Neuroscience Symposium on Brain Tumors

Welcome to Denmark, June 10-13, 2015
XI Northern Lights
Neuroscience Symposium
on Brain Tumors
Welcome to
XI Northern Lights Neuroscience Symposium
on Brain Tumors
The Scandinavian Neuropathological Society,
Odense University Hospital and the University of
Southern Denmark welcome you to the XI Northern
Lights Neuroscience Symposium, which will be held
at Hindsgavl Conference Center in the center of
Denmark, 10-13 June 2015. The theme for the
symposium is “Brain Tumors” and in line with the
tradition, it will be an interdisciplinary meeting.
Different aspects of brain tumors will be covered
including e.g. neuropathology, basic science,
neurooncology and neurosurgery. A pre-symposium course on tumors of the central nervous system
will take place before the symposium.
At this historic setting, you will find the perfect
balance between well equipped facilities,
professional planning, and the possibility to relax in
tranquil surroundings. Hindsgavl Conference
Center is a hotel and conference center with
conference facilities that hosts up to 650
participants, and all of this with a grand wonderful
park, sea view, hiking trails and the tranquillity and
atmosphere of the countryside located right in the
middle of Denmark. We look forward to welcoming
you to the XI Northern Lights Neuroscience
Symposium at Hindsgavl Conference Center in Middelfart, Denmark.
We hope that the symposium will provide the basis
for future organized collaboration in the brain
tumor field. The symposium is open to all doctors,
scientists and others working within this field. The
symposium will take place at Hindsgavl Conference
Center in Middelfart.
On behalf of the organizing and the scientific
Bjarne Winther Kristensen
President, Scandinavian Neuropathological Society
Organizing committee
Bjarne Winther Kristensen, chairman organizing committee, professor, consultant neuropathologist,
Ph.D., Department of Pathology, University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Henrik Daa Schrøder, professor, consultant neuropathologist, dr. med. sci., Department of Pathology, University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Eva Løbner Lund, consultant neuropathologist, Ph.D., Department of Pathology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
Ann Mari Rosager, Ph.d. student, Department of Pathology, University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Steinbjørn Hansen, consultant, assoc prof., Ph.D., Department of Oncology,
Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Rikke Dahlrot, staff specialist, Ph.D., Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Frantz Rom Poulsen, consultant, assoc prof., Ph.D., Department of Neurosurgery,
Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Sune Munthe, Ph.D. student, Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Pathology,
Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Janne Christiansen, secretary, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital
Scientific committee
Bjarne Winther Kristensen, chairman scientific committee, professor, consultant, Ph.D.,
Department of Pathology, University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Rolf Bjerkvig, professor, Ph.D., Department of Biomedicine and Translational Cancer Research,
University of Bergen, Norway
Hans Skovgaard Poulsen, consultant, professor, dr. med. sci., Department of Oncology and Department of
Radiation Biology, Copenhagen University Hospital and Copenhagen University, Denmark
Helle Broholm, consultant neuropathologist, Department of Pathology, Copenhagen University Hospital,
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XI Northern Lights - Neuroscience Symposium on Brain Tumors
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Fonden for
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XI Northern Lights - Neuroscience Symposium on Brain Tumors
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Janne Christiansen, Personal ass. to chairman of the symposium
Phone: +45 6541 4860 ▪ E-mail: Wednesday 10 June 2015
18.00–20.00 Registration
Hindsgavl – a hotel, conference center and restaurant
Words can hardly express the beauty and tranquility of the Hindsgavl experience. Time stands still as you
soak up the atmosphere of this wonderful place. A unique venue with the inspiring contrasting historic
settings and the modern comfortable interior. The setting by the waterfront invites to extraordinary social
7.00-9.00 Breakfast in the restaurant
Oral presentations:
▪ Presenters are kindly asked to make themselves known to the chairmen before the session
▪ Slides should be transferred from USB stick to the computer in the conference room before the session
▪ The total allocated time for each oral presentation is given in the program
▪ Presenters are kindly asked to include time for discussion
Poster presentations:
▪ Posters will be on display during the whole symposium
▪ Poster presenters should be available by their posters the first 15 min. of each break during the symposium
▪ Hindgavl will have the needed things to put posters on boards.
