Issue 222 october 2014 Mark Your Calendar! Mark Your Calendar! Halloween Spooktacular Carnival! October31 st 6-9 pm st CANDY DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED OFF AT 308 MEADOWBROOK Halloween Spooktacular Carnival! October31 6-9 pm The Official Publication of the Hollywood Park Homeowners’ Association Published By Neighborhood News.™ VOTE: Election Day – November – City Hall – 7am -7pm CANDY DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED4OFF AT 308 MEADOWBROOK Mark Your Calendar! VOTE: Election November 4 – City Hall – 7am -7pm Arbor Day Day –and Community Fair Day Halloween Spooktacular Carnival! October31 6-9 pm st November – Voigt Park – 9-12 Arbor Day 8and Community Fairnoon Day VOTE: Election Day – November 4 – City Hall – 7am -7pm November 8 – Voigt Park Park and – 9-12 noon Make a Date with Hollywood HOA Annual Mtg. CANDY DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED OFF AT 308 MEADOWBROOK Arbor Day and Community Fair Day November 15 Park –Park Voigt Center -Annual 5-8pm Mtg. November 8 – Voigt – 9-12 noon Make Saturday, a Date with Hollywood and HOA Make a Date with Hollywood Park and HOA New Police Phone Number 15 - See HP Contact Info Annual –-page 14 Mtg. Saturday, November – Voigt Center 5-8pm Saturday, November 15 – Voigt Center - 5-8pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 New Police Number See HPContact Contact Info – page New PolicePhone Phone Number -- See HP Info – page 1414 NEISD No school Womans Club Bunco EDC Meeting City OCTOBER Brush Pickup 13Embassy Theater Voigt 10 am Hall 16 14 15 17 18 12 12 NEISD No school 13 14 15EDC Meeting City 16 17 Womans Club Bunco OCTOBER Deer Comm. Tree Committee 5:30 p.m. Brush Pickup Embassy Theater Voigt 10 am Hall Womans Club Bunco EDC Meeting City OCTOBER NEISD No school City Hall 7p .m. City Hall 7 p.m. Deer Comm. Tree Committee 5:30 p.m. Brush Pickup Embassy Theater Voigt 10 am Hall City Hall 7p .m. City Hall 7 p.m. 21 22 23 24 19 20 Tree Committee Deer Comm. 5:30 p.m. 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 st Day Early Vote 1st 1Day Autumn begins Early Vote City Council City Council Autumn begins City Hall 7p .m. City Hall 7 p.m. Brook Hollow Meeting S.T.A.G.E. Brook Hollow Meeting S.T.A.G.E. Library 20 City Hall 7 p.m. 21 22 23 24 19 Library City Hall 7 p.m. 26 29 30 31 1st Day Early Vote27 City Council 28 Autumn begins Early vote ends 26 Brook Hollow27 28 29 Meeting S.T.A.G.E. 30HalloweenParty 31 Early vote ends Voigt 6‐9 Library City Hall 7 p.m. HalloweenParty 26 27 28 29 30 31 Voigt 6‐9 Early vote ends 1 NOVEMBER HalloweenParty 3 4 5 6 7 8 Daylite Savings 2 Voigt 6‐9 Early out NEISD Early out NEISD Bridge @ Arbor Day & Time ends We Gather NOVEMBER Election Day City Hall 7‐7 Together Voigt 5:30‐ 7 p.m. 5 Code Comm. 6 13 Early out NEISD City Hall 6p.m. Time ends Lunch Bunch@ We Gather 3 4 5 6 Daylite Savings 2 Chili’s 11:30 17 City Hall 7‐7 18 19 20 Together Voigt 16 Early out NEISD Early out NEISD Time ends Bunco EDC Meeting 5:30‐ 7 p.m. Voigt 10 am City Hall 5:30 Election Day Lunch Bunch@ We Gather 10 City Hall 7‐7 11 Chili’s 11:3012 13 Together Voigt 9 23 24 25 26 27 Brush Pickup Veterans’ Day Code Comm. Thanksgiving NEISD No School 5:30‐ 7 p.m. 30 Deer Comm. Womans Club City Hall 6p.m. 9 10 11 12 13 City Hall 7p .m. EmbassyTheater Brush Pickup Veterans’ Day Code Comm. Deer Comm. Womans Club City Hall 6p.m. 18 19 20 16 City Hall 7p .m.17 EmbassyTheater Bunco EDC Meeting Voigt 10 am City Hall 5:30 16 17 18 19 20 Bunco EDC Meeting 24 25 26 27 23 Voigt 10 am City Hall 5:30 Thanksgiving NEISD No School 30 23 24 25 26 27 Thanksgiving NEISD No School Daylite Savings 2 NOVEMBER 9 11 310 Veterans’ Day 4 Brush Pickup Early out NEISD Deer Comm. Womans Club City Hall 7p .m. EmbassyTheater Election Day Lunch Bunch@ Chili’s 11:30 12 The Egg & I 9:30 a.m. Community Fair Voigt 9‐noon 18 18 25 25 1 14 8 7Make a Date 15 1 Arbor Day & Bridge @ With HP/HOA Community Fair The Egg & I Annual Meeting 7 Voigt 5‐8 8 Voigt 9‐noon 9:30 a.m. 21 22 Bridge @ Arbor Day & The Egg & I Community Fair 14 Voigt 9‐noon 15 9:30 a.m. 28 29 Make a Date With HP/HOA 14 15 Annual Meeting Make a Date Voigt 5‐8 With HP/HOA 21 Annual Meeting 22 Voigt 5‐8 21 22 28 29 28 29 Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter Don’t forget to join your 2 HP HOA! Does your family enjoy any of these activities: 4th of July Parade/Picnic, Halloween Carnival, Tamalada, End of School/ Back to School free swim and pizza nights, Fun Run/Walk, Easter Egg Hunt, Santa Party, and others? If so, then please send in your dues today using the form below. It’s just $20 for a whole year’s worth of fun events that help boost community spirit! Hollywood Park Homeowners Association Membership Form January 1, 2014 -December 31, 2014 Daylight Saving Time Name: _____________________________________ Address:____________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Send $20 Dues to: Membership Chairperson 214 Donella, San Antonio, TX 78232 November 2, 2014 – Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour. Make sure you change your smoke alarm batteries. Please make checks payable to HP HOA You may also pay online at: Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 3 The Halloween Carnival is Creeping Closer (Friday, October 31st – 6-9 pm) In just a few days, Halloween will be here! You know what that means! All our trick-or-treaters will be heading to Voigt Park for our Halloween Spooktacular Carnival! It will be from 6-9pm on Friday, October 31st. There will be games galore, a spooky story teller, our famous cake walk and Boy Scout Troop 511 will be selling food and drinks, in case you get hungry! We need lots and lots of volunteers to help decorate and set up (starting at 4pm.), help work a shift (30 minutes) at a game, and finally to help clean up and put everything away for next year. Last year there were not enough volunteers and kids came to a game and didn’t know how to play it. If you are interested and willing to help with this event, you may contact Shari Tiner at or at 490-9737. Halloween