25 East Washington Street Electronic Tenant® Portal Created on October 27, 2014 Building Amenities: On Site Amenities New State of the Art Elevator Controls 24-Hour Security On-Site Management (Suite 1501) Conference Room (15th & 16th Floors) Pedway Access (Lower Level) Starbucks (First Floor) US Bank (First Floor) Pharmacy (Lower Level) Nail Salon (Lower Level) Dry Cleaners (Lower Level) Hair Salon (Lower Level) Close Proximity to Metra Trains, Elevated Train Stops and Bus Stops Building Operations: Accounting Checks should be made payable to 25 East Washington Associates, LP. Payments for rent and other charges can be delivered to: The Building Management Office 25 East Washington Street, Suite 1501 Chicago, IL 60602 Or, payments can be sent directly to the following PO Box: 25 East Washington Associates, LP Department 4319 Carol Stream, IL 60122-4319 Building Operations: Building Management The Building Management Office at 25 East Washington is dedicated to making your work environment as safe and pleasant as possible. We are always available to service all of your tenant needs by offering a wide range of services. Please direct all questions regarding these services to the Building Management Office. The following personnel are available to address your needs: Owner of Aspire Dan Properties, Shannon LLC and Leasing Director Michael General Monahan Manager Rich Soble Chief Engineer Assistant Al Yager Chief Engineer Sean Engineer McAulliffe Stephanie Tenant Sapp Coordinator Kate Ford Controller Maurice Chief of Brown Security Office of the building hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Phone lines are monitored 24/7. Phone: 312-863-6200 Fax: 312-863-6206 E-mail: 25east@aspireproperties.com Address: 25 East Washington Street, Suite 1501 Chicago, IL 60602 Building Operations: Holidays The Building Holidays observed each year are listed below in order to aid Tenants in planning their schedules through the year. Sundays and holidays, the perimeter doors and elevators will be on security, and HVAC and janitorial services will not be available on these days except at tenants' prior request and at the tenant's expense.. New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Building Operations: Leasing The leasing company for 25 East Washington is Aspire Properties, LLC, located at 25 East Washington Street, Suite 1501. The main phone number is (312) 863-6200. Listed below is the contact information for the authorized representatives. Dan Shannon Licensed Real Estate Broker Aspire Properties, LLC dshannon@aspireproperties.com Building Operations: Leasing Center add text Building Operations: Contact Us Please use this form to contact us with any questions or comments. Please enter information for the required fields. Please try again. Thank you, your comment has been submited to us. Required • First Name • #SESSION.fname# Last Name • #SESSION.lname# Company #SESSION.company# Phone #SESSION.phone# Email #SESSION.email# Occupancy Date #SESSION.occupancydate# Required Size (SF) #SESSION.currentrsf# Preferred Term Length (years) #SESSION.preferredrsf# Desired Rent Per Month or Per SF #SESSION.desiredrent# Preferred Layout (number of offices, workstations, etc.) #SESSION.preferredlayout# Why are you moving? What problems do you have with your current space? Do you have any special requirements for your space? Submit Building Security: Overview 25 East Washington incorporates a combination of on-site security officers and video surveillance for its security needs. The on-site security officers are currently provided by Allied Barton Security. The Security Desk is located on the first floor Lobby. An officer is always stationed at the Security Desk to answer questions and observe the video surveillance monitors and other alarm panels. For all security requests, please call the Office of the Building at (312) 863-6200. We coordinate all requests during business hours and after such Security will answer directly. Please note: Our general number (312) 863-6200 is monitored 24/7. Building Security: After Hours Access The following is a list of Standard Building Hours of Operation: 8:00 Monday a.m. – Friday: to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Saturday: to 1:00 p.m. Sunday: Closed Tenants are allowed access at all times, however must check in with security and provide a valid photo ID and Building ID Pass to gain entry during non-standard hours. Even if the Security officer on duty recognizes you, you still must sign-in. This is important should there be an emergency even in or around the building. Security or emergency personnel may need to know who is in the building. Thank you for your cooperation. Building Security: Deliveries With the exception of hand held items, all deliveries must be made through the loading dock located on the west side of 25 East Washington via Holden Court alleyway. Deliveries will not be permitted through the main lobby entrances on the ground floor. This procedure is in place and enforced to prevent damage to the custom marble lobby floor and antique doors, as well as to avoid inconvenience to other tenants in the Building. Deliveries using carts or dollies are restricted to the freight elevator only and all carts and dollies must have rubber wheels. The dock and freight elevator run on a first-come-first-serve basis throughout the day. Large deliveries, such as furniture, should be coordinated with the Building Management Office and made after-hours to prevent tying up the loading dock and freight elevator during regular business hours. Starting at 4:00 p.m. the freight elevator and dock can be reserved for special deliveries and/or tenant moves. To schedule a reservation please contact the Building Management Office in advance. Building Security: General Office Security Security Checklist The following is a list of general office security suggestions, which are offered to you as an aid in establishing your internal security procedures: Restrict office keys to those who actually need them. Keep complete, up-to-date records of the distribution of all office keys. Establish uniform procedures for collecting keys prior to the termination of employees. Establish a rule that keys must never be left unguarded on desks or cabinets. Require that filing cabinet keys be removed from locks and placed in a secure location after opening cabinets. Prevent unauthorized personnel from reporting a lost key and receiving a replacement. Ensure that a responsible person is in charge of issuing all keys. Store keys systematically in a secured wall cabinet of either your own design or one that conforms to a commercial key control system. Insist on identification from repairmen who come to work in your office. Clear all desks of important papers. When working alone in the office at night, lock the front door to prevent anyone else from entering. Keep the police, fire department, and building security telephone numbers posted. Security Checklist (continued) Double check to see that all doors are securely locked before you leave. Designate only a few employees to secure all doors at the end of the day. Mute phones after hours; unanswered phones alert passersby to an empty office. Cabinets with confidential information should be locked after use. Lap tops should be secured to the desk or locked in a secured environment