If you have any special requirements for this, then please contact Andre Fog Jensen, Udvikling Fyn,
Thursday 11 June 2015
8.00-9.00 Registration
9.00–9.15 Opening words
Bjarne Winther Kristensen, President of the Scandinavian Neuropathological Society
9.15–10.30 Session 1: Brain tumor classification, diagnostics and biomarkers
Chairs: Helle Broholm and Bjarne Winther Kristensen
9.15-10.00 WHO’s next; towards integrated morphological and molecular classification of Brain Tumors
Pieter Wesseling, Nijmegen and Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Presentation of selected abstracts
10.00-10.10 FGFR3-positive astrocytomas are characterized by unaltered TP53, higher incidence in females
and poor prognosis
K Granberg, M Annala, B Lehtinen, J Kesseli, J Haapasalo, H Haapasalo, M Nykter, W Zhang
10.10-10.20 Serum levels of GFAP and EGFR in primary and recurrent high-grade gliomas: correlation to
tumor volume, molecular markers and progression-free survival
A Kiviniemi, M Gardberg, J Frantzén, R Parkkola, V Vuorinen, M Pesola, H Minn
10.20-10.30 ABCB1 as predictive marker for prolonged survival in patients with glioblastoma treated with
radiotherapy and concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide
A Malmström, M Hallbeck, V Fomichov, P Milos, A-L Hallbeck, C Bratthäll, M Strandeus, A
Papagiannopoulou, S Vikingsson, P Söderkvist, M Stenmark-Askmalm, H Green
10.30–11.15 Coffee, posters and exhibition
11.15–13.00 Session 2: Molecular pathology and tumor biology
Chairs: Sverre Mörk and Andreas von Deimling
Keynote and Patrick Sourander Memorial Presentation
11.15-12.00 Clinical relevance of genomic analysis of gliomas and other brain tumors
Kenneth Aldape, Toronto, Canada
Presentation of selected abstracts
12.00-12.10 The key EMT markers Slug and Twist are predominantly expressed by pericytes in human
L Mäder, A E Blank, N M Wirsik, D Capper, J Seznec, P Baumgarten, C Zachskorn, J P Steinbach,
K H Plate, S Liebner, U Naumann, P N Harter, M Mittelbronn
Presentation by Thermofisher
12.10-12.25 Standardized oncomine solid tumor panels for clinical therapy selection utilizing next gen
Steve Glavas, Nærum, Denmark
50 years anniversary talk of the Scandinavian Neuropathological Society
12.25-12.55 Bits and pieces from 50 years of Scandinavian neuropathology
Sverre Mörk, Bergen, Norway
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13:00–14.00 Lunch, posters and exhibition
14.00–15.30 Session 3: Tumor microenvironment and biomarkers
Chairs: Rolf Bjerkvig and Shohreh Issazadeh-Navikas
Invited talks
14.00-14.20 Impact of local immunoregulatory genes in controlling gliomas in brain
Shohreh Issazadeh-Navikas
14.20-14.40 Reciprocal crosstalk between tumor and microenvironment conditions distinct histopathological features in glioblastoma
S. Bougnaud, A Golebiewska, A Oudin, O Keunen, P Harter, F Azuaje, S Fritah, D Stieber, T Kaoma,
L Vallar, H Miletic, T Sundstrøm, C Herold-Mende, M Mittelbronn, R Bjerkvig, S P Niclou
14.40-15.00 Microglia/macrophages in glioblastomas: implications for therapy response and prognosis
M D Sørensen, R H Dahlrot, S Hansen, B W Kristensen
Presentation of selected abstracts
15.00-15.10 CD16 positive macrophage intratumor infiltration could interfere with the CD8 immune
response induced by dendritic cell vaccine in glioblastoma
M A Idoate, I Arana, R Diez-Valle, Echeveste, S Inoges, A López Díaz de Cerio, S Tejada, F
Presentation by Visiopharm
