November 3, 2014 CODE 35 40 45 55 75 80 85 90 95 105 115 120 130 140 155 160 165 175 190 210 215 235 325 335 340 370 410 415 440 445 455 460 465 470 495 500 510 560 580 585 590 595 610 620 630 640 645 650 655 670 675 680 700 705 730 735 740 760 780 790 805 810 815 860 885 900 910 915 950 955 960 1035 1040 1050 1060 1075 1080 1085 1100 1115 1120 1130 1135 1140 1160 1170 1180 1190 1195 1200 1205 1210 1220 1225 CLASSIFICATION Announcements Antique Tractors Antiques Appraisal Services ATV Auctions Backhoe/Loaders Bale Covers Barn Equipment Bedding Beef Cattle Bees-Beekeeping Bird Control Books Building Materials/Supplies Buildings For Sale Business Opportunities Cars, Trucks, Trailers Chain Saws Christmas Trees Collectibles Computers Custom Butchering Dairy Cattle Dairy Equipment Dogs Electrical Employment Wanted Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery Wanted Feed, Seed, Grain & Corn Fencing Fertilizer & Fert. Spreading Financial Services For Rent or Lease For Sale Fresh Produce, Nursery Grain Handling Eq., Bins & Dryers Groundcover Guns Hay - Straw For Sale Hay - Straw Wanted Help Wanted Herd Health Hogs Hoof Trimming Horse Equipment Horses Housing For Stock Industrial Equipment Insurance Irrigation Lawn & Garden Legal Notices Livestock For Sale Livestock Wanted Llamas Lumber & Wood Products Maintenance & Repair Maple Syrup Supplies Miscellaneous Mobile Homes Motorcycles Organic Parts & Repair Pest Control Plants Poultry & Rabbits Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Wanted Recreational Vehicles & Motor Homes Seeds & Nursery Services Offered Sheep Silos, Repairs, Silo Equip. Snowblowers Snowmobiles Snowplows Stud Service Tires & Tire Repair Service Tools Tractors Tractors, Parts & Repair Trailers Tree Trimming & Removal Truck Parts & Equipment Trucks Vegetable Vegetable Supplies Veterinary Wanted Water Conditioning Waterwell Drilling Wood For Sale COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Announcements Announcements Florida Osceola Turkey • Alligator • Hog Hunts Lorne Twist 863-443-0519 Page 1 Bedding Bedding PEANUT HULL BEDDING New York Prices Quoted • Call for Prices Elsewhere Load Size 110 Cu. Yd. Trailer Loads Ground Unground $125.00 $115.00/Ton $165.00/Ton Works Great in Both Freestall & Tiestall Barns d ified A a Class Placing Is Only way e Call A A Phon 2888 6800-83 Bedding KILN DRIED BULK BEDDING Delivered all of NY & New England or you pick up at mill. Seward Valley 518-234-4052 SAWDUST SHAVINGS MIX, Kiln Dried. Enfield, CT. 860749-0297 SHREDDED PAPER BALES & Dry Sawdust available. Delivery in Wyoming and adjoining Counties. 716-4303747 “Specializing in Dairy Bedding” e Oak Farm Bedding, LLC W h it ADVERTISING DEADLINE Wednesday • 5:00 PM 508 White Oak Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 Wendell • (717) 989-4153 Wesley • (717) 587-7192 Bedding For as little as $8.50 - place a classified ad in Country Folks Call Peg at 1-800-836-2888 or 518-673-0111 or email Announcements Announcements # # # # # NEED BUSINESS CARDS? Full color glossy, heavy stock. 250 ($45.00); 500 ($60.00); 1,000 ($75.00). Call your sales representative or Beth at Lee Publications 518-6730101 or ADVERTISERS Get the best response from your advertisements by including the condition, age, price and best calling hours. Also we always recommend insertion for at least 2 times for maximum benefits. Call Peg at 1-800-836-2888 or 518-673-0111 CHECK YOUR AD - ADVERTISERS should check their ads on the first week of insertion. Lee Publications, Inc. shall not be liable for typographical, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the first weeks insertion of the ad, and shall also not be liable for damages due to failure to publish an ad. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. Report any errors to 800-836-2888 or 518-673-0111 Barn Repair BARN REPAIR SPECIALISTS: Straightening, leveling, beam replacements. From foundation and sills to steel roofs. HERITAGE STRUCTURAL RENOVATION INC., 1-800-735-2580. BARNS, STEEL BUILDINGS, GARAGES. We repair them! From extensive renovations to minor repairs. 585-739-0263 “Bedding For Dairy Cows” ~ Presently Servicing Over 100 Dairy Farms Throughout New York State Including “Super Milk” Producers Supply ~ Year Round Supply, Lime In Every Load, pH Always 11.5+ ~ Loads Delivered in 72-80 Yard Quantities; Currently Smaller Amounts Can Be Picked Up At Our Syracuse Site Available ~ Producing Quality Bedding for over 15 years Roger W. Elston Joseph E. Elston Bedding GOT GAS: 315-729-3710 35¢ above spot. No contracts, membership or tank fees. Syracuse Fiber Recycling, LLC ANIMAL BEDDING: Kiln dried sawdust/woodchips. Bulk, up to 120yd. loads. Willow Creek Farms, 716-741-2599 P.O. Box 8, Syracuse, NY 13209 (315) 487-4346 Do you have a digital subscription? Page 2 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Bedding BEDDING SAND for COW STALLS • Stones • Gravel • AgLime Mark J. DuPont, Owner Cell 315-796-5084 Home 315-845-8471 SIMPSON’S SHAVINGS •New Debarked Pine Shavings Mill • Sharon Springs, NY 22 Yard Load Delivered Bulk Or Come Pick Them Up Straight From The Mill 50 Yard Radius from Cobleskill, NY LARGE SUPPLY - READY TO GO Please Call David at Beef Cattle 518-231-0175 Beef Cattle Stock Cow Sale November 14,, 2014 at 7:30PM Pulaski Livestock Market, Dublin, VA 540-674-5311 For Consignments or information Contact: Joee Meek Malcolm Boothe 0 Home 4 Home 540-674-6080 540-980-6914 5 Cell 4 Cell 540-320-1025 540-230-9914 Beef Cattle Beef Cattle 12 PASTURE EXPOSED Beef Cows, all mixed breeds, $15,000 OBO. 315-658-9917 COMPLETE DISPERSAL 2-REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS: Both are division reserve champion winners at KILE. 17 month old, TH12271I Victor 719T son, $2,500; 10 month old MSUTCF Revolution son, $1,800. 413-2960258 SCOTCH HIGHLAND heifers $700 unregistered, $800 registered. 2 red, 1 black, 7months. 585-733-7324. REGISTERED ANGUS HERD Good Dispositions, High Growth, Carcass Genetics NOVEMBER 22, 2014 Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange Canandaigua, NY 100+ HEAD SELL! Plus Semen & Embryos Request Sale Books Today Sprayfoam • Loose Fill Fiberglass & Cellulose SAVE ENERGY - GO FOAM • FREE ESTIMATES Union Springs, NY 315-720-5573 Building Materials/Supplies PRECAST CONCRETE SLATS 8’ - 10’ - 12’ Custom Made Sizes & Designs Available 585-314-7500 Metal Roofing Cut to the INCH 16 s Color Agricultural Commercial Residential 24-29 G Pane a. ls Wiin Haven Farm 978-874-2822 978-790-3231 Cell Westminster, MA VISTA BUILDERS, INC. Building Materials/Supplies Buildings For Sale GENERAL CONTRACTORS for AGRICULTURAL & COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS #1-40YR painted steel, galvanized & galvalume, also #2 available w/all trim & accessories. Complete Building Packages. Before you buy call Mohawk Metal Sales, 315-853-ROOF(7663) Freestalls, Parlors, Commodity Sheds, Machinery & Heifer Buildings, Concrete Bunker Silos & Manure Storage Midlakes Metal Sales • Metal Roofing and Siding in Many Colors PREVENT POSTS FROM ROTTING. Quick-Easy-Effective-Low-Cost. For Information call 1-888-519-5746 or email (Direct Shipments - Wholesale, Retail) ~ Quick Turn-Around, We Ship Anywhere ~ Located in the Heart of the Fingerlakes 607-869-9483 We offer: Pole Barn/Cabin Kits (with accurate material lists derived from years of building experience) ENGINEERED STEEL BUILDINGS Can Erect & Finish • Polebarn Packages - Any Size up to 80x600 Building Materials/Supplies PURE ANGUS FEMALES Bred from closed herd, 2 at $2,500 each. 518-638-6370 Call for the Sales Office Nearest You: Warsaw, NY (585) 786-8191 24 ga, 26 ga, 28 ga, 29 ga, Plus Aluminum • Gluelam Poles, Lumber, Trusses 585-624-9593 Designed, Constructed and Warranted by Morton Buildings, Inc. CALL (315) 492-1289 INSULATION 1/2” to 4” 4x8 sheets foam insulation. 