WestConnex The New M5 Project Overview WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview Contents Ministerial introductions � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 1 WestConnex overview 1.1 The Transport challenge ............................................................................. 4 1.2 Planning context .................................................................................... 5 1.3 WestConnex scope.................................................................................. 6 1.4 Key benefits ....................................................................................... 7 2 The New M5 2.1 Project need........................................................................................ 9 2.2 Scope Overview................................................................................... 10 2.3 Main tunnels....................................................................................... 12 2.4 St Peters Interchange............................................................................... 14 2.5 King Georges Road Interchange...................................................................... 16 2.6 Sydney Gateway................................................................................... 17 3 Key issues 3.1 Traffic and transport................................................................................ 18 3.2Environment....................................................................................... 19 3.3 Air quality........................................................................................ 20 4 Timetable 4.1Summary......................................................................................... 21 4.2 Proposed construction staging....................................................................... 22 5 Funding and tolling 5.1 Funding and tolling................................................................................. 24 6 WestConnex M5 and the community 6.1 King Georges Road Environmental Impact Statement................................................... 25 6.2 WestConnex M5.................................................................................. 25 WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 1 Ministerial introductions Assistant Minister for Infrastructure & Regional Development Hon Jamie Briggs MP The Australian Government is partnering with the NSW Government to build WestConnex, the largest single transport infrastructure program in the nation’s history. WestConnex will help open up the city’s clogged transport and freight arteries, creating productivity and investment dividends for generations to come. It is an important part of a wider package of national infrastructure work worth more than $125 billion that the Australian Government is helping bring to reality. We are contributing $50 billion to this infrastructure pipeline over the next six years to boost national productivity and provide a lasting legacy for Australia. This is our Economic Action Strategy at work which is expected to increase the size of Australia’s economy by 1 per cent. It’s about employing people, improving national productivity and building the infrastructure that will help drive the Australian economy over the years ahead. While the Australian Government is injecting $1.5 billion directly into WestConnex, we are also using a concessional loan of up to $2 billion to bring forward the M5 section of WestConnex by more than 12 months. The fleets of trucks that transport goods from Port Botany to the large distribution centres in western Sydney will also be able to do so quicker, more reliably and at a lower cost. Inevitably this will flow through to a higher standard of living for us all as freight in NSW is worth more than $58 billion a year. More than doubling the capacity on the M5 corridor east of King Georges Road will help bring Sydney’s western suburbs closer to the CBD, port and airport precincts. It will also bring the east closer to Sydney’s proposed second international airport at Badgerys Creek. This is why we are investing $3.6 billion in partnership with NSW Government to ensure the roads surrounding the new airport are integrated into the broader Sydney network. These are exciting times to be involved in infrastructure in Sydney, as the Australian and NSW Governments work together to unlock the city’s great economic potential. These infrastructure projects are vital to the city’s future and Australia’s economic prosperity. Hon Jamie Briggs MP Australian Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development By bringing forward the opening date of the New M5 to 2019, more than 100,000 commuters a day will benefit from greater reliability and quicker trips morning and night. 1.5m Sydney’s population to rise by over the next 20 years 2 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview $58b freight and logistics worth to NSW economy each year NSW Minister for Roads & Freight Hon Duncan Gay MLC It’s exciting to imagine Sydney’s population will grow by 1.5 million people overthe next 20 years. That forecast also poses unique and pressing challenges for our city’s public transport and motorway systems. The NSW Government is investing more than $60 billion dollars in infrastructure over the next fours year to help transform the way we move through Sydney and meet the challenges that come with growth. This includes building the $8.5 billion North-West Rail Link and other multi-billion public transport projects such as the South-West Rail Link, and CBD and South East Light Rail. It also means building WestConnex, the largest transport infrastructure project in the state’s history, which is being constructed over 10 years. WestConnex is about building for the future. It is a 33km motorway, with about 14 km on the surface and up to 19km of tunnels. It will generate more than $20 billion in economic benefits to the NSW economy and create about 10,000 jobs including hundreds of apprenticeships. About three-quarters of all transport journeys in Sydney are taken by car and that will only grow in time. More than 12 million trips are taken every day by cars