Document 396191

November 2014 Pentecost
Issue 11 Volume 16
A Monthly Publication of St. Paul’s-on-the-Plains Episcopal Church
1510 Avenue X Lubbock TX 79401• (806)762-2893 Phone • (806)762-8986 Fax
I saw a remarkable speech on YouTube by Admiral William McRaven, former Navy SEAL, and recently retired commander of all of the U.S. Special Operation forces (unfortunately, it was a graduation address for a certain tea-sip institution in Austin, and now he's the new chancellor there, but please don't hold that against him). Adm. McRaven shared 10
life lessons with the graduates that he learned from his training as a Navy SEAL. While the whole speech is inspiring, I
particularly liked the last two lessons:
The ninth week of training is referred to as "Hell Week." It is six days of no sleep, constant physical and mental
harassment and—one special day at the Mud Flats—the Mud Flats are area between San Diego and Tijuana where the
water runs off and creates the Tijuana slue's—a swampy patch of terrain where the mud will engulf you.
It is on Wednesday of Hell Week that you paddle down to the mud flats and spend the next 15 hours trying to
survive the freezing cold mud, the howling wind and the incessant pressure to quit from the instructors. As the sun began to set that Wednesday evening, my training class, having committed some "egregious infraction of the rules" was ordered into the mud. The mud consumed each man till there was nothing visible but our heads. The instructors told us
we could leave the mud if only five men would quit—just five men and we could get out of the oppressive cold.
Looking around the mud flat it was apparent that some students were about to give up. It was still over eight
hours till the sun came up—eight more hours of bone chilling cold. The chattering teeth and shivering moans of the
trainees were so loud it was hard to hear anything and then, one voice began to echo through the night—one voice
raised in song. The song was terribly out of tune, but sung with great enthusiasm. One voice became two and two became three and before long everyone in the class was singing. We knew that if one man could rise above the misery then
others could as well. The instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing—but the singing
persisted. And somehow—the mud seemed a little warmer, the wind a little tamer and the dawn not so far away.
If I have learned anything in my time traveling the world, it is the power of hope. The power of one person—
Washington, Lincoln, King, Mandela and even a young girl from Pakistan—Malala—one person can change the world
by giving people hope.
So, if you want to change the world, start singing when you're up to your neck in mud.
Finally, in SEAL training there is a bell. A brass bell that hangs in the center of the compound for all the students to see. All you have to do to quit—is ring the bell. Ring the bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5
o'clock. Ring the bell and you no longer have to do the freezing cold swims. Ring the bell and you no longer have to do
the runs, the obstacle course, the PT—and you no longer have to endure the hardships of training. Just ring the bell.
If you want to change the world don't ever, ever ring the bell.
Adm. McRaven gives us wonderful message, and it is a biblical message. Be persistent in joy and hope, and don't quit.
As St. Paul says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by
the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13)."
+ Worshipping God in the Beauty of Holiness +
+ Welcoming and Growing in Faith and Fellowship +
+ Serving our Neighbors in Jesus' Name +
St. Paul’s on the Plains Episcopal Church, Inc. & Trust
Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements
As of and for the five months ending September 30, 2014
Sept. 2014
9 Months
Budget 9 Months
Budgeted 2014
Compensation & Benefits
Facility operations
$ 27,547
$ 16,388
$ 9,339
$ 61,170
$ 297,566
$ 41,867
$ 55,823
$ 31,566
$ 21,815
$ 29,087
Missions, outreach, & charity
$ 6,189
$ 55,871
$ 59,513
$ 79,350
Other programs & disbursements
$ 3,954
$ 1,913
$ 33,215
Net Change in unrestricted
Unrestricted, undesignated cash:
Unpaid bills at September 30, 2014 in the amount of $9,844.84 which are not reflected above.
Please visit St. Paul’s Book and Gift Store for your early holiday shopping. Greeting cards are on sale, as are many other items. We are undergoing some minor changes and will be adding seasonal goods soon.
Come in and browse… you might find (not so) hidden treasure!
