September/October 2014 Ramsey City Council Candidates – Vote November 4, 2014 The seats open for the 2014 General Election are as follows: Councilmember At Large, Councilmember Ward 1 and Councilmember Ward 3. The list of Candidates that will appear on the General Ballot is as follows (listed in alphabetical order): Councilmember At Large Wayne Buchholz Kristine Williams Councilmember Ward 3 Councilmember Ward 1 Frank E. Howsmon V Jill Johns Melody (Hesselgrave) Shryock If you desire contact information for any of the above candidates, please contact City Clerk Jo Thieling at 763-433-9840 or or visit the City’s website at 2014 Happy Days September 6 Round up your family and friends—the City of Ramsey’s annual hometown festival Happy Days is just around the corner! Happy Days is jammed packed with free family friendly events and activities, mouth-watering food choices, incredible live music, the famous Happy Days Parade, a breath-taking fireworks show and much more. Details on page 8. Photo Donated by Parkplace Studio Development Report Administrator’s Corner Happy Days Schedule of Events Fall Recycling Day 3 4 8 10 Ramsey Municipal Center 7550 Sunwood Drive NW Ramsey, MN 55303 Office Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (Monday - Friday) General Information: 763-427-1410 Website: City Council Sarah Strommen, Mayor Randy Backous, Councilmember At Large John LeTourneau, Councilmember At Large Jill Johns, Councilmember Ward 1 Mark Kuzma, Councilmember Ward 2 Jason Tossey, Councilmember Ward 3 Chris Riley, Councilmember Ward 4 763-576-4362 763-576-4364 763-576-4367 763-576-4363 763-576-4366 612-516-3791 763-576-4368 Important Phone Numbers Kurt Ulrich, City Administrator Fire and Police Emergency Fire and Police Non-Emergency City Hall Public Works Department TDD 763-433-9845 911 763-427-1212 763-427-1410 763-427-8254 763-427-8591 Your City Newsletter The Ramsey Resident is a newsletter paid for with revenues generated by advertising. This newsletter is intended to provide public information about community events and local government. All inquiries and comments regarding the newsletter are welcome and should be directed to the Newsletter Coordinator at 763-433-9844. If you wish to advertise within the newsletter, please contact Scott Robinson of Midwest Wheels of Thunder Magazine at 612-730-3719. All articles for publication in the Ramsey Resident should be emailed to by the sixth of each month, or the preceding Friday if the sixth is on a weekend. The city of Ramsey reserves the right to determine what may appear in this newsletter. This newsletter is read and obtained with the understanding that the information presented is from varied sources from which there can be no warranty or responsibility as to accuracy or completeness. QCTV Live Broadcasts & Replays Quad Cities Community Television (QCTV) broadcasts regular City Council, Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Commission and Park & Recreation Commission meetings on Channel 16 with periodic replays. Visit for complete schedule and for video streaming. Contacts and Meeting Schedule City Council (2nd & 4th Tuesday) . . . . . . Sept. 9, 23, Oct. 14, 28 7:00 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - CC Council Work Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sept. 9, 16, 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 14, 21, 28 5:30 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - LIR Economic Devel. Authority (2nd Thursday) . . Sept. 11, Oct. 9 7:30 am, Ramsey Municipal Center - LIR Environmental Policy Board (1st Monday) Sept. TBD, Oct. 6 6:30 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - RRR HRA (2nd and 4th Tuesday) . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 9, 23, Oct. 14, 28 5:30 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - LIR Park & Rec. Commission (2nd Thursday) . . . . Sept. 11, Oct. 9 6:30 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - CC Planning Comm (1st Thursday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sept. 4, Oct. 2 7:00 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - CC Public Works Committee (3rd Tuesday) . . . . Sept. 16, Oct. 21 5:30 pm, Ramsey Municipal Center - LIR *Please note: Additional City Council Work Sessions and HRA Meetings may be scheduled throughout the month. See the event schedule on the city’s website (www.cityoframsey. com) for the most current meeting schedule information. Ramsey Municipal Center, 7550 Sunwood Drive NW, Ramsey. Please call 763-427-1410 to confirm meeting dates, locations and times. CC - Council Chambers TBR - Trott Brook Room LIR - Lake Itasca Room February September Sun Mon Mon Tue Tue Wed Wed Thu Thu Sun 77 14 14 21 21 28 28 Video Streaming Video streaming of City Council and Commission meetings is available at, click on the government tab and then click on Ramsey. You can also access video streaming from the city's website at 2 ARR - Alexander Ramsey Room RRR - Rum River Room TBD - To be Determined Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 11 22 33 10 88 99 10 15 16 16 17 17 15 22 23 23 24 24 