הלהק להילק

Lot’s and Lots of Opportunities by Rabbi Label Lam (www.torah.org)
And Hashem said to Avram: 'Go for yourself from your country, and from your birthplace, and
from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation,
and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you will be a blessing. And I will bless
those that bless you, and those that curse you will I curse; and through you shall all the families
of the earth be blessed.' So Avram went, as Hashem had spoken to him; and Lot went with him;
and Avram was 75 years old when he departed from Haran. And Avram took Sarai his wife, and
Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had
made in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan
they came. And Avram passed through the land until the place of Shechem, until Elon Moreh.
And the Canaanites were then in the land. And Hashem appeared to Avram, and said: 'Unto
your seed will I give this land'; and he built there an altar to Hashem who appeared to him.
(Bereishis 12:1-7)
Two things are described in the beginning of Avram’s journey. One of them seems superfluous.
The verse tells us that Lot joined in and went along with Avram. The very next verse informs us
that Avram took “Lot his brother’s son”. Why did the Torah have to tell us then and there that
Lot was his brother’s son? That was spelled out clearly just before. Also, why does the narrative
tell us that the Canaanites were then in the land before Hashem promised him and his children
the land? If the Torah was just listing for us who went on the trip, it would be unnecessary to
repeat Lot’s name. However, the Torah is teaching us a few important points. Lot tagged along
for his own motive and Avram had his own reason for including his nephew. Lot, it seems knew
of the promise given by Hashem of all the future blessings of wealth, fame, and family. Avram
had no children from his barren wife Sarai. Perhaps he saw himself as the heir apparent to all
those goodies. Therefore he came along.
Avram knew better. Hashem’s promise is real. He took Lot for a different reason because he
was his brother’s son. Who was his brother? What happened with him? The verse at the end of
Parshas Noach simply tells that “Haran died on the face of his father!” What happened to him?
When Avraham was captured by Nimrod for sedition, for the heresy of believing in a Single G-d,
he was cast into a furnace but Avraham understood that the same G-d that could make fire burn
could make fire not burn. There is none other than Him! That’s what happened. Avraham was
miraculously spared.
Haran was offered the same ultimatum of acquiescing to idolatry or going into a fire. He opted
like Avraham but for a different reason. Since it worked for his brother it would work for him. It
didn’t work. He was consumed by and died in that fire. The Sefas Emes explains that even
though Haran’s belief was not enough to save him he was still included in the great Kiddush
Hashem of dying for the highest ideal. He evokes the sagely principal that “Hashem never fails
to pay the reward to any creature”. Since Lot was his progeny, Avram understood well that he is
the bearer of all that future greatness. It is no mistake then that from Lot and his daughters
would come out Moab and Ammon and the two doves, Rus and Naomis who would weave their
way into the Davidic Dynasty more than seven centuries later.
Avram arrived in the land where the imposing Canaanites that scared the spies and intimidated
an entire nation impressed with miracles and he was visited by Hashem who informed him of
the fact that his children would inherit the land. Avram had no children then, the Canaanites
were dominating the land but still he made a Kiddush because he saw with his mind’s eye what
Hashem had promised him. That way of looking through to the future - beyond the tangible
present, of seeing what will be in what is, is the same vision that informed him of Lot’s and lots
of opportunities.
‫קליהל קהלה‬
Clayhall Shul’s Weekly News Sheet
Shabbos 1 November 2014 / 8 Mar Cheshvan 5775
Service Times
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis
Shabbos ends
Shabbos next week
9.00 am
3.50 pm
5.22 pm
4.08 pm
We wish Mazel Tov to Isabella Mazin on the wonderful occasion of her Bat Mitzvah. The
ceremony itself takes place tomorrow (Sunday). Simone and Gary have great pleasure in
inviting the community to a Kiddush after the Service in celebration of their Simchah.
The Kehilla also wish Mazel Tov to Ben Tamir on his Aufruf today and on his wedding this
Monday to Michelle Myers.
