INFO - The Trauma Center

Metrowest Behavioral Health Center
A Division of Justice Resource Institute
An Evening with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Metrowest Behavioral Health Center (MBHC)
380 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton, MA
978.264.3500 ~
Tuesday, December 15
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
~Wine & Cheese Reception~
~Tour our facility ~ Networking ~
~ Book signing/sale ~
Please join us for a free presentation and book reading/signing by
Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., founder and Medical Director of the
Trauma Center at JRI, sister clinic of MBHC. An internationally
renowned leader in the field of psychological trauma, Dr. van der
Kolk’s presentation will include a reading from his book, The Body
Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Treatment of Trauma.
RSVP required: Please email Susan Lerner at by December 8 to
guarantee your spot. Include names of all attendees and agency affiliation.
Metrowest Behavioral Health Center provides innovative therapy to children,
adolescents and adults. Our specialized programs include Trauma Center
Metrowest, Teen Wellness, and Parenting Pathways/Parent Consultation.