St. Paul’s
Worship Schedule
Weekly Parish Activities
8:00 am Holy Eucharist no music
10:30 am Choral Holy Eucharist
2:30 pm Carillon Service
(1st and 3rd Sunday of each Mo.)
1:00—4:00 pm
St. John’s St. Paul’s Food
Voucher Ministry
November Birthdays
Emily Hill (1)
Graham Walter (1)
D’Anne Asquith (1)
Pat Jordan (2)
Tiffany Rabone (3)
Mary Ann Chumley (4)
Doug Kopp (6)
Jennifer Edwards (6)
Anne-Marie Haeussler (6)
Dorris Faver (7)
Pete Ramos (10)
Mary Ann MacKenzie (11)
Tom Whiteside (12)
Cullen Quinn (17)
November Birthdays continued
Amanda Casey (20)
Ruth Carlock (21)
Callie Jones (21)
Gwen Gage (22)
MacKenzie Kopp (24)
Pat MacKenzie (26)
Eddy Grigsby (26)
Nealy Holley (29)
November Anniversaries
Sid & Chinn Friend (8)
Jim & Renee Haney (17)
Ron & Barbara Lubowicz (20)
Owen & Carol McWhorter (23)
Duane & Pat Jordan (26)
There will not be S.S. on November 30--but we will have an Advent Activity for All Ages
that day!
Please join us in the fellowship hall at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 30th (during the S.S.
time) to make Advent wreaths for your home and learn what Advent is all about and what we
can do to prepare for Christmas and the birth of Jesus. This is for ALL Ages!
Sunday, November 16, from 3:30 to 5:30
in Washington Hall. Bring “potluck snacks”
to share.
Bunco is a dice game that’s lots of fun,
requires little thought, can be learned very quickly, and
can be quite lively. It’s easy for folks 10 and up. Come
join us and join in the fun. (There will also be board
games available for younger children).
St. Paul's now has the option to accept gifts online
through PayPal. Simply go to our website, and click on the upper-right heading titled
"Giving." Then on the "Giving" page click on the yellow button that says "Donate" to make a contribution
using PayPal. You will be redirected to the PayPal website.
You may donate either from a credit card or bank account. You have the option to make a one time gift or
set it up to be a recurring gift. You can then either log
in to your PayPal account or continue as a guest. And
after entering your financial information, you may designate the purpose of your donation by clicking on the
words "Special instructions to the 'seller'" and filling in
the blank.
The Thrift House is in great need of clothes
for children of elementary and middle school
age. Jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. Those
of you who have kids that age know what they
like to wear. A family came in last week, and I
could not find a single article of clothing for
them. The girl looked about 12 and the boy a
little younger.
Thank you for your consideration.
Ladies Night Out
Join us on Tuesday, October 28th
at 6:00 p.m. at Durango’s, 5004
Frankford Ave. A time to relax,
visit and enjoy dinner together.
Please RSVP to
Kathi at 762-2893
by noon on the
We ask that you would prayerfully fill out both sides
of your pledge card and bring it with you to either
the 8:00 or 10:30 service on Sunday, November 16,
2014. Then you will be invited to come and personally place your pledge card on the altar during
the service. (If you are unable to be present on November 16, you may place it in the offering plate,
mail it in, or bring it by the church office at your
convenience.) If you need another pledge card,
please contact Kathi in the office, or ask one of the
ushers on Sunday mornings.
VOUCHER PROGRAM provides toiletry items as
well as food. Please find listed below the toiletry
items (full size) that are needed for outreach program.
Toilet paper
Pads or Tampons
Bath soap
Disposable Razors
Laundry Detergent
There is a basket in the church office to place items.
Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
Joy Perry
Page 3
A Look Back in Time...
