Document 396157

First Presbyterian Church Saint Joseph, Missouri, 64501
Holding forth the word of life
Shedding Some Light on Poverty
Smart Money, Smart Kids
in two WNL classes this month
Poverty in America and Kosher in the Mediterranean: The Early Church
Community In the Book of Acts and How It Challenges Our Assumptions
About Poverty – led by Rev. Tom Russell and Rev. Krista Kiger
This study of the book of Acts will explore how the early church
community created patterns of inclusivity and diversity that welcomed
all no matter their social standing. We will then build a bridge, using
aspects of Krista’s Doctor of Ministry thesis, to how we as the church
can build a more inclusive and diverse community today. Please fill out the form below to register.
Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money, Smart Kids Book Study – led by Heather and Sam Knapp
We will be offering a book study of Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruz’s book Smart Money, Smart Kids.
This book study is particularly for parents (or grandparents) of children and teens who seek to teach their
children how to be responsible with money and how to handle money in God’s way. The cost of the class,
including the book, will be $20 per household. Please register by filling out the form below and dropping in
the offertory along with your check made payable to First Presbyterian Church, or contact the church office.
Both classes will meet Nov. 5, 12, 19, and Dec. 3
(we will not meet Thanksgiving week).
Dessert is served at 6:45pm … classes from 7:00 - 8:15pm.
Free child care is provided, but families must pre-register!
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
I will attend (please indicate class below):
______ Poverty in America & Kosher in the Mediterranean
______ Smart Money, Smart Kids
I will need childcare for ____ child(ren), age(s) ________________
November 2014
With God all things are possible
With God all things are
With God
God with
God with us - Emmanuel
All things are possible with God
Dear Friends,
November will have two very powerful bookends
for us. We will start November with our All Saints
Remembrance Service. I have always been very
moved by the service, but last year was the first
time I remembered a family member – my dad.
And I realized how powerful the service is as one
who lost a loved one. This year we will again
remember those from our church family who have
died this past year as well as friends and relatives
of our church family who have died this past year.
Advent begins at the end of November. Our theme
for Advent is encapsulated in the poetic rendering
from above. A theme that comes out of the Advent
readings has to do with the reality that all things are
possible with God. The most powerful “thing” God
made possible was Emmanuel – God choosing to be
with us in a powerful and intimate way. This will be
the basis for our Advent Journey.
I thank you for your support and prayers while my
son, Sidney, and grandson, Adam, are with me.
Sidney is receiving treatment for a skin disease and
will probably be here well into December. Having
Adam is icing on the cake. Sidney, Adam, and I will
take a week to travel to Texas for the week before
Thanksgiving. Jackie Thomas will be your preacher
on November 23, but I will be back with you the
first Sunday of Advent.
All Saints Remembrances
These members of our church, family members
and close friends will be remembered in our
All Saints Service on November 2.
Margaret A. Betz
Tom Bireline
Burl Boyce
Jack Capps
Jim Conlon
James Garrison
Anne Gray
Glen K. Harding
Enid Lowenberg
Donna Nolf
Virginia White-Davis
Jan Young
Peace - Krista
Meet our new members:
Juanita, Sarah and Ben, Mary, Mike and Peggy
Juanita Boyce had been worshipping with us for awhile before she felt she would have
time to become a member. Her husband was suffering from cancer and his care took
up most of her time. He died earlier this year. Her son is a doctor with Mosiac Health
Systems and they moved here to be closer to him. She has already joined the
Wednesday morning Bible Study and joined the Wednesday Night Lights group
looking at ways to use modern media efficiently. Juanita is living at Corby Place.
She usually sits close to the front of the church on the south side. Say hello to her
next time she is in church.
Sarah Campbell and Ben Rops will be married May 2, 2015, but they decided to
become members now. Sarah is a St. Joe native, but Ben moved to St. Joseph from
Lennox, South Dakota to become the transfer coordinator at Missouri Western, a
job that he says, ”Keeps me very busy.” He met Sarah when she was also working at
MWSU as an admissions counselor. She has recently taken a job at Altech in HR
and is also working in recruiting. Ben is interested in Bible Study while Sarah would
enjoy joining a prayer group. Ben is interested in finance, building and grounds and
the music program and Sarah would like to find a way to work with Food for Kids.
Mary King has lived in St. Joseph for over 30 years, but decided to join First
Presbyterian when she first visited the Bible Study group that meets at Meadowview.
