WEEKLY CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK OF November 3, 2014 - November 9, 2014 Monday, November 3 9:00 AM / DR 9:30 AM / DR 10:00 AM / AP 10:00 AM / BR 10:00 AM / HR 10:00 AM / P 10:15 AM / CH 11:30 AM / ME 12:00 PM / F 1:00 PM / AP 1:30 PM / ME 1:30 PM / P 2:00 PM / P 3:00 PM / HR Staying Strong (On TV970 9:00 AM & 1:30 PM) Stretch N Flex Avon Sale Men’s Billiards Parkinson’s Exercise H2O Power Bible Study with Chaplain Kristie Bus Departs for Senior Symposium at LC Peakland Baptist Church Lunch Group Bridge Bus Departs for Walking Club Rusty Hinges Free Swim Line Dancing Deadline to sign up for Voting Tuesday, November 4 9:00 AM / ME 9:00 AM / DR 10:00 AM / ME 10:00 AM / BR 10:00 AM / AP 11:00 AM / HR 1:30 PM / BR 1:30 PM / BC 1:30 PM / HR 2:00 PM / HR 2:30 PM / ME 3:30 PM / ME 3:30 PM / CH Bus Departs for Voting Movement Matters Bus Departs for Voting Men’s Billiards Wii Games (until 10:00 PM) Geo Motion Ladies Billiards Computer Assistance in Res. Bus. Center Arthritis Exercise Arthritis Tai Chi Bus Departs for Voting Bus Departs for Voting Catholic Mass Deadline to sign up for Lunch Bunch Wednesday, November 5 9:00 AM / DR 9:30 AM / F 10:00 AM / BR 10:00 AM / P 10:00 AM / AP 1:30 PM / F 2:30 PM / HR 7:15 PM / AP Staying Strong (On TV970 9:00 AM & 1:30 PM) Residents’ Council Listening Session Men’s Billiards H2O Power Wii Games (until 7:00 PM) Canasta Taste of Zumba Woodcarving Group Deadline to sign up for Academy of Fine Arts Thursday, November 6 9:00 AM / DR 9:30 AM / DR 10:00 AM / BR 10:00 AM / DR 10:00 AM / AP 11:00 AM / P 11:45 AM / F 11:45 AM / DR 12:00 PM / T 1:00 PM / AP 1:30 PM / BR 1:30 PM / P 2:00 PM / CH 2:00 PM / P 4:00 PM / CH 6:00 PM / ME Mix It Up Stretch N Flex Men’s Billiards Strong and Centered Knitting Group Free Swim St. John’s Episcopal Church Lunch Group Senior Symposium Discussion Trash and Treasure Shop Open Partner Bridge Ladies Billiards Rusty Hinges (walking, flexibility & balance) Mini-Confab with Sean Huyett Hydrofit Service of Scripture, Prayer and Hymns Bus Departs for Smith Mountain Lake Harmeneers at Timberlake United Methodist Church (Pre-registration required) Sing-A-Long Special Tribute to Veterans 7:15 PM / CH Friday, November 7 9:00 AM / DR 9:00 AM / ME 9:00 AM / ME 10:00 AM / BR 10:00 AM / AP 10:00 AM / ME 10:00 AM / P 12:00 PM / T 4:30 PM / HR Staying Strong (On TV970 9:00 AM & 1:30 PM) Bus Departs for Weekly Grocery Shopping Bus Departs for Wal-Mart, The Fresh Market & Mall Shopping Men’s Billiards Wii Games (until 10:00 PM) Bus Departs for Weekly Grocery Shopping H2O Power Trash and Treasure Shop Open Social Hour Saturday, November 8 8:00 AM / AP 9:00 AM / C 7:30 PM / HR Wii Games (until 10:00 PM) Exercise Video Bingo Sunday, November 9 8:00 AM / AP 11:00 AM / CH 2:15 PM / ME 3:00 PM / 4DDR Wii Games (until 10:00 PM) Worship Service Bus Departs for Opera on the James (Pre-registration required) Worship Service Deadline to sign up for Jones Memorial Library Page 3 Special Announcements AVON SALE Jane French, an Avon representative, will have a few fragrance gift sets (men's and women's) make-up, skin care products such as day and night creams, body lotion, hand creams, foot creams, bubble bath and shampoo, and other items for purchase. She will also bring fragrance testers of women's and men's fragrances with perfume blotters. Avon brochures for customers to take home to look over at their leisure to order from will also be available. Payment is due upon delivery of products. Cash, check, debit or credit cards gladly accepted. All products ordered are 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Monday, November 3 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Activities & Programs Room MASSAGE If you would like to relax with a full body massage join Martha Robinson, Certified Massage Therapist. Sign up at the Activities & Transportation Board located in the lobby. Monday, November 3 Clinic Massage Room TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY Transportation will be provided on the big bus to the polls for Independent Living residents on Election Day. Lynchburg residents will vote for a Member of the United States Senate, a Member of the House of Representatives 6th District, and a Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Please note that a photo ID is required for all voters. Voters MUST present one of the following acceptable forms of identification when voting: Valid Virginia Driver’s License DMV issued photo ID card Valid United States Passport Valid Employee photo ID card Other government issued photo ID card Please sign up at the Activities and Transportation Board located in the lobby by Monday, November 3rd. Tuesday, November 4 Depart from Main Entrance at the following times: 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM 2:30 PM (Wheelchair transportation on small bus) and 3:30 PM Special Announcements Page 4 NEWS FROM SING-A-LONG There will be a special tribute to veterans at the Sing-A-Long on Thursday, November 6th. We hope that many residents will join us in the Weissert