22 29 30 Fri Fri October Sat Sat 44 55 66 11 12 12 13 13 11 18 19 19 20 20 18 25 26 26 27 27 25 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Recycling West side pick up September 2, 15, 29 October 13, 27 Recycling East side pick up September 8, 22 October 6, 20 D evelopment R Your Source for Development News Future Business Park The City of Ramsey is home to hundreds of successful and growing businesses. Many of these businesses are located in the City’s original “Business Parks” along Bunker Lake Boulevard, just north of U.S. Highway 10, east of Ramsey Boulevard. In recent years, available land for existing Ramsey businesses to expand, or for new businesses to locate in Ramsey, has become scarce. As a result, the City Council has identified securing a new business park a priority. In the winter of 2013-14, a new business park location was identified by the Ramsey Economic Development Authority (EDA), Planning Commission, and City Council. The newly proposed business park is located along Bunker Lake Boulevard, west of Armstrong Boulevard, on the north side of U.S. Highway 10; and will include nearly 100 acres of land available for development by businesses. The City is currently in the process of amending its Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances to allow for this type of development. The proposed business park is, and will be, owned and operated by private developers, not the City of Ramsey. eport in Ramsey 165 new single family residential lots: Brookfield 4th Addition and Country Club Hills. Brookfield 4th Addition is located just west of Nowthen Boulevard on the south side of Trott Brook in central Ramsey. This 77 lot subdivision is currently under construction (see image below) and nearly 40% complete. Country Club Hills is located just north of Alpine Drive on the east side of Variolite Street, also in central Ramsey. The City Council approved a preliminary plat for this 88 lot subdivision in June. With approval of a final plat, Country Club Hills may begin constructing new homes this fall. For more information on development projects in Ramsey, please visit Update or contact the Community Development Department: 763-433-9824. Residential Growth The City of Ramsey continues to experience strong residential growth. In the past nine months, the City reviewed two major subdivision applications totaling Farmers’ Market in The COR Every Thursday 3:00 - 7:00 pm The Draw, next to the amphitheater, just west of PACT Charter School Visit the City of Ramsey website for more details September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 3 City Administrator’s Corner Fire Prevention Week - October 5 - 11 By Kurt Ulrich, City Administrator Fire Prevention week is October 5 -11, 2014 and this year’s theme is “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month.” Members of the fire department will be visiting local schools and daycares to deliver the message, while ending the week with their annual Open House. During this time of year, the Fire Department sees over 1,400 kids in the community to discuss various fire safety topics, show them equipment used and, maybe even, bring a fire truck to explore. If you’d like to schedule a visit, please contact Carey Schiferli at 763-4339832. We know smoke alarms are important, but the most important thing about them is that they are in working order. Almost two-thirds of residential fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. Here are some smoke alarm basics: • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home (including the basement) • For the best protection, interconnect all smoke alarms throughout the home, so when one sounds they all sound • Test alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button. • Change the batteries at least once per year • Replace smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or if they do not respond properly when tested Remember to join us at our Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 11, from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, at Station 1 - 15050 Armstrong Blvd. There will be a giant inflatable slide, face painting, clowns, free lunch, helicopter landing, demos and, of course, fire trucks! Citizen Survey: Your Opinion Matters The City is partaking in its first-ever comprehensive citizen survey this September. The survey will ask a group of randomlyselected households to give their feedback on a variety of City issues and concerns. In the past, we have generally relied upon you to stop by, call, write, or e-mail to let us know what is on your mind. This works fine to fix most problems, but it doesn’t always give us a clear idea of the thoughts, needs, dreams, and expectations of the average resident. The City’s Strategic Plan created performance measurements for each of the City’s departments. One of the key measures is customer satisfaction. The survey results will let us know what we are doing well, or not so well, in providing services. The results of this survey will also assist the Mayor, City Council, and staff in determining critical priorities