October 1949, based on Vestry Minutes
Compiled by Rodney Goebel
The Vestry of St. Paul’s Church met in a SPECIAL SESSION on October 31, 1949 with the Rev. Claude
E. Canterbury, Rector of St. Paul’s Church, presiding. The following members were present: William V. Stone,
Junior Warden; Charles S. Carter, Secretary-Treasurer; Dr. Arthur Jenkins; I.A. Stephens; Ben F. Brewer; Frank
M. Smith; Truman Chumley; R.C. Carter; Clayton Carter and Edgar G. Lewis.
The meeting was held at the insistence of the Finance Committee of the Vestry. The Rector turned the
meeting over to C. S. Carter, Chairman. He reported that his committee had met to consider solicitation of contributions for the erection of the temporary buildings for the use of the Church School and concluded that no conviction of the parish, relative to building such buildings, could be ascertained without first canvassing the parish.
The committee felt that it would not be good strategy to erect temporary buildings, which could become
permanent, when it might be possible to secure such contributions to erect a PERMANENT building. The committee further found that any drive projected over a three-year period, could not anticipate the economical conditions prevailing throughout such time, and that it might be wiser to begin THIS YEAR, when economic conditions were known, and contributions could be deducted from income taxes.
The Committee therefore recommended that the Every Member Canvas be moved up one month, that is,
to November, that the matter of the budget for 1950 be disposed of in November, and that an effort be made
before December 15 to raise the building fund. Mr. Carter reported that the conclusions of the Committee were
unanimous. The members present at the meeting were Chairman, Mr. Stephens and Mr. Brewer, and Mr. M.E.
Allen, absent from the meeting, on being apprised of such opinion, concurred.
The Chairman of the Finance Committee submitted the prepared budget for 1950. Considerable discussion of the various items ensued. Certain changes were made and the budget adjusted. It was moved by Mr.
Brewer, amended by Dr. Jenkins, and seconded by Mr. Stephens that the amount set up to be paid to singers be
increased from $300 to $600, such increase to include $5 per week to be paid Miss Marion Canterbury. The motion passed.
The budget having been thoroughly discussed, each item having been passed on by the Vestry, Frank
Smith moved, Arthur Jenkins seconded, that the 1950 budget be set at $22,500.
Dr. Jenkins moved and Mr. Brewer seconded that the second Sunday in November be designated for the
Every Member Canvas, and that a letter with the budget for 1950 be mailed out before that time. Motion passed.
Adverting to the drive for the construction of the Parish House, Mr. Stone moved, Frank Smith seconded
that the Vestry designate I.A. Stephens and Ben Brewer as Co-chairmen of the Building Committee to plan the
drive, and that the drive start after the E.M.C. and before December 15. The motion passed.
And now with building plans revised and put on a new path, it was time to move without hesitation. At
the end this evening’s business, the motion was made to adjoin.
Family Promise of Lubbock announces its major fundraiser of the year Building Dreams-A Festival of Hope, to be
held on Thursday, November 13, beginning at 6:30 pm at Monterey Church of Christ, 6111 82nd Street in Lubbock.
The mission of Family Promise to “empower homeless families with children to achieve long-term independence by
providing temporary shelter, support and growth opportunities.” This annual gathering is the primary fundraise for
Family Promise, and the success of this event helps ti ensure the continuation of vital services to families experiencing
homelessness. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Home Again.”
This gala event consists of a silent auction featuring a number of interesting and unique items, a delightful dinner, a
special program, and the opportunity to make a financial contribution/pledge to Family Promise. Tickets for this evening are $50 per person. You may reserve your tickets by calling Family Promise office at 744-5035, or purchasing
your tickets by mailing a check to: P.O Box 1258, Lubbock, TX 79408.
Thank you for your support of Family Promise of Lubbock!
Page 4
Dear Friends of Family Promise,
Family Promise of Lubbock is seeking donations of personal items to be used by homeless families that are
served by our program.
Our mission is to provide homeless families the tools necessary to achieve long term financial and personal
self-sufficiency. We make this possible by providing temporary shelter, meals, transportation and educational programs. Donations from the community and churches such as yours will help us continue to provide our families with necessary services and items needed on a daily basis. If you can help with any of the
products listed below, please let us know. We will be happy to pick up any donation that you are able to
donate. I can be reached at 806-744-5035 or at
I would like to gather some warm items as we approach the cooler winter months for the children and
adults in Family Promise program!
