All Soul’s Day November 02, 2014 November 02 to November 08, 2014 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11) or Romans 6:3-9. Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40). Vigil November 01 4:00 pm People of the Parish Sunday November 01 9:00 am Poor Souls in Purgatory Sunday November 01 5:30 pm Poor Souls in Purgatory Monday November 01 8:10 am Shane, Bryans & Jeff Easley & Families Lisa Pitts + Tuesday November 01 8:10 am People of the Parish Wednesday November 01 12:10 pm Helen Humphines + Betty Trahan + The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday November 01 8:10 am Viola Levon + Friday November 01 8:10 am Gayle Duet + Vigil November 01 4:00 pm George H Fricke, Jr + Gayle Duet + Ministry of the Month The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. Donations for St Vincent’s can be left in the Church’s vestibule or at the Church Office. We are in need of volunteers for the Landscaping of the Church Grounds. Anyone interested in performing the service please call Bridget Doyle at 601-798-6522 or the Church Office at 601-798-4779 Perpetual Adoration Of Our Lord Jesus Christ The Adorers of Perpetual Adoration wish to thank Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for the following answered prayers: 1– Thank You for all Your Love & Guidance. 2– Thank You for all of my daily blessings You bestowed upon me & my family. Give yourself a special gift—spend an hour with the Lord in Adoration. Call the office at 798-4779 to schedule time with Our Lord. He would be honored to see you and to listen to your needs. We would like to thank all of you that made this years Festival a fun time for all. Your support for this fist annual Fall Festival was wonderful. We are looking forward to having many more Festivals in the future. Let’s make each one better than the last. We would especially like to thank all the volunteers that made the Festival run so smoothly and who helped set up and clean up afterwards To Fr. Trinh and the wonderful community of St. Charles for the opportunity to celebrate Masses and make available my books (His Instruments-If God Could Them, He Can Use Us & Blown Togetherthe Trials and Miracles of Katrina) on 11th and 12th. Thank you all for your support and generosity. I can be reached at 228-324-4927 or Winner of the 50/50 Drawing: Mr Al Chrisman Winner of the Altar Society Basket: Theresa Griffing Winner of the Art Contest: 2 St Charles Borromeo Catholic School YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Keep up with all the latest school news by following our Facebook page St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School. Sun. Nov. 2nd: Rosary for Peace after 5:30 Mass in the church Sat. Nov. 8Sun., Nov. 9th: High school retreat Sun., Nov. 23rd: Youth night after 5:30 Mass Fundraisers for StCB School has begun, so we are back to collecting Box Tops, Claiborne Hill receipts, and Coke caps. Last year, our school earned $1,190 from these fundraisers, and they are so easy! Money earned will go towards purchasing Bibles for the classrooms for the school and religious education programs. Please turn in any of these items you have collected to the school office. Thank you for your support. The next Dinner and Bunco Social is on Saturday, December 01, at 5:00 pm. Menu DINNER AND BUNCO BUNCO PLAY ONLY DINE IN OR TAKE OUT $11.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 Mom's Ministry We would like to thank all of you that made this years Festival a fun time for all. Your support for this fist annual Fall Festival was wonderful. We are looking forward to having many more Festivals in the future. Let’s make each one better than the last. "Moms and expecting mothers are invited to join us on Mondays from 1:30 - 3 pm in the St. Charles School for refreshments and women's devotion. Please use entrance to school on Goodyear Blvd. The 2014 dates are November 17, and December 15. We hope to offer babysitting from 1:30 - 3 pm for attending moms. Please R.S.V.P. the Monday prior to our next meeting to ensure an appropriate number of volunteers. Please contact Aimee Ryals at or Claire Massery at 985-788-2059 or for more details or to R.S.V.P. for babysitting. We would especially like to thank all the volunteers that made the Festival run so smoothly and who helped set up and clean up afterwards Winner of the 50/50 Drawing: Mr Al Chrisman Winner of the Altar Society Basket: Theresa