1x6, 2x6 knotty pine tongue & groove, 2x8 knotty pine log siding, white pine siding. Large quantities available!! Beachy’s Lumber & Insulation. 716-735-6500 REGISTERED & COMMERCIAL Black Angus open heifers & bred heifers. 845758-3332 or 845-876-4111 INSULATION SERVICES STRICTLY GRASS-FED feeder calves for sale. Grassfed/closed herd Black Angus/ Baldies. Approx. 35-40 feeder calves, 500 + or - lbs +/-. For more information please call 845-629-1000, 845-361-4997 518-598-8869 REGISTER JERSEY BULL 1½ yrs old, Arethusa breeding of Connecticut, $1,000 firm. Call 8-8 days only, 207-5254497, 207-322-2767 MIDLAKES SPRAYFOAM STRICTLY GRASS FED Bull for sale, grass fed/closed herd. Black Angus/Simmental 3 bulls 1,000-1200 pounds, 18 - 20 months old. For more information please call 845629-1000 or 845-361-4997 Jerry & Jeanette Loss RED DEVON CATTLE: 4 bred cows, calf at side; 2 bred heifers; 18 month old bull. All grass fed, excellent genetics. 401-423-2441. BISON HERD FOR SALE: Bulls & exposed heifers, 8 available. Call Mike 203-6711534 (CT) REGISTERED ANGUS Bulls, Bred Heifers & Yearlings, out of Embryo’s by Consensus, BC Lookout, Special Focus, Upward. Registered Simmintal Cows. 518-436-1050, 802-376-6729 Building Materials/Supplies Trusses and Dimension Lumber Glu-Lam Posts Check Out Our Metal Roofing New Copper Insulation (Bubble & Blow-In) Weathervane Display Sliding Door Accessories Competitive Prices! Overhead Doors T&G 2x6 and 2x8 Southern Yellow Pine Additional Services: ¢ Custom Metal Trim ¢ Direct shipping to your job site ¢ Installation by an experienced crew And much, much more . . . An affiliate of: Warehouse located at: 360 County Highway 151, St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-3560 Weitz Construction 585-739-0263 Country Folks’ Classifieds 800-836-2888 2YR. OLD BLACK Polled Simmental Bulls, Cows & Heifers for sale. We can deliver. Simmental since 1968, Augusta Co.,VA. Bunker Hill Farm. 540383-2316 Building Materials/Supplies Beef Cattle 800-836-2888 Bedding November 3, 2014 Get Results FOR YOU! November 3, 2014 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Buildings For Sale Buildings For Sale Business Opportunities Business Opportunities Page 3 Custom Butchering Custom Butchering E&M CUSTOM MEATS Double O Builders LLC 518-673-1073 or 518-774-7288 • Dairy Facilities • Machinery Sheds • Pole Barns • Free Stall Barns • Tie Stall Barns • Garages • Gravity Flow Manure Systems • Horse Barns • Riding Arenas SLAUGHTER & PROCESSING 315-533-6921 6201 RT 233, Rome, NY All types of livestock - Smoked Meats Call today and join our family of satisfied customers!! Oct. 20TH thru Nov. 3rd SPECIALS: Professional Pole Barns by S&L Builders 35 years of experience Lifetime Warranty We build what we sell Ground Beef . . . . . . .$4.50 / lb. Business Opportunities Pork Chops . . . . . . .$3.25 / lb. Looking For Elderly Couple Ready to Retire Located in SE PA to operate the farm with option to buy cows & machinery on contract. Boneless Sirloin Steak, Frozen . . . . . . .$3.29 / lb. 518-461-8933 No Sub Crews Any Size Or Description of Building Most Structures Erected Within 30 Days Beat Our Price? I Don’t Think So! Concrete Products Concrete Products Feed Bunks & Cattle Guards 570-660-6832 or 570-772-2352 Pre Cast Concrete J BUNK FEED TROUGHS U BUNK $150.00 FOB Wytheville, VA $150.00 ~ 8’ sections CATTLE GUARDS (deliverable locally) Call for Details! WEST END PRECAST Wytheville, VA (276) 620-1821 Ask for Chris Christmas Trees L K WHOLESALE CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE: Fraser, Concolor, and Canaan Fir. Sizes range 6-10'. Call Bob at 585-567-2523 or Jim at 585-610-7769 for prices. SPEICHER'S TREE FARM, Fillmore, NY. Concrete Products BARN FLOOR GROOVERS® CONCRETE SAFETY GROOVING IN 1/2”, 3/4” or 1 1/2” Wide Grooves Protect Your Cows From Injuries and Slippery Concrete • Free Stalls • Holding Areas SAFE A T LA ST • Feed Lots • Pens • Stalls • Walkways Dick Meyer Co. Inc. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5471 New York Custom Processing, LLC Rt. 8, Bridgewater, NY All Cuts Vacuum Packed and Bar-Coded for Tracking and a Complete Printed Inventory of Your Product. Call For Appointment 315-204-4084 Now Accepting Credit Cards Now USDA Certified Organic Want To Place A Classified Ad 800-836-2888 CALL Page 4 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Custom Butchering • • • • • USDA FACILITY ORGANIC CERTIFIED HALAL PROCESSING 5A – POULTRY, BISON NO NITRATE SMOKING STAMFORD, NY 607-435-9375 Custom Services AUTOMATIC ROLLERMILL RENTALS Hi-Capacity for Hi-Moisture Corn Custom Services COLOR GLOSSY PHOTO CALENDARS: Only $12.00 includes tax. Send us your digital prints and we will make a beautiful keepsake calendar for you. You may also bring in your photos on a disc or thumb drive. If you would like us to mail it is a $5.00 extra fee. Only 3 day turnaround time. Contact Lee Publications or 518673-0101 L K Dairy Cattle Dairy Cattle A MESSAGE TO ALL DAIRY FARMERS We’re not the largest Livestock Dealers, we don’t have the largest advertisements, but we can promise to be honest, fair, and caring when it comes to purchasing and selling your complete dairy herd. You and your cows deserve that much. We also have a quality selection of Reg. and Grade cows at all times for you to choose from. So if you are thinking of buying or selling, from one cow to an entire herd, give us a call. You will be glad you did. Bose Quality Dairy Sales Tom 845-482-4380 • Sonny 845-482-4166 GOOD CATTLE HONEST DEALINGS CUSTOM COMBINING! JD 9870STS 4WD looking for Fall harvest acres. Tractor and cart also available. Reasonable rates. Call 716-664-0348 CUSTOM HARVESTING: Corn, Soybeans, etc. John Deere 6620 combine, 6 row corn head, 20’ flex head. Trucking available. 585-9931057 76 Years In Business Buying or Selling, give us a chance. Joe Distelburger 845-344-7170 Strong demand for youngstock, heifers and herds. DISTELBURGER R LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. 3.00 Per Ton $ November 3, 2014 Dairy Cattle Dairy Cattle 100 WELL-GROWN freestall trained Holstein heifers due December & January. Also large selection of fresh heifers available. Had all shots. 315269-6600 HEIFER BOARDING - WANTED - Heifers & Herds Joe Lipiec 518-332-9143 Jack Gordon (518) 279-3101 Herd Expansions 2 NICE BIG Rugged Brown Swiss Heifers close-up. Holstein heifers also available. Also Feeder Pigs. 585-7321953 BOSS LIVESTOCK: WANTED Holstein Jersey or Mixed Dairy Herds, immediate payment and removal. Also Dairy Cows For Sale: One or 100your choice, quality replacements. Call Chris Boss 315219-0590(cell), 315-8581651(home). Several Mills Available 315-536-6150 Custom Services CLIP & SAVE FREE REMOVAL Custom Services CORN NOT WORTH MUCH? Bag it & use it on your farm. HIGH MOISTURE GRAIN BAGGER 6’ & 8’ Tunnels. 2 Available. Call for Rental Rates. 