Blomsterløg 2015 Blomsterløg 2015 Med Prodanas brede sortiment kan du selv sammensætte dine blomsterløg, så du opnår netop det udtryk, du ønsker, hvad enten det er i parken, i vejkanten eller et helt andet sted. Maskinel løglægning Det er både effektivt og billigt at få Prodanas traktordrevne løglægger til at gøre plantearbejdet for dig. Du kan: - lægge op til 25.000 småløg pr. time - vælge mellem 1 m og 0,5 m plantebredde - lave lige linjer eller bløde kurver - opnå lavere arbejdsomkostninger Prodanas løglægger er helt ideel til vejkanter, parker, rundkørsler og skråninger. Opbevaring frem til lægning: Forklaring - straks efter levering pakkes løgene ud, og kvaliteten kontrolleres - løgene opbevares tørt ved 17-20°C frem til lægning - sørg for god ventilation omkring løgene - små løg, som erantis, skal opbevares i sand Salg og levering Alle varer og serviceydelser bliver leveret i henhold til vores salgsog leveringsbetingelser, som du finder på Pretty Princess Bemærk: Sortsnavn - Prodana er ikke lagerførende - løgene leveres fra uge 38 og frem - alle priser er ekskl. moms - du finder vores salgs- og leveringsbetingelser på Varenummer Pris i kr./stk. 00000 Maat 11/12 12/+ 4 Blomstringstid 1,12 1,22 35 Plantehøjde Størrelse Din garanti for et godt resultat Sjælland Jylland og Fyn Søren Drejer Jensen Kasper Kildevæld Tlf.: 4021 0213 Tlf.: 4021 0214 Tlf.: 6317 1600 Højeste kvalitet Du kan være sikker på, at kvaliteten af vores blomsterløg er helt i top. Blomsterløgene kommer fra vores mangeårige, hollandske samarbedspartner Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen, som fejrede 100 års jubilæum i 2010. Ud over at være kongelig hofleverandør indgår Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen i det frivillige kontrolsystem SKBH, som sikrer dig: - 1. klasses kvalitetsblomsterløg - garanti for blomstring - sygdomsfrie blomsterløg - ensartethed - samme vare og løgstørrelse - sortsægthed 2 Bæredygtig Back-up Styrk biodiversiteten! 802708 Bæredygtig og miljøvenlig produktion af blomsterløg har høj prioritet hos Jac. Uittenbogaard & Zonen. Målet er at reducere brugen af kemikalier til et minimum, og virksomheden har været aktivt medlem af MPS i mange år - A-medlem i de seneste år. JUB har også som mål at fremavle nye tulipan-sorter, der har en høj modstandsdygtighed over for sygdomme ( Med en forholdsvis beskeden indsats kan ekstensive arealer omdannes til et bugnende spisekammer for både insekter og fugle. Prodana har i samarbejde med Danmarks Biavlerforening udarbejdet Biblandingen, der indeholder nogle af de absolut tidligst blomstrende planter. Det får bierne glæde af i det tidlige forår, hvor deres næringsdepoter er tømte, og det er vanskeligt at finde føde. Læs mere s. 10-13. Indholdsfortegnelse S. 4 - 5 S. 6 - 7 Nyheder 2015 S. 8 - 23 Maskinel løglægning S. 24 - 35 Biodiversitet & blandinger til græsarealer S. 36 - 74 Farverige blandinger S. 75 Sortiment Register Derfor er JUB unik… JUB er en af de få virksomheder, der stadig er involveret i både salg og produktion af blomsterløg. 30 forskellige tulipaner og 15 forskellige narcisser bliver produceret på JUB’s 35 hektar produktionsmarker. JUB samarbejder med Mr. Jan Guldemond fra bureauet Bleau Aimable omkring design af blomsterløgsprojekter. Mr. Jan Guldemond er tidligere hoveddesigner for Keukenhof udstillingen. Det er muligt at besøge JUB’s “show garden” med mere end 850 forskellige sorter. Om foråret arrangeres der dage, hvor man kan få en rundtur på produktionsmarker, lager og i ”show garden”. Se for åbningstider. Produktionsmark JUB har I mere end 60 år været official udstiller i Keukenhof – den unikke og verdensberømte blomsterpark. Firmaets store udstillingshave findes tæt ved statuen af den Hvide Hest, ved nr. 14. Udstillingshaven er fyldt med det sidste nye inden for blomsterløg. Show garden 3 Et udvalg af nyheder 2015 Hyacinth Pacific Ocean Darwin hybrid Tulip Orange Balloon Specie Crocus Spring Beauty 4 Double early Tulip Foxy Foxtrot Triumph Tulip Ice Lolly Lilyflowering Tulip Firework Fringed Tulip Labrador Double Daffodil Wave Double Daffodil Calgary Allium Miami Camassia leichtlinii Semiplena Udvalg af blandinger til forvildning 2015 Bee mixture Breda Bee mixture Veenendaal Mixture Antwerpen Mixture Nieuwegein Udvalg af nye farverige blandinger 2015 Lighthearted Sunshine Lemon Delight 5 Maskinel løglægning, gødskning, klipning og kvalitet Working of the machine The machine is a combination of planter and tractor, manned by one person. A large container holds the bulbs, with at the bottom two belts to deliver the bulbs to the ‘plant feet’. Two vertical rotating knives open the turf, just before the plant feet. The feet ‘dive’ into the ground and fold the turf open. At that point the belts release the bulbs, which fall into the soil and get covered. The machine also puts the turf back in position with minimal damage. Plantcapacity Under the right circumstances it is possible to plant 10.000 daffodils or 25.000 crocuses/small bulbs per hour. For the best result it is important to follow our instructions and most important: the advised number of bulbs per m2. The planting machine On our website you can watch a video showing the mechanical planting. QR codes videos mechanical planting. 6 Loading the bulbs into the planting machine. Bulb planting Turf gets opened up Machine puts turf back in position Fertilizer unit on the planting machine Feeding Crocuses & Anemone blanda planted by machine In order to be completely assured of luxuriant flowering in successive years, it is important to enrich the soil with fertilizers annually, preferably organic. Spring fertilizing is not recommended to prevent the grass from growing too rapidly while the foliage of the bulbs is still growing. For this reason Autumn feeding is preferred; both bulbs and grass will benefit most. Recommended fertilizers are organic fertilizers like bone meal, compost or dried cow manure, or the usual (12-10-18) fertilizers. Mowing When using naturalising bulbs in grass areas, a commonly accepted guideline is that mowing can be started an average of 6 to 8 weeks after flowering. This will allow the bulbs enough time to set seeds and die back naturally. Quality Machine for embankments Result at embankment In our conversations with local councils and landscapers we often hear how important it is that the bulbs that they receive are exactly true to name and size. Without this certainty it is almost impossible to achieve a perfect display. Naturally we source the best bulbs from reputable growers, preferably from our own nursery. During the storage the bulbs are constantly monitored by our inspectors, ensuring a delivery of high quality bulbs, true to name and size. The right bulb size Netlons with bulbs and picture 7 Biodiversitet og bæredygtighed JUB Holland, focus on sustainability. The pleasure of nature, colours and green already starts during the growing of the bulbs, when we aim to minimise the environmental pressure. Sustainable and environment friendly growing of flowerbulbs is a priority for JUB Holland and we aim to reduce to use of chemicals to the minimum. Our nursery is A-member of MPS and since 2014 also A-member of NL-Greenlabel, a new Dutch initiative to promote the use of sustainable materials. As fourth generation family business we are proud to guarantee that we grow, pack and transport our bulbs in sustainable ways. NL Greenlabel A 802708 Bee mixture Breda Biodiversity Nature is under threat. The natural habitats of honeybees, bumblebees and butterflies have become smaller in recent years, and further apart. You can help reduce the negative effects of habitat losses on bees and butterflies in your area by planting the right plants. We work closely together with organisations as the British Beekeepers Association and the Dutch Butterfly Foundation, and have introduced our special bee- and butterflyfriendly mixtures for verges, gardens and public green spaces. JUB Holland extended the range of biodiversity mixtures and we can now offer 4 special bee- and butterfly mixtures, which already proved to be very successful in combination with mechanical planting for local authorities. At the same time we keep looking at new mixtures, based and tested on enhancing biodiversity. Our 100 years’ experience, combined with our contacts with various organisations, enables us to offer more than just the standard Spring mixtures. Our special prolonged flowering mixtures guarantee a flowering period of almost 6 months. Alliums attract bees and butterflies 8 Borgerinvolvering Citizen participation in public green areas. Children learn about bulbs in a fun way. Colour and biodiversity important issues for local authorities. Extra colour and biodiversity in public green space are important issues in the green policy of many local authorities. With this in mind hundreds of thousands bulbs are planted to add colour to verges, parks and other public green areas. Nature plays an important role in town and village life. Planting our bee- and butterfly attracting bulb mixtures provides colour and adds a level of diversity to any planting scheme while also adding to the diversity of forage needed by these busy insects. Get the citizens involved in public green and in the planting of bulbs. Engaging citizens in the maintenance of public green space (citizens participation), and explaining in particular to children, the importance of nature and environment, will result in the following effects: • positive attention for the end result • new connections between citizens and the landscape/nature • intensive cooperation with citizens and volunteers • following certain social trends on local, regional and national level Robbert Uittenbogaard explains to schoolchildren about bulbs for bees. Involving citizens in the bulb planting. 