l COMPOSITE BULLETIN OF AGROMETEOROLOGICAL ADVISORY KARNATAKA STATE ISSUED BY METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, BENGALURU (IMD) IN COLLABORATION WITH STATE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT & AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES OF KARNATAKA FOR THE PERIOD 08TH TO 12TH NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUED ON FRIDAY, THE 07TH NOVEMBER 2014 AGROCLIMATIC ZONES OF THE STATE SL. AGROCLIMATIC ZONE NO. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DISTRICTS North East Transition Zone Bidar Northeastern Dry Zone Gulbarga, Raichur, Bellary, Yadgir, Koppal Northern Dry Zone Bijapur, Gadag, Bagalkot Central Dry Zone Tumkur, Chitradurga, Davangere Eastern Dry Zone Bengaluru Rural, Bengaluru Urban, Kolar, Ramanagara , Chikballapura Southern Dry Zone Mysore, Mandya, Chamarajanagar, Kodagu Southern Transition Zone Hassan, Shimoga, Chikmagalur North Transition Zone Dharwad, Belgaum, Haveri Hill Zone Uttara Kannada Coastal Zone Dakshina Kannada, Udupi AGROMET FIELD UNIT (AMFU) LOCATION Bidar Raichur Bijapur Hiriyur Bengaluru Naganhalli Shimoga Dharwad Sirsi Bramhavar WEEKLY RAINFALL STATISTICS SEASONAL RAINFALL STATISTICS Summary for the past 4 days over the State On 03rd, rainfall occurred at isolated places over Coastal Karnataka & South Interior Karnataka. Dry weather prevailed over North Interior Karnataka. Minimum temperatures were below normal at many places being appreciably so at a few places over North Interior Karnataka; below normal at a few places over Coastal Karnataka and were normal over South Interior Karnataka. On 04th, rainfall occurred at isolated places over Coastal Karnataka & South Interior Karnataka. Dry weather prevailed over North Interior Karnataka. Minimum temperatures were appreciably below normal at many places over Interior Karnataka being markedly so at a few places over North Interior Karnataka and below normal at many places over Coastal Karnataka. On 05th, Dry weather prevailed over the State. Minimum temperatures were appreciably below normal at many places being markedly so at a few places over North Interior Karnataka; below normal at most places being appreciably so at many places over South Interior Karnataka and were normal over Coastal Karnataka. On 06th, Dry weather prevailed over the State. Minimum temperatures were appreciably below normal at many places being markedly so at a few places over South Interior Karnataka; appreciably below normal at a few places over North Interior Karnataka and remained normal over Coastal Karnataka. Lowest Minimum Temperature: Chamarajanagar recorded 12.1oC on 06.11.2014. State Rainfall forecast: Day 1 November 08th : Dry weather would prevail over the State. Day 2 November 09th : Dry weather would prevail over the State. Day 3 November 10th: Dry weather would prevail over the State. Outlook: Rise in minimum temperature is expected over Interior Karnataka. No significant change is expected over Coastal Karnataka. Rainfall forecast for the next five days 08.11.14 to 10.11.14 11.11.14 12.11.14 PART II AGRICULTURAL ADVISORIES VEGETABLES Districts Bidar Gulbarga Yadgir Koppal Bellary Raichur Bijapur Bagalkote Gadag Tumkur Chitradurga Davangere Bengaluru (R) Bengaluru (U) Chikballapura Kolar Ramanagar Chamarajnagar Kodagu Mandya Mysore Hassan Shimoga Chikmagalur Belgaum Dharwad Haveri VG GN/TU CI F/FI F/FI F/FI Uttara Kannada Dakshina Kannada Udupi HORTICULTURAL CROPS Districts Bidar Gulbarga Yadgir Koppal Bellary Raichur Bijapur Bagalkote Gadag Tumkur Chitradurga Davangere Bengaluru (R) Bengaluru (U) Chikballapura Kolar Chamarajnagar Kodagu Mandya Ramanagara Mysore Hassan Shimoga Chikmagalur MG GR CH CO VG VG,F VG VG,T VG VG F/M F/M F/M BA PG WM CW Belgaum Dharwad Haveri Uttara Kannada Dakshina Kannada Udupi CROPS Districts Bidar Gulbarga Yadgir Koppal Raichur Bellary Bijapur Bagalkote Gadag Tumkur Chitradurga Davangere Bengaluru (R) Bengaluru (U) Chikballapura GN SC Rg S SOR COT BG/GG/RG