and trucks, compared to about 750,000 by rail and 1.1 million by bus. There is no option for our great economy but to fix the M4 and M5 and realise an even greater potential for these corridors by linking them to provide connections to the CBD, airport and port. The project is being delivered in three stages: • WestConnex M4 – Parramatta to Haberfield • WestConnex M5 – Beverly Hills to St Peters; and • WestConnex M4–M5 Link – linking the M4 and M5 from Haberfield to St Peters. The NSW Government is contributing $1.8 billion to the $11–11.5 billion (2012) capital cost of the entire WestConnex program, while the Australian Government will fund $1.5 billion and provide a concessional loan of up to $2 billion to NSW. From day one we have been clear that building WestConnex would also require tolls. The New M5 will duplicate the M5 East tunnels which are arguably Sydney’s worst and we will ensure the design is higher, wider and flatter than those built by previous governments. WestConnex will save motorists 40 minutes on a typical journey from Parramatta to Sydney Airport. It will bypass 52 sets of traffic lights. This means more time at home and doing business, rather than sitting in traffic. This a game changing project for Sydney and for the NSW economy. Hon Duncan Gay MLC NSW Minister for Roads & Freight Currently, congestion costs the NSW economy an estimated $5.1 billion each year or nearly $1,100 for every person living in Sydney. By 2020, the cost of congestion is expected to rise to $8.8 billion as Sydney’s population grows and travel demand increases. 10,000 Almost jobs created Western Sydney 3rdbiggest economy in Australia WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 3 Section 1. WestConnex overview 1.1 The Transport challenge Sydney’s population will increase by 1.5 million over the next 20 years. Much of this growth is likely to occur in Western Sydney, which has already grown to become the third largest economy in Australia. This poses unique and pressing challenges for how our city’s public transport and motorway systems will cope with this extra demand. Currently, congestion costs the NSW economy an estimated $5.1 billion each year or nearly $1,100 for every person living in Sydney. By 2020, the cost of congestion is expected to rise to $8.8 billion as Sydney’s population grows and travel demand increases. However, the rail network will only meet a relatively small part of the forecast demand. Sydney’s road network accounts for 93% of passenger journeys and 86% of freight movement. Our motorway system is also being expanded to increase capacity and improve reliability. In 2011, there were 12.1 million car and truck trips per day across Sydney. By 2031, this is forecast to increase to 15.8 million trips per day. We need to invest in the capacity of our strategic road network to meet this demand. Vehicle use in Sydney is closely correlated to population growth. Over the decade to 2012, the population grew by 11.6% while vehicle distance travelled grew by 11.1%. It is the forecast growth in population that will increase traffic levels in the future. 1.5m To meet the growing demand for transport, the NSW Government is investing billions of dollars in the largest urban transport and infrastructure programs in our history. Sydney’s population to rise by This includes building multi-billion dollar public transport projects such as the North West Rail Link, South West Rail Link and the CBD and South East Light Rail. over the next 20 years Traffic growth in Sydney Forecast growth by mode, 2011–2036 80 /10 20 10 /11 20 11 /12 20 12 /13 / 09 09 20 08 07 / 08 20 / 07 06 20 05 / 06 20 04 / 05 20 / 04 20 03 2 / 03 20 02 20 01 /0 20 9/ 00 20 19 9 / 01 75 00 Vehicle travel (m km/day) 85 By main mode for a 24 hour average work day Car Bus Bicycle Walk Taxi Light Rail Rail Forecast Population Growth to 2031 Forecast job growth to 2031 M4 Corridor 21% M4 Corridor 32% M5 Corridor 26% M5 Corridor 31% CBD/Airport 26% CBD/Airport 26% 4 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview Section 1. WestConnex overview 1.2 Planning context Sydney’s transport infrastructure needs to be planned in a way that: In the future the M4 and M5 corridors will perform an even more important role in linking the Global Economic Area in Sydney’s east with the growing population and new development areas in western Sydney. • Meets the transport needs of a growing population • Strengthens the NSW economy Given that the M4 and M5 corridors are already congested for up to 13 hours per day, there is no credible alternative to increasing capacity. • Maintains and enhances the quality of life of Sydneysiders. Since 2011, the NSW Government has undertaken a comprehensive review of the State’s transport infrastructure needs. The conclusions of this work are set out in the State Infrastructure Strategy and the Long Term Transport Master Plan. Accordingly in 2012 the Government committed to building WestConnex, an integrated project to complete and expand the M4 and M5 corridors, improving links to the airport and port precincts. When WestConnex is complete, the west and east of our city will be joined together by seamless motorway connections for the first time. Despite ongoing improvements to public transport, most of the growth in demand for personal and freight transport will be carried on the road network. New jobs and population to 2031 Sydney Road Transport Corridor M1 N Rouse Hill Hornsby NorthConnex completed 2019 Castle Hill Penrith M2 Blacktown WestConnex M4 Corridor Macquarie Park Chatswood Proposed WestConnex North–South Corridor Parramatta M4 Badgery’s Creek Airport North Sydney M7 Sydney Burwood Future Motorway A6 A3 Green Square ED Bondi Junction Bankstown Liverpool M5 Rockdale Kogarah Hurstville Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Sydney Airport Port Botany WestConnex M5 Corridor M31 Sutherland Western Sydney growth corridor Campbelltown Future F6 Extensions F6 Global Economic Area 0 2 4 6 8 10 km Illawarra WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 5 Section 1. WestConnex overview 1.3 WestConnex scope Indicative WestConnex Alignment sh B a y D riv ebu or Conc Lidcombe