9 Biodiversitet, blandinger Butterfly Mixture, May - June Butterfly Mixture Alkmaar Butterflies play an important role in the natural ecosystem as pollinators and as food in the food chain. Butterflies have high standards for their habitat, and will only appear in places where the conditions are right. Our special mixture will attract butterflies in the late Spring and early summer. Flowering period: end of April to July Mowing advice: from late July onwards Height: 60-100 cm Colour advice per m2: 150 bulbs Art. nr. MI1016 Kr. 200/pr. m2 Butterfly Mixture, June - July (Allium sphaerocephalon) 10 Bee mixture, February - March Bee mixture Bussum Bulbs are quite often the first flowers to appear in Spring, and therefore very important for bees and bumblebees. Especially crocuses and anemones are popular for their nectar, but amongst the later flowering varieties are also many that are attractive to bees. Our special mixture will attract bees and bumblebees during a long period. Flowering period: February-June Mowing advice: from July onwards Height: 10-100 cm Colour advice per m2: 300 bulbs Art. nr. MI1015 Kr. 249/pr. m2 Bee mixture, May - June (Nectaroscordum siculum) 11 Biodiversitet, blandinger Bee mixture Breda A bee attracting mixture in two phases: in February-March a flood of yellow and soft lilac specie crocuses, followed in March-April by a colourful mixture of specie tulips, muscaries and anemones. Flowering period: February-April Mowing advice: from end of May onwards Height: 10 – 25 cm Colour advice per m2: 350 bulbs Art. nr. MI1712 Kr. 276/pr. m2 Bee mixture Breda March - April New 12 Bee mixture Breda February - March New New Bee mixture Veenendaal A bee attracting mixture in 2 phases; in February-March rich flowering Crocus Ruby Giant, followed in March-April by a blue/red mixture of specie tulips and muscaries. Flowering period: February-April Mowing advice: from end of May onwards Height: 10-25 cm Colour advice per m2: 350 bulbs Art. nr. MI1711 Kr. 138/pr. m2 Bee mixture Veenendaal February - March New Bee mixture Veenendaal March - April 13 Lang blomstringstid vejrabatter Mixture Floriade This mixture was a great success at the main entrance of Floriade 2012 at Venlo in the Netherlands. From early Spring until summer thousands of visitors admired this combination of many different bulbs. Flowering period: February-end of June Mowing advice: from July onwards Height: 30 – 80 cm Colour advice per m²: 120 bulbs Art. nr. MI1701 Kr. 205/pr. m2 Mixture Floriade February - March Mixture Floriade March - April Mixture Floriade May - June 14 Mixture Volendam This mixture is very suitable for road verges with a rough vegetation. Early and late yellow daffodils start the flowering off, followed by alliums and camassias to extend the flowering season. Flowering period: February-June Mowing advice: from July onwards Height: 40 - 80 cm Colour advice per m²: 105 bulbs Art. nr. MI1013 Kr. 222/pr. m2 Mixture Volendam February - March Mixture Volendam May - June 15 Lang blomstringstid vejrabatter Mixture Eindhoven This mixture is specially designed for road verges with a rough vegetation. Early and late daffodils set off the flowering season, followed by the tall purple alliums in the rough grass. Flowering period: February-June Mowing advice: from early July onwards Height: 30 - 80 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1010 Kr. 184/pr. m2 Mixture Eindhoven February - March Mixture Eindhoven May - June 16 Mixture Venlo Create a sensation in your borders with this intriguing mixture! Impressive blooms on tall, sturdy stems in early summer. Flower heads of light and deep purple along with creamy white last for weeks in the garden, followed by the decorative seed heads. Flowering period: May-June Mowing advice: from mid-July onwards Height: 80 - 100 cm Colour advice per m²: 60 bulbs Art. nr. MI1708 Kr. 184/pr. m2 Mixture Brighton Three different colours in one mixture. Starting with yellow narcissi in March, followed by white narcissi and finishing the flowering time at the end of May with camassias in various shades of blue. Flowering period: March-early June Mowing advice: from mid-July onwards Height: 15 - 70 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1692 Kr. 184/pr. m2 17 Blandinger til rabatter og plæner Mixture Amsterdam A well balanced mixture of all types of daffodils and narcissi in different forms, colours and shapes. This mixture results in a flowering time of up to 100 days! Flowering time: January-end of April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 30 - 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1001 Kr. 141/pr. m2 Mixture Apeldoorn A long flowering mixture of botanical narcissi in various colours, plus two tulip varieties for extra contrast. Flowering period: February-end of April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 20 – 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1011 Kr. 141/pr. m2 Mixture Arnhem Floral fireworks based on 3 months of yellow daffodils, contrasted by various bright red tulips. Flowering period: February-end of April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 30 - 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 110 bulbs Art. nr. MI1694 Kr. 162/pr. m2 Mixture Ede A surprisingly simple mixture of two colours: a bright yellow start in March, with a pure white finish in April/May. Flowering period: March-early May Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 30 cm Colour advice per m2: 120 bulbs Art. nr. MI1704 Kr. 162/pr. m2 Mixture Ede March - April Mixture Ede April - May 18 Mixture Helmond A delightful mixture of various types of narcissi, many of which are very fragrant. Flowering period: March-early May Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 30 - 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1012 Kr. 146/pr. m2 Mixture Middelburg This mixture of botanical narcissi offers a nice variation in colours, shapes and flowering times. It also includes some deliciously scented varieties. Flowering period: February-end of April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 20 - 40 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1695 Kr. 141/pr. m2 Mixture Rotterdam A beautiful mixture of yellow narcissi and daffodils with an extended flowering period. It includes early small narcissi and the taller and later flowering daffodils. Flowering period: January-end of April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 30 – 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 100 bulbs Art. nr. MI1696 Kr. 149/pr. m2 Mixture Zwolle This special white mixture is an elegant combination of white crocuses, white narcissi and various white tulips. Flowering period : February-April Mowing advice: from mid-June Height: 10 – 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 220 bulbs Art. nr. MI1007 Kr. 227/pr. m2 19 Blandinger til rabatter og plæner Mixture Brussel A very colourful mixture using various types of daffodils and narcissi, plus an extensive mixture of tulips. This mixture is especially suitable for large planting along the main approach roads. Flowering period: February-April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 25 – 50 cm Colour advice per m²: 130 bulbs Art. nr. MI1705 Kr. 173/pr. m2 Mixture Antwerpen An early flowering mixture in pastel colours of specie crocuses, snowdrops and scillas. New Flowering period: February-March Mowing advice: from mid-May onwards Height: 10-15 cm Colour advice per m2: 200 bulbs Art. nr. MI1710 Kr. 222/pr. m2 Blandinger til græsarealer Mixture Amstelveen A nice combination of chionodoxa (Glory of the Snow) with botanical narcissi for years of flowering. Flowering period: March-April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 10 – 25 cm Colour advice per m²: 250 bulbs Art. nr. MI1700 Kr. 173/pr. m2 20 Blandinger til græsarealer Mixture Eikenhorst This mixture of lilacs and blues flowers from early Spring until the end of April. It is a special combination of various miscellaneous bulbs and specie tulips. Flowering period: February-April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 10 – 25 cm Colour advice per m²: 300 bulbs Art. nr. MI1014 Kr. 205/pr. m2 Mixture Haarlem Large flowering Dutch crocuses in shades of blue and white are the perfect start for a colourful Spring. Very suitable for early perennial flowering in grass areas. Flowering period: Late February-late March Mowing advice: from mid-May onwards Height: 10 – 15 cm Colour advice per m²: 200 bulbs Art. nr. MI1004 Kr. 168/pr. m2 Mixture Leiden A beautiful mixture of many miscellaneous bulbs. From early flowering snowdrops and crocuses to the later flowering varieties. A perfect mixture for grass as well as woodland areas. Flowering period: February-May Mowing advice: from early July onwards Height: 10 – 20 cm Colour advice per m²: 250 bulbs Art. nr. MI1006 Kr. 222/pr. m2 Mixture Lisse This stunning mixture of specie crocuses guarantees an abundant colour