Candy donations may be dropped off at 308 Meadowbrook. Bring your whole family and we will see you there! Hamburger/Cheeseburger combo (including chips) Sausage-on-a-stick combo (including chips) Hot Dog combo (including chips) Sodas & Bottled Water Popcorn Nacho chips & cheese $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 Halloween Cake Walk Bakers or Buyers Needed! One of the most popular events at the Halloween Carnival is the cake walk. Please consider donating a decorated cake or cupcakes. Small whole cakes (you can make two single layers) are just perfect. You can also quarter large cakes, but we ask that you cut them ahead of time, so that each portion is already on its own plate, wrapped in plastic. What! Too busy to bake? Not a problem, store-bought cakes or cupcakes are great, too! We want to have enough so every child can win one. Please bring your spooky cakes and cupcakes to the Voigt Center on Halloween between 4 and 6 p.m. E. L. Smith Plumbing Since 1948 210-736-1606 M-8217 Visit us at our newest showroom inside HEB Alon Market Place and get a FREE gift for being a homeowner! 8503 NW Military Hwy. Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter Election Day Tuesday, November 4 City Hall 7am – 7pm Early Voting for the Mid-Term Election begins on Monday, October 20 and goes through Friday, October 31. There is a list of Early Voting locations on the City’s Website and bulletin board. The closest one is Brook Hollow Library. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 4, City Hall will be open from 7am – 7pm, so you can cast your vote. Arbor Day and the Fall Community Fair Day Saturday, November 8th from 9 - 12 noon, at Voigt We will celebrate Arbor Day and plant a tree as a part of our Tree City USA Designation. Mark Duff will present an Oak Wilt Seminar and show Texas A&M native species of trees that will be available for purchase and planting. Very small Mountain Laurel, Mexican Buckeye, and Bald Cypress, in 6 inch square pots, will cost between $4.00 - $5.00. These can begin to replace our endangered oaks. SAWS, CPS, GVST and other previous vendors will have booths. A FREE bag of organic mulch will be given away to the first 100 residents (additional bags will be available for purchase). This event is sponsored by the EDC and the Tree Committee. Make a Date with Hollywood Park! Bring your sweetie and have a date night in HP! Invite your new neighbors and friends and to an adult party on Saturday, November 15, at the Voigt Center from 5-8 pm. Our favorite alcoholic drinks will be served while you dine either inside or “al fresco” under tents as you listen to great music provided by the Tennessee River Authority Bluegrass Band. For this year only, we will be combining this event with the HOA Annual Meeting, which will be short. The dinner will be from one of your favorite local restaurants. Come and enjoy a lovely and relaxing evening with your favorite people, great food, great drink, and great music! The HP Birding Class The Birding Class that was hosted by resident Leah Palombo Burt on September 6th, attracted around 35 HP residents. Tom and Patsy Inglet from the Audubon Society and Alamo Chapter Texas Master Naturalists led the workshop. They had a slide presentation and instructions about binoculars. The class moved outside where various birds were identified. The highlight of the class was spotting a red-tailed hawk. San Antonio Symphony UPCOMING CONCERTS GRIEG CONCERTO Nov. 7 & 8, 2014, 8pm Sebastian Lang-Lessing, conductor Jon Kimura Parker, piano WEST SIDE STORY Nov. 14 & 15, 2014, 8pm Nov. 16, 2014, 3pm Sebastian Lang-Lessing, conductor Julie Albers, cello THE NUTCRACKER Nov. 28, 2014 - Dec. 7, 2014 Ballet San Antonio presents 11 great performances at the Tobin Center beginning Thanksgiving weekend. NO JOB TOO SMALL--WE DO IT ALL •Residential •Commercial •General maintenance •Home improvement •Energy-efficient updates•Experienced craftsmen (210) 684-8500 ~ Insured & Bonded ~ 4 HOLIDAY POPS Dec. 19 & 20, 2014, 8pm Dec. 21, 2014, 3pm Join us for a magical holiday celebration complete with sing-alongs, special guests and wonderful music. All performances will be held at The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts | (210) 223-8624 Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 5 We Gather Together custom designs for new construction, additions & remodeling Would you like to get involved with a Christian group of friends to fellowship, pray, and serve with, right here in Hollywood Park? Join us as we gather on the First Sunday of every month at Voigt Park or for inclement weather in the Voigt Center, from 5:307pm. Come on November 2 with your favorite salad, sandwiches, or side dish and join us as we build community! For questions contact Catie Eastland at catieeastland or 210- 4452584. Sparks Safety Snippets We’ve all done it; lifted or moved something way too heavy for us. Or maybe your pain originated from repetitive bending. We often hurt our backs by lifting too much, too many times, or the wrong way. The result can be pain that lingers far longer than the deed itself took. Here’s some tips that can help. ✓ Before you lift, stretch. Take a couple minutes to loosen those muscles. ✓ This also gives you a couple of minutes to think about what you’re about to do. That “pre task assessment” might be enough to keep you from getting hurt on its own. ✓ Use proper body posture. There is a whole science to lifting, but some key points are: Keep your back straight; lift with your legs, not your back; squat, don’t bend; lift straight in front of you – eliminating the twisting; ✓ Keep the load close to your body ✓ Get help. Often we end up hurting our back because our heads were too proud. PROPERTY DAMAGE? Don’t go uncompensated for damage to your home or property that may devalue your investment! Have you had any recent damage to your home or property? Has the insurance company failed to fairly compensate you for your loss, WE CAN HELP! In most cases, no legal fees or expenses unless we recover money for you! KNOWLEDGE