607-287-8505 B.K. Transfer 5324 County Rd 14 Odessa, NY 14869 “A Farmer Friendly Direct Marketing Service” Barb Kelley Owner/Operator Licensed & Bonded Toll Free 1.877.208.0123 • Accepting All Types of Livestock Local 607.703.0052 • Competitive Pricing • Trucking Available Cell 607.227.5282 Working With You, The Farmer Dairy Cattle Monday 9am - 4pm Thursday 9am - 3pm Dairy Cattle ATTENTION FARMERS Operating 6 Days~Monday thru Saturday WANTED DOWN, DISABLED & FRESH DEAD COWS FOR RENDERING FREE PICKUP! PINE TREE RENDERING Route 37, Brier Hill, NY 315-375-8459 Down • Disabled • Dead Cows & Calves Proudly Serving NYS Dairy & Beef Farmers ~ Prompt Service 7 Days a Week ~ 1-855-322-8853 TAKING RESERVATIONS TO BOARD VACCINATED YOUNG STOCK Both Tiebar and Bedding Pack Available Feeding Corn Silage, Baleage, Dry Hay and Grain $2.00 a Head Per Day CATTLE TRUCKING HOSKINS CENTRAL BRIDGE VERNON Josh Shamansky 518-231-1622 WANTED All Size Heifers Also Complete Herds Prompt Pay & Removal 315-269-6600 OV E R 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 S C C ? Start winning. Fast, effective, safe, no-withholding results nationwide 41 yrs. Call today 1-800-876-2500 or 920-6501631 Resellers wanted. REG. SWISS, Sept. 2013, been shown, $1,700; Reg. Jersey, Sept. 2013, been shown, $1,300; Reg. Jersey, Jade daughter, April 2012, fresh 8/20, $1,400; delivery available. 315-672-5674 EMPIRE RENDERING SERVICES DOVETALES FARM has too many milking cows. For Sale: 35 animals due to freshen now through January 1st. 607842-6982 REGISTERED JERSEY FOR SALE: Quality first calf 4H show heifer. Ultrasound verified pregnant. Vaccinated & BVD tested. Registered Jersey calves also available. 585735-9692 ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE: 17 Good Big Fancy Holstein Heifers, due November-December. 315491-4804, 315-561-6743 USED COWS WANTED Toll Free Call by 8am for Guaranteed Same Day Removal ~ WE ALSO REMOVE HORSES ~ WA N T E D Down - Disabled & Fresh Dead Cows For Rendering - Courteous Service FREE PICKUP! 315-793-0043 ATTENTION FARMERS WANTED FOR SALE: 2 Holstein bulls just ready for service. Could be registered. From good pedigrees. 315-827-4968 FOR SALE: 2 Jersey cows, cows in tiestll barn, both freshened in September. Located Western Mass. 802343-1224 DEAD - DOWN - DISABLED CATTLE FOR SALE: 50 Certified Organic Registered Ayrshire cows. Good feet & legs. $110,000. 518-483-4777 AMERICAN RENDERING CO. BINGHAMTON, NY 607-857-1867 or 315-793-0043 Dairy Cattle 10 ORGANIC Crossbred milk cows, New Zealand genetics, $3,000 each. 607-434-3361 Call 888-596-5329 for Your Subscription 1-800-777-2088 WANTED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Down - Disabled & Fresh Dead Cows For Rendering - Courteous Service 6 DAYS A WEEK - FREE PICKUP! SCOOBY RENDERING Call 607-722-5728 Anytime Bred 4 to 7 Months FRESH COWS NEEDED Groups of 1st & 2nd Lactation Contact Us With Your Information Premium Paid for Registered Heifers or Sire ID Heifers No Test Requirements 518-791-2876 BASKIN LIVESTOCK 585-344-4452 508-965-3370 HEIFER BOARDING Dairy Equipment Concentrate Your Efforts on Making Milk - Let Us Raise Your Heifers - Quality Care ~ References Available ~ SILAGE ALSO AVAILABLE Springfield, VT • 802-885-4000 3hp VACUUM PUMP, receiving panel, transfer pump for 1½” pipeline; DeLaval pail milker w/large pail. 607-3343463 November 3, 2014 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Dairy Equipment Dairy Equipment SNYDER BROTHERS 9197 State Route 12 Copenhagen, NY 13626 315-688-4222 • 315-408-4589 Cell BERG BARN EQUIPMENT DEALER • Manure Augers • Alley Scrapers • Manure Pumps • Cow Comfort Mats • Feeding Equipment • Ventilation • Barn Cleaner Chain, Drive Units, Parts • Replacement Chain for Badger, Patz & Others • Cross Barn Cleaning Augers • Free Stalls, Tie Stalls, Gates, Etc. Dairy Equipment Dogs Farm Equipment 34872 Route 6 Wysox, PA 18854 Call Toll Free 1-800-724-4866 ENGLISH MASTIFF Puppies. Purebred, pedigreed, shots, wormed. $600.00 each. Also Friesian cross horses. 315267-6925 Drainage & Tiling Dry Up Those Wet Fields Numerous studies show that field drainage installed correctly results in: 30-50% yield increases Reduced soil erosion 1-2 year payback in most cases Learn more at and grab your FREE Tiling Guide Or call: (518) 568-7882 to discuss your project E Stoltzfus Excavating, LLC “We Do The Dirty Work” Electric Motors Electric Motors Hook & Eye Chain • Manure Augers & Pumps Replacement Gutter Cleaner Drive Units Free Stalls Tumble Mixers Tie Rail Stalls Conveyors Comfort Stalls Feeders Cow Comfort Pads Ventilation WE OFFER PARTS & COMPONENTS FOR EVERY CLEANER BETTER PRICES ~ BETTER SERVICE Dairy Equipment Dairy Equipment 500 GALLON SUNSET flattop tank, professionally uninstalled, good condition, $2,000. 802-645-0865 Vermont USED DAIRY EQUIPMENT Bulk Milk Coolers, Stainless Steel Storage Tanks, Pipeline Milkers, Milking Parlors, Vacuum Pumps, Used Milking Machine Plus Agitator Motors, Stainless Steel Shells, Weigh Jars, Etc. Phase Converters Designed for Multi-Motor Applications • Digitally Controlled Load Balancing • Easy to Install • Exclusive Motor Starting • Easy to Operate • Exceptional Energy Savings • 5 Year Warranty Works with CNC Controls, Welders, Lathes, Grain Facilities and Much More. Distributed & Serviced by: Witmer’s Electric & Automotive, LLC 3759 Rte. 414, Seneca Falls, NY • (315) 549-7612 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment MABIE BROS., INC. MF 4610 99 Eng. HP, 4WD, Cab Tractor with Loader 585-732-1953 Dairy Products $AVE 20% on all Udder Comfort products now at James River Equipment Dairy Department Harrisonburg Location. Call 540-421-9459 Tracy Horn Route Specialist We are now a Mahindra dealer. We have 20 new Mahindras in stock. Call or email for a quote! Wanted: Parts & Whole Goods Salesperson. Our Employees have been with us an average of 14 years. Join our team. Excellent pay and benefits!!! (3) NH 900 Forage harvesters, one w/ KP, see our website for details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 and up Super Clean 2012 JD 854 silage round baler w/ cutter and netwrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2009 Hesston 2190 4x4 big square baler w/ cutter, exc condition, 27K bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $57,500 Brand New 2014 Belarus 920 4wd w/ cab & AC, 85hp, Cash discount or Low rate! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 Ford 7600 w/ Year Round cab, 75hp . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Kubota M6800 4WD w/cab & loader, 900 original hrs., near new condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 Cat 955 Crawler Loader, near new tracks! . . . . . . . $7,500 JD 7810 4WD w/cab, power quad, very clean!. . . $59,000 MUCH MORE IN STOCK PLUS THE NORTHEAST'S LARGEST USED PARTS SUPPLY! WE BUY DAILY! MACFADDEN & SONS, INC. (518) 284-2090 or Farm Equipment DAIRYMASTER 2004 milking parlour. Never installed, still in boxes, complete unit. Asking $117,000. 315-725-6735 SEVERAL USED Double 6 and 8 parlors w/ATO’s and 3” low lines complete. Several 2”: pipelines, used vacuum pumps, receiver groups, claws, ATO’s, washer boxes, etc. Also plate coolers, tube coolers & small chillers. Variable speed oil-less vacuum pumps. 585-732-1953 LOTS OF FALL DEALS IN STOCK NOW! 1457 Hwy Rt 20, Sharon Springs, NY 13459 CJM Farm Equipment 802-895-4159 6000 Mueller 900 Mueller 4500 Mueller 850 Sunset 4000 Mueller 800 Universal 3500 Mueller 800 Sunset 3000 Girton 800 Mueller 3000 Mueller 800 Surge 2-3000 S.S. 735 Sunset Sugar Tanks 700 Mueller 2500 Mueller 625 Sunset 2-2000 Mueller 600 Mueller 1500 Mueller 545 Sunset 1500 Surge 500 Mueller 1350 Mueller 400 Mueller 1000 Zero 310 Sunset 3-1000 Mueller 300 Mueller 1000 Surge 250 Mueller New Sunset Tanks New & Used Compressors 200-4000 Gal. StorageTanks Used Freheaters Farm Equipment ADORABLE UKC Blue Tick Pups from outstanding hunting lines. Bred for good temperament/health, $250, will trade for guns/canoes. 