Hats ·
Socks ·
Gloves ·
Small space heaters
The day-to-day items we are most in need of include:
Pull Ups (all sizes)
Diapers (all sizes but more need for Size 3 and up)
Paper Towels and Toilet Paper·
Baby Wash/Shampoo
Liquid Hand Soap
First Aid Supplies (including over-the-counter medications)
Hairbands, ties, clips, bows, small rubber bands for little girls hair
We are also in need of the following items:
Tooth brushes/Toothpaste
Baby Lotion
Diaper Rash Ointment
Feminine Hygiene Products
Cleaning Supplies (Lysol, Fabuloso, glass cleaner,
409, antibacterial wipes, bathroom cleaner, etc.)
Baby Wipes
Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash
Makeup and/or nail polish (our ladies enjoy dressing
up for their interviews!)
Hand Sanitizer
Come Hear Fr. Malcolm Neyland
At St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
16th and Ave X
Hannah Dunaway, Case Manager
Family Promise of Lubbock
Episcopal Youth Community—Mark Your
November 7-9 Mission Blast --- Diocesan
Weekend Retreat at St. Paul’s Don’t forget to
get your form in!!! ---Mission work weekend HIGH SCHOOL grades 9-12
November 23- Gather at St. Paul’s 6:00 p.m. –
7:00 p.m.
Sharing and Giving Thanks
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014—Noon
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Women
Reservations: Call 762-2893
or e-mail
Dec. 7-Youth Group 6 pm—7 pm TBA
Page 5
November 2014
The 21st Sunday after
Pentecost: Proper 26
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
2:30 pm Carillon Service
5:30 pm Wednesday
Evening Service
5:30 pm Children’s
6:30 pm Adult Choir
The 22nd Sunday after Epistle Deadline 12:00 Noon ECW 5:30 pm Wednesday
Pentecost: Proper 27
Evening Service
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Children’s
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
6:30 pm Adult Choir
The 23rd Sunday after
Pentecost: Proper 28
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
Discretionary Sunday
2:30 pm Carillon Service
3:30 pm Bunco Party
6:30 pm Vestry
The Last Sunday after
Pentecost (Christ the
King): Proper 29
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
10:30 am Epistle 2:00 pm Movie &
5:30 pm Wednesday
Evening Service
5:30 pm Children’s
6:30 pm Adult Choir
No Services
Office closed
4:00 pm Diocesan “Mission Blast”
Youth “Mission
Blast” Retreat
The First Sunday of
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
Page 6
Page 7
Jeff Lee
Graham Walter
10:30 am
10:30 am
8:00 am
Renee Haney
Jack Walter
Oliver Lucero
Sequoyah Perry
Scott Lockwood
George Sanford
Cpt. Glenn Davis
Rodney Goebel
James Leatherwood
Nadine Wink
Bill Casey
James McNabb
Cpt. Stephen Keen
Dib Gay
Todd Leake
Nadine Wink
Don Wink
Cpt. Dyke Ellison
Todd Johnston
Russ Igo
Greg Westmoreland
Becky Ellison
Barbara MurphyLubowicz
Gwen Murphy
Billie Rutherford
Dyke Ellison
Fiona Shea
Cpt. Sid Friend
Glen Ashcraft
George Gray
Bruce Whittlesey
Patrick Pritchett
Linda Jones
Sheila Gray
Bruce Whittlesey
Abby Quinn
Jimmy Haney
Scott McLaughlin
Tom Whiteside
James McNabb
Pete Ramos (10:30)
Deacon Becky Orem
Tom Whiteside (8:00)
Carolyn Perry
Pete Ramos
Trey Hill
Jim Brown
Br uce Whittlesey
Abby Quinn
Sonja Nash’s Team
Bill Casey
Becky Ellison
James McNabb
George Gray
Oliver Lucero
Helen Liggett
Alyce Ashcraft
Charles Mire
Jimmy Haney
Scott McLaughlin
