Document 393979

GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY Gujarat Na onal Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar, is one of the premier na onal law universi es of India. GNLU is also a nodal agency mandated to enhance standards of legal educa on in 32 law colleges of Gujarat, catering to nearly 12,000 students every year. GNLU aims to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their respec ve roles in na onal development. GNLU offers interdisciplinary legal courses in many facul es, namely B.A. LL.B., B.Com. LL.B., B.Sc. LL.B., B.S.W. LL.B., B.B.A. LL.B., LL.M. (full- me and distance), Ph.D. programs in law and interdisciplinary fields, and foreign law and languages programs.
Indian Ins tute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad) has been consistently ranked as the number one management school in the country for the last several years. In its latest ranking, The Economist has ranked IIMA at 56 among the top 100 interna onal B-schools in the world offering full me MBA. The Financial Times (FT) has ranked the two-year post graduate program in management (PGP) of IIMA in the top ten programs in the category of Masters Programs in Management that do not require work experience as pre-requisite for admission. It has also ranked the one-year post graduate program in management for execu ves (PGPX among the top MBA programs globally. In 2008, IIMA also became the first business school in the country to be awarded EQUIS (European Quality Improve-­‐
ment System) accredita on cer fying that the quality of IIMA’s academic processes and programs are on par with the best business schools globally that have similar accredita on. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR
Indian Ins tute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) is one of the premier ins tu ons established by the Government of India. The combined record of its past and present faculty and students along with the alumni spread across the world is awe-inspiring. The Ins tute is organized into 9 Engineering depart-­‐
ments, along with individual departments for Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs and Sta s cs, Earth Sci-­‐
ences and Humani es & Social Sciences. In addi on it has 5 inter-disciplinary programs. Most of the Engineering departments offer B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees. The inter-disciplinary programs also offer an M.Tech. and in some cases a Ph.D. The Science department offers M.Sc., BS/MS programs and Ph.D. while the Humani es & Social Science department offers BS/MS Economics Program and Ph.D. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE
It is difficult not to be struck by the poten al and synergy of a joint collabora on between three premier ins tu ons. And when the purpose of such collabora on is to enhance academic stand-­‐
ards in a cu ng-edge field, the excitement of academic illumina on is commensurate and the IMPORTANCE OF THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW
addi on of knowledge and momentum to the field immense. Fast-paced innova on in all fields and the specialisa on of ac vi es in and out of the marketplace has given rise to the need for mul disciplinary policy-oriented, compara ve academic ac vi es. It is clear that the way forward must come from an interac on of management, science and law. Through the efficient coordina-­‐
on of resources, the analysis of problems through rigorous, empirical tools and the sound, prin-­‐
cipled imposi on of laws and regula ons policy and strategy solu ons can be arrived at regularly and successfully. It is but a rare occurrence when a Na onal Law School, a Na onal Management School and a Na onal Engineering School come together for a common aim. The Interna onal Conference on Law & Economics, with its joint academic collabora on of the Gujarat Na onal Law University (GNLU), Indian Ins tute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad) and Indi-­‐
an Ins tute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) will inevitably enrich the debate around a number of policy problems in society and contribute to the establishment of the best responses. The aca-­‐
demic endeavour, by catering to proposals of improved and efficient tools and systems, will aid in mi ga ng the problems and enhancing well-being. The partnership will be one of its kind and will bring under one roof brilliant minds and ideas for the support of three robust ins tu ons, paving the way towards establishing long-term development and exper se in not just Law & Economics but all the fields, organisa ons and communi es it touches.
“Sanc ons affect Prices & Prices affect behaviour” Why? Economics provides a scien fic theory to predict the effects of legal sanc ons on behaviour. It also provides a useful norma ve standard for evalua ng law and poli-­‐
cy. Law and Economic has gone beyond tradi onal areas (Property, Contract and Torts) to undertake research on Consumer Protec on, Environmental Protec on, Intellectual Property Rights, Informa on and Communica-­‐
on Technology, Criminal Jus ce, Marriage and Divorce, Racial Discrimina on, Finance, etc., where economic interests o en dovetail those of law. Thus, Law and Economics approach deals with both the market and nonmarket transac ons. The GNLU has successfully organized three Cer ficate Courses on Law and Economics. It has also published a book, “Economic Analysis of Law: An Indian Perspec ve”, in associa on with LexisNexis India . Six students of the University had a ended a two-week long course on “Law and Economics” at the University of Chicago. The efforts of the Economics Department made these ac vi es possible and inspired the forma on of the Law and Economics Commi ee at GNLU.