518774-4058, 518-332-3729 Dairy Equipment BERG-BENNETT, INC. Page 5 PF F No D el No DE u F In ut Just P rive! D d n A Ask about our Lease Program 598/Mo. for 60 Mo. $ 275 GALLON POLY TANKS, $85.00/each, 300 Gallon $110.00/each. Large quantity, clean, food grade, 6” top opening, 2” gate at bottom. 55 gallon steel barrels, new plastic barrels, 5 gallon buckets. Clean burlap bags, great for gardening, mulch, soybean storage, etc. 315-587-9783, 315-871-8735 Call for details Hesston MF 1745 Baler, 4x5 w/Auto Tie New MF 2 Star Tedder 8571 Kinderhookk Rd. Kirkville,, NY Y 13082 315-687-7891 • 315-510-2400 FERGUSON CORNERS REPAIR Discbine Parts & Service Used & New Aftermarket Parts Buying Discbines for Parts & Resale JD 346 #30 Rebuilt $5,850 David Lamar Hoover 585-526-5102 Call 800-836-2888 to place your classified ad. OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Kuhn GA4220TH Rotary Rake Krone 882 29ft 8 Star Tedder Krone F130B 4x4 Silage Baler Farm Equipment 36”H 86”W EDGE high flow snowblower, used one season, chute hydraulically controlled, $7,900. 518-872-1386 Page 6 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Farm Equipment Farm Equipment CALL FOR REDUCED PRICES ON ALL HARVESTING EQUIPMENT CIH 7130 . . . . . . . . .$31,900 CIH 7210 . . . . . . . . . .$39,500 IH 6588 . . . . . . . . . . .$17,900 IH 1086 NEW TA . . . .$11,500 IH 1086 . . . . . . . . . . .$12,250 IH 1086 . . . . . . . . . . .$5,350 IH 966 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,250 JD 7800 PQ . . . . . . . . .CALL JD 4050 MFD PS . . .$29,900 FD 4100 . . . . . . . . . . .$6,500 FD 145A . . . . . . . . . . .$5,500 BOBCAT CT 225 W/LDR, 140 HRS . . . . . . . . .$13,900 GRAVITY BOXES . . . . .CALL GRAIN DRILLS . . . . . .CALL IH & WHITE PLOWS 4X-10X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL NEW HEAD CARTS . . .$2,600 JD 9500 4WD . . . . . . .$24,500 JD CORN HEADS: 893CM . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,500 843LL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,900 693LL RBLT KNIFE . . .$13,500 643LL OIL . . . . .$5,750-$6,250 643LL CHAIN . .$3,700-$4,250 JD FLEX HEADS: 915LL STEEL . . . . . . . . .$5,750 216LL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,950 CIH 1020 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,750 JD 653A BEAN HEAD . .CALL WESTFIELD 841 AUGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,750 WESTFIELD 1071 AUGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,300 KRAUSE 30’ DISC . . .$11,000 November 3, 2014 Fan us on Facebook Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale 3 ALLIS CHALMERS 5050 tractors, 2WD. Two have about 1,800 hours, third has 2,060 hrs. Will sell one. Prices $6,000 to $6,500. 315-6725674 B&E MANUFACTURING: Kicker racks, slant bar feeders, headlock feeders, round bale carriers, low profile bale carriers. 315-536-9513 BIG TRACTOR PARTS, INC. ~ GEARED FOR THE FUTURE ~ STEIGER TRACTOR SPECIALIST Farm Machinery For Sale OR visit our website at Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale 1. We are your source for new & used Steiger drivetrain parts S.I. - 9300. 2. We rebuild Spicer manual transmissions, Fugi power shift transmissions, dropboxes & axle with ONE YEAR WARRANTY! 3. We now rebuild computer control boxes for Steiger tractors 19821999. 800-982-1769 BEST BUYS IN USED EQUIPMENT 350 KILBROS gravity wagon w/NH running gear, no fertilizer use or rust, $1,650. 315396-8241 354 NEW HOLLAND Feed Grinder/mixer with scales. excellent condition. $11,500. call 315-684-3055 705288 CASE-IH DX55 TRACTOR W/LOADER 705196 CASE-IH FARMALL 45A 2011, W/LOADER Alternative Parts Source Inc. 106957 KUBOTA KX91R1AS2 W/RUBBER TRACKS, CANOPY, ANGLE BLADE, THUMB Chittenango, NY • 315-687-0074 Farm Equipment Farm Machinery For Sale FINGERLAKE’S CUSTOM COMBINING: Case IH 1680 axle flow for soybeans & corn. 315-558-4817, 607243-7032 2000 GAL. DELAVAL Bulk Tank; 19½’ J&J Aluminum dump body with hoist; 2012 New Holland Triple Mega Mower with conditioners. 607844-3248 TRUCK TIRE SIDEWALLS for use in Silage Cover $ 1.75/ea. 814-696-7669 Farm Machinery For Sale $1,000-$2,000 OFF most all late model grain heads & corn heads. Huge selection. 4 trailer loads in past 2 weeks. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322 Bloomsburg, PA 1-8x16, 2-10x20 kicker wagons; 2 Knight self-unloading wagons; MF 12 baler; NH 254 rake/tedder; #40 7’ New Idea tagalong sickle mower; large set of disks; bucket loader to fit Farmall M; Farmall Super H; 8-4’x10’x6’ chainlink dog kennels. 315-281-5076 1948 JD A, 3pt., $2,500; Allis Chalmers WD, loader, $2,000; Allis Chalmers One Seventy, diesel, $4,200. 315-694-0050 1992 4960 MFWD J.D. tractor, excellent condition, 225hp on Dyno, $62,500 OBO. Call Seth at 802-223-1370, 802272-3478 2008 JD 7330 4x4 Loader 1996 JD 9500 Combine, 4x4 915 Flex Head 643 (Rebuilt Corn Head) JD 8560 4x4 JD 8960 4x4, 16’ Blade Int. 1066 Hyd. Double Rake Hitch Call 315-868-7467 FOR PICS & SPECS 2012 GVM 8 ton transpread pull type fertilizer spreader, all stainless steel, double spinners, hydraulic drive, big floatation tires, always stored inside, $25,000. 315-4860875 703995 NH TBL110B 2006, 4WD, CAB, LOADER, BACKHOE - EXTEND A HOE W/RIDE CONTROL, BOLT ON CUTTING EDGE, HYD WRIST ON BACKHOE BUCKET 1987 John Deere 655B Crawler Loader, Serial #X742256, ROPS canopy, 8686 hrs. $9,900 New Liquid In-Furrow Fertilizer System for JD 1770 NT 12 row planter $1,950 315-224-3420 DISMANTLED MF TRACTORS FOR PARTS USED TRACTORS & EQUIP. FOR SALE 8 & 10 TON Running Gears, $1,330-$1,625; 20’ Bale Carriers, $3,075. Horst’s Welding, 585-526-5954 We Buy Tractors For Parts NOLT’S EQUIPMENT 403 Centerville Rd., Newville, PA 17241 off 81 Exit 11, 2 mi. N of 233 (717) 776-6242 704784 BOBCAT S185 2004, CAB, HEAT, HI FLOW, HYD QUICK ATT., STEEL TRACKS, 10X16.5 TIRES - 60% Farm Fans AB-12 Grain Dryer, good condition, single phase, new fan motor in 2012, complete with controls & electric panel. $6,900 7’ 3PT SNOW BLOWER; Patz barn cleaner chain; gravity flow wagon; DeLaval 2” receiver jar. WANTED: Flail chopper. 315-337-1499 Large Selection Available COMING CASE SR150 2012, SINGLE SPD, 50% RUBBER 2011 JD 7200R MFWD Tractor, C/A/H, 16spd PQ, 540/1000 PTO, 3 remotes, 1384 hrs. $119,000 9’ SNOWBLOWER, heavy duty, 1000 rpm, delivery available to central NY. 540-9721738 AC 160 DIESEL TRACTOR, Ford 8’ landscape rake. 607529-3294 704640 KNIGHT 8124 1000 PTO, BOGIE WHEELS, SPLASH GUARD 703266 703319 NH 165 2010, SPLASH GUARDS, BADGER BN1254 ROLLER MILL HYD END GATE, FLOAT TIRES, BLOWER W/COB CRUSHER, 540 PTO, NEW GEAR BOX 540 PTO 705224 SUPREME 700T 2002, VERTICAL MIXER, 8' LEFT SIDE HYD DOG LEG CONVEYOR DISCHARGE, SM 1000 PTO, HARD FACED AUGERS, BELT EXTENSION, 700 CU FT., GOOD CONDITION COMING CALHOUN GRAVITY BOX ORDER YOUR PARTS ONLINE THRU OUR WEB SITE: 4154 State Rt. 31, Canastota (315) 697-2214 (800) 633-4443 962 State Rt. 12, Waterville (315) 841-4181 (800) 859-4483 8207 State Rt. 26, Lowville (315) 376-0300 387 Center St., Franklin (607) 829-2600 November 3, 2014 Farm Machinery For Sale COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Farm Machinery For Sale 2008 NEW HOLLAND 60 hp T2420 with bucket loader (658 hrs) 4x4 with heated and air cond cab, front and rear windshield wipers, radio, and rear hydraulics port, shuttle shift and calcium loaded rear tires . . . . . . . . .$29,000 KING KUTTER "heavy duty" 8', 6 way back blade for 3 pt hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$750 LUCKNOW 7' snowblower with hydraulics chute (needs a little welding repair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$700 8'x8' Drag Harrow reversible (spike side up or down) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$450 Quick Connect pallet forks for front loader . . . . . .