effect in the very early Spring. Flowering period: early February- mid-March Mowing advice: from May onwards Height: 10 – 12 cm Colour advice per m²: 250 bulbs Art. nr. MI1698 Kr. 157/pr. m2 21 Blandinger til græsarealer Mixture Maastricht A nice combination of species and large flowering Dutch crocuses, for prolonged flowering. Very suitable for mass plantings in grass. Flowering period: early February-end of March Mowing advice: from mid-May Height: 10 – 15 cm Colour advice per m²: 250 bulbs Art. nr. MI1003 Kr. 173/pr. m2 Mixture Noordwijk This early flowering mixture of large Dutch crocuses will give you all the various colours. A very suitable mixture for mass planting in grass areas. Flowering period: early February-end of March Mowing advice: from mid-May Height: 10 – 15 cm Colour advice per m²: 200 bulbs Art. nr. MI1005 Kr. 168/pr. m2 Mixture Nieuwegein A most attractive early flowering mixture of Narcissus Tête-à-Tête and scillas. New Flowering period: mid-March to mid-April Mowing advice: from end of May onwards Height: 10-25 cm Colour advice per m2: 200 bulbs Art. nr. MI1709 Kr. 255/pr. m2 Mixture Nijmegen A truly special combination of Spring and Autumn flowering crocuses, which surprises you twice per year. Flowering period: February-March and October-November Mowing advice: from mid-May onwards Height: 10 – 15 cm Colour advice per m²: 300 bulbs Art. nr. MI1697 Kr. 211/pr. m2 22 February - March October - November Mixture Sneek A unique colour combination of various large flowering Dutch crocuses. Flowering period: late-February – late-March Mowing advice: from mid-May onwards Height: 10 – 15 cm Colour advice per m²: 200 bulbs Art. nr. MI1009 Kr. 173/pr. m2 Mixture Utrecht This early flowering mixture of blue and white chionodoxas (Glory of the Snow) is excellent for naturalising. This combination of blues and whites results in a sparkling Spring show. Flowering period: March-April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 10 – 15 cm Colour advice per m²: 300 bulbs Art. nr. MI1002 Kr. 184/pr. m2 Mixture Tynaarlo A special mix of various miscellaneous bulbs, in combination with narcissi and specie tulips. Flowering period: February-April Mowing advice: from mid-June onwards Height: 10 – 25 cm Colour advice per m²: 300 bulbs Art. nr. MI1693 Kr. 232/pr. m2 Mixture Voorschoten A nice Spring combination of muscari, chionodoxa and anemone blanda. Flowering period: mid-March to mid-April Mowing advice: from end of May onwards Height: 10-15 cm Colour advice per m2: 200 bulbs Art. nr. MI1707 Kr. 168/pr. m2 New 23 Farverige blandinger Tidlig blomstring Combining flowerbulbs can be a delicate job. Colour, height and flowering time are all important aspects when it comes to combining varieties. We selected 48 beautiful combinations, divided in early, mid and late flowering, ideal for roundabouts, borders and containers. Opposites Attract Art. nr. MI1681 Kr. 1,60/stk. 3/4 25-35 Early Birds Art. nr. MI1672 3/4 Kr. 1,14/stk. 15-25 Cheerful Companions Art. nr. MI1668 3/4 24 Kr. 1,09/stk. 10-15 Imperial Friends Art. nr. MI1017 Kr. 1,44/stk. 3/4 40 Famous Woman Art. nr. MI1674 Kr. 1,52/stk. 3/4 30 Bright Side Art. nr. MI1030 3/4 Kr. 1,41/stk. 60 Irresistible Fragrance Art. nr. MI1034 3/4 Royal Princes Art. nr. MI1033 3/4 Kr. 1,41/stk. 35 Kr. 2,11/stk. 25 Promise of Spring Art. nr. MI1040 3/4 Kr. 1,14/stk. 15-25 25 Farverige blandinger Middeltidlig blomstring Royals Art. nr. MI1031 Kr. 1,57/stk. 4/5 35 Vibrant Sunset Art. nr. MI1690 Kr. 1,49/stk. 4/5 30 Moon Dance Art. nr. MI1023 4/5 Kr. 1,38/stk. 25-50 New Sunshine Art. nr. MI1713 4/5 26 Kr. 1,79/stk. 40-80 Best Friends Art. nr. MI1667 Kr. 1,52/stk. 4/5 50 Flower Art Art. nr. MI1026 Kr. 1,73/stk. 4/5 Sun Fever Art. nr. MI1027 Kr. 1,36/stk. 4/5 50 30-60 Strong Colours Art. nr. MI1687 Kr. 1,30/stk. 4/5 60 27 Farverige blandinger Middeltidlig blomstring Palette of Spring Art. nr. MI1682 4/5 Kr. 1,22/stk. 10-50 Dreamers Art. nr. MI1029 Kr. 1,49/stk. 4/5 10-30 Peaceful Pastels Art. nr. MI1036 Kr. 1,57/stk. 4/5 28 45 Green and More Art. nr. MI1024 Kr. 1,63/stk. 4/5 50 Amore Art. nr. MI1665 Kr. 1,57/stk. 4/5 40 Day Dancers Art. nr. MI1670 Kr. 1,52/stk. 4/5 20 Queens Art. nr. MI1025 Kr. 1,52/stk. 4/5 50 29 Farverige blandinger Middeltidlig blomstring Reason to be Cheerful Art. nr. MI1685 Kr. 1,52/stk. 4/5 30 New Colour Interplay Art. nr. MI1721 Kr. 1,14/stk. 4/5 Valentino Art. nr. MI1689 Kr. 1,46/stk. 4/5 30 30 15-30 Flaming Beauty Mix Art. nr. MI1720 Kr. 1,57/stk. 4/5 40 New Lemon Delight Art. nr. MI1717 Kr. 1,68/stk. 4/5 35-50 Primavera Art. nr. MI1684 Kr. 1,41/stk. 4/5 40 Exotic Show Art. nr. MI1673 4/5 Kr. 1,52/stk. 25-40 Daily News Art. nr. MI1028 Kr. 1,44/stk. 4/5 50 31 Farverige blandinger Middeltidlig blomstring New Foxy Foxes Art. nr. MI1719 4/5 Kr. 1,68/stk. 35-45 Harmony of Purples Art. nr. MI1039 Kr. 1,65/stk. 4/5 50 New Oriental Sunset Art. nr. MI1715 4/5 32 Kr. 1,41/stk. 40-55 Angélique Mix Art. nr. MI1666 Kr. 1,63/stk. 4/5 45 Sweet Dreams Art. nr. MI1688 Kr. 1,55/stk. 4/5 25-55 Spring Peonies Art. nr. MI1042 Kr. 1,63/stk. 4/5 45 33 Farverige blandinger Sen blomstring Quiet Contrasts Art. nr. MI1041 5 Kr. 1,46/stk. 45 Daylight to Dusk Art. nr. MI1671 5 Kr. 1,41/stk. Fiesta Art. nr. MI1675 50-60 5 Kr. 1,55/stk. 60 New Spring Spectacle Art. nr. MI1714 5 34 Kr. 1,36/stk. 25-45 New Sweet Romance Art. nr. MI1019 5 Kr. 1,55/stk. 55 Lighthearted Art. nr. MI1716 5 Kr. 1,46/stk. 50 Fireworks Art. nr. MI1032 5 Kr. 1,65/stk. 50 Elegant Lilies Art. nr. MI1037 5 Kr. 1,52/stk. 55 35 Forvildning Naturalising Many bulb varieties are excellent naturalisers because of their growing habits. By planting them in the right way it will look as if they have always grown there. The most natural look will be achieved after dropping the bulbs from medium height, and planting them where they landed. By planting them this way you will avoid straight lines. For the best result we advise to naturalise the bulbs in groups. If the conditions are right the bulbs will multiply and come back in years to follow as a perfect ground cover in the early Spring. Naturalising bulbs: Crocus tomassinianus P. 59 • Will generally seed themselves. • Are usually low maintenance. • Are suitable for (semi-) shade areas. More information about these varieties on pages 58 – 73 Winter aconites Eranthis hyemalis P. 70 Single snowdrops Galanthus nivalis P. 66 English Bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta P. 66 36 Glory of the snow Chionodoxa luciliae P. 64 Hollowroot Corydalis cava P. 70 Hollowroot Corydalis solida P. 70 Wild garlic Allium ursinum P. 62 Wood anemone Anemone nemorosa P. 63 Wild tulip Tulipa sylvestris P. 51 Pseudo-narcissus Narcissus lobularis P. 56 Arum italicum P. 70 Ornithogalum nutans P. 73 Erythronium Pagoda P. 71 Colchicum byzantinum P. 60 Siberian squill Scilla siberica P. 69 Snakeshead Fritillary Fritillaria meleagris P. 65 Star of Bethlehem Ornithogalum umbellatum P. 73 Summer snowflake Leucojum aestivum P. 72 37 Sortiment Flowering period in months 1 = Januar 7 = Juli 2 = Februar 8 = August 3 = Marts 9 = September 4 = April 10 = Oktober 5 = Maj 11 = November 6 = Juni 12 = December Symbols = duftende = blomstringstid = plantehøjde = forvildning On the following pages you will find our extensive assortment of loose flowerbulbs. All varieties are divided into groups as listed below. The symbols and flowering periods will give you complete information per variety. Please see order form for the standard order quantities. In addition to this catalogue you can visit our website and browse through the landscape section. With the help of our search system you can find suitable varieties in a few steps, using criteria like name, type, colour, height and flowering period. Hyacinths Double Multiflowering 39 39 39 Tulips Single early Double early Double late Triumph Darwin Hybrid Darwin Hybrid - Impressions Single late Single late - French varieties Lily-flowering Fringed Multiflowering Viridiflora Parrot Fosteriana Kaufmanniana Greigii Species 40 - 51 40 40 41 - 42 42 - 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 Daffodils and Narcissi Trumpet Double Large cupped Small cupped Tazetta 52 - 57 52 52 53 54 54 38 Indoor culture Split-corona Botanical 54 55 55 - 57 Crocuses Large flowering Species 58 - 59 58 59 Autumn flowering Crocus Cyclamen Sternbergia Miscellaneous Allium large flowering Allium small flowering Anemone Anemone coronaria Camassia Chionodoxa Fritillaria small flowering Fritillaria large flowering Galanthus Hyacinthoides Iris species Iris hollandica Muscari Scilla 60 60 60 60 61 - 69 61 62 63 63 64 64 65 66 66 66 67 67 68 69 Various miscellaneous Arum Bellevalia Bulbocodium Convallaria Corydalis Cyclamen Dichelostemma Eranthis Dracunculus Eremurus Erythronium Geranium Gladiolus Ipheion Ixia Ixiolirion Leucojum Lilium Nectaroscordum Ornithogalum Oxalis Puschkinia Ranunculus Sparaxis Triteleia Zantedeschia Amaryllis 70 - 73 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 Hyacinths Priser angives i kr./stk. Apricot Passion ST1004 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Blue Jacket 1,79 2,24 25 ST1005 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Carnegie 1,88 2,72 25 City of Haarlem ST1006 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Poser á 100 stk. 1,75 2,29 25 ST1008 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Delfts Blauw 1,97 2,49 25 ST1011 