Computer Kingdom 101, Isurupura Indigasketiya, Baddegama. Tel. 0718 - 262350 email. We Prepare You For The Future f;dr;=re ikaksfõok ;dCIKfha uQ,sldx. j;auka wd¾Ólh ;=, f;dr;=re ikaksfõok ;dCIKfha fhdod .ekSï' j¾;udkfha fndfyda ñksia lghq;= myiq lr .ekSu i|yd f;dr;=re ikaksfõok ;dCIKh fhdod .kS' iEu fCIa;%hlu mdfya jvd;a ksjerÈj" jvd;a ld¾hCIuj yd wvq úhoulska by, m,odhS;djhlska hq;=j lghq;= lr .ekSu i|yd f;dr;=re ikaksfõok ;dCIKh Ndú;d lrhs' úúO fCIa;% j, f;dr;=re ikaksfõok ;dCIKh fhdod .kakd wdldr nexl= lghq;= ATM ldâm;a yeisrùu" .Kqfokq igyka lsÍu" Kh fmd,S wkqmd; .Kkh lsÍu" Credit Cards yeisrùu" wka;¾cd,h yryd nexl= f;dr;=re ,nd §u wd§ lghq;= ikaksfõok cd, ÿrl;k mksjqv yqjudrej" wka;¾cd, iïnkaO;d" *elaia fiajdj" úÿ,s mKsjqv fiajh" ffjoH fCIa;%h MRI, CT Scan, ECG, EEG, ridhkøjH úYaf,aIKh" ffjoH jreka mqyqKq lsÍu jeks lghq;= wOHdmk fCIa;%h Y%jH oDYH jevigyka iïmdokh" CAD Systems u.ska bf.kSu" wka;¾cd,h yryd isÿjk ÿria; wdOHdmk lghq;=" wOHdmksl ix.Dys; ;eá" LMS" Computer Simulation o;a; iy f;dr;=re o;a;( mßirfhka ,nd.kakd ixLHd;aul" rEmuh" Yío fyda jdlHuh ñKqï o;a; f,i ye¢kafõ' o;a; ta wdldrfhkau m%fhdackhg .; fkdyel' o;a; w¾:l;kh l< fkdyel' tkï f;areula ke;' Wod( wo iq,fÕa fõ.h mehg ls'ó' 13 ls' ksu,af.a ysiflia iqÿ mdgh' iukaf.a .uka u. b,smaidldrh' f;dr;=re ( o;a; úYaf,aaIKh lsÍfuka fyda ms<sj,lg ilia lsÍfuka f;dr;=re ,nd .kS' f;dr;=re m%fhdackhg .; yel' f;dr;=re j, iïmQ¾K woyila we;' o;a; ilia lsÍfuka f;dr;=re ,efí' Wod( wo iq,Õ yukafka fifuks' ksu,a jhig f.dia we;' f;dr;=rl ,CIK 1' f;areula iys;hs' 2' iïmQ¾Khs' 3' hï l%shdla wdrïN lsÍug uQ,dY%hla lr.; yel 4' fmr ±kqu ;yjqre lsÍu fyda kj ±kqu ,nd §u lrhs' f;dr;=rl jákdlu by, ouk idOl 1' hdj;ald,Sk ùu 2' ksjerÈ nj o;a; ieliSu 3' iïmQ¾K nj f;dr;=re 4' ksrjq,a yd meyeÈ,s nj mß.Kl mrïmrd j, jeo.;a ,CIK m<uq mrïmrdj - ßla;l k, - mkaÉ ldâ fojk mrïmrdj - g%dkaisiag¾ - ue.akÜla fÜma ;=kajk mrïmrdj - IC - ue.akála fÜma y;rjk mrïmrdj - VLSI - ue.akála äiala miajk mrïmrdj - Micro Chips - ue.akála äial$Tmaál,a âiala mß.Kl j¾.SlrKh úYd,;ajh wkqj 1. Super Computers 2. Mainframe Computers 3. Miniframe Computers 4. Micro Computers Personal Computers Laptop Computers Palmtop Computers PDA ;dCIKh wkqj Analog Computers Digital Computers Hybrid Computers mß.Kl oDvdx. Input Devices Key Board Mouse Microphone Bar Code Reader Scanner/Camera Memory card reader Finger Print Reader Digitizer Output Devices Monitor Pinter Speaker Floater Storage Devices CD/DVD Rom Hard Disk Floppy Disk Memory Cards/USB Pens Speed Ports For Input & Output USB Port RJ45 PORT Printer Port (LPT Port) COM Port (Serial Port) PS2 Port Game Port VGA Port Control Unit ALU Block Diagram Of Computer Output Devices Input Devices Data/Instructions Main Memory Primary Storage Commands/Signals Auxiliary Storage Backing Storage Data Communication And Networks Advantages of Networking Disadvantages of Networking Types of Networks (LAN / VAN / MAN / Internet) Network Topologies (Star / Bus / Tree / Mesh) Basic Requirements for Networking (Computers / Transmission Media / NIC / Accessory Hardware /Software) Transmission Media Data Representing Inside Computers Binary Numbering System Octal Numbering System Hexadecimal Numbering system Convert between numbering systems Use Binary to represent data Use Bits to store binary numbers Relationship between bit, bin, Byte, Word, KB, MB, GB, TB ASCII / BCD / Unicode Systems Logic Gates AND Gate / Truth Table / Circuit OR Gate / Truth Table / Circuit NOT Gate / Truth Table / Circuit NAND Gate NOR Gate Simple Logic Circuits Boolean Algebra Axioms Rules for Logic Gates AND {0.0=0/0.1=0/1.0=0/1.1=1/a.0=0/a.a=a/a.1=a/a.a'=0} OR {0+0=0/0+1=1/1+0=1/1+1=1/a+0=a/a+1=1/a+a=a/a+a'=1} NOT{0'=1/ 1'=0/ a''=a} Commutative Law {a.b=b.a / a+b=b+a} Associative Law {a.