5 Critical Keys to Kill Your Cellulite Continued on next page... 5 Critical Keys to KILL Your Cellulite By Joey Atlas, M.X., Exe. Physiology - Women’s Body Enhancement Specialist "Ask any woman on the street what the definition of "cellulite" is and you'll get a confused variety of answers. From “toxic fat pockets caught in the skin” to “bands of fiber pulling down on the skin” and many odd things in between…" Cellulite Gone – Bikini On The truth is: most people really don’t know what “cellulite” actually is, or, what causes this odd appearance of the lower body trouble zones…" This is no surprise as there actually is no such thing as ‘cellulite’… So how do we get rid of something which doesn’t exist?" Here’s the answer: "The word, “cellulite”, was cleverly made-up several decades ago, in a European beauty-spa, to DESCRIBE the bumpy, shadowy and dimpled appearance of skin in the lower body trouble zones of the female body. (butt, hips, thighs, legs)" The beauty spas then started cashing-in and profiting big-time by marketing "beauty" services and products to get rid of "cellulite". And if you're like most women who've been challenged by this issue, then you probably already know all of those passive and superficial beauty treatments do not get rid of the dented shadows and mushy dimples on your buns, legs and thighs." Continued on next page... In order to make your lower-body smooth, tight and attractive, there are 5 steps to follow. Here they are: Key #1: You cannot get rid of the dimples and shadows (cellulite) by rubbing an odd gel, weird lotion or goopy cream on your trouble zones and problem spots. So, stop using them – as some can actually make your cellulite worse. Despite the fact that there are dozens of supposed ‘cellulite reduction creams’ on the market, there is no possible way for any one of them, no matter how expensive, to get rid of your cellulite. Cellulite is not a skin problem. Its an underlying structural issue, that can only be corrected by reversing the cause of atrophied muscle fibers directly beneath your “cellulite” trouble spots." Since the squishy dimples and shadows are a superficial symptom of a problem below the surface; it’s impossible for the creams, lotions or gels to have any physiological impact on the cause of the issue…" Key #2: Risky and expensive ‘medi-spa treatments’ can only reduce your bank account – not your cellulite problems. And there are many consumer reports about women being seriously scarred or injured as well. Stay away from these as the FDA reports show women who’ve been scarred or injured for life. Painful, dangerous and uncomfortable services ranging from endermologie to bodywrapping have been proven to be totally ineffective when it comes to treating cellulite. However, advertising and marketing loopholes allow these services to be cleverly marketed to desperate women who are at wits end with the unattractive dimples and shadows on the lower-body problem areas." Continued on next page... Key #3: The unattractive dimples, shadows and saggy ripples known as cellulite are not ‘genetic’ and you are NOT stuck with them forever if you have them. Falsely believing this will prevent you from getting rid of your cellulite. So, don’t entertain this nonsense for 1 second. These two ridiculous myths are often passed around by ‘neighborhood know-it-alls’ – and many women actually believe these 2 myths – especially if they haven’t found the right way to get rid of the cellulite. Whats even more alarming are the number of doctors who also believe in and foster these 2 demoralizing falsehoods. Yes – it is common to see a mother and daughter, both with the lower-body "orange peel" look, BUT this doesn't mean cellulite is genetic – it simply means both women have not found a way to lift, tone and firm the muscle layers under the dimpled, saggy skin." Key #4: You can get rid of cellulite, regardless of your age – or when you began to notice it." Since cellulite is a structural issue (muscle) – it can be fixed with simple and unique body movements which target the cellulite areas." These types of moves can be followed by any woman, regardless of her age or fitness level. And it doesn’t matter if the cellulite started in the early teen years – or after pregnancy – or after menopause – it’s still a structural issue that results from soft, untoned muscles underneath the saggy, dimpled, shadowy skin." Continued on next page... Key #5: The only proven way to permanently get rid of the dimples and shadows of cellulite is through a series of simple, yet specifically targeted lower-body movements" These unique movements focus on lifting, shaping and toning the muscle layers so they gently push outward against the skin – to bring back the smooth, tight and sexy appearance, while burning off any excess flab, if there is any." This is how regular women reverse the cause of cellulite dimples and shadows… AND, if there happens to be any excess fat in those zones – it will be burned off as fuel by the muscles. This bonus of losing any unhealthy excess body-fat is nice because it reveals a great body and it works wonders for your health profile." BUT you won’t learn about these unique slow-tempo movements in the gym or your local health club." These body movements are NOT done with typical weights and machine type exercises." "Most regular fitness instructors don’t even know about this type of targeted cellulite-killing method. (click to watch video)" These muscle-stimulating movements can