She has another family tie with the church because brother-in-law and sister-in-law,
Bob and Susan Fay, are also members. Mary grew up in western Pennsylvania. Before
retirement she worked for a time at Missouri Western. Since she and Jody like to come to
church and since neither no longer drives, Lynne Dickens has been playing chauffer for
them. Mary and Jody sit on the south side of the church, so stop and greet them.
Mike and Peggy Lane were members of the Sanctuary choir before they became
members of this church. Peggy said, “We looked at the church’s website and felt
this might be a good church to visit.” After that Sunday visit, they joined the choir the
following week. The Lanes came to St. Joseph to accept positions with the Craig
Business School - Mike as Dean of the school and Peggy as professor dealing with
information systems. They moved here from Emporia, but Mike grew up in Boston
and Peggy hails from Arkansas. They met at Bradley University. They are already
loyal members of the choir, but hope as time allows to become involved in other
Adult Christian Education
Sunday Morning Sunday School
New Sunday Morning Adult Study begins Nov. 16 –
With God, All Things Are Possible: Advent Bible
Study. We will study the lectionary texts for Advent.
We will study Advent I on Nov. 16,
we will not meet on Nov. 23,
we will study Advent II on Nov. 30,
Advent IV on Dec. 7,
we will not meet Dec. 14,
and we will study the Epiphany Texts on Dec. 21.
The Sunday Morning Adult study begins at 9:15am
in the Library.
Young Adults
Seeking God Together
As a young adult, do you struggle sometimes to
understand where God is leading you? Do you
wonder about your relationships and how to live a life
of integrity and meaning? Do you have a sense
of purpose in your life’s journey, your career,
your studies?
Please join us for conversation, sharing, and prayer
in a “safe place” where “what is said here, stays
here” as we seek God together as a young adult
small group.
Krista’s house—2805 Felix Street-
(just east of Noyes Blvd)
Sunday, November 16 — 7:00 p.m.
Snacks and drinks provided!
St. Joe Serve
Several of us volunteered with St. Joe Serve in the
north side of town in late September. We worked
along side many other churches to clean up yards,
rebuild brick sidewalks and many other helpful tasks.
Our crew mostly did yard clean up in a lovely ladies
yard, cut back her roses and even took her some
flowers from the garden! Thanks to our team: Tracy
& Jeannie Miller, Krista Kiger, Sam & Heather
Knapp, Karen Parham, Toppy Bainter and Leanne
This group is open to high school seniors, college
students, and other 20-somethings!
Many hands do indeed make light work.
The Vulnerable Take Center Stage In Anti-Ebola Campaign
In furtherance of the anti-Ebola campaign, Love
Beyond Borders (LBB) is now serving the vulnerable,
Similarly, on Thursday, October 2, 2014, Dr. Young
accompanied by staff members of Love Beyond
the various communities in Monrovia and its environs. Borders donated several bags of rice to the UMC
At the head of the LBB Team, Rev. Dr. Yatta Young, Liberia managed Old Folks Home outside of Monrovia.
President and Chief Executive Officer visited Liberia
Presenting the rice, Dr. Young said though her
Education Children Foundation Orphanage within the passion was children ministry, she felt compelled to
New Georgia Community and the Charles Edward
make the donation to the old folks’ home because the
Britt Old Folks Home belonging to the United
Ebola virus crisis has diverted the nation’s attention
Methodist Church in Liberia and distributed food
from the vulnerable people of the communities,
items including rice and clothing and shoes. Earlier,
especially children and senior citizens in hospices
LBB distributed sanitizing materials such as buckets, around the country. “At this moment in our national
chlorine, Clorox, soap, and food items.
crisis, you are the forgotten segment of the Liberian
“I have a stake in the growth process of these
society,” LBB Boss emphasized.
children and how they are taken care of in this home,”
Dr. Young said. The President/ECO told the children
at the orphanage that the LBB was providing the
clothes and shoes for them through the help of friend
in the United States of America. Our friends of the
First Presbyterian Church and New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church both of St. Joseph, Missouri are
deeply concerned about your welfare as you go
through this Ebola crisis Dr. Young said. Mother
Young as she is called by children of the community
lamented the poverty stricken condition the children
especially condition of no clothes and shoes. “It
breaks my heart every time I see you in tattered
clothes and you walk around with your feet on the
Dr. Young and Rev. Anna Kpaan
ground,” the Clergywoman added.
with some of the senior citizens
Children at the orphanage in new clothes
and trying on shoes.
For her part, the Director of the UMC Liberia’s
Ministry to the Aged, Rev. Anna Kpaan thanked the
LBB Team and their sponsors for the gift of food to the
home. She said the food was provided at the time the
old folks did not have meal for the next day. “Kindness
is what gives these senior citizens hope for life,” Rev.
