November 2014
Thanksgiving POTLUCK
Sunday, November 2 at 9:00 am
Wednesday, November 19
At 5:30 in Fellowship Hall
The FaithLINK Sunday School Class will provide
the turkey, stuffing, gravy and drinks. Your potluck
side dishes will complete our meal.
The evening program will honor “The Arts” in
our church, and our donations will be a special
offering for Chaddock Children’s Home.
Thanks for your generosity for this important
All Saints Sunday is a service to remember
and honor members of our congregation who
died this past year. Our guest preacher will
be Dr. Lallene Rector, President of GarrettEvangelical Theological Seminary and long-time
friend of this congregation. Dr. Lallene Rector
will also preach at our 10:30 am service.
See the list of the saints we are honoring
this day on Pg. 3
Hanging GREENS
Saturday, November 8 from 9 am—3 pm
PreSchool-5th grade / Nursery available for volunteers
“Hey Parents Register your kids online by scanning the QR Code
below, or fill out a paper registration form (available in
Wesley Hall) and return to Jennifer or the office.
We will learn Bible Stories through activities, games, and
crafts. For our offering, send non-perishable food for
the CANstruction Contest. Lunch will be provided, and
we’ll each get to build-our-own Sundae after lunch!”
Sunday, November 30 @ 4 pm
Would you like a great way to start off the
Christmas season? On Sunday, November 30
a group from the church will be going to the
Domestic Violence Shelter to help decorate for
Christmas. The decorating and brief worship
service will be at 4:00 p.m. We will meet at the
church at 3:45 p.m. We will probably be back
at the church around 5:00 or 5:30 p.m. Please
let the church office know if you plan to be
part of this.
Also, we need donations of Christmas
decorations. The shelter has none as of now.
Let’s help make the season a little brighter for
these women and children. Donations can be
brought to the church
I've read those words countless time and I'm
sure you have as well.
But I heard them
differently on that night in our Bible Study
As we held the story of Paul's hate-filled days
in one hand and talked of his conversion and
guidance for these young churches in the other
hand, Ned Hawbecker said, "I can never
understand how people can dismiss the Christian
faith when they read these words -- of Paul being
so full of hatred and disregard for human life and
then his life dramatically changing so that he
would one day write these words: Love is patient,
love is kind . . . ."
Ned's words stopped me in my tracks. I had
never fully appreciated the radical change in Paul's
life until Ned put it that way. Paul, filled with
hatred and anger and meanness, is changed by the
love of Christ. And not only did his heart
change, his whole purpose in life changed. He
made it his life's mission to share this love with
A love that is patient, kind, never
A note from Kent
Have you ever had the experience where
someone says something and their words keep
coming back to you, over and over and over
again? Has someone ever said something that
felt like an "ah-ha" moment for you?
happened a few weeks ago for me in our
Wednesday evening Bible Study.
Here's what led up to this moment.
Our topic on this particular night was the
life and letters of Paul. We looked at Acts 7 &
8, reading where Saul (Paul's birth name) had
no regard for human life, was part of the
stoning of Stephen and on his campaign to
stamp out the early Christian movement.
Then we looked at Acts 9, reading the
story of Paul's conversion, Christ coming to
him on the Road to Damascus, and his life
changing radically. There's no doubt that Paul's
change of heart was dramatic and amazing. He
went from being mean and cruel to those who
threatened his beliefs to one of the greatest
leaders of this movement he had tried to
It’s really quite amazing when I think about
it. Most of the books in the New Testament
are a result of his work and leadership.
Visiting communities through-out modern-day
Turkey & Greece, Paul made connections with
church leaders and then stayed connected with
them through letters filled with encouragement
and challenge.
One such letter was written to the church
in Corinth, Greece.
And what has now
become probably the most familiar passage in
the Bible, Paul wrote these words to the people
in the Corinth church to remind them of what
love really looks like: “ 4 Love is patient; love is
kind; love is not envious or boastful or
arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own
way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not
rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the
truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.”
When you stop to think about it . . .
these words are amazing. These words came
out of the mouth of one who earlier in his life
was filled with hate.
envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.
When we encounter others who are unkind or
hate-filled, or when we ourselves choose that
path, let’s remember that who we are seeing in
those moments isn’t necessarily the final word.