Parramatt a nar y nte Ce Strathfield Burwood Chullora Sydney y W est L ink Anzac Bridge Haberfield Leichhardt Camperdown Bondi Junction w ay rt po Air rive D Roselands M5 Motorwa y ng or Ge Hurstville s ge a Ro Existing M5 East connection y wa gh d WestConnex indicative corridor s i e nc Pr Hi Fo r es ho e New M5 Ki Tunnel ive Dr Road C ros s Gardeners Mascot Botany Beverly Hills Connection Surface Qantas Drive Sydney Airport Arncliffe M5 East nd P arad Riverwood Canal Road in Pr Gra Fairfor Punchbowl Bexley Road Distributor oad eR rov d Roa d gsg Eastern Bankstown Campbell Street y wa gh Hi s ce Kin Sydney CBD St Peters ern Hi e m Hu Campsie So uth M4–M5 Link M4 Alexandria O’R io Str rda eet n gh Petersham Strathfield South M7 M5 Ci t Summer Hill M2 M5 Five Dock Roa d Drive Rookwood Road Homebush Sydney’s Orbital Network M4 East Concord Eastern Distributor Woodv H North Sydney ad Ro om Auburn e ia Sydney Olympic Park Proposed Northern Extension d Ro a d Ro Hi l l y Rhodes ad r cto Vi ille R oad Granville Ryde St Leonards M4 Mo tor wa Silve rwa Roa ter d M4 M4 Widening James Ru se Drive N Church Street Parramatta Proposed Southern Extension re Ro ad Port Botany Botany Bay The 33 kilometre WestConnex is being delivered through a series of projects in three stages over 10 years. • Stage 1: M4 – Parramatta to Haberfield • Stage 2: New M5 – Beverly Hills to St Peters • Stage 3: M4–M5 Link– Haberfield to St Peters. Apart from the existing surface sections of the M4 and M5, WestConnex will be constructed in tunnel. This minimizes the need for property acquisition and disruption to communities along the route. Stage 1 is being delivered in two parts, with the M4 widening due to be complete in 2017 and the M4 East in 2019. Stage 2 of WestConnex, the New M5 has been accelerated as a result of a loan agreement with the Australian Government, and subject to planning approval is also scheduled for completion in 2019. Stage 3 will join the first stages together and is currently scheduled for completion in 2023. 6 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview Northern and Southern extensions The Government is considering potential northern and southern extensions to WestConnex. The extensions, on either side of the M4 and M5, would create a new northern route from Sydney’s south on the F6 corridor to the Anzac Bridge in the north. Both extensions were identified in the NSW Government’s 2012 Long Term Transport Master Plan as vital to Sydney’s infrastructure and would provide an uninterrupted motorway corridor from Sydney’s south to the Anzac Bridge, the CBD at Darling Harbour and North Sydney. Section 1. WestConnex overview 1.4 Key benefits WestConnex will transform Sydney by making it easier for cars and trucks to move between employment hubs, such as the CBD, airport and port and the Greater Western Sydney suburbs and growth centres that house millions of people. Sydneysiders use our road system for more than 90% of their daily transport needs. WestConnex will ensure the city’s major road arteries are better connected and more reliable and return local roads to local communities. Better for business • Create 10,000 jobs during the construction phase, including hundreds of apprenticeships • Providing a high-quality connection from the Port Botany and the Airport precincts to the M4 and M5. • Deliver more than $20 billion in economic benefits to NSW • Efficient distribution of freight, avoiding local road network • Provide the environment for 25,000 new jobs and 25,000 residences to be created over the next 20 years along Parramatta Road Better for local communities • Build road tunnels under suburbs not through them, reducing the impact on communities • Reduce noise and pollution in the inner city Better for drivers • Free up local roads for public transport • Cut 25 minutes on a typical journey between King Georges Road, Beverly Hills and the CBD and bypass up to 12 sets of traffic lights • Facilitate development of new homes and businesses • Save motorists a combined 100,000 hours per day through reduced congestion • Save local councils $25 million a year in road maintenance, which they can redirect to other community benefits • Save motorists $1 million a day in vehicle maintenance costs • Cut 40 minutes on a typical journey between Parramatta and Sydney Airport • Cut travel times by up to 74 per cent on the M4 Motorway between Parramatta and Homebush Bay Drive • Remove 3,400 trucks a day from Mascot, returning local streets to local communities • Reconnect suburbs on either side of Princes Highway and Parramatta Road • Remove 3,000 trucks a day from Parramatta Road and put them in underground tunnels, leading to revitalised neighbourhoods on the surface. • Tunnels that are wider, taller and less steep than the current M5 East. Travel time savings by car with WestConnex 2031 With no WestConnex (2031) (mins) WestConnex (2031) (mins) Time saved (mins) % time saved Port Botany 77 35 42 55% Liverpool Alexandria 64 34 30 47% Port Botany Moorebank 44 28 16 36% From To Silverwater WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 7 8 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview Section 2. The New M5 2.1 Project need The M5 East is Sydney’s most congested motorway. The M5 East links the CBD, Sydney Airport and Port Botany to south west Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. Since opening in 2001 the M5 East has been an essential element of Sydney’s motorway network. However, the design capacity of 77,000 vehicles per day was exceeded within just six months of opening. Daily volumes now exceed 100,000 vehicles per day. The result is congestion that often stretches across large parts of the day. Due to heavy congestion, motorists experience unreliable journey times and long delays when incidents occur. The M5 East experiences the slowest typical travel speeds of any of Sydney’s main motorways. Travel demand in this corridor is expected to continue to grow strongly as the South West Growth Centre expands and new businesses are established along the M7. Additionally, the Australian Government is supporting the development of major new intermodal freight facilities at