November 2014 All Saints Sunday, November 2 , 2014

November 2014
8:15 A.M. Traditional Service
10:00 A.M. Contemporary Service
10:00 A.M. Sunday School
Remember that Daylight
Savings Time is over on
November 2nd.
Set your clocks back one
All Saints Sunday, November 2nd, 2014
At both services 8:15am & 10:00am on November 2nd, 2014 we will be
remembering those who have joined our membership by baptism and
also those members of Joy who have entered the Church Triumphant
this past year. See page 11.
All Joy Members &Friends are invited to
the Prescott Area Churches Association
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at St.
Joseph’s Catholic Church on Sunday,
November 23rd, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. See page 12.
Wednesday Night Supper
5:15 -6:30pm
5th- Hungarian Goulash
12th- Beef Stew
19th- Stroganoff
Plan ahead for the Christmas
Children’s Christmas Program
Sunday, December 14
8:15 & 10:00 a.m.
Christmas Eve services
with communion
Wednesday, December 24
3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., &
9:00 p.m.
Annual “Treats and Treasures” Sale to be
held Saturday, November 22, 2014,
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Everyone is invited to come for fellowship, coffee and treats, or to buy
Lefse, Christmas cookies, delious baked goods, or beautiful hand-made
items. Thank you for supporting JW/ELCA’s major fundraising project.
See page 8.
The Stewardship drive is in full swing,
pledge cards from all members are due by
Sunday, November 9th. Please help Joy have a great year
by supporting the church. Your contributions provide programming,
upkeep on our church building and grounds, salary for staff and
continuing services that will sustain you and all in our service to God for
the coming year. Pledge generously now!See page 7.
Pastor Roger Grow
Dear Member of Joy:
November is the least favorite
month of the year for me. When all
the wonderful colors of October are
gone -- the rich golds, yellows,
oranges, and reds -- what remains
are shades of gray, black and brown.
Coupled with the fact that only February has fewer days in which the
sun shines, November is not for me.
Maybe it would be different if I were
a hunter, but I am not, so I go into
somewhat of a funk.
Yet, November has two of the very
special days in our lives, both having
to do with remembering, celebrating, and, giving thanks.
The first of these days if All Saints
Sunday, which this year is November 2nd. This is a time when we remember those people who have
been special in our lives but who
now are no longer with us. It is a
time to remember people and experiences which have blessed and enriched our lives -- parents, grandparents, a special aunt, or uncle,
maybe a close friend who has died.
Make a joyful noise to the
LORD, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with
gladness; come into his
presence with singing.
We think about how they have influenced our lives, making them so
much richer and better. Faces
come to mind, I pause to remember
and reflect. How blessed am I because of their presence in my life.
We will celebrate and remember
those special people at both of our
services on November 2nd.
The other special day is Thanksgiving, which is November 27th. We
will join with other congregations
in Prescott to worship on Sunday
evening November 23rd at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church to
mark this special day.
Images of that first thanksgiving
with the Pilgrims come to mind.
The proclamation by the President
of the United States helps us focus
on the need for our gratitude today.
We celebrate the goodness of our
God in the bountiful harvest which
has been gathered. Then there is
the gathering of the family around
the dinner table with the traditional
foods of turkey, dressing, mashed
potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie.