Let’s remember that God can and does change
lives. Let’s remember that God can take even the
hardest of hearts and soften them, transform
them and fill them with love.
That is the amazing message of the Christian
faith. We have been given a powerful, lifechanging gift. May we share it with others.
Pastor Kathy
Community Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 30
4:00 pm
at St. John’s Episcopal Church
130 E. Eldorado Street
(church is handicap accessible)
The offering that’s taken during worship
will be given to the Good Samaritan Inn.
All Saints Sunday
November 2, at 9:00 am
Remembering those who dies this past
Christine Brewer
March to the Manger
Sunday, December 21 at 4:00
We have confirmed that world-renowned Opera
singer, Christine Brewer, will sing at our March to
the Manger service on Sunday afternoon, December
21st. Several from our congregation saw her at the
Lyric Opera last May as she played the role of the
Mother Superior in the Sound of Music.
When not travelling, Christine lives in Lebanon, IL
with her husband and makes sure to spend lots of
time with her daughter and one-year-old grandson.
She is a member of the Lebanon UMC. You can
learn more about her career online at
Consecration Brunch
November 16
at 11:15 am
Please RSVP to join us
to celebrate our church and
its ministries
by calling the church office
at: 423-9711 or email
Barbara Faulkner
Edwin Doane
Judith Gibbons
Camilla McKinney
Emogene Robinson
Oliver Mauzy
Marilyn Bankson
Dorothy Sherden
Judith Oyler
Louise Bolerjack
Harold Gidel
Patricia Smith
Shirley Williams
Wilma Redman
Would you like to receive the
Advent Devotionals daily by email?
Call the church office to sign up
for this service (423-9711) or email
Barbi (
and you will receive your daily
Advent devotional by email early
every morning starting December
We will also offer hard copies that
will be available for you pick up at
the church a couple of weeks
before Advent begins.
Come! Give the new second service a try on
Sunday November 9 at 10:30am! A professional
jazz combo led by Dr. Randall Reyman,
coordinator of the jazz program at Millikin, will
provide music to enhance our our less-formal,
interactive, yet equally inspirational worship. The
group will include Terry Brennan, piano; Andy
Heise, bass; Steve Schepper, drums; and Sally
Schepper, vocals. Mark your calendars and plan
to join us!
Many hands make light work! If you need help
with yard work during this Fall, the youth
group is available on Saturday mornings/
afternoons for a donation!
Box City 2014
Friday, November 14 @ 5 pm thru
Saturday, November 15 @ 10:30 am
Ever wonder what it was like to be homeless and
live in a box? Well now you have the chance!
November 14th from 5pm to 10:30 am the next
day on Millikin’s campus will feature an
overnight box city! We will be going together as
a group as we learn more about what it is like to
be homeless and hear from a few people who
used to find themselves in that situation. There
will be plenty of games and activities as well. All
you need is your box, a flashlight, sleeping gear
and 45 or so different layers to stay warm!
FaithLINKS II Class
Covenant Class
FaithLINKS I Class
Contemporary Christianity Class
Latecomers Class
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Please know that the Birthday/Anniversary list is
STILL available for you.
There are 3 ways to receive it:
Seekers Class
Sunday School & Fellowship Time
2. Stop by the office any time during the week or
on Sunday mornings, and pick up a copy.
Call the office to sign-up to have it mailed to
you monthly.
3. Email Barbi ( to sign
up to have it emailed to you monthly.
Kid’s Fellowship Time
Sunday School for:
• Pre K
• K-1st Grade
• 2nd - 3rd
• 4th - 5th
— the Church Office Staff
To the Staff and congregation of FUMC, Thank
you again for the generous scholarshiop for my
college education. I am now a Junior at Millikin
University, studying Biology-Pre Medicine. This
will be a busy year for me, as I begin to think
about medical schools and take the MCAT in the
Spring. I appreciate the support, financially and
emotionally, that I receive from my church
family. Here’s to another great year!
Thank you for the lovely service on UMW
Sunday. Mother (Helen Binkley) enjoyed it so
much, and said the pin was very lovely. She put
it on as soon as she got back to the pew.