$500 INLINE Log Hauling Boom allows for bringing 12' foot logs out of the Woods inline with the tractor, without dragging on the ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250 315-524-5404 OR 315-576-2871 OVERSTOCK FEEDERS Haysaver • Headlock • Slantbar 4 Models of Galvanized Steel Roof Covered Cattle & Horse Feeders on Skids or on Wheels OVER 30 FEEDER WAGONS IN STOCK ~ WE WILL BEAT ANY DEALERS PRICE ~ END OF SEASON LOW PRICES NEW 9’x18’ E-Z Trail Wagon w/8 Ton Wide Track E-Z Trail Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,700 NEW E-Z Trail #3400 Gravity Box w/10 Ton Gear (tire options available) . . . . . . . .$3,900 SUNNYHILL FARM Jim Rogner “Family Farm Since 1929” • Ballston Spa, NY 518-885-5106 CALL BETWEEN 7:00 AM TO 8:00 PM Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale Charles McCarthy Farm Machinery TRACTORS • FARM MACHINERY • UTILITY TRAILERS BUY ~ SELL ~ TRADE 570-833-5214 PH:570-869-1551 Cell:607-759-4646 4698 ST. RT. 3004 Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale FOR SALE CASE IH JX85 cab, 4WD, w/self leveling loader, 2100 hrs. $19,500; Kuhn/Knight web manure spreader, top beater, very low use, $12,500; NH FP240 chopper w/kernel processor 3 row corn head; 2000 NH FX28 harvester, 4WD, 2700hrs., 6-row corn; NH 5070 baler, 3,000 bales, showroom; NH FP230 harvester processor; NH 360N 4R corn parts; NH 1431 & 1441 discbines, swivel PTO, gear box; NH 2450 16’ haybine, AC, nice; Hesston 4600 inline baler; Claas 280RC netwrap, 4’x5’6” silage belt baler; self-propelled Pronovost big square & round bale tubers, 1 trailer single bale wrapper; Case IH 881 3R corn & NH 900 choppers; NH 900 chopper processor; 40’ grain auger & bale elevator, grain vac. Knight mixer wagon; Kuhn GA7922 GA 7822 double spinner rake; NH 1890 harvester 3R corn & grass; CAT Mitsubishi MM55SSR excavator, rubber tracks; JD 2010 crawler loader backhoe; JD 2950 & 2955 4WD; White 2110 cab, 4WD; White 2-105 4WD for parts; Case 25 payloader; 60 S.S. cow stalls, new; JD 8630 articulate, 3pt PTO, 5600hrs; MF 8140 4WD, 140hp, 4000hrs.; Case 2670, 200hp, 10’ silage blade; Selex 737 tiller handler; JD 918 flex head; Ford NH 914A 7’ belly mower. WANTED: Good used 18”x325’ counter-clockwise barn cleaner chain. 315-5368718. MESHOPPEN, PA 18630 TRANSPORT HAY ELEVATORS 1 1/2” square tubing, 14 gauge 24’ - 48’ Includes Motor & Wheels Other sizes available Call for prices. We Custom Build Wagon Gears - 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Ton MILO MFG. • PENN YAN, NY 315-536-8578 John Deere & New Holland Harvester r Fo ll e a C Fre log ta Ca Page 7 Aftermarket & Used Parts Total Rebuilds & Repair Service Horning Crop Processors John Deere 3970 chopper, 5’ hay head, 7.5’ hay head w/wheels, 2 row 30” corn head, 3 row 30” corn head, 30” wide row head. 814-793-4293 Farm Machinery For Sale BARGAIN HUNTERS! Many trade-in combines way below wholesale pricing. Gotta go! Big selection. 2.9% fin. 800-9193322 Bloomsburg, PA • JD 2 Row Green Corn Head(Nice) . . . . . . . . .$3,000 • JD 3 Row Corn head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000 • CIH 600 Bower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1800 • NH 718 w/1 Row Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500 USED EQUIPMENT • BR760 Silage Special Round Baler • T6030 NH 4WD, w/790 hrs. • T6050 NH 2WD, w/1020 hrs. • JD 215 disk • Krone 710/26T Double Rake COUNTRYSIDE EQUIPMENT 914-474-9688 607-243-5555 BUSH HOG 4045 quick tach loader, off MC CX105, complete, w/skid steer style bucket attachment, excellent condition, $4,000/OBO. 315-5367653 4590 John Green Rd., Dundee, NY14837 BUSH HOG USED EQUIPMENT F O R SA L E Grain Dryer Model GT RB800, or 21 ton, PTO model w/computer. Will dry 12.5 ton/hour. Like new condition, always shedded. 518-857-9404 Case IH 8530 Baler Westfield 8x51 Auger Massey 255 Tractor Hesston 1160 Windrower Bush Hog 17’ Hay Tedder Stoltzfus 8½x18 Bale Body SOLD NI 290 Mower Conditioner Bush Hog 8’ Rotary Cutter Bush Hog 2010 10’ Rotary Cutter Vicon 403 Fert. Spreader White 6100 4R Planter Bush Hog 72” Finish Mower White 6100 6R Planter NI 484 Round Baler White 273 Disc Harrow NH 166 Inverter White 5100 4R Planter White 458 Chisel Plow NH 57 Rake White 445 Disc Chisel MF 245 Tractor STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Box 46 Klingerstown, PA 570-648-2088 WE ALSO STOCK NEW VICON CASE IH 290 Magnum, front & rear duals, front & rear weights, loaded, 900hrs., $170,000; Brillion Land Commander II, 7 shank, all new points, $10,000. 315-7250139 CASE-IH 305, 215, C80, 1066; JD tractors 8420, 8330, 8235R, 8120, 6170R, 4560, 585-732-1953 5130, 8520, 6170, 4055. CIH 1043 4 row corn head $5,000. IH 820 17.5 flex head $2,000. IH 1440 combine duals turbo, excellent condition, 3200 hrs $6,500. 14ft Ford ring grain bin hopper bottom 2,000 bu 8in auger $2,000. 585-526-7133. COMBINE PRICES FALLING, great time to buy!! 2.9% fin. most combines reduced $5$7,000 or 1 year 0% int. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322 E-Z TRAIL 400 bushel gravity wagon, like new, $5,300; Brillion 13’6” cultimulcher, $9,500. 315-525-9685 FARMCO Feeder Wagon, 7x20, 2 years old, $1,800.00. 607-655-3525 FOR SALE: NH 1412 Disk mower, $7,500; NH BR740 Silage Spec- net wrap, $12,000; Int’l 7’ mower/cond., $1,500; Gehl 1287 (NH 680) man sprdr- end gate, $2 800; Vicon RS510T- 17’ tedder, $2,800; NH 256 rake, $1,700; JD 3940 Chopper- 5’ head, $2,200; 4’ Woods Bush hog, $800. 802-376-5262 Page 8 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Farm Machinery For Sale 328 MPF High Flotation Farm Machinery For Sale 380 RADIAL High Speed Traction 331 18-PLY Super Traction Farm Machinery For Sale 390 RADIAL High Speed Trailer Over 1,000 Tires & Wheels In Stock!! November 3, 2014 Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale JD 8100, 4850, 4840, 4250, 3150, 6400L w/640 loader; JD 9450 w/straw chopper; International 1666 & 1660 combines, 4WD; International 2020 35’, 1020 15’; JD 918 full finger, 218 grain platforms; 6 grain buggies; 8 gravity bins; 4-15’ rotary mowers; 10-5, 9 & 11 tooth chisel plows; 18’ through 30’ disks; 25 moldboard plows. Call for pricing. 315-536-3807 Kennedy Tractor of Williamstown, NY (315) 964-1161 PARTING OUT: Ford 9N & 8N; Ferguson TO, TE, TEA. Call 315-439-2685 East Syracuse,NY JD 850 with bucket & 80A Amerequip backhoe, excellent condition, recently repainted, asking $21,500. 716-7913253. CIH 600 Silage Blower $1,750; Front Snow Pushers 8’ for loader or skidsteer & 10’ for loader or skidsteer; 3pt Snowblowers: 4 1/2’, 6’, 6 1/2’, 7’, 7 1/2’ & 8’; Rock Picker w/cyl; Log Arch; Millcreek 3100 Spreader (Turf Tiger) 540 PTO, like new, spreads manure, lime, sand, anything (has endgate) $3,750; Dayton PTO generator 50/25 KW on trailer $1,850; 4x4 Case 580K TBL, Heated Cab, 3500 Hrs, E-Hoe Clean $17,500; 4x4 Case 580M Turbo, TBL, Heated Cab, Low Hrs, E-Hoe super clean, Wain-Roy digging bucket $Call; 3pt Backblades, new/used 6’,7’, 8’; Ford 2000 w/Loader 30-35 HP, PS, 3pt, live PTO, nice runner $4,250; Long 310 Dsl, runs good $2,950; Zetor 5211 ROPS, 45-50 HP dsl, 900 Hrs, outlets $5,950; Woods Ditch Bank Mower 5’ $1,500; Utility Trailer w/Winch & Pintlehook 16’ Deck & 4’ Dovetail $2,250; Oliver 1365 Dsl w/LDR 55-60 HP dsl, outlets $3,750; JD 420 Crawler w/Winch & Blade (Orig.) Bought & owned locally; Lots More. KILBROS 475 & 800 Brent 420 grain carts, good shape, make offer; 2002 Chevy 1500 4x4 pickup, offer; JD 4400 combine, runs good, offer. Mike Franklin 607-749-3424 JD 920 FLEX HEAD, just finished beans, good shape, needs nothing, $6,500 firm. 315-276-5122 JD 9610 4WD Combine, Green Star, planetary drive, 1941 sep. hrs., 2611 engine hrs., 35.5x32 front R&C 90%, 28x26 R&C rear 90%, 21’ unloading auger, excellent condition, shedded. 