Chapel at 7:15 PM to celebrate those who have served our country so well during many decades. LUNCH BUNCH TO CHEDDAR’S RESTAURANT Plan to join us for lunch at Cheddar’s Restaurant in Roanoke, Virginia. They have a variety of items on their menu including soups, salads, vegetable plate, chicken fried steak, steaks, salmon, chicken tenders, fish tacos, cheese fries, ultimate nachos, fried shrimp, chicken fried chicken, catfish, burgers, philly cheesesteak, chicken pot pie and more. Lunch is on your own and will not be charged to your Westminster Canterbury account. Please sign up at the Activities and Transportation Board located in the lobby by Tuesday, November 4th. A minimum of eight and a maximum of 26 is needed for this trip. If you would like to meet us at Cheddar’s Restaurant and will provide your own transportation, you still need to sign up so that we can make the appropriate reservations. Bon appetite’. Tuesday, November 11 Depart from Main Entrance at 10:15 AM SOLE MATES WALKING CLUB Percival Isle Walk Join us for our walk at Percival Isle Walk. This is our last walk of the season. You do not want to miss it! This is a paved, flat, trail in downtown Lynchburg. We will enjoy a pleasant walk along this trail after having lunch at the Depot Grille. Lunch is on your own. Due to scheduling the date is different than on the original schedule . Thursday, November 13 Depart from Main Entrance 11:30 AM EMPLOYEES CHRISTMAS FUND NOTE Westminster Canterbury employees - they help us in so many ways. We witness their many acts of kindness each and every day, providing us with food, cleaning, and health care. They labor behind the scenes with cooking, laundry, emergency help and any matter of other ways to make our lives more pleasant. To gratefully acknowledge everything they do for us, please remember them this Christmas time with a donation to the WC Employee Christmas Fund. Doris and Ralph Coffing Page 5 Special Announcements ATTENTION VETERANS If you are a veteran and your name has not appeared on the Veteran’s Recognition Board posted on the Bridge during Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day, please call Katrina McLane at X3503 by Wednesday, November 6th, so your name can be added. If your name has appeared previously on the board you do not need to call. PARKING REMINDERS Please be mindful of parking spots with posted time limitations and do not go over that time allotment. If you are parked in handicap parking you must have a handicap decal. If you are a cottage resident please park in designated parking spots only. If you are a resident in the main building please do not park in parking spots designated for cottage residents. The parking spots next to Marketing are for short term parking only. You may park there to pick up your mail, unload your groceries, go to the Café for take-out meals, etc. Please remind friends, family and visitors they should park in the visitor parking lot. Valet parking tickets can be purchased and are available for your convenience at the Reception Desk. If you would like assistance in selling your car please call the Resident Life and Wellness office or stop by for details. If you own two vehicles, please park the least used vehicle toward the end of the parking lot to allow other residents to park closer to the building. If you have not registered your vehicle please do so with the Reception Desk. If you do not use your car as frequently as others, we ask that you move your car further out in the parking lot to allow other drivers easier access. If you have trouble finding parking near your residential building, please ask Security staff for assistance. You can do this by calling the Reception Desk or pulling up to the Main Lobby. RESIDENTS’ CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR THE EMPLOYEES Next week a neighbor will call on you asking for your assistance with the upcoming Employees’ Christmas Party. We hope each of you will participate in some way. You may provide home cooked food, a small monetary gift to help pay for some of the things we must purchase, and/or offer to volunteer in some way on the day of the party. Someone from your hall or street will begin canvassing in the next few days. Please be as generous as possible as we have our party to thank our wonderful employees on Wednesday, December 10th, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM. Thank you in advance for your participation. Karen Painter and Mary Spence Acree, Co-Chairs NEWS FROM SOCIAL HOUR Come one and all! As planned, we will revert to the former format - no tickets, just fan and good times. We would ask those groups gathering at a table to please leave one or two seats open for the singles. Let’s all get to know our new arrivals! Page 6 Special Announcements RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTIONS The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Residents’ Association will be held on Tuesday, December 2nd, at 10:00 AM in the Chapel. Business for the meeting will include: · Introduction of the six nominees for three