Muttom Bazar, Cherthala, Alleppey Dist. Pin - 688524.
Phone : (0478) 2815039. email :
Pursuant to the notice issued U/S 13(2) of the above Act issued to the
borrower/ co-obligants 1) M/s Koncherry Weavers (p) Ltd., Mayithara
P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 2) Mr. Shaji K.S, Koncherry Bhavan,
Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 3) Mrs.Selvarani Shaji,
Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District,
4) Mr.Vivek Koncherry, Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala,
Alappuzha District, 5) Mrs.Veena K.S, Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara
P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 6) Mr.Kunjanandhan alias
Thankappan, Mayithara Krishna, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha
District, pertaining to various loan limits availed by them from our Br.
Cherthala, in Alappuzha District, Kerala State, the possession of the
below mentioned property was taken on behalf of the Federal Bank Ltd. by
the undersigned being the Authorised Officer of Bank.
Whereas Bank has decided to sell the property described herein below on "AS
IS WHERE IS BASIS" under Rules 8 & 9 of the said Rules, for realizing the
dues of Rs.76,39,75,409/- ( Rupees Seventy Six Crores Thirty Nine Lacs
Seventy Five Thousand Four Hundred and Nine only) as on 02/12/2014
(date of sale ) with further interest and costs till realization and thus the
undersigned hereby invites from general public the sealed tenders for
purchasing the property
Lot No.1 (Immovable property)
All that part and parcel of property consisting of an extend of 0.15 acres in
GS146/3, 5.94 acres in GS147, 7.42 acres in GS148 totaling 13.51 acres
(Documented in Sale Deed 24/05 dated 07-01-2005 of Madukkarai SRO)
along with all improvements thereon and situated in Sreepalayam village ,
Comibatore South Thaluk,Coimbatore Dt,Thamil Nadu, bounded by North
by Tar Road, South by SF147(Private Property), East by SF151 (Private
Property) and West by SF145 (Private Property)
RESERVE PRICE : Rs.1000 Lacs (Rupees One Thousand Lacs only)
EMD : Rs.100.00 Lac (Rupees One Hundred Lacs only)
Lot No.2 (Movable property)
Machinery as per attached schedule kept at Building in SF No.146/3,147,148
of Sreepalayam village
RESERVE PRICE : Rs.375 Lacs (Rupees Three Hundred Seventy Five
Lacs only)
EMD : Rs.37.50 Lac (Rupees Thirty Seven Lacs and Fifty Thousand only)
Inventory of Movables
Inventory of movable properties listed at the premises of M/s. Koncherry
Weavers Pvt. Ltd. at Sreepalayam, Coimbatore u/s. 13(4) of the
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement
of Security Interest Act, 2002, made on 26.11.09.
Items (in nos.) kept at Latex Backing Unit (: Drums-4, table (old, new,
large,wood, computer ) - 12, small almirah -1, latex mixing unit with 3 drums
and power set up - 1, latex backing unit 3 pieces 10 valves., spindle 8 (not
usable)- 1, rolls of rug (not usable - 68), weighing balance - 1, light bulbs 11, fire extinguisher - 8, boiler unit with motor -1, cutting machine - 1,
pedestal fan-1, 5 plate rack -2, monitor -4, CPU -4, Key board - 5, fire extinguisher - 2, Xerox machine - 1, printer -1, almirah (wood and steel)- 2, chair
(arm and plate)-6, teapoy - 1, basket -5, borewell compressor (outside)-1,
drilling machine (not in use) -1, old chair -1, compressor-2, stitching
machine - 2. Items in Guest House 1 (security room)- old table-1, wood
and plywood cot-2, iron cot-1, kitchen table (steel)- 1. Items in Guest
House 11 (Guest rooms) : plastic water tank-1, family coat with bed-1,almirah
big size -1, air conditioner unit-1, fan-6, light shade-2, old coat-1, bed - 1,
pillows- 2, phone stand- 2,settee- 1, diwan -1, TV -1, TV bureau -1, stool-1,
light point-3, table fan -1,pillows-5, cane teapoy -1, cane chair- 6, fire extinguisher -1, fridge -1, kitchen stand-1, dining table-1, chairs-6, air conditioner
-1, light -2. Items in factory main building : Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving
Machine 2M with spindle unit bobbins -3, Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving
Machine 3M with spindle unit bobbins -15, Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving
Machine 4.75 M with spindle unit bobbins-4, red semi finished bundles128, finished goods red big bundles-180, finished goods black big bundles
- 55, finished goods black small bundles -62, chair-6, table (wood/ plywood,
computer, small etc.) -9, generator set -1, gas cylinder- 1, roof light fittings47, light fittings- 24, weighing machine-3, plastic crates-6, Godrej Goods
Mover -1, Spindle -33, Trolley-2, raw material bundles- 95, Hero -honda
splendor Bike -1, double ladder aluminium -1, general machine -1, fire
extinguisher -28, water stand-1, tool kit-4, water storing vessel - 1, motor-1,
steel almirah (big and small) -4, steel rack 7 panel - 1.