All of this generates a deep sense of
The Psalmist reminds us,” Make a
joyful noise to the LORD, all the
earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with
singing. Know that the Lord is
God. It is he that made us and we
are his; we are his people and the
sheep of his pasture. Enter his
gates with thanksgiving, and his
courts with praise. Give thanks to
him, bless his name. For the Lord
is good; his steadfast love endures
forever, and his faithfulness to all
Peace and Joy,
1 Saturday
7:30am Men's Bible Study
2 Sunday
All Saints Sunday
8:15am Traditional Worship Service
10:00am Contemporary Worship
10:00am Sunday School
3 Monday
7:00am High School Prayer
5:30pm Sing4Joy
6:00pm Joy Unlimited
*6:30pm Girl Scouts
7:00pm Spirit of Joy
7:00pm Joyful Bells
4 Tuesday
6:30pm Executive Team Mtg
5 Wednesday
9:00am Joyful Quilters
5:15-6:30pm Wednesday Supper:
Hungarian Goulash
5:30pm Guitar Camp 6-8th Grade
5:45pm High School Praise Band
6:00pm Profile Committee Mtg
Fireside Room
6:15pm Shift 67
6:15pm Confirmation Class
7:00pm Joy Choir
9 Sunday
2015 Pledge Card Due Back
8:15am Traditional Worship Service
10:00am Contemporary Worship
10:00am Sunday School
10 Monday
7:00am High School Prayer
5:30pm Sing4Joy
6:00pm Joy Unlimited
7:00pm Spirit of Joy
* Building use by outside group
# Meeting not at Joy Church
11 Tuesday
#1:30pm Love Circle - Women's Bible
Study - Prescott Nursing
6:30pm Service/Outreach/Fellowship/Giving
Team Mtg
7:00pm Women's Bible Study
Fireside Room
12 Wednesday
9:00am Joyful Quilters
5:15-6:30pm Wednesday Supper: Beef Stew
5:30pm Guitar Camp 6-8th Grade
5:45pm High School Praise Band
6:00pm Profile Committee Mtg
Fireside Room
6:15pm Shift 67
6:15pm Confirmation Class
15 Saturday
7:30am Men's Bible Study
16 Sunday
Operation Christmas Child boxes due back
8:15am Traditional Worship Service
10:00am Contemporary Worship Service
10:00am Sunday School
17 Monday
7:00am High School Prayer Breakfast
10:00am Joyful Seniors
5:30pm Sing4Joy
6:00pm Joy Unlimited
*6:30pm Girl Scouts
7:00pm Spirit of Joy
7:00pm Joyful Bells
18 Tuesday
6:30pm Council Mtg
19 Wednesday
5:15-6:30pm Wednesday Supper: Stroganoff
5:30pm Guitar Camp 6-8th Grade
5:45pm High School Praise Band
6:00pm Profile Committee Mtg
Fireside Room
6:15pm Shift 67
6:15pm Confirmation Class
7:00pm Joy Choir
20 Thursday
8:00am Lefse Making
2:00 4:00-pm Edna Aamodt’s 100th Birthday
21 Friday
8:00am Lefse Making
2:00pm Set Up Treats and Treasures
22 Saturday
9:00am Treats and Treasures Sale
23 Sunday
8:15am Traditional Worship Service
10:00am Contemporary Worship
10:00am Sunday School
#6:30pm Ecumenical Thanksgiving
Service @ St. Joseph’s
Catholic Church
24 Monday
7:00am High School Prayer Breakfast
5:30pm Sing4Joy
6:00pm Joy Unlimited
7:00pm Spirit of Joy
7:00pm Joyful Bells
26 Wednesday
No Wednesday Supper
27 Thursday
Thanksgiving Day
Joy Office Closed
29 Saturday
7:30am Men's Bible Study
9:00am Decorating Joy for Christmas
30 Sunday
8:15am Traditional Worship Service
10:00am Contemporary Worship
*5:00pm Piano Recital
No Sunday School
This month the Council worked on finalizing
goals for the coming year/council. In 2015 we will focus on rebuilding Joy in a relevant, hopeful and generous manner. The church
will spend considerable time and effort on conducting a successful and prayerful Pastor Call Process, followed by a transition to a new Pastor! Meanwhile we
want to be conscious of being open and hopeful to members and visitors of
Joy, manage finances well and expand education for all ages!
Donna Boatman
Profile Committee (for finding a new Pastor) Update: They are working on gathering info for the (online) profile. This Profile is what potential
Pastors will first see pertaining to Joy. Members are Carroll Lehman, Ken
Roen, Donna Boatman, Marcia Lindseth and Steve Sizemore. They will be developing input opportunities shortly for all.
The Joy website is going to be updated. The process has begun but anyone interested, contact Cassie with ideas/interest.
See the "Leadership at Joy" article on page 6 to learn how you can be
on Council for 2015.
2014 Christmas Program at Joy
We need your help. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this year's
Christmas Program. We are in need of a few key volunteers in order to pull
this off for our little palm trees, donkeys, and angels.