after hours. Purses, wallets, and electronics (i-phones) should not be left unattended or "hidden" in unlocked cabinets or drawers. Keep personal keys and office keys on separate key rings. Keep an accurate inventory of all office equipment. Train office staff to engage unrecognized visitors. Keep an adequate stock of supplies such as batteries, a First Aid kit and flashlights, on hand in case of an emergency. Establish a property removal approval procedure for your office. Turn off all equipment (fans, coffee pots, etc...) before leaving the office. Establish a procedure or code to silently alert office staff if assistance is needed for an unwanted visitor. Establish an evacuation team for your office (fire warden, searcher, etc...) and identify special needs assistants for special needs individuals. Suspicious Persons If you see suspicious or offensive persons in the building, please call the Management immediately. If possible, make note of appearance, clothing, etc. in order to assist building security in locating them. When in doubt, please call and let us investigate. A false alarm is better than no alarm. Please be aware of strangers in your Tenant areas and halls. Quite often a question such as “May I help you locate someone?” will be enough to deter a potential thief. Suspicious encounters of this type should be reported to the Office of the Building immediately. Building Security: Key and Lock Policy Suite keys will be provided free of charge to tenants when you take possession of your suite at 25 East Washington. Additional keys may be obtained at a cost of $8.00 per key. Please direct any key requests to the Building Management Office. All locks must be keyed to the 25 East Washington master key system including interior office locks. This allows entry by the night cleaning staff and by engineering staff or the Chicago Fire Department in the event of an emergency. If you plan to change existing locks or install new locks, please notify the Building Management Office and building engineers will accommodate your request in a timely manner at the tenant’s expense. Changing of locks will be coordinated by the Building Operation Staff. Building Security: Lost and Found Items that are found on the premises are often returned to the Management Office. If you happen to lose a possession while on the grounds of 25 East Washington, please check in with the Building Management Office or Lobby Security Desk and leave your name and contact information phone number so we may can contact you if your lost items are found or someone turns them in. Likewise, if you happen to find an item while on the grounds of 25 East Washington that does not belong to you, please turn it in to Lobby Security, or have it brought to the Management Office and we will retain it until its owner retrieves it. Please note where the item was found as this may assist us in locating the rightful owner. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Building Security: Property Removal Property Removal Passes are required after regular business hours for all office equipment except laptops. This is to ensure the safety of our tenant’s property at all times. If you should need to remove items from your suite or the Building- please contact the Building Management Office at (312) 863-6200 for an authorized Property Removal Pass. Building Security: Solicitation Solicitation is not permitted at 25 East Washington. Security will try to screen these individuals from the Building, however if your suite is visited by a solicitor, or if you notice someone distributing sales materials, please call Security immediately at (312) 863-6200. A security officer or other management personnel will respond promptly and escort the individual from the Building. Building Services: Building Signage and Directory An Electronic Building Directory is located in the First Floor Lobby at the Security Desk. Each tenant along with pertinent employees are listed in this directory. Any changes to the information listed must be made by an authorized employee of the tenant and submitted to the Building Management Office. Each suite primary entry will receive a building-standard plaque that displays the Tenant Name and Suite Number. Ordering requests for tenant signage must be submitted in writing to the Building Management Office. The initial sign is provided free-of-charge by 25 East Washington. Please note that the tenant is responsible for any fees incurred as a result of elected changes/replacements of the existing sign. The Building Management Office must approve of any alterations, replacements or additions to existing signage before being installed. We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Building Services: Cleaning Cleaning service is provided five nights a week, Monday through Friday. These services include: vacuuming of carpets, unobstructed surfaces dusted, and trash cans will be emptied. Day porter services are available upon request for your cleaning needs that can’t wait for the evening crew (5:00pm-Midnight). Please note- 25 East Washington participates in daily recycling. Trash can liners are provided by the contracted janitorial service contractor. Clear (or white) can liners are provided for recyclables, black can liners are provided for wet trash/garbage. We kindly request that you break down (fold flat) all boxes for recycling; please advise employees to dispose of trash accordingly. If trash that is to be disposed of is not in wastebaskets, the janitorial staff will not throw these items away unless properly marked by building Throw-Away Stickers. These Throw-Away Stickers are provided by the Building; tenants can stop by the Building's Management Office to pick them up or call to request delivery of the stickers directly to their suite. Please do not place trash of any kind in the hallways or other public areas of the building. If you have trash that needs to be removed before the evening, call the office of the building. Please DO NOT leave items that are not trash on top or near wastebaskets that might be misconstrued as garbage. Special cleaning services and requests can be arranged- often at the tenant’s expense unless otherwise noted. Please contact the Building Management Office at (312) 863-6200 to receive a quote and to schedule the specified service. If a cleaning issue should arise during working hours (ie. Broken glass, spills that may stain, etc.), please contact the Building’s Management. If you have any questions or comments regarding the cleaning services, please notify the Building Management Office. Building Services: Elevators 25 East Washington has five (5) low-rise elevators to access floors 1 through 6; two of those elevators also provide access to the Pedway level. There are seven (7) state-of-the-art, high-speed elevators that access floors 7 through 20, and one (1) freight elevator that provides access to all floors. Elevator access may be secured after business hours requiring a security code or security card for access. Building Services: Forms For your convenience, we have included downloadable and printable PDF document forms that will expedite various building management service requests. Hard copies of all forms are available from the Property Management Office as well. To view and print PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained for free at www.adobe.com. General Tenant Information Tenant Contact Information Sheet Sample Copy of Insurance Blank Signage Building Services: HVAC If the temperature in your office is not satisfactory and adjusting your thermostat does not correct the situation, please contact the Building Management Office at (312) 863-6200 or by e-mailing requests to ssapp@aspireproperties.com. Your call will be referred immediately to engineering personnel. The standard hours of operation of the heating and air conditioning systems are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Special arrangements should be made for any HVAC needed outside of those hours at the tenant’s expense. Building Services: Mail Service 25 East Washington boasts an original antique mail chute that is still actively used today. Located on the east side of the elevators in the main hallway of each floor, tenants can easily drop mail through the chute for outgoing delivery. Drop boxes are located in the lobby on the east side of the elevators. Pick up times are: 9:00 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. These times are subject to change by the sole discretion of the USPS. Two USPS couriers service 25 East Washington and personally deliver mail to each tenant’s Suite daily. For UPS deliveries, packages can be left at the Lobby Security Desk or they can be left in the UPS drop box located on the pedway level for pick up by 25 East Washington’s UPS courier. FedEx also has a drop box located on the pedway near the escalators. Incoming/outgoing UPS deliveries are made throughout the day from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Building Services: Maintenance Requests For your convenience this Handbook includes an Electronic Tenant® Service Request System. Use this system to submit routine maintenance requests directly to the engineering department; to track the status of previously submitted requests; to download important documents; and to communicate with the property management office. 1. Simply click on the link below, 2. Enter your username and password 3. Choose the action you would like to complete Click here to log into the Electronic Tenant Service Request System Once you have logged into the system, you will be presented with four options: Complete a Maintenance Request Form Update User Information View Electronic Maintenance Request Log Download Miscellaneous Administrative Forms For detailed instructions for using the Electronic Tenant® Service Request System please see the following pages or contact the Building Office. Completing a Service Request Form After logging in, click on the "Electronic Maintenance Request Form" Link. Users will be taken to a service request form. Step One- Confirm or complete all contact information. Step Two- Choose the nature or type of request being submitted. Step Three- If applicable; provide details of the contractor to be used. Step Four - Review all information thoroughly. Click submit. You will receive conformation via e-mail that your request was submitted to the management office. Updating User Information Personalized user information is used to auto-fill the Electronic Maintenance Request Form for quick and easy submission. In addition, accurate contact information will assist the management staff in expediting all maintenance requests. Each user should check regularly to ensure that accurate information is on file. Electronic Maintenance Request Log This feature allows users to track and monitor all service requests submitted through the Electronic Tenant® Service Request System. Service requests are sorted by month and will have the current month displayed upon entry. Miscellaneous Forms Here users can download and print various administrative forms, reports and documents. In order to access the forms and documents contained in this section, users must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher installed on their computers. This software is free and can be obtained by clicking here. Questions regarding the Electronic Tenant Services Request System should be directed to the Management Office. Emergency Procedures: Aircraft Crash/Collision and Structural Collapse Call 911. Evacuate the building as for fire emergencies, following instructions given by emergency personnel. Security will proceed to the emergency response entrance to provide direction to first responding fire fighting units. Security will also proceed to the area of the incident. Emergency Procedures: Biological/Chemical Hazards If you discover a potential biological or chemical hazard: CALL 911 Identify: Nature of emergency Emergency Address (25 East Washington) Floor Number Location on the floor, if possible NOTIFY BUILDING SECURITY AT (312) 863-6200 Identify: Nature of emergency Floor Number Location on the floor, if possible Emergency Procedures: Bomb Threat If you receive a bomb threat: Remain calm Try to obtain as much information as possible Call 911. Notify Security at (312) 863-6200. Security will proceed to the emergency response entrance of the building to provide direction to first responding rescue personnel. Inspect your own work area, but do not touch or move any suspicious objects Wait for instructions Do not use hand held radios Do not discuss the call with anyone else Bomb Threat Checklist: Date Time of call (a.m. /p.m.) Caller I.D. number Exact location of the device Time set for explosion (a.m. /p.m.) Description of the device Reason the caller has placed the bomb Exact words used by the caller Call received by Immediate action after call Notify the Police Department. Call 911 Notify the Building's Management Office at (312) 863-6200. Emergency Procedures: Civil Disturbance Call 911 or Security at (312) 863-6200 and follow instructions. Security will coordinate efforts with the local authorities. Do not evacuate the building unless instructed to do so. Emergency Procedures: Crime If you witness or are aware of a crime or criminal act: Call 911 and Security at (312) 863-6200. Security will respond, as necessary, to the incident. Security will proceed to the building emergency response entrance to provide direction to Police. Emergency Procedures: Elevator Malfunction If you are in the elevator and it stops for no apparent reason, remember to remain calm. Pressing the emergency button within the cab will alert Building Management that the elevator is malfunctioning. Please identify the cab number, and so too, the specific floor on which it is stuck. The Guard will establish two-way communication with elevators occupants until help has arrived. IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE, ELEVATORS MUST NOT BE USED FOR EVACUATION. USE THE STAIRWELLS. Emergency Procedures: Emergency Contacts If you call 911 as a result of a medical emergency, please be sure also to notify building management with your name, callback number, and location so that security may swiftly guide the paramedics to your exact location. If the audible alarm within the building sounds, please do not call the Management Office, unless you have something specific to report. Building Management is aware of the noise, as well as the source of the alarm, whether it’s false or a legitimate emergency. Please keep the telephone lines clear so that Management may to attend to the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Emergency