be done right at home, in total privacy." Continued on next page... The female lower-body has over 90 muscles... Picture those 90 muscles BENEATH your skin’s surface in your legs, butt, hips and thigh zones. That’s where the magic happens in regards to true removal of mushy dimples and saggy shadows in the trouble spots and problem areas… Despite what most women have been led to believe, there is a critical difference between a ‘general workout program’ – and a laser-focused, cellulite removal method. The sweetest benefit of this is; you don’t need access to a health club or fitness center." …" Just click PLAY on this video by Joey Atlas, (M.S., Ex.Phys.) and get it started now:" (it opens in a bigger screen so you don’t miss a thing) These are simple, unique moves you can start doing today, right in the privacy of your own home. And if you start this type of targeted muscle stimulation method today – you will start feeling results within 2 weeks and seeing results within 3 to 4 weeks." Continued on next page... Click Play Button to Watch This Video: To see the 90 muscles in your lower-body and how you can reverse the cause of the bumps, shadows and dimples in your trouble zones and problem spots, just click play above. Bonus Tip - Key #6: The Dimples, Ripples and Shadows of Cellulite Get Worse if They Are Not Taken Care of Properly. And the worse it gets, the harder it is to reverse. So, watch the video above to avoid further frustration, disgust and anger. It’s your body so just do the right thing for it." Continued on next page... Share this Report: This report may not be online much longer. If found the information in this report helpful then please feel free to share it on: Twitter Facebook or by email Just copy and paste this link: Click Here to Share Joey Atlas, M.X., Exe. Physiology Women’s Body Enhancement Specialist The Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Enhancement Guide ------------------------------- How to Get a Hot Lower Body That Turns Heads and Makes You Feel Like a Stunningly Sexy Woman -------------------------Women’s Five Most Common Complaints About Their Lower Bodies and How to Easily Fix These Stubborn Problem Areas to Regain Self Confidence, Sex Appeal and Strength By Joey Atlas – M.S. Exercise Physiology ‘Chief Lower-Bodyologist’ Women Are ‘Never Satisfied’ Ask any woman if she is 100% happy with how her lower body looks and feels and you'll be lucky if 5% of them say they are totally satisfied with the look, size, shape and feel of their leg, butt, hip and thigh area. From flat and saggy to big, lumpy and flabby - problem lower bodies come in all shapes and sizes. As a matter of fact, in the course of a lifetime, a woman may experience several versions of an unattractive and un-sexy lower body. Phases such as teen years, child bearing, middle age, pre-menopause, menopause, post-menopause and into mature adulthood (the late stages of aging) - all present different elements to challenge women of all ages and genetic profiles. Let's look at a few these a bit closer. The Flat Buns, Stick Leg Syndrome This is categorized by a lack of curves and roundness in the glutes (gluteal muscles), quadriceps and hamstrings - the muscles that make up most of the butt and thighs. Flat butts can be wide and saggy or narrow and scrawny, with other variations as well. The underlying similarity is that there is no curvy profile from a side view. So, it is not uncommon to find women in different weight ranges with flat butts and shapeless thighs. Saddle Bags on the Hips and the Flabby Cellulite Butt Typically this type of butt is very mushy wish the dreaded 'orange peel' dimples that we all know as cellulite and more painfully accentuated by fat filled saddle bags. A woman does not have to be overweight to have this type of problem - and this can be found in women of every age. 2 The Scrawny, 'Boy-like' Lower Body Influenced by genetics but accentuated and defined by lifestyle habits, the straight and scrawny lower body is not as common as the rest, but still leaves many females feeling like they've been shortchanged in the 'sexy' department. Usually, these types of lower bodies are in a lower than average weight range. The Fat, Lumpy and Jiggly Lower Body Typical in overweight women, and probably the most common out of all the 'problem lower bodies' - the fat, lumpy and jiggly lower body is responsible for it's fair share of avoided trips to the beach and unattended poolside bikini parties. The self consciousness factor runs high in this one (though not to discount it in the other categories) and often is the catalyst for many women to become a victim of the yo-yo dieting circles. Flabby Inner Thighs, Saggy Buttocks and Huge Legs This one is a mean combination of mirror frightening images and clothes fitting nightmares. This is another lower body profile that does not discriminate by age as women in all age ranges can be found with these stubborn problem areas. To say this list is conclusive would be outright unprofessional - as there are countless women who would say they could be put into 2 or 3 of the groups listed above. So, keep in mind that although I've outlined five types of 'problem lower bodies' - there are lower bodies that may combine some elements from several of these groups. For example, after childbirth, it is not uncommon for women to lose the sexy curves they had before the pregnancy and gain a bunch of mushy cellulite, flabby inner thighs and saggy, flat buttocks. The