Campus Agreement Frequently Asked Questions What is the Campus Agreement program? The Microsoft® Campus Agreement is a subscription licensing program for higher educational institutions. Campus Agreement can meet your technology needs without breaking your budget. It is a simple and quick way to get quality licensed software product for your faculty, staff, and students. For more detailed information, please read the Microsoft Campus Agreement Program Guide. How does the Campus Agreement program work? It's easy. You just count the number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) employees you have—both faculty and staff. Then choose the application, system and Client Access License (CAL) products you want your FTEs to use. You can also individually license server products. Your institution can run the licensed product during your 12-month or 36-month licensed period. You're licensed for all product upgrades and downgrades during the licensed period. If you have a one-year subscription, your institution can extend the temporary licenses each year with an extension order. If you have a three-year subscription, your institution submits an anniversary order at the end of year one and year two. At the end of year three, you can start a new subscription with a new subscription enrollment. If you choose not to extend your subscription, you can either convert your temporary licenses to perpetual licenses through the Buy-out option or remove the licensed product from your desktop PCs. What products can I get through Campus Agreement? With Campus Agreement, you can license the most current versions of any available Microsoft products. Please refer to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Product List to see these products. You can choose as many products as you like. (Minimum order requirements apply.) Can I add products during my licensed period? Yes. Under Campus Agreement 3.5, you can add products to your coverage during the licensed period by ordering them from your reseller. The licensed period for your additional products expires when your initial annual licensed product order expires. Also under Campus Agreement 3.5, when you order a new product, you will be charged a pro-rated price based on the number of months left in your annual term, with a minimum six-month rate. So if you add a licensed product at month three, you will pay for nine months (.75 x the annual price). If you order the new product at month nine, you will pay for six months (.5 x the annual price). What is the pricing for Campus Agreement? Pricing for some Campus Agreement application, system, and CAL products is tiered and depends on how many FTEs you have. Server products are priced individually. For exact pricing, please contact an Authorized Education Reseller (AER) or local reseller in your region. 1 How do I count Full-Time Equivalent employees? Calculate your FTEs using the following formula: full-time faculty + (part-time faculty ÷ 3) + full-time staff + (part-time staff ÷ 2). Be sure to include student employees. But you can exclude employees who are nondesktop PC users, such as maintenance or food service staff, from your faculty and staff counts. Note: These FTE counts are the same numbers that institutions in the United States report to the federal government on IPEDS Form S. If you are outside of the United States, FTE counting rules may differ for your region. Please contact your local reseller for more details. Example: A university has 2,000 full-time faculty, 3,000 part-time faculty, 1,000 full-time staff, and 1,000 part-time staff; so its entire FTE count equals: 2,000 + (3,000÷3) + 1,000 + (1,000÷2) = 4,500 FTE. The student FTE count (which is used if you include the Student Option) equals: full-time students + (parttime students ÷ 3). Example: A university has 10,000 full-time students and 3,000 part-time students. Its entire FTE student count equals: 10,000 + (3,000 ÷ 3) = 11,000 FTE students. Note: This student count is represented by IPEDS form EF-1. Is there a minimum requirement to participate in Campus Agreement? Yes. Your first order under a Campus subscription enrollment must be for a minimum of 300 units. You determine your total units per order by combining your application, system, and CAL units with your server units. You can choose any individual product or combination of products to meet this requirement. Get details on calculating your total units. Can I have a subscription for servers only? Yes, if your order meets the 300-unit minimum requirement. Do I have to license the entire university? No. You can either license by department (for example, the Department of Psychology or the School of Arts and Sciences). If you decide to license by department only, you need to reach the 300-unit minimum. To do this, you can combine departments to reach the 300 faculty and staff FTE minimum. But you cannot count students toward this minimum. What if my faculty and staff FTE or student count increases or decreases during my licensed period? If your faculty and staff or student FTE count increases during the course of your licensed period, then all new users are automatically licensed at no additional charge. If your faculty and staff and student FTE count decreases during the term, you will not receive a refund. Include your new FTEs when you submit your next annual order. How does Student Option work? Your Campus Agreement subscription coverage licenses students to use the desktop PCs at your school, such as on classroom and lab desktop PCs. You can also license your students for selected licensed products to use at home by including the Student Option. With this option, you can license students to use 2 selected products on their personal or institution-owned desktop