Terms & Conditions :
a. The reserve price below which the property will not be sold is
Rs.1000.00 Lacs (Lot No.-1) & Rs.375 lacs for (Lot No.-2). Separate bids
shall be submitted for Lot No. 1 and 2 properties respectively. b. No bids
below the Reserve Price shall be entertained. The minimum Increase in the
bid is Rs.1.00 L c. The auction of the property will be conducted online
through Website The auction will take place
through website on 02/12/2014 from 2 P.M to 4 P.M with unlimited extensions of 10 Minutes each. d. The bidders have option to bid both the LOT
Nos properties or either of the LOT Nos by submitting respective EMD
amount for the respective LOT Nos. e. The intending purchaser / bidder is
required to first submit Valid proof of Identity and amount of EMD by way
of Demand draft in favour of, The Authorised Officer, The Federal Bank Ltd,
Br. Cherthala, Alappuzha District, Kerala -688524 drawn on ALAPUZHA or
credit to Federal Bank Cherthala Account No10950051030002.( IFSC
FDRL0001095) through RTGS/ NEFT by 2.PM. on or before 01/12/2014.
The bidders who have deposited EMD shall register their name at and get USER ID and password free of cost and
get training on E auction from M/s. Matexnet Pvt Ltd, 4 & 5, First Cross,
K.R.Colony Domlur Layout, Bangalore - 560071. Phone: 080-42440600620.M/s. MatexnetPvt Ltd, Kochi, Contact No. 0484 3241300, 4015150 Mr Seshadri, Mob - 9447379770, Email Id -
f. The said EMD shall be adjusted in the case of highest bid, otherwise
refunded within 3 working days of finalization of sale. The EMD will not carry
any interest. Brokers/ Middlemen shall not be entertained. g. The sale shall
be confirmed in favour of the purchaser who has offered the highest sale
price in his bid to the Authorized officer and shall be subject to confirmation
by the Bank. h. The purchaser shall deposit 25% of the amount of sale price
after adjusting the EMD immediately on acceptance of highest bid by the
Authorized officer in respect of the sale., failing which EMD shall be forfeited.
i. The balance 75% sale consideration shall be deposited within 15 days
from the date of confirmation of bid, failing which the entire deposit made
by him shall be forfeited without any notice and the property concerned
will be re-sold. j. The successful bidder shall bear the entire charges / fees
payable for conveyance such as stamp duty, Registration fee etc. as
applicable as per Law. k. No encumbrance in respect of the property has
come to the knowledge and information of the Bank. The Bank will not
be held responsible for any charge, lien and encumbrance, property tax or
any other dues etc. to the Govt. or anybody in respect of the property under
sale. The society charges and the other encumbrances, if any should be cleared
by the purchaser of the property. l. The Authorized Officer has the absolute
right to accept or reject the bid/ or adjourn / postpone the sale without
assigning any reason. The decision of the Authorized Officer/Bank shall
be final. m. The intending purchasers can inspect the properties between
3 PM and 5 PM on 11th November 2014. The intending purchasers who
wish to inspect the property and / or know further details / conditions may
contact the Authorised Officer at his above address. n. The buyer should
satisfy himself/herself/itself as to the title, ownership, statutory approvals,
extend etc of the property, before participation in the auction.
