Kia U Ki Te Pai Award

Phone 07 889 6629
Kia U Ki Te Pai Award
Kia U Ki Te Pai “Whatever You Do Let It Be Your Best”.
This is our motto at Morrinsville Intermediate School and this simple statement calls us
all, every day, to set goals, to work hard, to strive to achieve our very best and,
ultimately, to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.
This motto does not stand alone but is underpinned and supported by our school
values. Rangatiratanga; doing our best for ourselves, Manaakitanga; doing our best for
others, Whakawhanungatanga; doing our best for the community and Kaitiakitanga;
doing our best for our environment.
John Mellar
Over the year students and staff have been immersed in the culture of “Kia U Ki Te
Pai”. They have been given opportunities to explore what this means for them and our school, to understand
what effect this can have on their learning and achievement, and to discover how they can begin to really make
a difference.
The “Kia U Ki Te Pai” award is given to a student who epitomises this idea. Someone who consistently works hard
and strives to do his or her best in every situation, and by doing so, becomes a leader and role model for others.
At the end of last term the first ever “Kia U Ki Te Pai “award was given to John Mellar.
John has been an exemplary student all year. He is someone who consistently upholds the values of the school in
whatever he does, whether it is in the classroom, on the sports field, or performing on stage with the rock band.
John strives to do his best. He has won numerous awards this year and has been recognised by both students and
staff as someone who holds the highest personal standards; is always willing to support and encourage others;
who works hard to achieve his goals and is someone who makes a difference, not only to his own life, but to the
lives of those around him.
Congratulations John, you are an example of all that “Kia U Ki Te Pai “ stands for. We are very proud of all that
you have achieved and your winning of this award is so very well deserved.
Charles Hume
Deputy Principal
Thank you to everyone who supported our Craft and
Livestock Days last week, both days were a big success
and students enjoyed the opportunity to showcase
their animals. See Facebook for more photos.
Isaac Wilton and Cameron Parker on Livestock Day
with their Champion animals.
Well done to the students who went on to Group Day,
results will be in the next newsletter following our
assembly this Friday, where students will be presented
with their awards. Parents are very welcome to join us
at 9.40am in our school hall.
Morrinsville Intermediate School on Sunday 16th November from 11.00am to 3.00pm
Don’t miss out on a great day of fun - food hall, student performances, entertainment for all ages!
Pre-loved clothes, household items etc wanted (drop into the school office or phone for pick-ups).
All students will bring home a flyer next week with more gala this space!
At the end of last term Mya Dowding, Tamzyn Wallace-Ovesen, Brooke
Reid, Lucy Morris, Tegan Broomfield, Danielle Mellow, Lily Hutchings,
Jessica Pavlovich and Vici-Rose Green travelled to Tokyo, Japan, with
Mr Leith and 52 other students from around the Waikato. Once we
arrived we bussed to Makuhari Junior High to meet our host families. One
of the most memorable moments was experiencing a traditional tea
ceremony, the green tea was very bitter and only Lucy and Mr Leith could
finish it. Other highlights were being hosted by Japanese families and
spending time at Makuhari Junior High and the International School, going
to Disney Land, Disney Sea, travelling on the subway and visiting huge
shopping malls and the museum.
A massive thanks to Mr Leith because, without you, we wouldn't have had
such an amazing experience and fun time. This trip has created life-long
memories for all of us and we made new friends from around the Waikato
and Japan! Report by Jessica and Vici-Rose.
Lakewood Lodge Camp Dates
The M.I.S. girls and Mr Leith at Disney Sea!
2014 AIMS Games
Tainui 4th to 7th November
Aotea 25th to 28th November
Aranui 2nd to 5th December
SWIMMING: The entire 2014 AIMs games was amazing. There was a great
vibe everywhere you went. I participated in the swimming, racing in 8 different
races held over two days, I got 4 PB’s (personal best) and unfortunately 1 DQ
(disqualification). On the Tuesday I only had to swim 1 race unless I made
finals. It was the race that 74 people in my age group had entered, 50m freestyle. Even though I swim this race all the time I still managed to shave 0.42
sec off my time and came 59th. Although I didn’t make any finals, it meant that
I was able to get a good night’s sleep before competing in gymnastics the next
day. Overall it was an amazing competition that I hope to be a part of again
next year. Report by Jordan Rogers.
Thank you Morning Tea for all our parents
who have volunteered their time during the
year. Wed 19th November at 10.30am in the
school hall to thank you for your support!
On the 13th of September six Morrinsville
Intermediate students travelled to Sacred
Heart in Hamilton to compete in the Great
Waikato Spelling Bee. The six students were
Rhys Peddie, Banroj Sidhu, Callum Fletcher,
Andie Judge, Ruby Stevens and Ethan O’Sullivan. We all competed well. Ruby and Rhys
got into the final and Rhys came 4th= out of
the six finalists.
Overall, Morrinsville Intermediate came
runners up for best school. We all did very
well because we worked really hard. Big
thanks to Mrs Carney for organising the day
and the parents for getting us there. Report
by Andie Judge.
GYMSPORT: On Wednesday we competed in a team event and on the Thursday we competed as individuals. This involved 4 apparatus such as floor,
beam, bar and vault. In the team was Natalya Wilson, Jessica Pavlovich,
Alesha McQuoid and myself. With our combined team score, we received the
silver medal, so overall it was an awesome result. On Thursday we competed
in the individual event.
Over the two days our scores were added together and Alesha was placed in
the top ten, which was a fantastic result. I was placed 22nd, Natalya 23rd and
Jessica 24th in the women’s open class. Alex Devonport placed 16th and
Jordan Rodgers placed 25th in their classes. This was an awesome experience to be involved in. We made lots of new friends from different schools
around New Zealand. We also improved on our personal routines and skills.
Thank you to Mrs McQuoid and Mrs Pavlovich for taking us both days and our
amazing coach Kitreece Hickin! Report by Aisha Morris-Walton.
Remember to look at our
school website for
upcoming event dates
and like us on Facebook
to see what our students
have been up to!
Monday 3rd November to Sunday 16 November
Don’t miss this great opportunity plus support school fundraising!
See attached flyer.
This offer is open to
family & friends. Thanks
for your support!
Don’t miss out
on this evening
of entertainment!
Tickets $25pp
Eftpos available
Spot prizes and