The Special General Meeting takes place in just two days on Monday 3 November. The
sole purpose of the meeting is to hold a ballot to vote on the unanimous recommendation
of the Honorary Officers to merge with Newbury Park Synagogue. Voting is between
10.00 am and 12.30 pm and again between 6.00 pm and 9.00 pm. It is important that
members exercise their right to vote and this is why two sets of voting times have been
allocated to make it as easy as possible.
Through the auspices of the Office of the Chief Rabbi, we are delighted to be hosting an
inspirational lecturer and a compelling orator - Rabbi Shalom Hammer - here on Tuesday
25 November for a wonderful supper evening. Please see overleaf for full details.
Torah Reading
Leyning:Lech Lecha
Rabbi Nissan Wilson
Sefer Bereishis: 12:1-17:27
Artscroll p 54, Cohen p 60, Hertz p 45
Adam Finegold
Haftoro: Isaiah: 40:27-41:16
Artscroll p 1133, Cohen p 82 Hertz p 60
If you would like to sponsor the news sheet (£15), a
Sunday breakfast (£40), or the Seudah Shlishis (£20),
please get in touch with Angela in the Shul office.
News sheet sponsorship up to end of 2014 only.
This week’s Clayhall Kehilla is kindly sponsored by Simone, Gary and Ellis Mazin
in celebration of Isabella’s Bat Mitzvah
Children’s Service: 10.30 am - 11.30 am (next, 15 November).
Weekday Services
Shacharis: Monday & Thursday: 6.50 am. Sunday @ 8.15 am.
Shacharis: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 7.00 am.
Shacharis Rosh Chodesh: 6.40 am Monday to Friday, Sundays: 8.00 am.
Ma‘ariv: 7.30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Lech Lecha Statistics
Free First Aid Courses
IDF Chaplain @ Clayhall
Mitzvah Watch...a new feature
G-d promises that a special relationship
will always exist between Himself and
Avraham's descendants, and repeats the
promise of the Land. G-d reveals the form
that the "Covenant" is to take - the
circumcision of all males. This mitzvah is
the first "non-natural" commandment. Until
this point, the 7 categories of Noahide
mitzvos are all logical, rational, commonsense laws. This 8th mitzvah for the 8th
day, represents the challenge to us to rise
above nature and complete our spiritual
form just as we are being commanded to
complete our physical form.
The mitzvah s ideally performed on the 8th
day, counting the day on which the baby
was born - even if he was born 5 minutes
before sunset. Mila may not take place at
night. Only an 8th day Mila (as opposed to
a Bris that was postponed because of
health reasons, for example) can be done
on Shabbos. A baby delivered by Csection on Shabbos, will have his Bris on
the following day, Sunday (the baby's 9th
day). In other words - due to a technicality
based on the analysis of the text in the
sedra of Tazri'a, only an 8th day Bris of a
natural birth can take place on Shabbos.
Position: 3rd of the 54 Sedras
Mitzvos: 1 positive
Verses: 126 (13th longest)
Words: 1686 (18th longest)
Letters: 6336 (19th longest)
Parshios: 3 open, 4 closed
Lines of Torah: 208 (23rd longest)
A total of 5 sedras have only one mitzvah.
Another 17 have none and six have 2 or 3 - that
accounts for 28 sedras, over half of the 54 total.
Magen David Adom, the key provider of
emergency services in Israel, is generously
giving free first aid training for the local
Redbridge community at RJCC. The First
Aid courses are on 4 November (1-4pm) or
20 November (9.30am-12.30pm). You can
opt for Paediatric First Aid on 9 December
or on 12 February (both 7-9pm). Book early
to avoid disappointment as places are
limited. Telephone RJCC on 8551 0017.
Dates for the Diary
Should the membership of Clayhall and
Newbury Park approve the merger (and
subject to ratification of the US Council),
the Clayhall Kehilla news sheet will cease
to exist in its current form. It is intended to
continue with a similar weekly publication
so perhaps you would like to offer some
suggestions for a new name / title?
Put Tuesday 25 November in your diary NOW!
We have been given the rare privilege and honour
of hosting Rabbi Shalom Hammer.