COP S F S/F S BD S/F S BD S/F S BD S/F S BD S/F S F S/F S V S V S V S MZ S S S S S S SF S S S S S S S S S S PD V GF GF GF V S S S S H T,E T,E F,PF Ts,PM F,PF Ts,M PF,PM T,E F,PF VG,Ts PF,PM VG, T,E VG, T,E F,PF VG,Ts VG,F VG,Ts Kolar PF,PM Ramanagar Chamarajnagar VG,T TI Kodagu TI Mandya Mysore Hassan TI TI Shimoga WH SB AN S M S M S PD F H PD F H TI/PI TI/PI H H Chikmagalur PD F Belgaum PF/PD GG S Dharwad PF/PD GG S Haveri Uttara Kannada GG VG VG VG Bf/P H TI/PI H S M/H M/H Ti Udupi Dakshina Kannada LEGEND CROP/VEGETABLE NAMES: GN-Groundnut, M-Maize, AN-Areca nut, COP-Cowpea, BG-Black Gram, GG-Green Gram, RG-Red Gram, SC-Sugarcane, CP-Chickpea, SOR-Sorghum, SB-Soya bean, WM-Watermelon, VG-Vegetables, CI-Chili, SF-Safflower ;RI: Rice ;PD: Paddy; MG: Mango, CH: Chico, CW: Cashew; GR: Grapes, COT: Cotton; BA: Banana; PG: Pomegranate; GN: Ginger; TU:Turmeric CROP STAGES T: Transplanting, F: Flowering, GF: Grain filling, FM: Fruit maturity G: Germination, EV: Early vegetative, VG: Vegetative growth, BM: Boll maturity, Pi: Picking, FLI: Flag leaf initiation, PF: Pod formation, PM: Pod Maturity, CRI: Crown root initiation, B: Branching, FD: Fruit Development, H: Harvesting, LJI: Late jointing Stage. M: Maturation, R: Ripening. CI: Cob initiation F& FS: Flowering to fruit setting, HE: Head emergence, MS : Milking stage P: Planting, FI: Filling, GM: Grain Maturation, R: Ripening, FR: Fruiting, TI: Tillering, ; BF: Bud formation; PI: Panicle Initiation; S: Sowing; GG: Grand Growth; NUF & M: Nut formation and Maturity; JU: Juvinile; LP: Land preparation; NM: Nut Maturity, NU: Nursery; KH: Knee high ; Sd: Seedling stage; B: Branching; Sq: Square formation; Re: Reproductive; Pe: Pegging; PoI: Pod Initiation; Ts: Tasselling; E: Establishment; PgI: Peg Initiation; PL:Ploughing; HD: Hard dough stage; Ra: Ratoon; Fr: Fruiting ADVISORIES NORTH EAST TRANSITION ZONE, BIDAR BIDAR Bulletin yet to be received NORTHEASTERN DRY ZONE, RAICHUR GULBARGA/ YADGIR/ RAICHUR/ KOPPAL/ BELLARY Bulletin yet to be received NORTHERN DRY ZONE, BIJAPUR BIJAPUR /BAGALKOTE • Plant Protection : Take up plant protection measures. Sowing : Sowing of chickpea, Dicoccum wheat and wheat under irrigated condition should be completed at the earliest. • The weather is good for taking up pruning in grapes. So, pruning may be taken up. Soil and moisture conservation : • • Sow the crop in rows across the slope. This will facilitate better conservation of moisture in the soil. Take up repair of bunds, check dams and water storage structures Livestock management : • • • Vaccinate livestock against Foot and Mouth disease (FMD vaccination), Black Quarter disease (BC vaccination) and Haemorrhagic Septcaemia. Maintain sufficient moisture in the Vermin-compost pits. Vaccinate (ET vaccine) sheep and goats against Enterotoximia. Agro advisories Field crops: Sunflower Seed hardening and seed Treatment in chickpea Sugar cane To manage leaf eating caterpillers, first remove and destroy the leaves having clusters of egg or caterpillers and then take up spraying of take up spraying of 2.0 ml Quinolphos or 0.3 ml Indaxicarb dissolved in one liter of water. To manage, powdery midew, take up spraying of 1 ml Dipenconazone dissolved in one liter of water. Repeat the same spray after 15 days. To manage mosaic virus disease, remove and destroy the affected palnts ns then take up spraying of 0.25 Imidachloprid ( 17.8 SL) dissolved in one liter of water. Before sowing, soak the seeds being used for one acre in 2 per cent Calcium Chloride for 30minits and shade dry for 7 hours to induce drought resistance in the seed. After this treat the seeds with 500 gram Rhizobium and 500 gram Phosphrus solubilising bacteria. This will improve the germination percentage, vigour of the seedlings and yield. In addition, it will induce drought resistance in the crop and also help to save 25 per cent Nitrogen requirement of the crop. To manage root grub, mix 10 kg of Metrazium in dry and friable farm yard manure and broadcast