one thing in common about all the variations of a less than sexy lower body is this: They will all react to two external factors that you have 3 complete control over; simple, targeted exercises and realistic, body changing, health enhancing nutrition. I'm not referring to high intensity gym workouts or some scam diet supplement regime - I'm talking about gender appropriate, well structured and totally realistic habits that produce visible and sustainable changes in the entire lower body of a woman. For women who generally need to lose fat and flab - the nutrition plan would incorporate hunger satisfying meals that are within optimal calorie ranges in order to promote weight loss, slimming and toning. For women who want to build up sexy, round curves - the calories would have to be placed at higher daily levels in order for more shapely, feminine muscle tone to be built. Regarding the exercises - a realistic and targeted program that doesn't rely on the availability of a health club's machine and weight room set-up is the ideal prescription for long term changes and success. This would dictate that most of the exercises are bodyweight type moves utilizing simple devices such as a mat, a staircase or a pantry step, and an exercise ball or the edge of a bed or couch. By combining the right mix of horizontal position, floor exercises and progressively sequenced standing exercises - a well structured lower body exercise program can bring about definite changes in the several hundred muscles in a woman's lower body. The synergy between the right exercises, and a matching nutrition plan takes advantage of time tested principles of exercise physiology that often get lost in a world of hype, and everyone's search for the latest and greatest breakthroughs. The solutions to your lower body challenges have been around for ages, but their simplicity has caused them to become 'old news' - when in reality these are the exact methods that work best for the typical, everyday female. The Painful Cost of Doing the Wrong Thing The ‘easiest’ wrong thing you can do is – ‘nothing’. By doing nothing you 4 assure yourself a slow (sometimes fast) and sure progression of the things you are unhappy about – the problems with your lower body that bother you the most. With the passage of time and lack of proper exercise and sensible nutrition – you allow the aging process to do whatever it wants – and that is to make you old, saggy and weak as quickly as possible, unless you do something about it. From a short term perspective – you may trying some sort of quick fix lower body ‘repair’ – such as expensive and ineffective wrap treatments, bogus supplements fraudulently labeled to make a smart person like you actually believe that your body improvements can come in a bottle, a dangerous new drug that is supposed to help you with your weight and body or even cosmetic surgery, that has a whole list of nightmarish possibilities all by itself. And let’s not forget how many inappropriate workout programs cause injury, sometimes severe, because they were prescribed for a person that should not have been doing that type of workout in the first place. For example, there are trainers who believe that everyone, regardless of age, gender, physical ability or goals should be working out with weights and machines. Well, that’s just crazy. Difference Between Exercise and Proper Exercise It is also not uncommon for an inappropriate exercise routine to backfire and cause more of the problem you were trying to get rid of in the first place. For example, there were so many times I could remember starting with a new female training client – and the only thing they wanted to be reassured of was “Joey, is your program going to make my legs larger than they already are? Because I worked with a trainer a few years ago and that’s exactly what happened. It was horrible.” After talking a bit we would always come to find out that these programs where based on principles and methods that led to enlarging the body parts being worked (which is fine if you are a very skinny and shapeless women and want to build up) – but for women trying to lose and tone – this is a nightmare. And this is just one example. 5 Then we have the far fetched, high intensity, fad workout craze that happens to catch a brief spotlight in the media because some celebrity said they were doing it and all of the sudden everyone wants to do it – then it disappears after a year or two. I’ve met many people who claim they were injured by trying a certain type of yoga or by following an exercise routine that was originally created for dancers. The truth is, the results you are most likely hoping for can be achieved with less effort than you think and with much less risk than you need to be exposed to. Nothing that truly works will work ‘overnight’ – but the right program should give you the immediate and consistent feedback that you are definitely on the right track and that definite progress is being made because of the changes you are feeling on a day to day, and week to week basis. Three Main Categories – Which One Are You In? To better illustrate my point I’m going to show you the three main, very broad, categories of women who seek to change the appearance of their lower bodies, while also improving their levels of health and fitness. These three groups are based on survey results that I’ve been tracking since the start of my professional personal training career and via online client feedback from women who have been using the Ultiamte Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover™ program. The three groups are: 1) Fat Loss, Flab & Cellulite Reduction with Slimming, Toning, Firming and Shaping. 