FALL 2014 Saxe Gotha squints a little as he steps up to the podium to hype his match against Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h. Grinning a little, he begins to speak. BEST OF SEVEN SERIES WINNER(BRL) PRIME TIME ALEX STYLZ Former IWAR Champions Rematch Eligible * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. FRANK LEATHERMAN SNOW (ASL) * E.G. BUGG (n/a) HOT $TUFF ADAM CA$H (BRL) * THE GENTLEMAN CALLER (MML) * BENJAMIN BLOOD (MML) KONIK (BRL) * CLYDE COZWORTH (n/a) * COL. MAX STRYFE (IWL) * SASHA (IWL) * MADDOG DICK JACKSON (BRL) ** ** Won Wrestlerama Battle Royal to earn a shot “PRIME TIME ALEX STYLZ (BRL) *** *** Won a Best of 7 Series to earn a shot Note: Former champs get 1 rematch but they must declare their intention to take it the cycle before it is held. Being the IWAR World champion is about more than just strategy, it takes being creative and showing the IWAR Alliance why the champ is truly the best in the world. When the IWAR World champion submits their promo for this page, the IWAR Board of Commissioners vote on it. If the vote passes, the Champion gains an advantage of 1 to 3pts that will go toward their IWAR title defense. So if the Champion loses by 2pts, but had the full 3pt advantage, then they retain the title. So you may never know the final result until you see it here. "Still can't get used to this up close and personal treatment. I came to the BRL last time to show solidarity with my LB brothers but it looks like they are wearing out that IVHM bunch and making them want to seek greener pastures. Therefore, I guess I can concentrate on Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h. One thing for sure, I'll never be able to out-talk him. We're not gonna have a debate, Cash. We're gonna have us a knock down drag out scrap with this piece of hardware on the line. I only know one way to move and that's forward in a straight line. So leave your fancy talking wisecracks at the door and let's get it on!“ - Saxe Gotha See Autumn Anarchy 4 match results The Teamster: Howdy folks! Well things keep heating up for the IWAR champion and now that Johnny Revolution has announced that any former champion can activate their one-time rematch for the IWAR title, we could see things get really interesting. It breaks down like this clause? Also Two man earned shots and have a chance to make history. Here on this page you can see all of the current champions, current challengers and any stipulations that may impact the matches. In order to qualify for a shot at the IWAR Champion, any champion must have a successful title defense. Examples; Mexican champion defeats all three challengers over the 3 match series = IWAR shot. Universal champion successfully defends the title against all challengers, then they qualify for a shot at the IWAR champion. Keep in mind that any challenger who fails to submit Trash Talk in the bulletin will take a 5 point penalty per cycle so send in your promos or sneak attacks. In leagues with a #1 contender target, those who beat the target by the most points over the remaining cycles earn the #1 contender shot. It then resets and the next wrestler to have the most wins/points over the target earns the next shot. Good luck. BRL GLOBAL ROBERT VAN DAMAGE NWL JUNIOR THE CINCINATTI KID MML MEXICAN FATTY THE BUTCHER 3 Cycle Challenger Leader Board 3 CYCLE CHALLENGERS Former Champion The Role Model Jimmy Digital Fan’s Choice (online poll) Erik the Eliminator Endgame Johnny’s Choice Phantom Striker #1 Contender Creed Michaels 3 CYCLE CHALLENGERS Former Champion Money Driven Mike Sebastian Fan’s Choice (online poll) El Mexicutioner Johnny’s Choice Lex Lee #1 Contender Magnum TNT RESULT: new champion! The Cincinnati Kid +15pts Matt Mayhem +14pts Johnny Valentine -5 Furious Dragon -13 RESULT: new champion! Fatty the Butcher 2 Shaone Avery 1 Masta Mind 0 Anyone can challenge Just mark the match (Global, non-title) Or it won’t count! RESULT: new champion! Robert Van Damage +14pts Jack Havok -2 Funky Fresco -3 Terry Blackwell -9 #1 Contender Leader Board TBD - Target is SENOR LUCHA Resets for all challengers MML MEXICAN TAG TEAM CHAMPS CAPTAIN MISERY & MONEY DRIVEN MIKE SEBASTIAN 3 Cycle Challenger Leader Board 3 CYCLE CHALLENGERS – ROUND 2/3 Former Champions ? Fan’s Choice (online poll) Scavengers: Anaconda & Vulture RESULT: new champions! Railroad Warriors 11pts Rude Doodie & Rowdy Resteghini -1 Cowboy Jim Spur & Dr. Piledriver MD -4 Warhawk & Crippler Brett Steele n/a Johnny’s Choice Magnum TNT & Moses Magnum #1 Contender Rusty Butcher & Death Warrant #1 Contender VICTOR VON SNAPP HOW TO CHALLENGE Wrestlers take on any wrestler ranked above them and mark the match (Continental) and earn points via Trash Talk. The top ranked wrestler will earn the IWL HEAVYWEIGHT title shot. SASHA #1 Contender Leader Board Target is SENOR FANTASTICO Resets for all challengers BRL GLOBAL TAG TEAM CHAMPS RAILROAD WARRIORS: TIE & SPIKE Anyone can challenge Just mark the match (Global, non-title) Or it won’t count! CWL CONTINENTAL ETHEREAL GUARDIAN #1 Contender SHOTGUN JAMES CARNAGE HOW TO CHALLENGE Wrestlers compete in contests to determine who will take on the champion. CWL TANDEM TAG TEAM CHAMPS OMEGA FURY (ETHEREAL GUARDIAN & BOB THE SLOB) #1 Contenders THE WHISPERMEN (SHH & HUSH) HOW TO CHALLENGE A tournament is underway to determine the first Tandem tag team champions. The Tandem Division ranks teams by wins and losses over other active tag teams as well as earning points for winning the Tag team or TV Tag team titles. The team with the most points will earn the shot at the Tandem Champions. RESULT: Champions retained! East & West Side Killas -3 Lex Lee & Kevin Coffman -9 ASL UNIVERSAL AGENT 26 BBL HARDCORE HEY ZEUS CHRIST TDL SOUTHWEST VACANT IWL HVY WT. TAG TEAM PUMA & PANTHER IWL AM. TERRITORIES TIM RIGGINS III HOW TO CHALLENGE Any one may challenge the champion, just mark the match (Universal) or it won’t count as an official challenge. HOW TO CHALLENGE Any one may challenge the champion, just mark the match (Hardcore) or it won’t count as an official challenge. #1 Contender TBD #1 Contender TBD #1 Contender CRIMSON GRIMM HOW TO CHALLENGE A tournament is on going to determine the first champion to hold this title. HOW TO CHALLENGE Wrestlers compete in contests to earn the next title shot. HOW TO CHALLENGE Wrestlers compete in contests to earn the next title shot. MIX POOL A 1. Saxe Gotha (BBL) d. Senor Lucha (TDL) 1 1. Alpha Male (BRL) d. Cpt. Misery (TDL) 2. Captain Misery (TDL) d. Saxe Gotha (BBL) 2 2. Senor Lucha (TDL) d Alpha Male (BRL) 4 3. Saxe Gotha (BBL) vs. Alpha Male (BRL) 3. Senor Lucha (TDL) vs. Captain Misery (TDL) 3pts- Saxe, Misery, Male, & Lucha CWL POOL B 1. Andrew Andrews d. Victor Von Snapp DQ 1. Blood Rage drew Luchador Al Azar 0 2. Luchador Al Aar d. Victor Von Snapp 6 2. Andrew Andrews d. Blood Rage 1 3. Victor Von Snapp vs. Blood Rage 3. Andrew Andrews vs. Luchador Al Azar 6pts- Andrews, 1pt Azar / Rage, 0pts Victor MML POOL C 1. Golden Boy Bishop Holden d. Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h 2 1. Money Driven Mike Sebastian d. Masta Mind 2 2. Golden Boy Bishop Holden d. Masta Mind 2 2. Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h drew Money Driven Mike Sebastian 3. Golden Boy Bishop Holden vs. Money Driven Mike Sebastian 3. Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h vs. Masta Mind 6pts- Holden, 4pts Sebastian, 1pt- Ca$h, 0pts- Mind ASL POOL D 1. Agent 26 d. The Grappler 3 1. F L Slobberknocker d. Punk Rock Mike 2 2. Punk Rock Mike d. The Grappler 1 2. F L Slobberknocker d. Agent 26 19 3. The Grappler vs. F L Slobberknocker 3. Agent 26 vs. Punk Rock Mike 6pts- FLS, 3pts- Agent / Mike, 0pts- Grappler MIX POOL H 1. Scotty Flash d Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL) 2 1. Funky Fresco (BRL) d. Aqua Caliente (BRL) 2. Scotty Flash (IWL) d Funky Fresco (BRL) 2 2. Aqua Caliente (BRL) d Texas J. Tombstone (IWL) 2 3. Scotty Flash (IWL) vs. Aqua Caliente (BRL) 3. Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL) vs. Funky Fresco (BRL) 6pts- Flash, 3pts- Fresco / Agua, 0pts- Tombstone NWL POOL E. 1. Peter Dragon d. Furious Dragon 8 1. Robbie Blood d Damem Dream 2 2. Furious Dragon drew Robbie Blood 2. Damem Dream d. Peter Dragon DQ 3. Furious Dragon vs. Damam Dream 3. Robbie Blood vs. Peter Dragon 4pts- Blood/ Dream, 3pts- Peter, 1pt- Furious BRL POOL I 1. Number Two drew Jack Havok 0 1. The Great David d. Maddog Dick Jackson DQ 2. Number Two d. Maddog Dick Jackson 1 2. The Great David d. Jack Havok 1 3. Number Two vs. The Great David 3. Maddog Dick Jackson vs. Jack Havok 6pts- David, 4pts- Two, 1pt- Havok / DJ NWL POOL F 1. Jimmy North d. David Ritchie 10 1. Rob James d. The Scoundrel (BRL) 4 2. Rob James d. David Ritchie 133 2. Jimmy North d. The Scoundrel (BRL) 2 3. David Ritchie vs. The Scoundrel (BRL) 3. Rob James vs. Jimmy North 6pts- North / James, 0pts= Ritchie / Scoundrel BRL POOL J 1. Robert Van Damage d. Rowdy Resteghini 5 1. Patrick O’Malley d. Sir Gunter Kinderwacht 1 2. Robert Van Damage d. Patrick O’Malley (ASL) 7 2. Rowdy Resteghini d. Sir Gunter Kinderwacht 1 3. Robert Van Damage vs. Sir Gunter Kinderwacht 3. Patrick O’Malley (ASL) vs. Rowdy Resteghini 6pts- RVD, 3pts- Rowdy/O’Malley, 0pts- Kinderwacht IWL POOL G 1. The Arabian Dream Ali Atari d. Stryfe CO 1. Pretty Dan Prescott drew Nightstalker 0 2. Pretty Dan Prescott d. Col. Max Stryfe 1 2. The Arabian Dream Ali Atari d. Nightstalker 3 3. Col. Max Stryfe vs. Nightstalker 3. The Arabian Dream Ali Atari vs. Pretty Dan Prescott 6pts- Atari, 4pts- Prescott, 1pt Nightstalker, opt - Stryfe ASL POOL 1 1. FL Slobberknocker & Dark Phoenix FS d. Punk Rock Mike & Agent 26 2pt 1. Huey & Boxcutter Bryan d. Scavengers: Skunk & Hyena 1 2. Scavengers Skunk & Hyena d. Punk Rock Mike & Agent 26 15 2. FL Slobberknocker & Dark Phoenix FS d. Huey & Boxcutter Bryan 12 3. Punk Rock Mike & Agent 26 vs. Huey & Boxcutter Bryan 3. FL Slobberknocker & Dark Phoenix FS vs. Scavengers: Skunk & Hyena 6pts- FLS/DP, 3pts- H/BCB – Scavengers, 0pts- PRM/A26 