in one acre of land. To control Pod borer insect, the following measures should be followed. Erect the branched wooden poles (taller then the crop) in redgram field so as to facilitate the birds to sit on it and they can easily see the larvae of Heliothis pod borer and eat them. • Install 4-5 Furomen traps in ane acre of pigeonpea field. If more then 10 moths are found per trap or one to two eggs or one larva of pets are found on the flowering plant, then take up contarol measures. • If more then one egg of the pest are noticed per plant, take up spraying of ovicidal insecticide Methomyl 40 SP, 0.75 gram or Prophenophas 50 EC, 2 ml dissolved in one liter of water. • If more then one larvae are found per plant- shake the plant vigorously- collect the larvae fallen on the ground and kill them. • Remove the grown up larvae by hand picking and kill. • As second spray, spray the crop with 5 per cent neem seed extract or 0.5 per cent chilli extract or 0.25 per cent garlic extract. If the neem seeds are not available, then, take up spraying of any neem based insecticide at the rate of 2 ml per liter of water. • As a third spray, take up spraying of NPV, bio insecticide, at the rate of 100 LE per acre i.e., 0.75 ml per liter of water. Mix 100 gram blue powder and 500 gram Jaggery to the solution being used for one acre. Take up spraying in the early morning or late evening hours. • As a fourth spray, take up spraying of 1 ml Monocrotophos or 2.5 ml Chlorpyriphos or 2 ml Quinolphos dissolved in one liter of water. • Do not use the same insecticide repeatedly. • Purchase the insecticides from authorized seller only. • Use only hand operated pumps for spraying. Do not use power sprayer or battery operated pumps. Remove the grown up larvae by hand picking and kill To manage Phytopthera Blight, take up spraying of 2.5 g Ridomyl Gold dissolved in one liter of water. To manage wilt and sterility mosaic diseases, take up spraying of 2 gram Carbandizeme and 2 ml Dicofal dissolved in one liter of water. To manage thrips, take up spraying of 1.7 ml Dimethoate (30 EC) dissolved in one liter of water. • Pigeonpea Onion HORTICULTURE CROPS: To manage Bacterial blight disease in pomegranate, spray the crop with Streptomycin Sulphate 0.5 g. + Copper oxy-chloride 2 g. + 2 g. Blitox dissolved in one liter water. Then take up spraying of micro nutrients viz., 1 g. Zinc Sulphate + 1 g. Magnessium Sulphate + 1 g. Barax + 1 g. Calcium dissolved in one liter of water. Remove the dried twigs and branches and then take up spraying of 1 % Bordo mixture to manage Canker disease. To manage leaf minor pest, spray the crop with 0.3 ml Imidachloprid dissolved in one liter of water or spray with 3 per cent bio-digester solution. Pomegranate Lime • Grape Tomato The weather is good for taking up pruning in grapes. So, pruning may be taken up. Before taking up October pruning, remove the dead bark of the main stem of the vine by rubbing with gunny bag and then apply 5 per cent need based insecticide or smear the past prepared by dissolving 50 gram Carbary in one liter of water to the stem. After pruning, smear 2 per cent Hydrogen Cynamide paste to the terminal 3-4 buds. This will facilitate, sprouting of buda. To manage fungal diseases, take up spraying of 1 per cent Bordax mixture 2-3 days after pruning and to manage Anthracnose disease, take up spraying of I ml Thiophenate Methyl dissolved in one liter of water. To manage leaf curl disease take up spraying of 1 gram Acetamaprid dissolved in four liter of water. To manage leaf spot disease take up spraying of 1 ml Hexaconazole dissolved in one liter of water. GADAG Plant Protection : Take up plant protection measures. Sowing : Sowing of Chickpea and under irrigated condition wheat may be taken up Harvesting : Harvest the matured groundnut crop may be taken up after five days, since there is possibility of rainfall during the coming five days. Soil and moisture conservation : • • Take up repeated intercultivation in