Tempus JPCR 530194-2012 Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Impact – master study (ENERESE) Energy Monitoring and System Control P. Braciník University of Žilina, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Žilina, Slovakia Synchronous Area ● CONTROL AREA Is a coherent part of the interconnected system operated by a single Transmission System Operator (TSO), with physical loads and controllable generation units connected within the control area. Synchronous Area ● SYNCHRONOUS AREA Is an area covered by interconnected system whose control areas are synchronously interconnected with control areas of members of the association. Within a synchronous area the system frequency is common on a steady state. Synchronous Area ● SYSTEM FREQUENCY Is the electric frequency of the system that can be measured in all network areas of the synchronous area under the assumption of a coherent value for the system in the time frame of seconds (with minor differences between different measurement locations only). Synchronous Area ● ENTSO-E ● System frequency - 50 Hz Power equilibrium P generated =Pdemanded P generated =Plosses + Pload Daily Demand Diagram www.sepsas.sk Daily Demand Diagram ● ● ● ● Is usually defined in advance but the final specification is done 24 hours ahead! The source of information are distribution utilities, elelctricity sellers and big customers. It is only a forecast, the real demand always differs from it --> a task for TSO's dispatchers to ensure system frequency A measurement of a control/synchronous area is needed!!! Measurement system ● Input data – Electrical parameters: ● ● ● ● – U (phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground ) I f cos φ, power factor They are used to calculate: ● ● ● ● S (VA) P (W) Q (var) Energy (Wh) Measurement system ● Input data – Electrical parameters: ● ● ● ● – U (phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground) I f cos φ, power factor Other parameters: ● ● ● temperature (e.g. transformer oil) pressure (e.g. steam in a boilerl) position (e.g. switching devices) Measurement system ● This „chain“ is always effected by error!! http://www.informationphilosopher.com Instrument transformers ● ● volatage or current transformers secondary output voltages and currents are unified: 100 V or 100/√3 V – 1 A or 5 A their secondary sides are connected to: – ● maesurement devices – protection relays – Voltage transformers phase-to-ground measurement http://www.abb.com Voltage transformers phase-to-phase with fuse http://www.abb.com Voltage transformers outdoor versions http://www.abb.com Voltage transformers ● ● ● ● Abbreviation used – VT Often have two or more output terminals – different for a protection purposes and for a measurement Main characteristics: – nominal input voltage UN, – critical operation current INk = 1,2 IN, – nominal output voltage, – accuracy class (different for different output terminals), – nominal burden They can have a fuse in the primary circuit Voltage transformers Voltage transformers Two types of errors: 1. Amplitude error (%): |pu⋅U 2−U 1| εu =Δ u= ⋅100 U1 εu =ε without load+εwithload 2. Angle error (“) - is given by the angle δU between U1 and U2 - is taken into account only by the measurement of apower and an energy (U·I) These errors are not constant, but depends on e.g. VT load, cos φ, frequency ... ➢ Current transformers indoor versions http://www.abb.com Current transformers outdoor versions http://www.abb.com Current transformers ● Abbreviation used – CT ● They have also two or more output terminals –like VTs ● Main characteristics: ● – nominal input current IN, – critical operation current INk = 1,2 IN, – nominal output current, – accuracy class (different for different output terminals), – nominal burden, – nominal frequency, – nominal dynamic current Idyn, – nominal thermal current IN, Their secondary terminals needn't be disconnected!!! Current transformers Current transformers Two types of errors: 1. Amplitude error (%): p I⋅I 2 −I 1 εi = ⋅100 I1 2. Angle error (“) - is given by the angle δI between I1 and I2 - is taken into account only by the measurement of apower and an energy (U·I) These errors are not constant, but depends on e.g. CT load, harmonics, core saturation, ... ➢ Sensors - voltage ● ● ● output in volts ratio is usually 10 000:1 or 20 000:1 direct connections to digital relays http://www.abb.com Sensors - current ● ● ● http://www.abb.com output is from 150 to 300 mV current value has to be numerically integrated direct connections to digital relays Meters ● ● Used in low voltage networks For billing purposes electromechanical ● They are expected to be more smart in the future --> SMART GRIDS electronic Load-Frequency