Date : 27-10-2014
Place : Cherthala
42 x 8 cms.
‘Indian Express’
Coimbatore + Tirupur Edition
31-10-2014 (Friday)
â bgluš ng§¡ È£
K£l« g#h®, nr®jyh, My¥òiH kht£l«,
ã‹nfhL : 688524. ngh‹ : (0478)2815039
ï-bkÆš :
ï-Vy ɉgid m¿É¥ò
r®ghÌ r£l« 2002 (ïÅ ‘r£l«’ v‹wiH¡f¥gL«) mj‹
cl‹ (ãiza t£o mkyh¡f«) ÉâfŸ 2002 (ïÅ
‘ÉâfŸ’ v‹wiH¡f¥gL«) go ɉgid m¿É¥ò
1) M/s. bfhŠnrÇ åt®Þ (ã) È£., kÆjhuh mŠrš, nr®jyh,
My¥òiH kht£l«; 2) âU. õhÍ K.S.bfhŠnrÇ gt‹, kÆjhuh
mŠrš, nr®jyh, My¥òiH kht£l«; 3) âUkâ. brštuh õhÍ,
bfhŠnrÇ gt‹, kÆjhuh mŠrš, nr®jyh, My¥òiH kht£l«; 4) âU.
Ént¡ bfhŠnrÇ, bfhŠnrÇ gt‹, kÆjhuh mŠrš, nr®jyh, My¥òiH
kht£l«; 5) âUkâ. åzh K.S., bfhŠnrÇ gt‹, kÆjhuh mŠrš,
nr®jyh, My¥òiH kht£l«; 6) âU. FŠrhdªj‹ (v) j§f¥g‹,
kÆjhuh »UZzh, kÆjhuh mŠrš, nr®jyh, My¥òiH kht£l« M»nah®
vkJ nfush khÃy«, My¥òiH kht£l«, nr®jyh »isÆÈUªJ bg‰WŸs
gšntW fl‹fS¡fhf, ~bgluš t§»Æ‹ m§Ñfhu« bg‰w mYtyuhš
nk‰fh© r£l¥goãÇî 13(2)‹ Ñœ 05.01.2013 m‹W jdJ fldhËfŸ/
rh® fldhËfS¡fhf m¿É¡if Ñœ¡f©lt®fS¡F tH§f¥g£lJ.
nk‰go flD¡F mlkhdkhf it¡f¥g£lJ« ÑnH ÉtÇ¡f¥g£lJkhd
brh¤J¡fis bgluš t§»¡fhd m§ÑfÇ¡f¥g£l mYty®
ifaf¥gL¤â cŸsh®.
ÑnH ifbah¥gÄ£LŸs mYty® ÉtÇ¡f¥g£LŸs brh¤J¡fis ‘v§F
v›thW cŸsnjh, m§F m›thnw’ v‹w mo¥gilÆš nk‰go r®ghÌ
ÉâfŸ 8 k‰W« 9‹go ɉgid brŒa bghJk¡fS¡F m¿É¡»wh®.
Vy¤ njâahd 02.12.2014 m‹W ÃYit V‰gL« %.76,39,75,409/- (%ghŒ
vGg¤J MW nfhona K¥g¤J x‹gJ y£r¤J vGg¤J IªjhÆu¤J
eh}‰W x‹gJ k£L«) ÃYit¤ bjhif tNyhF« ehŸ tiuí« t£o,
ãwbryîfŸ nr®¤J MF« bjhif¡F njit¥gL« eg®fŸ _o
K¤âiuÆ£l Vy¥òŸËfis mD¥g¡ nf£L nfhÇ¡if ÉL¤JŸsh®.
