Stereo separation: GENERAL Size (W x H x D), weight: Max. power consumption: risk of electric shock. Placing Placering Place the Tuner on a hard and flat surface. To ensure long and trouble-free operation we recommend that the tuner: - is not exposed to direct sunlight. is not placed in dusty environments. digital PLL 35dB GENERAL 420mm x 95mm x 295mm, 5kg 10W THULE AUDIO reserve the right to alter design and specifications without notice. Placer tuneren på et hårdt, plant underlag. For at sikre problemfri anvendelse af tuneren bør følgende overholdes: - Udsæt ikke tuneren for direkte sollys. - Placering i meget støvede omgivelser bør undgås. Connections Tilslutninger (only TU150B DIGIT II). Surround processors are connected with optical Surround processor kan tilsluttes med optisk Toslink eller coax digital Amplifiers are connected to the tuner with RCA-phono plugs or XLR plugs Forstærker tilsluttes med phono stik eller XLR stik (kun TU150B Digit II). Toslink or Coax electrical connection. If you experience a ground loop forbindelse. Hvis der opstår en stelsløjfe (brumsløjfe), f.eks. mellem stel i recommend that an optical Toslink connection between TU150(B) and the forbindelse mellem tuneren og surround processor. Thule Audio bruger transmitters and receivers. Antenne: Medfølgende antenne kan modtage både DAB og FM signaler og (hum loop), e.g. between ground in antenna and ground in your TV set, we surround processor is used. Thule Audio uses high quality optical antennen og tilsluttet fjernsyn, anbefales det at bruge en optisk Toslink højkvalitets optiske sendere og modtagere. Antenna: The enclosed antenna is able to receive both DAB and FM signals. tilsluttes F-stikket. Men i langt de fleste tilfælde, kan der opnås forøget antenna. If the signal strength from the antenna produces 6 or less råd om mulighederne. Hvis antennesignalet er svagere end 6 tændte However, in most cases, the sound can be improved by using a larger lydkvalitet, hvis man tilslutter en bedre antenne. Kontakt din forhandler for segments for DAB and/or FM when you push the “Signal” knob, we segmenter, når ”Signal” knappen trykkes ind, bør der tilsluttes en bedre advice. Hvis en DAB station er meget svag, med kun 0-2 tændte segmenter i recommend that an improved antenna is used. Contact your dealer for antenne. If a DAB station (ensemble) is very weak, with only 0-2 segments turned on signalstyrke displayet, vil tuneren reagere meget langsomt og der kommer is heard, when services (programs) are selected on the weak station. Fix tuneren ikke modtager korrekte data. Løs dette problem ved at slette den “Display” knob for 2 seconds, when a service on the “weak station” is programmerne på den ”svage station” er valgt. in the signal strength display, the tuner will react very slowly and no sound this problem by deleting the very weak DAB station: hold down the selected. You can perform a new autotune, once an improved antenna is installed. ingen lyd fra de svage programmer på DAB stationen. Dette skyldes, at svage station: hold “Display” knappen nede i to sekunder, når en af Udfør en ny “autotune”, når der er installeret en forbedret antenne. FM kan også modtages fra kabel TV nettet, f.eks. TDC kabel TV. Her kan en FM signals can also be received from cable net. In this case you can a FM/DAB diplexer benyttes. DAB antennen tilsluttes ”DAB” indgangen og kabel connected to “FM&TV”. “IN/OUT” is connected to the tuner. tuneren. Mains Switch Netafbryder FM/DAB diplexer. The DAB antenna is connected to “DAB” and the cable is The light indicator in the display shows whether the Tuner is turned on. The Tuner is turned on by pushing “1" on the Mains switch (located on the rear panel). Standby CONNECTIONS Analog audio output (FM + DAB): Advarsel: Undlad at åbne tuneren, da dette giver risiko for elektrisk stød. Garantien bortfalder, hvis apparatet har været åbnet. Advarsel: Advarsel For at undgå brandfare eller risiko for elektrisk stød, må tuneren ikke udsættes for vand eller fugt. Caution: Do not expose the tuner to rain or moisture, as there is a - If “Autotune” is performed a second time, all previously stored stations for DAB TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Caution: Caution: Please do not open the DAB/FM tuner, as there is a risk of electric shock. All warranty will be cancelled. Normally, the Mains switch is turned on. When the Tuner is not used, the TV tilsluttes ”FM&TV” indgangen på diplexeren. ”IN/OUT” forbindes til Lysindikation i displayet fortæller, om Tuneren er slukket eller tændt. Tuneren tændes ved at trykke ”1" på netafbryderen på bagpladen. Standby Normalt vil netafbryderen altid være slået til. Men når Tuneren ikke bruges, bør den sættes i standby ved at trykke på STBY knappen. I standby er Tuner should be put in standby mode by pushing the “Standby” knob. In Tunerens audiokredsløb stadig aktive, men effektforbruget er minimeret. consumption