FOGA ApS Fishermens Information of Oil- and Gas Activities Tlf. +45 75 451144 SEAFOX 5 Akademik Shatskiy m/v SKANDI NOVA TYRA W NORTH SEA ACTIVITIES FARSUND Survey Area PGS RAMFORM VANGUARD conducting D2 survey Survey EKOFISK Field GECO TRITON Week 44 Overview chart based on offshore-operator‹s information of ongoing and planned activities. Please notice descriptions at the back page with updates this week. October 27, 2015 3 OLYMPIC BIBBY gment ble, se DONG, STINE hone caPipelines RAVN Platformen MÆRSK GIANT NINI East app. 04/11 O DI N telep EURO PIPE ENSCO 121 RAVN Platform 2 RAMFORM VANGUARD Survey in Danish waters ESVAGT KAPPA guard vessel for HEJRE Platform site At lan Acc. rig HAVEN tic DAN FE cro ss ne nik ho mu ep om tel ek N) nic 1( Da ing atio ns ka VEGA II Guard vessel be l m bl ha ste Ca ut d sy l Va ro un ble CECILIE NINI A & NINI E rs ca Fa o ll t RAVN e e 14 NINI E CECILIE Nini-A Gas XANA 8 p ipe 7 ESVAGT CARPATHIA line trenched Cecilie-2 feltet 1,24" ESVAGT KAPPA Tel e Syd 9 Arn e-H ara ESVAGT CANTANA Ravn Platform 7 SIAH-1X ld-N ybr o fon kab el T AT 1 4 as laid 20 Guard vessel RAVN ODIN telefonkabel, segment 2 TRYM field OLYMPIC BIBBY 00 NOR NED cable laid and MÆRSK RESILIENT SVEND Field VERONA 1 BIBBY TOPAZ Stine SCB 2 Stine SCB 1 BIBBY TOPAZ to DONG´s installations 12 VEGA II A6-A VERONA 1 platform 4 Gas pipeline Tyra - Nybro 0,1 2" 0, Eu 10 e rp pip No ro 1 1 ip HORIZON GEOBAY e " e2 opip 3 49 Eur rm - Nybro Oil pipeline Go Tyra SE Field HORNS REV 2 Wind farm Mast Horns Rev 1 Wind Farm 6 11 Trafo 5 2 13 Subsea contruction Lille John 2 DANY-1X FINO 3 500 meter safety zone ESVAGT CANTANA Standby at RAVN ENSCO 121 MÆRSK RESOLVE HEJRE Jacket DAN TYSK Wind farm 500 m safety zone Signatures: pipeline, no protective zone existing pipeline, 200 meter protective zone communication cable, established 1995-2008 survey line/ pipeline inspection/planned cable route existing installation subsea construction diving activity construction- or research vessel navigational warning 1 The drilling rig NOBLE SAM TURNER in pos at TYRA SE-B. 2 Acc.p/f ATLANTIC ESBJERG: Esbjerg Port. 3 Drilling rig ENSCO 72 to be moved from TYRA SE-A to HALFDAN AB by the end of November. 4 Acc.p/f COSL RIGMAR in pos at TYRA E. 5 Acc.p/f ATLANTIC LABRADOR: Esbjerg Port. 6 Drilling rig ENSCO 71 to be moved from HALFDAN A to DAN-FF app. 02 November. 7 Drilling rig MÆRSK RESILIANT in pos SVEND. 8 Drilling rig MÆRSK RESOLVE in pos at the Hejre Field. 9 Drilling rig MÆRSK RESOLUTE South Arne field 10 SEAFOX 5 in pos at TYRA W A. 11 Acc.rig ATLANTIC AMSTERDAM in pos at DAN FA 12 Drilling rig ENSCO 121 in pos at the RAVN Platform 13 Acc.rig HAVEN in pos at DAN FE. 14 Drilling rig MÆRSK GIANT to arrive NINI E app. 04 November. Vessels/activities: The vessel OLYMPIC BIBBY is expected to carry out subsea works at STINE The vessel CECILIE are conducting MOB preparedness at NINI A & NINI E. The vessel RAMFORM VANGUARD survey Danish sector until end week 44. The vessel BIBBY TOPAZ is expected to carry out a diver inspection of the DONG installations from approx. 2/10-2015. HORIZON GEOBAY HORNS REV III COSL RIGMAR TYRA E Field MÆRSK RESOLUTE SYD ARNE WHP N HORNS REV III Wind farm project HORIZON GEOBAY ESVAGT KAPPA conducting guard duties at the HEJRE Platform site. VEGA II & VERONA 1 acting as guard vessels at the RAVN site. ESVAGT CANTANA conducting guard duties at the drilling rig ENSCO 121. The vessels HORIZON GEOBAY conducting survey at HORNS REV III. ENSCO 72 From TYRA SE-A to HALFDAN AB Reproduced from Admiralty Chart 2182B by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and Hydrographic Offices of Denmark