Coordinator (2) - Give direction to "leads" and oversee rehearsals and
Costume Lead (1) - Oversee costume distribution and needs with Sunday
School Teachers
Christmas Program is scheduled for Dec.14 at 8:15 AM, & 10:00 AM
Rehearsals: Wed. Dec. 10, 6-7:30pm, and Sat. Dec 13, 9-11am at Joy
If you can help in any capacity, please contact Lisa Jenkover at 612-290-5667
Lisa Jenkover
Shanty Town was
Saturday, October 19th.
Joy Church helped raise awareness
about homelessness and social justice issues in our world. Participants
slept outside in constructed, temporary structures they created from
cardboard and duct tape. Our focus
was on how God is calling us to love
and serve our neighbor… and to give
thanks for the blessings we have
been given. We had 19 youth who
participated in this event. The youth
slept outside in the structures they
The 9th grade retreat at
the Roen’s cabin was
great for our students!!
Seventeen 9th grade students had an
opportunity to come together as a
group on October 11th through the
13th. These students prepared meals
together, raked leaves, played
games, enjoyed the woods…and
spent time talking about Gods Word!
Apple pie making for
Malawi was October 18th
at JOY. We had 13 youths help
make Apple Pies for our companion
congregation in Malawi!! The youth
had a great time working alongside
adults and many plan to volunteer
again next year!
We also had 13 adults who volunteered over 50 hours Saturday night
and Sunday Morning to make this
event possible!! Jan, Samantha, Lisa,
Helen, Allanah, Katie, Paula, Dan, Jenny, Kim, Amy, Paul, and Terry…
TEC 99 is November 21st23rd at Bethel Lutheran
Church Hudson, WI. Please
note this is a date change. Students
in 9th -12th grade are encouraged to
sign up online at
TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) is a
three day experience for teens that
will bring them closer to GOD. More
details are available on the TEC web
site, or talk to
Christy Canfield
Donna Boatman
When and how long?
Elections happen in February at a
congregational meeting where voting members vote on nominees. A
Vision Council term runs for three
years. A person can only hold two
consecutive 3-year terms.
Council meets monthly for 90
minutes. They open and close with
prayer and the reading of Joy's mission and vision statements. Council
uses parliamentary procedure and
uses email to distribute meeting
times, updates, agendas and
What would I be doing?
Once elected to Council, the group
meets and determines who wants to
Leadership at Joy
take which leadership role on the
Executive Committee (President,
VP, Secretary, Treasurer) or be the
What does it mean to be on
Liaison for one of the five
Joy's Church Council?
(Outreach, Fellowship, SerCouncil is charged with making the
Faith Education and
decisions and providing guidance to
the goal is to have
staff and lay-leaders on how Joy LuCouncil members be liaisons to
theran church should conduct itself.
Teams, in some cases they are also
the leaders of these (meeting
monthly) committees. (See "How
Why is it called a Vision
are you Called?" to learn more
The Council is focused on looking for- about the five Teams and determine where your passion lies!)
ward, providing direction and support so that Joy Lutheran Church can Ask what Teams and responsibilities are expected to be open for
strive towards its mission/vision
while serving God and our communi- next year!
ty. The goal is to equip pastor and
staff with guidelines and clear direction so they (along with Property and How would I know what to do
on Council?
Grounds and the Finance Manager)
can manage the daily activities of Joy, Each year the Council creates 1-3
goals for itself and the Teams to
thus allowing the Vision Council to
focus on. These goals align with the
focus on the future and serving God,
our membership and the community 3-5 year Long-Term Strategic Goals
that Council reviews every five
of Prescott.
years. The Yearly Goals are determined by Council prior to setting
the budget in December timeframe.
So when joining the Council in February you have goals and a plan to
work from! It's easy!
What does a good Council
member look like?
If you want Joy to be a hopeful and
relevant spiritual place for people
to come and celebrate God, then
you would be great on Council. We
are looking for people who are busy
or have free time, who are young
and old, who are teachers of scripture and who perhaps need to learn
more about that Bible. Joy needs
members to step up, give of their
time, be an example to their children/family/friends of what it
means to serve God and our community. Joy needs moms, dads,
grandparents, uncles, aunts, young,
old, single, married, divorced,
MBA's or high-school dropouts,
bright, challenged, Packer or Viking, Democrats, Republican or Independents, tall or short individuals. Joy needs good 'ol average you
-- listen, God is asking you for
Stewards of the Bountiful Harvest!