INTEGRITY PROVEN SUCCESS FREE CONSULTATION 210.320.9284 Se Habla Español pho.: (210) 481-3022 / cell: (210) 683-3834 ROCK N’ OAKS To lift or not to lift? Dan O’Brien, CSP, CRIS, CHS-V john travis / architect Submitted by Jeannette Martin COOL WEATHER GARDENING The Hollywood Park Garden Club will meet at the Voigt Center, November 12, at 9:00 to carpool to the Riverwalk. We will do the Museum Reach River Boat Tour led by Lee Marlowe. Get your $10.00 to Lorelei Campbell, 604 Rua de Matta, as soon as possible. We have 30 spaces, and once those are filled, no more space! Lunch on your ownsnapdragons, calendulas, cyclamen, primrose. Plant bulbs such as German iris, crocus, oxblood lilies, Dutch iris, daffodils, hyacinths, lycoris, and all types of narcissus. Get tulip bulbs and chill for 4-6 weeks. You can plant roses this month through winter. Use lots of compost and don’t plant them any deeper than they were in the pot. Also plant mums, copper canyon daisies, asters and firespike. If you’re moving plants indoors, drench the soil with diluted orange oil (1 tablespoon/gallon of water) to eliminate insects. Insects can still be a major problem this month, particularly if the weather is hot. Watch for whiteflies, spider mites, aphids, and scale. Treat with the recommended product. Release ladybugs. Feed the entire landscape to increase cold tolerance and provide nutrients for spring growth. Apply ½” of compost to your lawn for thicker, healthier, greener, and more drought tolerant grass. Fall-blooming annuals and perennials can be kept in flower longer and will look better if their maturing flowers are removed, OR, leave the flower seeds for the birds. As leaves start to fall, collect and put them in the compost pile. Dig and store caladium bulbs. Remember, if cutting oak trees, Cut, Paint!!! Plant vegetables and herbs: lettuce, spinach, turnip, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cilantro, dill, fennel, parsley. Get the wildflower seeds out this month. Plant columbine in a shady location to have springtime blooms. Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~Author Unknown Liz De La Rosa, Realtor Musial and Associates 11549 Old Perrin Beitel Road -107 San Antonio, TX 78217 Cell: 210-273-4650 • Office: 210-493-4944 Fax: 210-493-4940 Email: Web address: Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services • Hot Water Heaters • Faucets • Disposals • Sewers/Drains • Water Softener M-36230 : CLARK PLUMBING CO. FEATURING BRANDS Moen, Kohler, Grohe, Delta, American Standard, A.O. Smith “Where Quality Still Counts” For Installation & Repair, call Dustin Clark (210) 590-4993 | (210) 912-3291 P.O. Box 700114 • San Antonio, TX 78270 Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 6 Hollywood Park Club Membership Form Hollywood Park Humane Society I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN: By Barbara R. Schmitz _____ Woman’s Club, dues $5.00 and a copy of directory. Send form and payment to: Nelda Fritz 308 Meadowbrook San Antonio, Texas 78232 _____ Rock ‘N Oaks Garden Club, dues $10.00. Send form and payment to: Lorelei Campbell 604 Rua de Matta San Antonio, Texas 78232 _____ Hollywood Park Humane Society, dues $25.00/ family. Send form and payment to: Debbie Trueman 228 Fleetwood Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78232 Please make checks payable to the specific Club/Society you wish to join! Name: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________ E mail: ________________________________________ Construction Company A family-owned business since 1975 M. P. “Nard” Tollette M. P. “Trey” Tollette, III 15701 Henderson Pass, San Antonio, TX 78232 Hollywood Park Residents 494-5932 Cicada Killer Many of you have seen those huge striped rusty brown and yellow wasps that look like jumbo yellow jackets. They get their name from their habit of hunting cicadas. Don’t be alarmed. The females can but seldom sting humans unless roughly handled or stepped on. Males do not sting, but they will buzz you. These wasps are solitary. They are usually docile and harmless–rather difficult to provoke. Usually they burrow where vegetation is sparse or untidy. Many wasps might use the same area for nesting, but do not share their nests. Each female digs her own tunnel or burrow which can go down ten inches. These wasps want cicadas for their young. The wasp captures the cicada and paralyzes it with its stinger; turns the cicada on its back, straddles it and pulls it to its burrow. Then the wasp carries the cicada to its underground nest or tunnel where it lays one egg and then seals the opening; the wasp will repeat this for each egg. They put up to three cicadas into a cell in the tunnel where the larva feed for up to ten days until only the cicada’s outer shell remains. The egg hatches and feeds upon the cicada, pupates and then metamorphosizes in the spring to emerge from the nest In the fall, the circle of life begins again when the wasp larva spins a silken case, shrinks, winters over and emerges as an adult in the summer. The Woman’s Club of Hollywood Park Submitted by Gwenda Taggart Last call for theater tickets for the upcoming STAGE Theater night, October 23rd, in Bulverde. The play is a comedy, quick witted, intelligent voyage into the not-so-tranquil seas of middle aged love and dating by Jon Lonoff. Contact Alverne Halloran at 494-3378 to get your tickets and join the HP group that regularly attends. Guests and spouses are also welcome! It’s time to donate wrapped candy for the HOA sponsored Halloween Party. Drop off your donations at the home of Nelda Fritz, Woman’s Club Treasurer, 308 Meadowbrook. Support your community with your candy donations so the kids in the park can have a Happy and Safe Halloween. Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 7 Deer Committee – September 8 Roll Call: Marcus Benn, absent Minutes of July 7 meeting with corrections, passed 9-0. Wildlife Incident Reports: There were 9 reports with 2 bucks dead (one was put down due to 2 broken back legs), 3 fawns injured, and 4 fawns dead (one was put down after being hit by a vehicle). These reports were accepted. 