BRL POOL 2 1. Cowboy Jim Spur & Dr. Piledriver MD d. Number One & Three 8pts 1. The Jester & The Red Riot d. Golden Idols 1 & 2 8pts 2. Number One & Three d. The Jester & The Red Riot 4 2. Golden Idols 1 & 2 d. Cowboy Jim Spur & Dr. Piledriver MD 18 3. Numbers One & Three vs. Golden Idols 1 & 2 3. Cowboy Jim Spur & Dr. Piledriver MD vs. The Jester & The Red Riot 3pts- WM, TJ/TRR, GIs, N 1/3 BRL POOL 3 1. Products of Arrogance 1 & 2 d. Rowdy Resteghini & Rude Doodie 4 1. TNT & Dynamite (MML) d. Eddie DeGrassi & #1 Duchaine Fan 4 2. TNT & Dynamite (MML) d. Products of Arrogance 1 & 2 4 2. Rowdy Resteghini & Rude Doodie d. Eddie DeGrassi & #1 Duchaine Fan 2 3. Products of Arrogance 1 & 2 vs. Eddie DeGrassi & #1 Duchaine Fan 3. Rowdy Resteghini & Rude Doodie vs. TNT & Dynamite (MML) 6pts- T/D, 3pts- PoA / RR/RD, 0pts- ED/DF1 IWL POOL 4 1. Dr. Fear & Stunning Jack Vermillion d. Pretty Dan Prescott & Backcountry 5 1. Ali Atari & Liam Larrikan d. Blackjack Robertson & James Carnage 2 2. Dr. Fear & Stunning Jack Vermillion d. Blackjack Robertson & James Carnage 5 2. Ali Atari & Liam Larrikan d. Pretty Dan Prescott & Backcountry 3 3. Dr. Fear & Stunning Jack Vermillion vs. Ali Atari & Liam Larrikan 3. Pretty Dan Prescott & Backcountry vs. Blackjack Robertson & James Carnage 6pts- DRF/JV, AA/LL, 0pts- PDP/BC – BR/JC NWL POOL 5 1. Dragon Master & Furious Dragon d. Rob James & Billy Blainer 4 1. Booty McGhee & Jimmy Digital d. Darius & Damem Dream 3 2. Dragon Master & Furious Dragon d. Darius & Damem Dream 2 2. Rob James & Billy Blainer d. Booty McGhee & Jimmy Digital 3 3. Dragon Master & Furious Dragon vs. Booty McGhee & Jimmy Digital Rob 3. James & Billy Blainer vs. Darius & Damem Dream 6pts- DM/FD, 3pts- BM/JD – RJ/BB, 0pts- Dreams SCORING • Win = 3pts, Tie = 1pt, Loss = 0pts. • Match points act as tie breakers • 9 Group winners advance • Top 7 scoring runners up advance SCHEDULE CWL POOL 6 1. Alex & Axel Von Snapp d. Harry Hoodstar & Solace 9 1. Shh and Hush d. Carl Cannonball & Juan Trolero 7 2. Alex & Axel Von Snapp d. Carl Cannonball & Juan Trolero 10 2. Shh and Hush d. Harry Hoodstar & Solace 6 3. Alex & Axel Von Snapp vs. Shh and Hush 3. Harry Hoodstar & Solace vs. Carl Cannonball & Juan Trolero 6pts- Von Snapps – Shh/Hush, 0pts- CC/JT, HH/S CWL POOL 7 1. Dominic Rice & Van Craig d. Dagger Bomb & The Cool One 10 1. James & Billy Stone d. Jim Surge & Larry Lawrence 3 2. Dominic Rice & Van Craig d. Jim Surge & Larry Lawrence 2 2. James & Billy Stone d. Dagger Bomb & The Cool One 7 3. Dominic Rice & Van Craig vs. James & Billy Stone 3. Dagger Bomb & The Cool One vs. Jim Surge & Larry Lawrence 6pts- DR/VC, Stones, 0pts- DB/TCO – JS/LL MML POOL 8 1. East Side & West Side Killas d. Mr. Fantastic & Mike Sebastian 2 1. Blood Money: Ca$h & Fatty drew Bubba Bayou & Buck Bayou 0 2. Blood Money: Ca$h & Fatty d. Mr. Fantastic & Mike Sebastian 1 2. East Side & West Side Killas d. Bubba Bayou & Buck Bayou 6 3. Mr. Fantastic & Mike Sebastian vs. Bubba Bayou & Buck Bayou 3. East Side & West Side Killas vs. Blood Money: Ca$h & Fatty 6pts- Killas, 4pts- AC/FTB, 1pt- Bayou, 0pts- MS/MrF TDL POOL 9 1. G. Goodwood & Brody Ballistic d. Thiago Dela Cruz & Cesar E. Salvo 4 1. Hazard & Toxic (CWL) d. Listo & Roca 1 2. Hazard & Toxic (CWL) d. G. Goodwood & Brody Ballistic vs. 1 2. Listo & Roca d. Thiago Dela Cruz & Cesar E. Salvo 4 3. G. Goodwood & Brody Ballistic vs. Listo & Roca 3. Thiago Dela Cruz & Cesar E. Salvo vs. Hazard & Toxic (CWL) 6pts- H/T, 3pts- L/R – GG/BB, 0pts- TDC/CES September Round 1 matches Fall Round 2 matches October Round 3 matches Group winners and top seven Scorers advance November Single elimination 8 advance December 4 advance Holiday 2 advance January Finals Winner/s determined 17- Tiamat 119- Jimmy North 109- Twisted 97- Cosmic Charlie 119 109 47- Rocky Valentine 84- Johnny Anvil 74- Will Johnson 140- Sydney Guerro 47 74 177- Nature Boy Ric Idol 176- The King Prince James 148- Jason Ritchie 4- The Neon Man 176 148 175- Kris Adams 139- Twister 47- Rocky Valentine 170- Agent Orange 175 170 TWISTED 109 105 74 153 DR. SLAM ? ? ? ? ? ? 26 105 19- Johnny Suede 26- Hammer Jackson 163- Wrath 105- Wyatt James 144 153 59- The Butcher Bull Allen 144- Paradox 153- Dr. Slam 8- Noah Sebastian 3 159 3- Phantom Striker 179- Ghost Lee Shadows 159- Bombshell Warrior 130- Jerome Dresden 129 132 129- Charlie Midnight 178- Psycho King Ali 132- The Great Kabuto ? One of the toughest things to do in today’s IWA is to win the Triple Crown when one wrestler wins the League title, the Tag team titles and the Six-man titles. To honor such an achievement, the IWAR leagues listed below have rolling prize pools for any wrestler who wins the Triple Crown. These go up by 5 each cycle no one has won the it. If you are ready to make history, then take your shot at the Triple Crown. Free BRL Matches Free IWL Matches Last won by Rasmuth Rage #279 - 2004 Has yet to be won Since league debut Free MML Matches Free NWL Matches Last won by West Side Killa, #60 - 2014 Last won by Rude Doodie #34 - 2013 When new NWL wrestlers join they are put in the next Willowick Classic. We send in the matches. Tie Breaker: Battle Royal finish AVERAGE IWA CREDIT BRL CHAMP 50- Agua Caliente 75- Golden Idol #1 139- Spider Stevenson 38- Funky Fresco ? ? ? 90- 24k Michael Golden TBA 70- Bobby Budweiser 128- Psycho-Metal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 133- Web Walker 27- Senor Lucha 67- The Scoundrel TBA ? ? 104- Homicidal Maniac 74- Golden Idol #2 92- The Great Rama-Tut 8- Y2B Chris Babylon Battle Royal deal in ASL & BBL MML champion BRL Battle Royal Deal Battle Royal Win in the BRL, NWL, IWL & MML Winner earns 5 free matches and a shot at the Global champion Past winners. 2011- Jawjackin James Blanchard 2012- The Creation Chris Magnum 2013- Warhawk. TV champ bonus BRL, NWL, MML ASL & BBL The BRL has seen some great trios, but now the Triple D Cup spills over into all of the IWAR leagues. Next cycle details will be revealed about this dynamic event: how to sign up, when it will start and what is at stake. $2.00 per entry with limit one manager per slot to start. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The longest running league in the IWA Hey fans! There is breaking news regarding the process for challenging the BRL’s Commissioner’s champs, the Global champion and Global Tag Team champions! Keeping in the free-for-all spirit of the BRL, now anyone can challenge for these titles, so long as they mark the match (GLOBAL) or it won’t count as an official challenge. This cycle only, anyone who challenges the champions this cycle, will have those matches count towards the standings. It will remain a best of three cycle process and there will be standings to update how the champ is doing and who is hot on their trail. This is just one more innovation to help make the BRL one of the best spots to compete in the IWA… IWA INTERVIEWER SUE PLEXXX Sir Gunter Kinderwacht vows “I’ll break Senor Lucha’s back!” - Sir Gunter’s To Do list keeps growing, regain the Global title from Robert Van Damage, take out the Alpha Male for embarrassing him and now Kinderwacht is wants a clash of former IWA champions by demanding a Steel Cage match so “that little jumper can’t get away.” Now the fans are wondering if Senor Lucha will agree to face him at the biggest show of the year, Battlecade 10. It could be the match of the year, but is the man the fans love to hate overdoing it? The Golden Challenge: Hair vs. Masks - The bar has been set and a most unusual challenge has been laid out by 24k Michael Golden daring two members of The Empire of Chaos (Xavier Ximenez, Alex Stylz & Dillon Matthews) to face the Golden Idols in a mixed tag match. Each team would be one Idol and one Empire member with the winning team facing off in a Hair vs. Mask match! My sources tell me that Stylz has recovered from the devastating knee injury and is ready to cash in his shot at IWAR title, but could this bitter feud derail his dreams? One rumors says that if it happens, it will be sponsored by Dollar General. A bitter rivalry gets even more personal as IVHM threats The Leatherman’s Wife, Leather Foxxx - We all know things can get personal in the heat of battle, but the clashes between the Leather Brigade (Frank Snow, Eddie Sweat, RVD & the Railroad Warriors) and the Four Horsemen (Daven Lee, Terry Blackwell, Michael Rose & Stevie Joe Stephenson and manager, Tim Cornette) have been so violent that Blackwell was suspended. Then Cornette burned Snow;s face and blinded him in one eye, but rumor has it now that Blackwell threatened Leather Foxxx, one-eye or not, the Leatherman has come back… for blood! Global champion will now face all comers! – The rivalry between Robert Van Damage and Sir Gunter Kinderwacht has gone back and forth with the stars trading the Global title back-and-forth since the Spring. Due to popular demand, the field of challengers will now be wide open and more competition means an even tough road for the Global champion. Can RVD hold off a host of new challengers while also trying to fend off Kinderwacht? We asked RVD his thoughts and he was a cool as ever. “Hey man, I’m not worried, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep this belt around my waist and get my shot at the IWAR champion.” Record Setting Railroad Warriors regain the Global Tag Titles – The back-and-forth between the Railroad Warriors and the IVHM’s Southern Comfort (Rose & Stephenson) added another page to their rivalry when Tie and Spike captured the Global Tag belts for the 4th time. No doubt these two teams will battle for these belts again, but the tag scene keeps growing bigger with talent like The Motor City Maniacs, Golden Idols, High Flyers, Blood Money, Western Medicine, Masters of Dizaster, 2XW, Showstoppin Poppas, the Numbers and more arriving all the time it will make retaining those belts that much harder. Who needs HIPAA: Konik’s Doc dishes the dirt – We all knew the attack on Konik was brutal enough to keep him out of action, but his Dr. Daneeka broke the news