2015 funding drive is in progress and we need to know contributions now in order to
plan for 2015. During the month of October, packets were distributed by teams. Please
be sure to read the steps/directions, fill out the pledge card and return it to Joy on/by
Kristen Gray
Sunday, November 9th so we can begin to plan the fruits of 2015 at Joy. Please see the
schedule below for more information.
If you have any questions please contact Kristen Gray at or 262-5992.
Marcia Lindseth
All Women are
Invited to the
Bible Study!
November 11, 2014
Women of our church continue to
gather monthly for Bible Study.
This year we are focusing on how
our lives and our faith journeys
are transformed by the events we
experience and the people we
meet. In November we will consider how transformation takes
time. We will read a portion of
the Exodus deliverance story and
come to understand that for people in the Bible and for Christians
today, growth in faith so often
takes time. The theme verse is
John 20:30-31. All women are
encouraged to attend either of the
following Bible Study sessions on
Tuesday, November 11:
1:30 P.M.
Prescott Nursing Home
Wilma Timm, Leader
7:00 P.M.
Church Fireside Room
Marcia Lindseth, Leader
Annual “Treats and
Treasures” Sale to
be held Saturday,
November 22, 2014
The women of the church are
busy planning the annual “Treats
and Treasures” event scheduled
for November 22 from 9:00
A.M. – 1:00 P.M. This is the
major fundraising project for JW/
ELCA so everyone is invited to
participate by making lefse, donating Christmas cookies (6 dozen), baked goods, hand-made
items for the County Store, or
odds ‘n ends in good condition for
Granny’s Attic. Proceeds from
“Treats and Treasures” go to support ministries at Joy Lutheran
Church (youth camperships, purchase of kitchen items, Bibles for
3rd Graders, etc.) or ministries of
the wider church (mission projects, Luther Park Bible Camp,
Turningpoint Shelter for Women,
Lutheran World Relief, or His
Arms Ministry in Kenya). This is
an important event for JW/ELCA,
so we encourage ALL women to
help in some way. If you have
questions or would like to volunteer to help, please contact any of
the following women:
Chair: Cathy Martin
Publicity: Emilie Horken
Kitchen: Jayne Parmeter,
Shirley Johnson, and
Donna Zerahn
Cookie Walk: Hope Olson,
Susan Metcalf, and
Becky Czubin
Lefse Making: Deanna Roen
and Wilma Timm
Bake Sale: Joan Schaack
Country Store/Granny’s Attic:
Mary Jonikas
Cashiers: Sandy Satchell and
Julie Fiedler
Susan Metcalf and
Georgia Freidel
If you’d like to help make lefse
(or learn how to do it from the experts), please come to the church
kitchen on Thursday, November
20 (8:00 a.m. – Noon) and/or Friday, November 21 (8:00 a.m. –
2:00 p.m.). If you’d like to help make
lefse, or contribute needed ingredients, please sign up on the sign-up
sheets in the narthex of the church.
All women are asked to donate 6
dozen cookies for the cookie
walk or contribute baked goods
for the Bake Sale! The cookies
and all other donated items may be
brought to the church on Friday, November 21 from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Let’s all get together and make this
year’s “Treats and Treasures” another
successful event so JW/ELCA can
continue contributing to projects
around our church, community, and
abroad. Be sure to tell your
friends and relatives to come to
our “Treats and Treasures” sale
and lunch on November 22.
Thanks, in advance, for ALL your
help with this BIG project!
Mission Project News
√ Please continue to bring items for homeless men in the Twin
Cities. In cooperation with our young people who are involved in
their “Shanty Town” project this month, we are helping to collect men’s
T-shirts, socks, hand warmers, and knit hats. There is a basket in the
narthex in which you can put your donated items. Thank you for making life a bit better for homeless men!
√ Be sure you pick up an Operation Christmas Child box in the narthex of the church and fill it with items requested for this Samaritan’s
Purse project. (Note article elsewhere in this newsletter for more details about this project.) All boxes need to be returned to church by
November 16th. They will be blessed in services on November 16th.