already sown crops to conserve soil moisture and to control weeds. Repair of bunds, water retention structures should be taken up. Agro advisories Field crops: Sunflower To manage leaf eating caterpillers, first remove and destroy the leaves having clusters of egg or caterpillers and then take up spraying of take up spraying of 2.0 ml Quinolphos or 0.3 ml Indaxicarb dissolved in one liter of water. To manage, powdery midew, take up spraying of 1 ml Dipenconazone dissolved in one liter of water. Repeat the same spray after 15 days. To manage mosaic virus disease, remove and destroy the affected palnts ns then take up spraying of 0.25 Imidachloprid ( 17.8 SL) dissolved in one liter of water. Seed hardening and seed Treatment in chickpea Before sowing, soak the seeds being used for one acre in 2 per cent Calcium Chloride for 30minits and shade dry for 7 hours to induce drought resistance in the seed. After this treat the seeds with 500 gram Rhizobium and 500 gram Phosphrus solubilising bacteria. This will improve the germination percentage, vigour of the seedlings and yield. In addition, it will induce drought resistance in the crop and also help to save 25 per cent Nitrogen requirement of the crop. To control Pod borer insect, the following measures should be followed. Pigeonpea • Erect the branched wooden poles (taller then the crop) in redgram field so as to facilitate the birds to sit on it and they can easily see the larvae of Heliothis pod borer and eat them. • Install 4-5 Furomen traps in ane acre of pigeonpea field. If more then 10 moths are found per trap or one to two eggs or one larva of pets are found on the flowering plant, then take up contarol measures. • If more then one egg of the pest are noticed per plant, take up spraying of ovicidal insecticide Methomyl 40 SP, 0.75 gram or Prophenophas 50 EC, 2 ml dissolved in one liter of water. • If more then one larvae are found per plant- shake the plant vigorously- collect the larvae fallen on the ground and kill them. • Remove the grown up larvae by hand picking and kill. • As second spray, spray the crop with 5 per cent neem seed extract or 0.5 per cent chilli extract or 0.25 per cent garlic extract. If the neem seeds are not available, then, take up spraying of any neem based insecticide at the rate of 2 ml per liter of water. • As a third spray, take up spraying of NPV, bio insecticide, at the rate of 100 LE per acre i.e., 0.75 ml per liter of water. Mix 100 gram blue powder and 500 gram Cotton Onion • • • • Jaggery to the solution being used for one acre. Take up spraying in the early morning or late evening hours. • As a fourth spray, take up spraying of 1 ml Monocrotophos or 2.5 ml Chlorpyriphos or 2 ml Quinolphos dissolved in one liter of water. • Do not use the same insecticide repeatedly. • Purchase the insecticides from authorized seller only. • Use only hand operated pumps for spraying. Do not use power sprayer or battery operated pumps. Remove the grown up larvae by hand picking and kill To manage Phytopthera Blight, take up spraying of 2.5 g Ridomyl Gold dissolved in one liter of water. To manage sucking pests spray the crop with, 1.75 ml Dimetoate or 2.5 ml Chlorpyriphos or 2 ml Quinolphos dissolved in one liter of water. To manage thrips, take up spraying of 1.7 ml Dimethoate (30 EC) dissolved in one liter of water. Livestock management : Vaccinate livestock against Foot and Mouth disease (FMD vaccination), Black Quarter disease (BC vaccination) and Haemorrhagic Septcaemia. Care should be taken that excess moisture is not there in the Vermin-compost pits. Vaccinate (ET vaccine) sheep and goats against Enterotoximia. CENTRAL DRY ZONE, HIRIYUR CHITRADURGA/DAVANGERE Banana Before sowing, soak the every one Kg of sunflower seeds in a solution prepared by dissolving 30 g of Calcium Chloride in 1.5 liter of water for 6 hours, shade dry and treat with Imidachloprid insecticide at the rate of 5.0 g and Azospirilum at the rate of 40 g of per Kg of seed. This will improve the germination percentage, vigour of the seedlings and yield. In addition, it will induce drought resistance in the crop and also help to save 25 per cent Nitrogen requirement of the crop. Drench with carbendazim @ 1.0 g/litre of water to control panama wilt. Pomegranate • Sunflower • To manage Bacterial blight disease, spray the crop with Streptomycin Sulphate 0.5 g.