15.10-15.30 Image analysis in brain tumors
Lars Pedersen, Hoersholm, Denmark
15.30–16.15 Coffee, posters and exhibition
16.15–18.00 Session 4: Brain tumor stem cells
Chairs: Petra Hamerlik and Bjarne Winther Kristensen
16.15-17.00 The evolving dynamics of brain tumor stem cells
Jeremy N. Rich, Cleveland, USA
Friday 12 June 2015
7:00-9:00 Breakfast in the restaurant
9.00–10.30 Session 5: Novel tools for brain tumor classification and target identification
Chairs: Eva Løbner Lund and Pieter Wesseling
9.00-9.45 Methylation analyses and panel-sequencing, novel tools for brain tumor classification and target
Andreas von Deimling, Heidelberg, Germany
Special lecture
9.45-10.05 Molecular testing of gliomas: Practise, pitfalls and perspectives
Guido Reifenberger, Düsseldorf, Germany
Presentation of selected abstracts
10.05-10.15 Deep sequencing of a recurrent oligodendroglioma and patient-derived xenograft model reveals
the clonal evolution of signature gene mutations
N D Exner, J A C Valenzuela, K Abou-El-Ardat, H Miletic, P C Huszthy, P Radehaus, L Kaderali, E
Schröck, R Bjerkvig, J M Nigro, B Klink
Presentation by Illumina
10.15-10.30 Today’s genomic solutions for tomorrow’s cancer breakthroughs
Pernille Albertus, Copenhagen, Denmark
10.30–11.15 Coffee, posters and exhibition
11.15–13.00 Session 6: Updates in neurosurgery
Chairs: Frantz Rom Poulsen and Gorm von Oettingen
11.15-12.00 Direct application of therapeutics to brain tumors - the neurosurgical perspective
Manfred Westphal, Hamburg, Germany
Invited talks
17.00-17.20 Non-metabolic function of phosphofructokinase-1 in glioblastoma maintenance
Invited talks
12.00-12-20 Status on 5-ALA fluorescence guided surgery in the management of adult and pediatric gliomas
K E Jensen, R D Rasmussen, M K Gajjar, I Gromova, P Gromov, J Bartek, J Skjøth-Rasmussen, J N
Rich, P Hamerlik
17.20-17.40 Glioma cells in the tumor periphery have a stem cell phenotype
S Cortnum
12.20-12.40 Awake craniotomy - technique - effect - and ethics
S K A Munthe, S A Petterson, R H Dahlrot, F R Poulsen, B W Kristensen
Presentation of selected abstracts
17.40-17.50 Characterization of invasive behavior of different stem-like glioma cell lines
A Schuster, S Bougnaud, A Oudin, S P Niclou
17.50-18.00 Lysyl Oxidase as a potential target for infiltrative growth in glioblastoma
L Perryman, A M Høye, T R Cox, L B Singh, H S Poulsen, C Jones, J T Erler
18.00 Barbecue dinner in the beautiful garden of Hindsgavl Conference Center
J Brennum
12.40-13.00 Intraoperative MRI in pituitary and brain tumor surgery
C Andersen
13.00–14.00 Lunch, posters and exhibition
14.00–15.30 Session 7: Pediatric brain tumors, neuroimaging and radiotherapy
Chairs: Kenneth Aldape and Guido Reifenberger
14.00-14.45 Neuropathology of pediatric brain tumors - towards precision diagnostics and risk adapted
treatment stratification
Torsten Pietsch, Bonn, Germany
Special lecture
14.45-15.05 Particle therapy for brain tumors
Morten Høyer, Aarhus, DenmarkFriday 12 June 2015
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Presentation of selected abstracts
15.05-15.15 Assessment of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutational status in cerebral gliomas by in vivo
magnetic resonance spectroscopy
A. Tietze, G von Oettingen, R Sangill, B Parm-Ulhøi, C Choi
15.15-15.25 In vitro human, spheroid, co-culture model for preclinical assessment of direct application
therapeutics to pediatric Brain Tumors