Size 15/16 17/18 4 1,88 2,18 25 New Gipsy Queen ST1012 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Jan Bos 2,05 2,53 25 4 Purple Sensation ST1439 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Pacific Ocean ST1014 Size 15/16 17/18 1,73 2,44 25 4 Sky Jacket 1,85 2,63 25 ST1440 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Pink Pearl ST1714 Size 15/16 7,30 25 4 White Pearl 1,90 2,34 25 1,79 2,49 25 ST1443 Size I 4 25 25 Mixed 1,94 2,58 25 ST1001 Size 15/16 4 1,78 25 Multiflora Pink 7,06 ST1442 Size I 4 7,06 25 New 4 1,64 2,39 25 Double Multiflora Blue ST1441 Size I ST1018 Size 15/16 17/18 4 ST1020 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Multiflowering Multiflora White 1,66 2,13 25 Woodstock ST1019 Size 15/16 17/18 4 Pink Surprise ST1017 Size 15/16 17/18 New Double Eros 7,06 ST1713 Size 15/16 4 25 New Royal Navy 3,65 ST1715 Size 15/16 4 25 Snow Crystal 3,65 ST1716 Size 15/16 4 3,65 25 39 Single early tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. New Apricot Magic ST1444 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Baby Blue 1,44 1,63 4 Flair Christmas Dream 1,39 1,64 25 1,15 1,32 ST1063 Size 11/12 12/+ 35 4 ST1024 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Hermitage ST1445 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1050 Size 11/12 12/+ 35 Christmas Marvel 1,24 1,39 35 4 Merry Christmas 1,29 1,44 35 ST1027 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 ST1025 Size 11/12 12/+ Couleur Cardinal 1,34 1,53 35 4 Pretty Princess 1,29 1,49 ST1026 Size 11/12 12/+ Prinses Irene ST1446 Size 12/+ ST1028 Size 11/12 12/+ 2,63 4 1,27 1,42 35 35 4 1,24 1,39 35 Prinses Margriet ST1447 Size 11/12 4 1,53 35 Yokohama ST1030 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Combination Royal Princes, page 25 1,19 1,29 35 Priser angives i kr./stk. Candy Prince ST1022 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 40 35 Single early tulips - Prince varieties Purple Prince 1,15 1,26 ST1029 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 Sunny Prince 1,19 1,29 ST1448 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 Poser á 100 stk. White Prince 1,19 1,29 ST1449 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 1,25 1,39 Double early tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. New Abba 4 New Foxtrot ST1031 Size 11/12 12/+ 1,19 1,39 4 New Foxy Foxtrot ST1450 Size 11/12 12/+ 30 Poser á 100 stk. 1,39 1,53 25 La Belle Epoque ST1710 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,44 1,63 25 ST1037 Size 12/+ 4 Margarita 2,63 45 ST1711 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,25 1,39 25 New Mondial Monsella ST1038 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,24 1,44 30 4 Willemsoord 30 1,99 2,34 ST1452 Size 11/12 12/+ 25 4 Abigail 1,34 50 45 ST1035 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 4 Peach Blossom 1,34 1,52 30 ST1040 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,59 1,99 25 2,04 2,44 25 Black Hero ST1151 Size 11/12 12/+ 1,34 1,68 45 New ST1152 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Poser á 100 stk. Blue Diamond 2,12 2,31 60 ST1153 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Carnaval de Nice 1,29 1,49 40 ST1154 Size 11/12 5 1,53 50 New Cartouche 5 ST1039 Size 11/12 12/+ Double late tulips 5 ST1708 Size 11/12 12/+ Monte Carlo 1,34 1,54 25 ‘Murillo’ mixed 1,53 1,92 35 Angélique ST1150 Size 11/12 ST1712 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Priser angives i kr./stk. 5 1,27 1,46 Queen of Marvel ST1453 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Monte Orange ST1451 Size 11/12 12/+ Dior 1,34 1,44 Drumline ST1709 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 45 1,89 1,94 ST1516 Size 11/12 5 45 Maureen Double 2,61 ST1515 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 50 Mount Tacoma 1,94 2,44 ST1157 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,39 1,53 45 41 Double late tulips - cont’d Priser angives i kr./stk. Orange Princess ST1158 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 30 Renown Unique 1,49 1,68 ST1518 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 50 ST1047 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Bastogne 1,19 1,29 40 ST1159 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 45 Verona 1,53 1,81 ST1041 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 40 1,24 1,39 Triumph tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Annie Schilder Uncle Tom 2,10 2,29 Poser á 100 stk. ST1052 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Boston 1,24 1,34 55 Brown Sugar ST1454 Size 12/+ 4 Poser á 100 stk. 1,92 55 Calgary ST1455 Size 11/12 4/5 1,34 50 ST1053 Size 11/12 12/+ 4/5 1,34 1,53 20 New Calgary Flames ST1456 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Carnaval de Rio 1,39 1,63 20 4/5 Escape 1,19 1,34 45 1,19 1,29 55 ST1702 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Don Quichotte ST1054 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Flaming Flag ST1458 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1457 Size 11/12 12/+ Denmark 1,29 1,49 40 4 Fontainebleau 1,24 1,34 40 ST1460 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1055 Size 11/12 12/+ Dutch Design 1,19 1,34 50 4 Françoise 1,44 1,63 50 1,24 1,39 45 ST1059 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Hemisphere ST1060 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 42 50 1,34 1,49 ST1036 Size 11/12 12/+ 4/5 45 Holland Queen 1,53 1,71 ST1461 Size 11/12 12/+ 4/5 45 New Ice Lolly 1,34 1,53 ST1703 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 20 1,19 1,34 45 New Havran 1,44 1,64 45 Gavota ST1057 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1697 Size 11/12 12/+ Innuendo 1,35 1,59 ST1704 Size 11/12 12/+ 4/5 40 1,35 1,54 Triumph tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. New Jan Reus Jan van Nes ST1067 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,39 1,53 50 ST1705 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Leen van der Mark 1,19 1,39 45 ST1069 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Mistress 1,19 1,29 45 Negrita ST1071 Size 11/12 4/5 1,19 55 ST1072 Size 11/12 12/+ 4/5 1,24 1,44 45 New Passionale ST1074 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Paul Scherer 1,24 1,34 40 ST1109 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Playgirl 1,34 1,49 45 Recreado ST1706 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 50 1,19 1,35 ST1077 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 50 Rems Favourite 1,34 1,58 ST1463 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,83 2,22 50 New Rosalie Seadov ST1079 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,29 1,49 45 ST1083 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 ST1086 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Yellow Flight 4/5 1,19 1,29 40 ST1078 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 30 Veronique Sanson 1,15 1,27 ST1467 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 45 Whispering Dream 1,19 1,34 ST1707 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,90 2,15 45 Wildhof 1,19 1,39 50 ST1087 Size 11/12 12/+ ST1080 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 White Dream Synaeda Amor 1,19 1,44 45 Triumph mixed 1,24 1,34 ST1466 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,19 1,34 Tulipa Calgary & Muscari armeniacum 40 43 Darwin hybrid tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Ad Rem American Dream ST1468 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,24 1,49 ST1469 Size 11/12 12/+ 60 4 Beauty of Apeldoorn Beauty of Spring ST1092 Size 11/12 12/+ ST1472 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,15 1,29 55 4 Apeldoorn 1,19 1,34 55 ST1470 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Apeldoorn’s Elite 1,10 1,24 55 ST1473 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1091 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Daydream 1,24 1,39 55 Poser á 100 stk. Banja Luka 1,10 1,19 55 4 Golden Apeldoorn 1,19 1,34 55 ST1096 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1471 Size 11/12 12/+ 1,10 1,24 50 Golden Oxford 1,10 1,29 55 ST1097 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,15 1,29 60 New Hakuun Light and Dreamy ST1474 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,24 1,39 ST1476 Size 11/12 12/+ 55 4 Ollioules 1,68 1,88 55 ST1099 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Orange Balloon 1,19 1,49 55 ST1673 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Oxford 1,59 1,79 50 ST1478 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,15 1,29 60 New Walsrode ST1695 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Darwin hybrid mixed 1,25 1,39 ST1095 Size 11/12 12/+ 50 4 Priser angives i kr./stk. Pink Impression ST1101 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 44 55 1,15 1,29 55 Darwin hybrid tulips - Impressions Red Impression 1,15 1,39 ST1479 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 55 1,15 1,29 Salmon Impression Sweet Impression ST1102 Size 11/12 12/+ ST1480 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 55 1,15 1,24 4 55 1,15 1,29 Poser á 100 stk. Single late tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Atlantis Big Smile ST1481 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,24 1,39 5 Kingsblood ST1488 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1490 