Kpaan said. “We are always looking on the road for
our people to come visit us,” 93 years old Quipoogar
Andrews said when he was asked by fellow citizens to
thank LBB.
It can be recalled that Saturday, September 6, 2014
Love Beyond Borders, led by its President and Chief
Executive Officer, joined the anti-Ebola campaign by
distributing preventive materials such as buckets,
chlorine, and soap to homes in the New Georgia
Estate Community. At the time Dr. Young said the
safety of one household or neighborhood needed to
be the concern of all Liberians. “If my neighbors are
not safe, my household will not be safe no matter
what we do,” she said at the time.
Feeding the Hungry
Teams from FPC served 391 at the
Open Door Food Kitchen this month!
Thanks to all who helped cook,
serve and/or provide cookies!
Friday team: Ed & Grace Andres, Jeannie Miller,
George & Ruth Fountain, Beth Lukehart,
Sue Lichliter, Shelby Corf, Jan Storts & Krista Kiger
Tuesday team: Carol Merrifield,
Jeannie Miller, Nancy & Dan Sharp, Jim Ringer,
Bruce Reynolds, Frank Thomas,
Charles Ringer and Pat & Leslie Speiser.
In addition, we thank Betty Erickson, Evelyn
McClure, Ralph Young, Pat Capps and Cal & Mary
Ann Bibens who donated money this month to help
ODFK cover their costs.
FPC pays for the food that is prepared
except for the desserts.
We continue to welcome your monetary
donations to the food kitchen. The price per meal
served by FPC teams averages $1.18.
Our next times to serve at the ODFK will be:
November 21 & 25
Please continue to sign up in the Center Room
when you’re able to serve on either ODFK team.
Combined ODFK Financial Report
Thank you for your continued support!
Help Faith in Action
Faith in Action has 30 churches and
partners meeting the unmet needs of
persons in our community through
65 church volunteers like you who
provide; transportation, ramp building,
small home repairs, lawn mowing,
phone friends, and light housekeeping
for 237 clients who are screened for
these services. Many of our clients are members of
your churches as well as those in our community that
often fall through the cracks. We currently have
approximately 1000 requests for transportation each
year and cannot meet all these requests.
First, funding is down and the needs are growing. We
have an immediate need to meet our obligations for
2014. Please make every effort to give above and
beyond your current gift. For example we have only six
churches that contribute $1000+ and we need at least
ten that can meet that level of giving. We have four
churches that contribute $500+, and we need 20
churches to meet that level of giving. If your church is
not giving at one of these levels could you assist them
in reaching one of these goals. Second, we are in
need of additional volunteers. Please encourage your
members to sign up to share their time and talents with
the Faith in Action office at 271-7279.
Dave Lichliter
Board Chair
October Coin Sunday
$ 104.56
Congregational Meeting
November 9
A congregational meeting to elect officers will
be held immediately following worship on
Sunday, November 9.
These funds go towards local
mission needs. It’s amazing how a few
coins boosts the life of someone in need!
The next Coin Sunday collection
will be taken Sunday, November 2.
Advent Decorating
Please join us as we ready the
sanctuary for Advent following
worship on Nov. 23!
Last year’s Hanging of the Greens
went quickly thanks to our great
crew - some who had helped
before and some new faces. We’d
love to see your face this year and
as always, pizza and pop will be
Stewardship Round-Up Lunch
We will celebrate the conclusion of our stewardship
drive on Sunday, November 16, with a catered
lunch after worship. Please RSVP to the church
office or by completing the sign-up form in the bulletin and placing in the offertory.
Please remember to return your pledge cards
to the church office or via offertory basket
by November 9.
3rd Annual Walk for the Homeless
When: Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 beginning at 4:00 pm
Where: The walk will begin at the corner of 6th and
Messanie under the big white tent and will follow the
migration path of the homeless to agencies around
down town that they can receive assistance from.
There is no fee to walk with us!
Why: Our goal is to raise awareness about the
homeless population and their challenges. All the
money that is collected will go to the Social Welfare
Board served by the Friends of the Free Clinic to
help the homeless in our area with obtaining ID’s
and Birth Certificate, and transportation costs.
How can you register for a T-SHIRT & BBQ?
Go to to donate to the Friends of the Free Clinic
listed with the Community Foundation of Northwest
Missouri! $15 registration for each participant and
includes an event t-shirt and BBQ!