PCs for students’ exclusive use (for example, a laptop checked out to a student for the school year). Find out more about the Student Option. Is there a minimum requirement for the Student Option? Yes. The minimum requirement is 300 units, and you calculate your total units for students the same way you do for your faculty and staff. Note that institutions that choose to license students through Student Option are required to license 100 percent of the students. This can be defined as the entire institution or department. Get details on counting and licensing students. If I want to license my students, can I combine my faculty and staff and student FTE counts to reach the 300-unit minimum? No. You cannot combine your institution and student acquisitions to meet the 300-unit minimum. Both minimums must be met individually. Can I have a subscription for students only? Yes. Under Campus Agreement 3.5, you can license students using the Student Option without a corresponding faculty and staff enrollment. Your student order must meet the minimum 300-unit requirement. Can I license just a department of students for the Student Option? Yes. But you must license 100 percent of the students enrolled in the department. Do I have to license the same products for my students, staff, and faculty? No. You can choose any of the Campus Agreement application, system, or CAL products for your students. The licensed products you select do not have to match your faculty and staff selections. How can I license my students who use Macintosh desktop PCs? When you order your student CDs, simply tell your reseller how many Windows® and Mac users you have. Student CDs for Microsoft Office for Mac editions are available. Student Option requires that you license 100 percent of your students. This includes your students who use Macs. Can universities charge the cost of the Campus Agreement Student Option to the students? Yes. To recover costs, a university can charge the cost to students (at any price you determine). This is completely up to your university's discretion. Some institutions include this cost as part of the student technology fee, enrollment fee, or entrance fee. Can my institution enter into a Campus Agreement for faculty and staff and then later add the Student Option? Yes. Under Campus Agreement 3.5, your institution can add the Student Option separately from the faculty and staff Campus subscription. 3 How can my institution easily distribute licensed products to students? Universities or departments that acquire the Student Option using the Campus Agreement can distribute licensed products to students in four easy ways: 1. You can acquire a license and distribute one copy of each applicable CD-ROM or disk set to each authorized user. Note: You must acquire these CDs or disk sets (known as student media) from your reseller and you cannot duplicate media for students. Get details about ordering and distributing student CDs, including a list of currently available titles. 2. You can allow controlled download from your secure network server(s) or other storage device(s) using Volume Licensing media (such as Starter Kit media) that you licensed and installed on your institution’s desktop PCs. 3. You can manually install licensed products on your users’ desktop PCs at a central location that you control using Volume Licensing media. 4. You can control short-term checkout for applicable Volume Licensing media just for individual users to install. This option is available only for products that do not require a Volume Licensing Key (VLK) (products that do not include Microsoft Product Activation). You cannot distribute VLKs to students. Get more information about VLKs and Microsoft Product Activation. Note: You must acquire all installation media from a Microsoft-approved fulfillment source. When students graduate, can they legally keep the licensed product on their own desktop PCs? Yes. On graduation, students licensed under the Student Option are granted perpetual use rights for the selected Campus Agreement products. Note that you are responsible for ensuring that graduating students with perpetual use rights receive a Student License Confirmation when they leave school. Your institution must have a Student Option agreement in place when the student graduates so that it can distribute the Student License Confirmation. Example: A university enters into a Campus Agreement on August 1, 2007. It signs up for the Student Option and orders Office CDs for students. In January 2008, 100 students graduate. These students are legally licensed to keep the licensed product on their personal desktop PCs when they graduate. If the university decides not to renew its Campus Agreement Student Option on August 1, 2008, all remaining students must remove the licensed product from their desktop PCs. If the university has not renewed the agreement and students graduate after August 1, 2008, they do not legally own the product license(s) and must remove it from their desktop PCs. Are consortia organizations eligible to participate in the Campus Agreement program? Consortia organizations require special approval by Microsoft to participate. This primarily helps ensure that these organizations are prepared to give their members the necessary information regarding the terms and conditions of their agreement. How are lab desktop PCs covered under Campus Agreement? The lab desktop PCs must be owned by the institution or department that enters into the Campus Agreement to be covered. 