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1484 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Helmar 1,24 1,83 65 Ile de France ST1486 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,34 1,53 5 Priser angives i kr./stk. Avignon ST1482 Size 11/12 ST1110 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 60 5 1,15 1,24 60 Tulipa La Courtine, Big Smile, Dordogne & Menton 1,44 1,58 Single late tulips - French varieties ST1093 Size 11/12 5 1,29 1,44 50 60 Camargue 1,29 ST1065 Size 11/12 12/+ Queen of Night 1,39 1,53 65 ST1492 Size 11/12 12/+ 50 1,39 1,58 55 Sorbet ST1111 Size 11/12 12/+ 6 Clearwater 1,19 1,34 60 Perestroyka 1,24 1,53 60 Shirley 5 ST1483 Size 11/12 12/+ 55 Poser á 100 stk. 65 Dordogne 1,34 ST1485 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 60 La Courtine 1,24 1,49 ST1489 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Poser á 100 stk. Menton 1,24 1,49 65 ST1108 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,24 1,44 65 New Renown ST1491 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 65 Rhapsody of Smiles 1,39 1,63 ST1691 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,30 1,44 60 45 Lily-flowered tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. New Aladdin’s Record ST1112 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Ballerina 1,29 1,53 45 5 Mariette ST1120 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1113 Size 11/12 12/+ China Pink 1,29 1,44 55 5 Marilyn 1,39 1,53 55 1,53 1,83 45 1,58 1,88 55 1,15 1,19 55 50 1,49 1,68 ST1118 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 50 ST1688 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Purple Dream ST1494 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Firework ST1116 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Merlot ST1493 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1115 Size 11/12 12/+ Claudia Red Shine 1,19 1,39 ST1496 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 55 Sanne ST1497 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,53 1,68 55 West Point ST1121 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 46 50 White Triumphator 1,44 1,73 ST1498 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 60 1,53 1,78 1,89 2,24 45 Tulipa Red Shine, White Triumphator & Marilyn 1,24 1,39 Fringed tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Canasta ST1124 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Carrousel 1,29 1,63 Cummins ST1499 Size 11/12 12/+ 45 5 1,53 1,78 45 Curly Sue ST1125 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Poser á 100 stk. 2,07 2,36 45 5 ST1127 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Hamilton 1,49 1,63 45 5 1,34 1,68 65 ST1701 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1500 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,34 1,78 45 New Honeymoon ST1128 Size 11/12 12/+ 1,53 1,68 45 New Fancy Frills Davenport ST1126 Size 11/12 12/+ Labrador 1,44 1,84 55 ST1671 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Lambada 1,89 2,18 50 ST1129 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,39 1,53 50 Fringed tulips double 80 bulbs p/m2 Valery Gergiev ST1081 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Mascotte ST1501 Size 11/12 12/+ 1,81 2,24 45 5 ST1104 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Candy Club 1,58 1,73 40 ST1185 Size 9/+ 4 25 ST1504 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 praestans Shogun 5 50 Colour Spectacle 1,68 1,83 ST1105 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Sensual Touch 2,24 45 ST1506 Size 11/12 4 35 ST1503 Size 11/12 5 2,63 50 Poser á 100 stk. praestans Fusilier 1,58 1,73 50 ST1186 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 praestans Unicum 1,05 ST1502 Size 11/12 Multiflowered tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Antoinette Queensland 1,75 2,13 50 1,49 1,63 35 Roulette 1,44 ST1507 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 40 Weisse Berliner 1,61 1,76 ST1085 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,68 1,89 50 47 Viridiflora tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. China Town ST1130 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Esperanto 1,69 1,89 5 Nightrider ST1135 Size 12/+ 5 ST1131 Size 12/+ 45 1,78 30 ST1136 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1140 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 ST1509 Size 12/+ 2,88 3,17 50 ST1137 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 5 Groenland 2,00 30 Virichic 1,53 1,73 50 ST1141 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Blue Parrot 1,73 1,92 50 ST1142 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,44 45 ST1088 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,90 2,05 50 Poser á 100 stk. Estella Rijnveld 1,59 1,79 55 1,24 1,34 55 Yellow Springgreen ST1138 Size 11/12 5 ST1134 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Parrot tulips Black Parrot 1,53 1,73 50 Golden Artist ST1508 Size 11/12 12/+ Spring Green 1,78 1,92 50 Priser angives i kr./stk. Apricot Parrot Flaming Springgreen 5 Red Springgreen 1,73 50 Poser á 100 stk. ST1510 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Flaming Parrot 1,59 1,79 50 ST1511 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 1,59 1,89 50 New Green Wave ST1512 Size 11/12 5 Parrot King 2,44 50 5 Topparrot ST1513 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 48 40 ST1143 Size 11/12 12/+ Rococo 1,53 1,78 50 ST1514 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 40 ST1146 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 Yoko Parrot 1,58 1,88 1,32 1,44 Silver Parrot 35 1,24 1,44 ST1700 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 50 Super Parrot 1,89 2,18 ST1147 Size 11/12 12/+ 5 45 Tulipa Flaming Parrot 1,49 1,58 Fosteriana tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. New Exotic Emperor ST1164 Size 11/12 3/4 Juan 1,39 4 1,39 1,53 4 1,53 4 3/4 1,29 1,49 25 3/4 ST1520 Size 11/12 12/+ 25 1,24 1,39 ST1162 Size 11/12 12/+ 3 20 ST1166 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,19 1,34 40 1,19 1,34 Tulipa Orange Emperor & Purissima 1,19 1,32 40 Ice Stick 1,24 1,53 20 ST1521 Size 12/+ 3 The First ST1161 Size 11/12 12/+ Orange Emperor 1,24 1,44 40 Kaufmanniana tulips 4 Stresa 4 40 ST1528 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Heart’s Delight ST1519 Size 11/12 12/+ ST1171 Size 11/12 12/+ Yellow Purissima 1,44 1,58 40 Priser angives i kr./stk. Corona ST1169 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1172 Size 11/12 12/+ 40 Madame Lefeber 1,19 1,39 40 Purissima 1,19 1,39 25 Sweetheart ST1527 Size 12/+ ST1699 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1168 Size 11/12 12/+ 40 Solva 4 1,46 40 Princeps ST1167 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 ST1526 Size 12/+ 40 Pirand Job’s Memory Love Song 1,61 35 ST1525 Size 11/12 3 25 ST1523 Size 11/12 12/+ 3 Shakespeare 1,29 1,44 Poser á 100 stk. Scarlet Baby 1,49 1,63 25 ST1524 Size 11/12 3 1,29 20 Showwinner 1,29 ST1160 Size 11/12 12/+ 3 1,24 1,39 25 49 Greigii tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Albion Star Cape Cod ST1173 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,29 1,49 30 4 Quebec 1,24 1,34 30 1,29 35 ST1178 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Natura Artis Magistra Pinocchio ST1530 Size 11/12 12/+ ST1175 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 Red Riding Hood ST1532 Size 12/+ 4 ST1529 Size 11/12 12/+ Poser á 100 stk. Royal Anthos 1,24 1,44 30 ST1174 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,39 1,53 30 4 Sweet Lady 1,24 1,44 30 ST1534 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,24 1,39 25 Toronto 1,39 1,53 30 ST1535 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 1,15 1,29 35 New Trautmansdorf ST1698 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 30 Vanilla Cream 1,59 ST1536 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 1,24 1,49 Willem van den Akker Peacock mixed ST1537 Size 12/+ ST1531 Size 11/12 12/+ 4 35 Tulipa Pinocchio & Anemone White Splendour 50 1,90 4 1,24 1,39 35 Tulipa Toronto & Quebec Specie tulips Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. bakeri Lilac Wonder batalinii Bright Gem chrysantha Tubergens Gem clusiana Cynthia ST1179 Size 6/+ ST1180 Size 6/+ ST1538 Size 5/+ ST1181 Size 6/+ 4 1,00 15 5 1,15 15 4 hageri splendens ST1182 Size 6/+ 4 1,34 10 5 1,34 turkestanica 4 20 ST1195 Size 8/+ 4 30 ST1196 Size 7/+ ST1189 Size 6/+ 1,24 4 10 ST1183 Size 6/+ 4 4 ST1193 Size 6/+ 5 15 1,44 20 polychroma 1,10 10 ST1540 Size 6/+ 4 Red Hunter 1,15 ST1438 Size 6/+ 1,64 10 saxatilis 1,15 ST1192 Size 7/+ 4 1,19 20 tarda (Dasystemon) sylvestris ST1194 Size 6/+ pulchella Violacea ST1187 Size 6/+ 10 0,88 10 pulchella Persian Pearl 4 clusiana Peppermintstick 1,22 20 Little Beauty ST1539 Size 5/+ 4 pulchella humilis 4 4 linifolia 1,78 20 ST1541 Size 6/+ 1,10 20 0,93 10 urumiensis 0,93 ST1542 Size 7/+ 4 0,98 Tulipa chrysantha Tubergens Gem 10 51 Trumpet daffodils Priser angives i kr./stk. Avalon Bravoure ST1203 Size 12/14 14/16 4 1,90 2,49 4 Golden Harvest 4 2,07 2,63 40 Full Throttle ST1219 Size 12/14 14/16 16/18 1,24 4 ST1242 Size 12/14 14/16 16/18 1,57 1,83 2,63 45 1,73 2,31 45 Mount Hood ST1230 Size 12/14 14/16 16/18 1,22 4 Dutch Master ST1543 Size 12/14 14/16 35 4 1,59 1,99 45 Standard Value ST1260 Size 12/14 14/16 2/3 1,73 2,13 35 4 1,68 1,97 45 2,92 3,58 45 52 45 New 1,94 2,53 