You can help by volunteering,
donating, or
Poinsettia for Christmas
If you would like to order a poinsettia to be used for the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary,
please complete this form and return it to the church office or put it in the offering plate, along with
cash or check made out to First Presbyterian Church by DEC 7. The cost of a poinsettia will be $13.00.
Please indicate if the poinsettia will be:
___in memory of
___dedicated to
___in honor of
___for loved ones
Please indicate what you wish to do with your
poinsettia after the church service on Dec 23.
___I will take home after worship
___I will not be taking it home-please deliver
to a shut in.
# of poinsettias _____ x $13.00 each = ________
Thank you for your contribution to the beauty of
the sanctuary for this special season of the year.
Page 7
Dear Members and Friends of First Presbyterian
I was totally surprised (dumbfounded might be a more
apt term) at the tribute you gave me on October 12 for
my 40th anniversary as director of music at our church.
I was especially surprised to learn later that the
committee for the celebration had been planning for
the event for an entire year! What an elaborate amount
of planning they did which included fake bulletins that
I did not know about until Ralph Young gave me a
copy of the "correct" one at the beginning of the
You have been the most wonderful and appreciative
congregation that I have worked with for my 54 years
of being director of music in churches! I am frequently
surprised by the number of our members who say that
they joined our congregation because of the
quality of our music program.
A donor's contribution of money around 1995 to
provide funding for adding 10 MWSU music students
to our choir has made an amazing addition to the
quality of music that we can provide to support the
liturgical emphases for our worship service. That you
would seek to begin to establish an endowment fund
in my name to perpetuate the continued funding for
including MWSU students relieves some of the worries
that we have had for the continuation of excellence in
music that we have had for the many past years.
Thank you for your many fine words and cards that
you left for me.
Your verbal and financial support means a great deal
to me. I, Joanne, Leanne, and Tim thank you greatly
for the many years that we have had worshipping with
Soli Dei gloria,
Jerry L. Anderson
Jena Sauber of the St. Joseph News-Press
featured Jerry and his years of service to First
Presbyterian Church in an article on October 25:
Page 8
First Thursday Downtown Noon Concert
November 6, 2014 - 12:10 pm
The MWSU voice faculty will present the third concert
of the 2014-15 season of the First Thursday
Downtown Noontime Concert Series on Thursday,
November 6, at 12:10–12:50 p.m. in the Sanctuary of
the First Presbyterian Church, 7th & Jules. The
church sponsors the series in cooperation with the
Missouri Western State University Department of
Music. The audience is invited to bring lunch to eat
during the performance. Beverages will be provided.
There will be an opportunity to meet the musicians
after the concert.
The vocal performers will be Dr. Susan Carter,
director of vocal studies, Dr. Elise Hepworth, director
of choral studies, and Dr. Thomas Erik Angerhofer.
The piano collaborator is Ara Ju.
The concert will include a wide variety of styles by the
soloists. The program will conclude with a portion of
the 3rd act quartet from La Boheme with Donovan
Jones joining the faculty singers as Rodolfo.
Dr. Susan Carter has performed internationally in
Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France and
nationally with companies including the Dallas Opera,
Dallas Ballet, Rochester Opera, Liederkranz Society
of New York, Syracuse Opera and symphonies
including the Dallas Symphony, Ft. Worth Symphony
and Denver Symphony. Leading roles include
“Lucia”, “Queen of the Night”, “Constanza”, “Donna
Anna”, and “Leonora” in Verdi’s Il Trovatore in New
Dr. Elise Hepworth has performed leading roles from
operas including The Ballad of Baby Doe, Into the
Woods, Die Zauberflöte, The Mikado, Tartuffe,
Martha, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, and Le Nozze di
Figaro. During her studies, she performed with the
New Zealand Light Opera as Stella and Antonia in
Offenbach’s Les Contes d’Hoffmann opposite international tenor, Patrick Power. Additionally, she performed with the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra as
a finalist in New Zealand’s National Aria and Art Song
Competition, placing second in the Lied and English
Art Song divisions. While in New Zealand, Dr. Hepworth performed as a recitalist and was invited by the
New Zealand School of Music to formally present her
dissertation findings as a part of the Professionals
Lecture Series at Victoria University of Wellington.
American baritone Thomas Erik Angerhofer has been
praised by audiences and critics throughout Europe
and North America for over two decades. “A powerful
and sweet baritone,” his versatility as a singing actor
spans all major genres and periods, from the operas
of Handel and Heggie, to the music of Mozart and
Mahler. Recent operatic appearances include
Marcello in La Boheme, Giorgio Germont in La
Traviata, and Joseph de Rocher in Dead Man
Walking. Concert appearances include Orff’s
Carmina Burana, Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9,
Mozart’s Requiem, and Bach’s St. John Passion.