Procedures: Evacuation Remain Calm Follow Directions Use Stairwells DO NOT Use Elevators Remove high-heeled shoes when using the stairs, if necessary. NOTIFY BUILDING SECURITY (312) 863-6200 OF ANY DISABLED PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE. Disabled individuals should be escorted to the elevator lobby or exit stair landing, where emergency personnel will assist them with evacuation. During an evacuation, you should also: Discontinue telephone conversations. Immediately proceed to evacuate, carrying your wallet or purse with only if there is immediate access to such items. Do not return for other personal possessions. Report to your designated post or assignment area if you are a part of the Emergency Response Team. Check doors for heat before opening. If a door is hot, seek an alternate route. Close all doors behind you. Proceed to your designated meeting area. Act calmly, quietly and courteously. Fire If you notice a fire: CALL 911 Identify: Nature of emergency Emergency Address (25 East Washington) Floor Number Location on the floor, if possible CALL SECURITY AT (312) 863-6200 Identify: Floor Number Your Name Location on the floor, if possible If you smell smoke, call Security even if a fire is not evident. Inform others in the immediate area. Evacuate the area if the fire cannot be extinguished with a fire extinguisher. Close doors if possible. USE STAIRWELLS- do not use elevators. Remain calm, listen and follow directions carefully. Disabled persons should be escorted to the elevator lobby or exit stair where emergency personnel will assist them with evacuation. How to Use a Fire Extinguisher Remember the word P.A.S.S. P - Pull the pin without squeezing the handles together. A - Aim at the base of the flames and stand approximately 10 feet away. S - Squeeze the handles together; do not release until fire is completely extinguished. S - Sweep from edge to edge of the area on fire. Always keep your back to an exit to avoid being trapped Medical Emergency CALL 911 Identify: Nature of emergency Emergency Address (25 East Washington) Floor Number Location on the floor, if possible NOTIFY BUILDING SECURITY AT (312) 863-6200 Identify: Nature of emergency Floor Number Location on the floor, if possible Security will proceed to the emergency response entrance of the building to provide direction to first responding rescue personnel. Security will also proceed to the area of the incident. Emergency Procedures: Fire and Life Safety Fire Prevention Do not accumulate quantities of discarded files or other paper trash in your office or storage area. Pay special attention to housekeeping in those departments that produce quantities of debris, such as duplication machines, mailing and receiving rooms. Do not store large quantities of flammable solvents, duplicating fluids, or other combustible fluids. Keep electrical appliances in good repair. Report unsafe conditions to the building office. When furnishing an office, consider the fire potential of materials used in large amounts, like overstuffed chairs, settees, couches or anything that could become a combustible item. Such furnishings should be flame-proofed. Where potential for fire is especially high, such as supply rooms, tenants may wish to consider installing additional fire extinguishers. Emergency Procedures: Power Failure In the event of a power failure: Remain at your workstation or present location. Emergency lighting will activate automatically following main power failure. Follow instructions given by security or by emergency personnel. Do not evacuate the building unless instructed to do so. Emergency Procedures: Severe Weather When severe weather conditions become apparent, the U.S. Weather Bureau describes conditions by two (2) classifications, a Watch or a Warning. This applies to the reporting of severe thunderstorms, the approach of weather conditions favoring the formation of tornadoes, a hurricane condition, a winter storm condition, etc. A Watch becomes effective when atmospheric conditions are present that can produce the particular weather phenomenon. A Warning means that the weather condition has been spotted and prompt action must be taken to enhance safety. Except in very rare circumstances, the decision to evacuate the building based on the above weather reports will not be made by Building Management, but rather by each Tenant Company. However, in the event these conditions do exist, the following guidelines should adhered to: Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds (this will provide protection from broken glass). Do not panic. If evacuated, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you. If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows. Use the stairwells rather than the elevators. If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so. Emergency Procedures: Suspicious Mail Report suspicious packages or mail to Security. Do not attempt to move, open, handle, or smell the package. Suspicious packages or mail may include those with an illegible, unknown or no return address; an extraordinary amount of postage; protruding wires; excessive tape or string; unbalanced contents, stains or discoloration; an unusual odor; or an unexpected package. If the package has been opened and identified as being a threat, call 911 and Security at (312) 863-6200. Emergency Procedures: Suspicious Persons Report any suspicious or disorderly individuals to Security at (312) 863-6200. Suspicious persons should be reported to your supervisor or Security. This may include persons wandering about your space that may not belong there or persons who stare or continually watch or follow others. Do not approach the individual; call your supervisor or Security. Solicitation is not permitted in the building. Any individuals who enter your office for this purpose should be reported immediately to Security at (312) 863-6200. Emergency Procedures: Toxic Hazards If there is a toxic spill or exposure, proceed immediately to an area where you are no longer exposed. Call 911. Provide the building’s address, your floor and phone number, and also what type of spill has occurred. Take appropriate action to contain the hazard; close doors behind you, and always follow all safety procedures when working with toxic materials. Emergency Procedures: Window Damage, Water Leaks, HVAC System Failure Call Security at (312) 863-6200. Engineering personnel will proceed to area for determination of further actions. Introduction: Welcome The tenant information provided in this Electronic Tenant® Handbook is meant to provide you with a better understanding of 25 East Washington and to facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of information contained within this handbook; we encourage you to take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook as it can become a valuable resource for you and your company. Please note that the Building Management Office is available to help in any way possible. Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is possible that some items will change over time. The Building Management Office will attempt to notify Tenants of any such changes as we become aware of them. Please feel free to contact the Building Management Office with any questions you may have. We are here to serve you. Welcome to 25 East Washington â a Premier Aspire Property! Introduction: About Aspire Locally owned and operated, Aspire Properties, LLC is a boutique-management company that is committed to providing individualized attention to best serve the needs of the tenants at 25 East Washington. With over 15 years of trusted on-site management experience, the Aspire Properties Team consists of highly trained professionals who bring a variety of diverse experiences and a personalized touch to each assignment. Our reputation for integrity, punctuality and efficiency are enhanced by a hands-on team effort to provide personalized superior service. Over the last 15 years, Aspire Properties, on behalf of building ownership, has initiated and facilitated many building modifications in an ongoing effort to preserve historic features as well as modernize 25 East Washington. Such improvements include a $1.5 million elevator replacement project, remodeling of all bathrooms, corridor upgrades including new carpeting and ceilings, solid wood doors and cherry elevator surroundings, as well as detailed restoration of brass lobby fixtures accompanied by new imported marble floors. Aspire Properties is a company that looks beyond the usual measures of property management success to develop a proven and trusted level of personalized property management. Introduction: About 25 East Washington Formerly the “Marshall Field & Co. Men’s Store Annex” built by famed architect Daniel Burnham in 1914, this beautiful Chicago Landmark features original vintage charm coupled with modern amenities. The lobby has been restored to its original grandeur complete with marble flooring, polished bronze elevators, ornate decorative ceiling and custom lighting. With 22 stories of tailor-made commercial space, 25 East Washington is home to some of Chicago’s most prestigious law firms, dental practices and non-profit organizations. Located on the corner of Washington and Wabash in the coveted Landmark District, this building is within walking distance of Chicago’s most famous dining, shopping and cultural attractions. 25 East Washington is also conveniently connected to Chicago’s underground pedestrian walkway system that links more than 50 buildings and spans roughly five miles throughout the heart of Chicago. A building that is aesthetically pleasing while offering a full range of modern services, on-site management and convenience of location. At 25 East Washington there are no compromises. Introduction: Operating Instructions Navigation You move through The Electronic Tenant® Handbook just as you would a traditional Internet site. It’s as simple as pointing and clicking. The main page features a Table of Contents that provides links to each Chapter. Upon entering a Chapter, you will find links to the specific information provided in that Chapter’s Sub-Sections. You may return to the Table of Contents or Chapter Overview at any time by clicking the clearly labeled link on every page. Special Features This Electronic Tenant® Handbook has special features, such as a Service Request Module and Search Engine. In order to take advantage of these useful features, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This software is free and easy to use, and can be obtained by clicking here. Updates The Electronic Tenant® Handbook is updated on a regular basis, so please be sure to periodically check for updates and new information. If you are having trouble accessing the Electronic Tenant® Handbook or need assistance, please e-mail or call the Building's Management Office. Policies and Procedures: Contractors Tenants and their contractors must adhere to the following requirements in an ongoing effort to ensure that the improvements or modifications to the Building and/or building systems and equipment are completed to the Building Standard while maintaining a level of safety consistent with both the Building and industry standards. All tenant plans must be reviewed and approved by 25 East Washington Associates, LP (“Landlord”). Landlord's approval of the plans, specifications, and working drawings for Tenant's alterations shall create no responsibility or liability on the part of the Landlord for their completeness, design sufficiency, or compliance with all laws, ordinances, rules, requirements, and regulations of governmental agencies or authorities, or the use and occupancy permit for the Building. All such alterations, additions, and improvements consented to by Landlord, and capital improvements that are required to be made to the Project as a result of the nature of Tenant's use of the Premises: 1. Will be performed by contractors approved by Landlord and subject to conditions specified by Landlord (which may include requiring the posting of performance and payment bonds); 2. At Landlord's option, will be made by Landlord for Tenant's account, and Tenant will reimburse Landlord for their cost (including 15% for Landlord's overhead) within 10 days after receipt of a statement of such cost; 3. Will be done in a good and workmanlike manner and shall be completed promptly; 4. Shall not cause a loss or diminution of electric power or other utilities or services to other tenants of the Building; 5. Will be performed according to plans, specifications, and working drawings approved by Landlord; and 6. Will be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and codes. At all times between the start and completion of the work, in addition to the other policies of insurance required under subject Lease Agreement, Tenant shall maintain a policy of "All Risk" Builder's Risk Insurance covering the full replacement value of all work done and fixtures and equipment installed or to be installed at the Premises. All contractors must be union-affiliated unless otherwise approved by Landlord and a current Certificate of Insurance listing 25 East Washington Associates, LP and Aspire Properties, LLC as additional insured must be submitted to the Building’s Management Office. Landlord has the explicit right to remove from the projects any persons who does not comply with these rules and regulations. Please reference your specific lease terms as they relate to insurance requirements and limits. Policies and Procedures: General Rules and Regulations 1. Landlord may from time to time adopt appropriate systems and procedures for the security or safety of the Building, any persons occupying, using, or entering the Building, or any equipment, furnishings, or contents of the Building, and Tenant will comply with Landlord’s reasonable requirements relative to such systems and procedures. 2. The sidewalks, halls, passages, exits, entrances, elevators, and stairways of the Building will not be obstructed by any tenants or used by any of them for any purpose other than for ingress to and egress from their respective Premises. The halls, passages, exits, entrances, elevators, escalators, and stairways are not for the general public, and Landlord will in all cases retain the right to control and prevent access to such halls, passages, exits, entrances, elevators, and stairways of all persons whose presence in the judgment of Landlord would be prejudicial to the safety, character, reputation, and interests of the Building and its tenants, provided that nothing contained in these rules and regulations will be construed to prevent such access to persons with whom any tenant normally deals in the ordinary course of its business, unless such persons are engaged in illegal activities. No tenant and no employee or invitee of any tenant will go upon the roof of the Building except such roof or portion of such roof as may be contiguous to the Premises of a particular tenant and may be designated in writing by Landlord as a roof deck or roof garden area. No tenant will be permitted to place or install any object (including without limitation radio and television antennas, loudspeakers, sound amplifiers, microwave dishes, solar devices, or similar devices) on the exterior of the Building or on the roof of the Building. 