(b.c)=(a.b).c=a.b.c / a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c=a+b+c} Distributive Law {a.(b+c)=(a.b)+(a.c) / a+(b.c)=(a+b).(a+c) Idempotent Law {a.a=a / a+a=a) Demorgan's Law {(a.b)'=a'+b' / (a+b)' = a'.b' Preformed Simple boolean Algorithms Operation Systems Features of OS Classification Of OS Multi-User / Multiprocessing / Multitasking / multithreading / Real-Time Advantages and disadvantages of CLI and GUI Use Windows GUI Change Date & Time/Change Display Properties/Use Calculator, Notepad etc. /Use My Computer to Manage Disk/ Change Regional & Language Settings/View System Properties/ Use Windows Explorer to manage files & Folders Word Processing Software Basic Features of word Processing Software Understanding Key Board Symbols MS Word Commands & Keyboard Shortcuts Cursor Movement Commands / Selecting Text / Cut / Copy / Paste / Spelling Check / Tables / Find & Replace / Drawing Tool Bar / Open / Save / Margins / Bullets / Character Formatting etc. Spreadsheet Packages Basic Features Understand Spreadsheet Creating and formatting Spreadsheet Data filtering Technics Writing formulas and functions Sum / Average / Max / Min / If / Round / Count Presentation Packages Basic Features Creating Slide Show Creating Custom Animations Creating Action Settings Add Multimedia Content to the presentation Database Packages Understand Database Understand Computerize Database Features of DBMS Software Creating Tables Fields / Field Names / Field Types Creating Quires Creating Data Forms Creating Reports Developing Algorithms What is an algorithm Understand a problem and describe it under Input, Process and Output Use a tool to represent an algorithm Flow Charts / Pseudo Codes Development of Programing Language First Generation Language (Machine Language) Second Generation Language (Symbolic Language) Third Generation Language (High Level Languages) Forth Generation Languages (Artificial Intelligent) Compilers/Interpriters/Source Code/Object Code (Machine Code) Translators/Assamblers Develop a Computer Program Operators (+, -, *, /, \, mod, ^) Variables (Private, Public, Static ) Data Types (Byte, Integer, Single, Double etc.) Arrays (Fixed size, Variable size) Programme flow control structures.(Sequence,Repetition, Conditional Branching) System Analyzing and Design Understand Systems and sub Systems Open Systems and Closed Systems System Development Life cycle Identification of the problem Feasability Study (Technical, Legal, Operational, Economical ) System Analyzing System Design and Development (Coding) Testing (Black Box Test, Unit Test, Module Test) Implementation (Direct, Paralel, .............. ) Maintenance Use Internet to Communicate effectively Use a Browser Use Search Engines What is an Internet How Connect to Internet (Basic Requirements) Why we use Internet The World Wide Web Understand Web Page / IP Address / Domain Name / Web Server Web Browser / Search Engine / Sending and Receiving e mails (Compose / To / CC / Bcc / Subject Attachment etc.) Chatting Multimedia Concepts Still Images with Photoshop (Vector Graphics / Raster Graphics ) Photoshop Tools Create 2D Animations Using Flash (Time Line and Key Frames Basic Tootls / Motion Tween / Shape Tween Etc. ) Link Multimedia Concepts With Web Page Basic Rules of HTML HTML Tags (<html><title><Body><Tabel><OL><UL>< DL><a><p>) Developing a simple Web Site Understand a Web Server Understand ISP Web Hosting Transfer Files Using FTP How to Register a Domain name Use ICT for National Development E Sri Lanka Program Use ICT for National Development Issues of ICT Hacking Viruses Mixing Cultures Digital Divide Health issues
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