that must be accomplished each year. Once the results of the survey have been collected and analyzed, this information will be shared with the public. Your opinion matters! If you are selected to complete the survey, please take the time to let us know what you think. Thank you. For more information regarding the Citizen survey, please contact City Administrator Kurt Ulrich at 763-433-9845 or email Our Mission: To work together to responsibly grow our community, and to provide quality, cost-effective, and efficient government services 4 Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 Police Explorers WANTED! The City of Ramsey Police Department is currently looking for youth volunteer Police Explorers. Explorers are trained in command presence, interview techniques, burglary response, traffic stops, crime prevention, traffic accidents, bomb scenes, white collar crime, search and arrest, domestics, hostage negotiations, street decisions, first aid, firearms training, and participate in ride a-longs with police officers. Minimum Requirements • Be between 14 and 20 years old • Maintain at least a C grade point average • Attend bi-weekly meetings that occur on Sundays and yearly competitions Applications for the program are currently being accepted. If you are interested in joining the program, please contact Investigator Ben Rossum at Brossum@ or Kristin Camacho at kcamacho@ or by phone at 763-427-6812. A Reminder about Pedestrian Crosswalks The prevalence of sidewalks and trails along city streets continues to increase as the City of Ramsey develops into a built-out community. Many Ramsey residents take advantage of city sidewalks and trails for recreation, exercise and to utilize an alternative form of transportation. As a result, interaction between pedestrians and automobiles is becoming increasingly common in Ramsey. To ensure safe travel and enjoyment of city streets, trails and sidewalks, both pedestrians and motorists should take a moment to review the following tips: • All intersections include legal pedestrian crossings whether marked or unmarked • All marked crosswalks are legal pedestrian crossings, intersection or mid-block • Motorists shall stop for pedestrians in legal crosswalks; pedestrians shall yield the right-of-way to motorists at all other locations • A bicyclist is considered a pedestrian when using a crosswalk • Pedestrians: if you intend to use a crosswalk make it obvious to motorists; and make sure all lanes of traffic stop before entering a roadway. The percentage of motorists that stop for pedestrians in crosswalks can be as low as 7%. • Motorists: be aware of crosswalk signs and use caution. Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk can lead to a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $1000 and/or jail of up to 90 days. • Pedestrian crosswalks are governed by Minnesota State Statute section 169.011, Subdivision 20 Marked crosswalks come in many different forms, from something as simple as two white lines painted on the road, to elaborate systems which include lights embedded within a road surface. Two types of crosswalks are utilized in the City of Ramsey: colored concrete crosswalks in The COR and painted crosswalks with warning signs. If you have any questions about crosswalk use, please contact Grant Riemer, City of Ramsey Public Works Superintendent, 763-433-9863. September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 5 Have You Paid Your Municipal Utility Services Bill? The City of Ramsey provides the following municipal utility services to residents: water, sewer, subdivision street lighting, priority street lighting, recycling, and storm drain management. Although not all residents are charged for water, sewer, and/ or subdivision street lighting due to their location within the City, every property is charged for priority street lighting, recycling, and storm drain management. Residents receive a quarterly bill from the City for their applicable City service charges and it is the responsibility of the property owner to remain current with these billings. If these charges remain unpaid, State statute allows the City to certify unpaid bills to the property tax. The certification process is conducted annually. Notification letters are sent to affected property addresses in early September for accounts that have a balance older than 60 days as of August 31, 2014. Delinquent charges must be paid no later than November 7, 2014. Any remaining unpaid delinquent charges after this deadline are certified to the next year’s property taxes with an additional administrative fee and interest. The current property owner is responsible for any delinquent charges regardless of account holder information. This means that if a previous owner had a delinquent account, the current owner is responsible for the balance. This is unlike electric or gas that follows the individual who initiated the account. If a home was recently purchased, a title search should have identified and paid off any delinquencies during the escrow process. If a title search was not performed and delinquent