3. No sign, placard, picture, name advertisement, or written notice visible from the exterior of tenant’s Premises will be inscribed, painted, affixed, or otherwise displayed by tenant on any part of the Building or the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord. Landlord will adopt and furnish to tenant general guidelines relating to signs inside the Building on the office floors. Tenant agrees to conform to such guidelines. All approved signs or lettering on doors will be printed, painted, affixed, or inscribed at the expense of the tenant by a person approved by Landlord. Other than draperies expressly permitted by Landlord and building standard window treatments, material visible from outside the Building will not be permitted. In the event of the violation of this rule by tenant, Landlord may remove the violating items without any liability, and may charge the expense incurred by such removal to the tenant or tenants violating this rule. 4. No cooking will be done or permitted by any tenant on the Premises, except in areas of the Premises which are specially constructed for cooking and except that use by the tenant of microwave ovens and Underwriters’ Laboratory approved equipment for brewing coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and similar beverages will be permitted, provided that such use is in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and city laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. 5. No tenant will employ any person or persons other than the cleaning service of Landlord for the purpose of cleaning the Premises, unless otherwise agreed to by Landlord in writing. Except with the written consent of Landlord, no person or persons other than those approved by Landlord will be permitted to enter the Building for the purpose of cleaning it. No tenant will cause any unnecessary labor by reason of such tenant’s carelessness or indifference in the preservation of good order and cleanliness. Should tenant’s actions result in any increased expense for any required cleaning, Landlord reserves the right to assess tenant for such expenses. 6. The toilet rooms, toilets, urinals, wash bowls and other plumbing fixtures will not be used for any purposes other than those for which they were constructed, and no sweepings, rubbish, rags, or other foreign substances will be thrown in such plumbing fixtures. All damages resulting from any misuse of the fixtures will be borne by the tenant who, or whose servants, employees, agents, visitors, or licensees, caused the same. 7. No tenant, or tenant’s invitees or licensees, will in any way deface any part of the Premises or the Building of which they form a part. In those portions of the Premises where carpet has been provided directly or indirectly by Landlord, tenant will at its own expense install and maintain pads to protect the carpet under all furniture having casters other than carpet casters. 8. No tenant will alter, change, replace, or rekey any lock or install a new lock or a knocker on any door of the Premises. Landlord, its agents, or employees will retain a pass (master) key to all door locks on the Premises. Any new door locks required by tenant or any change in keying of existing locks will be installed or changed by Landlord following tenant’s written request to Landlord and will be at tenant’s installed or changed by Landlord following tenant’s written request to Landlord and will be at tenant’s expense. All new locks and rekeyed locks will remain operable by Landlord’s pass (master) key. Landlord will furnish each tenant, free of charge, with two (2) keys to each suite entry door lock on the Premises. Landlord will have the right to collect a reasonable charge for additional keys and cards requested by any tenant. Each tenant, upon termination of its tenancy, will deliver to Landlord all keys and access cards for the Premises and Building that have been furnished to such tenant. 9. The elevator designated for freight by Landlord will be available for use by all tenants in the Building during the hours and pursuant to such procedures as Landlord may determine from time to time. The person’s employed to move tenant’s equipment, material, furniture, or other property in or out of the Building must acceptable to Landlord. A certificate or other verification of such insurance must be received and approved by Landlord prior to the start of any moving operations. Insurance must be sufficient, in Landlord’s sole opinion, to cover all personal liability, theft or damage to the Project, including but not limited to floor coverings, doors, walls, elevators, stairs, foliage, and landscaping. Special care must be taken to prevent damage to foliage and landscaping during adverse weather. All moving operations will be conducted at such times and in such a manner as Landlord will direct, and all moving will take place during non-Business Hours unless Landlord agrees in writing otherwise. Tenant will be responsible for the provision of building security during all moving operations, and will be liable for all losses and damages sustained by any party as a result of the failure to supply adequate security. Landlord will have the right to prescribe the weight, size, and position of all equipment, materials, furniture, or other property brought into the Building. Heavy objects will, if considered necessary by Landlord, stand on wood strips of such thickness as is necessary to properly distribute the weight. Landlord will not be responsible for loss of or damage to any such property from any cause, and all damage done to the Building by moving or maintaining such property will be repaired at the expense of tenant. Landlord reserves the right to inspect all such property to be brought into the Building and to exclude from the Building all such property which violates any of these rules and regulations or the Lease of which these rules and regulations are a part. Supplies, goods, materials, packages, furniture, and all other items of every kind delivered to or taken from the Premises will be delivered or removed through the entrance and route designated by Landlord, and Landlord will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any such to property. 10. No tenant will use or keep in the Premises or the Building any kerosene, gasoline, or inflammable or combustible or explosive fluid or material or chemical substance other than limited quantities of such materials or substances reasonably necessary for the operation or maintenance of office equipment or limited quantities of cleaning fluids and solvents required in tenant’s normal operations in the Premises, which shall be stored in accordance with applicable law. Without Landlord’s prior written approval, no tenant will use any method of heating or air conditioning other than that supplied by Landlord. No tenant will use or keep or permit to be used or kept any foul or noxious gas or substance in the Premises. 