2) Building Up, Sculpting, Creating Feminine Curves and Roundness by Adding Healthy Muscle Weight in the Right Places. 3) Toning, Lifting, Tightening, Shaping and Cellulite Reduction with No Weight Gain or Weight Loss. Now, Just like in the list of problem areas I defined at the beginning, there are women who may kind of ‘overlap’ in more than one of these groups, but 6 97% of the time each woman can put herself into one of these groups. Also – depending on the stage of life you are at – it is quite possible that your goals may change as you make progress and your main focus may shift from one general direction toward another. This happens frequently in postpregnancy stages – but is not limited to this, by any means. This is the main reason why I include all three sets of Progression Plans with The Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover™ - women literally get three complete, lower body programs for the price of one. Regardless of the group you put yourself into the main thing you need to be aware of is this: Although certain exercises and proper nutrition intake can make changes happen for any type of ‘out of shape’ lower body – the real key lies within the structure of the exercise program and the composition of the eating plan. While the exercises may be the same – the sets, repetitions and whether or not light weights are supposed to be used are the factors that determine if a program is suitable for a specific body type with a certain general goal (one of the 3 listed above). Same Foods, Different Calories? Likewise, while the types of foods will be the same – the difference in calories per meal and calories per day will be the nutritional factor that makes the results come faster and easier for your specific goals in regards to your specific problem areas and lower body attributes that ‘need to be fixed’. When I created the Blow-Torch “Diet” – I made it so that it could easily be adjusted upward or downward in terms of total daily calories depending on the goals of the user. Besides the obvious tools of targeted exercises and complimentary food intake – the biggest overall factor that dictates long-term, permanent success is the ability of the program to be followed as part of a simple healthy lifestyle. You can’t take a health club with you when you are traveling, but you can take a repertoire of clever exercises that utilize bodyweight, gravity and 7 things you can find in the typical house or hotel room. Besides, most women I have worked with over the years prefer to avoid the hassle and crowds of the gyms and fitness centers. In other words, your workouts should not require access to a fully equipped fitness center and the nutritional part should consist of foods that are available at most, if not all, supermarkets – foods that you and your whole family can eat for the rest of your life as part of a lifestyle of solid, health promoting and fitness enhancing habits. Some of the exercises that (almost) every woman should be doing are: One-Leg Hip Extensions Double Knee-Ups 90 Degree Glute Lifts Slow Side Shuffle Step Downs Chair-High Hip Risers Inner Thigh Isolators B/F Touch Downs Now, the list is longer (there are over 52 exercises in the ULBHTM program) – but just as important as the actual exercises, are the sequence they are done in and the tempo they are done with. These are two very crucial, but often neglected, elements of fitness programming. If you ever get a chance to talk with a professional trainer ask them about their viewpoint on exercise sequence and tempo. It can sometimes mean the difference between success and failure. Your Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Muscles: the Key to a Sexy Lower-Body 8 As I mentioned earlier, your lower body consists of several hundreds individual muscles. This is where a picture is worth a thousand words because it’s very hard for most people to understand what a woman’s lower body looks like beneath the skin. However, it’s this knowledge that allows for life changing improvements to happen. Below are several anatomical images of the muscles in your leg, butt, hip and thigh area. By seeing what you are trying to improve makes it much easier to do the things that will help you make the desired enhancements to your lower body problem areas. The illustration above is a digital illustration of your lower body. Keep in mind it is a superficial image and because of that – you are only seeing the muscles that are visible on the surface layer of the leg, butt, hip and thigh area. Take notice of the various lines. These are ‘borders’ that separate individual muscles. The image below (on next page) is a ‘rear view’ of your leg, butt, hip and thigh area. Again this is only a surface view – so all you see are the outermost layers of muscles. There are many muscles that lie below the surface. Also – take note of the different directions the muscles run in. This factor is very important when putting together a lower body exercise routine. 9 The image below is a great illustration of the muscles in your lower body that are BENEATH the surface muscles. This is a view from the back side, of a woman’s right side starting from the butt and going down into the upper calve area. All of the outer layer muscles have been ‘erased’ so you can see how many others there are. Take note of the various shapes, sizes and directions of these leg, butt, hip and thigh muscles. 