518-8579404 Farm Machinery For Sale FOR SALE: MF 184-4 – 65hp4WD- w/ldr- new tires, $7,500; Vicon RS410T- 14’ tedder, $1,450; Gehl 312 Scavenger II- Side dischg man sprdr, $2,800; Kverneland 7512 Wrapper- 20” self-loader, $8,500; Kuhn Knight 1224 Man sprdr, $8,500; TrailerPinnel hook- 18’x8’- 6 ton, $1,650; 3PH Sq bale chopper, $650; HiSpec Super 14 MixMax mixer wagon, $2,800. Full line of farm equipment. 802-885-4000 FOR SALE: Woodmizer double blade edger. Call evenings before 9:00, or leave a message during the day. 570-7442768 or 570-744-2081. Farm Machinery For Sale Farm Machinery For Sale GENERAC PTO generator, 50kw surge, 25kw continuous, little use, kept under cover, $3,800. 315-269-5464 H&S twin auger forage wagon, 12 ton tandem gear, 3 beater & roof, $8,500. 315536-2698 GLEANER 1981 N5, hydro, 4x4, good tires & AC 426 cu. engine, $6,000 OBO. 716213-7843 HOULE Tank Spreader, 3150 gallons w/23.1x26 floatation tires (2 new), 540 PTO, excellent condition, $14,900 OBO; Houle manure pump, 32’, 540 PTO, good working condition, $8,500 OBO. 802-369-4243 GLENCOE 9 shank chisel plow, $2,500; 12’ AC 2000 finishing disc, $2,500; New Holland 277 hay baler w/#70 thrower, $4,000; New Holland #27 blower, $1,000; John Deere 1020 tractor w/1498 hrs., $6,150; 91 GMC 3500 454 engine, excellent tires, 54k one owner, needs new body, $3,650. Orange County, NY., Stonefield Farm, 845496-4907 FORD 1720 4WD diesel tractor with 7108 loader 1,346 hrs stored inside, $8,900. Call Tony 716-498-3669. GRAIN DRYER: Model GT RB800 or 21 ton, PTO model w/computer, will dry 12.5 ton per hr., like new condition, always shedded, 518-8579404 GEHL (Knowles) 8 ton gear, 11L15 tires, extendable tongue, $1,175. 315-858-1543 GRAVITY WAGON, Kilbros model 375 with 12 ton running gear. 607-329-4786 IH 615 COMBINE, 3 row corn, gas gear drive, runs good, field ready, $1,200 OBO. 585507-9144 JD 3010 diesel with 48 front end loader good condition $6,800. Call evenings after 6:00. 315-668-1997 JOHN DEERE 7700 combine hydro, $5,000; 643 JD corn head oil bath, $5,000; 15’ rigid head, $1,500. 315-539-3996 JOHN DEERE 7720 combine, 4WD with 643 corn head, $13,000. Call Bruce 585-2690698 JOHN DEERE 95 combine (gas) w/JD 443 corn head & tracks w/mover. 716-751-9748 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR PARTS Many New Parts in Stock RECENT MODELS IN FOR SALVAGE: •2955 w/cab •6125R burned •4440 PS w/cab •4230 w/cab •L4020 late •7420 burned •2940 4WD •7700 burned •3010 •2840 •2040 late •2150 •3650 •4250 PS We Make High Pressure Hydraulic Hoses from 1/4" to 1" - Large Selection of Fittings in Stock We Rebuild Your Hydraulic Pumps, SCV Valves, Steering Valves, etc. All Units are Bench Tested JD 653A, 6 row SB head, dealer serviced, $5,000 OBO. 716-213-7843 MANY USED TRACTOR PARTS ALREADY DISMANTLED CALL FOR YOUR NEEDS JD 6620 4x4 w/ or w/out heads, nice condition; NH 790 chopper; Case-IH 1063 843 corn head; 1020 25’ flex head; 21’ 7 ring grain bin;. 585-7321953 PENN YAN, NY NELSON PARTS LLC 800-730-4020 315-536-3737 KELLY RYAN 9’ bagger, real nice; 12’ springtooth 3 section drag. 518-642-2361 MARTIN’S WELDING: NEW Attachments, buckets, stone and manure forks, round and square bale huggers, bale spears, pallet forks, adapter plates, custom fabrication and repairs. 315-531-8672. MAXXUM 125 CASE IH 4x4, cab, 385 hr. tractor, $78,000; new E-Z Trail 230 bushel gravity wagon, $3,400; 970 Gehl forage wagon, tandem axle, $5,900. M&W 300 GRAIN CART, $6,500. NH 34 flail chopper, low wear, $3,200. 570-323-0987 NEW HOLLAND 450 round baler, under 800 bales, net wrapped, crowder wheels, bale ramp, deluxe monitor, oversized tires, warranty, $17,000. 315-672-5674 NEW HOLLAND TT75A 2WD tractor, weights, rear tires loaded RimGuard, 362 hrs. & like new, $13,800 firm. 315672-5674 NH 56 hay rake, works good, $800 OBO; JD 8350 grain drill, no grass seeder, $1,000 OBO; Ferris 52” walk behind lawnmower, $1,000 OBO. 585-526-6639 • Round Bale Grabbers • AVAILABLE WITH Skid Loader Hitch Eruo Hitch Tractor Loader Universal John Deere Loaders SUNNY HILL FARM 518-885-5106 MARTIN’S WELDING 315-531-8672 READY FOR WINTER? 8 Snowblowers $800-$1,500 2 PTO Generators $900-$1,800 WINTER DISCOUNTS ON JD BALER REBUILDS Save Up to 20% On Labor YEAR-END DISCOUNTS ON SELECT NEW HAY EQUIPMENT JD 3020 dsl, not pretty $5,200 JD 3010 gas, utility . . .$2,500 Finger Lakes Equipment 585-526-6705 NH TR96 COMBINE 4WD, w/6R corn head, both in VGC, $24,000; MF Model 3680, 4WD, GC, $16,000. 716-8681090. Our Sportsmen will pay top dollar to hunt your land. Call for a free Base Camp Leasing Info Packet & Quote. 866-309-1507 PARTING OUT 3400 Ford excellent heavy duty loader, fit 4000 to pair 14-9 by 24” tires, same as new. 585-437-2796. • Round Bale Grabbers • AVAILABLE WITH Skid Loader Hitch Eruo Hitch Tractor Loader Universal John Deere Loaders CHARLES McCARTHY 570-833-5214 MARTIN’S WELDING 315-531-8672 November 3, 2014 Farm Machinery For Sale COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Farm Machinery For Sale USED EQUIPMENT • Round Bale Grabbers • AVAILABLE WITH Skid Loader Hitch Eruo Hitch Tractor Loader Universal John Deere Loaders FINGER LAKES EQUIPMENT 315-526-6705 MARTIN’S WELDING 315-531-8672 Skid Steer Buckets Low Profile 66 in . . . . . . . . . . .$854.00 72 in . . . . . . . . . . .$865.00 84 in . . . . . . . . . . .$937.00 Pallet Forks 3,700lbs .$610 Double Bale Spear . .$475 Also Dealer for DRY HILL MANURE EQUIP. (Sales and Service) Prices Subject to Change Burkholder Repair LLC 315-536-8446 Tractor Care is the New LS Tractor Dealer in the Greater Shenandoah Valley! Stop and see our Blue Tractors! John Deere 435 Round Baler, Twine Only, Good..........$7,500 Vermeer 504 Super I 4x5, hydraulic tie, silage .......$7,000 Vermeer 554 XL Silage, Wide Pickup, Twine ..............$12,500 ‘07 Massey Ferguson 1745 4x5, Auto Tie, Like New.......$12,900 New Holland 258 Hyd Drive Rake, Side Delivery ......$4,500 (2) New Holland 256 Ground Drive Rakes...$1,500 & $2,750 Case IH 885XL, 2WD, cab, loader..........................$13,900 2005 JD 530 MoCo, flail conditioning, nice!................$12,500 Gehl 1475 4x5, monitor, auto tie, twine only......................$6,250 Krone AMT 283CR Disc Mower, Rolls..............................$6,500 John Deere 12 Ft. Tandem Disk Harrow ..........................$3,000 Vicon 833T Hyd Fold Tedder, 6 Rotor .............................$5,000 JD 720 MoCo, Rolls, Nice! Stub Guards ..........................$3,995 Pictures at Tractor Care, Inc. 1066-C Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802-2533 PH: 540-433-7070 Check out our e-bay store at Farm Supplies Farm Machinery For Sale Buying Equipment Dead or Alive - Delivery Available 38 ACRES OF EQUIPMENT SMILEY’S EQUIPMENT 518-634-2310 Farm Machinery Wanted WANT TO BUY John Deere Self Propelled Choppers & Kernel Processors Any Condition 814-793-4293 WANTED TO BUY: Used farm & construction equipment, all makes and models, running or not, 1980’s & newer. 