Sonja Nash’s Team
Don Wink
Glen Ashcraft
Patrick Pritchett
Greg Westmoreland
Nov. 23
Nov. 30
The Last Sunday after The First Sunday
Pentecost / Proper 29 Of Advent
Courtney McAlister
Linda Jones
Trey Hill
Mallory Miller
Tom Whiteside
James McNabb
Courtney McAlister’s
James McNabb
Sid Friend
Caroline Kopp
George Gray
Janis Blackwell
Allison Holland
Nadine Wink
Jim Brown
Lisa Haney
Scott McLaughlin
Sheila Gray
Abby Quinn
Bruce Whittlesey
8:00 am
Flower Guild
Trey Hill
Sid Friend
Kathy Vail
Lisa Haney
Kathy Vail (10:30)
Carolyn Perry
Trey Hill
Jim Brown
Pete Ramos
Scott McLaughlin
Sheila Gray
Pete Ramos (10:30)
Eucharistic Visitor
Eucharistic Ministers
10:30 am
Abby Quinn
Bruce Whittlesey
Courtney McAlister’s
Susan L:aFont’s Team
Altar Guild Team
Eucharistic Ministers
8:00 am
James McNabb
Becky Ellison
Bill Casey
Dib Gay
Caroline Kopp
Greg Westmoreland
Don Wink
Glen Ashcraft
Nov. 9
Nov. 16
22nd Sunday after
23rd Sunday after
Pentecost / Proper 27 Pentecost / Proper 28
8:00 am
10:30 am
8:00 am
10:30 am
Nov. 2
21st Sunday after
Pentecost / Proper 26
Liturgical Calendar November 2014
St. Paul’s-on-the-Plains
Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s is a part of the
Diocese of
Northwest Texas
St. Paul’s-on-the-Plains Episcopal Church
1510 Ave. X • Lubbock, Texas 79401
U.S. Postage PAID
Lubbock, Texas
Permit No. 381
+ Worshipping God in the
Beauty of Holiness +
+ Welcoming and Growing in
Faith and Fellowship +
+ Serving our Neighbors in Jesus' Name +
Dib Gay, Sr. Warden;
James McNabb, Jr. Warden;
Sonja Nash, Clerk;
Patrick Pritchett, Treasurer;
Bill Casey, George Gray,
Don Wink, Glen Ashcraft,
Kathleen Vail,
Greg Westmoreland,
Whitney Bigham,
Becky Ellison, Sid Friend,
Caroline Kopp,
George Sanford
The Rev. James P. Haney V,
The Rev. Nancy Igo, Deacon
The Rev. Becky Tilton Orem,
Dr. John Hollins,
Minister of Music
Kathi Harris, Parish Secretary
Lesa Stevenson, Custodian
Page 8
Movie, Popcorn and Discussion!
Thursday, November 20th at 2:00 p.m. in Washington Hall, we will be showing “Mr. Holland's Opus.” Join us for popcorn, brief discussion and a great
Glenn Holland is a musician and composer who takes a teaching job to pay
the rent while, in his 'spare time', he can strive to achieve his true goal compose one memorable piece of music to leave his mark on the world. As
Holland discovers 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making
other plans' and as the years unfold the joy of sharing his contagious passion for music with his students becomes his new definition of success.
Trunk or Treat Time!!!
The Epistle
Epistle Deadline
Monday, Nov. 10
Epistle Workday
Mailing Date
Wednesday, Nov. 19
at 10:30 am
Trunk or Treat Tailgating Party on Friday,
October 31st from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at
St. Christopher’s (42nd and Elgin).
Decorating and set up will begin at 4:45 p.m. Church members (of all ages) are invited to decorate your car and join in the fun. Last year we had a wide variety of
cars (and characters) having a blast with the youngsters that visited. Can't join in
the fun that night? You can still help make this Trunk or Treat sweeter than
ever. Drop off a bag or two of individually wrapped candy at St. Paul’s by the 29 th
and we will pass it out to the ghosts, princesses and goblins that visit.