11. Landlord will have the right, exercisable upon written notice and without liability to any tenant, to change the name and street address of the Building. 12. Landlord will have the right to prohibit any advertising by tenant mentioning the Building that, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion, tends to impair the reputation of the Building or its desirability as a building for offices, and upon written notice from Landlord, tenant will refrain from or discontinue such advertising. 13. Tenant will not bring any animals (except “Seeing Eye” dogs) or birds into the Building, and will not permit bicycles or other vehicles inside or on the sidewalks outside the Building except in areas designated from time to time by Landlord for such purposes. 14. All persons entering or leaving the Building between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Friday, and at all hours on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will comply with such off-hour regulations as Landlord may establish and modify from time to time. Landlord reserves the right to limit reasonably or restrict access to the Building during such time periods. 15. Each tenant will store all its trash and garbage within its Premises. No material will be placed in the trash boxes or receptacles if such material is of such nature that it may not be disposed of in the ordinary and customary manner of removing and disposing of trash and garbage without being in violation of any law or ordinance governing such disposal. All garbage and refuse disposal will be made only through entryways and elevators provided for such purposes and at such times as Landlord designates. Removal of any furniture or furnishings, large equipment, packing crates, packing materials, and boxes will be the responsibility of each tenant and such items may not be disposed of in the Building trash receptacles nor will they be removed by the Building’s janitorial service, except at Landlord’s sole option and at the tenant’s expense. No furniture, appliances, equipment, or flammable products of any type may be disposed of in the Building trash receptacles. 16. Canvassing, peddling, soliciting, and distributing handbills or any other written materials in the Building are prohibited, and each tenant will cooperate to prevent the same. 17. The requirements of the tenants will be attended to only upon application by written, personal, or telephone notice at the office of the Building. Employees of Landlord or Landlord’s agent will not perform any work or do anything outside of their regular duties unless under special instructions from Landlord. 18. A directory of the Building will be provided for the display of the name and location of tenants only. All entries on the Building directory display will conform to standards and style set by Landlord in its sole discretion. Space on any exterior signage will be provided in Landlord’s sole discretion. No tenant will have any right to the use of any exterior sign. 19. Tenant will see that the doors of the Premises are closed and locked and that all water faucets, water apparatus, and utilities are shut off before tenant or tenant’s employees leave the Premises, so as to prevent waste or damage, and for any failure to comply or carelessness in this regard tenant will make good all injuries sustained by other tenants or occupants of the Building or Landlord. On multiple-tenancy floors, all tenants will keep the doors to the Building corridors closed at all times except for ingress and egress. 20. Tenant will not conduct itself in any manner that is inconsistent with the character of the Building as a first quality building or that will impair the comfort and convenience of other tenants in the Building. 21. No act or thing done or omitted to be done by Landlord or Landlord’s agent during the term of the Lease in connection with the enforcement of these rules and regulations will constitute an eviction by Landlord of any tenant nor will it be deemed an acceptance of surrender of the Premises by any tenant, and no agreement to accept such termination or surrender will be valid unless in a writing signed by Landlord. The delivery of keys to any employee or agent of Landlord will not operate as a termination of the Lease or a surrender of the Premises unless such delivery of keys is done in connection with a written instrument executed by Landlord approving the termination or surrender. 22. In these rules and regulations, tenant includes the employees, agents, invitees, and licensees of tenant and others permitted by tenant to use or occupy the Premises. 23. Landlord may waive any one or more of these rules and regulations for the benefit of any particular tenant or tenants, but no such waiver by Landlord will be construed as a waiver of such rules and regulations in favor of any other tenant or tenants, nor prevent Landlord from enforcing any such rules and regulations against any or all of the tenants of the Building after such waiver. 24. These rules and regulations are in addition to, and will not be construed to modify or amend, in whole or in part, the terms, covenants, agreements, and conditions of the Lease. 25. Tenants shall not, prior to or during the Term, either directly or indirectly, employ or permit the employment of any contractor, mover, mechanic or laborer, or permit any materials in the Premises, if the use of such contractor, mover, mechanic or laborer or such materials would, in Landlord’s opinion, create any difficulty, strike or jurisdictional dispute with other contractors, movers, mechanics or laborers engaged by Landlord, tenants, or others, or would in any way disturb the construction, maintenance, cleaning, repair, management, security or operation of the Building, Project or any part thereof. Any tenant, upon demand by Landlord, shall cause all contractors, movers, mechanics, laborers or materials causing such interference, difficulty or conflict to leave or be removed from the Project immediately. 