Moorebank and a second airport at Badgerys Creek. The M5 East will be unable to effectively meet the city’s future needs and must be expanded. By more than doubling the capacity on the M5 Corridor, the New M5 will dramatically improve the travel experience and journey times of the tens of thousands of Sydney drivers who rely on this east-west corridor to connect them to their jobs, homes, families and friends. Traffic in the existing M5 East Tunnel M5 East Issues • High proportion of trucks • Marsh Street interchange is notoriously congested • Steep grade in westbound tunnel worsens congestion • Severe delays whenever an incident occurs • Up to 13 hours of congestion per day • No breakdown shoulders. Traffic entering the existing M5 tunnel WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 9 Section 2. The New M5 2.2 Scope Overview The New M5 comprises three components: • King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade • New M5 Tunnels • St Peters Interchange. A new interchange at St Peters will provide an efficient new connection to the existing network, including upgraded connections to the airport precinct. It will provide much improved access to the port and airport for people in Western and South Western Sydney. Once the new M5 main tunnels are open, it will be possible to undertake a program of refurbishment and equipment upgrades on the existing M5 East tunnels. The New M5 will also link to WestConnex Stage 3 north of the St Peters Interchange and to the proposed Southern Connection into the F6 corridor. With lower gradients, the New M5 will be a better, easier and more environmentally friendly road for heavy vehicles to travel. A better road network The New M5 is a vital step toward closing the loop in Sydney’s motorway network. The connection to St Peters will link to the M4, the Anzac Bridge and, in the longer term, to the North Shore. Improving connections The New M5 will substantially improve the way in which Sydney’s strategic road network operates. The New M5 will improve connections between the growing south‑west Sydney region and the Global Economic Corridor around Sydney Airport and the South Sydney area. The New M5 will improve the motorway network’s resilience by creating an alternative to the existing M5 East. This will reduce delays when traffic incidents or scheduled maintenance occurs. A key feature of the project is the St Peters Interchange. Located at the eastern end of the main line tunnel, the interchange will provide connection to roads leading east, west and north. It will connect the motorway to The New M5 tunnel – indicative alignment WILLIAM ST REET ROSELANDS M5 AD IELDS RO MOOREF BEXLEY RO AD N WE ST KINGSGROVE M5 EAST ROAD Legend KINGSGRO VE King Georges Rd Interchange Upgrade New M5 (open 2019) – indicative M4–M5 Link (open 2023) – indicative St Peters Interchange (open 2019) St Peters Interchange (open 2023) BARDW PAR New M5 BEXLEY NORTH Sydney Gateway Southern Extension STONEY CR EEK Existing M5 East ROAD BARDWELL VALLEY WestConnex indicative corridor S RGE GEO KING D ROA 10 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview F OA TR ES OR D Possible future signage on M5 Eastbound past King Georges Road roads leading toward Sydney’s Inner West, Marrickville, Alexandria, Green Square, Mascot and the Airport. The New M5 will relieve pressure on the congested tunnel under the airport runway. When the New M5 is completed it will allow a subsequent high quality connection from the St Peter’s Interchange to Sydney Airport and Port Botany precincts to be built – known as the Sydney Gateway. Supporting work at the King Georges’ Road Interchange will extend the length of the on-ramps to the M5 and off‑ramps to King Georges Road, and widen the M5 to reduce congestion at this well-known traffic bottleneck. Reducing congestion Better Design The New M5 Main Tunnels more than double the capacity of the existing M5 East. The chosen alignment will split traffic from the M5 corridor south and north of Sydney Airport, allowing for more robust and reliable network operations. Motorists on the M5 will have a choice between accessing the east and west sides of the CBD. The Government is working with the private sector to develop the best design for WestConnex. The final design of the New M5 will incorporate the best ideas for meeting the transport objectives while also providing outstanding community and environmental outcomes. NEY M4 –M 5L I ARK ROA NK D LS ET E TR M CA BAR WON P EL PB PAR KR R BU ROCKDALE BES TIC STR E SYDNEY AIRPORT L HO S LME E DRIV ERS T2 RO AD ET YR OA D RE ST AN T3 ERA GEN EN AN RD IO O'R E EET STR T1 ET RD T RO BO T Proposed Southern Extension GA EE MASCOT DRIVE ORT AIRP ï ARNCLIFFE RSH MA TR QANTAS DR IV OAD NG R ONGO WOLL AD RO FOREST AD KE UR BO BO STRURKE EET TEMPE D OA SR OW R AD RO TURRELLA RO S EU LL AD RO WS RO R BU RI CK ET TY S D AD N TO D ROA WELL RK OA Sydney Park E PB AD AY HW 5 HIG M CES W PRIN E N AL CAN O AY R BAY VIE WA VE NU E M SYDENHAM ST PETERS ET W RAIL HOMER STREE T SYD MAY STREET CA S BR WIN UN E IDG D ROA TRE RY S MA A AW ILL OAD AR RR To Port Botany JOY CE D RIVE WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 11 ï Section 2. The New M5 2.3 Main tunnels The new tunnels will provide increased capacity on the corridor and provide high standard access to the north of Sydney Airport. • Carriageways will be built to accommodate three lane operation • Ventilation systems will ensure visibly clean air quality • More efficient and modern tunnel ventilation systems. The tunnel design will also provide for the proposed Southern Extension in the F6 corridor. The choice of portal location, together with the tunnel alignment to St Peters and the detailed design, will be proposed by the contractors tendering for the project. WestConnex Delivery Authority will assess the bids based on a range of criteria including quality, cost, planning and environmental risks and delivery program. The New M5 main tunnels will comprise up to 9km of twin tunnels between the existing M5 east of King Georges Road, and the St Peters Interchange. The New M5 tunnels will be built to a higher standard than the existing M5 East, and in