10 The image below will help us with the inner thigh area – a major problem for many women. It’s a view of your pelvic area, from the front. There are three muscles that start with ‘Adductor’ – these along with the ‘Gracilis’ (see below) are THE muscles of your inner thigh area. To exercise these properly it takes a certain combination of moves with proper form and tempo in order to tighten and tone these hard to reach muscles. Typical weights and machines are not quite effective at doing this. (I’ll explain why in future issues of your FREE ‘Secrets of a Trainer’ e-newsletter.) OK – I think that’s it for the anatomy lesson. At this point you probably know more about the female lower body than 99% of the people around you. It’s time to move on… Rip-Off Exercise Gadgets, Scam Lotions & Treatments, Bogus ‘Enhancing’ Pills I won’t spend too much time on the pills, lotions and treatments – as I go into detail on these in my book, ‘Fatness to Fitness’ (set for release in March 2008). But, you should know this, for now. Companies are allowed to create ineffective products and market them to the 11 unsuspecting public, as long as they follow certain marketing and advertising guidelines. In other words – a company can sell you a supplement (pill or powder) product such as “Leg Slimmer” or “Butt Shaper” – fully knowing that it won’t do a darn thing for you – and as long as you are not harmed in any way the company can take your money as long as you are willing to pay for these ridiculous things. Same thing goes for creams, cellulite lotions and the various ‘wrap’ or ‘lipossage’ treatments. OK – regarding ‘Rip-Off Exercise Gadgets. This is one of my biggest tips for you. I can write pages and pages of exposed fitness cons and money wasting exercise equipment rip-offs – but all you need to do is go to www.infomercialscams.com and in the left hand column click on Fitness Infomercials. You’ll be shocked at what you read. From Leg Magic to Yoga Booty to Slim in 6 – the horror stories are endless. But keep this in mind as you read through the site – there are countless other victims who get ripped off or even injured and are too embarrassed to come forward and make their complaint public information. And there are also many who would come forward if they knew where to file a complaint – but just don’t know where to turn to. I know this because I’ve worked with many women over the past 21 years who have told me about these experiences in confidentiality, during the fitness assessment and evaluation stage of their program. Again, this is an ongoing battle as new companies try to cheat people out their hard earned money by selling ineffective and sometimes harmful products. I do updates and articles about fitness scam alerts and rip-off diet product reviews in my interactive magazine website www.BestFitnessAdvice.com I kid you not – as I’m writing this, I just got an email from someone asking me to give my opinion about something called the VacuStep – “The nonsurgical alternative to Liposuction.” - - I just took a quick look at it… RIDICULOUS ! 12 I mean, this trash will go on forever!! It’s crazy. Ok – I’m calming down now – let’s move on… The Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery, Liposuction and Butt Implants For starters – I must let you know that I am not totally against cosmetic surgery. As a matter of fact I will openly admit that I had a nose job when I was about 21 years old. Now if I could have made the cosmetic change with some exercises and modifying my nutritional intake – I would have. But the truth is – I actually needed to repair a deviated septum that was causing breathing problems and sinus discomfort. In the process, my surgeon, Dr. Morello, asked is I’d like to change the shape of my nose. I said sure. And that’s what we did. Now – if you are contemplating some kind of cosmetic surgery to ‘fix’ your lower body problem areas, I will hope that you read this first. I get many of these types of inquiries regarding all areas of the female lower body and several types of surgeries, such as, liposuction, implants and tucks. Read on as this is the most recent one I have received (the sender has been kept anonymous): Here is her story… Hi Joey......My name is [female name]...I'm a 45 year old women from [city], Florida....I have a big problem And I'm hoping you can help me....I made the stupidest decision about a year and a half ago.... I decided to get butt implants!.....This was the biggest mistake of my life!......After 7 week's, one of the implant's shifted on me.... During the surgery...the doctor puts a pocket in the butt muscle...So when you sit down...you're not sitting on the implant...But instead the implant would be in the muscle pocket at the top of the butt when you sit ...Well when my implant shifted...It stayed in that upper part of my muscle pocket!.... It really scared me when I looked in the mirror...I was hoping it was a muscle spasm...It went back into place the next day...So I was relieved...But a few 13 day's later...It happened again...And then again!