Established 1984 –Celebrating 31 "FOOTNOTES" 2014/2015 JO'S FOOTWORK STUDIO Studio Directors Chris & John Fagan 2014/2015 S E S S I O N II 11/03/14 to 01/25/15 1500 Walker St., Western Springs, IL 60558 Email: (708) 246-6878 Email: *PLEASE ~ CHECK YOUR TUITION STATEMENTS FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS!! CHECK YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO MAKE SURE IT IS CORRECT!! All corrections need to be sent to the studio office. ♦A special thanks to all of you who brought a friend to dance during the week of September 15! And October 20th! We hope you and your guests had a great time at the studio! And LIKE US on FB Jo’s Footwork presents a special “Star Dance Series Workshops” for those dancers looking to further their dance experience/education from some of the ● Best Dance Educators in the field of dance! These dance workshop classes are open to ages 12 and older (with 2 years of dance = the Cont/interm level) or those dance students who are at the low intermediate class level and higher (3 years of dance or more = Intermediate/Advanced level). Where will these workshops be held: Jo’s Footwork – Studio I, 1500 Walker Street, , (708) 246-6878 What is the Cost per workshop? $20.00, per 90-minute class. And yes, you can invite and bring your dance friends……….(registration forms available in all studios and in the studio office) Coming up…………………………………….. Sunday, January 18, 2015 ~ CONTEMPORARY with Kurri Orizotti 1:00pm – 2:30pm – Continuing/Intermediate 2:30pm – 4:00pm – Intermediate/Advanced th Sunday, March 8 ~ JAZZ with Cesar Salina 1:00pm – 2:30pm – Continuing/Intermediate 2:30pm – 4:00pm – Intermediate/Advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, May 3, 2015 ~ TAP with Jumaane Taylor 1:00pm – 2:30pm – Continuing/Intermediate 2:30pm – 4:00pm – Intermediate/Advanced FOOTWORK DANCE ENSEMBLE IN THE NEWS! ►HALLOWEEN CUPCAKE FUNDRAISER - on Monday, October 27 through Thursday October 30, 2015 Make your way to the main studio building (1500 Walker Street) or the Grand Avenue Studios between the hours of 4:00 and 7:00 and buy yourself a “Halloween Cupcake” or assortments of Halloween Candy or Halloween Cookies for $2 and help support the FOOTWORK DANCE ENSEMBLE purchase costumes! You might even win TWO TICKETS TO THE JOFFREY BALLET’S “NUTCRACKER” (but you can only win by entering with $5.00 – entry forms attached – entries can be dropped off at the studio office or during the week of the Cupcake Sale).Drawing to be held on October 30th – 7pm – winner need not be present JO’S FOOTWORK TO HOST 5th Annual Thanksgiving DANCE - DAY PARTY! Sunday, November 23, 2014 Join us for Jo’s Footwork Studio 6th Annual Thanksgiving DANCE DAY PARTY BENEFIT, Sunday, November 24th where we like to share the “goods” this Thanksgiving holiday by giving back to our community with free dance party classes for a good cause! Bring your friends! Staff will be set up in the parking lot where you can drop off your non-perishable item(s) and then come upstairs to join us for some fun. Pick your dance party (or parties!) (see below)! Ages 6 and above are welcome! No dance experience required, just a canned good or non-perishable item. (No goods? Bring $5 cash) All goods and cash donated to St. Francis Xavier Food Pantry.) Can’t make it that day ? But still want to help? There will be donation boxes by the Studio Office and at Grand Avenue by Studio III during the week before for you to drop off your goods. November 23rd , 2014 1pm-4pm @ Studio I – in the rec center – 2nd floor THANKSGIVING DANCE DAY PARTIES 1:00pm - 1:50pm 2:00pm - 2:50pm 3:00pm - 3:50pm Jazz/Dance with Amanda Freebeck and Sequoia Rada Poms Dance with Lauren Vollinger and Katie Moan “Frozen” theme party with Christa Hahn and KatyWenger Space is limited. YOU MUST RSVP to the studio (708) 246-6878 or email josfootwork@gmail, for your free party. You may register for more than one party. . Participants DO NOT have to be from the studio – bring your friends, moms, dads, (just make sure they’re space is reserved!! Must be 6 years to adult to participate in dance party classes (Please make your RSVP no later than Thursday, November 20th) More Footnotes on next page ►FOOTWORK DANCE ENSEMBLE presents ~ ..4th Annual HOLIDAY DANCE CELEBRATION.. . The company is inviting all Kindergarten through 4th grade dancers at the studio to become “mini-members” by spending Sunday, December 7th, 2014, 1:00pm – 4:00pm with Footwork Dance Ensemble members, learning dances that will be performed at the end of the day! The cost is $15.00, and will entitle the “mini-member dancer” to a special holiday gift. Registration form (attached to this newsletter) must be filled out with $15.00 attached (make checks payable to Jo’s Footwork) and given to the studio office no later than Friday, November 28, 2014. Registration form is attached and will also be located in each of the studios and the office. SESSION II – Monday, November 3, 2014 through Sunday, January 26, 2015 *NOTE: Studio Holidays do NOT necessarily reflect when your school has a holiday or break. Therefore, unless a Studio Holiday or Studio Break is noted here (below), dance classes ARE in session. Not quite sure you remember? ~ then visit our website – ♦Halloween Costume Week – Friday, October 24 through Thursday, October 30 – from ballerinas to vampires are welcome during our 30th Annual Spooky Dancer Week. (Tights and dance shoes are necessary and PLEASE don’t make the costumes too bulky as students will still be having a regular dance classes.) Note: For Halloween – Friday, October 31 - all afternoon classes (4:00pm on) will be canceled and the studio will be closed. Dancers can make that day up in another class if they choose. ♦Tuition for Session II is due before November 3rd. LATE PAYMENTS WILL INCUR A $15.00 LATE FEE ♦Monday, November 24th is a make-up day for Labor Day Holiday classes (Monday classes Only). ♦Costume Measuring - Begins November 3rd PROPER DANCE ATTIRE MUST BE WORN FOR MEASURING. ♦Costume fee notices distributed the week of November 3rd. (Preschool & Kindergarten costumes $65, per student, per class; Grade 1 thru Adult = $75, per student, per class. Costume fees are due by Monday, December 1, 2014. ♦December 1, 2014- Costume Fees due! [Failure to pay fee by 12/01/14 or decision to participate after 12/01/14 incurs additional $15.00 fee, plus any and all shipping charges charged by the costume company. Costume fees are non-refundable – NO EXCEPTIONS!] PLEASE NOTE that when you & your student agree to participate in the performance(s), it means you have agreed to dedicate the performance week to your schedule, and that your student will remain in the cafeteria for the entire show. The studio WILL NOT compromise with graduation parties, early vacations, or early dismissal. It is why we inform you of the studio schedule this far in advance. As such, you & your student need to make your commitment accordingly. Also, while every attempt is made to put a student’s class(es) and/or their sibling(s) class(es) in the same show, this is not always possible. You may have to attend more than one show. Additionally, we make best effort to schedule rehearsal times so as not to conflict with the end of the school year. However, we deal with many different school districts and it is not always possible. We thank you in advance for your understanding. ♦HOLIDAYS during Session II when the Studio will be closed:– ☺ THANKSGIVING BREAK – Tuesday, November 25th through Sunday November 30th 2014 ☺ CHRISTMAS/WINTER BREAK – Sunday, December 21st thru Sunday, January 4th 2015. CLASSES RESUME MONDAY, JANUARY. 5th 2015. ♦Tuition Statements Session III - distributed the week of January 5th and are due before Monday, January 26th, 2015. ☺ NEW CLASSES STARTING ~ CALL & REGISTER TODAY!!! Mini Pomdance – Grades 3 & 4 (age 8 & 9) – Wednesdays – 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Ms. Amanda – Studio IV – Grand Avenue location) offers training in pom technique and the elements of dance used in pom and is a great head start for those students looking towards middle school dance teams! Introduction to Modern – 5th-7th Grade – Wednesdays – 5pm – 6pm with Jean Hartnett Modern dance, which has birthplaces in the United States as well as Germany, was a direct response to ballet as the primary form of concert dance. Modern dance refused aspects of classical ballet and broke away from codified movements and balletic narrative structures. There are over a thousand Types of Modern Dance including Graham and Horton. This will be a beginning class. New Specialty Classes…..WORKOUT - CORE CARDIO – Fridays – 9:00am – 10:00am with Heather Arocho Bring a towel for this class! Strengthen, stretch and cardio all through dance movement – core focused! Workout to strengthen, tone, by incorporating dance, barre work, and stretching, to get/stay in shape – and just in time for your weekends!! TAP TECHNIQUE with Jay Fagan – Thursdays – 9:15pm – 10:00pm (for tap levels IV and higher) – this is not the typical tap class – you’re working on the ankles, sounds, speed, mastering tap rudiments (basics) and putting them to use in the appropriate level; shading sounds ~ loud to soft! JAZZ PROGRESSIONS – (ages 12+) – Wednesdays 8:30pm – 9:45p - a technique only class with no choreography being taught. Across the floor combinations, jumps, leaps, and many different types of turns will be drilled and perfected. Progressions