9-0. Presentation: Before our Deer Project Manager spoke, Mayor Fails addressed the Committee. He noted that previous Mayors had come in between the Deer Comm. and our DPM. He doesn’t want to be there, nor be that involved. He did request that the deer equipment that HP has purchased be stored in HP. He feels strongly that the Deer. Comm. should manage the deer population. Chmn. J. Doss noted that the Deer Comm. can use the designated budget, but if something comes up that is outside the budget, the Comm. will go through the City Secretary, Janice Alamia, and then present the request to the Council. L. Morris noted that in several places in the Deer Management Ordinance, it refers to the Mayor having the DPM report directly to him. Ms. Alamia replied that the Ordinance was being reworked to remove those parts. Mr. Mayfield plans to change from trapping the deer to darting them. HP had a problem with darting many years ago, but the technology has changed and improved. Now the darts have a GPS chip in them, so all of them can be recovered. He will dart the deer from his truck and have a second truck with 5 helpers follow him. One helper is assigned to jump out and follow 1 darted deer, so 5 deer can been tracked at the same time. They make sure it doesn’t collapse in the street. There will also be a veterinarian on sight. The budget was discussed. The Council had proposed $4,300 for next year, but Mr. Mayfield suggested $8,500 to cover the cost of the more expensive darts and any CWD testing that would be needed. The Mayor agreed to that amount. A motion to submit a budget of $8.500 passed, 9-0. The DPM and Ms. Alamia discussed how he would purchase the items he needed and how he would be repaid. Ms. Alamia suggested that there be a Committee Designee to act as a liaison between the Comm. and the DPM – so the Comm. doesn’t have to meet every time he needed to make a purchase. The Designee would have the authority to approve any purchases. LuAnn Montgomery volunteered to be the Designee. New Business: 1) HP Deer Management plan for 2014-2015 – Mr. Mayfield reported that he has approval to TTP (process) if we can’t TTT (transport). The Ozona ranch can take 40, another ranch north of Hondo that can take up to 25, and a third ranch can take 10 if need be. Steve and Barbara Linick ERA Troy, Realtors 884-2571 or 884-2572 He also got the $750 release sight fee waived. The ranchers will come to HP to get the deer. He hopes to get 15 per session. He counted 100 deer in the same area of town where he trapped last year. He wants to dart in late September through early November and take does that are not pregnant. The final session will be in next February – March. 2) Proposed Deer management expenditures – see above. 3) Date for Fall Deer Survey – it will be held on Thursday, September 25, at 6:30 at City Hall. 4) Deer Crossing Signs – B. Lane of the EDC sent 2 choices of proposed Deer Signs that the Comm. could decide upon. They choose a sign with a green background, gold letters that say SLOW with a white jumping deer in the middle. These signs will be placed around HP where there has been deer/vehicle contact. B. Schmitz passed out a handout about permanent deer birth control. She wants the Comm. to read it and be ready to discuss it next month. Fall Deer Survey Results Bucks Does Fawns TOTAL Fall 2012 26 61 46 133 sold in Hollywood Park.. and counting! Fall 2014 32 131 73 236 Call Now for your Air Conditioning Tune-up... - Only $58 - Reduce your Electric bill - Prevent an expensive breakdown - Get priority service if the worst happens Our 12 point Air Conditioning Tune-up includes: - Check & adjust Freon levels - Inspect & Clean Contactors - Inspect & Oil Motors - Wash Condenser coil - Check Capacitors - Inspect Blower - Check current draw, voltage - Etc. We also offer discounts on repairs to Seniors Citizens and Veterans. Only One Discount per Service Call, offer expires 10/31/14. We service all brands 117 Homes Fall 2013 29 104 66 199 Insured for your protection. Best Air Conditioning & Heating 311 Yosemite 494-2255 TACLB 24480E Discounts for Seniors and Veterans John Widhelm, Owner Hollywood Park Resident Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter Public Hearing #1 – September 4 8 Eco Lawn San Antonio Core Aeration & Organic Compost Part 1 – Proposed Tax Rate Roll Call: H. McBrayer, absent Mayor Fails explained that the tax rate will NOT change from last year. Our property values, however, did go up, which will cause the taxes to also go up. Citizen Participation: B. Sartor noted that the past few years have been good and our cash reserves have grown to 16 months. When he began as Mayor, HP had 5 weeks of cash reserve. The recommended savings is 3-6 months. If we kept 12 months in reserve, we would have about $720,000 to play with. He suggested bringing down the tax rate to the effective rate of $0.4848. Anytime we can give our seniors a break, is good. As far as the COLA (cost of living adjustment) salary increases goes – people will then expect them every year. If you are over 2% (the national average), you had better explain it. Part 2 – Work Session on Proposed Budget Roll Call: H. McBrayer, absent Finance Director, Adelina Mardegain announced that the group insurance renewal came in 15% less than projected, which is a savings for HP. The biggest change to the budget is the proposed addition of a DEA Agent at a cost of $82,000. HP will get revenues from their Forfeit/Seizure Fund for this officer to help pay for his expenses. The proposed new Administration Dept. car will be transferred to the Police Dept. for the DEA officer. Police Chief Prichard explained that it is not unique to have a DEA officer. The DEA takes officers from surrounding towns, and counties to form a narcotic task force. HP will pay the officer’s salary, but the DEA will pay for everything else, like overtime. HP will get a percentage of the seizure money as a return on this investment. The percentages change depending on how much the officer