Annie Bruckner
In Christ, Olivia Waszczuk
A heap of thanks to all our wonderful bakers and
another heap to our skilled sales ladies: Helen
Binkley, Virginia Brehm, Esther Carlson, Eileen
Guenther, Adair Huss, Merilyn Jayne and Valerie
Keith. With all this help we had our best Bake
Sale EVER!
It’s time to plan for Christmas gifts for
Chaddock Children. We are asking for donations
WalMart Gift cards
ITunes Gift cards
We’re also collecting personal items such as:
Dove Body Wash
Hand Sanitizer
There’s a box in the church office marked
“Chaddock” for your donations.
30th is the last day to bring items in. Thanks
for all your help in preparing a Happy Christmas
for many children at Chaddock
Chaddock Ambassadors
Judy & John Rasche
Kathy Leavitt & Tim Lee
Sybil Foster, Chairman
Thanks to both FaithLINK classes and all the
Youth who created over 400 Dinner Downtown
Christmas Placemats! We also appreciate all those
who donated recycled Christmas cards. Thanks
for all your assistance and support.
Kathy Leavitt & Tim Lee
To my church family, Thanks for your prayers
and concerns for my daughter, Susan. The
surgeries are over and she will be starting
therapy soon. Love to all of you,
Merilyn Jayne
Dear FUMC, Thanks for the Bible. I like to read
it before I go to bed. Also thank you for
considering me to be an acolyte. I enjoy going to
church and learning about God and Jesus.
Love, Ella Redden
We would like to thank you all so much for all
the prayers, cards, calls and visits from everyone
in our wonderful church family during the trying
times we have recently been through. Pastor
Kent and Kathy King-Nobles, Pastor Miley
Palmer, Judy McCleery and everyone in the
Covenant Class who offered to help and came to
visit. It is such a blessing to know people care
and it helps us to recover from our illnesses.
Monday, November 17 at 7:00 pm
Faith Formation Team (Children & Youth) •
Faith Formation Team (Adult) • Fellowship
Team • Finance Team • Missions Team • SPRC •
Love, Ron & Kay Clanton
Tuesday, November 18 at 1:30 pm
Membership Care Team • Outreach &
Communications • Worship Committee
The styrofoam cups that don't make it to the
landfill often end up in the ocean. Ever heard
of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
estimated to be twice the size of Texas and is
deadly to numerous aquatic species. You'll
never guess what buoyant material makes up a
significant part of it.
If my research has not convinced you yet I
encourage you to embark on some of your own.
The good news is that some of you probably
won't ever experience much of the long-term
effects of our styrofoam use. But for my
generation, and the generations to come after, this
will be a very real problem. Earth and its landfills
will continue to grow overpopulated. The beauty
that God has blessed nature with will continue to
be compromised as styrofoam and plastic, rather
than seashells, wash up on sandy California
beaches. And yet even if we ended all styrofoam
use right here and now, the destruction of our
planet would certainly continue (albeit at a slower
rate) through other means. Switching from
styrofoam cups to reusable mugs is only the start.
More selfishly, think of how this will benefit the
church. If nothing else, mugs take up less money
than buying new cups every week, money that we
could certainly use for more worthy pursuits. In
the Bible I read about the days when the church
placed itself boldly on the frontier of social
change. What ever happened to that? I fear we
have become too unwilling not only to accept
change, but to initiate it ourselves. I imagine a
church that is the vehicle for positive social
change, where changing from styrofoam cups to
reusable mugs is just a small part in our active
agenda. I believe this is the kind of church young
people are looking for, being one myself. And I
believe that this is the kind of church God calls us
to be.
Haven King-Nobles
As many of you have no doubt been
wondering, what's the big deal about using
styrofoam cups? Styrofoam doesn't seem like a
particularly terrible thing, and, especially in light of
all the other dreadful events occurring throughout
the world today, changing our methods of
drinking seems so trivial to be of no real
Trivial it may be, but that does not by any
means lessen its importance.
 Styrofoam is a manmade petroleum-based
substance that does not naturally break down.
From its manufacturing to its time after it has
been discarded, styrofoam is a detriment to
God's Earth.
 The manufacture of styrofoam produces
gaseous byproducts that pollute the air and
damage the ozone layer (contributing to
climate change) and also liquid and solid
byproducts that require disposal.