particular: • Vehicle clearance will be 5.3 metres, compared with 4.6 metres • Grades will be generally limited to 4%, compared with up to 8% New M5 Tunnel Study Area WILLIAM ST REET D ROA RA AR W A ILL BEXLEY RO AD KINGSGROVE HOMER STREET BAY VIE WA VE NU E Indicative portal study area M5 EAS T BARDWELL PARK New M5 BEXLEY NORTH BARDWELL VALLEY Legend New M5 (open 2019) – indicative M4–M5 Link (open 2023) – indicative WestConnex New M5 Study Area WestConnex indicative corridor ST RE FO ROCKDALE 12 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview RSH MA Proposed Southern Extension EET STR AY Existing M5 East STO NEY CRE EK R OAD RO AD Existing roads and tunnels OAD NG R ONGO WOLL FOREST ROAD ARNCLIFFE St Peters Interchange (open 2019) St Peters Interchange (open 2023) TURRELLA W KINGSGRO VE ROAD Indicative portal study area HI GH AD FIELDS RO MOORE PR IN CE S N BES TIC STR E ET E GEN Tunnel boring machines involve using a large machine to consistently drill the tunnel. While they take a significant amount of planning and supporting infrastructure, once they commence operating, they are a much faster way to build. The tunnels for the North West Rail Link are being constructed using tunnel boring machines. Elizabeth, the first of the four North West Rail Link tunnel boring machines, being launched in early September 2014 Road headers are smaller, lighter and require less infrastructure, but they are substantially slower. Road header construction typically requires a larger number of smaller construction sites. Road header machines have been used to construct most of Sydney’s existing motorway tunnels. PAR –M 5L IN ROA K D SYD NE Y M4 ARK TR LS AM BAR W TC EE ON P KR OA D Sydney Park AD PB N O ST L EL D OA SR RO OW R AD 5 M RO EU R BU CAN W NE ET HW HIG TRE CES PRIN AY EL ST PETERS RY S SYDENHAM PB BR M IDG MAY STREET CA INS UNW AD E RO MA Road header machine ALL D ROA AD RO WS RO R BU R IC KE TT YS TR EE GA RD T DRIVE ORT AIRP BO STRURKE EET MASCOT EN ERS RO AD ET ST RE DA N D OA YR T2 AN SYDNEY AIRPORT BO T O’ T1 RIO R T3 QANTAS DR IV E TEMPE 30 saving Liverpool to Alexandria To Port Botany E R IV ES D ï LM L HO ERA Contractors for the main tunnels will build the New M5 Tunnels using either Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) or road headers. ï WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 13 Section 2. The New M5 2.4 St Peters Interchange WestConnex will construct a major interchange on the Alexandria Landfill site at St Peters. Planning and traffic modelling is currently underway to ensure that traffic will flow smoothly when construction of Stage 2 is complete in 2019, and in the longer term. It is proposed to widen Campbell Street and Euston Road and construct a new bridge over the Alexandra Canal to Bourke Road. These roads are subject to longstanding road widening orders, where a significant amount of the land is already owned by RMS. It is not expected any residential buildings will need to be acquired for the St Peters Interchange outside those identified in existing road widening and reservation instruments. The St Peters Interchange will be located in the industrial area bounded by Canal Road, Burrows Road, Campbell Road and Princes Highway. Most of the site is a former brick pit, and is currently used as a landfill and waste transfer facility. By constructing the interchange in an existing industrial area, the impact on both local traffic and existing residential areas will be minimized. The St Peters Interchange will be constructed to integrate with existing and future surrounding land uses. WestConnex Delivery Authority will engage with the community in relation to the detailed impacts. The St Peters Interchange will allow traffic to move between the M5 and M4 corridors, as well as providing access to Sydney Airport and Port Botany precincts and the local road network. It will be designed to provide motorway‑standard free flow traffic conditions. The NSW Government is currently in the process of acquiring the Alexandria Landfill at St Peters. The change in use of the site will be managed in accordance with an approved plan to be agreed with the Environmental Protection Agency. It will be delivered in two steps, the first of which is in Stage 2, to be completed 2019 and the latter in Stage 3, to be completed in 2023. St Peters Interchange Indicative Arrangement SYD NE 4––M M55 N PA L RK R LIINNKK OAD T E St Peters Interchange (open 2023) Existing roads and tunnels WestConnex indicative corridor 14 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview AD RO S W RO R BU RI CK ET TY ST Ca Alexandra l na AD O ER RK U BO RE GA ET RD EN ERS RO AD MASCOT BO STRURKE EET St Peters Interchange (open 2019) DRIVE ORT AIRP ON D M4–M5 Link (open 2023) – indicative AD RO A RO New M5 (open 2019) – indicative D ROA Legend D L EL PB M AL Airport Port Botany OA T US CA 5 M CAN W NE KR Sydney Park BAR WO EE AY W IGH PRI ET SYDENHAM SH NCE TR LS TRE RY S ST PETERS AR M4 EL MA UN PB BRI D ROA M S WIN DGE MAY STREET CA N YP 1943 Alexandria Landfill The Alexandria Landfill site will support tunnel and road construction activities required for the St Peters Interchange. The site is currently being used for industrial landfill and to transfer waste collected across the inner city. It has previously been used as a brickworks and a quarry. WestConnex Delivery Authority has commissioned a preliminary environmental assessment of the landfill site as part of due diligence for the proposed purchase of the site. A more detailed environmental report is now being commissioned. Studies will be undertaken including geotechnical investigation and soil analysis. The findings of this report will be shared with the Environmental Protection Agency and will inform the development of the interchange design. WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 15 Section 2. The New M5 2.5 King Georges Road Interchange WestConnex Delivery Authority is fast-tracking the upgrade of the King Georges Road M5 interchange to reduce congestion and improve travel time reliability. This interchange is a well-known pinch-point at a critical part of the strategic road network where the M5 meets the