Griffing Winner of the Art Contest: Alexandra Caro Madeline Hays Theresa Hays Melanie Teresa Thank you from Mae Crawford for all the prayers. The Winner of the Lumen Christi Award Fay Defourneaux Please pray for our High School youth and adult volunteers as they attend their fall retreat on November 8th - 9th. 3 St Martin de Porres 1579-1639 Feast Day: November 03 Sunday 02 St. Charles Borromeo Parish Calendar of Events November 02 – November 15, 2014 Monday 03 St Joseph Khang 1832-1861 Feast Day: November 06 Tuesday 04 Wednesday 05 Thursday 06 Friday 07 Saturday 08 All Souls Day 7:40 am Daily Rosary 8:00 - 11:00 am 8:10 am Mass Seminarian 9:15 am Altar Breakfast Society CH 8:30 am Rosary 7:00 pm K of C 9:00 am Mass Charity Bingo 10:15 am CCD for 1st to 6th grades 10:30 am Adult Sunday School 1 - 3 pm Hispanic Fellowship PH 1:00 pm Spanish Mass 5:30 pm Youth Mass 7:40 am Daily Rosary 11:40 am Daily Rosary 12:10 pm Mass 8:10 am Mass 9:00 am Intercessory 5:30 pm CCD, Edge, Jr. High Prayer Group & Confirmation 5:30 pm Adult Choir Practice CH 7:00 pm R C I A NO 7:00 pm MASS 7:00 pm Men’s Rosary Group 7:40 am Daily 7:40 am Daily 3:40 pm Rosary Rosary Rosary 4:00 pm Vigil 8:10 am Mass 8:10 am Mass Mass 9:15 am LTMTP 9:15 am Bible CO Study & 7:00 pm K of C Discussion 3rd Degree Mtg 8:00 pm K of C 4th Degree Mtg 09 11 12 13 11:40 am Daily Rosary 12:10 pm Mass 5:30 pm CCD, Edge, Jr. High & Confirmation 7:00 pm R C I A NO 7:00 pm MASS 7:40 am Daily 7:40 am Daily 3:30 pm Rosary Rosary Rosary 4:00 pm Vigil 8:10 am Mass 8:10 am Mass Mass 9:15 am LTMTP 9:15 am Bible Knights of CO Study & Columbus 6:00 pm K of C Discussion Memorial Mass Ladies Auxiliary Meeting 10 8:30 am Rosary 7:40 am Daily 7:40 am Daily 9:00 am Mass Rosary Rosary 10:15 am CCD for 1st 8:10 am Mass 8:10 am Mass to 6th grades 7:00 pm K of C 9:00 am Intercessory 10:30 am Adult Charity Bingo Prayer Group Sunday School 5:30 pm Adult Choir 1:00 pm Spanish Mass Practice CH 5:30 pm Youth Mass 7:00 pm PH ULTREYA mtg 14 15 7:00 pm Men’s Rosary Group SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day); Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres Tuesday: St. Charles Borromeo; Election Day Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Upcoming Second Collections November 22nd - 23rd - Catholic Campaign for Human Development The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the national anti-poverty and social justice program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. December 6th - 7th - St Vincent de Paul Pharmacy The Society of St. Vincent de Paul operates a charitable Pharmacy program in Coastal Mississippi for the poor and needy who can not afford the high cost of pharmaceuticals necessary to care for their health conditions. The Sanctuary Light Burns In Honor of the Mom’s Group Ministry (November 02 – November 08) The Flowers On The Altar In Honor of Mr & Mrs John Baucum (November 01 - November 07) 4 St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop 1538-1584 Feast Day: November 4 Patron of Seminarians All Souls Feast Day: November 2 On November 2 (or on November 3 if the second falls on a Sunday), the Church commemorates all the Faithful Departed. The white vestments of All Saints’ day are laid aside, and the dark robes and emblems of mourning are worn to indicate the sympathy of Mother Church for her children, who are being purified in the sufferings of purgatory. St. Charles, of the noble family of Borromeo, was born in 1538 on the banks of Lake Maggiore, Italy. He studied at Milan and afterward at the University of Pavia, where he received his doctorate in civil and canon law in 1559. His uncle, the Cardinal de Medici, having in the same year been elected Pope under the title of Pius IV, sent for him and created him Cardinal, and a short time afterwards nominated him Archbishop of Milan, though he was only twenty-two years of age. The reason for the commemoration of all the Faithful Departed is the doctrine and belief that all who die in venial sin, or have not fully atoned for other past transgressions are detained in purgatory, and that the faithful on earth can help them through their temporal punishment and hasten their admission to the joys of heaven by prayers and alms, and especially by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The memorial day of the dead comes down to us from the first Christians, and, in the course of centuries, November 2 