 The petroleum used to manufacture styrofoam
is a finite, non-renewable resource (as those of
you who have had the misfortune to have to
fill your tanks with $4 gas can atest to).
 Some research has even suggested that
styrofoam also causes adverse health effects.
 And yet styrofoam's worst effects occur after
its consumption. The cups we throw away
Sunday morning and Wednesday evening
generally end up taking up space in a landfill,
where they sit and wait for the Cubs to finally
win the pennant. Our landfills are only getting
larger, as is our population. In short we are
running out of space, and cups that
theoretically last forever only exacerbate the
Remarkable Friends Playdate
Fridays 10-11
Children under age 5 and their parents can enjoy
some free-play in our nursery and pre-school
classrooms. Bring your friends and come play!
Women at Decatur First United Methodist Church
exemplify the purpose of UMW:
To know God and to experience freedom as
whole persons through Jesus Christ;
To develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and
To expand concepts of mission through
participation in the global ministries of the
Working on Trash & Treasure provided
opportunities for supportive fellowship while
earning money for UMW’s various missions.
UMW gratefully accepted help from the many
people who worked to make it successful!
Decatur First UMW welcomes all women to
participate in one of our monthly circles where we
learn about missions and other topics while enjoying
fellowship. Circle 8 Lydia decided that a day meeting
time would be more convenient for some members.
When it could not agree on a day meeting time, it
decided to disband at the end of 2014. The remaining
three circles will welcome members to join them.
They meet at the church in the library at these times:
I Miriam, first Monday, 9:30 a.m.
II Hope, fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m.
IV Mary & Martha, 2nd Friday, 1:15
VII Lydia, 4th Tuesday, 7 p.m.
UMW Dates
Saturday, November 1, Personal & Spiritual Growth
Retreat at Douglas Ave UMC, 501 S. Douglas
Ave., Springfield 62704; 9 – 3; officer training,
missions, and Advent program. Car pools will be
Friday, November 7, Church Women United World
Communion Day celebration, 1 pm; TBA.
Wednesday, November 12, 1:30 p.m., UMW Executive
Board; last one for 2014.
Monday, December 8, Church Women United
Annual Meeting; Luncheon, 12 noon; TBA.
Thursday, December 11, 1 p.m., UMW’s annual
Christmas Tea and general meeting. Installation of
officers; Christmas music by Linda Schepper and
her family! Hostesses are Miriam Circle 1 and
Mary & Martha Circle IV. This is a wonderful
time to celebrate the Christmas music and enjoy
fellowship. This would be a good time to bring
United Methodist Women Honor Two Women
on UMW Sunday, October 19, 2014
UMW presented Mission Recognition pins to
Helen Binkley and Helen Brown at the annual
UMW Sunday service. In addition, UMW
contributed a gift to mission in each woman’s
name. The recipients’ names are not revealed until
the presentation. Both women are members of
UMW Circle I Miriam.
Helen and George Binkley joined First United
Methodist Church in 1947, the year of their
marriage. They helped with their son’s Scout
troop. Helen Binkley served on many committees
and boards in the church, taught Sunday School,
worked with the UMW reading program, served
as a devotional chair, contributed her quilting
skills by working with the UMW quilters’ group,
worked with Trash and Treasure, and contributed
many baked goods for the annual sale. Helen
Binkley, who retired from teaching reading at
Macon Grade School, is a past president of the
Macon County Reading Council and worked at
the state level with the Illinois Reading Council.
Helen and Howard Brown joined First United
Methodist Church in 1968, when they moved to
Decatur. They joined the Merrily Marrieds
Sunday School class. As the class evolved, Helen
and Joyce Reeves became responsible for the
programs. Helen Brown served on many
committees in the church. Helen Brown used her
creative quilting skills to make at least 11 banners
for our church. She also makes crib quilts for
each baby baptized in this church and also for
those babies baptized in the church they attended
during winters in Florida. Helen Brown, who
retired from teaching reading at the Macon
Junior, is a past president of the Macon County
Reading Council. She continues to support
educational projects through her membership in
P.E.O. Chapter CX and advocacy for Richland
Community College.