charges are associated with 6 a property, the current property owner is responsible for paying the outstanding amount. Payment must be received on or before the November 7th deadline in order to avoid administrative fees and interest. Any remaining unpaid delinquent charges after this deadline will be included on the property’s 2015 tax statement with an additional administrative fee and interest. If you are a landlord (owner) of a property within the City, you are ultimately responsible for delinquent utility charges. In order to ensure current payment is being made by a tenant, landlords may request that a duplicate statement be sent to an alternative address. In addition, account balances may be inquired upon at any time by contacting Utility Billing Customer Service at 763-5764343. For further information regarding the certification process or to inquire whether your property has any delinquent utility charges, please contact the Utility Billing Customer Service at 763-576-4343. City’s Bond Rating of AA+ is Re-Affirmed by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Rating Service Standard & Poor’s, one of the nation’s top credit ratings agencies, has reaffirmed the City of Ramsey’s AA+ bond rating, the second highest rating available. The positive rating is a measure of the city’s strong financial profile and enables the City of Ramsey to obtain lower interest rates when borrowing funds for improvement/ capital equipment needs. The rating was not attributed to new debt being issued, as is standard practice. S&P put more stringent ratings criteria in place in September 2013 and contacted the City with additional questions related to finances, policies and the local economy. S&P took these results to their Rating Committee on July 22, 2014 and affirmed the City’s AA+ rating that has been in place since November 2009. A full copy of the Standard and Poor’s report supporting the AA+ rating can be found on the city’s website at Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 Notice Annual Summary Financial Report City of Ramsey The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Ramsey to interested citizens. The complete financial statements may be examined on our website at or at City Hall, 7550 Sunwood Drive NW, Ramsey, MN 55303. Questions should be directed to the finance department at 763-427-1410 Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations (Governmental Funds) Revenues: Property Taxes Special Assessments Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines and forfeits Other Revenue: Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Total Revenues Per Capita* Expenditures: General Government Public Safety Highways and Streets Culture and Recreation Debt Service: Bond Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Per Capita* Total Long-term Indebtedness Per Capita* Governmental Fund Balance - December 31 General Fund Reserved Unreserved Nonspendable Assigned Unassigned Total General Fund Per Capita* All other Governmental Funds Reserved Unreserved Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total all other governmental funds Per Capita* $ $ $ $ 2013 10,490,825 370,791 718,875 2,919,701 877,849 73,110 (403,836) 1,402,508 16,449,823 677 2,837,610 3,740,132 3,883,519 1,013,089 $ $ $ $ 2012 11,545,803 436,854 534,910 3,736,095 1,681,400 75,562 Percent Increase (Decrease) -9.14% -15.12% 34.39% -21.85% -47.79% -3.25% 468,032 1,909,229 20,387,885 855 -186.28% -26.54% -19.32% -20.88% 18,291,512 3,860,697 4,391,415 836,452 -84.49% -3.12% -11.57% 21.12% -11.45% -54.75% -79.07% -57.88% -58.69% 1.34% -0.62% $ $ 1,315,000 1,213,120 705,383 14,707,853 605 $ $ 1,485,000 2,681,176 3,370,128 34,916,380 1,465 $ $ 36,831,840 1,515 $ $ 36,345,000 1,525 $ - $ - 50,561.00 175,008.00 6,545,825.00 $ 6,771,394 $ 279 4,042.00 142,419.00 6,578,822.00 $ 6,725,283 $ 282 $ $ - 590.00 19,148,705.00 927,557.00 10,719,398.00 (282,159.00) $ 30,514,091 $ 1,255 0.69% -1.27% - 17,606,291.00 946,312.00 9,962,381.00 (456,692.00) $ 28,058,292 $ 1,177 8.75% 6.65% *Calculated using population estimate of 24,306 for 2013 and 23,835 for 2012 September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 7 Event Start Finish Pancake Breakfast ARAA Baseball 8:30 am 8:30 am 11:30 am 5:30 pm In’Tech In Tech Industries, Industries INC. INC 4th GRADE BASEBALL TOURNEY –THE DRAW BALLFIELD Connexus Energy 5K Run, USATF CERT. 9:00 am Smile for a Mile Youth Run (Age 10-17)10:15 am Family Bike Tour 10:30 am K Fun Run (Ages 9 & Under) 11:00 am Kids T Lions Wellness Van The 11:00 am 10:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 11:15 am 2:30 pm BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK, CHOLESTEROL, EYES, ETC. B Ca Car Show B Bean Bag Tourney K i Fun & Activities Kids 11:30 am 11:30 am 11:30 am 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm MULTIPLE INFLATABLES, ROCK WALL, POWER BUNGEE, FACE PAINTING, BALLOONS M TODDLER PLAYGROUND Food Vendors, 7 DIFFERENT SPECIALTIES 11:30 am FFo K Kids Talent/Music Stage, BINGO TENT 12:00 pm H Happy Days Expos 12:00 pm 11:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm BUSINESS, CRAFT/MERCHANT, FARMERS, POLITICAL Environmental Expo 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm RAPTORS, KIDS ACTIVITIES, EXHIBITORS Freedom m Christian Church h h & TRAILER SALES SERVICE ● RENTAL Ramsey amsey EPB Happy Days Parade Dance Caravan RENNAISSANCE DANCE, SUNWOOD DRIVE NEAR CITY HALL PLAZA Megan Elizabeth 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 4:30 pm 11:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 9:00 pm LIVE MUSIC, CITY HALL PLAZA STAIR CASE Bingo IN EVENT TENT HOSTED BY ANOKA WOMEN OF TODAY Ramsey Fire Dept. Chili Cook-off Go Kart/Lawn Tractor Races RAMSEY RACEWAY, NORTH SIDE OF HWY 10 AT ARMSTRONG BLVD Bill & Dannyy Show,, MAIN STAGE RO ROC O K Maiden Dixie, COUNTRY/CLASSICC ROCK Fireworks Maiden Dixie 6:00 p pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:20 pm 8:00 p pm 9:00 pm 9:20 pm 11:00 pm Northern Nort thern n LOCATION 7550 Sunwood Drive NW – Ramsey, MN 55303 –Within The COR, Ramsey’s Downtown ER INFORMATION SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES, SIGN UP FOR AN EVENT, GETTING INVOLVED/VOLUNTEER, OTHER WEBSITE EMAIL PHONE 763-433-9831 31 8 Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 BANK OF THE WEST WEST BNP PARIBAS GROUP Ace Solid Waste Coborn’s | PSD, LLC NAU Country Insurance St. Katharine Drexel Anytime Fitness Connections Church Zero Zone, Inc. Parkplace Studio Wendell’s State Farm Insurance Comfort Suites Metro Dentalcare The Links at Northfork Hope Fellowship Church Hakanson Anderson One Hour Heating & AC The Bank of Elk River Centerpoint Energy Pearson Farm Casey’s General Store Green Valley Greenhouse The Tossey Family Prevail Counseling Group Ramsey Rotary Village Bank Anoka Variety Store River’s Bend Family Dental Clinic PRICING & CHARGES: Most events are free, including: kids activities, live music and fireworks – thanks to our sponsors rs Crime Alert App Available Free Car Seat INSPECTIONS for Anoka County Residents Want to know what kind of crime is happening in your neighborhood or the City? Sign up to get customized crime reports....there is even an app for your phone! Instant access at your fingertips any time of the day. http://www. Four out of five car seats are installed wrong! Get yours checked. Safe Kids Anoka County offers several car seat clinics throughout the year for Anoka County residents to have their children evaluated and car seats inspected by trained technicians. Appointments are required. September 16 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Andover Fire Station Appointments: 763-767-4671 October 7 4 :00– 7:00 p.m. Friendly Chevrolet/Fridley Appointments: 763-572-3626 Do you have a child under 8 years old and 4’9”? If so, MN state law requires them to be in a booster. If you can’t afford a booster seat for your child, you may meet the requirements to receive a free booster seat by attending a car seat clinic. For a complete Anoka County car seat clinic schedule, go to September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 9 Fall Recycling Day Event Saturday, Sept. 27 - 8:00am to 12:00pm For More Information Please Call 763-433-9817 Located at the Ramsey Public Works Facility, 14100 Jaspar St NW Acceptable Materials Charge Appliances (Optimum Appliance) All household appliances..………………. FREE Tires (City) Off-rim passenger/light truck…...……….. Free On-rim passenger/light truck……………. $2.00 each Off-rim semi…...………………………... $5.00 each On-rim semi……………………………... $6.00 each Fluorescent bulbs (Retrofit Recycling) 4 feet and smaller tubes...………………...$0.25 each Over 4 feet, compact, circular and u-tubes $0.50 each HID lamps...……………………………... $1 each Batteries (City & Optimum Appliance) Automotive (sealed lead acid), Ni-Cad, rechargeable, silver, mercury & alkaline... Free Scrap Metal (ACE Solid Waste) All non-metal parts and fluids must be removed………………………………… Free Cell Phones (City) No cords, bag phones or accessories……..Free Mattresses and Box Springs (Evergreen Recycling, LLC) Mattresses & box springs (any condition) $13 each *NO OTHER FURNITURE WILL BE ACCEPTED* **DURING THE EVENT. PLEASE CALL FOR** ***ALTERNATIVE DISPOSAL OPTIONS.*** FREE Document Destruction/Paper Shredding No need to remove staples, paper clips or rubber bands! No 3-ring binders and no other debris mixed in with paper or load will be reject. To ensure everyone has access to shredding, please only come through event one time. Off site shredding is available for a fee through this vendor. ****LIMIT OF 3 BOXES PER VEHICLE**** Materials NOT Accepted: Garbage or refuse of any kind, including scrap wood Yard and tree waste Window/door glass panes and construction debris Construction debris, paint, or other household hazardous waste materials identified by Staff. Standard Recyclable Materials (ACE): Charge Food & Beverage Glass Containers………. Free Aluminum, Steel, & Tin Cans…………….. Free Newspaper, Magazines, Cardboard……….. Free Plastic Containers, tubs and lids……..……. Free Electronics (Retrofit Recycling) Computer towers (CPUs/hard drives)…….. Laptop computers (complete)…………….. Computer Monitors...