mirahbrh¤J Égu«
yh£ v©.1 (mirah brh¤J) jÄœehL, nfhaK¤ö® kht£l«,
nfhaK¤ö® bj‰F jhÿfh, Óughisa« »uhk¤âš, ÍvÞ v©.146/3 š
0.15 V¡f®, ÍvÞ v©.147 š 5.94 V¡f®, ÍvÞ v©.148 š 7.42 V¡f® vd
bkh¤j« 13.51 V¡f® (kJ¡fiu rh® gâths® mYtyf¤âš
Mtzkh¡f¥g£l, 07.01.2005 njâa ɉgid¥ g¤âu v©.24/05)
m§FŸs mid¤J mãÉU¤âfŸ r»j«. všiyfŸ : tl¡F - jh® nuhL,
bj‰F - r®nt 147 (jÅah® brh¤J), »H¡F - r®nt 151 (jÅah® brh¤J),
nk‰F - r®nt 145 (jÅah® brh¤J).
îzÆ¡f¥g£l Éiy : %.1000.00 y£r« (%ghŒ xuhÆu«
y£r« k£L«).
K‹it¥ò¤ bjhif : %.100.00 y£r« (%ghŒ üW y£r« k£L«)
yh£ v©.2 (mirí« brh¤J) Óughisa« »uhk«, r®nt v©.146/3,
147, 148 š f£ol¤âYŸs ïiz¥ò m£ltizÆ‹goahd ïaªâu§fŸ.
îzÆ¡f¥g£l Éiy : %.375 y£r« (%ghŒ K‹}‰W vGg¤J
IªJ y£r« k£L«).
K‹it¥ò¤ bjhif : %.37.50 y£r« (%ghŒ K¥g¤J VG
y£r¤J I«gjhÆu« k£L«)
mirí« brh¤J¡fŸ
brh¤J¡fŸ ghJfh¥ò, òduik¥ò k‰W« ãiza¥ ghJfh¥ò mkyh¡f¢
r£l« 2002 Ñœ, 26.11.2009 njâÆ£l mirí« brh¤J¡fŸ nfhaK¤ö®,
Óughisa«, M/s.bfhŠnrÇ åt®Þ ãiunt£ È£-o‹ tshf¤âš
Items (in nos.) kept at Latex Backing Unit (: Drums-4, table (old, new,
large,wood, computer ) - 12, small almirah -1, latex mixing unit with 3 drums
and power set up - 1, latex backing unit 3 pieces 10 valves., spindle 8 (not
usable)- 1, rolls of rug (not usable - 68), weighing balance - 1, light bulbs 11, fire extinguisher - 8, boiler unit with motor -1, cutting machine - 1,
pedestal fan-1, 5 plate rack -2, monitor -4, CPU -4, Key board - 5, fire extinguisher - 2, Xerox machine - 1, printer -1, almirah (wood and steel)- 2, chair
(arm and plate)-6, teapoy - 1, basket -5, borewell compressor (outside)-1,
drilling machine (not in use) -1, old chair -1, compressor-2, stitching
machine - 2. Items in Guest House 1 (security room)- old table-1, wood
and plywood cot-2, iron cot-1, kitchen table (steel)- 1. Items in Guest
House 11 (Guest rooms) : plastic water tank-1, family coat with bed-1,almirah
big size -1, air conditioner unit-1, fan-6, light shade-2, old coat-1, bed - 1,
pillows- 2, phone stand- 2,settee- 1, diwan -1, TV -1, TV bureau -1, stool-1,
light point-3, table fan -1,pillows-5, cane teapoy -1, cane chair- 6, fire extinguisher -1, fridge -1, kitchen stand-1, dining table-1, chairs-6, air conditioner
-1, light -2. Items in factory main building : Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving
Machine 2M with spindle unit bobbins -3, Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving
Machine 3M with spindle unit bobbins -15, Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving
Machine 4.75 M with spindle unit bobbins-4, red semi finished bundles128, finished goods red big bundles-180, finished goods black big bundles
- 55, finished goods black small bundles -62, chair-6, table (wood/ plywood,
computer, small etc.) -9, generator set -1, gas cylinder- 1, roof light fittings47, light fittings- 24, weighing machine-3, plastic crates-6, Godrej Goods
Mover -1, Spindle -33, Trolley-2, raw material bundles- 95, Hero -honda
splendor Bike -1, double ladder aluminium -1, general machine -1, fire
extinguisher -28, water stand-1, tool kit-4, water storing vessel - 1, motor-1,
steel almirah (big and small) -4, steel rack 7 panel - 1.