717-2695808 Farm Supplies tral Equipment LLC WINTER’S APPROACHING 3pt. snowblowers, snowplows, tractors w/snowplows, tractors w/loaders, silage wagons, $999 up; round bale moving wagon, $3,450; hay wagons, $1,000 up; flail choppers, $1,000 up; corn choppers, $750 up; corn pickers, $1,199 up; discbines, $3,400 up; haybines, $1000 up; hay rakes, $300 up; square balers, $750 up; round balers, $1,400 up; tuber for round bales, $6,450; brush hogs, $350 up; disks, $250 up; land plows, $200 up; manure spreaders, $750 up; harrows, $150 up; cultipackers, $600 up; seeders, $1,450 up; cultivators, $350 up; York rakes, $400 up; 4x4 tractors, $4,500 up; 2WD tractors, $1,000 up; round bale grabbers, $1,150 up; 3pt. backhoes, $1,450 up; log splitter, $600; excavators, $11,450 up; large Linkbelt excavator LS4300, $25,000; topsoil screening plant, large, $26,500; dump trucks, $1,700 up; loader backhoes, $2,999 up; bulldozer's, $3,450 up; equipment trailers, $1,450 up. Page 9 See our monthly specials on our web page or call us at: Always in stock • • • • • Plastic Tanks Q.C. Fittings Pumps Hose Whey Tanks 800-706-5060 Feed, Seed, Grain & Corn Feed, Seed, Grain & Corn CUSTOM ROAST & COOL GRAIN at your farm 518-537-6509 Dave Kimball Feed, Seed, Grain & Corn Custom Roasting and Cooling Your Soybeans,Corn, etc. At Your Farm or Mill Serving All of NY State WEILER’S GRAIN ROASTING (315) 549-7081 2014 HMSC: Call for info Tioga County, NY. 607-7258558 43 ACRES High Moisture Corn for sale, excellent corn, market price. Ulster County,NY 845-255-0223 Pat O’Brien & Sons For all your feed needs! • Steam Flaked Corn • Protein Mixes • Corn Meal • Minerals • Energy Mixes • Nutritional Services Pick-up or Delivery from our Geneva Feed Mill We Buy All Grains! Call Pat @ 716-992-1111 Grain Roasting On Your Far m Soybeans • Corn Barley • Wheat Waterville Grain Roasting Oneida Co., NY 315-534-8948 Call Us For Your Fall Burn Down Needs We Offer: Wheat - Corn Soybean & Alfalfa Seed Ask About Our White Mold Resistant Soybean Seed YOUR SOURCE FOR: A PICTURE TIRES & RIMS of all sizes; duals, most sizes. PARTING OUT: Int. 5088; Case 970, 1070, 1370, 1394, 1494, 2290, 2670, 2870; JD 6410, 4840, 4620. 585-732-1953 Farm Supplies 8 CALF BLANKETS, $60; one half gallon of Radix concentrated teat dip, $25; five bottles Ex-cell 7000, $40 each. 315-858-1543 IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS It’s easy and economical to add a picture to your ad! For Information Call 1-800-836-2888 • Livestock Feeds • Ration Balancing • SeedWay Seeds • Crystalyx Products Buying Corn, Feed Wheat & Oats (315)) 549-82266 Romulus, NY 14541 Call 888-596-5329 for Your Subscription Page 10 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Feed, Seed, Grain & Corn Fencing Empire Farm Fence & Supply LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS 4097 Rt. 34B, Union Springs, NY 13160 RUSTIN WILSON (315) 364-5240 CORN, RYE, OATS, WHEAT, SOYBEANS, CORN MEAL, DDGS HOMINY, BEDDING, SOYBEAN MEAL, WHOLE COTTONSEED, BEET & CITRUS PULP PELLETS, CORN GLUTEN FEED & MEAL, HOMINY, BAKERY MEAL AND CANOLA MEAL MIRACO HEATED WATERERS ALL SIZES AND STYLES N IN STOCK! “NOW BUYING” We Also Carry Posts, Gates & More CORN, SOYBEANS, WHEAT, RYE, OATS & MANY OTHER MISC. PRODUCTS. • DAN FITZPATRICK Sales & Installations Building Since 1981 Fencing R & R FENCING LLC • • • • Equine Livestock Post Driving Pasture & Paddock Design BRIAN ROSS 585-599-3489 9479 Alleghany Rd Corfu NY 14036 18 Years of Professional Fencing Installations “Quality You Can Trust” STURDY FENCE LOCUST POSTS, POLES, Split Rails, 6x6’s, 4x4’s. Other hardwood & softwood boards and planks, custom cut. Also lots, land cleared, woodlots wanted. 518-883-8284 669-2179 8408 CARNEY HOLLOW RD., WAYLAND, NY 14572 • Posts • Board • Split Rail • HT Wire • Vinyl • Energizers WOVEN WIRE HIGH TENSILE & MORE Post Driving & Post Hole Drilling Any Type AG & DEER FENCE NATE FOX 1019 Eagle St Arcade, NY 14009 716-498-2004 Fish LIVE GAME FISH Oldest Fish Hatchery Estab. 1900 Generators Onan 50kw w/housing, LP or NG fuel, 90 hrs. . . .$4,500 Perkins/Marathon 10kw single phase, diesel, new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,800 Katolight w/housing, diesel, Cummins, 480 hrs., 80kw, singe/three phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,500 Winpower PTO, 15kw, trailer, power shaft. . . . . . . .$975 Katolight PTO, 40kw, trailer, power cord, power shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,800 Winco PTO, 35kw, trailer, power cord, power shaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,600 Winco PTO, 50kw, trailer, power cord, power shaft. .$3,400 Country Folks “Monday just isn’t Monday without your Country Folks!” 888-596-5329 ZETTS FISH FARM & HATCHERIES Large Selection of Game Fish Pond Equipment & Supplies, Aquatic Plants Truck, Air, U.P.S. Parcel Post Delivery For Rent Generators GENERAC PTO generator, 50kw surge, 25kw continuous, little use, kept under cover, $3,800. 315-269-5464 Call Us Today For Your Subscription To: Fish Koi BUSINESS CARD MAGNETS only $75.00 for 250. Free Shipping. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery Generators Machiner y Generators As our readers say... SHAMROCK FARMS (585) FENCING For Sale Call T J Allen 315-845-6777 315-868-2438 Your Weekly Connection to Agriculture 2033 Brothertown Road • Deansboro, NY 13328 Hrs: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm • Sat. 8am-Noon Phone: (315) 841-4910 • Fax: (314) 841-4649 Fencing FenceTec - your full service fence technician. Let us build or repair the fences on your farm. Serving the south central Virginia area. 434-2988845. Large Quantity Discount ALSO BEDDING SAND & CHICKEN MANURE • High Tensile • Split Rail • Misc. Types of Fence • Energizers • Fencing Supplies “NOW SELLING” ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLER REPAIRS. Factory authorized warranty center for Zereba, ParMak, many others. No charge for estimates. Quick turn-around time. Send or bring to our shop, any make, any model. 518-284-2180 HI-MAG 3 5 TO N M I N I M U M Spreader & Spreading Available 8545 MAIN ST. P.O. BOX 660 CLARENCE, NY 14031 PHONE# (716) 633-1940 FAX# (716) 633-1490 ORGANIC CORN SILAGE, 35 acres standing, make an offer. Little Falls, NY 315-823-0139 WE’VE GOT LIME “Miles of Quality Start Here” CORP. CALL (716) 633-1940 FOR PRICES & ASK FOR: DON POWELL BILL SCHMAHL SCOTT SCHULTZ Fertilizer & Fertilizer Spreading Fencing November 3, 2014 SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOG P.O. BOX 239, DRIFTING, PA 16834 PHONE: 814-345-5357 For Rent FARM FOR RENT Located on Fredericks Rd., Ft. Plain, NY 2 Family House with additional 1 Family House possible 180 Dairy Cow Freestall 40 Dry Cow Freestall 50 Heifer Freestall Double 8 Milking Parlor 2,000 Gal. Bulk Tank Corn Silage & Haylage in Bunks Available on Premise For Information Call LOGAN FARMS 518-993-2279 • 518-993-4747 WALLIS S GENERATORS, LLC 1344 4 Crystal Lake Rd.,, Carbondale,, PA 16407 570-282-2342 Grain Handling Equip. Bins & Dryers Grain Handling Equip. Bins & Dryers A N MARTIN GRAIN SYSTEMS 315-923-9118 Clyde, NY WE SPECIALIZE IN • Sukup Grain Bins • Dryers • Grain Legs • Custom Mill Righting • Hopper Feed Bins • Transport Augers • Crane Service • Dryer Service November 3, 2014 Grain Handling Equip. Bins & Dryers FARM FANS AB12 continous batch dryer w/600 bushel wet bin, $5,500 for both. 315-2717091 NEW AND USED Grain Dryers: GT, MC, GSI. Call anytime toll free 1-877-422-0927 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Hay - Straw For Sale H AY Farmer to Farmer Hay - Straw For Sale Heating HIGH HILL FARM STATE OF THE ART GRATE for Central Boiler Wood Furnaces. Self supporting grates requires no modification to furnace. Installation 30 min Ash reduced 1/2. Outside Heating -Edward Jewell540-483-3988 or LARGE SQUARE BALES GREAT FOR HEIFERS BEDDING or MULCH Also Have Cow Hay Wet and Dry New 1st Cutting Hay Round & Square Bales For 2014 - Large Square & Small Square 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cut Hay Also Square Bales of Also 2nd Cutting Hay VIRGINIA BIN SERVICE STRAW SPECIALIZING IN GRAIN BIN RELOCATION 519-482-5365 Janowski Bros. BALEAGE FOR SALE: $300.00 per ton, 21% protein. 