… It was 6 months before I got the doctor to operate again...To fix the pocket because obviously the pocket was to large for the implant....So after the surgery...Everything was fine... But 6 month's later it happened again!....The same implant. I couldn’t believe it!... But that was it... I was having them removed... This was the third surgery in one year where I had to be knocked out...The risks were getting to great...And besides...I hated everything about those implant's in me...So out they came.......Now I'm left with a little loose skin on my butt...Not to bad though...But enough to bother me... My big issue seems to be my butt muscle...It's much lower then it was BEFORE the implants...And when I walk it seems to stick out at more of a point...But if I tense up my muscle...It doesn’t look as bad when I walk...I don’t know if it's the little bit of looseness in my skin is the problem... Or is it my muscle has been totally stretched out?....Every doctor has his own opinion about it...Some say start running...Some say more surgeries…And some say strict diet and heavy weightlifting! (this is a STUPID FREAKIN’ NO NO! – Joey).... So that's why I've come to you, Joey...You seem to know what you're talking about when it comes to women’s leg, butt, hip and thigh areas and all the muscle's!.... My butt was strong to begin with...I have a black belt in martial art's...And I've been weightlifting for almost 10 year's...So my butt muscles were small but tight...like a runner's butt....So I'm praying that my butt muscle has some memory....And also, where the doctor put the pocket for the implant...It look's like the pocket is still there...That area on both side's of my butt stick out... Then under that area...it's flat because that's where the implant use to be ...And then my butt fullness is down below the flat part...So try to imagine that look...It really suck's... It's been 4 month's since I had the implant's removed...And I've been working my butt as much a I can...The result's if any...Have been very small.....I am determined to have this all fixed through the power of exercise...I've had it with surgery – never again!...Please if you have any advice...I would love to hear it!...Thank You for your time, Joey... [female name]. 14 Yes, true story – and this happens a lot in other types of lower body cosmetic procedures as well. But, just like women being embarrassed about getting cheated into buying ineffective exercise gadgets or scam creams and pills – many are afraid to come forward and get help to fix their problems that have been made even worse by an expensive and risky surgical procedure. Yes – of course there are cosmetic surgeries that go really well, with great results – but surgery CANNOT take the place of good fitness habits and healthy nutrition – and it never will. For some women, combining both is a great way to go. However, I urge all women to first find a balanced exercise program and combine it with sensible, life enhancing nutritional habits before choosing to go ‘under the knife’. You may find that surgery is no longer on your wish list. Before I sign off – I want to mention the importance of sensible, well balanced eating habits as they relate to the desired improvements in a woman’s lower body. The single most important factor I want to highlight here is synergy. What I mean by that is the multiplied effect that properly targeted exercises and wise nutrition have on each other when they are combined for a purpose. Being synergistic with one another means they enhance the other’s effects in the overall program. Put simply - they just make things happen faster and easier when used simultaneously. I wrote this guide to educate, inform and motivate you to take actions that are in line with your goals, desires and needs. The thoughts in your mind that drove you to my materials – the things that you are unhappy with and want to badly change are the exact things that I want to help you with – because I know I can. I wish you success and strength in your quest to improve, not just your lower body but your mind, body and spirit – your life. Define where you are starting from - set your sights on where you want to go and then move yourself into action toward your desires and your sexy, 15 healthy vision of you. The intent of this guide is to empower you to be in a better, more educated position to decide what is best for you at this point… You know you need something and this is one of the main reasons you have chosen to read this guide. I hope what you’ve learned from these pages is that you can be closer to your goals than you are right now – regardless of your current physical or emotional state. Equipped with the right information and instruction – you become unstoppable. How far you go is only a matter of your choice – nothing else. No outside force can deter you or prevent you from looking and feeling as sexy and healthy as you are realistically capable of being. It’s time to stop seeking and it’s time for you to start ‘doing’. Get out your day-planner or digital calendar and put your next actions into your schedule: ** Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Exercise Session – 7am w/ Joey Atlas Joey Atlas - M.S., Exercise Physiology, is the author of The Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover™ e-Manual for women. He has helped thousands of women around the world reshape, resize and ‘makeover’ their lower bodies with his super simple exercises and easy to follow eating guidelines. For more of Joey's lower body enhancement tips see: http://www.LowerBodyMakeover.com <= click to visit & check out the ‘Lower Body Blog’. You can also place your order for the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover™ digital e-Manual program there, as well. Please forward this guide to your friends, family members and co-workers who you think may benefit from it. If someone forwarded this guide to you – and you would like to also get your FREE lower body exercise instructions and your free subscription to Joey’s world famous ‘Secrets of a Trainer’ e-newsletter – just go to the web site to sign up for it. There are only a few spots left for free subscriptions. 