D P Ivanov, T L Parker, D A Walker, C Alexander, M B Ashford, P R Gellert, M C Garnett
15.30–16.15 Coffee, posters and exhibition
16.15–18.00 Session 8: Biomarkers, treatment and prognosis
Chairs: Hans Skovgaard Poulsen and Steinbjørn Hansen
16.15-17.00 Relevance of biomarkers for prognosis and treatment of patients with gliomas
Wolfgang Wick, Heidelberg, Germany
Special lecture
17.00-17.20 Tumor treatment fields: from unconventional to standard therapy
Andreas Hottinger, Lausanne, Switzerland
Invited talks
17.20-17.40 Clinical variables serve as prognostic factors in a model for bevacizumab response in recurrent
glioblastoma multiforme
T Urup, K Grunnet, I J Christensen, S R Michaelsen, A Toft, V A Larsen, H Broholm, M Kosteljanetz,
H S Poulsen, U Lassen
Presentation of selected abstracts
17.40-17.50 Neoadjuvant temozolomide treatment for anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma: a
randomized study
A Malmström, H S Poulsen, B-H Grønberg, S Hansen, G Stragliotto, T Asklund, B W Kristensen,
P Söderkvist, J Rosell, R Henriksson
17.50-18.00 A monocentric phase I clinical trial evaluating the YB-1-dependent oncolytic adenovirus
XVir-N-31 in recurrent glioblastoma
M Mittelbronn, I Mildenberger, M Wagner, P N Harter, J P Steinbach, P S Holm, L Weise, O Bähr
18.00 Fairytale dinner
Saturday 13 June 2015
7:00-9:00 Breakfast in the restaurant
9.00–10.30 Session 9: Gliomas and pituitary adenomas
Chairs: Maria Gardberg and Olli Tynninen
Invited talks
9.00-9.20 Pathology and biomarkers of pituitary tumors; an update
O Casar-Borota
9.20-9.40 Medical therapy of pituitary adenomas: therapeutical implications of histopathological characterization
M S Andersen
Presentation of selected abstracts
9.40-9.50 Exomes as biomarkers and mediators of the hypoxic response of high grade gliomas
H C Christianson, K J Svensson, P Kucharzewska, J Bengzon and M Belting
9.50-10.00 2HG-independent effects of the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutation in gliomas and glial cells
Barbara Klink, Julia Biedermann, Marina Conde, Ralf Wiedemuth, Mirko Peitzsch, Susan Richter,
Graeme Eisenhofer, Mirjam Ingargiola, Alexander Krüger, Leoni Kunz-Schughart, Achim Temme,
Evelin Schröck, Khalil Abou-El-Ardat
10.00-10.10 On familial risk of multiple cancers: does risk of brain tumor relate genetically to other cancers?
J Hjelmborg, L M Mucci, R H Dahlrot, J R Harris, K Czene, T Scheike, R E Graff, S Møller, N V
Holm, E Pukkala, A Skytthe, K Christensen, H-O Adami, J Kaprio
10.10-10.20 Glioblastoma stem cells are able to differentiate into neuron-like cells and to establish chemical
C P Beier, T Rasmussen, H B Tenstad, J S Aarø, B W Kristensen, D Beier
10.30–11.00 Coffee and posters
11:00 –13:00 Session 10: Preclinical models and novel targets
Chairs: Simone Niclou and Michel Mittelbronn
11.00-11.45 Experimental models for primary and secondary brain tumors
Rolf Bjerkvig, Bergen, Norway
Invited talks
11.45-12.05 Convection-enhanced delivery of an Auger-electron-emitter: a highly effective therapy in an
orthotopic glioblastoma xenograft model
B Halle, H Thisgaard, C Aaberg-Jessen, B B Olsen, J H Dam, N Lang-kjær, S K A Munthe,
K Någren, P F Høilund-Carlsen, B W Kristensen
12.05-12.25 VEGFC is a regulator of autocrine VEGFR2 signaling, cell viability and tumor growth in
glioblastoma multiforme
S R Michaelsen, M K Nedergaard, T Urup, M Villingshøj, A Kjær, L Perryman, J T Erler, U Lassen,