was selected for the annual commemoration of all the Faithful Departed in churches of the Latin rite. At the same time he was detained at Rome by the Pope and he began to labor diligently in the interests of the Church. There he founded the Vatican Academy for literary work. As Papal Secretary of State he was instrumental in re-assembling the Council of Trent in 1562. He was active in enforcing its reforms and in composing the Roman Catechism, containing the teachings of the Council. In every land and in every Christian soul resound the mournful tones of prayer for the dead: “Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.” After receiving priestly ordination, he also accepted the office of grand penitentiary. For merely honorary or lucrative positions he had no ambition. He assisted at the deathbed of the Pope in 1564, and on the election of Pius V he went to reside at Milan. Since August 10, 1915, every priest is allowed to offer three Masses on All Souls’ day: one for all the Faithful Departed, one for the intention of the Pope, and one for the intention of the priest himself. Since it is impossible to offer a Mass for the particular intention or intentions of each individual on All Souls’ day, or during the month of November, in many dioceses of the United States and other countries there is a custom by which a collection is made of money offerings by the people. Masses are then offered on All Souls’ day, and, in some places, on other days during November, for the intentions of all the people. In churches where there are several priests, each offers a Mass or Masses, according to the custom of the diocese for the All Souls’ day intentions. In 1572, he concurred in the election of Gregory XIII. In the great plague at Milan, in 1575, he showed himself the true shepherd by his self-sacrificing charity and heroism. This great light in the firmament of the Church was extinguished in 1584. From Lives of the Saints, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, pgs. 460-462. St Engelbert 1185-1225 Feast Day: November 7th Bishop and Martyr Engelbert may be termed the prototype medieval princeprelate. Born around 1185, he was the son of the powerful Count of Berg. Because of his family's influence, he received several ecclesiastical benefices as a boy, and as an adult (in 1215) he was made Archbishop of Cologne. From Lives of the Saints, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, pgs. 457-458. However, Engelbert turned into a dedicated prelate. He instituted discipline into the clergy, fostered monastic life, and instilled a spirit of learning among his people. He also became tutor to the emperor's son and chief minister of the empire. In the course of time, Engelbert incurred the hatred of his cousin, Fredrick of Isemberg. Fredrick had abused his position as administrator of the goods of the nuns of Essen by stealing from them and the archbishop had removed him from it. In retaliation, Fredrick plotted his cousin's death. On November 7, 1225, while Engelbert was taking a short trip, he was waylaid by a band led by Frederick and stabbed to death. He was pronounced a Martyr by the papal legate of the time. From Lives of the Saints II, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, pg. 458-459. 5 Knights of Columbus News . . . Ministry Schedule Saturday, November 08, 2014 Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Anyone having items for the next Knights of Columbus Garage Sale can drop them off at the Knights Hall, 408 Carroll Street (behind Dockside Seafood Restaurant). For large item pick up, please call the K of C Hall at 601-798-9857 Altar Servers: Angelea Ricco, Ellalyse Ricco, Joan Ricco, Julianne Ricco, Trinity Ricco Lector: Joanie Cason Lay Ministers of Holy Communion: Pat Albright, Betsy Burk, Mary Ann Carlson, Mae Crawford Bookstore: Claire Schneider Knights of Columbus Monthly Meetings Sunday, November 09, 2014 9:00 am Mass 3rd Degree: 4th Degree: Altar Servers: Ronnie Adams, Logan Grimes, Caleb Hoover, Dominic McConnell Lector: Ed Arthur Lay Ministers of Holy Communion: Mary Jayne Arthur, Terry Schubert, Bob Steil, Rose Wibbing Bookstore: Mary Jayne Arthur Every 1st Thursday of the Month at 7 pm. Every 1st Thursday of the Month at 8 pm. K of C Ladies Auxiliary Monthly Meeting Every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6 pm in the K of C Hall 5:30 pm Mass Don’t forget Monday Night BINGO at the K of