Vy ÃgªjidfŸ :
1. brh¤J îzÆ¡f¥gL« Éiyahd %.1000.00 y£r§fS¡F (yh£ 1¡F)
k‰W« %.375 y£r§fS¡F (yh£ 2 ¡F) Ñœ ɉf¥glhJ. yh£ 1 k‰W« yh£
2 brh¤J¡fS¡F jŤjÅna Éiy¥òŸË rk®¥ã¡f nt©L«.
2. îzÆ¡f¥g£l Éiy¡F¡ ÑHhd Éiy F¿¥ãl¥g£LŸs
Éiy¥òŸËfŸ ÃuhfÇ¡f¥gL«. Éiy¥òŸËÆ‹ Fiwªjg£r Vy ca®î
ca®¤J« bjhif %.1.00 y£r« MF«. 3. nk‰go brh¤â‹ VykhdJ
‘M‹iyÅš’ ïizajs« _ykhf eilbgW«.
VykhdJ mtut® ïl¤âÈUªjgo 02.12.2014 kâa« 2.00 kÂÆÈUªJ
khiy 4.00 k¡FŸshf, x›bth‹W« 10 ÃÄl jila‰w Ú£o¥òfSl‹,
ïizajs« _ykhf eilbgW«. 4. Vyjhu®fŸ r«gªj¥g£l
yh£LfS¡fhd K‹it¥ò¤ bjhifÆid brY¤â, ïu©L
yh£LfS¡F« nr®¤J Vy« nfhunth mšyJ VnjD« yh£ v©. brh¤â‰F
Vy« nfhunth brŒayh«. 5. brh¤âid th§f ÉU«ògt®fŸ/Vyjhu®
KjÈš j§fsJ bršy¤j¡fjhd milahs¢ rh‹¿idí« k‰W«
K‹it¥ò¤ bjhif¡fhd nf£ò tiunthiyiaí« rk®¥ã¡f nt©L«.
nf£ò tiunthiyahdJ ‘mâfhu« bg‰w mâfhÇ, â bgluš ng§¡ È£.,
nr®jyh »is, My¥òiH kht£l«, nfush - 688 524’ v‹»w bgaÇš
vL¡f¥g£L, My¥òiHÆš brY¤J« Éjkhf ïU¡f nt©L«. mšyJ
RTGS/NEFT _ykhf bgluš ng§¡, nr®jyh fz¡F v©. 10950051030002
(IFSC FDRL0001095) ¡F 01.12.2014 m‹W kâa« 2.00 k mšyJ mj‰F
K‹djhf brY¤âÉl nt©L«. K‹it¥ò¤ bjhif brY¤âa
Vyjhu®fŸ š j§fsJ bgaiu¥ gâî brŒJ
bfh©L, ôr® Io k‰W« flî¢ brhšÈid (ghÞnt®L) ïytrkhf¥
bg‰W¡ bfh©L, mt®fS¡fhd ï-Vy¤â‰fhd gƉáia M/s. nkbl¡Þ
be£ ãiunt£ È£., v©.4 & 5, Kjš »uhÞ, K.R.fhyÅ blh«y® nymî£,
bg§fq® - 560071, ngh‹ : 080-42440600-620, M/s. nkbl¡Þbe£
ãiunt£ È£., bfh¢á, bjhl®ò v©.0484 3241300, 4015150 - âU.
nrõh¤Ç, bkhigš : 9447379770, ï-bkÆš :
mt®fËlÄUªJ bg‰W¡ bfhŸsyh«. 6. mâfg£r bjhifahf Vy¡
nf£ò V‰f¥gL« g£r¤âš mtuJ K‹it¥ò¤ bjhif mâš rÇ brŒJ
bfhŸs¥gL«. ïšiybaÅš Vy« Kothd _‹W ntiy âd§fS¡FŸ
m¤bjhif âU¥ãaË¡f¥gL«. Mdhš mj‰F t£o vJî« mË¡f¥gl
kh£lhJ. ònuh¡f®fŸ/ïil¤juf®fŸ C¡FÉ¡f¥gl kh£lh®fŸ.