IIM Ahmedabad has faculty members and researchers who work extensively in the following areas: regula on (including infrastructure and telecom), intellectual property, arbitra on, healthcare, environment, educa on, energy, and development economics. As a leading management ins tu on in India, with several programs and projects that advance policy analyses and implementa on, the tools of Law and Economics are found indispen-­‐
sable by scholars at IIM Ahmedabad. IIM Ahmedabad enjoys an amazing network of rela ons with the govern-­‐
ment, as well as the industry, and is able to influence policy on an ongoing basis. IIT Kanpur is a pioneering Technological Higher Educa onal Ins tute which promotes “Law and Economics” in India. The Ins tute offers “Law and Economics” courses to the students of B.Tech., M.Sc. Economics Programme and PhD Programme in Economics, since 2005. It also organized Short Term Courses on “Law and Economics” to the Engineering and Non-Engineering Faculty in the years 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2012. Approximately, 100 par cipants have a ended the course from 18 States in India. The conference will be an occasion to showcase the work of several of these thought leaders in the country, and partake in an exchange of ideas with scholars and faculty members from GNLU, IIM Ahmedabad, IIT Kanpur and other leading ins tu ons in the country and outside. Not only that, the conference promises to be an ideal occa-­‐
sion to meet with government officers and corporate managers, and discuss cu ng edge work in law and eco-­‐
Advances in Law and Economics (Behavioural approaches to Law an Economics; Empirical ap-­‐
proaches to Law and Economics)
Rethinking Regula on-1 (An -trust laws); Regula on-2 ( infrastructure, power, telecom etc) and the Corporate world
Formula on and Compliance of Legal Rules: The Role of Social Norms
Labour (physical & intellectual) mixed with Natural Resources: In the context of Property Rights
Commercial and non-commercial Mankind ac vi es: In the perspec ves of Contracts
Redressal Mechanism and the minimiza on of Transac on Costs of the par es
Public Interest Protec on: The Role of Cons tu onal Func onaries
ve Markets: Crises and Bubbles
Interna onal Trade and Investment Laws
Criminal Behaviour
The list of themes provided is merely indica ve & not exhaus ve. Other relevant papers related to the themes are welcome.
Special Note: One Session during the course of the Conference will be dedicated to World Consumer Rights Day (15th of March, 2015).
Research Papers are invited on any of the themes of the Conference.
Submission of Abstract
November 15, 2014
In ma on of selec on of Abstracts
November 26, 2014
Submission of Papers
March 1, 2015
Date of Conference
March 14—15, 2015
The Conference is open only to Scholars, Academicians and Professionals.
Authors may submit only one Paper for the Conference.
Co-authorship is permissible (subject to an upper limit of 2 co-authors per submission).
All submissions should be the original work of the Author, and should not have been submi ed for publica on/published elsewhere in any form.
Selected Research Papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN/ISSN number, how-­‐
ever Authors may opt to withdraw their research papers and get the same published elsewhere.
The conference will also witness:
Presenta on by Winners of the Essay Compe
Poster Session (Open for PG/PhD Students).
on on Law & Economics (Open for Stu-­‐
The Abstract should be of 500-800 words.
The author(s) shall specify 1. Title of the paper
2. Name(s) of the author(s)
3. Professional tles
4. E-mail address(es)
5. Contact number(s).
The Abstract should be in .doc/.docx formats in Times New Roman font, font size 12 with 1.5 spac-­‐
All abstracts should be submi ed through e-mail only.
The author(s) should indicate the theme on which the paper is based.
The abstracts shall be screened by the Organizing Commi ee. The Authors of the shortlisted ab-­‐
stracts shall be in mated accordingly.
(Inclusive of Accommoda on)
For Interna onal Par cipants
100 USD / 6500 INR For Indian Par cipants
2000 INR
The mode of payment shall be in mated along with the in ma on of short-listed abstracts.
Full paper should have a cover page containing the following:
1. Full name(s) of the Author(s)
2. Ins tu on/Organiza on/University
3. Professional/Educa onal Details
4. Email address(es)
5. Contact number(s)
Full paper to be submi ed in .doc/.docx formats with the following specifica ons:
Font Type: Times New Roman.
Font Size: 12pts.
Line Spacing: 1.5.
Footnotes Font Type: Times New Roman.
Footnotes Font Size: 10pts.
Footnotes Line Spacing: 1.
Margins to be of 1” on all sides.
Cita on Method: Harvard Bluebook (19th Edi on).