that while Konik health has improved he is still not 100%. While the finger pointing over the attack has gone from 2XW, to Showstoppin Poppas (Rude Doodie & Rowdy Resteghini) and even Konik’s brother, the Great David, who was behind the attack remains in question. The fans miss Konik and can only wonder, when will there hero return to the ring. Even the Psychic Friends Network didn’t see this coming – The strange transformation of The Scoundrel continues to spiral out of control. His mysterious oracle, Bruja has predicted that the brothers Konik will reunite, and this has given The Scoundrel a new mission, destroy The Great David and Konik and with his reckless abandon they should be worried about what he may do to them. Around the BRL – A big welcome to The People’s Choice Cole Steele and the Motor City Maniacs who look impressive. However, judging by the negative fan reaction to Mr. Steele’s course promos perhaps he should consider his moniker. It didn’t help that he treated his female personal assistant like a second class citizen or that he claims to be a role model who belittles the fans who pay to see him. I haven’t seen anyone this out-of-touch since The Teamster was wrestling for the NWL, hang on folks I have a feeling this will get worse. DID YOU KNOW? Western Medicine’s three-cycle run as tag champs fell one shy of the record held by Nature Boy Tommy Landell and Golden Boy Teddy Angel… 2XW’s hardcore ways resulted in a bloody thumb-tack fueled beat down of the Showstoppin Poppas and a big fine from the IWA for their actions… The War Games match at Autumn Anarchy 4 will determine the future of the IWAR and things could change around here… We’d like to welcome one of the NWL’s stand outs, Chris Chaos who joins his brother, Jack Havok here in the BRL. Jack Havok hasn’t been interviewed since he suffered that brutal attack at the hands of Western Medicine, could he finally get some revenge… Thanks to everyone who helps to make the BRL one of the IWA’s most active leagues since 2012. It is through your support that the BRL has continued to grow and as we move forward there is more to come… The IWA’s Rookie League Luthor and Sheik still have Robbie Blood’s mask, and Robbie Blood is seriously losing his…mind. Someone please get the big guy another mask. It’s nearly Halloween…there is no shortage of masks. Speaking of Halloween it seems Chris Endgame found his costume. Congratulations to another Doctor winning the league title – this time it was Dr. Slam. Is a PhD now required to win the League? Is anyone safe from the Phantom Striker? Who will win at Autumn Anarchy and who will retire when Jimmy Digital and Damien battle inside Hell in a Cell? Will Billy Blainer be getting a call to record a rap album soon? And is it just me or does Dr. Samsosa seem even more crazy than usual? For more, follow @pierreroulette on Twitter! Please join the IWAR forum at: http://hoosieriwacrew.proboards.com for updated information, polls, strategy help and other fun discussions. Join twitter to add in on some TT while you wait between cycles. http://hoosieriwacrew.proboards.com IWA Rookies are given 17 cycles to learn how to compete in the NWL before they are required to graduate into the IWA’s non-rookie leagues. When you graduate you can transfer to your new league for Free so pick a league that will match your style of play. What ever cycle you start, add 17 to it and you will know when you are ready to move on. Good luck Graduation Countdown Note from the IWA: This message board is not run by the IWA itself. The IWA accepts no responsibility for its content. Jimmy Digital (H): The newest spokesperson for the IWA Network (only $9.99) appeared at the NWL Studios to challenge Damien to an NWL retirement match. Will retirement actually put an end to the drama? Damien (T): We’re still waiting for a paternity test. Hot N Dangerous (H): Recently turned heel, Blainer and James are not short on championships or on words for Jimmy North and the Cincinnati Kid. Luthor & The Sheik (H): The Sheik won the TV title and Luthor won (ie took) Robbie Blood’s mask. Same thing? Robbie Blood (T): The brawler seems to be having some sort of mental breakdown after having his mask stolen. Perhaps he should contact Trent Steffan and Chris Endgame for a new six man tag team called “Mentally Unstable”. Sir Felixmarte (F): SWM seeks tag team partner. Must be willing to relocate to Willowick, OH and watch Alfred Hitchcock movies. SHIELD (F): Finally an invite for Erik Endgame. Glad that happened or it was going to be real awkward real soon. Kabuto (H): He apparently doesn’t like dragons….and possibly women. Or maybe just Tiamat. Vincent Payne (F): A battle with Johnny Valentine is imminent after Payne gave us a low-light reel of some of Valentine’s matches. Phantom Striker (H): Is living up to his name by coming out of nowhere to blindside Jimmy North and Senor Lucha. Recently seen at a hardware store buying several crates of spray paint. Dr. Slam (H): Yet another doctor in the NWL, and this one aims to destroy any other doctors in the NWL. Oh, and he won the league title. Watch out Dr. Doom. Jimmy North (F): Will the kid from Canada make a maple syrup protein shake with the powder from his match with the fellas from Hot N Dangerous? Dr. Samsosa (T): Is anyone brave enough to tag up with this guy? Anyone? Chris Endgame (F): If you see someone dressed up as Dracula in an orange jumpsuit for Halloween – either don’t open the door or just give them all the candy and run. (debut cycle / graduation cycle) (51/68) Anthony Atoms, The Scorpion, The Great Kabuto (50/67) Ghost Lee Shadows, Charlie Midnite, Bombshell Warrior, Jerome Dresden, King Ali, The Great Kabuto (49/66) Ric Idol, Kris Adams, Jason Ritchie, Phantom Striker, Agent Orange, Neon Man, Prince James and Twister (48/65) Wrath, Sydney Guerro, Hammer Jackson, Johnny Anvil, Cosmic Charlie, Rocky Valentine, Twisted, Jimmy North, Will Johnson, Bull Allen, Dr. Slam &Wyatt James (47/64) Billy Blainer, Dr. Pain, Dr. Doom, Dr. Samosa, Brom Black and RJ Warshark (46/63) PJ the Natural, Jake the Snake 13, Bruiser, Chase the Chainsaw, and Black Kobra Commander. (45/62) Tommy Finnegan, Mr. Ghost Egg, Rhet Oric, Chris Endgame, Dragonmaster, Dellmathon the Destroyer, Jack Dynamite and Camerov. (44/61) Robbie Blood, Cincinnati Kid, Giant Panther, Trent Stefan, El Valentino Oso, and Kraag (43/60) Dashon Walton, The Mortician, Mr. Olympian, David Ritchie, Sheik Nahaz, Scorpion, and the Kentucky Mauler. (42/59) Bobby Ace, Neo Dragon, Manson Harper, Ravenhawk, General Zod, Luv Lugg and Cyrus (41/58) Asian Delight, LH Cool, King Kong Awesome, Sinister, The Killer, Suicide Kid, (40/57) Doom, Kelly Fox, Booty McGee, Peter Dragon, Bubbly Bride, Richard Octane, Ninja Nihogo. (39/56) Bobby Skull, Jamie Wonder, ZM Punk, Tommy Ripper, Keelan Wendorff, David Carlon, Dag Amazonite, (38/55) MB3, Karate Master, Wonder Woman, Sabien, Vincent Payne, Jimmy Digital, James Harrison & The Barker (37/54) Timmy Lane, Akira Masumuna, Damien, A-Rob, Steamroller, Lester Long, Johnny Valentine, Stagger Lee. (35/52) Sklar, John Serano, TJ Carnage, Scott Rivera, (34/51) Mr. X, The KO, Big Bad Jack War is coming…@BootyMcGhee - Neo Dragon @Neo_Dragon_IWA @PierreRoulette NWL Main Event is my second favourite show! Right after Hockey Night in Canada! #primetime #GoLeafsGo - Jimmy North @JimmyNorthIWA The only tv I watch is #NWLMainEvent that’s some real gritty entertainment - Robby Blood @rbloodIWA Please hold your congratulatory messages…For now. #REVLife - Booty McGhee @BootyMcGhee @BootyMcGhee Tiamat is coming for you. #chaos #rejected -New Dragon @Neo_Dragon_IWA No Luthor on #NWLMainEvent I’m calling @JohnnyRevSr - Luthor Alexander @IWA_Alexander Many players have asked about how to compete for the Junior champ ion so here is an example of the schedule for the current challengers and then how to earn the spot to be among the next group of challengers. The next round of contenders will be decided during cycles 52 to 55 as listed below: The #1 Contender (#1C): Anyone can challenge for the #1C. Simply challenge Senor Lucha (#6) and mark the match #1C. Over cycles 49-51, the NWL commissioners will track point spread. Whoever has the greatest point spread after cycle 51 will challenge the Jr. Champ. We will keep everyone updated in the IWAR Report as well as here on the board. The People’s Choice (PC): During cycles 49-51, we will post a poll on this site where managers can vote for who should get the shot (like how Johnny Valentine earned his spot). 3-4 wrestlers will be selected by using a combination of the polls posted in the RevReport. Simple as that. Johnny’s Choice (JC): Chosen by Johnny Rev Sr. Trash talk, activity and overall impact in the NWL during cycles 49-51. Ladies and Gentlemen This Pierre Roulette and today we have something special for you. A sit down interview with the former NWL league champion and current manager of The Sheik Khosrow Mustafa “The Russian Superman” Luthor Alexander. PR: Luthor Alexander welcome and Thank You for spending sometime here with me. LA: Your welcome Pierre. PR: Let’s get into it. Why did you decide on becoming a manger here in the NWL after you graduated? Did have to anything to do with the incident that lead to your departure? LA: I always intended to stay in the NWL in some capacity the attack on myself and Uncle Ivan fueled my anger. I was consider by anyone that had a brain the best tag team wrestler in the history of the NWL. My partners executed the game plan and won gold plain and simple. So it wasn’t hard to do same thing from ringside. PR: Can you explain your relationship with Robbie Blood? LA: He was a puppet all I did was cut the strings. You couldn’t tell by just looking at him but he’s a smart man. He was lied to and mismanaged. My job is simple to ensure he reaches his full potential. PR: Can you do that for anyone else? LA: Of course I can there is a lot of great talent in the NWL. They just have to get with the program. PR: An Alexander Alliance so to speak? LA: I like the