Alpha Lubrication Service

Alpha Lubrication Service
- optimisation
An Alpha Lubrication Service provides an overhaul of the system and highlights
potential problem areas requiring attention to avoid future system breakdown.
The problems we uncover can usually be resolved by changing minor parts and
avoid extensive damage in the future.
Maritime Engineering A/S
Havnepladsen 4 · DK 5960 Marstal
CVR: 30720490 · Tlf +45 40 25 21 33
Potential problem areas:
Liner wear
Worn out piston crowns
Liner ovality
Excessive lubrication
These can be avoided by ensuring the system works optimally.
What we do:
Live simulation of the lubricator.
Performance test of every lubrication point.
Internal leak test.
Pressure release test.
Test of quills.
Flow test.
Timing adjustment.
Power calibration.
Feed rate control.
Turnkey solution:
We provide testing equipment.
We provide special tools.
We provide a spare parts kit specific to your system.