C Hall, 408 Carroll St! It starts at 7:00 pm and there are always refreshments available. Come and have some fun this Monday Night!!! Altar Servers: Jonathan Arcement, Matthew Bingham, Dane Crosby, Gavin Walters Lector: Christian Arcement Lay Ministers of Holy Communion: Bryan Bossier, Bryan Cassagne, Kary Cassagne, Aimee Ryals Bookstore: Jackie Johnson The next Seminarian Breakfast will be on Sunday, November 16 from 8:00 am until 11:00 am. Winter Dance ! Live Music with “Flipside” Veterans Luncheon The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Dance on November 22, 2014 from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am at the K C Hall - 408 Carroll Street, Picayune, MS. (behind Dockside Restaurant) Tickets are $15.00 per person. Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus Assembly 2227 Free to all Veterans Saturday, November 8, 2014 For Ticket Information Call: Lynne Barze’ - 601-273-1057 Joann Power - 601-7498-2683 Bryan Cassagne - 601-798-2022 Gene Fricke - 601-749-3692 12 pm to 3 pm 408 Carroll Street Picayune, MS care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan…. The Knights of Columbus will start collecting food & donations for their Holiday Baskets in the Church Vestibule starting November 1, 2014. They need canned and packaged food suitable for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner. Give generously to those who have less and need the most. 6 Meetings & Classes & Events Pray for Our Active Military Members Lay Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ Returning King Name Rank Christopher Arthur Lanny Acosta, Jr Stephen Babb Michael A Balarillo Kevin Baragona Luke Barousse Denton Bennett Zach Blache Jennifer Bonham Ryan Burke Welcome Home Darin Carter Katy Del Castillo Hannah E Conners Ory Craig Bodie Lee Daly Cory Delouche John Filostrat Toney Filostrat Angela Gasper Christopher Guizerix Christopher Gokey Haley Hellmer Todd M Hoggatt Cody Jordan Carleton Kennedy Chris Kennedy Jonny Kennedy Albert B Latour, Jr Shaun Lunn Brian Mask Evan Mayer Gerald Mayer Tyles McKay Benjamin McLellan Brock C Nowak Teddy O’Brien Kerri L Otillio Perry F Otillio, Jr Dustin Palmertree Ethan Russell Michael L Saunders Michael D Spencer Frank Trapani Stetson Widden Johnathan Wilkensen Jessica Wilkensen Terry Winkler W Scott Wolfe Meet every 3rd Thursday in Church after the 8:10 Mass CURSILLO If you want an INTIMATE relationship with God, Experience CURSILLO! Cursillo is a very special time with God. It is a proven method. Ask Fr. Trinh, Deacon Doug and April, they all have experienced it. It starts on a Thursday 6 pm and finishes Sunday at 8 pm. Schedule of Diocese of Biloxi Cursillo weekends for the rest of 2014: Women: Dec. 4-7 For more information or registration, Eileen or Donnie Thompson at 601-201-1510. applications in the Church Office or VISIT Rosaries Repaired Call Charlotte @ 601 916-4233 if you need your Rosary repaired. Adult Choir practice is on Tuesday at 5:30 pm in church. Come and join us! Altar Society The next meeting will be Monday, Dec 2nd, at 9:15 a.m. in the back Sacristy of Church. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH QUICK REGISTRATION F ORM FORM Name: ____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: _______________________Zip Code: _________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Alternate Phone Number: ________________________ Service Sr Master Sergeant Lt Colonel Master Chief Master Sergeant Lieutenant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant 1st Lieutenant CTM Sergeant E-2 101 Class Captain Colonel PO3 Lieutenant Major 1st Lieutenant Staff Sergeant Senior Airmen Gunnery Sergeant Sergeant Captain Colonel Seaman Recruit IC 3 Staff Sergeant Lance Corporal Sergeant Private IT 2 PFC 2nd Class Petty Officer Reagan NO Colonel Colonel USAFNG USA USN USAF USMC USN USA USMC USMC USA USA USA USN USNG USA USN USN USA USA USN USN USAF USAF USAF USAF USN USMC USA USA USA USA USN USMC USN USAF USN USAF USMC USMC USA USCG USMC USN USN USN USAF USAF Please sign up your love ones on the list on the Ministry Table or call Karen at the Church Office 601 798-4779 Please let us know when they have come home or retired from the service. Please Check All That Apply: □ I would like a call from the Priest □ Want Offertory Envelopes □ Moving out of the Parish □ Change of address □ New Registration 7
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