Rabbi Hammer has had the unique experience of
having served under the Chaplaincy for the Israeli
Defense Forces as well as an educator in Israeli
institutions and as a Rabbi in the United States. He
was sent numerous times to deliver classes to the
Jews in the former Soviet Union and he has led
groups of American students through the fallen
Jewish communities of Eastern Europe. He serves
as a motivational speaker for the IDF Rabbinate, a
contributing editor for the Jerusalem Post, and has
served as a lecturer for the Israel Government
Fellows of the Menachem Begin Heritage Centre.
These experiences provide Rabbi Hammer with
distinct and profound insight on pertinent issues
confronting the Jewish world both in Israel and the
Diaspora (www.rabbihammer.com).
His topic will be “Operation Protective Edge: A
Chaplain’s Journey with the IDF.”
The evening begins with Ma’ariv at 7.15 pm to be
followed by a buffet meaty supper from Manna
Deli and all at the incredible price of just £10 per
head. There will be a chance to ask questions and
the evening will finish with dessert and hot drinks.
The application forms will be out within days.
Avos U’Bonim
Lunch & Learn
Monday 3
Tuesday 4
Tuesday 11
Shabbos 15
Sunday 16
Sunday 16
Sunday 23
Sunday 23
Sunday 23
Tuesday 25
Shabbos 29
Saturday 29
Sunday 30
Sunday 7
Tuesday 9
Shabbos 13
Sunday 14
Tuesday 16
Tuesday 16
Sunday 21
Monday 22
Tuesday 23
Special General Meeting
Lunch & Learn
Newbury Park Annual Lunch
Children’s Service
Ivrit Beginners Class
AJEX Parade/Mitzvah Day
Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Bagel breakfast
Ivrit Beginners Class
Rabbi Hammer supper eve’ng
Children’s Service
Saturday Night Live (47 Club)
Ivrit Beginners Class
Ivrit Beginners Class
Newbury Park Ladies Quiz
WIJPS Shabbaton
Ivrit Beginners Class
Chanukah day 1
Lunch & Learn
Ivrit Beginners Class
Rosh Chodesh Teves
Rosh Chodesh Teves
The Clayhall Kehilla...2015
Fathers and Sons learning together (Avos
U’Bonim) restarts next Motsei Shabbos 8
November at 6.15 pm. As always, there
will be refreshments and a prize raffle with
book tokens on offer each week. Everyone
is welcome no matter what religious or
learning level you are on.
AJEX Parade 2014
The AJEX Parade will be on Sunday 16
November. Fall-In on Horse Guards Parade
at 1.30 pm. The Remembrance Ceremony
at the Cenotaph, led by the Chief Rabbi
begins at 2.30 pm. The Reviewing Officer
will be Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Boyce KG
GCB OBE DL. For more details, please
speak to AJEX on 020 202 2323.
The return of the popular Lunch & Learn series is
this Tuesday 4 November in the Board room.
Rabbi Wilson will be speaking on “String Theory is the Eruv a Legal Loophole?” The cost is £4 for a
bagel lunch. Please let either Gordon or Angela
know by tomorrow if you are attending.
Saturday Night Live!
The 47 Club will shortly be announcing
exciting plans about the Saturday Night
Live event scheduled for 29 November.
The plan is to run from 5.30 pm until 7.00
pm with Havdalah, supper and a chance to
chill (a modern term meaning to “hang out”
rather than getting cold) with your friends
Ivrit Beginners Group
How do you fancy learning some basic Ivrit before in a warm, convivial atmosphere.
you plan your next holiday to Israel? We will be
Newbury Park Ladies Quiz
running a beginners Ivrit group on Sunday
Newbury Park Shul is running a Ladies
mornings at 11.00 am. This will begin with a
Quiz on Tuesday 9 December 2014.
six week taster course running from Sunday 16 Doors open at 7.00 pm for a prompt 7.30
November through till Sunday 21 December.
pm start. The cost is £8 per person.
For more information speak to Rabbi Wilson or
To book, please phone the Newbury Park
Yael Callaghan. To register your interest or book
Shul office on 8597 0958 or email:
call Angela in the Shul office on 0208 551 6533.