……………………... TV (0-20 inch)...………………………….. TV (21-30 inch)...…………………………. TV (31 inch or greater & counsel TVs)…... All other electronic waste…………………. $2.00 ea. $2.00 ea. $5.00 ea. $5.00 ea. $7.00 ea. $15.00 ea. FREE EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES Used oil, oil filters and antifreeze accepted for FREE! Please take empty containers back home and properly dispose of them. Please Note: Certain road accesses may be temporarily closed during the event for traffic control purposes. Please see map on page 11 for directions to site. At certain times during the recycling event, you may experience a short waiting time due to heavy traffic. Please be patient and we will serve you as quickly as possible. Participating vendors are listed below in the order they will be in during the event. Please load your items accordingly for better traffic flow: xCity of Ramsey (auto batteries and cell phones) xEast Side Oil Companies (used oil, oil filters and antifreeze) xEvergreen Recycling (mattresses & box springs) x1st Choice Document Destruction (shredding) xAce Solid Waste (scrap metal & curbside recyclables) xRetrofit Recycling (electronics & fluorescent bulbs) xOptimum Appliance (appliances) xCity of Ramsey (tires) **********Payment of Fees********** Vendors collect fees individually; if you have items for multiple vendors, please be prepared to make multiple payments. Cash and/or check only. 10 Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 5:27 5:39 5:55 6:38 3:57 4:27 4:57 5:27 6:15 4:10 4:40 5:10 – 6:28 4:18 4:48 5:18 5:46 6:36 4:22 4:52 5:22 5:50 6:40 Big Lake Elk River Ramsey Anoka Coon Rapids/ Riverdale Fridley 6:34 1 5:21 6:26 2 5:16 6:13 3 5:06 4 5:31 PM 5 5:50 6:40 7:10 7:40 8:10 6 5:34 6:24 6:54 7:24 7:54 Target Field Minneapolis Target Field Minneapolis Fridley Coon Rapids/ Riverdale 5:26 6:16 6:46 7:16 7:46 AM 7 5:22 6:12 6:42 7:12 7:42 888 WEEKDAY NORTHBOUND 5:16 6:06 6:36 7:06 7:36 7 5:11 6:01 6:31 7:01 7:31 6 5:01 5:51 6:21 6:51 7:21 5 Anoka 4 Ramsey 3 Elk River 2 Big Lake 1 888 WEEKDAY SOUTHBOUND Fall Water Main Flushing in October 6:43 6:49 7:02 4:27 4:57 5:27 5:55 6:45 4:33 5:03 5:33 6:01 6:51 4:46 5:16 5:46 6:14 7:04 AM PM FARES AT NORTHSTAR RAMSEY STATION tWeekday to/from Target Field in Downtown Minneapolis $3.50 tStation to Station other than Target Field $3.00 tSaturdays and Sundays each have three round trips, plus there is special service for Twins’ and Vikings’ home games. Get details on schedules, fares and Family Pass discounts at or 612-373-3333. Brought to you by the City of Ramsey, Anoka County Regional Rail Authority, Counties Transit Improvement Board, and the Metropolitan Council. The City of Ramsey Utility Department will be doing their semiannual flushing of water mains beginning Monday, October 6 through Friday, October 24. Please be aware that this flushing, while necessary, will create a disturbance in the system causing low pressure. It may also discolor your water due to iron, but it is fit for human consumption. It may stain clothes that are being washing, so to alleviate this problem, you may want to fill your washer with water and check on its clarity before adding your clothes. We appreciate your patience and regret any inconvenience this may cause. If you have questions or comments, please contact Utility Supervisor John Nelson at 763-433-9861 or jnelson@ci.ramsey. Free Homework Help Youth First Community of Promise believes all youth can achieve school success. We provide a FREE after-school homework help program for Ramsey youth. In addition to a minimum of 30 minutes of homework/prep time, free time activities and a nutritious snack are provided free of charge to all youth that attend programming. The Youth First Neighborhood Center is located at 6701 Hwy 10 NW. Please call for program dates and hours at 763-421-8530 or visit our website at September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 11 4-H Information Night Check out what is happening in Anoka County 4-H! Join us at a 4-H Information Night to learn what 4-H can offer you and your family on Tuesday, September 23, 6:30-8:00 pm at the Bunker Hills Activities Center, 550 Bunker Lake Boulevard NW, Andover. There will be fun, hands-on activities and general information about 4-H. All across Minnesota, kids are learning, growing, and having fun in 4-H Clubs and with 4-H Adventures. 4-H Clubs meet all across Anoka County each month. We can help you find a 4-H club that meets the interests and needs of your family. 4-H lets kids try new things, try new skills, and express themselves through fun hands-on activities. Working on projects helps connect kids with their friends, families, communities, and the world. 