26. Tenant shall not permit smoking anywhere within the Premises or within 30 feet of any Building entrance/exit. Policies and Procedures: Insurance Protection All vendors/contractors must have a Certificate of Insurance on file with Building Management before the execution of any work. This certificate must name the following entities as additional insured with coverage for general liability. Policy Certificate must include the following as additional name insured: 1. Landlord – 25 East Washington Associates, LP 2. Landlord’s Managing Agent – Aspire Properties, LLC Please make arrangements to have a copy of the Certificate of Insurance sent to the following address: Emailed to: 25east@aspireproperties.com Mailed to: Aspire Properties, LLC 25 East Washington Street, Suite 1501 Chicago, IL 60602 Faxed to: (312) 863-6206 Insurance requirements have been listed below; please note that these are minimum requirements. Depending on the type of services to be performed, you may be asked to meet different or additional requirements. If your contract requires you to provide insurance beyond what is listed below, please follow the requirements listed in the contract and provide the insurance listed below as well as additional insurance called for in your contract. Type of Coverage Minimum Vendor/Contractor Requirement Commercial $1,000,000 each General occurrence All such insurance will be equivalent to coverage offered by a commercial comprehensive general liability form, including without limitation to personal injury, products and completed operations, broad form property damage, and contractual liability coverage for the performance by Tenant of the indemnity agreements. Insurance provider must be licensed to do business in the state of Illinois. Policy needs to include endorsement to provide Landlord with at least 30 days written notice should the policy be canceled or reduced. The following must be added as additional insured on the policy: Landlord is 25 East Washington Associates, LP, c/o Aspire Properties, LLC, 25 East Washington Street, Suite 1501, Chicago, IL 60602. If there are any questions, please call the Management Office at (312) 863-6200. Policies and Procedures: Moving Procedures Tenants should notify the Management Office as early as possible to schedule their move date. A request for the tenant’s desired move date(s) and time(s) should be submitted in writing to the Management Office. Once the date has been confirmed, the loading dock and freight elevator will be reserved for the tenant’s use. Moves must be scheduled after business hours, after 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or on Saturday between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Under no circumstance are moves permitted on Sunday. The Management Office must be provided with the name, phone number, and e-mail of the tenant contact along with the contact person of the moving contractor and tenant contact who will be supervising the move. Prior to any large deliveries or moves, a Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the Management Office for the moving contractor. The Certificate of Insurance must have the following as additional insured: 1. 25 East Washington Associates, LP 2. Aspire Properties, LLC The on-site contact person from the moving company as well as the tenant must check in at the security desk immediately upon arrival. Upon completion of the move, the moving contractor and the tenant must check-out with security prior to departure. An elevator operator is required for all moves. The moving/delivery trucks are the only vehicles that are permitted to park alongside the dock at Holden Court. Tenants or moving company personnel who bring their own vehicles to the property must find street/lot/garage parking in the area or will otherwise run the risk of receiving a parking ticket and/or may be towed by the City of Chicago. 25 East Washington is not responsible for parking ticket(s) and/or the towing of any vehicle that does not comply with parking laws set forth and enforced by the City of Chicago. The freight elevator is the only elevator that may be used for moves or large deliveries. No carts, dollies, bins or other moving equipment are permitted in the passenger elevators. Please notify the on-duty Security Officer when the delivery/moving truck arrives so the freight elevator can be made available. Please note that the freight elevator dimensions are as follows: Floor Dimensions: 63'' x 78'' Door Openings: 46'' x 84'' Height: 11 feet The moving contractor is required to provide masonite panels to protect all common area stone and carpet floors where the contractor will be working. The masonite must be taped together and must extend over the entire path of travel. In addition, corner guards must be provided to protect the corners of walls when large equipment or pieces of furniture are being delivered/removed. Please be certain that the tape used on the walls to adhere corner guards or other wall protection does not damage the wall finish. The moving company shall be responsible for providing all equipment necessary for the scheduled move. 25 East Washington cannot provide any tools, equipment, ladders, etc. It is the responsibility of the tenant and the moving contractor to remove all boxes, cardboard, wrapping materials, trash, and other debris resulting from the move. At the conclusion of the move, the moving contractor must ensure that all common area corridors and the loading dock are in broom clean condition. The tenant may request any after move cleanup from the Building’s janitorial staff at the sole cost of the tenant. Please understand that these procedures are in place to protect the security of all the tenants at 25 East Washington and to prevent damage to property. Policies and Procedures: Smoking 25 East Washington maintains a no smoking policy and applicable laws prohibit smoking throughout the Building, including all common areas, the lobby, rest rooms, stairwells and elevators. Additionally, State and Local Ordinances require smokers must be at least 15 feet away from Building entrances; Building Policy requires 30 feet spacing. The Neighborhood: Garage Parking 20 East Randolph Daily Rates (Subject to Change) Time Frame 0min -20 min 21 min-40 min 41 min-60 min 61 min-80 min 81 min-100 min 101 min-12 hrs 12 hrs-24 hrs Monthly Parking Early Bird- In between 5AM & 9AM. Out by 8PM, Mon-Fri Price $6.00 $13.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $33.00 $34.00 $370.00 $14.00 InterPark Discounted Rates (For Tenants at 25 East Washington Street) Time Frame Price 0 min-9 hrs $14.00 9 hrs + $17.00 Evenings/Weekends $10.00 Contact Brent Young to Receive Discounts/Validation Cards: (312) 935-2772 60 East Randolph Daily Rates (Subject to Change) Time Frame 0 min -20 min 21 min-40 min 41 min-60 min 61 min-80 min 81 min-100 min 101 min-120 min 121 min-12 hrs 12 hrs-24 hrs Daily max Monthly Parking Price $6.00 $13.00 $18.00 $25.00 $27.00 $29.00 $31.00 $33.00 $33.00 $275.00 Monthly Parking $275.00 Early Bird- In between 6AM & 7:30AM. Out by 7pm, Mon-Fri $10.00 ImPark Discounted Rates (For Tenants at 25 East Washington Street) Time Frame Price 0 min-4 hrs $14.00 All Day Rate* $11.00 Monthly Parking $200.00 $5.00-Off Validations *Prepaid validations must be purchased in increments of 10 Contact Nicole Johnson to Receive Discounts/Validation Cards: (312) 663-1490 x101 55 East Monroe Daily Rates (Subject to Change) Time Frame 0 min-20 min 21 min-40 min 41 min-60 min 61 min-80 min 81 min-100 min 101 min-120 min 2 hrs-12 hrs 9 hrs-12 hrs 12 hrs-24 hrs Monthly Parking Early Bird- In between 5AM & 8:30AM. Out by 7PM, Mon-Fri Price $6.00 $14.00 $23.00 $25.00 $27.00 $29.00 $32.00 $34.00 $42.00 $390.00 $14.00 The Neighborhood: Valet Parking Macy's Valet Daily Rates (Subject to Change) 111 N. State Street (Washington Street Entrance) Time Frame 0 min-30 min 30 min-1 hr 1 hr-3 hrs 3 hrs-5 hrs 5 hrs-8 hrs 8 hrs-24 hrs Early Bird- In by 9:30AM. Out by 6:30PM Mon-Fri Price $8.00 $10.00 $14.00 $18.00 $22.00 $30.00 $13.74 * When paying for Macy's Valet, Include Tenant's business card to receive $2.00 off payment. Garland Building Valet Daily Rates (Subject to Change) 111 N. Wabash Avenue Time Frame 0 min-2 hrs 2 hrs-4 hrs 4 hrs-6 hrs 6 hrs-8hrs 8 hrs-24 hrs Price $11.99 $14.99 $16.99 $21.99 $29.99
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