A3 arterial road corridor. The upgrade will also involve : • lengthening the Cooloongatta bridge to accommodate the extended on-ramp and off-ramp underneath • widening the Penshurst Road overpass to allow for additional lanes in both directions • constructing new retaining walls. The EIS for the King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade was placed on display in October 2014, with submissions from the public open until Friday 21 November. The King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade will create three through lanes on the M5 through the intersection. It will also extend the length of the on-ramps to the M5 and off-ramps to King Georges Road, and create vital supporting infrastructure for the New M5 tunnels. This work will complement the recent expansion of the M5 West to three lanes in each direction, between Camden Valley Way and King Georges Road. Construction will start in mid 2015 and be completed by 2017. Extending the on and off ramps will move more cars onto the M5 sooner, reducing traffic delays on King Georges Road. When completed in 2017, the project will improve traffic flow for both eastbound and westbound motorway carriageways, and for all on-ramps and off-ramps at King Georges Road. King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade N ROSETTA L BEVERLY HILLS 16 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview AD RO RA NYA O P AD RO ST RE ET ST EL OU ER AS TR EE T M5 WEST MOTORWAY WINDARRA RESERVE WAY TOR MO T S EA M5 A MB OE KO ES CR BEE AM L L A JOHN MOUNTFORD RESERVE ST RE ET TA LL AW AL LA CRES WARNE CANTERBURY GOLF COURSE KIR RA NG EET STR UL AG R O BO NT SCE CRE BEE M A ALL ANE NI L NDA O MO AL KO OM IE YO OR AM IR OA D NARWEE SHOR TER A VENU E AVENUE WELFARE PENS HURS T ROA D GROV E AVEN UE BEVERLY HILLS NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL AD RO WEST ON AV ENUE GES EOR GG KIN Shared path for pedestrians and cyclists SHOR TER A VENU E N AD RO DS L E I EF OR MO Widened motorway ATTA ROAD COOLOONG Key Section 2. The New M5 2.6 Sydney Gateway LM L HO 350 60 50 300 2030 2020 2015 2010 40 DEN ERS RO AD E BO TA NY RO AD T2 Airport East Enabling Works R ES D IVE ï Sydney Airport annual aircraft movements (’thousands) AD E PA R ND GR A PR INC ES H IGH WA Y IDE NT AV EN UE KOGARAH GA R QANTAS DR IV T3 RO AD ERA GEN ET GENERAL HOLMES DRIV E ROAD Sydney Airport annual passengers (’millions) ST RE FORESHORE 400 PR ES E MASCOT TOWN CENTRE SYDNEY AIRPORT T1 • expanding the Mill Pond Rd intersection. 30 TY DRIVE ORT AIRP ï • replacing the General Holmes Drive rail level crossing with a ROCKDALE BES TIC road underpass STR Growth in Airport Traffic RO St Peters Interchange ROAD GONG LLON • widening Joyce Drive to three lanes in each direction IN K M5 L CK RI TEMPE ET The first stage of work is already underway. Roads & Maritime Services is rolling out a $282 million package of road upgrades from the Australian and NSW Governments, that include: 70 M4 – D ROA New high capacity connection VALLEY EET Sydney Gateway willWOcomprise a mix of existing roads, upgraded STR RSH MA roads and new infrastructure. WestConnex Delivery Authority ARNCLIFFE is currently working with Sydney Airport and other strategic landholders to develop a detailed proposal for the connection ST RE St Peters Interchange to the north side of the airport. from the FO 80 M UE EET AD ON T US AD RO 5 When Sydney Gateway is completed, subsequent to the New M5, it will provide an integrated high quality, high capacity road connection from St Peters Interchange to the Sydney Airport and Port Botany precincts. BARDWELL SYDENHAM W NE KR OA D L BEXLEY NORTH AVE N PAR To M4 A CAN 5 EAST ST PETERS N L EL PB M Sydney Gateway will link WestConnex to Sydney Airport and Port Botany, Australia’s largest BARDWELL international gateways. PARK TURRELLA BAY VIE W SYD NE Y CA BEXLEY RO AD MAY STREET Existing high capacity link PORT BOTANY 250 Legend New M5 (open 2019) – indicative M4–M5 Link (open 2023) – indicative St Peters Interchange (open 2019) St Peters Interchange (open 2023) Existing roads and tunnels Sydney Gateway – conceptual design WestConnex Enabling Works Existing high capacity link WestConnex indicative corridor Foreshore Road Sydney Gateway Concept Design WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 17 Section 3. Key issues 3.1 Traffic and transport The New M5 will provide improved access to the Inner West and central Sydney and to key destinations in Sydney’s global economic area� Traffic modelling Strategic transport modelling for WestConnex is based on: • Travel patterns as recorded in the Bureau of Transport Statistics Household Travel Survey • Actual traffic counts on roads today • Population growth estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics • Proposed infrastructure investments on both road and public transport provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics • Changes in land use and development anticipated by the Department of Planning. The WestConnex Delivery Authority traffic modelling has been prepared with input from across NSW Government agencies. Private sector contractors and financiers have had no involvement in the generation of the traffic forecasts for WestConnex. Port Botany Truck traffic Local impacts The New M5 will improve road safety by relieving a number of congested intersections in the existing M5 Corridor, such as at Marsh St and at King Georges Road. WestConnex Delivery Authority is currently undertaking micro-simulation traffic modelling of the area around the St Peters Interchange. This is to ensure that the surrounding road network can operate efficiently both immediately after opening of the New M5 tunnels and in the longer term when WestConnex is fully complete. 8,000 6,000 Details of local impacts on local roads supported by traffic modelling, will be included in the Environmental Impact Statement in late-2015. 