7. mâfg£r bjhif¡F Vy« nf£ltÇ‹ bgaU¡F mâfhu« bg‰w
mâfhÇahš Vy« KothdãwF, t§»ahš cWâ brŒa¥gL«. 8. bt‰¿
bg‰w Vyjhu® (Vy¤ bjhifÆš) ÉiyÆš 25 rj¤ij Fiwªjg£r it¥ò¤
bjhifíl‹ nr®¤J clnd brY¤jî«. jt¿dhš mtuJ K‹it¥ò¤
bjhif ïH¡f¥g£ljhF«. 9. ÛjKŸs 75 rj bjhifia Vy ehËÈUªJ
15 eh£fS¡FŸS« brY¤j nt©L«. jt¿dhš it¥ò¤ bjhif
KGtJ« v›Éj K‹d¿É¥òÄ‹¿ g¿Kjš brŒa¥gLtnjhL,
brh¤J¡fŸ kW Vy¤â‰F c£gL¤j¥gL«. 10. bt‰¿ bg‰w Vyjhunu
ïju bryîfŸ, mjhtJ K¤âiu¤jhŸ f£lz«, gâî¡ f£lz«
ngh‹wt‰iw KGtJ« nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«. 11. t§» m¿ªjtiu
nk‰go brh¤âš Éšy§f« VJ« ïšiy. ntW Éšy§f«, r£l¢ á¡fš,
brh¤JtÇ ÃYit ï‹dãwt‰¿‰F t§»nah, t§» rh®ªjt®fnsh
bghW¥gšy. ntW Éšy§f§fŸ, ÃYitíl‹ VnjDÄUªjhš brh¤ij¡
if¡bfhŸsgtnu bryî brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«. 12. t§»Æ‹ mâfhu«
bg‰w mâfhÇ vªj xU Éiy¥òŸËiaí«, Vy¤âidí«, c¢rg£r
nf£ãidí« Tl v›Éj¡ fhuzK« fh£lhJ ÃuhfÇ¡fnth, ntW njâ
îzÆ¡fnth cÇikíŸstuhth®. m§ÑfÇ¡f¥g£l mYty®/t§»Æ‹
Kont ïWâahdJ. 13. brh¤ij¥gh®itÆl ÉU«ònth® 11.11.2014
m‹W khiy 3 k Kjš 5 k tiu gh®itÆlyh«. nkY« Égu§fŸ
bjǪJ bfhŸs ÉU«ònth® k‰W« brh¤ij¥ gh®itÆl ÉU«ònth®
mâfhu« bg‰w mâfhÇia nk‰F¿¥ã£l KftÇÆš mQfyh«.
14. brh¤ij th§f ÉU«ònth® brh¤â‹ g¤âu§fŸ, Mtz§fŸ,
m§Ñfhu§fŸ, brh¤â‹ ÉÞÔuz« M»at‰iw¡ F¿¤J j§fŸ óuz
âU¥â¡F¥ ã‹dnu Vy¤âš fyªJ bfhŸSkhW nf£L¡
Kj‹ik nkyhs®
njâ : 27-10-2014
ïl« : nr®jyh
(mâfhu« bg‰w mâfhÇ)
â bgluš ng§¡ È£.
42x8 cms.
Coimbatore + Tirupur Edition
31-10-2014 (Friday)
Br. Cherthala
E –Auction Sale Notice
SALE NOTICE UNDER SARFAESI ACT, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as Act) r/w SECURITY
INTEREST (ENFORCEMENT) RULES, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as Rules).