Touch the heart of a needy child this Christmas with a gift-filled box
and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
√ Looking ahead to December and gift giving . . . . JW/ELCA and the Sunday School will be teaming up to offer families an opportunity to
“purchase” gifts from places like the ELCA Good Gifts, Heifer International, Lutheran World Relief, etc. in honor of loved ones. More information will be coming soon about this “Alternative Gift Fair” that
will benefit people around the world who do not live in the abundance
that we have in our community and in our homes. This opportunity
will be available on Sundays, December 7 and 14. Be looking for this
exciting opportunity to reach out and to teach our children about real
giving to those in need!
√ Our Joyful Quilters are quilting every Wednesday morning, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in the Fellowship Room at church. They will quilt
through November 12th, take a break through the holidays, and begin
quilting again early in January. The Joyful Quilters have made almost
30 quilts this fall for Lutheran World Relief! These will be dedicated in
church on November 23rd. The Quilters gladly welcome donations of
material and shipping costs ($2.50/quilt). Speak to Karen Lundgaard
or Joan Schaack if you’d like to make a donation.
Mark Your Calendars for Special
Advent Program
Sunday, December 7th, 2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
All women, men, and children ages 10 and up are invited to a very special Advent Program on December 7 from 2-4 P.M. in the church Fellowship Hall.
We will be hosting an old fashioned 16th century Madrigal Event with special
singing by eight singers from the Stillwater area, special early English foods to
eat, beautiful decorations, and fellowship beyond compare! (We hear via the
grapevine that Pastor Roger may be coming as a monk!) Don’t miss this special holiday event! There is no cost to attend, but a free-will offering will be
taken. Look for posters , a sign-up sheet to indicate your plans to attend
(helpful for food preparation), and mark your calendars NOW so you won’t
miss this special family program to usher in the holiday season!
Marcia Lindseth
Steering Committee
Marcia Lindseth
His Arms Ministry
to be Highlighted in
Services on
November 2
JW/ELCA supports a child in
Kenya named Sarah. We do this
through “His Arms Ministry”
which was begun by a former Joy
member, Nancy Rowe. This ministry focuses on orphaned children in Kenya. On Sunday, November 2, Nancy will be with us
at Joy, along with Florence who
coordinates this program in Kenya. Florence will bring greetings
at both church services. We will
take a Love Offering to help defray the expenses of Florence’s
visit to the United States. Nancy
and Florence will also have a new
book about this ministry available
for sale for interested people. In
addition, we’ve been informed
that we can save “Box Tops for
Education” to help this ministry
so be watching for a jar or other
container in which you can deposit your Box Tops from food
products. Be sure to come to
church on November 2nd and welcome Florence and Nancy from
His Arms Ministry.
On September 30th, the JW/
ELCA Steering Committee met,
had devotions led by Sue Hood,
and discussed the following
Approved the following expenditures: $287.65 for
card ministry supplies;
$344.94 for new cabinets
in which to store card
ministry materials;
$229.91 for 3rd Grade Bibles; $25.00 for Eichman
Family Memorial for quilt
materials donation.
Phyllis Hoffmann reported
that the “Finishing Touches” Committee will examine the need for new
chairs and tables for our
Fellowship Room.
Discussed visit of Florence
to our church on November 2nd to highlight His
Arms Ministry which we
Library Committee received
$250 at “Race Back to
Church” event in donations
for new books for the church
Plans were made for the upcoming “Treats and Treasures” event on November
Discussion was held regarding
the Advent Program for December 7th.
Thanks to the following women
who were in attendance at this
meeting: Emilie Horken, Charlotte Burgeson, Sue Hood, Hope
Olson, Susan Metcalf, Phyllis
Hoffmann, and Marcia Lindseth.
Coming Soon -- New
JWELCA Group for
Women Aged 16-60!
Bold Café Group
Forming – Begins in
Women ages 16-60 are invited to participate in an exciting new group that
JWECA is forming. It will be led by
Kathy Sommer and Mandy Bernick.
They will guide women through Bold
Café discussions one Saturday each
month from 10:00 – 11:30 A.M. in
the Fellowship Hall at church. Please
visit to learn more
about this awesome opportunity to
grow your faith and connect with
women at Joy and in our community.