Children’s Service: 10.30 am - 11.30 am (next, 8 November).
Weekday Services
Shacharis: Monday & Thursday: 6.50 am. Sunday @ 8.15 am.
Shacharis: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 7.00 am.
Shacharis Rosh Chodesh: 6.40 am Monday to Friday, Sundays: 8.00 am.
Ma‘ariv: 7.30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Lech Lecha Statistics
Free First Aid Courses
IDF Chaplain @ Clayhall
Mitzvah Watch...a new feature
G-d promises that a special relationship
will always exist between Himself and
Avraham's descendants, and repeats the
promise of the Land. G-d reveals the form
that the "Covenant" is to take - the
circumcision of all males. This mitzvah is
the first "non-natural" commandment. Until
this point, the 7 categories of Noahide
mitzvos are all logical, rational, commonsense laws. This 8th mitzvah for the 8th
day, represents the challenge to us to rise
above nature and complete our spiritual
form just as we are being commanded to
complete our physical form.
The mitzvah s ideally performed on the 8th
day, counting the day on which the baby
was born - even if he was born 5 minutes
before sunset. Mila may not take place at
night. Only an 8th day Mila (as opposed to
a Bris that was postponed because of
health reasons, for example) can be done
on Shabbos. A baby delivered by Csection on Shabbos, will have his Bris on
the following day, Sunday (the baby's 9th
day). In other words - due to a technicality
based on the analysis of the text in the
sedra of Tazri'a, only an 8th day Bris of a
natural birth can take place on Shabbos.
Position: 3rd of the 54 Sedras
Mitzvos: 1 positive
Verses: 126 (13th longest)
Words: 1686 (18th longest)
Letters: 6336 (19th longest)
Parshios: 3 open, 4 closed
Lines of Torah: 208 (23rd longest)
A total of 5 sedras have only one mitzvah.
Another 17 have none and six have 2 or 3 - that
accounts for 28 sedras, over half of the 54 total.
Magen David Adom, the key provider of
emergency services in Israel, is generously
giving free first aid training for the local
Redbridge community at RJCC. The First
Aid courses are on 4 November (1-4pm) or
20 November (9.30am-12.30pm). You can
opt for Paediatric First Aid on 9 December
or on 12 February (both 7-9pm). Book early
to avoid disappointment as places are
limited. Telephone RJCC on 8551 0017.
Dates for the Diary
Should the membership of Clayhall and
Newbury Park approve the merger (and
subject to ratification of the US Council),
the Clayhall Kehilla news sheet will cease
to exist in its current form. It is intended to
continue with a similar weekly publication
so perhaps you would like to offer some
suggestions for a new name / title?
Put Tuesday 25 November in your diary NOW!
We have been given the rare privilege and honour
of hosting Rabbi Shalom Hammer.
Rabbi Hammer has had the unique experience of
having served under the Chaplaincy for the Israeli
Defense Forces as well as an educator in Israeli
institutions and as a Rabbi in the United States. He
was sent numerous times to deliver classes to the
Jews in the former Soviet Union and he has led
groups of American students through the fallen
Jewish communities of Eastern Europe. He serves
as a motivational speaker for the IDF Rabbinate, a
contributing editor for the Jerusalem Post, and has
served as a lecturer for the Israel Government
Fellows of the Menachem Begin Heritage Centre.
These experiences provide Rabbi Hammer with
distinct and profound insight on pertinent issues
confronting the Jewish world both in Israel and the
Diaspora (www.rabbihammer.com).
His topic will be “Operation Protective Edge: A
Chaplain’s Journey with the IDF.”
The evening begins with Ma’ariv at 7.15 pm to be
followed by a buffet meaty supper from Manna
Deli and all at the incredible price of just £10 per
head. There will be a chance to ask questions and
the evening will finish with dessert and hot drinks.
The application forms will be out within days.