and United Kingdom. Chart not to be used for navigation Må ikke kopieres uden tilladelse fra FOGA ApS FOGA ApS FISHERMENS INFORMATION OF OIL‐ AND GAS ACTIVITIES Trafikhavnskaj 19 DK‐6700 Esbjerg Tel.: +45 75 45 11 44 e‐mail: Web page: Update of information Week 44 October 27 ‐ November 2, 2015 NORTH SEA ACTIVITIES Next FOGA‐info is distributed November 10, 2015 FOGA ApS has on basis of information received from offshore‐operators at the North Sea prepared the following newsletter describing present activities: MAERSK OIL Vessels: Rigmoves: The vessel ROCKPIPER has completed the tasks at the DUC Fields, and has left the area. The rig ENSCO 72 to be moved from TYRA SE‐A to HALFDAN BA at the end of November. The vessel SKANDI ARCTIC has completed the tasks at the DUC Fields, and has left the area. The rig ENSCO 71 to be moved from HDA to DAN‐FF app. 02/11, weather permitting. The accommodation rig HAVEN is in position at the DAN FE. Rigmoves: The rig MAERSK RESILIENT arrived at the SVEND Platform this morning (13/10‐2015). SEAFOX 5 in position at TYRA WEST A. The accommodation rig COSL RIGMAR in position at TYRA EAST. DONG Energy DONG Energy Installations The safety zones are 500 meters from the positions. 56o 28.96 28.96' N 04 N 04o 54.67 54.67' E E SIRI‐field: CECILIE‐A field: 56o 24.13' N 04o 45.58' E 56o 38.45' N 05 38.45' N 05o 19.27' E 19.27' E NINI A‐field: NINI A‐field: 56o 40.49' N 05o 24.74' E NINI B‐field: STINE fields ‐ Subsea installations: 56o 30.96' N 05o 02.46' E STINE SCB‐1: 56o 30.95' N 05o 03.56' E STINE SCB‐2: Rigs: SIRI Tanker Loading Facility The drilling rig MÆRSK RESOLVE is in position at the HEJRE Jacket. Position: 56°14'51 N ‐ 003° 57'37 E. Illustration of hose when idle. The drilling rig MÆRSK GIANT is expected to arrive to NINI East app. 04/11 Vessels: The vessel BIBBY TOPAZ is expected to carry out a diver inspection of the DONG installations from approx. 2/10‐2015 with a duration of approx. 1 month. The vessel OLYMPIC BIBBY is expected at the STINE pipeline for subsea work with a duration of approx. 3 week's. The vessel CECILIE are conducting MOB preparedness at rspektively NINI A & NINI E duration until app. 29/10 2015 Hejre Project: In connection to the establishment of the HEJRE Platform a safety zone of 500 m has been established around the position: 56°14,809' N ‐ 003°57,534' E . The safety zone has been established according to the Energy Ministry Order No 657 of 30 December 1985. The guard vessel ESVAGT KAPPA are conducting guard duties at the HEJRE Platform site. Position: 56°14'51 N ‐ 003°57'37 E. FINO 3 ‐ Research Platform 55° 11,7' N 7° 09,5' E FINO 3 The research platform FINO 3 was established in 2007/2008 approx approx. 45 nautical miles west of the island Sylt at the 45 nautical miles west of the island Sylt at the position 55° 11,7' N 007° 09,5' E. A 500 meter safety zone has been established around the platform, which in the future will be situated inside of the DAN TYSK wind farm area. Please see the web page from the "Forschungs‐ und Entwicklungs zentrum, Fachhochscule Kiel Gmbh" for more information. DAN TYSK wind farm Acc. to the Danish Notices to Mariners No. 1154 the wind farm DAN TYSK will be established and marked marked by cardinal buoys, stated by the by cardinal buoys, stated by the positions 1‐9). During the building phase a 500 meter wide safety zone will be established around the wind park. In the area will be prohibition of navigation, anchoring, fishery and trawl equipment at the seabed.The prohibition period will be in force from 1. december 2012. The wind farm , when completed, implies 80 wind mills, a powerplatform, an