BHARAT SANCHARNIGAM LIMITED OFFICE CORPORATE . I SECTION) (PERSONNEL No.354-1/2014Persl %3rdocrober,2014 Q_&qE R Subject:Retirementon superannuationon 31-1A-2014(A/N) - Caseof ExecutivesofAGM/DE equivalent gradeofTelecomOperationStream_ Regarding. The following AGM/DE Dxecutives of Adhoc/ Regutar equivalent grade of Telecom Operation Stream permanently absorbed in BSNL are permitted to retire from BSNL Services on attaining the age of r t i o n $ r . e . f . 3 11 0 2 0 1 4 l A Date of Remarks Circle Design. Jtaff No./ Sl. No. Birth (Shri/Smt.l HRMS No. 1. 2. 3. 197403t\8 197?03430 BIHAR 09-0ct-54 CHENNAITD 06-0ct-S4 NAR4YAN PUNJALA VTJAYKUMAR D.E. D.E. D.E. r97807740 24 Acl:54 ATMAR-AM PATEL CIIHANALAL A.CM 191146495 194217373 GUJAMT GUJAMT MISHRILALPASWAN 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. A.GM A.C.M 23-oct54 197907588 M K SHIMPI D.E. !97104767 08-Oct54 SS(ULKARNI A.GM 197704723 01-Nov-54 (UMARSHRIVASTAVA SANTOSII MUMRI L,\LACARWAL A,GM D.E. t97601571 \97547036 197400501 197600051 197500095 M VEERAMANI D.E, t2. A.GM 13. 74.* A.GM RVSINCH 19?643660 t\4P -23-0ct54 10-0ct-54 TAMILNADU TAMILNADU TAMILNADU 30-0ct'54 19 0c.'54 12-0ct-54 Withheld *The vigilance clearance in tespect of the of{icet marked et Sl. No. 14 is withheld. The concerned eircle ia requested to regulate their provisional pension in accordancewith the relevant provisions of ccs lPensionl Rules, 1972, The officersshall be givenoniy prcvisionalpension and the DCRGand CVPin shall be withheld till the conclusion of the vigilance/disciplinary case as per CCS respect of the officers j P e o s i o nRl u l c s '. q 7 2 . It has been certilied that retirement order a-rebeing issued on the basis of Vigilance Clealance received from the CVO, BSNL. However, if any, vigilance/discipLinary case comes to the notice, only provisional pension may be granted to the officer(s) concerned a]ld their DCRG aI'Id cvP qrithheld till the conclusion of the vigilance / disciplinary case(s) as per CCS {Pension) Rules, 1972. Such cases should be brought to the notice of CVO, BSNL, and GM (Pers)BSNL, C.O. New Delhi irnmediately. lf the name of any other STS/DE Offrcer, who is due for retirement on superannuation on 31- 10 2014 (A/Nl but is not included in the above 1ist, May also, be retired on superannuation on provisional basis. The names of such AGMS/DEs may be intimated to this office- Cont.,....2l- This has the approval of the Competent Copy of Charge Relinquishing report mav b --sr\t {KeshavKuma Deputy Manager (P! Telepfrone No 23O3 I'AX No. 2373- 4 Copyto:1. The CGMSconcerned /CAO 2. Oflicer concerired (through 3. Director (HR)/GM (Pers)BSN 4. Pension/Pay bill section, BSN 5. CVO, DoT/Sr DDG (Estt)/CS 6. CVO, BSNL. 7. order Bundle I
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