4-H helps kids gain confidence and develop life skills that will help them be successful. Want to get involved in 4-H? Whether you want to be an Anoka County 4-H member or adult volunteer, there is a place for you! Call Anoka County 4-H, 763-755-1280 for more information! Check us out on the web at: www. 12 Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 10th Annual 4-H Family Farm Fest Anoka County 4-H will host its 10th Annual 4-H Family Farm Fest on Sunday, September 21. Join us at Waldoch Farm and Garden Center, located at 8194 Lake Drive in Lino Lakes from 12:00 to 4:00 pm for this exciting event! There is an admittance fee of $7 per person, 2 years and under are free. Fee is payable on arrival. Families are invited to attend and learn about agriculture and the environment through a fun day on the farm. Youth of all ages will enjoy a wide variety of hands-on learning activities including making corn husk dolls, apple cider, bunny booth, and much more. Check out the Lino Lakes Canine Unit, all the animals in the barns, and then hop on a hayride around the farm. Also enjoy face painting, corn dig, hay jump, exploring soybeans, pumpkin painting, and many more educational interactive booths. For questions concerning 4-H Farm Fest, please contact the Anoka County Extension office at 763755-1280. Meet the Candidates Forum Voters in Ramsey will have an opportunity to hear from candidates for City Council seats at a forum on Monday, October 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Ramsey City Hall Council Chambers, 7550 Sunwood Drive NW. There are two candidates for council member at large, one candidate for Ward 1, and two candidates for Ward 3 on the November 4 general election ballot. The League of Women Voters ABC (Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids area) is hosting this event to assist voters with meeting the candidates, to learn about candidates positions on City issues, and to have questions answered. The moderator will ask the candidates written questions submitted by the audience in attendance. For voters unable to attend the forum, QCTV will record the event for future showings. Online viewing information will be available at www. All candidates have been invited to attend. In response to voters’ concerns and an updated understanding of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules, if only one candidate in a contested race is in attendance, that candidate will be allowed to present her/his views to voters. The forum will be conducted in a manner that is neutral to all absent candidates. “League of Women Voters ABC has been active in this area for over 70 years,” said Voter Service Co-Chair Geri Nelson. “Candidate forums continue our strong tradition of helping voters obtain information about candidates’ stands on issues.” League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Contacts: Geri Nelson, 763-421-7334 or and Arlene Gillett, 763-434-9567, or Homeowner Education for Septic System Homeowners wanting to better understand, operate, and maintain their septic systems will want to attend a Homeowner Education for Septic Systems program being presented by the University of Minnesota Extension. Hear about water saving ideas, find out if you should be using additives, and get questions answered. This two-hour program will be held Monday, November 17 from 7:00 –9:00 pm at the Bunker Hills Activities Center, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, two miles west of Highway 65 on Bunker Lake Boulevard. The cost to attend is $10. You will receive the University of Minnesota Extension Septic System Owner’s Guide at the class. Pre-registration is required. You can get the flyer and registration form online at If you have any questions, call the University of Minnesota Extension, Anoka County at 763-755-1280 to request the flyer and registration form. Presentation of this program is partially covered by an Anoka County Ag Preserves Grant and is presented by Valerie Prax, Retired Extension Educator. September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 13 “A Newsstand in the Palm of Your Hand” Early Childhood Family Education Would you like “a newsstand in the palm of your hand”? Anoka County Library offers Zinio for Libraries, a free service for digital delivery of magazines. From the library website (, with your valid library card, you can have unlimited access to over 125 complete magazines in digital format, easily viewed on Internet-enabled devices. Zinio electronically recreates magazines, page for page, including full-color pictures, intuitive navigation, keyword searching, and audio/ video. There are no limits on number of checkouts, no due dates, and magazines are always available. Field and Stream, Forbes, Good Housekeeping, National Geographic, O, The Oprah Magazine and Readers Digest are just some of our Zinio titles. Our website provides registration instructions for creating: (1) a library Zinio account to browse titles, and (2) a free account to subscribe and read. Zinio magazines can be read on a broad variety of free apps for computers and mobile devices, including PC, Mac, iPhone/ iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, and Blackberry Playbook. Even devices without an app can display Zinio magazines online through their web browser. For more information, please contact Rum River Library, 4201 6th Ave., Anoka, 763-576-4695 or Zinio is sponsored by Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA). Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) offers high-quality programs created to help you in your parenting efforts. Registration began August 4 but limited openings still remain. Sign up now! • Strengthen your parenting skills. • Discover activities to help your child learn. • See your child thrive and make new friends. • Grandparents are welcome to register for classes with their grandchildren, too. To register, or to learn more, call 763-506-1275 or view our fall brochure on-line at: domian/136<http://www.anoka.k12.> 14 Ramsey Resident • September/October 2014 Head Start Now Enrolling Head Start is a quality preschool program, serving children and families in Anoka and Washington County. There is NO COST to families who participate in the program. Head Start provides educational, health, nutrition and social service assistance to children and their families who are income eligible. A variety of programs are available at no cost. For more information and to obtain an application, call the Anoka/ Washington County Head Start Program at 763-783-4300. I Stepped in Something Squishy I slowly lifted up my foot And turned it to inspect I feared the worst was stuck to me But it was not what I’d expect What I stepped in was a wetland To which I do not object Wetlands serve important functions And deserve your full respect They’re home to critters and cleanse the water ( Just disregard their sound effects) If you step in something squishy, it may be a good thing – a wetland. Because of their values for flood protection, wildlife and water quality, wetlands have protections under state law. Before excavating, filling, or draining, please check with local officials. You can help wetlands and critters by leaving an unmowed buffer around the edges. Published by the Lower Rum River Watershed Management Organization, courtesy of the Anoka Conservation District. September/October 2014 • Ramsey Resident 15 Ramsey Municipal Center 7550 Sunwood Drive NW Ramsey, MN 55303 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Anoka, MN ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER 55303 Permit No. 131 Business Spotlight . . . . Ramsey Seniors Club We are shining a giant spotlight on a local favorite—ACAPULCO! Acapulco is not only our business spotlight for this edition of the Ramsey Resident but also our Ramsey EDA 2014 Business of the Year. Annually, the Economic Development Authority (EDA) works through a list of businesses nominated to be the Business of the Year. It is always a tough decision, as our businesses here in Ramsey stand above the crowd. This year, Acapulco secured the reign. Ramsey Acapulco opened in June of 2010 in the Northstar Marketplace. This family owned business employs over 20 full-time employees and 25 part-time employees. You’ve likely seen them before—sponsoring and partaking in the Ramsey Business Expo, AMOR Bike Run, Ramsey Business Appreciation Golf Tournament, Happy Days, Taste of Community, KinderCare Kitchen Tours, National Night Out and more (the list keeps on going!). Their famous cheese sauce is a delight—and you can’t get it anywhere else. You can enjoy it all on one of their two outdoor patios in a casual, upbeat environment. At every visit you’ll be greeted with a warm welcome and tasty chips and salsa. Please join the Ramey EDA in congratulating Acapulco on being selected as the 2014 Business of the Year! Acapulco plays a vital role in our community and we are thankful to have them in Ramsey! Are you a business that deserves to be in the spotlight (we know you are)? Or do you know one? Reach out to Desiring to connect with Acapulco? Give them a call at 763-269-8195 or visit them at 7988 Sunwood Dr. NW. The Ramsey Seniors Club is a community group who meets regularly on the fourth Thursday of each month at Ramsey Fire Station #1, 15050 Armstrong Boulevard NW, in Ramsey. Meetings feature a variety of interesting programs, followed by a potluck lunch at noon. The Club met at Central Park in July for a mid-summer picnic and in August enjoyed Bingo sponsored by the Women of Today. The Ramsey Seniors Club would like to thank everyone who helps make their meetings a success, and to remind all seniors that they are welcome to attend. The next meetings are September 25 & October 23. Please call 763-4271410 for more information. on the Go Anoka County Library Open to the Public MondayFriday 7:00 am -5:00 pm Ramsey Municipal Center Articles contained on these pages and other areas of this newsletter are for the purpose of providing information about events or initiatives occurring in or bordering the Ramsey community. The city does not necessarily endorse nor subscribe to the beliefs, values, or political affiliations of any of the organizations that may present information in this or other sections of the newsletter. This publication is a community service and the Printed on paper containing city of Ramsey and Youth First Marketing do not make any warranty or endorsement of any kind with regard to the 30% recycled content. services or products of the advertisers herein.
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