Control ● If the power equlibrium in synchronous area is lost, it always results in frequency deviation: system frequency f ≠ 50 Hz!!! ● It has to be restored to 50 Hz by power sources being involved in frequency control (I., II. and III.) Load-Frequency Control Exmple of a real frequency deviation Load-Frequency Control NETWORK POWER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC : ● of a synchronous area/block is the quotient of the power deviation ∆Pa responsible for the disturbance and the quasi-steady-state frequency deviation ∆f c a u s e d b y t h e disturbance (power deficits are considered as negative values): Δ P a Δ P gen−Δ P demand λu = = (MW / Hz) Δf Δf Load-Frequency Control GENERATION POWER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC : Δ P gen λ gen=− ( MW / Hz) Δf Load-Frequency Control LOAD POWER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC : Pload Δ P load λload = ( MW / Hz) Δf Load-Frequency Control Various loads have a different levels of frequency dependance: ● zero, ● linear, ● square or cubic. LOAD POWER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC : Pload This load behavior is called self-regulating effect of the load Load-Frequency Control Various loads have a different levels of frequency dependance: ● zero, ● linear, ● square or cubic. It is hard to set (measure) a value of control area's λload, in interconnected networks, so it is set according to experiance or is neglected in real operation. LOAD POWER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC : Pload Load-Frequency Control NETWORK POWER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC : λu =λ gen +λ load ( MW / Hz) λ gen≫λ load For a real dispatching control is much better to evaluate network power frequency characteristic of a i-th control area/block of a synchronous area according to following formula: −Δ P i λi = ( MW / Hz) Δf ● ● ΔPi – is a power deviation measured at the tie-lines of i-th control area Δf – is a frequency deviation in response to the disturbance in the control area Load-Frequency Control General overview --> realized through dispatching actions Primary control Primary Control Primary Control The magnitude ∆fdyn.max of the dynamic frequency deviation is governed mainly by the following: ● ● ● ● ● the amplitude and development over time of the disturbance affecting the balance between power output and consumption; the kinetic energy of rotating machines in the system; the number of generators subject to primary control, the primary control reserve and its distribution between these generators; the dynamic characteristics of the machines (including controllers); the dynamic characteristics of loads, particularly the self-regulating effect of loads. Primary Control Primary Control Primary Control The quasi-steady-state frequency deviation ∆f i s g o v e rn e d b y t h e a m p l i t u d e o f t h e disturbance and the network power frequency characteristiic, which is influenced mainly by the following: ● ● the droop of all generators subject to primary control in the synchronous area; the sensitivity of consumption to variations in system frequency. Droop of a Generator Primary Control The primary control has a character of a joint action --> each TSO in synchronous area must contribute to the correction of a disturbance in accordance with its respective contribution coefficient Ci to primary control: Ei C i= Eu ● ● Ei being the electricity generated in control area/block i Eu being the total (sum of) electricity production in all control areas/blocks of the synchronous area It is not raleted to the installed capacity of generators! Primary Control ● ● ● The primary control reserve of ENTSO-E is Ppu = 3 000 MW. MW This value was set according to – measurements, – experience, – theoretical considerations. Primary control reserve Ppi for a i-th control area: P pi=C i⋅P pu Ppi for Slovakia is about 30 MW ( ±) Primary control Primary Control ● ● ● ● Maximum Δf being solved by primary control is ± 200 mHz If self-regulating effect of the load is taken into account -> Δf = ± 180 mHz Allowed frequency deviation is ± 20 mHz for long periods under undisturbed conditions – elimination of primary control action by unscheduled cross-boards power flows. Insensitivity of primary controllers is set to ± 10 mHz. mHz Primary Control Primary Control Performance measurement and evaluation Secondary Control Secondary Control ● ● Primary control allows a balance to be re-established at a system other than the frequency set-point value (at a quasi-steady-state frequeny deviation ∆f), in response to a sudden imbalance between power generation and consumption (incident) or random deviations from the power equilibrium (if ΔP > ΔPpi). Since all conrol areas/blocks contribute to the control process in the interconnected system, with associated changes in the balance of generation and consumption in these control areas, an imbalance between power generation and consumption in any control area will cause power interchanges between individual control areas to deviate from the agreed / scheduled values (power interchange deviations ∆Pi). Secondary Control ● The function of sencondary control is to keep or to restore the power balance in each control area/block and, area and consequently, to keep or to restore the system frequency f to its set-point value of 50Hz and the power interchanges with adjecent control areas to their programmed scheduled values, values thus ensuring that the full reserve of primary control activated will be made available again. again Secondary Control AREA CONTROL ERROR (ACE) - G: G=P meas + P prog + K ri⋅(f meas −f 0 ) ● ● ● ● Pmeas - the sum of instantenous measured reactive power transfers on the tie-lines Pprog - the resulting exchange program with all the neighbouring control areas Kri - the K-factor of the control area (a constant in MW/Hz set on the secondary controller) fmeas – f0 – the difference between the instantenous measured system frequency and the set-point frequency Kri is usually equal to the λi Secondary Control AREA CONTROL ERROR (ACE) - G: G=P meas + P prog + K ri⋅(f meas −f 0 ) ● ● ● ● Action of primary control Pmeas - the sum of instantenous measured reactive power transfers on the tie-lines Pprog - the resulting exchange program with all the neighbouring control areas Kri - the K-factor of the control area (a constant in MW/Hz set on the secondary controller) fmeas – f0 – the difference between the instantenous measured system frequency and the set-point frequency Kri is usually equal to the λi Secondary Control SECONDARY CONTROLLER: 1 Δ P di=−β⋅Gi− ∫ Gi⋅dt T ● ● ● ● ∆Pdi - the correcting variable of the secondary controller governing control generators in the control area i Βi - the proportional factor (gain) of the secondary controller in control area i Tr - the integration time constant of the secondary controller in control area i Gi - the area control error (ACE) in control area i. Secondary Control Secondary Control Around ± 120 MW in Slovakia Secondary Control Quality control --> trumpet curve Secondary Control The trumpet curve H(t) for a given incident will be plotted using the following values: ● ● ● ● the set-point frequency f0 ( f0 = 50.01 Hz in our case) the actual frequency f1 before the incident (f1 is different from f0 in our case) the maximum frequency deviation ∆f2 after the incident, with respect to the set-point f0 the loss of generating capacity ∆Pa responsible for the incident. Secondary Control Secondary control is active up to 15 minutes Tertiary Control Tertiary Control Is any automatic or manual change in the working points of generators or loads participating, in order to: ● ● guarantee the provision of an adequate secondary control reserve at the right time, distribute the secondary control power to the various generators in the best possible way, in terms of economic considerations. Tertiary Control Changes may be achieved by: ● ● ● ● connection and tripping of power (gas turbines, reservoir and pumped storage power stations, increasing or reducing the output of generators in service); redistributing the output from generators participating in secondary control; changing the power interchange programme between interconnected undertakings; load control (e.g. centralised telecontrol or controlled LOAD-SCHEDDING). Tertiary Control Time schedule of Frequency Control Generation Costs Generation Costs A=a 1+b 1⋅P+(b2 −b1 )⋅(P−P ek ) Costs without load Costs by specific load Costs by higher load than specific one Generation Costs costs=a0 +a1⋅P+a2⋅P 2 Generation Costs ● Costs could be expressed by the heat (Q) that is needed to produce electricity: 2 Q=a0 +a 1⋅P+a2⋅P [GJ /h] ● Than it is possible to express following characteristics: ● Specific heat consumption: 2 Q a0 +a1⋅P+a2⋅P q= = [GJ / MWh] P P Generation Costs ● Minimal specific heat consumption (operation in an economic set point Pek ): √ a0 Pek = [ MWh] a2 ● Specific heat consumption increase: dQ b= =a1 +2⋅a2⋅P[GJ / MWh] dP References ENTSO-E Operation Handbook, www. https://www.entsoe.eu/Pages/default.aspx ABB, www.abb.com www.kves.uniza.sk/docs Tempus JPCR 530194-2012 Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Impact – master study (ENERESE) Thank you for your attention P. Braciník University of Žilina, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Žilina, Slovakia
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