All submissions should be within the range of 5000-8000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
All submissions (abstract/paper) and queries regarding Call for Papers should be made to
Indranil Manna Director, Indian Ins tute of Technology Kanpur
Ashish Nanda
Director, Indian Ins tute of Management Ahmedabad
Bimal N. Patel Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Na onal Law University
H.B. Schafer Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany
N. L. Mitra Chancellor, KIIT University
T. C. Anant Secretary and Chief Sta s cian of India Sa sh Jain
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
G. Raghuram Indian Ins tute of Management Ahmedabad
Surajit Sinha
Indian Ins tute of Technology Kanpur
Ariel Porat
Tel Aviv University: University of Chicago
Manoj Dalvi Long Island University Vikramaditya Khanna University of Michigan Law School
Anand S. Dayal
Koura & Co., Advocates and Barrister, New Delhi
Uday Shanker Racherla Indian Ins tute of Technology, Kanpur
P. Kulshreshtha Indian Ins tute of Technology, Kanpur
S. K. Mathur Indian Ins tute of Technology, Kanpur
Rajendra Kundu Jawaharlal Nehru University
P. M. Prasad
Indian Ins tute of Technology, Kanpur
Ram Singh
Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
P. G. Babu
Indira Gandhi Ins tute of Development Research
NLSIU Bangalore
Pavan Mamidi
Indian Ins tute of Management, Ahmedabad; Harvard
Vishwanath Pingali Indian Ins tute of Management, Ahmedabad
Anurag Agarwal
Indian Ins tute of Management, Ahmedabad
Ranita Nagar
Gujarat Na onal Law University
Hiteshkumar Thakkar Gujarat Na onal Law University
Seshan Radha NLU Delhi; Yale Law School, Yale University
Nalin Bhara
Indian Ins tute of Technology, Patna
Hans-Bernd Schäfer He is a German economist and a pioneer in the field of law and economics in Germany and Eu-­‐
rope. Schäfer is professor emeritus at the University of Hamburg and former director of the Ins tute of Law & Economics. Currently he is an affiliate professor at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany. He has been visi ng profes-­‐
sor at various universi es abroad, including the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University faculty of law, George Mason Universi-­‐
ty School of Law (dis nguished visi ng professor from 2002–2009), and the Indira Gandhi Ins tute of Development Research. He was a visi ng schol-­‐
ar at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. Schäfer served as President of the Europe-­‐
an Associa on of Law & Economics from 2004–
2007 and was Director of the European Master Programme in Law & Economics from 2004–2008. In 2012 the faculty of law of the Universidad de San Mar n de Porres in Lima awarded him the tle of an honorary professor, whilst in 2013 he was awarded the scholar prize of the European Associa on of Law and Economics. Professor Schäfer has published extensively in the field of law and economics, development econom-­‐
ics, as well as ins tu onal economics. Recent pub-­‐
lica ons include the book “Solomon’s Knot: How Law Can End the Poverty of Na ons” together with Robert Cooter. His textbook “The Economic Analysis of Civil Law” (co-authored with Claus O ) is broadly considered to be the leading textbook on the economic analysis of civil law in Germany and has been translated into German (original ver-­‐
sion), Spanish and Chinese.
Professor Schäfer is the co-editor of the Interna-­‐
onal Review of Law and Economics. Further im-­‐
portant publica ons:
Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Robert D. Cooter. Sol-­‐
omon’s Knot: How Law Can End the Poverty of Na ons. Princeton University Press, 2012.
Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Claus O . The Eco-­‐
nomic Analysis of Civil Law. Edward Elgar, Lon-­‐
don 2004.
Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Hein Kötz. Judex oeconomicus. 12 höchstrichterliche Entschei-­‐
dungen, kommen ert aus ökonomischer Sicht. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2003.
Please Visit:
Organizing Commi ee
Dr. Ranita Nagar,
Dean, Department of Research,
Associate Professor of Economics,
Head, Department of Social Sciences,
Faculty Convener, GNLU Law & Economics Commi ee,
Gujarat Na onal Law University.
Contact: +91 8128663923,
Prof. Pavan Mamidi,
Associate professor of Business Policy,
Indian Ins tute of Management, Ahmedabad.
(Affiliated Professor, Program on Legal Profession , Harvard Law School)
Contact: +91 8754432253
Dr. P. Murali Prasad,
Associate Professor of Economics,
Department of Humani es & Social Sciences,
Indian Ins tute of Technology, Kanpur.
Contact: +91 - 5122597693,
Mr. Hiteshkumar Thakkar,
Assistant Professor of Economics,
Faculty Co-Convener, GNLU Law & Economics Commi ee,
Gujarat Na onal Law University.
Contact: +91 8128650873,
Ms. Kundhavi Suresh,
Student Convener, GNLU Law & Economics Commi ee,
Gujarat Na onal Law University.
Contact: +91 9586677788,