Your Weekly Planner September - December 2014 Hudson & Holy Rosary Children’s Centre

Hudson & Holy Rosary
Children’s Centre
Your Weekly Planner
September - December 2014
Hudson Children’s Centre
T: 0151 531 0117
Holy Rosary Children’s Centre
T: 0151 288 6202
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Hudson Child 2014.
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During the holid completely separate exciting
and usually
seasonal timeta
●● Breakfast Buddies (All)
●● Storytime (1+)
9.15-10.15am (Hudson)
1.00-1.45pm (Hudson)
Join us and kick start your day with a
healthy choices breakfast stay and play!
‘Oldie but a goldie’ Drop in!
●● Little Tasters Cookery
Club (1+)
12.00-2.00pm (Hudson)
Budding little chef in your family?
Struggling with meal times? Want to
create some exciting recipes together?
Then book in this wonderful parent and
child cookery lesson session with May
Logan. Book on/invitation.
Come and join us whilst we journey
through mystic forests and embark on
exiting adventures with our new storytime
session. Drop In
●● Baby Massage
(babes 8 weeks +)
1.30-3.00pm (Holy Rosary)
Four week intensive course delivered by
our skilled Family Development Workers.
Learn how to massage, soothe and
increase that vital bond with your baby in
a supportive friendly environment. Maybe
stay a while and join us for our Chill n
Chat session right after. Book On.
●● Adult Education Classes (All)
1.45-3.00pm (Hudson)
Linking closely to Hugh Baird College we
offer a range of courses from IT, craft
and work skills to GCSE English & Math
equivalent throughout the year. Please
phone Hudson for the next course
details, and start times crèche can be
available depending on the course.
Book on. FREE - Adults of all ages
●● Midwifery pregnancy
booking in clinic (All)
Various appointment times. (Book on).
●● Bright Start Super
9.15-10.15am (Holy Rosary)
Join us and kick start your day with a
healthy breakfast themed Stay &Play!
Drop in!
●● Aqua-natal Classes
(Meadows Leisure Centre,
If you’ve received your 1st scan and are
interested in keeping fit and healthy for
you and your baby then aqua natal
could be for you – Midwifery led. Must
Book on (call the centre for more details).
●● Weaning (From 6 months)
10.00-12.00pm (Hudson)
An early intro to weaning and feeding
for babies 12-16 weeks. May Logan
service led. (Book on through Hudson)
●● Happy Baby Yoga
●● St.Peters Pram Club (All)
10.00-12.00pm (Hudson)
Baby & Toddler yoga classes. A
morning of yoga for our little yogi’s. Call
Sam now to BOOK your session.
Call 07731582581 or via email : (Book on).
●● Mini Babes Musical
Mayhem (under 1s)
11.00-12.00pm (Holy Rosary)
Musical interactive session especially for
babies, come and join Nikki and Justina
and lets stir up a song. Drop in!
●● Baby Weigh (Health Visitor)
12.00-1.00pm (Hudson)
For all children aged 0 - 4 (pre-school).
Say hello to one of the Children’s Centre
team to receive / refresh your free child
vitamins whilst your here. L31. Drop in!
●● Baby Immunisation Clinic
1.30-4.30pm (Aintree Medical
centre/Westway Medical centre)
Book in through your health visitor!
●● Baby Massage Me More
(8 weeks to 8 months)
1.30-3.00pm (Hudson)
Our extended baby massage course –
must have completed Stage 1. Soothe
and Bond with baby in our personalised
Stage 2 massage course with Justina and
Niki. Invitation only through first course.
Community Stay and Play at St.Peters
Church. Drop In.
●● Baby Clinic (0-4 years)
(Aintree Medical Centre)
Registered at Aintree Medical centre?
Health visitor appointments each week
0-4 years. Call the medical centre to
make your app.
●● Parents To Be Classes
6.00-7.30pm (Hudson)
Four week Ante natal parental education
class with our Midwife. Prepare for the
birth of your baby! Call to book your
place, dads, sisters, grandparents
●● Midwifery pregnancy
booking in clinic (All)
Various appointment times at Hudson.