4 Are visiting professors covered under Campus Agreement? If visiting professors have access to university desktop PCs and you want them to be licensed under Campus Agreement, then you can add them to the FTE count as part-time faculty. Can the faculty and staff licensed under Campus Agreement use the licensed product at home? Yes. For no additional license cost, you can take advantage of faculty and staff Work At Home (WAH) rights for any of the application, system, and CAL products you order for institution use. With these rights, the primary user of a campus desktop PC can use the licensed product on a home desktop PC for work. Users are not licensed to use the WAH licensed product at home for personal use. The school may incur some costs for obtaining and distributing the WAH media. Also, under Campus Agreement 3.5, institutions can take advantage of the Home Use Program (HUP), a benefit of the Microsoft Software Assurance coverage included with the agreement. With HUP, your faculty and staff members can get Microsoft Office system software to use on their home desktop PCs for both work and personal use at a nominal cost. Providing the HUP licensed product is easy for your institution. Once your Software Assurance benefits administrator activates the benefit, individual faculty and staff members can order and pay for shipping of their licensed product online. Please note that institutions are not permitted to provide licensed product with the same title to any individual faculty or staff member using both HUP and WAH. For personal use, faculty and staff are also eligible to acquire specially priced Academic Edition full packaged products. How can my institution distribute licensed product to faculty and staff? Universities or departments that acquire temporary licenses using the Campus Agreement can distribute the licensed product to faculty and staff to install on campus desktop PCs using the methods described below. You must obtain all media from a Microsoft-approved fulfillment source. 1. Load the licensed product on a secured site and have eligible faculty and staff download the licensed product to their desktop PCs. 2. Faculty and staff can bring the desktop PCs that they manage to a central location designated by the university, and then download from the campus network or CDs. 3. Set up a library checkout system for CDs for faculty and staff. 4. Replicate CDs for faculty and staff. 5. Acquire individual CDs to distribute to your faculty and staff. CD pricing can be obtained from your reseller. Reseller prices may vary. You can distribute Software for Work at Home (WAH) use to faculty and staff in the following ways only: 1. You can acquire and distribute one copy of each applicable CD-ROM or disk set to each authorized user. You must acquire these CDs or disk sets (known as student media) from your reseller in minimum quantities of 25 per title up to the number of licensed users. You may not duplicate media for Work at Home use. See a list of CDs that are currently available to order from your AER. 5 2. You can allow controlled download from your secure network server(s) or other storage device(s) using Volume Licensing media (such as Starter Kit media) that you acquired to install on your institution’s desktop PCs. 3. You can manually install licensed products on your users’ desktop PCs at a central location that you control using Volume Licensing media. 4. You can control short-term checkout for applicable Volume Licensing media just for individual users to install. This option is available only for products that do not require a Volume Licensing Key (VLK) (that is, products that do not include Microsoft Product Activation). You may not distribute VLKs to users for Work at Home use. Find more information on VLKs and Microsoft Product Activation. Can my institution copy the Campus Agreement licensed product? Yes. You can make as many copies as you need to distribute the licensed product to your faculty and staff users to install on their campus desktop PCs. All copies must be true and complete copies (including copyright and trademark notices) and must be made from CD-ROMs, disk sets, or a network source acquired from or made available by a Microsoft-approved source. You may also have a third party make and distribute such copies in your place, but you are responsible for the third party's actions the same way you would be if the third party was your employee. You may not replicate licensed product for students or Work at Home use. Find an authorized replicator and get detailed guidelines. Student and Work at Home CDs are only available to order from your reseller. How does my institution get media for the products in the subscription? You are automatically shipped one complimentary Starter Kit containing CDs or DVDs for the Campus Agreement licensed products you ordered. You are also then registered for one complimentary Update Subscription. With this subscription, you automatically receive a CD or DVD when a product you are licensed for releases an upgrade or update during your subscription’s term. Your complimentary Starter Kit and Update Subscription include media for up to two languages. If you require media for more than two languages, you may order additional Starter Kits and Update Subscriptions from your Reseller. Can I get additional Starter Kits and Update Subscriptions? Yes. You can get additional Starter Kits (called Comprehensive Kits) and Update Subscriptions from your reseller. How does my university acquire other Microsoft product licenses not covered in Campus Agreement? Open License for Academic, Select License for Academic, and Academic Edition full packaged products are still available options for education customers wanting the wide range of other Microsoft products. What is the policy for upgrades and downgrades under Campus Agreement? You can upgrade to the newest versions of your licensed products (or use previous versions) throughout your licensed period. Can I use my Campus Agreement Windows Upgrade licenses and media for installing Windows on a desktop PC that does not currently have an operating system? 