Along with discussion, the group will
start out with gentle yoga to both relax and energize our bodies. Snacks
will be provided. Bring a friend! Options for child card are being investigated. Mark your calendar NOW for
the following dates: January 10th,
February 21st, March 21st, April 18th,
and May 16th, and join the younger
ladies of Joy for a fantastic, inspiring
For more information, or if you’d like
to volunteer to help in some way with
our new group, contact Kathy or
Mandy at the following numbers or email addresses:
Kathy Sommer
Mandy Bernick
All Saints Sunday,
November 2nd, 2014
In the past year the following saints have
joined our membership by baptism.
Acts 2:38
“Then Peter said to them, “Repent,
and be baptized every one of you in
the name of Jesus Christ so that
your sins may be forgiven; and
you will receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit.”
Talulla Timm
Kaitlyn Baker
Roman Lahn
Luella O’Reily
Theodore Allen
Mackenzie Parkos
Jayde Canfield
Cody Theis
November 2
Jack & Karla Reichert
Adam & Jenna Kellogg
and girls
November 9
Craig & Tammy Orf
Susan Metcalf
November 16
Zach Maaske and
Jackson Hundt
Peter Shelstad and
Christian Timmins
November 23
Jerry & Pat Erickson
Carson Schroeder
and Rachelle Schroeder
November 30
LeRoy & Charlotte
Ben & Melissa Miller
and family
In the past year the following saints have
entered the Church Triumphant.
Revelation 21:4
“He will wipe away every tear from
their eyes. Death will be no more;
mourning and crying and pain will
be no more, for the first things have
passed away.”
Beverly Boles
Hazel Erlandson
Bob Fielder
Dorothy Schulz
Audrey Schweizer
Raymond Van Diepen
Don Wilson
After these names have been
read, members of the congregation will be invited to come forward to light
a candle in remembrance or celebration of a
loved one. Please join us that day in this
special way of honoring significant people
who have enriched and blessed us or continue to do so.
November 2
Ken Roen
Kathy Sommer
November 9
Em Horken
Dylan Rieken
November 16
Lee Northouse
Kelly Johnson
November 23
Marv Lindseth
Fernando Tibayan
November 30
November 2
Ken Roen
Sue Hood
Marv Lindseth
Hope Olson
Erik Olson
November 16
Lee Northouse
Jim Flatz
Phyllis Hoffmann
Carson Schroeder
Rachelle Schroeder
Cathy Martin
Operation Christmas
Child Show Your Love
for God’s Needy Children
by Packing a Shoebox
It’s time to pack and pray! Again
this year, our church will be packing up Christmas boxes with toys,
school supplies, hygiene/necessity
items, and small gifts for delivery to
needy boys and girls around the
Operation Christmas Child is
sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse.
Since 1993, more than 100 million
boys and girls in over 130 countries
have experienced God’s love
through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas
Samaritan’s Purse works with local
churches and ministry partners to
deliver the gifts and share the
life-changing Good News of Jesus
Christ. Your shoe boxes represent
more than smiles and laughter;
they become Gospel opportunities
that open doors to share the love
of Jesus Christ with children and
their families around the world.
Although Operation Christmas
Child is a great mission outreach
for people of all ages, one of the
best things about the project is
that it encourages kids to help other kids. Packing gifts and praying
for the children who will receive
them is a great way to teach kids
about the love of Jesus and the
importance of sharing the Gospel
with others. We hope every family
in our church will pack a shoe box
and involve the whole family in the
packing and then the praying for
the children who receive the boxes. Children in our Sunday School
who pack a shoe box will be given
a Daily Prayer Guide bookmark so
that they and their families can
pray for the children who receive
the filled shoe boxes. There are
countless children living in traumatic and impoverished circumstances
who need to know there is a Savior
who loves them.
Please take a shoe box (found in
the narthex of our church) and
note the directions for packing a
shoe box. The directions are on the
table next to the boxes. Gift
suggestions are given for you in the
directions. Be sure to affix the
label to your box, identifying
whether your box is for a girl or for
a boy, and indicating for what age
child you have packed your box.