was involved with the case. Chief Prichard spent three years supervising the Kendall County DEA agent before coming to HP. The Chief noted that Boerne received around $250,000 in three years from the Forfeit/Seizure Fund. Obviously, he cannot guarantee HP will receive that much, but every bit helps. The money returned from the Forfeit/Seizure Fund cannot be spent on wages, but can be spent on vehicles, training, ammunition, and other Police needs A position possibly will open in January with the DEA and this officer will work undercover for them. The Administration Dept. will now get the old Police car, which would have been sold this year, for their use. CM Phillips thanked the Chief for his foresight and planning. CM Murphy asked what are the other cities and counties (Alamo Hgts., Castle Hills, Balcones Hgts., San Antonio, Bulverde, Kendall, and Bexar Counties) DESIGN+BUILD HOME REMODELING AWARD WINNING RENOVATIONS Drought & Water Restrictions Damage Your Lawn? WE CAN HELP! Wake Your Grass Up! Brad Walser 210-316-9444 that all have DEA agents working for them. There will be a contract with the DEA, so HP can get out of the program after one year if they need to. Citizen Participation: B. Sartor noted that the budget is an authorization to spend money, not a pool of money. Check the DEA officer’s salary and there could be some exceptions as to how to use the Forfeiture/Seizure Fund money. HP should consider the insurance costs for about 5 years and options to get out of it. The Administrative vehicle is an asset, so people are more accountable and able to come in on “off times”. The COLA is too high. The Police budget is now higher than the Fire Department’s. A letter was sent to the Mayor from E. Collins in which she states that she and her husband have lived here since 1962. They support our town and are very proud to live here. She asks why HP does not freeze the taxes for senior citizens like other cities do? It is very hard for them to live on a fixed income when their taxes keep going up. Public Hearing # 2 – September 11 Roll Call: D. Neugebauer, H. McBrayer, absent Mayor Fails repeated from last week that the tax rate will not change from last year. Citizen Participation: B. Sartor wants the tax rate to be moved down to $0.4848 which is the effective tax rate. This would bring in the same income as last year. Take the difference and move it from the general accounts into the revenue. It just lowers the general reserve. The proposed COLA raises exceeds the CPI (Consumer Price Index) of 2%. You can’t pass the increase on like businesses do, just give 2%. CM Murphy asked what is the difference in the income for HP between a tax rate of $0.4848 and $0.511? It is about $85,000. The increase will be about $70.00/household, depending on the size of your property. SEAN M. BLASKO ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLS · TRUSTS · PROBATE 14607 San Pedro Ave. Ste. 100 Proper Planning. True Craftsmanship. Constant Communication. San Antonio, TX 78232 • whole house remodels • additions • kitchens • bathrooms 210.525.8750 (210) 499-0901 Hollywood Park Resident Office conveniently located near 281 & Winding Way Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 9 Hollywood Park Police Department Calls for Service Hollywood Park FIRE Department August 2014 CALLS FOR SERVICE Fire Chief John Butrico Police Chief Shad Prichard MAY JUN JUL AUG TOTAL YTD Calls For Service 310 337 455 418 2640 Offenses 14 10 18 30 153 Arrests 5 4 5 5 35 TOTAL YTD Traffic MAY JUN JUL AUG Citations 100 99 88 77 732 Warnings 24 23 15 20 173 JP 3 0 0 0 0 5 Accidents 1 0 3 2 19 Other 13 11 13 11 93 TOTAL YTD Offense MAY JUN JUL AUG Assault 1 0 1 1 6 Burg. Building 0 0 0 16 35 Burg. Habitation 0 1 1 0 4 Burg. Vehicle 4 2 3 1 19 12 Crim. Mischief 1 0 2 0 DWI 1 1 2 0 7 Narcotics 0 2 1 1 12 Theft 3 1 1 5 22 Other 4 4 7 6 38 Date 8/11/2014 8/12/2014 8/12/2014 8/12/2014 8/13/2014 8/13/2014 8/13/2014 8/13/2014 8/14/2014 8/15/2014 8/15/2014 8/16/2014 8/17/2014 8/17/2014 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 8/19/2014 8/21/2014 8/22/2014 8/25/2014 8/26/2014 8/29/2014 8/30/2014 Type Primary Action HP-Fire HP-EMS HP-EMS HP-EMS HP-EMS HP-Fire HP-Fire Bexar-Bulverde HP-Fire HP-Fire Bexar-Bulverde HP-EMS Bexar-Bulverde HP-EMS HP-EMS Bexar-Bulverde Bexar-Bulverde HP-EMS HP-EMS Shavano Park Bexar-Bulverde HP-EMS Shavano Park Medical Assist San Pedro Medical Assist Marriott Call Center Medical Assist Havenhurst Medical Assist Mecca Transport person Sagecrest Sprinkler activation BCFS Health & Human Svs. System malfunction BCFS Health & Human Svs. Alarm call Mcfaddin Electrical wiring/equip. Skyforest Public assistance/invest. Trailcrest Cover assignment Marlark Pass Motor vehicle & injuriesHwy. 281/Mecca Cover assignment Creek River Person in distress Meadow Brook Medical Assist Mustang Circle Cover assignment Echo Grove Dispatched Borgfeld Medical Assist Donella Medical Assist Valero Cover assignment Cheos Oak Alarm or call/other Hwy 281N. Medical Assist San Pedro Alarm or call/other Bent Oak Address Other MAY JUN JUL AUG TOTAL YTD Alarm Business 11 11 12 10 83 Alarm Residential 14 12 11 8 9 71 11 11 9 94 Assist OtherAgency 12 8 18 8 88 Assist the Public 10 9 5 11 52 City Code Viol. 51 62 49 56 472 Animal Calls Crime Prevention 7 4 6 4 40 Injured/Sick 9 17 13 14 117 955 Patrol By 98 127 248 209 Miscellaneous 44 45 33 15 248 Total 310 337 455 418 2640 T U TO R I N G Assistance with the College Application Process ROOF AND EXTERIOR CLEANING San Antonio’s Only SoftWash Systems Authorized Professionals 9th-12th Grade (210) Private Tutoring for Reading Elementary age children 418-GUNS 4 Rates vary according to services provided. Will determine after consultation. 