positions on Residents’ Council · Annual Report of Council Chair · Any other official business of the Association · Election of three new Council members. All Independent Living residents are encouraged to attend. Polls will open for election of the three new Council members immediately following completion of all other business. Polls will be open just outside the Chapel until 12:30 PM, and from 12:30 PM until 3:00 PM in the Main Lobby. We encourage all Independent Living residents to vote, whether or not you can attend the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting will reconvene at 4:00 PM in the Hume Room to announce the election results and present the three (3) new members of Residents’ Council, who will assume office at the first Council meeting on January 7, 2015. ABSENTEE BALLOTS FOR RESIDENTS’ COUNCIL ELECTION The bylaws of Westminster Canterbury Residents’ Association specify the ground rules for absentee ballots for the annual election of Council members. The bylaws provide that the absentee ballots may be requested by Independent Living Residents for only the following four conditions: Residents confined to the Health Care Confined in a hospital Confined to their living unit by the Clinic Out of the Lynchburg area overnight In accordance with the bylaws, Jerry Bass, Chair of the Residents’ Council, has appointed Frank Moomaw to distribute ballots to qualified residents requesting them. If you have any questions or want to request an absentee ballot, please call Frank Moomaw at X3632. When the ballots are printed, (about November 15th), a ballot will be brought to you along with a form to sign indicating your request in writing. You will be furnished a ballot and an envelope to return the ballot after you have voted. The envelope will be sealed and put in the ballot box to be counted with all the ballots. “Absentee ballots in the sealed unsigned envelopes must be returned at least two days prior to the voting date.” This means that the ballot must be received by Frank Moomaw (Apartment BT09) by Saturday, November 29th. Page 7 Special Announcements FROM THE CHAPLAIN Opportunity to Volunteer!! I have been talking with a representative with Gleaning for the World, a locally-based charity that has been ranked by Forbes Magazine as the “Most Efficient Large Charity in America”. The scope of their work and reach is mindboggling and includes efforts like U.S. Disaster Relief, International Humanitarian Aid, a Teddy Bear Brigade, Feeding Our Neighbors, and Serving Those Who Served. We have been invited to join them in a particular project. To do this, we need willing hands and willing hearts. The specific project is called WINGS. “The WINGS program began when the women at Gleaning For The World organized a program to deal solely with issues affecting women. When the Gleaning women heard of the issues surrounding a woman’s menstruation cycle in developing countries they knew they had to act. They researched ways to help and began producing sustainable, reusable feminine hygiene kits.” Why is this an important issue? “In developing countries, there are stigmas and taboos associated with a woman’s cycle. They aren’t allowed to go to school, work, church, the store or even out in public because they lack proper feminine hygiene product. Women lose an estimated 3 MONTHS per year of education and income because they must hide during their cycle.” These kits are assembled by volunteers and that’s where we come in. If you are interested to learn more about participating in this hands-on volunteer project here on our campus, please call me – Kristie – at X3303 or drop me a note in my IL mailbox. Join us in worship this Sunday at 11:00 AM in Weissert Chapel! All are welcome! Chaplain Kristie will be preaching from Matthew 23:1-12, “From One Pretender to Another”. Remember also that if you aren’t able to attend chapel in person, the service will be broadcast on the Westminster Canterbury TV network, channel 970. Lectionary Readings for 11/2/2014: Micah 3:5-12; Psalm 43; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12. Lectionary Readings for 11/9/2014: Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13. Peace to you my friends, Chaplain Kristie HAPPINESS REPORTS AND FYI “Happiness is making new friends now that all of us have to use the same elevators to reach the bridge.” Happiness is getting acquainted with the trees of our scenic Nature Trail during the walk by our resident forester. Fall is here! Soon we will see even more fall colors, we hope! Has anyone helped you recently? Does that make you happy? Cards are available in the mail room above the Mixed Paper bin. Turn in your reports to Box C717. FYI: We had no measurable rain this past week which leaves us with 3.12” for October and 35.04” for the year. This is only about .55” above normal. The Pedlar Lake Reservoir is now 6” below normal with 100% of our drinking water coming from the Reservoir while Smith Mountain Lake is now running about 18” – 20” below normal pond level.
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