across the floor and combinations are the premise of jazz technique. (2 years of ballet required) JAZZ FUNK ~ Saturdays – 12:30pm – 1:45pm ~ what is it? This is a fusion of hip hop (street) and jazz (technique) – high energy! (Class scheduled is Continuing/Intermediate (requires at least two years of Jazz class); (Instructor ~ Alex Johnson – new to Jo’s and back from LA) HIPHOP I ~ Teen/Adult ~ Wednesday ~ 7:00pm – 8:00pm with Alex Johnson ~ Studio IV (Grand Avenue location) ADULT – ONLY CLASSES FUNKY JAZZ – Wednesdays – 1:45pm-2:45pm - a little jazz, hiphop & more; BEGINNING TAP – Tuesdays – 10:00am – 11:00am - CONTINUING TAP – Tuesdays – 11:00am – 12:00pm MAY THE UPCOMING THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS FIND YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IN GOOD HEALTH, GOOD CHEER, AND GREAT HAPPINESS! If you have any special recognition news of a student, drop a note off at the Studio Office by December 9th so we can get it into the next issue of “FOOTNOTES” and post it on the bulletin boards! NEXT PAGE FOR HALLOWEEN CUPCAKE AND HOLIDAY DANCE CELEBRATION REG FORM $5.00 $5.00 ENTRY “2 tix to-Joffrey - Nutcracker” NAME:__________________________________________ ENTRY “2 tix to-Joffrey - Nutcracker” NAME:__________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_____________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_____________________________ Drawing at 7:00pm, Oct. 30, 2014 – Studio I Bring entry & $5 to Studio Office before 10/30 or come to the Halloween Cupcake Fundraiser (10/27 – 10/30) to drop off your entry between 4pm & 6:30pm. Winner need not be present. Drawing at 7:00pm, Oct. 30, 2014 – Studio I Bring entry & $5 to Studio Office before 10/30 or come to the Halloween Cupcake Fundraiser (10/27 – 10/30) to drop off your entry between 4pm & 6:30pm. Winner need not be present. $5.00 must accompany each entry for the “2 tix to-Joffrey - Nutcracker”. More entries are available in the studio office (1500 Walker St. - 2nd Floor). Entry Forms and $5.00 may be dropped off at studio office before October 30. On October 30, they must be brought to Halloween Cupcake Sales area (1500 Walker Street). Entries will NOT be accepted in the office on October 30. Halloween cupcakes and treats will be for sale for $2.00 from Oct.28 thru Oct 30 4p-7p – Grand Avenue &RecCenter All proceeds go to FOOTWORK DANCE ENSEMBLE towards the purchase of company costumes. Thank you! A HOLIDAY DANCE CELEBRATION The company, Footwork Dance Ensemble, is inviting all Kindergarten through 4th grade dancers at the studio to become “mini-members” by spending Sunday, December 7th, 2014, 1:00pm – 4:00pm with Footwork Dance Ensemble members, learning dances that will be performed at the end of the day to parents and family! The cost is $15.00, and will entitle the “mini-member dancer” to a special holiday gift. Registration form must be filled out with $15.00 attached (make checks payable to Jo’s Footwork) and given to the studio office no later than Friday, November 28, 2014. Registration forms will also be located in each of the studios and the office. Space is limited DATE: WHERE: Sunday, December 7, 2014 Studio III – Grand Ave. Location TIME:1:00pm – 4:00pm COST: $15.00 STUDENT NAME:__________________________________________________AGE_______Grade_____ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________________ PARENT PHONE (cell):___________________________________HOME:_________________________ PARENT-EMAIL ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________ I do hereby fully release and discharge Jo's Footwork Studio, its officers, agents, servants and employee and the Village of Western Springs, its Recreation Department and their officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damage or loss which I (or dependents under 18 years of age) may have or which may accrue to me (or dependents) on account of my (their) participation in the above Jo's Footwork Studio sponsored activities. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend Jo's Footwork Studio, its officers, agents, servants and employees and the Village of Western Springs, its Recreation Department and their officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and losses sustained by me (or dependents under 18 years of age) and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with these activities sponsored by Jo's Footwork Studio 2014/2015. I also grant permission to use my/my child’s picture/image on the website and/or advertising for Jo’s Footwork Studio Signature (Parent's/Guardian signature PRINT SIGNATURE NAME: _ Date ___ A HOLIDAY DANCE CELEBRATION – Dec 7, 2014 ____
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