ST1696 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 Dubbel mixed 1,79 2,58 ST1550 Size 12/14 4 45 ST1228 Size 12/14 14/16 4 1,58 Westward ST1694 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Golden Ducat 1,59 2,49 45 45 New 1,69 2,39 ST1222 Size 12/14 14/16 4 ST1263 Size 12/14 4 Wave 45 1,29 1,91 45 Sweet Pomponette ST1551 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Tahiti 4 1,24 2,12 40 Poser á 100 stk. Flower Drift ST1218 Size 12/14 14/16 4 My Story 1,34 1,78 40 ST1264 Size 12/14 14/16 1,90 2,19 40 ST1545 Size 12/14 14/16 Dick Wilden ST1549 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Ice King 4 4 New Delnashaugh ST1235 Size 12/14 14/16 ST1227 Size 12/14 14/16 Rijnveld’s Early Sensation New Calgary 4 1,59 2,24 45 Double daffodils Priser angives i kr./stk. ST1692 Size 12/14 14/16 Goblet ST1544 Size 12/14 14/16 1,73 2,39 50 Poser á 100 stk. 1,44 40 1,24 1,75 Large cupped daffodils Priser angives i kr./stk. Accent Brackenhurst ST1200 Size 12/14 14/16 4 1,39 1,83 45 ST1207 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Cairngorm 1,58 2,24 40 ST1210 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Poser á 100 stk. Carlton 1,63 2,19 35 Fortissimo ST1212 Size 12/14 14/16 16/18 1,24 4 1,67 2,39 45 ST1223 Size 12/14 14/16 4 2,00 2,74 45 New Gigantic Star ST1226 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 Ice Follies 1,24 2,12 Salome ST1233 Size 12/14 14/16 16/18 1,29 4 40 1,68 2,07 Sempre Avanti ST1258 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Pink Charm 45 1,39 1,78 ST1546 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 ST1246 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 Prof. Einstein 1,39 1,88 Stainless 1,34 1,97 ST1547 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 Red Devon ST1251 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 1,44 2,04 ST1255 Size 12/14 14/16 4 1,34 1,88 45 Large cupped mixed 1,90 2,65 ST1198 Size 12/14 14/16 4 45 1,19 1,53 Nuclear Security Summit 2014, Den Haag 53 Smalle cupped daffodils Priser angives i kr./stk. Actaea Barrett Browning ST1201 Size 12/14 14/16 5 Poser á 100 stk. 1,91 2,80 ST1205 Size 12/14 14/16 50 4 1,39 2,05 45 recurvus ST1254 Size 12/14 5 Narcissus Barrett Browning 1,63 40 Tazetta daffodils Priser angives i kr./stk. Cheerfulness ST1215 Size 12/14 14/16 5 45 Geranium 1,24 1,78 ST1224 Size 12/14 14/16 5 35 1,39 1,89 Poser á 100 stk. Sir Winston Churchill Yellow Cheerfulness ST1552 Size 12/14 14/16 ST1553 Size 12/14 14/16 5 1,34 1,76 45 5 1,34 1,78 45 Indoor culture Narcissus Geranium & Tulipa Purissima Grand Soleil d’Or ST1689 Size 15/17 10/12 54 40 Poser á 50 stk. Paperwhite 2,39 ST1690 Size 15/17 17/+ 10/12 40 2,44 3,27 Split-corona daffodils Priser angives i kr./stk. Cassata Lemon Beauty ST1214 Size 12/14 14/16 4 1,63 2,27 4 Smiling Twin ST1558 Size 12/14 4 ST1239 Size 12/14 40 Orangery 1,73 40 4 Sunny Girlfriend 1,39 ST1261 Size 12/14 14/16 40 3 ST1555 Size 12/14 14/16 Poser á 100 stk. Parisienne 1,58 2,09 Printal ST1556 Size 12/14 14/16 50 4 1,68 2,02 45 ST1557 Size 12/14 14/16 4 1,88 2,56 40 Trepolo 2,12 2,68 40 ST1559 Size 12/14 4 2,70 40 New Vanilla Peach ST1268 Size 12/14 14/16 3 Golden Printal 2,12 2,80 ST1687 Size 12/14 14/16 40 4 ST1204 Size 8/10 4 20 3/4 25 ST1206 Size 12/14 4 February Gold ST1221 Size 12/14 14/16 4 Bell Song 1,05 1,49 35 Narcissus Cassata, Tulipa Verona & Hyacinthus Carnegie 1,78 2,46 40 ST1563 Size 6/8 5 20 Canaliculatus ST1561 Size 6/8 ST1209 Size 12/14 1,30 15 4 Golden Dawn 1,39 Poser á 100 stk. bulbocodium var. conspicuus 4 Golden Bells 1,32 1,51 ST1199 Size 12/14 14/16 Botanical narcissi Priser angives i kr./stk. Baby Moon Split-corona mixed 1,56 2,34 40 ST1229 Size 12/14 4/5 40 Cotinga 1,10 20 4 Golden Echo 1,15 ST1564 Size 12/14 4 40 ST1562 Size 12/14 1,54 25 Hawera 1,49 ST1232 Size 10/12 5 0,95 20 55 Botanical narcissi Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. Mixed botanical narcissi New Jack Snipe ST1236 Size 12/14 3 Jetfire 1,63 20 ST1243 Size 8/10 4/5 ST1569 Size 10/12 56 25 1,17 1,42 20 ST1686 Size 12/14 14/16 4 40 Minnow lobularis 1,30 ST1566 Size 6/7 4 25 1,44 ST1567 Size 12/14 4 25 obvallaris 1,24 20 ST1568 Size 10/12 3 odorus plenus 5 ST1238 Size 12/14 14/+ 3/4 New Baby Lemon Sailboat 1,49 25 Peeping Tom 1,34 ST1570 Size 12/14 3/4 35 2,58 Narcissus Jetfire & Tulipa Stresa 0,93 Botanical narcissi Priser angives i kr./stk. Petrel Pipit ST1245 Size 10/12 4 2,24 35 4 Sailboat 1,49 25 1,29 15 1,83 35 ST1575 Size 12/14 1,15 30 ST1573 Size 10/12 5 20 Rip van Winkle ST1571 Size 12/14 4 1,00 40 4 Suzy 1,00 1,16 15 Tête-à-Tête ST1262 Size 12/14 5 ST1256 Size 10/12 45 1,39 ST1265 Size 12/14 14/16 3 1,12 1,32 15 ST1576 Size 8/10 4 White Marvel 35 1,29 1,49 30 W.P. Milner 1,24 30 ST1577 Size 12/14 ST1574 Size 12/14 14/16 4/5 Tripartite 4 4 triandrus Thalia ST1266 Size 10/12 5 Quail ST1252 Size 12/14 Sun Disc ST1259 Size 12/14 5 Topolino 3/4 1,39 50 Segovia ST1572 Size 12/14 4 Pueblo ST1248 Size 12/14 Poser á 100 stk. 1,19 15 Botanical mixed 1,49 ST1560 Size 12/14 3/4 1,05 Narcissus Golden Echo & Muscari Ocean Magic 35 57 Priser angives i kr./stk. Flower Record ST1323 Size 8/9 9/10 2/3 2/3 0,76 0,90 12 ST1325 Size 8/9 9/10 Crocus Vanguard & Goldilocks ST1578 Size 8/9 9/10 12 0,82 12 Vanguard 0,79 0,94 12 ST1331 Size 8/9 2/3 Large flowering mixed 58 0,85 0,99 12 ST1330 Size 8/9 2/3 Remembrance 2/3 ST1332 Size 8/9 9/10 Queen of the Blues ST1329 Size 8/9 9/10 2/3 0,68 0,81 12 Jeanne d’Arc 0,70 0,85 12 Pickwick 2/3 ST1326 Size 8/9 9/10 2/3 Grand Maître 2/3 Poser á 100 stk. Golden Yellow 0,70 0,85 12 ST1327 Size 8/9 9/10 Large flowering Dutch crocuses 0,72 0,88 0,90 12 Crocus Flower Record & Tulipa Showwinner Specie crocuses Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. New ancyrensis/Golden Bunch angustifolius ST1335 Size 5/+ ST1685 Size 5/+ 2 0,69 10 2 0,85 10 chrysanthus Advance chrysanthus Ard Schenk chrysanthus Blue Pearl ST1334 Size 5/+ ST1579 Size 5/+ 2 1,04 10 2 0,64 10 ST1337 Size 5/+ 2 0,60 10 chrysanthus Cream Beauty chrysanthus Fuscotinctus chrysanthus Goldilocks chrysanthus Prins Claus chrysanthus Romance ST1338 Size 5/+ ST1341 Size 5/+ ST1343 Size 5/+ 2 0,60 10 ST1340 Size 5/+ 2 0,56 10 2 0,59 10 2 0,66 10 ST1342 Size 5/+ 2 0,56 10 New chrysanthus Snowbunting Spring Beauty ST1346 Size 5/+ ST1684 Size 5/+ 2 0,66 10 2 sieberi Firefly 0,76 10 ST1339 Size 5/+ 2 sieberi Tricolor 0,60 10 ST1345 Size 6/+ 2 tommasinianus 0,60 10 ST1349 Size 5/+ 2 tommasinianus Barr’s Purple tommasinianus Roseus tommasinianus Ruby Giant tommasinianus Whitewell Purple Specie mixed ST1336 Size 5/+ ST1581 Size 5/+ ST1344 Size 5/+ ST1350 Size 5/+ ST1580 Size 5/+ 2 10 0,51 2 10 1,00 2 10 0,52 2 10 0,52 2 0,81 10 0,57 10 Crocus Spring Beauty 59 Crocus kotschyanus Crocus sativus ST1582 Size 9/10 Poser á 100 stk. ST1583 Size 8/9 10/12 8 1,28 10/12 Crocus speciosus Poser á 100 stk. 8 1,24 ST1347 Size 5/+ 10/12 Poser á 100 stk. 12 0,76 Crocus speciosus Albus Crocus speciosus Artabir Crocus speciosus Conqueror ST1348 Size 5/+ ST1584 Size 5/+ 10/12 Poser á 100 stk. 12 1,58 Poser á 25 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Autumn flowering bulbs Priser angives i kr./stk. 10/12 Poser á 100 stk. 12 1,24 ST1585 Size 5/+ 10/12 Colchicum autumnale Poser á 100 stk. 12 0,85 Colchicum Alboplenum Colchicum autumnale Colchicum autumnale Album Colchicum autumnale Pleniflorum Colchicum cilicicum ST1586 Size 13/+ ST1314 Size 13/+ ST1587 Size 13/+ ST1588 Size 13/+ 10/12 12 21,17 Colchicum Giant 15 ST1612 Size 13/15 60 10 15,10 ST1316 Size 20/+ 10,19 12,18 Cyclamen cilicium 10/12 12 10/12 12 10,92 10/12 ST1315 Size 20/+ 10 9,93 Colchicum Lilac Wonder Colchicum Waterlily ST1317 Size 20/22 24/+ 10/12 10/12 5,06 10/12 ST1318 Size 16/+ 20 12,18 10/12 12 12,91 Cyclamen hederifolium Cyclamen hederifolium Album Sternbergia lutea ST1352 Size 13/15 30/35 ST1353 Size 10/+ ST1423 Size 10/12 Poser á 50 stk. 10/12 13 4,85 10,45 10/12 13 14,41 10/12 15 2,90 10/12 10 10,92 Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Allium large flowering Priser angives i kr./stk. aflatunense atropurpureum ST1273 Size 12/14 5/6 2,90 Firmament ST1589 Size 8/+ 6 christophii ST1275 Size 10/+ 80 5/6 ST1278 Size 14/+ 60 2,27 giganteum Poser á 100 stk. 80 9,35 Poser á 25 stk. 50 3,18 Gladiator ST1280 Size 20/24 Poser á 25 stk. 6/7 5/6 150 17,52 ST1272 Size 20/+ 5/6 Poser á 25 stk. 125 12,42 New Globemaster ST1281 Size 20/+ 5/6 His Excellency Poser á 25 stk. 80 22,62 ST1283 Size 20/+ 6 90 Miami Poser á 25 stk. 12,18 ST1683 Size 10/+ 6/7 80 1,85 New Mont Blanc Allium Globemaster ST1680 Size 20/+ 5/6 100 nigrum (multibulbosum) Purple Rain Poser á 25 stk. 13,39 ST1285 Size 12/+ 5/6 ST1593 Size 10/12 80 2,95 5/6 90 2,34 New Purple Sensation ST1288 Size 12/14 5/6 70-90 schubertii Red Mohican ST1594 Size 10/+ 2,68 7 100 Poser á 25 stk. 15,53 ST1290 Size 12/14 Poser á 25 stk. 5/6 50 5,67 Summer Drummer White Cloud ST1287 Size 12/+ ST1682 Size 8/+ 6 150 Poser á 25 stk. 13,63 5/6 80 2,04 61 caeruleum cernuum ST1276 Size 5/+ 5/6 cowanii ST1277 Size I 50 0,88 Hair 5/6 5/6 3,09 1,61 5/6 20 5/6 40 5/6 ST1296 Size 6/+ 40 2,58 5/6 35 2,92 neapolitanum ST1284 Size 5/+ 3,09 Graceful Beauty ST1590 Size I 0,65 moly ST1282 Size 12/14 70 flavum ST1279 Size 5/+ 40 karataviense ST1274 Size 5/+ Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Allium small flowering Priser angives i kr./stk. 5/6 25 ST1591 Size 4/+ 0,55 5/6 35 0,55 New obliquum ST1681 