4,000 2,000 Estimated 2026 2011 0 18 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview 2030 Projected Port Botany daily truck movements Mascot town centre 3,400 trucks a day out of Mascot Section 3. Key issues 3.2 Environment Land in the M5 corridor has high environmental and social value. By building under suburbs, not through them, WestConnex is being designed to minimise negative impacts on local communities both during construction and operation. Shortlisted contractors are being asked to find innovative ways to reduce the impact on the surface when preparing their design. WestConnex Delivery Authority has been consulting with local councils and industry on the New M5 and has been carefully considering a range of impacts, including on green space. The location of the St Peters Interchange at the existing Alexandria Landfill facility will require the stabilisation and remediation of this large site. WestConnex Delivery Authority is currently working with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority to develop an appropriate management plan for this site. WestConnex will preclude any further proposals for coal seam gas exploration at the Alexandria Landfill site. The surface impacts around the St Peters Interchange will be minimised by careful design and planning to minimise impacts to residents. The Planning Process: WestConnex Delivery Authority has lodged a planning application for WestConnex M5 seeking State Significant Infrastructure Status under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. This means the approval process is overseen by the Minister for Planning. The Department of Planning and Environment will consult with relevant public authorities, including local councils, to provide requirements for issues to be addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The New M5 EIS will be exhibited for community and stakeholder comment in late-2015 prior to a planning assessment decision being made by the Minister for Planning. A separate EIS for the King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade has been lodged, with responses due by 21 November 2014. It is expected the planning determination for this part of the work will be made in early 2015. Across the whole project, WestConnex Delivery Authority and its contractors will employ a range of techniques to mitigate and offset environmental impacts. These include progressive urban design and landscaping treatments and noise mitigation measures. Tempe Reserve Wolli Creek bushland WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 19 Section 3. Key issues 3.3 Air quality WestConnex Delivery Authority is committed to ensuring appropriate air quality outcomes Sydney’s improving air quality The New M5 tunnel ventilation system will be designed and operated to: • meet stringent in-tunnel, local and regional air quality criteria imposed by the Department of Planning and Environment • ensure air quality inside the tunnel is maintained • ensure the tunnel has a negligible impact on local and regional air quality WestConnex Delivery Authority is installing air quality monitoring stations to establish additional baseline data. An air quality monitoring system The motor vehicle fleet in Sydney is becoming cleaner 100 100 100 100 90 80 68 70 55 60 50 40 30 50 2003 2003 2011 0 2011 31 2021 2021 Baseline 2003 2011 27 20 10 68 Future 73% Carbon monoxide Baseline Future 50% Particulate matter PM2.5 2021 Baseline Future 69% Nitrogen dioxide Projected motor vehicle fleet emissions in the NSW Greater Metropolitan Region as a percentage of baseline year 2003 Three drivers for improved air quality Technological improvement Better enforcement Better governance • Newer vehicles have far lower emissions than older vehicles • Visible haze has been significantly reduced in the M5 tunnel by taking out heavy polluters, such as smoky vehicles, with large fines and tunnel cameras� • The NSW Government has appointed an Advisory Committee on Tunnel Air Quality to review current national and international best practice • Cars built in 2013 emit three per cent of the nitrogen oxides emitted by one built in 1976 • Diesel trucks built in 2013 emit eight per cent of the particles emitted than one built in 1996 • Adoption of cleaner alternative fuels� 20 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview • A detailed air quality study will be included in the New M5 Environmental Impact Statement� It will assess the air quality impacts from the construction and operation phases of the project� Section 4. Timetable 4.1 Summary Sept 2013 WestConnex Business Case approved May 2014 Up to $2 billion Australian Government loan to fast track construction of Stage 2 Sept 2014 Request Expressions of Interest from construction contractors Nov 2014 Lodge planning application Nov 2014 Request detailed tenders Mid 2015 Select preferred design Late 2015 Display Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Early 2016 Planning approval decision Mid 2016 Start of major work Late 2019 Open to traffic WE ARE HERE WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 21 Section 4. Timetable 4.2 Proposed construction staging 2015 Q4 Q1 Q2 201 Q3 Q4 Q1 King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade Planning EIS approval Tendering Contract award Construction WESTCONNEX M5 St Peters Interchange Acquisition of Alexandria Landfill Landfill closure works New M5 Works Planning Tendering Construction Sydney Gateway Planning Tendering Construction 22 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview early works Q2 16 2017 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2019 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Key Planning and approval Procurement Construction Contract award EIS approval main works WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 23 Section 5. Funding and tolling 5.1 Funding and tolling WestConnex is being delivered using a mix of public and private financing. Tolling In 2013, the delivery of Stage 1 was facilitated by a NSW Government funding commitment of $1.8 billion and an Australian Government grant of $1.5 billion. The three key principles underpinning the reference tolling strategy are set out in the table below. In May 2014, a further Australian Government loan of up to $2 billion allowed the decision to be taken to accelerate the delivery of Stage 2 in parallel with Stage 1. The loan is due to be repaid in 2029. The NSW Government