(Book on)
●● Move it and Shake it (All)
9.15-11.00am (Holy Rosary)
Come and join us for some musical
movement fun and games with Lisa from
Fun For Kidz. Drop in!
●● Little Brush Strokes (1+)
10.00-10.45am (Hudson) NEW
Parent and Child painting session with
Shirley – this one can get very messy,
please wear old clothes/prepare to wear
our coveralls. Lets develop your fine
motor skills – DROP IN.
●● Baby Buddies
(0-12m or up to crawling
11.00-12.00pm (Hudson)
Bring your babes and grab a piece of
calm with Nikki, Sophie and others in a
relaxed atmosphere – come and share
your early baby stories, get to know
other mums and their trials and
tribulations through parenthood and be
introduced to our centre. Drop in!
●● 10 Day Baby Weigh
1.00-3.00pm (Hudson)
Midwifery led book in appointments.
(Book on through Hudson)
●● Little Einstein’s (1+)
1.30-3.00pm (Hudson)
(Will be coming after October half term)
Parent and child learning through play
course run by Justina and Kelly, 5 week
intensive learning course which will support
you to enhance your child’s learning and
development in preparation for their bright
future. Book on / Invitation only.
●● U3A French Group
2.00-4.00pm (Hudson)
Do you know any grandparents
interested in learning French? If so then
give us a call to get them a place on this
fantastic course. (Book on through
University of the First Age)
●● Midwifery pregnancy
booking in clinic
9.00-12.00pm (Hudson)
Various appointment times at Hudson.
(Appointment only).
●● Childminders Group
9.00-10.45am (Hudson)
(Childminders and prospective families)
Whether you’re thinking of becoming a
child-minder, a well established childminder, or a new mum looking for child
care, then just come along grab some
information or share your skills and ideas
whilst the little ones play. Drop in!
●● James Murray Solicitors
FREE Confidential 1/2 hour
appointments available in relation to all
aspects of family law, including divorce,
separation, custody, domestic violence,
injunction and guardianship. BOOK ON.
●● 2yr Development Checks
9.00-1.00pm (Hudson)
Book on through your health visitor. Say
hello to one of team whilst you’re here
and get some super 2 year information
and support. (Appointment only)
●● Baby Nurture
●● Fabulous Friday Stay & Play
10.00-11.00am (Hudson)
7 week program to support you on your
journey as the most important and
influential person in your child’s life when
they learn faster than at any other time,
because ‘The smallest people take up the
most space in our hearts’. (Charges Apply)
Visit to book on.
Get creative in our fun arts and crafts stay
and play session with Shirley. (Drop In)
●● Baby Sign and Sing
10.30-3.00pm (Hudson)
●● Lunch Club (All)
12.00-2.00pm (Hudson)
Pregnant? Or new baby & Breastfeeding?
Then drop in for light lunch with us, we
can support your breastfeeding needs,
give helpful information and advice, share
peer tips, hints and birth stories with
Justina, Sophie and our partners the Feel
Good Factory. Relaxed informal
atmosphere. Drop In! Can’t make it but
need some support? Then don’t go it alone
- help always available, call us!
●● Health Visitor Drop In
1.30-3.30pm (Maghull Health Centre)
For all children aged 0-4 (pre-school).
Get your baby weighed and receive /
refresh your free child vitamins whilst
your there. L31. Drop in!
aby sign and sign sessions run by
Becky and her team. Book on 07813630
665 or
uk (charges apply)
●● Dads Club (All)
9.30am-11.00pm (1st Saturday of
every month @ Hudson)
ads, Grand dads, Uncles or male
carers why not pop along and join the
fun. We have arty fun, cookery,
seasonally themed creative play and
more, you’ll get tea, toast and brownie
points. Drop in!