+ Copper oxy-chloride 2 g. dissolved in one liter water. Then take up spraying of micro nutrients viz., 1 g. Zinc Sulphate + 1 g. Magnesium Sulphate + 1 g. Borax + 1g. Calcium dissolved in one liter of water. To manage leaf and fruit spot disease, spray the crop with 2 ml Chlorothonil dissolved in one liter of water. To manage sucking pests, spray the crop with 0.3 ml Imidachloprid dissolved in one litre of water. Farmers are advised to take up spraying of Dimethoate 2 ml/lit of water to control Mealy bug infestation in Papaya plantations • Papaya TUMKUR Banana Due to cold climate sucking pest problem in cotton is more to control these spray one month old cotton crop with 1.7 ml Dimethoate 30 EC or 2.0 ml methyl demeton in one liter of water to protect against sucking insects. Before sowing, soak the every one Kg of sunflower seeds in a solution prepared by dissolving 30 g of Calcium Chloride in 1.5 liter of water for 6 hours, shade dry and treat with Imidachloprid insecticide at the rate of 5.0 g and Azospirilum at the rate of 40 g of per Kg of seed. This will improve the germination percentage, vigour of the seedlings and yield. Inaddition, it will induce drought resistance in the crop and also help to save 25 per cent Nitrogen requirement of the crop. Suggested to take up Normal sowings of short duration Finger millet Varieties like Indaf5, Indaf-9, and GPU-28. Drench with carbendazim @ 1.0 g/litre of water to control panama wilt. Pomegranate • Cotton Sunflower Ragi To manage Bacterial blight disease, spray the crop with Streptomycin Sulphate 0.5 g.+ Copper oxy-chloride 2 g. dissolved in one liter water. Then take up spraying of micro nutrients viz., 1 g. Zinc Sulphate + 1 g. Magnessium Sulphate + 1 g. Barax + 1g. Calcium dissolved in one liter of water. To manage leaf and fruit spot disease, spray the crop with 2 ml Chlorothonil dissolved in one liter of water. • To manage sucking pests, spray the crop with 0.3 ml Imidachloprid dissolved in one litre of water. Farmers are advised to take up spraying of Dimethoate 2 ml/lit of water to control Mealy bug infestation in Papaya plantations • Papaya EASTERN DRY ZONE, BENGALURU BENGALURU URBAN/ BENGALURU RURAL Crop Stage/ Condition Pest and Disease Agro advisories Agriculture crop Sowing/cultural Groundnut: Cloudy weather and light rainfall forecasted, advised to take up operation precautionary measures for control of tikka(spray 0.5gm/lit carbendiazim) Redgram: Advised to spray Methomyl or Indoxicarb@ 2.0 ml/litre of water to control Pod borers. Advised for mite control to spray Dicofol @ 2.0 ml/litre of water. Variety for Procure good quality of seeds in Raita Samparka Kendra (RSK), Agricultural Rabi sowing University or Krishi Vigyan Kendra :- Horse gram KBH-1, PHG-9 Animal Husbandry Maintain the optimum room temperature in Sericulture, Poultry and Dairy unit. Vaccinate the cow against the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) RAMANAGARA/ CHIKBALLAPURA/ KOLAR Crop Stage/ Condition Pest and Agro advisories Disease Agriculture crop Sowing/cultural Groundnut: Cloudy weather and light rainfall forecasted, advised to take up precautionary measures for control of tikka(spray 0.5gm/lit carbendiazim) operation Redgram: Advised to spray Methomyl or Indoxicarb@ 2.0 ml/litre of water to control Pod borers. Advised for mite control to spray Dicofol @ 2.0 ml/litre of water. Procure good quality of seeds in Raita Samparka Kendra (RSK), Agricultural Variety for late University or Krishi Vigyan Kendra :- Cowpea : C-152, TVX-944, Field bean : Kharif sowing HA-3, HA-4 Animal Husbandry Maintain the optimum room temperature