has established the Sydney Motorway Corporation to manage the State’s investments in tolled motorways including WestConnex. Private debt and equity capital is being is being raised over time, secured against the future toll revenues from WestConnex. In developing the WestConnex Business Case in 2013, a reference tolling strategy was adopted by the NSW Government. This was used to support traffic modelling and financial modelling for WestConnex. WestConnex Delivery Authority is currently undertaking more detailed work to maximize benefits for customers while ensuring that the financing structure remains sustainable. The Government has confirmed that tolls will not be charged on the existing M5 East before 2019. Tolling principles Principle Rationale Minimum and maximum tolling • Tolling on WestConnex will be capped to ensure equity for people travelling longer distances each day and will include a minimum toll� Distance based • Distance-based approach already operates on the M7 • Longer trips provide greater benefits Cars pay less than trucks • Cars will pay one third of the truck toll, reflecting the greater wear and tear trucks have on the motorway • This is consistent with the M2 and M5 West� 24 | WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview Section 6. WestConnex M5 and the community 6.1 King Georges Road Environmental Impact Statement To view the King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade environmental impact statement or to make a formal submission go to www.majorprojects.planning.nsw.gov.au Send written submissions to: Project number SSI 14_6547 Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001. Environmental Impact Statement On exhibition until Friday 21 November 2014 at these locations: Drop In Sessions All welcome at any time Department of Planning and Environment 23–33 Bridge St, Sydney. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Detailed maps, new videos, construction information and specialists will be available to answer your questions at these times: City of Canterbury Administration Centre 136 Beamish Street, Campsie. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Regina Coeli Church Hall Saturday 1 November, 9am to 12pm 70 Ponyara Road, Beverly Hills Beverly Hills North Public School Monday 10 November, 3pm to 7pm 1–3 Shorter Avenue, Beverly Hills Campsie Library 14–28 Amy Street, Campsie. Open Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm. Sat 9.30am to 4pm. Sun 2pm to 5pm Hurstville City Council Civic Centre MacMahon Street (corner of Dora Street), Hurstville. Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm Hurstville Library Cnr Queens Road and Dora Street Hurstville. Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 9pm. Sat 9.30am to 4pm. Sun 9.30am to 4pm Penshurst Branch Library 630 Forest Road, Penshurst. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.30am to 6pm. Wednesday 9.30am to 9pm. Sat 9.30am to 4pm. Sun 2pm to 5pm Nature Conservation Council Level 2, 5 Wilson St Newtown. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm 6.2 WestConnex M5 Find out more WestConnex Delivery Authority welcomes question, comments and ideas throughout the design, approval and construction process of all three stages of WestConnex. Have your say via an online form on the website, by emailing info@westconnex.com.au or by calling 1300 660 246. Throughout the design and approval process, there will be opportunities to provide formal feedback during consultation period. These consultations will be advertised online, in local newspapers, and on the WestConnex website. You can also sign up to stay up-to-date with WestConnex’s progress by signing up to our e-newsletter. WestConnex Stage 2: The New M5 Project Overview | 25 WestConnex Delivery Authority info@westconnex.com.au 1300 660 248 L ocked Bag 928 North Sydney NSW 2059 w ww.westconnex.com.au WestConnex speaks your language Learn more by visiting www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage to watch project videos in your language and read more about WestConnex. If you need an interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. Arabic اﻋﺮف اﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﺑﺰﻳﺎرة اﳌﻮﻗﻊ www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage وذﻟﻚ ﳌﺸﺎﻫﺪة اﻟﻔﻴﺪﻳﻮﻫﺎت اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﺎﳌﴩوع ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ إذا ﻛﻨﺖ ﰲ ﺣﺎﺟﺔ إﱃ.وﻗﺮاءة اﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﻋﻦ وﺳﺖ ﻛﻮﻧﻜﺲ اﺗﺼﻞ ﺑﺨﺪﻣﺔ اﻟﱰﺟﻤﺔ اﻟﺨﻄ ّﻴﺔ واﻟﺸﻔﻬ ّﻴﺔ ﻋﲆ اﻟﺮﻗﻢ،ﻣﱰﺟﻢ Chinese .131 450 了解詳情請上網 www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage觀看(普通話) 視頻, 並查閱有關WestConnex的更多訊息。如需要傳譯員請 。。 撥電話傳譯服務 131 450 Hindi इस व ब े स ा ई ट प र अ ध ि क ज ा न क ा र ी प ा ए :ँ www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage व (ह ि नद् ी) म े ं इ स प र ि य ो ज न ा क े ब ा र े म ें व ी ड ि य ो ं द ख े ें औ र व स े ट् क ॉ न क े स ् क े ब ा र े म ें औ र अ ध ि क स ा म गर् ी प ।ढे ं य़ द ि आ प क ो द भ ु ाषि या चाहि ए तो अन व ु ाद व दभ ु ाषि या स व े ा क ो 131 450 प र फो़ न क र ।े ं Greek Μάθετε περισσότερα επισκεπτόµενοι το www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage για να δείτε τα βίντεο του έργου στα ελληνικά και να διαβάσετε περισσότερα για το WestConnex. Εάν χρειάζεστε διερµηνέα, καλέστε την Υπηρεσία Μετάφρασης και ∆ιερµηνείας στο 131 450. Italian Per saperne di più visiti il sito www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage, dove potrà guardare i video del progetto in lingua italiana e trovare maggiori informazioni su WestConnex. Se ha bisogno di un interprete, contatti il Servizio di Traduzione ed Interpretariato (Translating and Interpreting Service) al numero 131 450. Korean www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage 를 방문하여한국어로 된 프로젝트 비디오를 보고 WestConnex 에 관해 읽고 배우세요. 통역이 필요하시면 번역 및 통역 서비스 131 450 (TIS) 으로 전화 하십시오. Vietnamese Hãy tìm hiểu thêm và viếng trang mạng www.westconnex.com.au/yourlanguage để xem phim ảnh bằng Việt ngữ về công trình này và đọc thêm về WestConnex. Nếu quý vị cần thông ngôn viên, xin vui lòng gọi Dịch Vụ Thông Ngôn Phiên Dịch số 131 450.
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