way you think Pierre but don’t get ahead of yourself. PR: Luthor what is your problem with Shield? LA: I mean come on Pierre their overrated. I can’t stand the attention they received it makes me sick. The spotlight should always be on The Revolutionaries. PR: You are currently wrestling in the IWL how to do find the time to be a full time wrestler and manage others? LA: I’m the hardest working man in the IWA. When you are as talented as me there is plenty of time. PR: I heard you signed an IWAR contract what does that mean exactly? LA: That true. It means I can appear in any league at any time. My home base is currently the IWL right on front lines where I belong. PR: Front Lines? LA: Don’t be cute Pierre anyone in the know exactly what I mean. PR: What do you plan to do when you retire? LA: Retire I haven’t even hit my prime yet, but to answer your question I’m never going retire. Could being an IWA executive or a commissioner be in my future? Yes it can I learned a lot from Johnny Revolution SR., but I will be never ever stop wrestling even if I have other responsibilities. PR: Thank You Luthor for your time. You are my favorite wrestler can I have an autograph? LA: Sure. Do you have 50 bucks? MEXICAN MAYHEM REPORT #1 Hola Hola , buen día Fans MML. Let me speak English for you! Mi Amo is Mr. Manny Muertes! I will be your new Co- Commissioner! I will head up the Mexican division! Partially because my counterpart Hardcore Holly, I think she may be a little racist, no? But honestly who knows Mexicano wrestling better than myself! Now there will be changes coming! Por lo que ahora es el momento de……Excuse me I keep forgetting where I am! I want all of you to be prepared! Now the “Lovely” Hardcore Holly will give you all the details you need to know about the Mayhem Division, but now onto the Mexican Division! Now the Mexican Division will be like this, straight up Lucha wrestling! No weight limits, we keep it clean in the ring, high flying and the big boys and there will be a tournament for the first ever Mexican Lucha Champion! You want to be part of this tournament? You want to be the hombre principal, the main man so to speak? Well let me tell you this my friends. We will be conducting on very own, first of its kind DRAFT! That’s right a Draft! You want to be part of this draft you say? Well all you have to do is declare it in your trash talk! Let’s hope the likes of "Money Driven" Mike Sebastian, Masta Mind, East Side Killa, West Side Killa, my personal favorite El Mexicutioner, Scavengers, Bayou Hazard Boys, Clyde Cozworth, Silverback Jack and all of the New ERA guys just land in my lap! There is a slew of others like the DDT guys that would make this division the most exciting thing to happen to the IWA! Now once you’re in the Mexican divisions this is how you get points to be the #1 contender! 2 Pts for win 1 pts Tie 0 Loss 2 Pts for League Championship 1 for TV/ Regional 2 Pts for Trash Talk We will have a Target for 3 cycles, you get normal points for beating said target, winner by most points gets 10pts, 2nd gets 5 pts, 3rd gets 2 pts. Mention target in your TT and get an addition 1pt! You can only challenge 1 wrestler in the Mexican division per cycle, plus mark matches “Mexican” And this is your other, more attractive Commissioner speaking. I’m Hardcore Holly. That’s me to the left – I’ll knock your lights out! Just kidding. Probably. I’m the boss of the Mayhem Division here in the Mexican Mayhem League. Now that Manny is off to buy a case of donuts let me ‘splain how things are going to work in the Mayhem Division. Unlike the Lucha division, we like to get down and dirty in the Mayhem Division. So please, bring your tables, bring your chairs, and bring your own insurance plans. And guess what? There will be a Mayhem Champion too! Just like Manny said, the powers that be of the MML (that’s Manny and myself) will be conducting a draft to determine who is going to be hardcore and who can’t handle a baseball bat to the knee cap. All you have to do is do your best impression of Johnny “Clipboard” Manziel, and declare for the draft in your trash talk. If you’re lucky, I’ll take you on. Results of the draft will be posted in the January bulletin. Manny and I have been reading several scouting reports on the MML: “Golden Boy” Bishop Holden, Angry Samoan, “Money Driven” Mike Sebastian and Mr. Fantastic, Tommy Cool, Panama Jeff, Death Warrant, Jerry “The King” Roman, The Bowhunter, Captain Misery, Lex Lee, Robbie Rude, Rusty Butcher, and of course Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h (he’s so dreamy I want to hurl him through a steel cage). I can’t wait to see the talent in the MML bleed! Once you’re in the Mayhem Division, we have a ranking system in order to determine the #1 contender for the Mayhem Championship. There are 5 ways to get points: 1. League title – 3 points 2. TV or Regional title – 2 point 3. Have a trash talk segment published in the league bulletin – 4 points 4. Defeat the target (every 3 cycles I will issue a Division challenge against a target of my choice. Whoever defeats the target by the highest margin will receive points. In case of a tie, all individuals involved in the tie receive points) – 4 points 5. Mention the target in your trash talk during the period they are the target – 1 point every cycle you mention them Stay tuned for special bonus point challenges as well. Points will reset on an annual basis. Every 3 cycles, the top contender will face off with the Mayhem Champion in a title match of hardcore proportions. Oh, and I seem to have forgotten – the Mayhem Champion will be eligible for a shot at the IWAR championship. And I want to see you knock them out. So are you hardcore enough? Then let’s hear you MML. COAST TO COAST REPORT BY JAMES ROSS . Night of Honor PPV Results IWL Heavyweight Title Sasha (ch) drew Shotgun James Carnage American Territories Title Tim Riggins III (ch) over Crimson Grimm by 8 IWL Heavyweight Tag-Team Title Soul Keeper & Nightstalker over The Wild Animals by 14 Cage of Horror “The Scorpion” Dr. Fear drew Rob Demongod Workman Tag-Team Omega Fury over The Arabian Dream Ali Atari & Liam Larrikan by 4 Tag-Team Soul Keeper & Nightstalker over The Dream Stalkers by 18 Parking Lot Brawl “The Dungeon Master” Gregward Snodgrass over “Awesome” Anthony Hole by 1 Texas Tornado Six-Man The Regulators drew Blood Money No Disqualification Octavio Starblazer over Blood Rage by 3 Multiple Stipulations Supernaut & Juggernaut over “Pretty” Dan Prescott & Backcountry by 9 World Series of Wrestling Eight stables compete in a singles, tag-team and six-man tournaments for a shot at the IWL Heavyweight Title, IWL Heavyweight Tag-Team Titles and 100 free matches to the winners. Second place receives 40 free matches and third place receives 20 free matches. Corleone Challenge 24 wrestlers have been chosen. They will randomly be put into eight three-man teams. Those eight teams will square off in four six-man matches. The wrestler that gets the win (*), or best finish in the battle royal if the match is a draw, advances to the second round. Those four wrestlers will make two tag-teams and have a match. The team that wins will then face each other with the winner getting an American Territories title match at Soul Survivor. So, keep you friends close, but your enemies closer. If you have any questions about the IWL please feel free to email me at IWLcommissioner@yahoo.com. IWL Heavyweight Champion SASHA American Territories Champion Tim Riggins III IWL Heavyweight Tag-Team Champions Nightstalker & Soul Keeper Cards: 103 Matches: 822 Battle Royal Entries: 34 Trash Talk: 8 pages Tim Riggins III won the battle royal, the Coastal States Title and 5 free matches. IWL Majors U.S.- Blackjack Robertson, Supernaut Metropolitan- Stryker Justice (2), White Thunder, Sasha Gold Fed- White Thunder (2), Stryker Justice National- Mr. Submission Regional- Der Hass Maschine, Liam Larrikan, Titus Magnum, The Moroccan Prince Yusef Hassan, Backcountry, “Rodeo Clown” Sonny Puckett, Scotty Flash, Mr. Submission, Hank Moody 130 Free Matches Free Matches Bonuses Battle Royal: Win the battle royal and win five free matches. Triple Crown Challenge: Win the league, league tag, league six-man AND send in some sort of trash talk/interview/attack in the same cycle with the same wrestler and win the progressive free match jackpot. The pot starts with 10 free matches and for every cycle no one wins 5 free matches are added. Matches won must be used in the IWL. 1. All-American Good Guy Stryker Justice (180) 1. Blackjack Robertson (180) 3. Sasha (175) 4. Mr. Submission (160) 5. Shotgun James Carnage (145) 6. Supernaut (140) 6. White Thunder (140) 8. “Pretty” Dan Prescott (120) 9. The Arabian Dram Ali Atari (115) 10. Backcountry (100) 11. Juggernaut (80) 12. Liam Larrikan (75) 13. Crimson Grimm (70) 13. John Romney (70) Managers are limited to six wrestlers No Stable Initials Free matches acquired in the IWL must be used in the IWL Grappling with the Stars Featuring IWA Hall of Famer HOLLYWOOD HAMILTON Good evening ASL. I'm Hollywood Hamilton and this is Grappling With The Stars. The action is picking up in the ASL. For reasons good and/or bad we'll take whatever we can get on that front. DDT and Omega have made a big impression. I'd like to remind both groups that the ASL has a 6 wrestler per manager limit that is strictly enforced. At this time, I'd like for everyone to take a glimpse into 2015. There will be a change in the defense of the Universal title. Things will remain as they are through the December cycle with no defense occuring during the Holiday cycle. Then, beginning in January 2015,there will be a change in the way the title is defended. ANYONE can still challenge for the Universal title BUT it will be a 3 cycle challenge. For example, if you challenge in January, you must also send matches for February and March.