Avos U’Bonim
Lunch & Learn
Monday 3
Tuesday 4
Shabbos 8
Tuesday 11
Sunday 16
Sunday 16
Shabbos 22
Sunday 23
Sunday 23
Sunday 23
Tuesday 25
Saturday 29
Sunday 30
Shabbos 6
Sunday 7
Tuesday 9
Shabbos 13
Sunday 14
Tuesday 16
Tuesday 16
Sunday 21
Monday 22
Tuesday 23
Special General Meeting
Lunch & Learn
Children’s Service
Newbury Park Annual Lunch
Ivrit Beginners Class
AJEX Parade/Mitzvah Day
Children’s Service
Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Bagel breakfast
Ivrit Beginners Class
Rabbi Hammer supper eve’ng
Saturday Night Live (47 Club)
Ivrit Beginners Class
Children’s Service/47 Club
Ivrit Beginners Class
Newbury Park Ladies Quiz
WIJPS Shabbaton
Ivrit Beginners Class
Chanukah day 1
Lunch & Learn
Ivrit Beginners Class
Rosh Chodesh Teves
Rosh Chodesh Teves
The Clayhall Kehilla...2015
Fathers and Sons learning together (Avos
U’Bonim) restarts next Motsei Shabbos 8
November at 6.15 pm. As always, there
will be refreshments and a prize raffle with
book tokens on offer each week. Everyone
is welcome no matter what religious or
learning level you are on.
AJEX Parade 2014
The AJEX Parade will be on Sunday 16
November. Fall-In on Horse Guards Parade
at 1.30 pm. The Remembrance Ceremony
at the Cenotaph, led by the Chief Rabbi
begins at 2.30 pm. The Reviewing Officer
will be Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Boyce KG
GCB OBE DL. For more details, please
speak to AJEX on 020 202 2323.
The return of the popular Lunch & Learn series is
this Tuesday 4 November in the Board room.
Rabbi Wilson will be speaking on “String Theory is the Eruv a Legal Loophole?” The cost is £4 for a
bagel lunch. Please let either Gordon or Angela
know by tomorrow if you are attending.
Saturday Night Live!
The 47 Club will shortly be announcing
exciting plans about the Saturday Night
Live event scheduled for 29 November.
The plan is to run from 5.30 pm until 7.00
pm with Havdalah, supper and a chance to
chill (a modern term meaning to “hang out”
rather than getting cold) with your friends
Ivrit Beginners Group
How do you fancy learning some basic Ivrit before in a warm, convivial atmosphere.
you plan your next holiday to Israel? We will be
Newbury Park Ladies Quiz
running a beginners Ivrit group on Sunday
Newbury Park Shul is running a Ladies
mornings at 11.00 am. This will begin with a
Quiz on Tuesday 9 December 2014.
six week taster course running from Sunday 16 Doors open at 7.00 pm for a prompt 7.30
November through till Sunday 21 December.
pm start. The cost is £8 per person.
For more information speak to Rabbi Wilson or
To book, please phone the Newbury Park
Yael Callaghan. To register your interest or book
Shul office on 8597 0958 or email:
call Angela in the Shul office on 0208 551 6533.
Lot’s and Lots of Opportunities by Rabbi Label Lam (www.torah.org)
And Hashem said to Avram: 'Go for yourself from your country, and from your birthplace, and
from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation,
and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you will be a blessing. And I will bless
those that bless you, and those that curse you will I curse; and through you shall all the families
of the earth be blessed.' So Avram went, as Hashem had spoken to him; and Lot went with him;
and Avram was 75 years old when he departed from Haran. And Avram took Sarai his wife, and
Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had
made in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan
they came. And Avram passed through the land until the place of Shechem, until Elon Moreh.
And the Canaanites were then in the land. And Hashem appeared to Avram, and said: 'Unto
your seed will I give this land'; and he built there an altar to Hashem who appeared to him.
(Bereishis 12:1-7)
Two things are described in the beginning of Avram’s journey. One of them seems superfluous.