His international performance career has brought
him as far as Beirut, Lebanon, as well as the major
cities in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland,
France, The Netherlands, and England.
Ara Ju was born in 1975 in Seoul, South Korea.
She studied Music Education at Chonnam National
University in Gwangju, South Korea with
Scholarship. She moved to America in November of
1999 and studied Piano Performance at University of
Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) with Dr. Robert Bob
Weirich. She got her Master degree in 2002. She
serves as an adjunct faculty and staff pianist at
Missouri Western State University. She has also
served St. Joseph Community Chorus as an
accompanist since August of 2009.
Donovan Jones is a senior majoring in vocal
performance at MWSU. He is also the music intern at
First Presbyterian Church as well as becoming the
director of music at St. Francis Xavier Catholic
Church this year and is also the pianist for the First
Lutheran Church contemporary service.
In order to help defray expenses and to insure the
continuation of the series, a freewill offering will be
taken. The suggested minimum donation is three
dollars. Additional financial assistance has been
provided by the Commerce Bank of St. Joseph.
Jerry L. Anderson is the coordinator for the series. He
has been director of music at First Presbyterian Church
since 1974 and retired from MWSU in 2007 as an
emeritus professor of piano and director of keyboard
studies since 1972.
Page 9
7 Bob & Susan Spurgat
12 Sam & Heather Knapp
17 Dave & Sue Lichliter
22 Gordon & Thea Ide
Anthem: We Praise You, O God, for the Gifts of Creation
(Jennifer Stammers)
Solo: Pie Jesu (Gabriel Fauré), Lauren Robbins, soprano
Anthem: Sleepers Wake! (J.S. Bach)
Bells: Alleluia (Brian Tervo)
Anthem: Accept These Gifts (Roger Petrich)
Solo: Take My Life, and Let It Be (Mark Hayes),
Thomas Delgado, tenor
Christ the King/Thanksgiving
26 Lee & Judy Schuster
27 Chuck & Bobbi Zimmerman
30 James & Judy Trout
Anthem: Thanks Giving (Austin C. Lovelace)
Solo: The Lord Is My Shepherd (Tschaikovsky), Ian Fast, bass
First Sunday of Advent
Anthem: ‘Neath Vine and Fig Tree (arr. Hal H. Hopson)
Solo: Prepare the Royal Highway (Swedish melody/arr. John
Ferguson), Byron Myers III
To the Glory of God and in memory of Pat & Chuck Brock,
by their children - Kathy, Chip and Bart
11/23 In Thanksgiving
11/30 Advent
Mission Sunday
Adult Study 9:15
Worship 10:30
30 1st Sunday of Advent
Adult Study 9:15
Worship 10:30 - Guest Preacher
Jackie Thomas
Advent Decorating following
worship (Pizza & Drinks for
Birthday: Bob Waddell
InterServ Night @
Pizza Shoppe
Birthday: Ron Fuston
Adult Study 9:15
Worship 10:30 ~ followed by
Stewardship lunch
Young Adults meet @ Krista’s 7
Adult Study 9:15
Worship 10:30
Congregational Meeting after
Worship to elect officers
Birthday: Bryan Fite
Adult Study 9:15
Worship 10:30
Sarah Waters Recital 1:30
Coin & Communion Sunday
2 Daylight Savings Time Ends
Bible Study 10:30
WNL - 3rd session
begins - Dessert 6:45
Classes 7
Cook 8:30;
Serve 11:15
Staff 10
Finance 12
Experience 7
Birthday: Bob
18 1st edition
No Bible Study or WNL
Bible Study 10:30
WNL - Dessert 6:45
Classes 7
Bible Study 10:30
WNL - Dessert 6:45
Classes 7
Birthday: Terry Wallerstedt
Worship Team 7
11 Veterans Day 12
Deacons 7pm
Birthday: Dan
FPC Office Closed
Presbyguys 11:15
Bells 6:30
Choir 7:30
Birthdays: Whitney
Cattle; Tanya Erickson;
Austin Lukehart
Personnel 9
Presbyguys 11:15
Building & Grounds 12
Bells 6:30
Choir 7:30
Presbyguys 11:15
Noontime Concert 12:15
Bells 6:30
Choir 7:30
November 2014
FPC Office Closed
Birthday: Bob
Long; Tracy Miller
Cook 8:30;
Serve 11:15
Birthday: Jim
Graves; Sidney
Birthday: Bea
Birthday: Larry
Heather Knapp