(Matches still must be marked (Universal) or they will not count) At the end of the third cycle, point spreads will be added to determine if we have a new champion or not. As an extra incentive, the Universal Champion will receive 20 points instead of the current 5. Remember: winning the commish title opens the door for a shot at the IWAR world title. Around the league: Due to the IWA screwing up,Agent 26 is still the Universal champion......... If the trash talk continues to pick up, we will reinstate the award of 5 free matches for the best submission each cycle........... Mike Eaves has brought his group to the ASL. Eaves is a tough competitor and everyone will need to be on their toes......... Apparently Nature Boy Tommy Landell is Eaves' first target........ Note to Biker Wade Barrett: Landell has beaten you several matches, including numerous retirement matches. Don't you think it's time you moved on?........ King Krusher fired the first salvo in what could turn into an interesting feud between DDT and Omega........ Overlooking SAP and EDGE could be a big mistake. Just sayin' OFFICIAL RANKINGS Singles- 1) Agent 26 (R) 2) Luscious Larry Lawrence 3) Evil Eli Manning 4) F.L. Slobberknocker 5) Janos Ferenczy 6) Punk Rock Mike 7)Nature Boy Tommy Landell 8) Dark PhoenixFS 9) The Grappler 10) A.C. Steel TAG1) FL Slobberknocker/Dark Phoenix FS 2) KC/AC Steel 3) Agent 26/Punk Rock Mike 4) JC/AC Steel 5) Lagula/Janos Ferenczy 6MAN 1) Nature Boy Tommy Landell/FL Slobberknocker/Dark Phoenix FS 2) JC/KC/AC Steel 3) Lagula/Janos/Faethor Ferenczy 4) God of Thunder/Scorpion/Starchild 5) Steve Workman/Hellraizer Dog/Bobby Workman Jr • Email the ASL/BBL Commissioner: frank_snow26@yahoo.com AGENT 26 The Universal champion earns 5pts towards Wrestler of the Year standings as well as a Free TV Title Shot (no matter their ranking) & a Free Battle Royal entry. Anyone can challenge the champ, just mark the match (Universal) for it to count as an official challenge . 3 Wrestlers for $2.00 6 Wrestlers for $4.00 • ANY manager who has made ANY appearance in the IWA Report can transfer ANY of their wrestlers into the ASL for FREE!. • Any Wrestler with over 500 wins can also transfer in for FREE! • The ASL has a 6 wrestler roster limit. With Jonny AM Good morning BBL! I'm Jonny AM, your league commissioner and the voice of the BBL. At this time, I'd like to introduce a new method of defending/challenging for the commissioner's title, in the case of the BBL, the hardcore title. The current system will remain in effect through the December cycle. There will be no defense during the Holiday cycle, thereby setting up the 2015 January cycle as the beginning of our new system. Beginning in January, anyone who so desires may challenge for the title as in the current system. However, in 2015,each challenge will take 3 cycles to complete. If you really want the title, you will have to send in 3 challenge matches. At the end of the third cycle, I will tally the points and declare the new champion, if any. As an added incentive the champion will be awarded 20 commissioner points instead of the usual 5.For those of you who may find this premise hard to follow, feel free to ask questions or contact me at frank_snow26@yahoo.com. Around the league: Initially, I was impressed by the entrance of the Hixenbaughs. Then they had the temerity to call Saxe Gotha a paper champion. Now I'm asking.... What planet are you from? Power House is finding new doors to open. Inner Circle may be gone but will the big guy sign up with NWO or LB? Or neither. NWO had a good cycle. I'm guessing they'll proclaim dominance over the BBL again. Saxe Gotha wins the trash talk award. Hey Zeus captured the hardcore title. The Hardcore champion earns 5pts towards Wrestler of the Year standings as well as a Free TV Title Shot (no matter their ranking) & a Free Battle Royal entry. Challenge the champ & mark the match (Hardcore) or it won’t be an count as an official challenge Glad to see the new faces in action. OFFICIAL BBL RANKINGS Singles- 1) Masked Stormtrooper Lightning 2) Saxe Gotha 3) Hey Zeus Christ 4) Golden Boy Teddy Angel 5) Systematic Assassin HEY ZEUS CHRIST 6) Lightning Kid 7) Lumberjack Paul D Boot 8) B. A. Leather 9) Cold Blooded Chris Stone 10) Power House TAG- 1) Axel and Alex Von Snapp 2) Lumberjack Paul D Boot/Golden Boy Teddy Angel 3) B A Leather/Saxe Gotha 4) Razor Ramon/Big Daddy Cool 5) Switch Blade Louie/Hey Zeus 6MAN 1) Lumberjack Paul D Boot/Golden Boy Teddy Angel/Saxe Gotha 2) Razor Ramon/Big Daddy Cool/Switch Blade Louie 3) the Von Snapps/Power House 4) Dwight Schrute/Ethereal Guardian/Bob the Slob 5) Razor Ramon/Big Daddy Cool/Hey Zeus email the ASL/BBL Commissioner: frank_snow26@yahoo.com 3 Wrestlers for $2.00 6 Wrestlers for $4.00 Managers in the BBL may only have a roster of 6 wrestlers. Those that exceed the limit will be asked to transfer out. TEXAS DEATH LEAGUE Ep 1.8 Jim Bossy: Fans the 4th annual Autumn Anarchy was a tour de force and each night saw one shocking twist after another. The Teamster: Which is hard to imagine since I wasn’t in any of the matches, but our first night featured some of the best talent in the IWA, except me because the fans sure do miss me. I know I do. AUTUMN ANARCHY 4 TOUR – NIGHT ONE – LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY – RUPP ARENA OPENING MATCHES Pain and: The Terminator overpowered Michael Rose and Stevie Joe Stephenson at 16:30 Tim Riggins III annihilated "The Scorpion" Dr. Fear at 27:41 Evil bested "The Dangerous Bull" TN Terry Blackwell at 28:30 Sheik Khosrow Mustafa bested Robbie Blood at 29:31 Texas Death Match: “Jumpin" Jim Brazil beat Cowboy Jim Spur at 12:50 TDL GRUDGE MATCH: SENOR LUCHA vs. ARSENAL Bossy: This rivalry dates back to 2012 and it had been one-sided in the favor of the popular Senor Lucha until recently when the massive Arsenal picked up back-to-back victories for his 4th victory in their 14 meetings. The sinister Arsenal did not mess around and went right after Lucha’s back, but the wildly popular masked man escape a Torture Rack and battled the big man with abandon. Late in the match, Arsenal went for backbreaker, but Senor Lucha spun out and hit the Million Peso Knee Lift to score the 11th win in their feud. Arguably the most popular wrestler in the IWA, he is riding that fan support all the way to the top. DUMPSTER MATCH: FORGOTTEN VAGRANT (IWL) vs. THE ARABIAN DREAM ALI ATARI (IWL) Bossy: The homeless hero and Wild Card Garrett Shadowstar embarrassed The Arabian Dream by posing as members of his abused Harem in order to put a beat down on Atari who in turn used the Atari Thumb to put a derelict named Snuffy in the hospital. Some thought Atari had a change of heart because he paid the healthcare costs for Snuffy, but once the man was released, Atari attacked him again to send a message to Vagrant who, in turn, challenged him to a match on his ‘turf’ the Dumpster match! After a recent run as the IWL champion Atari has been nearly unstoppable, but Forgotten Vagrant has the fans on his side. Teamster: It was all Vagrant early after he attacked Atari in the Rupp Arena waste management area, but the tide turned when Atari pulled his valet, the curvy Lady Xanadu in the way. Not the bravest of tactics, but it let Atari ram Vagrant into the fence pole and bust him open. The bloodied Vagrant kept on battling, but the blood loss slowed him down and no doubt blurred his vision. I don’t think the fans can get the Forgotten Vagrant out of this one. Bossy: Atari looked to Lady Xanadu, who gave him the thumbs up, so Atari raises his hand, we know what this means. He uses his left hand to dislocate his right thumb and then uses that modified sleeper, half-headlocking as he jams his thumb in there. He’s done locked on the Atari Thumb! Known as one of the most lethal holds in the IWA, it allowed Atari to render Vagrant unconscious, throwing him in the dumpster and closing the lid for the win at 27:09. NWL HELL IN A CELL: DAMIEN vs. THE ROLE MODEL JIMMY DIGITAL Bossy: Some feuds are too personal and the way Damien crossed the line and made this personal by tormenting Digital’s family was it any wonder it’d end like this. Fans you’ll notice we can only show stills from this match because it got so brutal and so bloody, that the match was nearly stopped several times, namely when Damien bit Jimmy’s head and spit the blood in his family at ringside and Digital used a broken turnbuckle to lacerate Damien’s head. In the end, Digital hit the REVolution to get the emotional win and afterwards, a bloody and drained Digital embraced his family and somberly told them that it was finally over. WAR GAMES REV: “DOCTOR OF DESIRE” DAVEN LEE, THE DANGEROUS BULL TERRY BLACKWELL & THE GREAT DAVID vs. SUPERSTAR RICK RILEY, PRIMT TIME ALEX STYLZ AND FRANK LEATHERMAN SNOW Bossy: This is of course our main event here tonight. Last cycle, IVHM vowed to show that they are 100% committed to REV. They called out The Great David and asked him to join them in a War Games match. Lucha: With IVHM totally focused on the overall task at hand, REV is stronger than ever! Bossy: Riley, Stylz and Snow have won the coin toss! Lucha: This has been one helluva battle. There is only one man left until the match beyond officially begins. The crowd is counting down from 10. Bossy: Here comes Daven Lee!! Lee grabs Stylz off from David and slams him head first into the cage. Lee reaches into his tights and pulls out a set of handcuffs. Lee just smashed The Great David over the head with the steel handcuffs. Lucha: What just happened? Bossy: Lee grabs a mic and yells "We surrender" . Lucha: The bell rings and the match is over. The Dangerous Bull joins Lee as they are putting the boots to David. (Stylz, Riley and Snow throw their hands up and exit the cage). Lee and TDB spike pile-drive David. Tim E. Cornette and Rude Doodie run down and climb into the cage. Doodie is arguing with Lee. Cornette taps Doodie on his shoulder and when he turns around, Cornette whacks him over the head with the loaded tennis racket. Cornette has another pair of handcuffs. Lee and TDB drag David over to the cage and handcuff him. Bossy: Cornette brings a steel chair into the ring and gives it