Always Available
Parenting Taster Workshops &
specialised Programs (book on
various appointment days & times)
Tantrums & behaviour issues? mealtimes & bedtimes
becoming problematic? Then speak with our skilled
parenting practitioners Nikki & Justina for an
informal but supportive guide through the
wilderness of parenting. Learn new Tips and skills
to handle those tricky moments, workshops held
monthly, home 1:1 support available. Call for more
info. Formal groups run throughout the year too!
Healthy Start &
FREE vitamin collection.
Healthy Start vouchers & Sefton local voucher
scheme are available from your midwife or health
visitor (so don’t forget to ask for yours!) Bring it
along to the centre for your vitamins which are free
for all pregnant women and under 5s! Having
trouble getting your form – call us.
FREE Safety Equipment
Please talk to a member of the team who will be
happy to discuss your safety needs with you, we also
have a free larger equipment service (such as baby
gates) dependant on area postcode. Don’t miss out!
First aid courses run throughout the year too.
Adult Education Classes
Working in partnership with Hugh Baird College we
offer a vast array of free courses throughout the year
from basic skills, Math and English to Indian Head
Massage and craft. Fancy something special? let us
know! Limited Free Crèche places available.
Speech and language support
Talk to one of our team if you have any concerns
about your child’s speech and language
development, we can work with your child during
key sessions, refer into sessions which focus on
communication development and also act as a
conduit between professional Speech and
Language services. Call us, we’ll help.
Looking for a career change,
employment or training?
We can support you to meet with a friendly
personal advisor from Job Centre Plus or Sefton at
Work. Chat to us on how to obtain further
information on training, work calculator,
employment, career paths and childcare from us.
Just give us a call or drop in. Series of workshops
and adult education opportunities run right through
the year – we can help!
Volunteering opportunities
We love volunteers and ran a fantastic accredited
course in July, we love to help you build on your
skills and achieve your goals. Call Justina or Kelly
for more info, we’ll help you train & take care of
you all the way.
Parenting Programs
We’ve a range of Triple P parenting programs
which will support you in every aspect of raising
children (especially if things are tricky) if you would
like further information then please let us know.
Group not your thing? We can work with you on a
1:1 from our centre, as a group, through our
workshops or even in your home.
Inclusion Support
Are you the parent of a child with an additional
need? Is English your second language? Nikki
Cureton is our inclusion lead her at the centre and
she’s just fab. She’ll happily sit down with you and
discuss your support needs and we can do this
from the centre or from your own home, she’s pretty
flexible. We also run a series of sessions which
sample the best the area has to offer for children
with a disability or additional need. Give her a
quick call and say hello.
Young Parent Support Advisor
Young parent? Call in or call up and ask for Justina,
she’s our dedicated young parent support advisor,
and can offer 1:1 support, advice and anything
you need to help you through your new journey
into parenthood.
2YOO support
Is your child approaching two? You could be
entitled to 2YOO support which includes up to 15
hours of FREE childcare per week. Call Shirley
McClenaghan for more information.
Need to speak to someone direct?
Family support, confidential advice, contact visits,
help or simply a listening ear is always on offer here
in the Centre.
We can support a number of pathways to support your
family and the children you care for. Dop in or call and
ask for one of our wonderful family development
workers Nikki Cureton, Justina Hodge & Shirley
McClenaghan. They’ll do everything to ensure we get
you what you need, quietly and confidentially.
Vicki Formby is our administrator.
Laura Gibson and Jayne McAdam are our play workers.
Kelly Herron is our Centre Manager – she loves to hear
your thoughts about the centre, good or bad write in or
call alternatively please email:
Other support and activities
●● Smoking cessation.
●● Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid support
●● Housing and welfare advice/support.
●● Health Visitor advice, GP and dental
●● Breast feeding / weaning support.
●● Financial advice including childcare support.
●● Confidential counselling on site.
●● Home Visits.
●● Family Support.
●● 2YOO support and application.
●● School transition.
●● Family Health.
●● Jobs, careers and training.
Hudson Children’s Centre
Moorhey Road, Maghull, L31 5LE T: 0151 531 0117
Holy Rosary Children’s Centre
Oriel Drive, Aintree Village, L10 6NJ T: 0151 288 6202
Children, Schools and Families