Pursuant to the notice issued U/S 13(2) of the above Act issued to the borrower/ co-obligants 1)
M/s Koncherry Weavers (p) Ltd., Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 2) Mr. Shaji
K.S, Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 3) Mrs.Selvarani
Shaji, Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 4) Mr.Vivek
Koncherry, Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 5) Mrs.Veena
K.S, Koncherry Bhavan, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, 6) Mr.Kunjanandhan
alias Thankappan, Mayithara Krishna, Mayithara P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha District, pertaining to various loan limits availed by them from our Br.Cherthala, in Alappuzha District,
Kerala State, the possession of the below mentioned property was taken on behalf of the Federal
Bank Ltd. by the undersigned being the Authorised Officer of Bank.
Whereas Bank has decided to sell the property described herein below on “AS IS WHERE IS
BASIS” under Rules 8 & 9 of the said Rules, for realizing the dues of Rs.76,39,75,409/- ( Rupees
Seventy Six Crores Thirty Nine Lacs Seventy Five Thousand Four Hundred and Nine Only)
as on 02/12/2014 (date of sale ) with further interest and costs till realization and thus the
undersigned hereby invites from general public the sealed tenders for purchasing the property
Lot No. 1 (Immovable property)
Description of property
All that part and parcel of property consisting of an extend of 0.15 acres in GS146/3, 5.94 acres in GS147,
7.42 acres in GS148 totaling 13.51 acres ( Documented in Sale Deed 24/05 dated 07-01-2005 of Madukkarai SRO) along with all improvements thereon
and situated in Sreepalayam village , Coimbatore
South Thaluk,Coimbatore Dt,Thamil Nadu, bounded by
North by Tar Road, South by SF147(Private Property),
East by SF151(Private Property) and West by SF145
(Private Property)
Lot No. 2 (Movable property)
Description of property
Machinery as per attached schedule kept at Building in
SF No.146/3,147,148 of Sreepalayam village
Reserve price
Rs.1000 Lacs
Reserve price
Rs.375 Lacs
Terms and Conditions
a. The reserve price below which the property will not be sold is Rs1000 Lacs (Lot No.-1) &
Rs.375 lacs for (Lot No.-2). Separate bids shall be submitted for Lot No. 1 and 2
properties respectively.
b. No bids below the Reserve Price shall be entertained. The minimum Increase in the bid is
Muttom Bazar, Cherthala Alleppey Dist
Pin - 688524.Phone: (0478)2815039
c. The auction of the property will be conducted online through Website The auction will take place through website on 02/12/2014 from
2 P.M to 4 P.M with unlimited extensions of 10 Minutes each.
d. The bidders have option to bid both the LOT Nos properties or either of the LOT Nos by
submitting respective EMD amount for the respective LOT Nos.
e. The intending purchaser / bidder is required to first submit Valid proof of Identity and
amount of EMD by way of Demand draft in favour of, The Authorised Officer, The Federal
Bank Ltd, Br. Cherthala, Alappuzha District, Kerala -688524 drawn on ALAPUZHA or
credit to Federal Bank Cherthala Account No10950051030002.( IFSC FDRL0001095)
through RTGS/ NEFT by 2.PM. on or before 01/12/2014. The bidders who have deposited
EMD shall register their name at and get USER ID and
password free of cost and get training on E auction from M/s. Matexnet Pvt Ltd, 4 & 5,
First Cross, K.R.Colony Domlur Layout, Bangalore – 560071. Phone: 080-42440600620.M/s. MatexnetPvt Ltd, Kochi, Contact No. 0484 3241300, 4015150 - Mr Seshadri,
Mob – 9447379770, Email Id –
f. The said EMD shall be adjusted in the case of highest bid, otherwise refunded within 3
working days of finalization of sale. The EMD will not carry any interest. Brokers/
Middlemen shall not be entertained.
g. The sale shall be confirmed in favour of the purchaser who has offered the highest sale
price in his bid to the Authorized officer and shall be subject to confirmation by the Bank.
h. The purchaser shall deposit 25% of the amount of sale price after adjusting the EMD
immediately on acceptance of highest bid by the Authorized officer in respect of the sale.,
failing which EMD shall be forfeited.