accomodation platform and power‐ and communication cables. Cardinal buoys Degrees Minutes Degrees Minutes o 15,763 N 7 o 14,806 N 14,806 N 7 7 o 11,301 N 7 o 06,839 N 7 o 10,482 N 7 o 06,877 N 7 o 02,912 N 7 o 02,646 N 7 o 02,377 N 7 N (Q) 1) 55 N (Q) N (Q) 2) 2) 55 55 W (Q(9)15s) 3) 55 W (Q(9)15s) 4) 55 E (Q(3)10s) 5) 55 E (Q(3)10s) 6) 55 S (Q(6)+Lfl.15s) 7) 55 S (Q(6)+Lfl.15s) 8) 55 S (Q(6)+Lfl.15s) 9) 55 o 07,691 E o 14,406 E 14,406 E o 07,828 E o 07,963 E o 15,421 E o 16,432 E o 17,044 E o 12,769 E o 08,098 E HESS Denmark South Arnefield development The drilling rig MÆRSK RESOLUTE is established at the South Arne field's WHP N platform. Syd Arne WHPN platform o 56 05,744 N 04o 13,154 E Syd Arne SAL system 56o 05,549 N 04o 15,368 E The standby vessel ESVAGT CARPATHIA is servicing at the North platform with MOB‐preparedness. Syd Arne WHPE platform 56o 04,694 N 04o 13,852 E Syd Arne GBS platform 56o 04,702 N 04o 13,731 E SOUTH ARNE field The storage tank and top site of SOUTH ARNE field is installed at position 56o 04,72' N 004o 13,82' E, connected with a new bridge and platform South Arne WHPE at position 56o 04,693' N 004o 13,85' E. Satellitplatform Syd Arne WHP N is installed at the position 56o 05,744' N 004o 13,154' E, where a safety zone of 500 meter is established acc. to DEA regulation No. 657. SOUTH ARNE's tanker loading facility, where tankers are loaded at 8 ‐ 10 day intervals is located at WGS‐84 pos. 56o 05,55' N 004o 15,37' E. The oil company Wintershall has established a new platform called RAVN at the position: 55°52,912'‐ N 004°14,078' E. A prohibited area with a radius of 500 m from the position will be established. Within the area unauthorized navigation, anchoring, diving and fishing is prohibited. There are two guard vessels present ‐ one on the Danish part (VEGA II) and one on the German part (VERONA 1). The vessel SC AMETHYST will conduct crew change. Pipe laying activities have been finalised. The pipeline has successfully been tested and the vessel CALAMITY JANE has left the area on Monday. Rockdumping is expected to be carried out during week 45. The drilling rig ENSCO 121 is in position at the RAVN Platform and ESVAGT CANTANA is on station as standby vessel. VATTENFALL conducting a survey at the HORNS REV III windfarm project. The vessel HORIZON GEOBAY carries out a CPT survey at the HORNS REV III site. FOGA FLO Agner Svendsen is stationed onboard the HORIZON GEOBAY. Survey positions: 55° 44.73500' N 7° 32.24583' E 55° 41.38917' N 7° 43.22650' E 55° 41.05917' N 7° 47.91500' E 55° 44.73500' N 7° 32.24583' E 55° 44.84417' N 7° 41.95717' E 55° 41.40283' N 7° 44.56267' E 55° 37.63967' N 7° 41.16200' E 55° 43.41617' N 7° 43.16017' E 55° 41.62483' N 7° 46.15567' E 55° 41.40167' N 7° 32.37033' E Seismic survey in Danish waters The company PGS Geophysical are carrying out a seismic survey in the Danish North Sea Sector. The vessel RAMFORM VANGUARD is carrying out the survey towing 10 cables with a length of approx. 8.100 m (4,6 nm) and a depth of approx. 20 m. All vessel have to give a vide berth. Onboard the RAMFORM VANGUARD FOGA FLO Thomas Sørensen will be stationed, and can be contacted via VHF ch 16. The survey are expected completed end of week 44 or beginning of week 45. This newsletter and infochart has been prepared on request from the cooperation Oil Gas Denmark and is distributed vai E‐mail to all fishing vessels and interested parties around the North Sea. Please also visit FOGA's website E‐mail to subscribe or unsubscribe. Please also notice that the size of the newsletter as a pdf file is approx. 1 mb.
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