The verse tells us that Lot joined in and went along with Avram. The very next verse informs us
that Avram took “Lot his brother’s son”. Why did the Torah have to tell us then and there that
Lot was his brother’s son? That was spelled out clearly just before. Also, why does the narrative
tell us that the Canaanites were then in the land before Hashem promised him and his children
the land? If the Torah was just listing for us who went on the trip, it would be unnecessary to
repeat Lot’s name. However, the Torah is teaching us a few important points. Lot tagged along
for his own motive and Avram had his own reason for including his nephew. Lot, it seems knew
of the promise given by Hashem of all the future blessings of wealth, fame, and family. Avram
had no children from his barren wife Sarai. Perhaps he saw himself as the heir apparent to all
those goodies. Therefore he came along.
Avram knew better. Hashem’s promise is real. He took Lot for a different reason because he
was his brother’s son. Who was his brother? What happened with him? The verse at the end of
Parshas Noach simply tells that “Haran died on the face of his father!” What happened to him?
When Avraham was captured by Nimrod for sedition, for the heresy of believing in a Single G-d,
he was cast into a furnace but Avraham understood that the same G-d that could make fire burn
could make fire not burn. There is none other than Him! That’s what happened. Avraham was
miraculously spared.
Haran was offered the same ultimatum of acquiescing to idolatry or going into a fire. He opted
like Avraham but for a different reason. Since it worked for his brother it would work for him. It
didn’t work. He was consumed by and died in that fire. The Sefas Emes explains that even
though Haran’s belief was not enough to save him he was still included in the great Kiddush
Hashem of dying for the highest ideal. He evokes the sagely principal that “Hashem never fails
to pay the reward to any creature”. Since Lot was his progeny, Avram understood well that he is
the bearer of all that future greatness. It is no mistake then that from Lot and his daughters
would come out Moab and Ammon and the two doves, Rus and Naomis who would weave their
way into the Davidic Dynasty more than seven centuries later.
Avram arrived in the land where the imposing Canaanites that scared the spies and intimidated
an entire nation impressed with miracles and he was visited by Hashem who informed him of
the fact that his children would inherit the land. Avram had no children then, the Canaanites
were dominating the land but still he made a Kiddush because he saw with his mind’s eye what
Hashem had promised him. That way of looking through to the future - beyond the tangible
present, of seeing what will be in what is, is the same vision that informed him of Lot’s and lots
of opportunities.
‫קליהל קהלה‬
Clayhall Shul’s Weekly News Sheet
Shabbos 1 November 2014 / 8 Mar Cheshvan 5775
Service Times
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis
Shabbos ends
Shabbos next week
9.00 am
3.50 pm
5.22 pm
4.08 pm
We wish Mazel Tov to Isabella Mazin on the wonderful occasion of her Bat Mitzvah. The
ceremony itself takes place tomorrow (Sunday). Simone and Gary have great pleasure in
inviting the community to a Kiddush after the Service in celebration of their Simchah.
The Kehilla also wish Mazel Tov to Ben Tamir on his Aufruf today and on his wedding this
Monday to Michelle Myers.
The Special General Meeting takes place in just two days on Monday 3 November. The
sole purpose of the meeting is to hold a ballot to vote on the unanimous recommendation
of the Honorary Officers to merge with Newbury Park Synagogue. Voting is between
10.00 am and 12.30 pm and again between 6.00 pm and 9.00 pm. It is important that
members exercise their right to vote and this is why two sets of voting times have been
allocated to make it as easy as possible.
Through the auspices of the Office of the Chief Rabbi, we are delighted to be hosting an
inspirational lecturer and a compelling orator - Rabbi Shalom Hammer - here on Tuesday
25 November for a wonderful supper evening. Please see overleaf for full details.
Torah Reading
Leyning:Lech Lecha
Rabbi Nissan Wilson
Sefer Bereishis: 12:1-17:27
Artscroll p 54, Cohen p 60, Hertz p 45
Adam Finegold
Haftoro: Isaiah: 40:27-41:16
Artscroll p 1133, Cohen p 82 Hertz p 60
If you would like to sponsor the news sheet (£15), a
Sunday breakfast (£40), or the Seudah Shlishis (£20),
please get in touch with Angela in the Shul office.
News sheet sponsorship up to end of 2014 only.
This week’s Clayhall Kehilla is kindly sponsored by Simone, Gary and Ellis Mazin
in celebration of Isabella’s Bat Mitzvah