8 6 7 BigGunsSoftWash .com www. 10% DISCOUNT for Hollywood Park Residents Tina King 210-863-6102 Hollywood Park Resident Currently a high school counselor at a private Christian school. FREE ESTIMATES AND FREE DEMOS Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter EDC – September 18 Roll Call: S. Farrimond, P.Wilberg, absent New EDC Attorney: The Board needed to replace their attorney upon the recent death of their previous counsel, Mr. Adams. They invited Ryan Henry to introduce himself to them. Mr. Henry stated that he had been the counsel and prosecutor for the City of HP for many years and now offices in HP. He represents governmental entities including the EDC. He commented that this Board is more active than previous boards and his goal is to help them accomplish all that they want to do. A motion to accept Mr. Henry as the new EDC attorney passed, 5-0. Minutes of the June 19 meeting passed, 5-0. Financial Report: As of 8/31, there is $283,333 in available funds. The expenses since June are attached. The report was accepted, 5-0. Renewal of term of Board Members: At the end of September, 4 Board members terms will expire. 3 members, Scott Farrimond, Brent Lane, and Nick Prater will return, but Phil Wilberg, due to an extensive work travel schedule will not. Mr. Lane thanked Mr. Wilberg for his hard work and initiating and completing the Tree City USA Designation for HP. Clark Smith, a 2 yr. HP resident and civil engineer was nominated to replace Mr. Wilberg. Mr. Smith knows both Mr. Lane and Mayor Fails. His nomination to the Board was accepted. New Business: 1) Kara Hill made a presentation to the Board concerning the types of grants that HP may want to apply for. She has 12 years of economic development experience at UTSA and for Bexar County, as well as being a small business owner. She also has an economic development consulting company which works with municipalities and utility districts. HP may be Central Texas SEPTIC Residential & Commercial Proudly Serving South Texas for over 10 Years! • Conventional Septic & Aerobic Installations • Maintenance Contracts • Septic Tank Cleaning Old Business: 1) Relationship with Texas Creative –B. Lane has met twice with Texas Creative, once with Mary Uhlig and once with Nick Prater concerning their lack of performance and extra costs. Neither meeting went well. A mutual agreement has developed to end the contract. Mr. Lane is now waiting for final verification of bills, before final payments are made. 2) Future marketing plans – Mary Uhlig has found a small graphics firm and a small hosting firm to continue our social media plans for a website. She will present this next month. 3) Signs – Mr. Lane contacted Ms. Koons, who owns a sing company and she helped find various sign vendors to pick up where Texas Creative left off. Some of the original bids were very high. The Board approved a new revised budget of $92,000 to pay for all the signs and banners. A different company will make the street signs with a small change. They will have a green background, gold trim and reflective white letters. The installation of the signs will be: a) City Hall with Police and Fire Badges – Oct. 13, b) Entrance signs – Oct. 20, and c) Street signs and banners (on 281) – Oct. 27. 4) Promotion of commercial property – they will look into improving the outside of Galleria Oaks (cover the dark red brick) and make it their focus for 2015. They will wait to hear from Ms. Hill about any possible grants they could use for commercial properties. New Business: 2) Implement digital advertising with Clear Channel and the City Hall Marquee – J. Dini reminded the Board that the EDC reserved 20% of the use of the City Hall marquee for HP advertising. HP also has 40hrs/ year per sign with Clear Channel. He wants to make an effort to support the food businesses in Galleria Oaks. He volunteered to visit with each one and offer his services to help them increase their business. He suggested that they might tie in an offer for HP residents with the use of the digital signs. Mayor Fails noted that HP’s use of the Clear Channel signs can NOT be used for businesses. Mr. Dini will report back next month. 3) Shredding Day – A shredding truck will be a City Hall on Oct. 11 from 10-12 noon. Police and Fire Depts. will also participate. The Board approved a cost of $800 to pay for a postcard mailing and the cost of the shredding truck. 4) Arbor Day/ Fall Community Fair Day – C. Lane from the Tree Comm. announced that Mark Duff had ordered Mountain Laurel, Mexican Buckeye, and Bald Cypress to be sold on Arbor Day. The Board approved a budget of $ 1,600 to pay for mulch and the trees, passed 5-0. 5) Holiday Inn - A budget of $500 was passed, 5-0, to hold an open house at holiday time, to promote seasonal stay. 6) Future Plans – Possibly work with HCV on banners and video surveillance with the Police Dept. (bad guys escape through HCV). ACOG will hold its tax half-day workshop on the 26th. Ms. Mardegain will forward the information to the Board members. Former Middle School/High School Spanish Teacher With over 30 Years of Teaching/Tutoring Experience • Real Estate Inspections • Specializing in Oil Field Installations Licensed & Insured #0S0028816 #0S0023596 #MP0001294 889-4606 Hablamos Español eligible for both Federal and State grant programs, but we need to study the “fine print” to learn about the “strings attached” before applying. She will prepare a list of how to begin and what grants may be available in our timeframe for next meeting. She will focus on what applies to the Voigt Center. SPANISH TUTORING • Drain Field Repairs (210) 10 Senior Citizen Discounts Studied, Lived and Taught in Barcelona, Spain and Caracas, Venezuela Hollywood Park Resident for 26 Years Makes learning fun – Proven results! Call Cynthia Lane 210.494-9329 (home) or 210.722.5714 (mobile) Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 11 Summary of City Council – September 23 Special Session Roll Call: D. Neugebauer, absent Approve an Ordinance to adopt the budget for 2014-2015. CM Phillips noted that he has had complaints about putting up the digital signs. He commented that HP needed the revenue they generate, since losing the fire contract. Concerning the digital sign on Sterling Browning, he re-explained that former Mayor Ortega and Mayor Fails tried for months to move it, it didn’t work out. A motion to adopt the budget