16 VERY IMPORTANT – As with all exercise programs – check with your physician before starting this program, as not all exercises are suited for everyone. Your personal abilities and conditions, if any, will dictate what you can or can’t do. This 10 minute home exercise routine for women can be repeated 2 or 3 times, for a 20 or 30 minute workout – depending on your abilities, schedule and goals. This mini program is a small workout put together from just a few of the exercises contained in the complete Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover e-Manual, at http://www.LowerBodyMakeover.com – when you visit – don’t forget to stop by the ‘Sexy Blog’ to read the latest articles and tips to help you ‘Be Fit – Be Sexy’™. NOTE – Only judge this program after you have done it faithfully for at least 3 – 4 weeks. Do not judge it by simply thumbing through it. After 3 or 4 weeks you’ll see what I mean. SECOND NOTE – Please ‘Pay It Forward’ by sharing this great home workout with anyone you know who may appreciate or benefit from it. This workout is suitable for many ages and levels of physical ability – as it requires no weights or machines. LAST NOTE – After you start getting some results with this program – please stop by the site mentioned above and share your comments and words of ‘thanks’ at the ‘Sexy Blog’. I look forward to hearing from you. Your Trainer, Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Mini Workout - Floor Exercises 1) From your hand and knees. Put your left leg back letting your toes touch the ground. Lift the left leg straight up (concentrate on squeezing the glutes and pause slightly at the top). Bring the leg back down let the toes touch. Note Point the toes towards you or in a neutral position. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly. 2) Start position shown below left. Lift your left knee off the ground and move it to the chest. Then extend the leg straight back and up. Focus on the muscles that you are using, pausing slightly at the top. Return to the start/finish. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly. 3) Start/Finish position shown below left. Extend your arms out for support. Raise your hips (below right) and squeeze/contract your glutes while pausing at the top. Return to the starting position. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly. 4) Start/Finish position shown below (top). Raise your right leg, hips and butt off the ground together. Return to the start/finish position. At the top position your body should form a straight line as shown below (bottom). Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly. Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Mini Workout - Standing Exercises On any of these exercises, you can keep a hand, or both hands, on your hips or out to the side to help maintain balance. You can also lean against a wall or furniture for balance. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly. 5) Touch Down - Start by standing on the right leg. Then reach forward with the left hand while moving the left leg straight back - and touch the floor in front of you with your left hand (see below). Bring the left leg back to the start position (first photo). Note: Make sure that the leg on the ground is doing most of the work. MOVE SLOWLY for 8 -10 reps each side. 6) Natural Squat - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and pointed out about an inch or two. Squat until your hamstrings touch your calves (if you can). Then raise up to the Start/Finish position – knees slightly bent at top. MOVE SLOWLY for 8 – 10 repetitions. 7) Step-Up (Use a stool 12-16" high, or staircase) Start with both feet on step. Step backward till the left foot touches the floor. Come back up by pushing off VERY lightly with the left foot, the leg on the stool should be doing most of the work, complete the move by just touching the top of the step lightly. MOVE SLOWLY for 8 – 10 repetitions per side. 8) Lunge with a touchdown – Start with both feet even. Step forward with the left foot while your right hand is reaching for the floor (see below right). When returning. Move your upper body up first then follow through pushing up with the left leg. MOVE SLOWLY for 8 – 10 repetitions per side. NOTES: - going through these 8 exercises one time through should take you about 10 minutes with little rest between sets. If you find it easy the first time through – try going through it a second time, if you have more time, of course. This mini workout can be done 2 – 4 times per week – with one day between each workout. If you haven’t already, remember to stop by www.LowerBodyMakeover.com to get your FREE copy of The Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Enhancement e-Guide: VERY IMPORTANT – As with all exercise programs – check with your physician before starting this program, as not all exercises are suited for everyone. Your personal abilities and conditions, if any, will dictate what you can or can’t do. Copyright © 2008 Joey Atlas. All rights reserved.
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