H S Poulsen
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Presentation of selected abstracts
12.25-12.35 PME-1 drives apoptosis resistance via HDAC4 in human gliomas
A Kaur, M Jumppanen, E Peuhu, S Ahmed, O Raheem, H Haapasalo, J Eriksson, A Chalmers, P
Laakkonen, J Westermarck
12.35-12.45 Targeting the tumor matrix as anti-invasive and sensitizing strategy for glioblastoma
N Mohan-Sobhana, P Behera, V Bhaskaran, E A Chiocca, M S Viapiano
12.45-12.55 Inhibition of Notch- and EGFR signaling reduces cell viability and angiogenesis in glioblastoma
M Staberg, S R Michaelsen, L S Olsen, M K Nedergaard, M Villingshøj, H S Poulsen
13.00–14.00 Lunch and adjourn
14.00–16.00 General assembly of the Scandinavian Neuropathological Society
1. Hormonal contraceptive use and risk of glioma among younger women: a nationwide
case-control study
L Andersen, S Friis, J Hallas, P Ravn, B W Kristensen, D Gaist
2. Expression of internal and external domains of EGFR in human meningiomas
M B Arnli, S H Torp
3. HCMV infection in tumor cells of the nervous system is not detectable with standardized
pathologico-virological diagnostics
P Baumgarten, M Michaelis, F Rothweiler, T Starzetz, H F Rabenau, A Berger, L Jennewein,
A K Braczynski, K Franz, V Seifert, J P Steinbach, J Cinatl jr., M Mittelbronn
4. The Harlem classification – is it of prognostic relevance?
H Broholm, D Scheie, H Dyrbye, L Scherling, E L Lund, H Laursen
5. APNG status in patients with glioblastoma multiforme
R H Dahlrot, S Hellwege, S Fosmark, K L Jensen, H Derand, J Lohse, J Hjelmborg, S Hansen,
B W Kristensen
6. FGFR4 is expressed in the stromal and tumor compartments of human gliomas
of astrocytic and oligodendroglial lineage
C H Gjerde, E Mutlu, L W Leiss, H E S Forde, B W Kristensen, M A Rahman, P O Enger
7. Two cases of oligosarcoma with differing survival
A Grant, C Turner
8. Characterization of glioblastoma multiforme exosomes
V J M Gudbergsson, K J Elbæk, C B Stolberg, L Gurevich, P Hamerlik, A Steensballe,
G Christiansen, L Gurevich, L Pilgaard, M. Duroux
9. Estimation of tumor volumes by [11C]MeAIB and [18F]FDG PET in an
orthotopic glioblastoma model
B Halle, H Thisgaard, S Hvidsten, J H Dam, C Aaberg-Jessen, A S Thykjær,
P F Høilund-Carlsen, M K Schulz, C Andersen, B W Kristensen
10. Anemia and migraine with aura as early signs of a primary intracranial
angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
J M Hansen, V A Larsen, D Scheie, J Skjøth-Rasmussen
11. Lymphocytic immunosurveillance of human brain metastases
P N Harter, S Bernatz, A Scholz, P Zeiner, J Zinke, R Beschorner, C Senft, B Bender,
J P Steinbach, K-H Plate, J Wischhusen, B Weide, M Mittelbronn
12. Glioma stem cell concept is still far away from entering clinico-diagnostic neurooncology
P N Harter, P Baumgarten, J Zinke, A K Braczynski, E Blank, C Zachskorn, E Ilina,
K-H Plate, J P Steinbach, J Schittenhelm, M Mittelbronn
13. YKL-40, SSEA-4 and BLBP as possible glioblastoma stem cell markers
C B Holst, C B Brøchner, T Urup, J S Johansen, E L Lund, H S Poulsen, K Møllgård
14. The invasive nature of primary GBM cell lines: importance of paracrine signaling
N H Humle, L B Thomsen, T Moos
15. Effects of Carboxypeptidase E on glioma „go or grow“ behavior
E I Ilina, A Armento, L Jennewein, C Penski, S Zukunft, C Behrends, M W Ronellenfitsch,
K Devraj, A K Braczynski, P N Harter, U Naumann, M Mittelbronn
16. PME-1 drives apoptosis resistance via HDAC4 in human gliomas
