Maersk Drilling Opgradering af kodesystem i henhold til internationale standarder Upgrade of existing coding system to comply with international standards Foto: FLSmidth, Ceent Plant, Sinai White Foto: Maersk Drilling, CJ70 Rig Rådgivning om anvendelse af ISO 81346standarden for boreplatforme. Consultancy on applying the international ISO 81346 standard for drilling rigs. Projektet Maersk Drilling er en global leverandør af udstyr til og boreplatforme til olie– og gasindustrien, som opererer på tværs af mange juridiske grænser. Virksomheden havde brug for at opgradere sit nummererings- og klassifikationssystem, både for at leve op til internationale love og regulativer, og for at sikre korrekt og pålidelig håndtering af design information ved design og dokumentation af nye platforme. Virksomheden ønskede at opgradere sit eksisterende kodesystem i henhold til ISO 81346; en standard der er særligt anvendelig i håndtering af design information for komplicerede designs. The project Maersk Drilling is a world-wide supplier of drilling rigs and equipment to the oil and gas industry, that operates across many different legal boundaries. In order to comply with international rules and regulations, and to ensure correct and dependable referencing of design information, the company needed to upgrade the numbering and classification system used in the design and documentation of their rigs. The company wanted to upgrade its existing coding system to be compliant with the ISO 81346 standard, which is especially useful for handling design information in complicated designs. Ydelser Systems Engineering A/S foretog en analyse af det eksisterende kodesystem og udarbejdede et forslag til nye kodningsprincipper og strukturer baseret på ISO 81346. En omfattende liste på over 2000 elementer er blevet udarbejdet i henhold til det nye system. Services Systems Engineering A/S analysed the existing coding system and developed a proposal for new coding principles and structures based on ISO 81346. A comprehensive list of more than 2,000 engineering items were classified according to the new system. Kundeværdi Fuld overholdelse af international standard Godt overblik for kompliceret teknisk data Dynamisk system for fremtidige udvidelser Support for Systems Engineering disciplinen Customer value Full compliance with international standard Excellent overview of complicated technical data Dynamic system to handle future extensions Support for System Engineering discipline Systems Engineering A/S
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