to Lee. Lee bashes David over the head three times busting him open. Cornette picks up Rude Doodie, Lee gives the chair to TDB. TDB smashes the chair over the head of Doodie. Bossy: What in the hell just happened?? (Lee, Cornette and TDB stand over Doodie in the middle of the ring holding up four fingers). Jim Bossy: We roll into the Motor City as I am joined by ex LWL Color Commentator Shooter Simmons. It is good to have you back. Shooter Simmons: How could I not come back after the Twiitersphere went wild with the #FreeSimmons hash tag? All my fans wanted me back behind the mike. Mmm-mm, behinds…. AUTUMN ANARCHY 4 TOUR – NIGHT TWO – DETROIT, MICHIGAN – JOE LOUIS ARENA OPENING MATCHES Nightstalker defeated DMK at 29:44 Inferno Match: Creed Michaels destroyed Johnny Valentine at 27:36 Street Fight Match: "The Dangerous Bull” Terry Blackwell pinned WCW: Baddest American Biker Bad News Bruno 13 at 27:20 after a Stampede on the floor. CWL OCEANIC TITLE MATCH: CLARK PIERPONT (champion) vs. BUTCHY THE GIANT Bossy: These two have history, Clark dominated their feud using his brains to outsmart the seven-foot tall Butchy right into the CWL’s Continental Divide ppv which left Butchy a broken man. It was on that night that CWL star, Spike Dillinger took it upon himself to challenge Butchy to rekindle his career and find the fire that has made him so popular with the fans. Spike got it al started with a stiff slap to Butchy’s face! Shooter: That’s how most of my dates end. Clark, that crazy cat from the 40s, has been toying with the gentle giant. Who is this at ringside? Bossy: Spike Dillinger? What is he doing here? Butchy is winded in the corner, but hold on, Is Spike, coaching Butchy? Spike slaps Butchy across the face and orders him to win. Butchy is ticked off, turns and hammers Clark with a Butchy Head-Butt. He covers, 1… 2… 3! Butchy wins as Spike nods at ringside. MML IRON MAN MATCH: “DIAMOND” DAVE VENOM vs. “MONEY DRIVEN” MIKE SEBASTIAN Bossy: What we have here is a match up of polar opposites, in Mike Sebastian you have one of the most respected men in the IWA and in Dave Venom you a man who spits on respect and dignity. Venom has stopped at nothing to destroy Sebastian and his Fantastic Money tag team partner, Mr. Fantastic and he is eager to show that with his contract issues behind him, he is going to crush them. Sebastian, who has been openly seeking a rival and feels that “Dumb Dave” is no match for a man of his skills. The arch--‐enemies exchanging blows now… you can throw the rulebook right out the window! These two men are going right after one another! Venom sends Sebastian off the ropes… he slides through Venom’s legs, leaving Dave searching For his opponent’s whereabouts. Crescent kick to the jaw! Down goes the Diamond! He’s not wasting any time… he’s going up top! Aaaaaannnnd… DOWN! STOCK MARKET CRASH! His patented frog splash from the top rope! What altitude! And he’s going for the cover! Turn out the lights… ONE!! TWO!! It’s over! THREE!!! SOLACE, HARRY HOODSTAR & SPIKE DILLINGER vs. THE VON SNAPPS: VICTOR, ALEX & AXEL Bossy: This is a clash of the established Von Snapp family and those who are rising to power in the trio of Solace, Hoodstar and Dillinger. We saw Dillinger out here earlier trying motivate Butchy the Giant onto his big win, but now he looks to lead to NWL standouts to victory against the first family of wrestling. Shooter: I don’t know about ‘first’ but the way Victor slept around, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a kid in every country. I gotta ask what is going on with Solace. The guy is known as the smartest man in wrestling, but he suddenly went silent. Now everyone is wondering what is happening and when he’ll break his silence. I mean, hey, it’d be like if I suddenly went silent, I mean besides my time off from the LWL. This one is a flat out brawl folks. Katie bar the door! Bossy: The ref’s lost control but Spike is going toe-to-toe with the former Continental champion Victor while his boys battle with Harry and Solace. A double Irish whip, Axel ducks a clothesline from Solace, and the Von Snapps double dropkick him to the floor. What is he doing? Solace glares and walks away? Hoodstar goes for a suplex, but Alex blocks it and the Von Snapps hit the Flood Insurance double Brainbuster on Hoodstar! 1…2… 3! The Von Snapps win it. IWAR WORLD TITLE MATCH: SAXE GOTHA (BBL – CHAMPION) VS. HOT $TUFF ADAM CA$H (BRL) Bossy: The hype is over and now it's the current IWAR champion vs. a former IWAR champion. The challenger is still talking but the champ just smiles and flexes. Cash is smart and avoids being trapped inside Gotha's muscular range. Cash staggers Gotha with a series of aerial tactics. Every time the former champ goes for a finisher, Gotha just shrugs it off. The champ is one of the strongest men in the IWA and it took that kind of power to dethrone the freak of nature, Sasha. Can Adam Cash overcome his much bigger opponent here? Fatty can't help him. But Fatty can distract the ref and he does, allowing Cash to gouge Gotha's eyes. A questionable low blow puts Gotha on one knee. Cash comes off the ropes in an attempt to hit him with the Hot $tuff $uperkick and put Gotha flat on the mat but Gotha catches Cash with a huge spear! 1… 2… 3! Saxe Gotha has retained the IWAR championship here in Detroit. Shooter: Saxe Gotha is on the middle turnbuckle with his IWAR World Title raised proudly. The fans are cheering him and the excellent match he just had with Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h. BOOM! Whoa, blue flames explode from the turnbuckles, knocking Gotha back into the ring. Korn's "Coming Undone" blasts through the arena and the Empire of Chaos, "Triple X" Extreme Xavier Ximenez, "The Main Event" Dillon Matthews and "Primetime" Alex Stylz make their way to the ring. Stylz, still using crutches, takes his time. The crowd chants "EM-PIRE" like the Goldberg chants. They enter the ring and surround Gothe. Gothe is outnumbered and he knows this could be trouble. Instead, Triple X puts his hand out and helps Gothe to his feet and shakes his hand, followed by Stylz and Matthews. Triple X takes the mic and hands it to Alex Stylz. Stylz: "Congratulations, Saxe. That was impressive, very impressive. You have been a nice champion, but that time is about to come to an end. We've never met, never crossed paths, but you are now in the right place, but wrong time. Standing around you now is the Empire of Chaos. This little group has been at the top of the hill in the UEL, the BOL and now the BRL. We have reached and exceeded every goal we have set. We lost our way for a bit, but the fans got behind us and helped to get us in the right direction. Now, we have our eyes on that IWAR World Title you are hanging on to so tightly. That belt represents the top of the mountain and that is exactly where I am headed. So this is my notice. This is me telling the world, and you, that next cycle I will be off these crutches and facing the champ, one-on-one, in this ring, for that big piece of beautiful gold. Don't hurt yourself falling off the mountain . . . champ." Jim Bossy: Imagibash was a wild series of shows and this show will recap them all. The final show may have been the most shocking. The Teamster: There were many great bouts and some memorable moments, but that final show, well it blew minds world wide. What a tour this was with so many big match ups. AUTUMN ANARCHY 4 TOUR – NIGHT THREE – CLEVELAND, OHIO – RUPP ARENA NWL ATLANTIC TITLE MATCH: JIMMY NORTH vs. 6% BODY FAT ROB JAMES This match had the man from Canada, Jimmy North and 6% Body Fat Rob James face off against each other in a battle for the NWL’s Atlantic belt. Recently North lost his Southern title to Billy Blainer when Rob James helped his partner with a bag of protein powder to the eyes. The protein powder made its return in this match - this time with Blainer assisting James. North was able to get his hands on the powder and ended up in a tug of war with James over the bag. In the end, the bag ripped, the protein powder went up in a cloud of chocolate, and the referee turned around just in time to DQ both men for triple chocolate chicanery. Maybe Bound For Glory can solve the dispute between these two men. MML HANDICAP FORK ON A POLE MATCH: FATTY THE BUTCHER vs. LEX LEE & KEVIN COFFMAN Bossy:15 minutes into this match already folks and despite having one arm Fatty the Butcher is holding his own against the Young Lions despite having 100 stitches in his arm and not having time to prepare for two opponents! Fatty has the ladder in the ring ready to grab his fork. this could be it! Robbie Rude is out here directing traffic, trying to encourage his men to get up. Fatty is with in an inch of getting that fork..... What the? The lights went out! What is going on? They are back and Fatty is down after being apparently put through a table as a giant man puts Lex on his shoulders and he snatches the fork easily and the ref calls for the bell What in tarnation has just happened. Fatty the Butcher is down and out and Lex Lee is still in possession of the Fork.I will tell you right now folks this is far from over. It will be a cold day in hell before Fatty the Butcher stops his quest to get his fork back. Lex Lee dances around the ring with the fork like a Stanley cup celebration, oh come on, give me a break! INTERLEAGUE CHALLENGE: ROBBIE BLOOD (NWL) vs. ETHEREAL GUARDIAN (CWL) - GUEST REF: CHICAGO BEARS KYLE FULLER Bossy: It'll be interesting to see how this one plays out as these two superstars have never squared off before. Oh! Robbie Blood jump starting the action as he just nailed Ethereal Guardian in the back of the head as he was making his way to the ring. Now Robbie slams Guardian's head onto the edge of the ring and proceeds to Irish whip him into the stairs. Kyle Fuller is signaling for Robbie to bring the action into the ring, which he does as he rolls Guardian under the bottom rope, slides in himself and stomps EG several times. He goes over to the corner and removes the