Energy Flexible Buildings proposal for new EBC

Energy Flexible Buildings
IEA EBC Annex 67
Operating Agent
Søren Østergaard Jensen
Danish Technological Institute
IDA Bygningsfysik, 25. marts 2015
25% wind power (January 2008
west)2008 vest Danmark 2008)
vind el (Januar
50% wind power (January 2008 (2020)
west)2008 vest Danmark 2008)
50% vind el (Januar
Electricity demand in households
heat pumps
heat pump
ventilation systems
white goods
Office buildings
ventilation systems
cooling systems
Aim of IEA EBC Annex 67
• Increasing knowledge on building Energy
Flexibility and the services buildings can
provide to energy grids
• Identification of critical aspects and possible
solutions to manage the Energy Flexibility that
buildings can provide
• Subtask A: Definitions and Context
• Subtask B: Analysis, Development and Testing
• Subtask C: Demonstration and User Perspectives
Subtask A
Subtask B
Subtask C
• Development of common terminology and definition of “Energy
Flexibility in buildings” and a classification method (STA)
• Investigation of user comfort, motivation and acceptance
associated with the introduction of Energy Flexibility in buildings
(STA and STC)
• Investigation of the Energy Flexibility potential in different
buildings and contexts, and development of design guidelines,
control strategies and algorithms (STB)
• Investigation of the aggregated Energy Flexibility of buildings
and the potential effect on energy grids (STB)
• Demonstration of Energy Flexibility through experimental and
field studies (STB and STC)
Core team
Operating Agent:
Søren Østergaard Jensen, Danish Technological Institute,
Subtask A:
Subtask leader:
Roberto Lollini, EURAC, Italy
Co-subtask leader: Armin Knotzer, AEE Institute for Sustainable
Technologies, Austria
Daniel Aeleni, Universidade Nove de Lisboa, Portugal
Subtask B:
Subtask leader:
Doreen Kalz, Fraunhofer ISE, Germany
Co-subtask leader: Bart Bleys, BBRI, Belgium
Igor Sartori, SINTEF / NTNU, Norway
Subtask C:
Subtask leader:
Anne Stafford, Leeds Becket University, UK
Co-subtask leader: Wim Zeiler, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The
Likelihood of contry participation
Interested institutions
Tentative deliverables
Time schedule
June 2014 – June 2015: Preparation phase
June 2015 – June 2018: Working phase
June 2018 – June 2019: Reporting phase
First preparation workshop:
September 8-9, 2014 in Basel
Second preparation workshop:
March 19-20, 2015, Brusselles
First expert meeting:
September-October 2015