in Sericulture, Poultry and Dairy unit. SOUTHERN DRY ZONE, NAGANHALLI MYSORE/MANDYA/CHAMARAJNAGARA / KODAGU Bulletin yet to be received SOUTHERN TRANSITION ZONE, SHIMOGA SHIMOGA/HASSAN/CHIKMAGALUR Crops/ Components Paddy Stage / Condition Tillering/panicle initiation stage Pest and Disease Blast and sheath blight Brown leaf Agro advisories Farmers are advised to go spraying of Trycyclozole @0.6 gm/lit or Carbendizim 1g/lit for blast For sheath blight spray Hexaconozole @ 1 ml/lit Spray Mancozeb 2 g/litre or Carbendizim 1g/lit spot Stem borer Maize Groundnut Harvesting stage Pod development stage Spray Chloropyriphos 20 EC 1 ml/lit. Udubatta Uproot the infected plants and burn. Sheath rot Foliar spray at 0.2% concentration Pseudomonas fluorescens commencing from 45 days after transplanting at 10 days interval for 3 times depending upon the intensity of disease. Application of potash at tillering stage is also recommended. Spray Carbendazim 250 g or Chlorothalonil 1 kg or Edifenphos 1 lit/ha. Foliar spraying with Benomyl and copper oxychloride were also found to be effective. Leaf minor Caterpillars damage Tikka disease Termites Redgram Flowering stage Wilt Arecanut Harvesting Yellow leaf disease Koleroga Anabe roga (Ganoderma) Mites Inflorescence bug Hidimundige disease Nut Harvest the cobs which are attained maturity. Spray Carbaryl 50WP 0.2%Spray or Dimethoate 30 EC (2 ml/lit). spray Carbaryl 50% WP or quinalphos 25 EC @ 1250 ml/ha or 500 ml. Recommended to spray Carbendizim or capton @1 g/lit Apply Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1.3% to control termites. Uproot and burn the infected plant Physical condition of the soil should be improved by deep digging and adding sand/organic matter. In heavy sticky soils, gypsum @ 500 kg / ha may not be incorporated, once in two years prior to normal fertilizer application. Adequate drainage should be provided, especially during monsoon season. Phyto-sanitary and plan-protection measures should be adopted to control Anabe, bud rot, spindle bud and mite infestation. Sun-scorching of the stem should be avoided by covering with arecanut leaves or painting with lime slurry. Application of NPK fertilizers as per schedule along with lime and zinc @ 8.5 g each per palm. Spray 1% Bordeaux mixture or 3 g copper oxychloride or Metalaxyl + Mancozeb 72 WP 2 g per liter water Pouring of 0.3% of Calixin in 15-20 litre of water at three month intervals or root feeding of 1.5% calixin solution or drench Hexaconozole (Contof) solution @ 1 ml/lit. As a precautionary measure spray dicofol @ 2.5 ml / litre of water or Sulphur @ 4g/litre of water. Spray Thimethiote 30 E C @1.7 ml/litre Spray 225 gm/palm equal proportion of copper sulphate + lime twice in a year Application of borax (2 g/litre of water) during early stages of the drop/splitting Stem bleeding Coconut Flowering/ Maturity Mites Leaf eating caterpiller Rhizome Rot Stem borer Anthracnose in turmeric disease reduces splitting. Improve drainage in ill drained gardens Improving the drainage may help in minimizing its incidence. Scooping out the affected portions and application of coal tar or Bordeaux paste @ 1% is effective to reduce the incidence. Spray water soluble sulphur @ 5 g/liter of water or spray a mixture of neem oil (20 ml) + garlic solution (20 g) + soap powder solution (5 g) per liter of water to the coconut flower and fruit bunch. Spray 1.7 ml Dimethoate 30 EC or 1 ml Monocrotophos 36 SL or 2 ml Melathion 50 EC/litre of water Go for drenching of 3 g copper oxychloride 50 WP/liter for the infected rhizomes. Spray 1.7 ml Dimethoate 30 EC or 1 ml Monocrotophos 36 SL or 2 ml Melathion 50 EC/litre of water Spray 2% Mancozeb or 0.1% Carbendizim/ liter of water NORTH TRANSITION ZONE, DHARWAD BELGAUM/DHARWAD/HAVERI Bulletin yet to be received HILL ZONE, SIRSI UTTARA KANNADA Bulletin yet to be received COASTAL ZONE, BRAMHAVAR UDUPI/DAKSHINA KANNADA Bulletin yet to be received
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