turnbuckle pad exposing the steel. Fuller admonishes Blood verbally but allows the action to continue. As Blood turns his attention back to Guardian he receives a couple of right hands but then counters with a kick to the gut, and scoop slams his opponent to the mat. He's setting him up, and oh no! Blood slingshots Guardian head first into the exposed steel. Mah Gawd the blood! Guardian wears the crimson mask. I guess they don't call him Robbie Blood for nothing. Robbie stares out into the crowd and laughs sadistically. Guardian crawls towards Robbie who mockingly slaps at him. Wait! Guardian picks Blood's ankle for a takedown. He's got it cinched in! The eleventh legion leglock is applied to Blood who flails frantically! Robbie might have to tap! What the? Fuller grabs bloods leg and puts it on the rope! Here comes Bob the Slob! He's arguing with Fuller! EG releases the lock and starts to argue with Fuller as well. Blood gets up, OH MY GAWD he clotheslined Fuller as EG pushed him into it! Blood is upset! Bob climbs in the ring and they corner Blood. Blood goes blow for blow against them. Bob goes down, but as he goes down he takes bloods legs out! EG has it locked in again THE ELEVENTH LEGION LEG LOCK, Blood is tapping but there is no ref! Wait a minute here comes a IWA Ref, He calls for the bell! he Lifts EGs hand in victory! What a match! WAR GAMES: MATT MAYHEM, RUDE DOODIE, THE GREAT DAVID, LUTHOR ALEXANDER & BOOTY MCGHEE vs. THE LEGENDARY EDDIE SWEAT, ROBBIE BLOOD, WARHAWK, SUPERSTAR RICK RILEY & KONIK Bossy: Over a year of hate and bitterness comes down to this match. If Johnny Revolution’s Revolutionaries win, the other team is fired from the IWA, but if Johnny’s team loses then he loses the controlling interest in the IWA which has let him control the IWAR’s leagues. The starting two are Doodie and Blood who waste no time going at eat other like rabid dogs. No surprise here, but Robbie is busted open early here. That could be bad for his team in this marathon match. Teamster: There’s the bell Superstar Rick Riley jumps in to defend the bloodied Robbie. Rick and Rude go toe to toe exchanging punches, and the fans oohh and ahh with each punch. There’s the bell and Luthor Alexander brings a steel chair with him into the ring and maw gawd he smashes Robbie and Riley over the head! Johnny applauds at ringside he is proud of his apt pupil, Alexander. The bell rings and Warhawk charges in like a house of fire. Wow! He is rocking the rings with a display of pure power and stops to flip off his former boss, Revolution. The bell rings and what is this, he is up to something. Bossy: Johnny Revolution take a big puff of his cigar and pats Matt mayhem on the back as the man who betrayed the NWL fans takes the lit cigar into the ring with him and maw gawd he grinds it into Robbie’s face! NO! Rude and Matt batter Robbie and run him into the cage wall. Warhawk was the first of the Revolution’s Deathpack to turn on his boss and his epic 2013 was fueled by his desire to prove himself. Warhawk now he rams Doodie into the turnbuckle and scoops slams Mayhem which brings the fans to their feet. The bell rings and here come Booty McGhee who low blows Warhawk to stop that train dead in it’s tracks! Robbie is a bloody mess in one ring as Mayhem, Booty and Doodie use their numbers to pummel Warhawk down. The bell rings and the BRL’s all-time leader in points, Eddie Sweat comes off the top rope and double clotheslines Doodie and Booty! He springs up and takes the right to Mayhem and whips him into the ropes and Warhawk flattens Matt with a flying shoulderblock! The fans are going wild and Johnny Revolution barks at his team in some sort of pep talk with The Great David as David’ brother Konik, who none of us knew would be here tonight enters as the last man for his team and goes right after his long-time nemesis Doodie! Alexander wallops Konik with the chair and signals to Doodie to spike-piledrive Konik onto the chair, oh no this could kill him! Wait the bell, and the Great David nods to Johnny Revolution and asks for the chair to use on Konik. Doodie hands it to him, oh no, don’t do this to your own brother David, he rears back and smashes Doodie and then Alexander! Maw Gawd, The Great David has turned on his Revolution team mates and is helping his brother to destroy the other Revolutionaries! Johnny Revolution is flipping out at ringside, he just realized he’s been played a fool! A superstar piledriver for Alexander and now Konik slaps on the Pol-Lock! Mayhem, Doodie and McGhee try to reach Luthor who is out cold, but they are held off by David, Rick, Robbie and Warhawk, referee Kenny Wynn checks Luthor’s arm, 1… 2… 3! That’s it’s! Johnny Revolution’s team has lost and he has lost his ownership in the IWA, and wait, he is walking away. Johnny Revolution is disgusted that he was suckered by The brothers Great David and Konik, but he isn’t sticking around. All of his master plans have just come crumbling down! Maw gawd, what does this mean for the IWAR leagues? What does this mean for the IWA? Jim Bossy: Autumn Anarchy 4 wraps up in home of the IWA, Cleveland, Ohio. Shooter, what’s your favorite thing to do in Cleveland? . Shooter Simmons: Leave. But you fans won’t wanna leave until you see the action from the final night of the Autumn Anarchy 4 Tour. It has been crazy Jimbo and tonight takes the cake like a fat kid. AUTUMN ANARCHY 4 TOUR – NIGHT FOUR – CLEVELAND, OHIO – QUICKEN LOANS ARENA MML STREET FIGHT MATCH: “GOLDEN BOY” BISHOP HOLDEN vs. HOT $TUFF ADAM CA$H Bossy: I have to say I am surprised to see Adam back out here a night after a physical match with Saxe Gotha, he takes on the incomparable Bishop Holden, in a Street Fight. Shooter: Hey, I saw the start of Holden’s LWL career and I watched when he and Ca$h seemed to build a mutual admiration that carried over into the MML. That is until his manager Mr. C and Mr. Magnificent Jamie Montgomery ambushed Ca$h at the Imperial title shot contract signing that Holden has held for two years. Now Holden refuses to give Ca$h a title shot unless he can defeat Mr. C’s protégé’s the undefeated MML Champion, Magnum TNT and Moses Magnum, but tonight it is non-title and all-personal. Bossy: Holden hands the Imperial belt over to Mr. C as Adam’s theme music “Firestarter” plays, but look out, jumping out of the crowd and attacking Holden is Hot $tuff! Forget the regular entrance, these two hate each other and they spill out of the ring. BRL NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH: STEVIE JOE STEPHENSON vs. MADDOG DICK JACKSON Bossy: There is no love lost between these two men. Who could forget how DJ welcomed the Four Horsemen only to be turned on and beat down? Shooter: This will be a battle! I guess we will see if DJ can do any better here than he did against The Dangerous BullTerry Blackwell. Bossy: This has been a back and forth match. Maddog ducks a clothesline attempt and catches Stevie with a snap power-slam. The ref gets into position. Shooter: Michael Rose is up on the apron and the ref comes over to deal with him. Wait, here comes Robert Van Damage. RVD clotheslines Rose into the ring. All four men are going at it. The IVHM / Leather Brigade has spilled over into this match, what mayhem! Bossy: The ref calls for the bell. It's a double DQ! DJ and RVD clean house. Southern Comfort are backing up the aisle. Stevie Joe: Dis' ain't over old man! MML LAST MAN STANDING MATCH: MR. FANTASTIC vs. SENOR FANTASTICO Bossy: What a year Mr. Fantastic has had. First he defeated Diamond Dave Venom, then silenced Mister Fantastic and when a man posing as a fan attacked him in order to take a selfie with the bloodied fan favorite. That disgusting sneak attack lit a fire in Mr. Fantastic who hammered his new foe in match after match so he wasted no time challenging Fantastico to a Last Man Standing match where is Senor loses, he has to leave the MML. A lot hangs in the balance here. Shooter: Hold on there Jimbo, Mr. Fantastic isn’t coming out to his music? What is going on here? Wait he’s just been found out cold in his dressing room! Bossy: Senor Fantastico is demanding the match start, but for the love of Pete, Mr. Fantastic was obviously ambushed and can’t even compete here. Refree Willy Pinnem is torn, you can see he knows this is wrong, but the rules are the rules. He calls for the bell and begrudgingly starts to count 1… 2… 3… c’mon Mr. Fantastic, get up… 4… 5… 6… Wait he is stirring! 7… 8… He is trying to pull himself up… 9… 10! Dammit NO! This is no way to win a match. JOHNNY B. CUP FINAL: SENOR LUCHA (TDL) vs. LASER-TRON (CWL) Bossy: Here we are, from 129 down to two, the former IWA champion Senor Lucha against former King of the Ring Laser-Tron, the man of tomorrow vs. the man of the people, and at ringside with Laser-Tron is the mysterious Lady in Silver if we could make out who she is under that shroud maybe could identify her. Shooter: Judging by the curves under that sheet, it’d be a short list of suspects. Ever wonder if time travel made him crazy or who is under that mask? Bossy: Indeed. Good to have Johnny B. here at ringside with that beautiful trophy. These masked men waste no time putting on a clinic in technical wrestling. Shooter: It is good to see considering how rude Laser-Tron has become lately, belittling women and trying to injure Dagger Bomb at Continental Divide. Bossy: They’ve been battling for nearly 30 minutes and wait, Laser-Tron comes off the ropes and hit a cross-arm smash that stuns Lucha. LT goes to the top rope, he’s going for a Laser Show Splash to end it quick, wait, he doesn’t see Lucha is up, he leaps and Lucha jumps up to hit a Million Peso Knee Lift in mid-air! Maw Gawd! Lucha covers for the 1… 2… 3! He did it! He did it! Senor Lucha has won the 2014 Johnny B. Cup. Listen to those fans. Johnny B. is in the ring. Johnny B: First, I want to thank the 129 competitors who took part in this event that celebrates not myself, but all of the great people who’ve given life to the IWA. Second, I want to thank Laser-Tron for such a great