passed, 4-0. Adopt the tax rate for 2014-2015 of $0.511. This motion passed, 4-0. A motion to ratify the two previous votes passed, 4-0. Each of the three above motions were passed by a Roll Call vote. All voted Yea. Regular Meeting Announcements: Police Chief Prichard announced that HP has a Police intern, Juan, a criminal justice student, from UTSA. He noted that the burglaries were up, but that was due to the break-ins at the Public Storage facility. Sgt. Williams, on night patrol, was the officer who caught the suspect. CM Phillips asked that next year, please include the previous years’ numbers in the monthly stats. The Chief agreed. Financial Director Adelina Mardegain commented that our insurance company no longer covers “indemnity” for the Council Members. There was a discussion about where the insurance came from, who covers them now and the City Atty. will look into finding replacement coverage. City Secretary Janice Alamia thanked Mr. Lane of the EDC, Ms. Mardegain for her years of work on the marque, and Mr. Wilberg of the EDC for the new digital City Hall marque sign. She loves it. New Business: 3) The Council discussed the renewal of the employees’ insurance policy for 2014-2015. They plan to offer a vison component. CW McBrayer felt that since we had not offered it before, we don’t need to now. We are expecting a huge increase in rates next year and this will only add to it. The total cost increase from last year including vision is around $11,000. A motion to accept the new insurance rates with vision passed, 4-0. 4) Approve the re- appointment and appointment of EDC Board members. Mr. Lane, Pres. of the EDC noted that in September 4 EDC Board Members’ terms were expiring. Mr. Lane, Mr. Prater and Mr. Farrimond will all return, but Mr. Wilberg will not, due to his excessive travel schedule for work. Mr. Lane has nominated Clark Smith a civil engineer who has worked land deals and as a transportation engineer to replace Mr. Wilberg. A motion to approve the reappointments and new appointment to the EDC Board passed, 4-0. be done to locate utilities, trees, and buildings on the property. CM Neugebauer is working with a couple of members of the EDC to work up an architectural team to develop a master plan. CW McBrayer wants Public Hearings for citizen input. Mayor Fails requested 2 Hearings on the RFQ. New Business: 1) Amend Personnel Policy Manual – The Council discussed changing the Policy so that a full-time employee can take 2 personal business days together and with vacation time, instead one day alone each 6 months. Citizen Participation: B. Sartor suggested giving every employee 2 days (flex days) per year to use however they want. Both Fire and Police Chiefs agreed. Mr. Sartor also suggested changing the date to the fiscal year instead of the employee’s anniversary employment date, which is difficult to keep up with. CM Murphy asked about doctor’s appointments or deaths in the family. Ms. Alamia responded that those absences are covered by sick and bereavement days. A motion of accept these changes, passed, 4-0. 2) Changes to the Deer Management Program – Mayor Fails explained that currently the Council members choose two members each to be on the Deer Comm. It follow the rules of the Texas Open Meetings Act. He wants to empower the Committee to run the Deer Management Program. As the Ordinance is now written, the Mayor and the Deer Project Manager can meet and decide how to run the program, thereby avoiding the Deer Committee. Mayor Fails wants to prevent that. Citizen Participation: B. Sartor cautioned against moving authority to non-elected officials. The Committee still needs to come to the Council or Mayor to decide about money. N. Swan a member of the Deer Comm., noted that the Comm. still answers to the Council and doesn’t do anything without their permission. The proposed new language has our Committee tied to rules of the TPWD, which are not the same as our current practices. CM Phillips asked why this is even an Agenda item. The Deer Comm. is doing a good job. He wants to leave things as they are. Mayor Fails will work with the City Atty. and bring this item back at the next meeting. Mission Golf Cars Hollywood Park Deal Old Business: Update on Voigt Park – Mayor Fails noted that a survey has Interior & Exterior Painting by WMG Services Inc. Affordable and Professional Sheetrock - Texturing References provided Daily Clean-up Pressure Washing Replace Rotted Wood Bonded and Insured Call for Free Estimates (210) 845-8757 4 Passenger w/ New Batteries 300 $ 4650 $ FREE ACCESSORIES w/ purchase of a golf cart Must present this ad Call 210-545-7868 Ask for Debbie Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter 12 Teen Services Directory If you would like to be added or removed please contact You MUST put HP Resident in the subject line and be 19 yrs. of age or under. Name Phone # Zach Huggins - 14 491-9568 Cort Jaquess - 14 462-9893 Other Pet and plant sitting/mail pick up Pets, Yards, Trash/Mail Alex King - 15 602-9018 Pets, yard, trash, mail, labor Shane Lawlor - 16 623-0501 Johnathan Pressler Services Information 422-7574 Name Phone # Katherine Booth - 17 545-6737 Ryan Booth - 13 545-6737 Other Baby, pet, house, trash/ mail Pet, yard, trash, mail, moving Emily Brunken - 14 385-4472 Babysitting, CPR certified Audrey Crevoisier - 18 885-3912 Victoria Crevoisier - 15 885-3912 Petsitter, House, ExperiencedTeen Petsitter, House, Experienced Francesca De Wied - 17 545-7035 Pets (includes reptiles) Joshua Heard 608-8399 Ivana Herrera - 16 415-5323 Baby Sit, Pets, Lawns, Trash/Mail Babysitter (CPR certified) Jake Holzmann - 16 494-2302 Lawn, Odd jobs Luke Holzmann - 14 494-2302 Pets, Plants, Mail, Baby sit, Nick Holzmann - 18 494-2302 Coleman Ingram - 14 860-4476 Lawn, Odd jobs Baby, pet, house, lawns, trash/mail Natalie Jaquess - 16 462-9893 Sitter CPR Cert., Pets Justin Rogers Not available online. Patrick Schroeder - 15 325-7821 516-2404 Pets, lawn, odd jobs House, pet, plant, babysit, CPR Lawn work, odd jobs Baby Sit, Pets, Plants, Lawn Heather Simmons - 16 