Size I 6 oreophilum Poser á 25 stk. 80 24,09 sphaerocephalon 62 60 15 ST1292 Size 5/+ ST1289 Size 5/+ 0,55 5/6 35 0,67 ursinum ST1291 Size 6/+ 6 5/6 triquetrum roseum ST1592 Size 4/5 ST1293 Size I 0,66 5 35 1,71 5 40 1.79 Anemone Priser angives i kr./stk. blanda Blue Shades blanda Charmer ST1296 Size 5/+ ST1595 Size 5/+ 4 5 25 bicolor Hollandia 5 25 5 25 4/5 5 25 5 ST1301 Size I 1,19 5 4/5 15 2,03 Poser á 100 stk. Governor ST1298 Size 6/7 0,70 1,10 1,29 122 ranunculoides 10 De Caen mixed 252 4 25 ST1604 Size 6/7 0,66 5 252 0,77 Mount Everest ST1598 Size 6/7 0,76 5 25 0,77 Sylphide ST1600 Size 6/7 0,70 1,45 ST1302 Size I ST1603 Size 6/7 0,80 St. Brigid mixed ST1299 Size 6/7 25 25 ST1597 Size 6/7 0,70 Mr. Fokker 5 5 Lord Lieutenant ST1596 Size 6/7 blanda White Splendour ST1297 Size 5/7 7/+ 12 nemorosa 0,70 Bride ST1300 Size 6/7 0,76 12 4 Anemone coronaria Priser angives i kr./stk. ST1602 Size 6/7 0,71 ST1294 Size 5/+ 4 Admiral 12 blanda mixed Anemone blanda White Splendour & Muscari botryoides Album Poser á 100 stk. Anemone Mr. Fokker & various tulips ST1601 Size 6/7 0,70 5 25 0,71 63 cusickii leichtlinii Alba ST1304 Size 14/+ 5/6 ST1307 Size 14/+ 65 5/6 5,11 80 5,19 leichtlinii Caerulea leichtlinii Sacajawea ST1306 Size 14/+ ST1610 Size 14/+ 5/6 Poser á 25 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Camassia Priser angives i kr./stk. 80 5/6 5,11 80 8,52 New leichtlinii Semiplena quamash ST1678 Size 14/+ ST1305 Size 6/+ 5/6 80 8,52 Priser angives i kr./stk. 5/6 35 Camassia leichtlinii Caerulea Poser á 100 stk. 0,88 Chionodoxa Poser á 100 stk. luciliae luciliae Alba ST1309 Size 5/+ 2/3 Blue Giant 64 15 ST1308 Size 5/+ 0,62 Pink Giant ST1310 Size 5/+ 2/3 12 2/3 15 12 0,76 sardensis ST1311 Size 5/6 1,39 2/3 ST1312 Size 5/+ 0,85 2/3 122 0,86 Fritillaria - small flowering Priser angives i kr./stk. meleagris Alba michailovskyi ST1372 Size 5/+ 4 20 pontica ST1619 Size 5/+ 1,44 Priser angives i kr./stk. 4 202 uva vulpis ST1620 Size 6/+ 2,03 4 Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Poser á 50 stk. 25 3,76 meleagris mixed ST1368 Size 6/7 4 30 ST1370 Size 6/7 0,75 Fritillaria - large flowering 4 20 0,92 Poser á 25 stk. imperialis Aurora imperialis Maxima Lutea imperialis Premier ST1367 Size 24/+ ST1621 Size 24/+ ST1374 Size 20/24 4 90 15,57 4 90 15,57 4 90 20,44 New Fritillaria persica Ivory Bells & Narcissus Pueblo imperialis Rubra Maxima persica ST1373 Size 24/+ ST1371 Size 20/24 4 90 15,57 4 persica Ivory Bells 80 ST1677 Size 20/+ 15,10 4 80 16,76 65 Galanthus Priser angives i kr./stk. elwesii nivalis ST1375 Size 6/7 2 15 nivalis Flore Pleno ST1377 Size 4/5 5/6 6/+ 2 1,52 12 1,00 1,39 1,68 woronowii ST1666 Size 5/+ 2 12 Poser á 250 stk. ST1378 Size 6/7 1,93 2 15 1,46 Galanthus nivalis Hyacinthoides Priser angives i kr./stk. Engelse Bluebells ST1418 Size 5/6 5 25 1,74 hispanica white 66 25 hispanica pink ST1625 Size 10/+ ST1414 Size 8/10 5 30 1,52 hispanica mixed ST1624 Size 8/10 5 hispanica Excelsior 5 25 30 1,21 non-scripta ST1623 Size 8/10 1,31 5 Hyacinthoides hispanica mix ST1416 Size 7/8 1,21 5 252 Poser á 100 stk. 1,36 Iris hollandica Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk. New Blue Magic Eye of the Tiger ST1379 Size 8/9 6/7 50 ST1628 Size 7/8 50 6/7 50 6/7 0,60 6/7 6/7 ST1629 Size 7/8 50 1,10 0,60 6/7 50 4 Poser á 100 stk. danfordiae 15 2/3 3,08 ST1633 Size 6/+ 2/3 ST1380 Size 6/+ Poser á 50 stk. 40 histrioides George Iris reticulata & Crocus Spring Beauty 0,70 0,60 bucharica ST1632 Size I 50 ST1631 Size 7/8 50 Iris species Priser angives i kr./stk. 6/7 hollandica mixed ST1630 Size 7/8 0,60 Royal Yellow ST1676 Size 7/8 50 White van Vliet ST1386 Size 7/8 0,81 Red Ember ST1385 Size 7/8 0,90 Symphony ST1387 Size 7/8 50 6/7 0,70 Silvery Beauty 6/7 Purple Sensation 1,00 15 Katharine Hodgkin reticulata ST1634 Size 6/+ ST1637 Size 5/6 2/3 15 1,15 2/3 1,03 15 0,71 New reticulata Cantab ST1635 Size 5/+ 2/3 15 1,02 reticulata Harmony reticulata Joyce ST1381 Size 6/+ ST1382 Size 6/+ 2/3 15 0,87 2/3 15 reticulata Pauline reticulata Pixie ST1383 Size 6/+ST1384 0,87 2/3 15 ST1384 Size 6/+ 0,88 2/3 15 0,87 67 Muscari Priser angives i kr./stk. armeniacum ST1397 Size 8/9 10/+ 4 0,71 0,87 15 aucheri Blue Magic aucheri Dark Eyes ST1402 Size 8/9 ST1395 Size 6/+ 4 15 aucheri White Magic azureum ST1396 Size 8/9 ST1398 Size 6/+ 4 Poser á 250 stk. 152 0,99 4 12 Poser á 250 stk. 0,69 4 15 1,00 azureum Album 4 aucheri Mount Hood aucheri Ocean Magic ST1645 Size 5/+ ST1393 Size 7/8 4 15 ST1674 Size 6/+ 122 1,15 botryoides Album ST1641 Size 5/+ 0,95 Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. 1,49 4 15 0,70 botryoides Superstar Poser á 250 stk. 15 4 0,89 ST1675 Size 6/+ 4 Poser á 250 stk. 15 0,81 New comosum ST1400 Size 6/+ 4 25 1,33 comosum Plumosum Fantasy Creation ST1401 Size 8/9 ST1673 Size 8/9 4 20 1,10 5 20 Golden Fragrance latifolium ST1643 Size 9/+ 0,93 4 152 ST1644 Size 6/+ 2,49 4 15 Pink Sunrise ST1403 Size 5/+ 4 12 3,86 Valerie Finnis ST1646 Size 8/9 4 68 15 Poser á 250 stk. 0,79 Muscari latifolium & Anemone blanda White Splendour 0,65 Scilla Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. New peruviana peruviana White Moon ST1649 Size 18/20 Poser á 25 stk. 6 25 15,81 ST1670 Size 17/+ Poser á 25 stk. 6 25 14,90 bifolia ST1411 Size 5/+ 3 Poser á 250 stk. 10 0,84 bifolia Rosea ST1412 Size 5/+ 3 10 mischtschenkoana Poser á 250 stk. 0,84 siberica ST1422 Size 8/+ 2/3 12 ST1419 Size 7/8 8/+ Poser á 250 stk. 1,25 3/4 15 0,65 0,70 siberica Alba ST1420 Size 7/8 3/4 Scilla siberica Spring Beauty & Chionodoxa sardensis 15 0,76 siberica Spring Beauty ST1421 Size 8/9 3/4 15 1,44 69 Priser angives i kr./stk. Miscellaneous A-E Arum maculatum ST1606 Size I 5/6 Arum italicum ST1605 Size I 5/6 Poser á 25 stk. 30 2,88 Poser á 25 stk. 20 12,22 Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Bellevalia Green Pearl Bellevalia pycnantha ST1608 Size 6/+ ST1607 Size 7/+ 5 25 2,23 5 25 Bulbocodium vernum Convallaria majalis Corydalis cava ST1609 Size 7/+ ST1611 Size I ST1320 Size I 2 15 5,31 5 25 1,91 3 20 1,33 5,84 Dichelostemma ida-maia ST1613 Size 5/+ 6/7 Corydalis solida ST1321 Size 5/+ 3 20 1,54 Eranthis cilicica 2 70 5 Dracunculus vulgaris ST1351 Size 10/13 Poser á 25 stk. ST1614 Size 15/20 Poser á 25 stk. 4 8 6 4,87 ST1355 Size 4/5 0,98 1,46 Cyclamen coum hybriden Eranthis hyemalis ST1354 Size 4/5 60 2 5 0,98 60 11,44 Miscellaneous E Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 10 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Eremurus Cleopatra Eremurus himalaicus Eremurus Pinokkio Eremurus robustus ST1357 Size I ST1358 Size I ST1616 Size I ST1359 Size I 6 125 12,02 6 150 32,12 6 125 12,65 Eremurus Romance Eremurus stenophyllus Eremurus Ruiter hybrid mixed ST1617 Size I ST1356 Size I ST1615 Size I 6 125 16,06 6 90 9,25 6 125 6 175 32,12 Erythronium Pagoda 12,65 Erythronium dens-canis mixed Erythronium Pagoda Erythronium revolutum White Beauty ST1361 Size I ST1363 Size I ST1364 Size I 3/4 Poser á 50 stk. 10 5,36 4/5 Poser á 50 stk. 25 3,66 4/5 Poser á 50 stk. 25 6,17 71 Miscellaneous G-L Priser angives i kr./stk. Poser á 250 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. Geranium tuberosum Gladiolus communis ssp byzantinus Ipheion Alberto Castillo Ipheion uniflorum ST1622 Size 5/+ ST1271 Size 6/+ 5 252 Poser á 100 stk. 6 1,04 Ipheion uniflorum Wisley Blue Ixia mixed ST1627 Size 4/+ ST1638 Size 5/+ 4/5 15 0,85 6/7 50 0,60 Poser á 100 stk. 50 1,08 ST1388 Size 10/12 Poser á 100 stk. 30 0,60 ST1391 Size 24/+ 72 1,17 Leucojum aestivum 6 Lilium candidum 2,31 ST1424 Size 3/4 20 ST1639 Size 4/+ ST1389 Size 12/14 Poser á 100 stk. 50 4/5 Ixiolirion tataricum Leucojum aestivum Gravetye Giant 5 ST1626 Size 5/+ 6/7 90 5 40 22,17 ST1392 Size 12/+ 7/8 80 15 0,50 1,84 Lilium martagon Poser á 10 stk. 4/5 Lilium regale Poser á 10 stk. 22,66 ST1640 Size 18/20 Poser á 10 stk. 7/8 100 12,17 Priser angives i kr./stk. Miscellaneous N-Z Ornithogalum balansae Ornithogalum magnum ST1404 Size 6/+ ST1648 Size 10/+ 4 5 Ornithogalum nutans ST1647 Size 10/12 Poser á 50 stk. ST1405 Size 6/+ 90 1,91 4 5/6 1,03 Nectaroscordum siculum 5/6 Poser á 100 stk., hvor ikke andet er angivet. 