effort, here is a check for $500,000.00 and a plaque for your great run. Finally, I congratulate Senor Lucha. Due to a clerical error, Senor Lucha had to wrestle an extra match against Arsenal, but he didn’t complain, he went out and won. What a year, returning from a back injury, the IWA title and it does me proud to hand this cup to such a class act. Give it up folks for your 2014 Johnny B. Cup winner, Senor Lucha! Senor Lucha: Muchas gracias. I wish to thank Johnny Revolution Jr, Arsenal, Konik, SNAFU, Der Hass Machine and Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h for giving me great battles. Laser-Tron, you could have made this personal, but you kept it clean and about the competition, for that, I and these fans, thank you. Thumbs up. Bossy: Laser-Tron nods as he returns the thumbs up to Lucha who holds the trophy for all to see. What a show of sportsmanship. Wait, Laser-Tron looks at the Lady in Silver and she gives Laser-Tron a thumbs up. Laser-Tron raises his thumb up high in the air and uses his left hand to dislocate right thumb? HUH? Shooter: Whoa, hold on… only one man in the IWA can do that move… and he… no, no no… NO! It can’t be! That’s impossible! Bossy: Laser-Tron jumps Senor Lucha from behind and locks on the Atari Thumb! Lucha is fighting but he, he passes out. In all my years, I haven’t heard boos like this. Laser-Tron stands up and stares down Johnny B. as he unmasks and reveals himself to be The Arabian Dream Ali Atari!? What the hell? The Arabian Dream Ali Atari: There are no heroes in the IWA. I have said this since I returned from being banished by you Johnny B. and these fans are so desperate for someone to believe in, that they put their faith in a man who claimed to be… a time traveler from the future. I suppose when the choices you have are to support for fall somewhere between uninteresting minons and this fragile Lucahdor, you have to root for someone. To those who claim the path to this night was easy I remind them that to get to here, I defeated stars like Scotty Flash, California Executioner, Judge, Victor Von Snapp, Maddog Dick Jackson and Fatty the Butcher, but you name is not among that list because you lack to courage to be great. I, the Arabian Dream Ali Atari breath greatness the Foreign Legion has not returned, but now has expanded from the IWL to the CWL! Johnny B, I waited a long time for my revenge and as much pleasure as I would take at locking you in the Atari Thumb, I want you to be at full health while you watch me destroy those who stand in the way of the Foreign Legion. Take off that shroud and join me my Lady Xanadu for it is time to go. I don’t have to be from the future to know that soon a I will sit a top the IWA. Bossy: Maw gawd he just spit on Lucha! Fitting as he just spat all over this great night. ((( The following occurs the day after the Autumn Anarchy 4 pay per view ))) EXT. LAKE SIDE OFFICE BUILDING “IWA HEADQUARTERS - WILLOWICK, OHIO” The cameras zoom into the office building and follows Johnny B. an older gentleman in a suit who hurriedly walks down the hallways. Johnny B: Kim, hold my calls, I need to get to the bottom of this so I’ll be in Johnny Revolution’s office if you need me. The camera follows Johnny B. as he opens the double oak doors and walks in to the office which appears empty when a toilet flushes walking out of the executive bathroom reading a personnel file is Superstar Rick Riley who looks up over his reading glasses at Johnny. Superstar Rick Riley: Oh… Ohhhh Luthor Alexander, a history of slight mental illness. That explains a lot of the- oh hey Johnny! Johnny B: What are you doing in Johnny Revolution’s office? Reading classified personnel files? Give me those! Superstar Rick Riley: C’mon Johnny, not like Revolution is gonna need them and besides did you read the profile on Damien? Holy ShJohnny B: Rick! Where is Johnny Revolution? No one has seen him since he the end of the War Games match last night at Autumn Anarchy. Superstar Rick Riley: Do you blame him? Did you know there is already a Johnny Revolution Meme “That awkward moment when youJohnny B: Rick! We have a lot of things to get done around here andSuperstar Rick Riley: For starters you should rebrand the magazine and all this IWAR stuff. I was thinking back to my rookie year in 1988 and hey, why not use IWA Ringside again? Oh and rather than just focus on the IWAR leagues, open one page to showcase non-IWAR leagues!. Johnny B: Listen, no one has seen him and as difficult as he was to work with, he had a number of responsibilities. We’ve got the IWA Revolution leagues to coordinate, the IWAR Magazine deadlines, the Bound for Glory Series, Tag Team Derby, the Triple D Cup Six-man Tournament, the World Series of Wrestling, the All-Rookie Cup, Willowick Classics, NWL TV, ramping up the Battlecade PPV, the year end awards and the Triple Threat league formation to name a few. There is a lot to do around here and jerk or not, he did a lot, but now I have an idea. You may be an uncouth, obnoxious carouser, but you do love the IWA. You could take this spot temporarily until we find a full timeSuperstar Rick Riley: Whoa now. Me? You want to let Superstar Rick Riley sit in this chair? Really? The guy who piledrove a pregnant woman through a table? The guy who ended Dr. Death’s career… twice? The guy who joined Rick Challenger to form the most controversial version of Badd Co? Badd Co! As in Badd Co… the reason the IWA hired a content editor? The guy who with Victor Von Snapp beat up a gym full of special needs kid to prep for our handicap matches against The Survivor and O’Maires? The guy who threw Stan Strong’s kid off the roof of the IWA Dome. You want that guy… to call the shots and all that for the IWA? Johnny B: I should have my head examined for doing this… but yes… but… only temporarily? We also need to figure out what happened to Johnny Revolution. There is still a very dangerous group of wrestlers out there who were devoted to him and who knows what they are going to do now? Disband? Regroup? Johnny Revolution is out there, somewhere and he is no doubt plotting revenge. The IWA needs your help. Superstar Rick Riley: Geez, okay, okay. No need to bring out Sarah Mclachlan and the dying puppies… I’ll do it. Johnny B: Great! Now, you obviously know your way around the IWA offices, but you can’t use MY office, so just keep this as your office. Superstar Rick Riley: Oh man… I really wish I knew all of this before I took an Upper Decker in Johnny Revolution’s Executive bathroom. We still got those Satanic Janitors working around here, because I’m gonna need them in that bathroom, pronto. Johnny B: Thank you for doing this, not the upper decker, but helping with this, but… don’t… make me regret this! Superstar Rick Riley: Too late! Now let me get back to my reading, I need to figure out whose crazier, Judge X, Dr. Samsosa or Damien. . October cycle – Autumn Anarchy 4 results posted November cycle – Send in one match marked (Battlecade) December cycle – Battlecade9 matches held in bulletins Holiday cycle – Battlecade 9 results posted in IWAR IWA REVOLUTION CONTRIBUTORS Bob Rodgers, Andrew Konik, Ryan Patrick, Frank Snow, Chris Capps, Kevin Perry, Robbie Pawelek, Becky Lipoth, Dr. Monte Roach, M.N. Markos, Duane Sammons, John Stephenson, Tom Clark, Daven Hamilton, Jason Hixenbaugh, Michael Rogers, Jimmy Nicholas, Adam Corsair, Alex Gutierrez and Matt Riley Commissioners note: please join the IWAR message board for any help you may need. Join the board and discuss with other managers. http://hoosieriwacrew.proboards.com Note from the IWA: This message board is not run by the IWA itself. The IWA accepts no responsibility for its content. Thanks to everyone who took part in the Autumn Anarchy 4 PPV. If you want to be in the end of year spectacular Battlecade 9 PPV begin planning now. There are only a few cycles left in 2014 figure out what match you most want to see. To be apart of it, send in one match for the December cycle and mark it (Battlecade). The results will show up in the Holiday cycle’s edition of the IWAR magazine with recaps of the big bouts. Due to a delay, the 5th Annual Triple D. Cup Six-man Tournament has been postponed to allow more teams to enter. If you want your trio in this event, email me and the IWA to reserve your spot. Deadline for submissions for the next IWAR is 5pm, November 14th See you in 3 weeks. -Riley Want to be apart of the Creative Team? Want to be a Commissioner? Just want to be more involved? Please contact Riley1d20@gmail.com Welcome to the NWL, the IWA’s rookie league for new players. We want you to succeed so here are some tips; HOW TO WIN IN THE IWA – Just for NWL’ers, a guide to get you started in the IWA email Riley1d20@gmail.com for a copy. TRASH TALK – Send in a promo for your wrestler that tells us who they are, what they want and what they’ll do to get it. TITLE SHOTS – Is your wrestler championship material? Prove it. Regional champion defends against ANY challenger who sends in the match to face them. TV Champion defends against the Regional champions and the top 10 contenders, but you have to sign the match. League champion defends against the TV champ, Regional Champs and the top 5 contenders, but the top 5 Contenders must send in their match (pay for it) themselves or it will not be played. Commissioner’s champion defends against a set of contenders. Know your league’s rules for challenging. SCOUT – Check out any IWA league bulletin for just $1.00 and see where you may want to play next. GRADUATION - Ready for the IWA? Transfer to any league for FREE but once you leave, you can not return to the NWL. IWA REVEOLUTION MESSAGE BOARD – http://hoosieriwacrew.proboards.com/index.cgi? QUESTIONS – If you have questions, email riley1d20@gmail.com at any time. 25pts League Champion (title page) 20pts Event or Tournament Winner 15pts Television, Tag Team and Six-man 10pts Regional Champion 5pts Battle Royal, TV Tag Team and TV Six-man 5pts Commissioner’s Champion
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