is minimized. When the tuner is turned on with the Mains optimal lydkvalitet. Fra standby vil der kun gå få minutter. standby mode, the Tuner’s audio circuits are active, but power switch 1-2 hours will pass before sound performance is optimal. From standby mode, though, only a few minutes will pass before sound performance is optimal. From standby mode, turn the Tuner on by pushing any knob on remote control or front panel. Cleaning Use a soft, dry cloth, perhaps with a mild window cleaning solution. Never use chemicals. Fra apparatet tændes med netafbryderen, vil der gå 1-2 timer, før der opnås Fra standby kan Tuneren sættes i operations tilstand ved tryk på en hvilken som helst knap på remotekontrollen eller forpladen. Rengøring Brug en blød klud evt. med et mildt rengøringsmiddel. Thule Audio bruger ”Glassex” til rengøring af apparater. Opløsningsmidler må aldrig anvendes. standby indicator frequency or signal strength DAB / FM AUTO TUNE FM SEARCH SIGNAL DISPLAY SEARCH STEREO DAB FM information read out STBY remote sensor CHAN / FREQ DAB / FM AUTO TUNE FM SEARCH select between DAB or FM reception CHAN / FREQ DISPLAY select station or frequency push more than 1 sec.: autotune and store FM or DAB stations SIGNAL short push: show signal strength from antenna in 15 sec. 7 segments is max. long push: hold signal strength until station is changed. manuel search of FM stations DISPLAY short push: select between displayed information from DAB or FM stations. long push: delete FM station played. STBY standby CONTROL PANEL OPTIONAL REMOTE CONTROL connect to digital amplifier or surround processor, e.g. AV100/AV120/PR350B STBY DIM Standby Switch off display light SEL VOL DIGITAL AUDIO optical SEL VOL connect to analog amplifier, e.g. IA100/IA150B ANALOG AUDIO coaxial OPEN CHAN RDS PLAY STOP Channel Channel up down MODEL: 220-240 V Select text* 50-60 Hz SERIAL NO.: MADE IN DENMARK BY THULE AUDIO connect to digital amplifier or surround processor, e.g. AV100/AV120/PR350B TIME A /B DAB / FM Tuner R + 10 MEM THULE AUDIO SPIRIT TU150 L ANTENNA DAB / FM BASS TREBLE CHAN CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN 120 or 230V power connector connect to balanced amplifier, e.g. IA60B SE, IA150B, PR350B pure audio REPEAT DIGITAL AUDIO optical ANTENNA DAB / FM coaxial CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN ANALOG AUDIO R L L THULE AUDIO DAB / FM Tuner MODEL: SPIRIT TU150B 220-240 V DIGIT II 50-60 Hz R SERIAL NO.: MADE IN DENMARK BY THULE AUDIO analog output with 192 kHz asynchronous upsampling *Select text/RDS: short push: select between displayed information from DAB or FM stations. long push: select between DAB or FM reception. = CD player or amplifier function 120 or 230V power connector REAR PANEL Tillæg til manualen for DAB tunerne: TU150 og TU150B DIGIT II Antenner til FM og DAB. Den medfølgende antenne er beregnet til DAB modtagelse, idet antennens ”vingefang” er 75cm. En FM antenne har et ”vingefang” på 150cm. Se også tegning på bagsiden. Det er kun muligt at opnå svage FM signaler fra medfølgende antenne. Der bør installeres en separat FM antenne fra f.eks. kabel TV nettet eller en FM antenne placeret højt (f.eks. på hustaget). Brug en diplexer (se billedet til højre) til at kombinere DAB og FM antenner: Forbind IN/OUT til tuneren, ”DAB” indgangen forbindes til DAB antennen og ”FM&TV” indgangen forbindes til FM antennen. Hvis man bruger samme antenne til FM og DAB skal diplexeren ikke bruges, men derimod bør antennen kobles direkte på indgangen på tuneren. Hvordan placeres antennen: DAB antennens ”ender” skal placeres lodret i forhold til hinanden, medens en FM antennes skal placeres vandret. Se også tegning på bagsiden Antennas for FM and DAB. The enclosed antenna is prepared for DAB reception, because the antennas “wingspan” is 75 cm. An FM antenna has a wingspan of 150cm. Please also see illustration on the back side. It is only possible to receive a weak FM signal with the enclosed antenna. There should be installed a separate FM antenne, i.e. from cable TV, a local antenna association, or an FM antenna placed high above the ground (i.e. the roof of a building). Use a diplexer (picture to the right) to combine DAB and FM antennas: Connect IN/OUT to the Tuner, ”DAB” input on the diplexer is connected to the DAB antenna and the ”FM&TV” input is connected to the FM antenna. If you use the same antenna for FM and DAB, do not connect it via the diplexer, but directly to the input on the tuner. How to place the a antenna: ntenna: A DAB antennas “ends” must be placed vertically in relation to each other, whilst an FM antennas must be placed horisontically. Please also see illustration on the backside. 150 cm FM-antenna DAB-antenna 75 cm always place vertical Antennas for THULE AUDIO DAB-tuners FM-antenna wingspan = 150 cm DAB-antenna wingspan = 75 cm
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