i. The balance 75% sale consideration shall be deposited within 15 days from the date of
confirmation of bid, failing which the entire deposit made by him shall be forfeited without
any notice and the property concerned will be re-sold.
j. The successful bidder shall bear the entire charges / fees payable for conveyance such
as stamp duty, Registration fee etc. as applicable as per Law.
k. No encumbrance in respect of the property has come to the knowledge and information
of the Bank. The Bank will not be held responsible for any charge, lien and encumbrance,
property tax or any other dues etc. to the Govt. or anybody in respect of the property under
sale. The society charges and the other encumbrances, if any should be cleared by the
purchaser of the property..
l. The Authorized Officer has the absolute right to accept or reject the bid/ or adjourn /
postpone the sale without assigning any reason. The decision of the Authorized
Officer/Bank shall be final.
m. The intending purchasers can inspect the properties between 3 PM and 5 PM on 11th
November 2014. The intending purchasers who wish to inspect the property and / or know
further details / conditions may contact the Authorised Officer at his above address.
n. The buyer should satisfy himself/herself/itself as to the title, ownership, statutory
approvals, extend etc of the property, before participation in the auction.
Dated This 30th Day of October 2014
Varghese John
Chief Manager
Authorized Officer
Muttom Bazar, Cherthala Alleppey Dist
Pin - 688524.Phone: (0478)2815039
Br. Cherthala
Inventory of Movables
Inventory of movable properties listed at the premises of M/s. Koncherry Weavers Pvt. Ltd. at Sreepalayam,
Coimbatore u/s. 13(4) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security
Interest Act, 2002, made on 26.11.09.
Items (in nos.) kept at Latex Backing Unit (: Drums-4, table (old, new, large,wood, computer ) - 12, small almirah 1, latex mixing unit with 3 drums and power set up – 1, latex backing unit 3 pieces 10 valves., spindle 8 (not
usable)- 1, rolls of rug (not usable – 68), weighing balance – 1, light bulbs – 11, fire extinguisher – 8, boiler unit with
motor -1, cutting machine – 1, pedestal fan-1, 5 plate rack -2, monitor -4, CPU -4, Key board – 5, fire extinguisher –
2, Xerox machine – 1, printer -1, almirah (wood and steel)- 2, chair (arm and plate)-6, teapoy – 1, basket -5,
borewell compressor (outside)-1, drilling machine (not in use) -1, old chair -1, compressor-2, stitching machine – 2.
Items in Guest House 1 (security room)- old table-1, wood and plywood cot-2, iron cot-1, kitchen table (steel)- 1.
Items in Guest House 11 (Guest rooms) : plastic water tank-1, family coat with bed-1,almirah big size -1, air
conditioner unit-1, fan-6, light shade-2, old coat-1, bed – 1, pillows- 2, phone stand- 2,settee- 1, diwan -1, TV -1, TV
bureau -1, stool-1, light point-3, table fan -1,pillows-5, cane teapoy -1, cane chair- 6, fire extinguisher -1, fridge -1,
kitchen stand-1, dining table-1, chairs-6, air conditioner -1, light -2.
Items in factory main building: Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving Machine 2M with spindle unit bobbins -3, Textima
Chez Jacuard Weaving Machine 3M with spindle unit bobbins -15, Textima Chez Jacuard Weaving Machine 4.75 M
with spindle unit bobbins-4, red semi finished bundles- 128, finished goods red big bundles-180, finished goods
black big bundles – 55, finished goods black small bundles -62, chair-6, table (wood/ plywood, computer, small
etc.) -9, generator set -1, gas cylinder- 1, roof light fittings- 47, light fittings- 24, weighing machine-3, plastic crates6, Godrej Goods Mover -1, Spindle -33, Trolley-2, raw material bundles- 95, Hero -honda splendor Bike -1, double
ladder aluminium -1, general machine -1, , fire extinguisher -28, water stand-1, tool kit-4, water storing vessel – 1,
motor-1, steel almirah (big and small) -4, steel rack 7 panel – 1.
Muttom Bazar, Cherthala Alleppey Dist
Pin - 688524.Phone: (0478)2815039