25 0,82 Oxalis adenophylla ST1406 Size 6/+ ST1407 Size 6/+ 15 6 0,88 Puschkinia var. libanotica Puschkinia var. libanotica Alba Ranunculus in colours ST1408 Size 6/+ ST1409 Size 5/6 ST1672 Size 6/7 Poser á 250 stk. 15 0,60 Ranunculus mixed ST1410 Size 6/7 6/7 402 3/4 Poser á 250 stk. 15 0,76 Sparaxis mixed Poser á 250 stk. 0,80 2,73 Ornithogalum umbellatum 4 3/4 70 ST1650 Size 5/+ 6/7 25 Poser á 250 stk. 0,65 6/7 40 10 1,49 Poser á 250 stk. 0,85 Triteleia Koningin Fabiola Zantedeschia aethiopica ST1651 Size 5/6 ST1652 Size 14/16 Poser á 25 stk. 7 50 Poser á 250 stk. 0,55 7/9 90 11,92 73 Amaryllis/Hippeastrum Priser angives i kr./stk. Alfresco Apple Blossom ST1661 Size 30/32 11/3 Clown 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/3 ST1426 Size 28/30 34/36 24,87 28,12 11/3 Green Goddes ST1429 Size 28/30 34/36 27,03 31,90 Charisma ST1425 Size 28/30 34/36 25,95 Floris Hekker ST1662 Size 28/30 34/36 24,33 28,66 Carmen ST1428 Size 26/28 24,33 29,20 Double Record ST1653 Size 28/30 34/36 11/3 Baby Star ST1427 Size 28/30 34/36 34,06 Poser á 5 stk. 29,20 34,06 Hercules ST1432 Size 26/28 24,33 29,20 11/3 ST1654 Size 28/30 34/36 11/3 24,33 11/3 24,87 29,74 New Lady Jane Minerva ST1663 Size 28/30 34/36 11/3 ST1656 Size 28/30 34/36 27,03 31,90 Picotee 11/3 Papilio ST1669 Size 28/30 34/36 25,41 31,36 11/3 ST1433 Size 24/26 24,33 28,66 11/3 40,55 ST1658 Size 28/30 34/36 11/3 23,25 28,12 Susan ST1435 Size 28/30 34/36 29,74 35,14 11/3 Red Lion 24,87 Rilona ST1664 Size 28/30 34/36 74 11/3 Naranja ST1655 Size 28/30 34/36 23,25 28,12 ST1660 Size 26/28 29,20 Red Peacock 11/3 11/3 Rapido ST1434 Size 26/28 11/3 Mont Blanc Amaryllis arrangement ST1436 Size 28/30 34/36 24,87 29,20 11/3 24,87 29,74 Variety Abba Abigail Accent Actaea Ad Rem adenophylla Admiral Advance aestivum aestivum Gravetye Giant aethiopica aflatunense Aladdin’s Record Alba Alberto Castillo Albion Star Album Alfresco American Dream Anemone blanda mix Angélique angustifolius Annie Schilder Antoinette Apeldoorn Apeldoorn’s Elite Apple Blossom Apricot Magic Apricot Parrot Apricot Passion Ard Schenk armeniacum Atlantis atropurpureum Aurora autumnale autumnale Alboplenum autumnale Album autumnale Pleniflorum Avalon Avignon azureum azureum Album Baby Blue Baby Moon Baby Star bakeri Lilac Wonder balansae Ballerina Banja Luka Barrett Browning Bastogne batalinii Bright Gem Beauty of Apeldoorn Beauty of Spring Bell Song bicolor bifolia bifolia Rosea Big Smile Black Hero Black Parrot Blue Diamond Blue Giant Blue Jacket Blue Magic Blue Magic Blue Parrot Blue Pearl Blue Shades Boston Botanical mixed Brackenhurst Bravoure Bride Brown Sugar bucharica bulbocodium conspicuus byzantinus Caerulea caeruleum Cairngorm Calgary Calgary Calgary Flames Camarque Canaliculatus Canasta candidum Candy Club Candy Prince Cantab Cape Cod Carlton Carmen Carnaval de Nice Carnaval de Rio Carnegie Carrousel Cartouche Cassata cava cernuum Charisma Charmer Cheerfulness China Pink China Town Christmas Dream Christmas Marvel christophii chrysantha Tubergen’s Gem cilicica cilicicum cilicium City of Haarlem Claudia Clearwater Cleopatra Clown clusiana Cynthia clusiana Peppermintstick clusiana stellata Page 41 41 53 54 44 73 63 59 72 72 73 61 46 64 72 50 68 74 44 63 41 59 42 47 44 44 74 40 48 39 59 68 45 61 65 60 60 60 60 52 45 68 68 40 55 74 51 73 46 44 54 42 51 44 44 55 63 69 69 45 41 48 41 64 39 67 68 48 59 63 42 55 53 52 63 42 67 55 66 64 62 53 42 52 42 45 55 47 72 47 40 67 50 53 74 41 42 39 47 41 55 70 62 74 63 54 46 48 40 40 61 51 70 60 60 39 46 45 71 74 51 51 51 Variety Colour Spectacle comosum comosum Plumosum Corona Cotinga Couleur Cardinal coum hybrids cowanii Cream Beauty Cummins Curly Sue cusickii danfordiae Dark Eyes Darwin Hybrid mix Davenport Daydream Daytona De Caen mix Delfts Blauw Delnashaugh Denmark dens canis mix Dick Wilden Dior Don Quichotte Dordogne Double Eros Double mixed Double Record Drumline Dutch Design Dutch Master elwesii English Bluebells Escape Esperanto Estella Rijnveld Exotic Emperor Eye of the Tiger Fancy Frills Fantasy Creation February Gold February Gold Firefly Firework Firmament Flair Flaming Flag Flaming Parrot Flaming Springgreen flavum Flore Pleno Floris Hekker Flower Drift Flower Record Fontainebleau Fortissimo Foxtrot Foxy Foxtrot Francoise Full Throttle Fuscotinctus Gavota Geranium Giant giganteum Gigantic Star Gipsy Queen Gladiator Globemaster Goblet Golden Apeldoorn Golden Artist Golden Bells Golden Bunch Golden Dawn Golden Ducat Golden Echo Golden Fragrance Golden Harvest Golden Oxford Golden Yellow Goldilocks Governor Graceful Beauty Grand Maitre Grand Soleil d’Or Green Goddes Green Pearl Green Wave Groenland hageri splendens Hair Hakuun Hamilton Harmony Havran Hawera Heart’s Delight hederifolium hederifolium Album Helmar Hemisphere Hercules Hermitage himalaicus His Excellency hispanica Excelsior hispanica mixed hispanica Pink hispanica White histrioides George Holland Queen Hollandia Honeymoon Hyacinth mix hyemalis Ice Follies Ice King Ice Lolly Ice Stick ida-maia Page 47 68 68 49 55 40 70 62 59 47 47 64 67 68 44 47 44 47 63 39 52 42 71 52 41 42 45 39 52 74 41 42 52 66 66 42 48 48 49 67 47 68 55 55 59 46 61 40 42 48 48 62 66 74 52 58 42 53 41 41 42 52 59 42 54 60 61 53 39 61 61 52 44 48 55 59 55 52 55 68 52 44 58 59 63 62 58 54 74 70 48 48 51 62 44 47 67 42 55 49 60 60 45 42 74 40 71 61 66 66 66 66 67 42 63 47 39 70 53 52 43 49 70 Variety Ile de France Innuendo Iris hollandica mix italicum Ixia mix Jack Snipe Jan Bos Jan Reus Jan van Nes Jeanne d´Arc Jetfire Jetfire Job’s Memory Joyce Juan karataviense Katharine Hodgkin Kingsblood Koningin Fabiola kotschyanus La Belle Epoque La Courtine Labrador Lady Jane Lambada Large Cupped Narcissus mix Large Flow. Crocuses mix latifolium Leen van der Mark Lemon Beauty Lemon Sailboat libanotica libanotica Alba Light and Dreamy Lilac Wonder linifolia Little Beauty lobularis Lord Lieutenant Love Song luciliae luciliae Alba Lutea maculatum Madame Lefeber magnum majalis Margarita Mariette Marilyn martagon Mascotte Maureen Double Maxima Lutea meleagris Alba meleagris mix Menton Merlot Merry Christmas Miami michailovskyi Minerva Minnow mischtschenkoana Mistress moly Mondial Monsella Mont Blanc Mont Blanc Monte Carlo Monte Orange Mount Everest Mount Hood Mount Hood Mount Tacoma Mr. Fokker Multiflora Blue Multiflora Pink Multiflora White Murillo mix My Story Naranja Natura Artis Magistra neapolitanum Negrita nemorosa New Baby Nightrider nigrum (multibulbosum) nivalis non-scripta nutans obliquum obvallaris Ocean Magic odorus plenus Ollioules Orange Balloon Orange Emperor Orange Princess Orangery oreophilum Oxford Pacific Ocean Pagoda Paperwhite Papillio Parisienne Parrot King Passionale Paul Scherer Pauline Peach Blossom Peacock mix Peeping Tom Perestroyka persica persica Ivory Bells peruviana peruviana White Moon Petrel Pickwick Page 45 42 67 70 72 56 39 43 43 58 56 56 49 67 49 62 67 45 73 60 41 45 47 74 47 53 58 68 43 55 56 73 73 44 60 51 51 56 63 49 64 64 60 70 49 73 70 41 46 46 72 47 41 65 65 65 45 46 40 61 65 74 56 69 43 62 41 41 61 74 41 41 63 52 68 41 63 39 39 39 41 52 74 50 62 43 63 56 48 61 66 66 73 62 56 68 56 44 44 49 42 55 62 44 39 71 54 74 55 48 43 43 67 41 50 56 45 65 65 69 69 57 58 Variety Picotee Pink Charm Pink Giant Pink Impression Pink Pearl Pink Sunrise Pink Surprise Pinocchio Pinokkio Pipit Pirand Pixie Playgirl polychroma pontica Praestans Fusilier Praestans Shogun Praestans Unicum Premier Pretty Princess Princeps Prins Claus Prinses Irene Prinses Margriet Printal Professor Einstein Pueblo pulchella humilis pulchella Persian Pearl pulchella Violacea yellow centre Purissima Purple Dream Purple Prince Purple Rain Purple Sensation Purple Sensation Purple Sensation pycnantha Quail Quamash Quebec Queen of Marvel Queen of Night Queen of the Blues Queensland ranunculoides Ranunculus in colours Ranunculus mix Rapido Recreado recurvus Red Devon Red Ember Red Hunter Red Impression Red Lion Red Mohican Red Peacock Red Riding Hood Red Shine Red Springgreen regale Remembrance Rems Favourite Renown Renown Unique reticulata revolutum White Beauty Rhapsody of Smiles Rijnveld’s Early Sensation Rilona Rip van Winkle robustus Rococo Romance Romance Rosalie roseum Roulette Royal Anthos Royal Navy Royal Yellow Rubra Maxima Ruiter hybrid Mix Sacajawea Sailboat Salmon Impression Salome Sanne sardensis sativus saxatilis Scarlet Baby schubertii Seadov Segovia Semiplena Sempre Avanti Sensual Touch Shakespeare Shirley Showwinner siberica siberica Alba siberica Spring Beauty siculum Silver Parrot Silvery Beauty Sir Winston Churchill Sky Jacket Smiling Twin Snow Crystal Snowbunting solida Solva Sorbet Sparaxis mix Specie Crocus mix speciosus speciosus Albus speciosus Artabir speciosus Conqueror sphaerocephalon Page 74 53 64 44 39 68 39 50 71 57 49 67 43 51 65 47 47 47 65 40 49 59 40 40 55 53 57 51 51 51 49 46 40 61 39 61 67 70 57 64 50 41 45 58 47 63 73 73 74 43 54 53 67 51 44 74 61 74 50 46 48 72 58 43 45 42 67 71 45 52 74 57 71 48 59 71 43 62 47 50 39 67 65 71 64 57 44 53 46 64 60 51 49 61 43 57 64 53 47 49 45 49 69 69 69 73 48 67 54 39 55 39 59 70 49 45 73 59 60 60 60 60 62 Variety Split Corona mix Spring Beauty Spring Green St. Brigid mix Stainless Standard Value stenophyllus Stresa Summer Drummer Sun Disc Sunny Girlfriend Sunny Prince Super Parrot Superstar Susan Suzy Sweet Impression Sweet Lady Sweet Pomponette Sweetheart sylphide sylvestris Symphony Synaeda Amor Tahiti tarda (dasystemon) tataricum Tête-à-Tête The First tommasinianus tomm. Barr’s Purple tomm. Roseus tomm. Ruby Giant tomm. Whitewell Purple Topolino Topparrot Toronto Trauttmansdorff Trepolo triandrus Thalia Tricolor Tripartite triquetrum Triumph mixed tuberosum turkestanica umbellatum Uncle Tom uniflorum ursinum urumiensis uva-vulpis Valerie Finnis Valery Gergiev Vanguard Vanilla Cream Vanilla Peach vernum Verona Veronique Sanson Virichic vulgaris W.P. Milner Walsrode Waterlily Wave Weisse Berliner West Point Westward Whispering Dream White Cloud White Dream White Magic White Marvel White Pearl White Prince White Splendour White Triumphator White van Vliet Wildhof Willem van den Akker Willemsoord Wisley Blue Woodstock woronowii Yellow Cheerfulness Yellow Flight Yellow Printal Yellow Purissima Yellow Springgreen Yoko Parrot Yokohama Page 55 59 48 63 53 52 71 49 61 57 55 40 48 68 74 57 44 50 52 49 63 51 67 43 52 51 72 57 49 59 59 59 59 59 57 48 50 50 55 57 59 57 62 43 66 51 73 42 72 62 51 65 68 47 58 50 55 70 42 43 48 70 57 44 60 52 47 46 52 43 61 43 68 57 39 40 63 46 67 43 50 41 72 39 66 54 43 55 49 48 48 40 75 Prodana Seeds A/S: Højmevej 12 – DK-5250 Odense SV Tlf.: 6317 1600 – Fax: 6317 1619 –
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