Service SQUAD.2
Saturday, November 8
Just when you thought you would
have to wait for next Summer, Service
Squad is back for one day only from 9am
-3pm on November 8th. We are excited
to be serving DOVE Women’s shelter
this time. We will shop for “Birthday
Bag” items, assemble the bags, have lunch
at the church and then have the
opportunity to serve at DOVE in the
afternoon. These birthday bags will be
distributed to children who have their
birthdays while at the shelter. There will
also be plenty of fun and games mixed
into the day as well!
With 75% of the year gone by as of September 30,
2014, we have received 65.6% of our anticipated
pledges and offerings for the full year, and we have
incurred 69.8 % of our planned expenses.
We continue to be grateful for the faithfulness and
generosity of our members. Any extra-mile giving to
help cover some of the unanticipated expenditures for
the year (such as higher than normal heating bills and
repairs) will be greatly appreciated.
Leah Brown & Jerry Hinkle
October 17, 2014
Gracelynn May Lowe
October 20, 2014
Parents: Aaron & Amanda Lowe
Big Brother: Nate
Big Sister: Vivienne
Young Adult Christmas Party
December 20th
at the Motter’s
782 W. Forsyth Pkwy Forsyth, IL 62535
Wear your ugliest sweatshirt, and bring
that “great gift” you received last
Christmas for our White Elephant Gift
Exchange! There will be plenty of games
and toys for the little ones to do at this
event as well!
Average Worship
Attendance this month
Small Groups
Tuesday Mornings at 9 am in Rm. 104
Aspiring Mary’s Bible Study
Debbie Vandermyde, Leader
Wednesday Mornings at 11:30 in Room 301
Adult Bible Study
Dick Dechert, Leader
Wednesday Mornings at 10 am in Room 301
Young Women’s Bible Study
Childcare provided
Pastor Kathy King-Nobles, Leader
Thursday Mornings at 11 am in Room 306
The Gospel of Mark
Pastor Kent King-Nobles, Leader
1st Thursday at Noon - at Perkins
Sojourner’s Group
Fellowship & Discussion based on Sojourners
Magazine (Faith in Action for Social Justice)
Next meeting will be November 6
2nd Friday at 6 pm - Library
Great Dates
Explore common, yet impractical, expectations in
relationships and explore strategies to avoid
these misconceptions. (Childcare provided)
Matt & Marilyn Stevens, Leaders
Next meeting will be November 14
2 ways to be included in this Study …
During the week:
Tuesday Mornings at 9:30
The Aspiring Marys will be reading and discussing
The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgs
during Advent. We will experience Christmas
through the stories of Mary, Elizabeth and Anna, as
well as some men. If you want to join the Aspiring
Marys for this study, please contact Debbie
Vandermyde at
or 875-2230.
This study begins the end of November.
2nd Monday at 6 pm - Lana Horton’s House
Scraps & Prayers
A time of prayer and scrapbooking!
Lana Horton, Leader
Next meeting will be November 10
4th Thursday at 10:30 am - S. W. Room
First Friends
For retirees - They meet monthly for a time of
friendship, fun and learning new things.
Next meeting will be November 27
2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 9 am - Rm. 304
Prayer Shawl Group
Next meetings are November 11 & 25
On Sunday Morning during Advent:
Rev. Ned Hawbecker will lead special Advent
sessions, for all four Sundays in Advent.
(Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14 and 21)
This is an open invitation for
those who would like to attend these special classes
in the chapel from 10:30—11:30.
Come join us. You will be glad you did.
Sponsor--Former CQ/Christopher Class
Looking ahead to Advent ...
Below is a list of our December ministries to help
prepare us for Christmas. How about inviting
someone new to join you as you prepare for
Nov 30 1st Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 6th
Hanging of the Greens at DOVE Women’s Shelter
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
4:00 pm
Help bring the message of Christmas to this home
for those who will be living there in December.
What is the Children’s Christmas Shoppe? It’s a
fun morning for families to sing Christmas songs,
make crafts, enjoy Christmas goodies, and an
opportunity for children to shop for Christmas
gifts and learn why we celebrate Christmas. Every
gift is the same price ($2), so children can choose
with their hearts, all the while making friends with
our shopping and wrapping elves.
