Document 395196

Course information
Children’s Pastor
Small Group information
Youth/Young Adults Pastor
Wedding / Getting Married
I would like to volunteer in
Pastoral Care / Counselling
the following capacity
Going to Hospital
Committing / Re-committing
my life to Christ
I would like to Serve
An appointment with:
Are you Interested In:
How can we Help?
Personal Notes:
Welcome to
Bryanston Methodist Church
Ezekiel 37:1-10
BMC Member
First Time Visitor
DATE OF BIRTH: (yyyy/mm/dd)
EMAIL: _____________________________________________________
CONTACT NUMBERS: _________________________________________
NAME(S): ___________________________________________________
Please fill in below:-
2nd November 2014
If you’ve lost it at BMC, we've probably
found it. Contact us on 011 463-2333
or for any lost property.
BMC Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8-5; Fri 8-4 / Banking details: Bryanston Methodist
Acc. No. 02 333 4215 Standard Bank Branch Code: 00 99 53 / For all payments and
donations: please make cheques payable to: Bryanston Methodist Church. Please note:
specify ‘Tithe’ or ‘Donation’ and a reference / Please note: The Sanctuary, Chapel and
Foyer are closed on Monday until Midday. The 24-hour Chapel (opp entrance) is not
affected. / Church Office: 011 463 2333 Fax: 011 463 2450
CRISIS LINE: 072 852 4258 / E-mail: / Website:
Christian Resource Centre: 011 463 0942 / Wesley Pre-Primary: 011 706 4719 E-mail: / Physical Address: 115-117 Grosvenor Road, Bryanston / Postal
Address: Box 67218, Bryanston 2021
Sunday 2nd of Nov 2014
07:00, 08:30, 10:15, 12:00, 18:00
Carol Service and Christmas Fair.
Our Carol Service will take place on Sunday 30 November at
18h00. To help you get into the Christmas mood we will be holding a
Christmas market on the same day from 16h00 – 17h30. If you would
like to have a table to sell your craft / products at the fair, please
contact Carol Roodt ( Each table will cost
R100.00. We would love to have vendors selling food items so that we
can have supper before the Carol service. Book this event in your
diary and bring the family and friends!
Weekly Readings
John 3: 16-17
John 10:10
John 12:24
BMC Annual Society Meeting (AGM)
The BMC Annual Society Meeting, meets once a year, usually in
November. The principle functions are to decide mission objectives,
consider and approve finances, elect office bearers and appoint role
players. Our next ASM (AGM) will be held on Mon 17th November at 19:00. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Seniors Christmas Lunch
All Seniors! You are cordially invited to our annual Christmas Lunch
on Saturday 22 November 2014 at 11:30 for 12:00. Cost R100
per person. Please RSVP by 14 November 2014 to Gerhard de Jager
Tel: 011 463 2333 or email
Visitors to BMC
If you are visiting BMC for the first time, we would love to connect
with you. Please join us in the Visitors’ Lounge (just opposite the Info
Desk in the foyer) after the service for refreshments and an
opportunity to meet with some of our leaders.
Baptism Seminar
If you wish to be baptised, or if you wish to baptise your child, please
feel free to join us at our next seminar on Saturday 15 November
at 09:30. For more info or to book contact Darlene van Dyk on or 011 463-2333.
Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge and NEW Road Closures
The Momentum 94.7 cycle challenge has a new route this year.
To ensure the safety of cyclists and spectators, there will be total road
closures implemented along the route, on Sunday 16 November.
•Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the new road closures,
to ensure your route to BMC on the day. Map of the road closures
can be found on the notice board in the foyer or on their website:
•If you attend BMC and will be participating in the cycle challenge this
year, please let us know ( so that we can uphold
you in prayer on this day.
Kids and Teen Services at 8:30, 10:15 & 12:00
BMC Membership
Are you interested in joining BMC? We are inviting you to an
informative breakfast on Saturday 15 November from 8:00 9:30am. We will be sharing our vision and mission with you at the
Welcome to BMC Breakfast. Please RSVP to Mandie Agrella at or on 011 463 2333 for catering purposes.
Kidz andTeens Life Services:
Mark the appropriate box in response to request from the pulpit or this bulletin
Every Thursday 07h00 with Communion in the Sanctuary
First Wednesday of every month 18h00 with Communion
Celebration of Hope (Volunteers)
If you have volunteered in one of our ministries this year you are
invited to join us at our Volunteers’ Breakfast on Saturday 8
November at 8:00am in the Sanctuary. Please RSVP your attendance
to Mandie Agrella on 011 463-2333 or
Services for Prayer and Healing:
Anything we need to know?
Rev Festus Marumo
Rev Festus Marumo
Rev. Dr. Neil Oosthuizen
Rev. Dr. Neil Oosthuizen
Rev Dalene Jordaan
07h00 |
08h30 |
10h15 |
12h00 |
18h00 |
Justice and Service Christmas Bucket Drive
The Justice & Service Stream, aware of the cost of filling a bucket, invite
you instead this year to bring various items to Church each Sunday…
and we will make up the food parcels. Each Sunday we will tell you
what we need the following week. You include them in your shopping, and bring them along with you to worship, where J&S staff members will make sure they are collected, counted, and put away safely.
Make a difference in someone else’s life this Christmas…
Sunday 9th Nov - Bring 2,5kg Mielie-Meal and Peanut Butter
Worship Services