501-9906 Baby Sit, Pets, Trash/Mail Sarah Simmons - 14 776-6461 Pets, Trash, Mail Virginia Simmons - 18 362-4025 Baby Sit, Pets, Trash/Mail Abi Simpson - 14 705-0474 Sitter, CPR Cert., Pets Jeannette Srinivasan - 14 421-2354 Baby & Pet sit, Trash, Mail Stephanie Srinivasan - 14 412-8726 Baby & Pet sit, Trash, Mail Megan Uhlig - 17 519-1819 Caanan Williams - 13 860-4476 Babysit, CPR cert., Pets, House, Swim lessons Baby, pet, house, lawns, trash/mail St. Thomas Episcopal School Wisdom, Faith, and Courage for the Journey of Life Fully accredited by the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools 1416 North Loop 1604 East San Antonio, TX 78232 (210) 494-3509 ... your neighborhood school · 2 Years to 5th Grade · Loving, Caring Environment Year-Round Preschool Program Ages 2-5 Now Available Visit our Pumpkin Patch! check it out online · Small Class Sizes · Enrichment Classes · Christ-centered Curriculum · Degreed, Experienced Teachers $AVE MONEY!! Attic Insulation Solar Attic Fans Ductwork Repair Tax Credits & CPS Rebates Available Denali Consulting LLC Call Today for a Free Estimate! Joe & Heidi Brooks Hollywood Park Residents 210-213-6924 Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter Hollywood Park Contact Info Notice Resident announcements, Club news, and Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the Sparks Editor or the Hollywood Park Homeowner’s Association. The inclusion of such information does not constitute an endorsement from the Homeowner’s Board or general membership and are subject to approval by the Board. The Sparks is a newsletter published to provide information about the community of Hollywood Park. Published and distributed by: Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax For advertising sales and information please call or send an email to Articles that appear in the Hollywood Park Sparks newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Hollywood Park Sparks newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc. 14 City Hall – 494-2023 Police – 911 for Emergencies Police – Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm 491-9439 Police – After business hours 335-6000 (Say you are in Hollywood Park) Mayor – Chris Fails 494-2023 ext. 225 (City Hall) 485-4869 (home) Council Place 1, Steve Phillips 494-2023 ext. 241 (City Hall) 491-1504 (home) Council Place 2, Sudie Sartor 494-2023 ext. 242 (City Hall) 496-2997 (home) Council Place 3, David Neugebauer 494-2023 ext. 243 (City Hall) 860-7474 (cell) Council Place 4, Chris Murphy 494-2023 ext. 244 (City Hall) 490-6976 (home/cell) Council Place 5, Holly McBrayer 494-2023 ext. 245 (City Hall) HP Website: Want to be on the Editor’s email list? If you are a current HOA member and would like to be added to the list of residents who receive periodic email notices from the Sparks Editor relating to HOA events and important Hollywood Park matters, email, and request that you be added to the list. go green LET’S DO OUR PART IN HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT! We are proud to announce we are now offering YOU to “opt-in” to having your Neighborhood Newsletter delivered electronically! Wondering how to promote your business? Advertise Here! 210.558.3160 How? 1 Visit 2 Click on: “Let’s do our part” and follow the instructions. What wil l change? Well... nothing! You will begin receiving your neighborhood newsletter by email on the very next publication! We’ll be sure to remove your address from the mailing list, while you enjoy your digital copy. Ask about discounts, ad sizes, & other neighborhoods in your area We are so pleased to be offering this new service! ® Questions? Feel free to contact Albert Prieto at (210) 558-3160 with any website related questions. 15 HOA and Club Contact Numbers HPHOA Website: HPHOA Board Members: Shari Tiner, President – 490-9737 Phyllis Harrington, Vice President – 496-3042 Barbara Keener, Asst. Vice Pres. – 347-8608 Tracey Homburg, Secretary – 573-3555 Judy Wheeler, Treasurer HOA & Club– 241-6192 Contact Information Karen Waugh, Sparks Co-Editor – 545-0952 Rhonda Johnson, Sparks John Heard, Membership Chmn. – 846-1824 Lacey Fails, Member at Large – 903-780-3361 Not available online. Other HOAs and Clubs Gardens HOA: Steve Phillips – 491-1504 Enclave HOA: Irene Morgan – 402-0704 Woman’s Club: Gwenda Taggart – 499-5920 Garden Club: Karen Treu – 494-4260 HP Humane Society: Tonya Cummings – 860-6555 Debra Trueman – 495-4856 Bicycle Club: Justin Moore – We Gather Together: Catie Eastland – 445-2584 Town of Hollywood Park Sparks Newsletter DEADLINE for submitting articles in the november Issue of The Sparks is october 27th Send your Announcements, School and Youth News, and Club News, News columns and Articles to: Karen Waugh and Rhonda Johnson, Sparks Co-Editors 2 Mecca Dr, San Antonio, TX 78232 or send email to: WELCOME NEIGHBOR: Call Steve or Barbara Linick at 884-2572 with names of new residents in the Park. SPARKS Neighborhood Ads: Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Dr. Suite #120 San Antonio, TX 78230 210-558-3160 E-mail: Deadline for advertising is the 8th of the preceding month. PLEASE WELCOME Felicitas Gonzales, M.D. Family Medicine MedFirst Thousand Oaks 16088 San Pedro Ave., Suite 115 San Antonio, TX 78232 Dr. Gonzales offers a full range of family medicine services for all age groups and is committed to long-term patient relationships, with special focus on preventative care. To book an appointment online visit or call 210-200-6744. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO,TX PERMIT NO. 1568 Town of Hollywood Park 2 Mecca Drive Hollywood Park, TX 78232 Time Dated The Culinary Experts P R I M E S T E A K S & S E A F O O D 16111 San Pedro Suite #119, San Antonio, TX • (210) 490-2295 Intim ate D ining e f ’s Ta b le P r iv a t e C h ert Dess e d i s Ta b l e “Proud to present our Celebrity Chef Nedra Harris from Fox’s Hell’s Kitchen and our local news station from WOAI to KABB and more!” Chef Nedra “That Celebrity Chef w/ the Boom Boom”
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