A Kaur, M Jumppanen, E Peuhu, S Ahmed, O Raheem, H Haapasalo, J Eriksson,
A Chalmers, P Laakkonen, J Westermarck
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17. Comparison of MGMT methylation pattern in long term and short term survivors
4of glioblastoma
H Leske, U Camenisch, M Weller, A Aguzzi, E Rushing, D Zimmermann
L1 In vivo modeling of glioblastoma for oncology drug development
18. The frequencies of histopathological features in human glioblastomas – a descriptive study
V E Mikkelsen, S H Torp
L2Expression and prognostic potential of matrix metalloproteinase-2
(MMP-2) in astrocytomas
19. Evaluation of the possible risk of liver damage from the use of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid for
intraoperative identification and resection in patients with malignant gliomas
C Moerck, J Skjøth-Rasmussen
20. Evaluation of the proliferation marker Ki-67 in gliomas: interobserver variability and
4digital quantification
L A G Nielsen, J A Bangsø, K H Lindahl, R H Dahlrot, S Hansen, B W Kristensen
Posters (late abstracts)
C Krona, A-C Hellström, L Elfineh, R Ramashandra, L Schmidt, S Nelander
R K Ramachandran, C Aaberg-Jessen, S K Hermansen, B W Kristensen
L3 Systematic identification and modeling of drug vulnerabilities in
4glioblastoma initiating cells
L Schmidt, P Johansson, S Baskaran, T Kling, L Elfineh, M Häggblad, U Martens,
C Krona, B Lundgren, S Nelander
21. Effect of PDE inhibition on cell growth and differentiation in glioblastoma multiforme
S Oersted, S R Michaelsen, M Villingshøj, S Yasmeen, H S Poulsen, C Kruuse
22. Cripto-1 levels in plasma: a correlation to GBM tumor volume
P Olesen, S Ravn, L Larsen, J P Povlsen, P Sørensen, C Aa Haslund, L Pilgaard, M Duroux
23. Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s disease – diagnosticing and subtyping of 25 cases
A Persson, H Broholm, H Dyrbye, E L Lund, E Lindberg, E Englund
24. EGFR and CMET amplifications in pre- and post-therapeutic glioblastoma tissues
N Peter, F Scherz, B Kiesel, F Würtz, A Kiefer, T Brandner, M Preusser, J A Hainfellner,
A Woehrer
25. The invasive nature of primary GBM cell lines: importance of paracrine signaling
L Pilgaard, K J Elbæk, J M Gudbergsson, A Stensballe, T Moos, V Zachar, R Agger, M Duroux
26. Monophasic low grade brain tumors with neuronal and glial immunophenotype in the
4same tumor cells: how to name such tumors?
M Popovic, C L Stokin, J Hainfellner
27. ATRX mutations are rare in pediatric neuroepithelial tumors
D Scheie, A M Sehested, K Nysom, L Boegeskov, H Broholm
28. Hemispheric to cerebellar glucose metabolic ratio – a prognostic PET index in
4glioma patients?
E A Segtnan, P Grupe, S B Christlieb, J E Pedersen, J O Jarden, A Alavi, P F Høilund-Carlsen
29. Case study of circulating tumor cells for monitoring of glioblastoma patients
G Stragliotto, N Souchelnytskyi, C Söderberg-Naucler, S Souchelnytskyi
30. Prognostic and predictive biomarkers in recurrent WHO Grade 3 malignant glioma
4patients treated with Bevacizumab and Irinotecan
A Toft, T Urup, K Grunnet, I J Christensen, S R Michaelsen, H Broholm, V A Larsen,
M Kosteljanetz, U Lassen, H S Poulsen
31. A case of intraparenchymal ALK-positive inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour
4of the brain
S Upreti, P Heppner, C Turner
32. Mitosin and survivin in grade II and III astrocytomas
R K Varughese, S H Torp
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