This year you can use a box from
Samaritan’s Purse and avoid having
to wrap it at all! If you do wrap
your box, however, use holiday
wrap, making sure that its lid can
still be opened since all boxes are
checked before sending to children. Enclose a $7 donation, if you
so choose, to help cover the
shipping and other project costs.
Return your box to the church by
Sunday, November 16th. The boxes
will be blessed at services on November 16th and delivered to
Samaritan’s Purse collection point in
Woodbury on November 17th.
Anyone with a truck who can help deliver the boxes on Monday,
November 17th should contact the
church and tell of their willingness to
help deliver all the boxes.. For more
information, go to
Thanks for your help with this mission
outreach project!
You are invited to attend
the Prescott Area Churches Association
Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 23rd at 6:00 P.M. at
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Prescott.
Deanna Roen will conduct the Bell
Choir from Joy and Monica Laust will
conduct the Ecumenical Choir. Please
bring a non-perishable food item for
the Prescott Food Shelf. An offering
will be taken for PACA’s Emergency
Fund. Refreshments will be served following the service. Two volunteers are
needed to each
bring a pan of bars.
If you would like to
volunteer, contact
the church office or
Marcia Lindseth
Do join us!
Mission Committee
Special thanks, also, to the following people for donating some of
the supplies this year that we used
in our Mission Pie Project:
A Thank You from the
Mission Committee
Thank you to everyone at Joy who
purchased an apple pie, made by the
Mission Committee and the youth,
and sold on October 19th to raise
funds for our sister church in Mikolongwe in our Companion Synod of
Malawi. We have been helping that
church build a new church building.
Our donation this year will help them
purchase materials for their roof for
the new building. We also use about
$250 of the proceeds each year to
help fund the annual Pastor’s Academy in Malawi. This enables the pastors from the Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Malawi to receive theological and English language training
from two of our Northwest Wisconsin Synod pastors.
After expenses were taken out, we
raised approximately $1100 that will
be sent to Malawi. We are grateful
for the help of our church in supporting this annual project.
Thanks to the following 13 youth and 13
adults who made all 155 pies and enjoyed
a fun intergenerational mission project:
Elise Banitt
Hayley Hillman
Hope Miner
Haley Miner
Mari Sommer
Rylie Sanford
Christian Timmins
Andrew Shelstad
Jackson Hundt
Natalie Canfield
Chloe Rohl
Zach Maaske
George Wazlawik
Kathy Sommer
Phyllis Hoffmann
Erica Keezer
Jayne Parmeter
Jerry Erickson
Pat Erickson
Marv Lindseth
Marcia Lindseth
Rosie Culhane
Mary Jonikas
Bobbie Flatz
Hope Olson
Susan Metcalf
Karen Lehman
Jenny Shelstad
Melanie Heltne
Jayne Parmeter
Phyllis Hoffmann
Russ Jensen
Hope Olson
Lynda Johnson
The Cleasby family
Mary Jonikas
Al Klein
Pastor Roger and Carol Grow
Sue Hood
Carol Peterson
Em Horken
Marv and Marcia Lindseth
Bobbie Flatz
Pat and Jerry Erickson
Susan Metcalf
With all the people who purchased pies to those who helped
make the pies to those who furnished ingredients for the pies, we
had LOTS of people in our congregation involved in this mission project. Thank you SO much on behalf of the Lutherans in Malawi,
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Non-profit Organization
Permit No. 16
Prescott, WI
1435 St. Croix St.
Prescott, Wi 54021
(715) 262-5800
If you would like to purchase a Poinsettia to help decorate our sanctuary
for Christmas, please fill out the form
below. The plants may be taken home
after Christmas Eve services. Cost is
$10.00 each.
In Honor of______________________
In Memory of____________________
# of Poinsettias______
Total $_____________
Please return this form and payment
to the Joy office. Checks can be made
out to Joy Lutheran Church.
Calling All Snow Birds!
Have you given the church your
winter address yet? Do you
want to receive the newsletter
during the winter months? Do
you know the dates you will be
departing and returning?
You can fill out your information on a Welcome Guest
and Visitor Card during Sunday
worship or contact the Church
office with your information!
Enjoy your time away!