Dec 6 Christmas Shoppe
(See column to right for more information)
Dec 7 2nd Sunday of Advent
Light up our Neighborhood
11:30 – We’ll begin with a light lunch at the
church. And then bundle up, divide into groups,
and visit our neighborhood around the church to
give lights (battery-operated candles) to our
Volunteers are needed for Shopping and
Wrapping Elves. If you would like to donate new
gifts for the shopping area, we could really use
flashlights, small tools, kitchen towel sets, water
bottles, and pencil boxes. Donations of new gifts,
and large shopping bags (from department stores)
are greatly appreciated, and can be dropped off at
Jennifer’s office. Thank you to those who have
already donated wrapping paper and to/from tags.
Thanks to you, we have enough! :) Merry
Dec 14 3rd Sunday of Advent
Church Street Walk
1:00 – 4:00
We have invited the several churches on Church
Street to open up their sanctuaries for an Open
House on this day. The beautiful sanctuaries
enhanced with Christmas music will be
a witness to many.
Community Meals in December
Dec 21 4th Sunday of Advent
March to the Manger
As we have in recent years, we will host
community meals on the following days:
4:00 – Note New Time
This has traditionally been during the morning
worship service, but we moved it to the afternoon
in order to encourage more neighbors and friends
from the community to participate. The Christmas
story will be told through scripture and music and
we will receive our Christmas offering.
1. December 25 (Christmas Dinner)
2. December 27 (Dinner Downtown)
3. January 1 (New Year’s Day Dinner)
All dinners are being served from 11:45-1:00.
Dec 24 Christmas Eve
4:00 - Family Service
If you’d like to volunteer, contact Cheryl
in the church office at
or you may call her 423-9711.
(childcare will be available)
10:30 - Festival of Lessons & Carols
FOOD DRIVE FOR THE VBS.2 on Saturday, November 8 from 9-3 pm
During VBS.2, we will work in teams to build amazing CANstructions. What is a CANstruction???
A team works together using multiples of the same brand of donated cans & boxes to build a 3D
structure. After the CANstruction Contest, all food will be donated to Northeast Community Fund.
How can you help?
By donating food, several of the same brand, by Friday November 7th. Call a few friends, and
coordinate which food item you would like to donate as a group. For example: a CANstruction might
use 30 cans of green beans, 50 Cup-o-Noodles, 15 boxes of the same-brand corn flakes, and 25 jars of
the same-brand of peanut butter. Another team’s CANstruction might use 30 boxes of burger-helper,
20 cans of store-brand pineapple, 18 cans of tomato juice, and 12 boxes of graham crackers.
Volunteer to be part of a
CANstruction team on Saturday
afternoon (Nov 8th). Here’s what
your church staff did with the food
they donated to the cause! Can you
guess what it is?
Assist with taking the food
donations to Northeast Community
Fund on Saturday afternoon (Nov
All food donations should be brought
to room 306 by Friday, November 7th.
First United Methodist Church
201 W. North Street
Decatur, IL 62522
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 43
Volune 36 Number 11
November 2014
Published monthly
First United Methodist Church
201 West North Street., Decatur, IL 62522-2221
Phone: (217) 423-9711; FAX: 423-5025
Prayer Chain ..................................
Revs. Kent & Kathy King-Nobles ...................... Directing Pastors
Rev. Miley Palmer .......................................Older Adult Ministries
Dr. Hadi Gibbons ............................................... Director of Music
Dr. Bruce Gibbons .......................................................... Organist
Jennifer Horton-Motter ..................... Children & Family Ministries
Kyle Shaughnessy .................... Youth & Young Adults Ministries
Mike Claver ....................................... Director of Children’s Music
Barbi Gardiner........................................ Administrative Secretary
Judy Ragan .................................................... Financial Secretary
Cheryl Lehman .......................................................... Receptionist
Jim & Susie Pope ........................................................Custodians
Judy McCleery ......................................................... Parish Nurse
Joanne Forrest ............................................. Building Coordinator
Shane Hartman .................................. MAX Program Coordinator
Warm Neighbors / Cool Friends
Light up the Neighborhood
Coming on December 7th
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if during the cold, dark
days of December, there were candles lighting up
the homes and streets? We can help make this
Would you, as you are shopping, pick up some
new battery-operated candles (about 6-8 inches in
height) to donate to Light Up the Neighborhood?
On December 7th, early that afternoon, we’ll divide
into groups and give candles to our neighbors
around the church and invite them to light up the
Candle donations can be brought to the church