6 No. To install the upgrade license through Campus Agreement you must have a fully licensed version of Windows already installed on your desktop PC. For example, if you currently run the Windows XP operating system, your Campus Agreement Windows Upgrade license lets you upgrade to the Windows Vista® operating system. To run any version of a Windows operating system licensed through Campus Agreement, you or your users must have a valid license for a Microsoft operating system on each PC that runs the licensed product. Please consult the Microsoft Volume Licensing Product List for more information about qualifying operating systems. Are international versions available under Campus Agreement? Yes. Your university can acquire international versions of product licenses within the product offering. The pricing for international versions of the products is the same as for English versions. How can my higher educational institution cancel out of the subscription? Your institution can cancel out of the subscription at any time during the 12-month period through the Buyout option. You can do this by purchasing perpetual licenses for the products and quantities that you want to continue using. The Buy-out option may only be exercised before the licensed period expires. Please check with your Authorized Education Reseller (AER) for the Buy-out pricing. Is technical support included with Campus Agreement? Your Campus Agreement does not include technical support. However, there are several technical support options designed by Microsoft to meet the special needs of higher education customers. For more information, visit the Microsoft support Web site or call our support sales team toll-free at (800) 936-3200. As part of the Software Assurance membership you automatically receive by participating in Campus Agreement, you are eligible for various resources to help you deploy and use your licensed product, such as Microsoft TechNet, E-Learning, and more. For details, visit the Software Assurance Web site. Does Campus Agreement replace any existing Volume Licensing programs? No. Microsoft offers two additional Volume Licensing programs for higher education customers to choose from: 1. Open License for Academic gives you volume-based pricing for virtually any size school. You can start with as few as five licenses, and you'll have the advantage of discount pricing for the entire two-year term. Open License for Academic is easy to include in a total desktop PC solution and ideal for institutions that need to acquire small quantities of licenses. It also has a simple transaction model and great flexibility. Open License for Academic is available through all Microsoft Authorized Education Resellers (AERs). 2. Select License for Academic provides volume licensing for institutions, ideally with 500 plus PCs, that can forecast their licensed product needs for a three-year period. You receive a special volume price for each pool of products selected (applications, systems, servers) based on your projected needs. Select License for Academic is available through Authorized Education Large Account Resellers (LARs). Do Campus Agreement customers receive the benefits of Software Assurance? 7 Yes. Software Assurance membership is included with your Campus Agreement coverage, which entitles you to product upgrades during the subscription term, resources and tools such as Home Use Program, TechNet, and E-Learning courses. For details, visit the Software Assurance Web site or consult the Microsoft Volume Licensing Product List. 8 Is there a similar program for K-12 customers (primary and secondary schools)? Yes. Microsoft School Agreement is available for primary and secondary schools. Do higher education customers have any input into this licensing program? Yes. Microsoft gathers feedback worldwide from customers and resellers throughout the year in a number of ways. Microsoft representatives meet with customers and resellers on a regular basis to discuss their licensing needs. We also conduct formal focus groups about licensing. How can I give feedback to Microsoft? Contact us to send comments and questions or contact your Microsoft reseller directly. Where can I find more information about Campus Agreement? You can find detailed information on the Campus Agreement program in the Microsoft Campus Agreement Program Guide. You'll also find a wealth of information on the Campus Agreement Web site. What if I have fewer FTE employees than the total number of PCs in my institution or department? Which number will I be licensed for under Campus Agreement? In Campus Agreement, you need to report the number of your institution or department FTE employees. This number is used as a proxy to cover all the devices (e.g., desktop PC labs or open library). As long as you have enrolled all your FTE employees, all the devices are covered. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Microsoft provides this material solely for informational and marketing purposes. Customers should refer to their agreements for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft’s Volume Licensing programs. Microsoft software is licensed not sold. The value and benefit gained through use of Microsoft software and services may vary by customer. Customers with questions about differences between this material and the agreements should contact their reseller or Microsoft account manager. The contents of this data sheet are subject to change. Please contact your Microsoft account manager or Large Account Reseller for the most current version of this data sheet. 9
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