315-825-1208 Buying & Selling 315-829-3794 315-829-3771 BALEAGE: Early cut mixed grasses, 4x5’s, $30.00; dry 4x5’s, $25.00. PLUS 2014 crop Sorghum baleage, plus Clover/Timothy baleage. 518758-1855, 518-256-1740. MULCH HAY & Mulch Barley Straw. 518-842-7348, 518322-1784 Parts & Service New Installations 804-387-6462 Hay - Straw For Sale (14) 4x4 ROUND BALES of 2nd cut hay, $40 each. Delivery available. 315-858-1543 CALL STEVE Ask About Quick Sale Bales Scott 518-231-3923 HAY & STRAW ONTARIO DAIRY HAY & STRAW Quality Alfalfa Grass Mix 1st & 2nd Cut Large Square Bales & 4x5 Round Bales Also Mowed Rye Straw Snow White (race track quality) Really early cut & Timothy Hay. All hay stored inside on pallets. Early cut 1st & 2nd Small Square Bales approx. 58lbs. grass & Timothy mix. Picked up or delivered, any amount, large quantity. 518-929-3480 518-329-1321 1st & 2nd CUTTING large round & square bales hay. Delivery available. Call for pricing. 585-738-5160, 315906-4142 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th ALFALFA BALEAGE 40 1st $50 2nd-3rd-4th $ Individually Wrapped Also Dry Round Sinside 518-848-4669 1st CUT SMALL SQUARES, $3.00/bale; 2nd cut square, $4.00/bale. 1st cut round, $30.00/bale; 2nd cut round, $40.00/bale. wrapped first cut, $35.00; wrapped third cut, $50.00. Can load tractor trailers. Mike Quinn, South Munger St., Middlebury,VT 802-388-7828 200 NET WRAPPED 4x4 round bales stored inside, $25.00 each. 315-658-9917 2013 & 2014 BALEAGE. Albany, NY area. James Frueh, 518-436-1050 DRY ROUND Wrapped Bales, 4x5’, 500-600 lbs., $40.00 per bale. $2.50 discount on 50100, $5.00 on 100+. 607-5887794 FOR SALE: 1,000 bales 1st cut of hay, never rained on. $3.50 a bale, rectangle bales, average weight 50Ib. 315-6773440 FOR SALE: First cutting dry rounds bales, stored inside, $30 ea. First cutting balege, $35 ea. 315-298-4460. FOR SALE: Quality first & second cut big & small square bales. Delivered. 315-264-3900 GOOD QUALITY HAY & STRAW. Large Square Bales. Will load or ship direct. 802849-6266 GOOD QUALITY HAY: Kicker Bales, $200 per ton 2nd and 3rd cutting only, at the farm. Delivery available. 518-2842180 HAY SAVER Plus Hay Preservative, 68% Propionic Acid. Product available in Waterloo, NY 315-585-6389. CONOY AG, Elizabethtown, PA 717367-5078, Richfield Springs, NY 315-717-6937. Delivery Available. STANTON BROTHERS HAY SAVER Plus Hay Preservative, 68% Propionic Acid. Delivery Available. CONOY AG, Elizabethtown,PA 717367-5078 518-768-2344 HAY: Small Square Bales mixed grass. Fultonville,NY Call 518-281-6000 10 Ton Minimum Limited Availability 1000 COW DAIRY in Copake Falls, NY. Seeking Farm mechanic - outside person. EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 518-929-1834. ATTENTION: Seed Salesmen, Farmer Dealers & Fertilizer/Chemical Salesmen: Looking for additional income? Seeking Entrepreneurs in select areas. Call D&D Farm Service for more details 717-694-3648 Lg. Sq. - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cut Low Potassium for Dry Cows Call for Competitive Prices NEEB AGRI-PRODUCTS 519-529-1141 HAY - STRAW CORN SILAGE Lg. Round, Sm. Squares 1st & 2nd Cut Call Louis 860-803-0675 SMALL BALES: Rye/Oat straw, $4.00; 1st cutting grass hay, $4.75; bedding hay, $2.00. Call 315-601-4361 or 970-222-6930 Help Wanted Got Cows? Embryos? Help Wanted in the production of identical twins Arthur Welser 518-423-9357 LANCASTER DHIA IS LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME DAIRY HERD FIELD TECHNICIAN This position involves collecting milk samples for member dairymen while providing accurate and reliable record keeping service to the dairymen. Approximately $600 per month to start. This job is located in the areas of Ontario and Wayne counties of New York. Please send your resume to: or fax to 814-832-1907 For more information you can contact David Bigelow at 814-330-5222 WRITERS WANTED Knowledge of the industry a must. PLEASANT VIEW FARMS Dairy Quality Wrapped Round Bales Help Wanted Country Folks is looking for self-motivated free-lance writers to contribute to their weekly agricultural paper. ALSO CERTIFIED ORGANIC ~ Delivery Available ~ FOR SALE: Horse quality first & second cut grassy hay, big & small square bales. Delivered.-315-264-3900 Help Wanted Page 11 FARM HAND NEEDED: For dairy farm. $8.00/hour with housing. Saratoga County,NY email 518-744-4052 SEEKING CUSTOM FERTILIZER & SPRAY APPLICATORS Articles could include educational topics as well as feature articles. Please send resume to Joan Kark-Wren or call 518-673-0141 Dutchess County NY Hay - Straw Wanted ABSOLUTELY WANTED STRAW & 1st & 2nd cut BIG & SMALL SQUARES 315-363-9105 Must have Class B CDL Some experience preferred. Immediate full-time positions available with benefits. CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES 845-373-9913 OR ALWAYS WANTED STONEHOLM FARM TIMOTHY MIXED HAY ALFALFA MIXED HAY A progressive 700 cow dairy with sites in Putney, VT and Walpole, NH is looking for a HERD MANAGER for our 400 cow dairy in Putney Qualified applicants must have a strong reproduction background and excellent A.I. skills. They must be up to date in the most modern dairy practices. Duties will include milking, repro, herd health, fresh cow and supply mgt. They must be able to interact and manage employees. Spanish a plus. Housing, health ins., retirement plan. Call Mike at 802-579-4739 or email at 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cuttings Also Small Square Mulch Call 4M FARMS 315-684-7570 • 315-559-3378 Heating CENTRAL BOILER EClassic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Cleaner and Greener. 97% Efficient. EPA Qualified. Call North Creek Heat 315-8663698 CENTRAL BOILER E-Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES. Cleaner and Greener. EPA Qualified. Call today Halloran Farm 845-482-5208. Herd Health Hoof Trimming J&S LEONARD HOOF TRIMMING. 20 Years of Experience. Sore Feet - My Specialty. 607-264-8004 Horses PAIR OF 8 year old Haflinger mares, broke double/single, $1,600; 2 year old mare & yearling colt, draft crosses, $1,200/pair. 315-823-1618 WHITE PERCERON Gelding, rides and drives, sound. Erin C. Lundy 315-493-1051 Page 12 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Insurance Insurance A & B Insurance Group LLC Specializing in all types of farm insurance 239 Littleton Rd Ste 4B Westford, MA 01886 978-399-0025 phone 978-399-0079 fax Licensed in MA, NH, ME, VT, RI, & CT Richard Bourgault, Wendy Ashe & John Oakes AFIS Designated Agents,, & Lawn & Garden KUBOTA ZD21 diesel zero turn mower, hydraulic 60” cut deck, 525 hours, extra rear tires, beautiful condition, $7,000. Come try it out (before snow) 518-281-5134 or 518281-3357 Livestock Equipment HANDLING Filson, For-Most, Titan West, OK Corrals, Calf Catchers, Panels, Gates, Walk-throughs and Round Bale feeders. Oak Ridge Cattle Handling Equipment 540586-1484 (0); 540-330-9089 (cell) Manure Handling Lumber & Wood Products BAILLIE LUMBER CO. buys all species of hardwood veneer logs, sawlogs and standing timber year round. IMMEDIATE LOCAL PAYMENT AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE. Please call for an updated price and spec sheet today! Smyrna Sawmill 607-627-6547. Mark Mowrey 315-796-6644; Phil Day 315436-2766; Jonathan DeSantis 315-882-8174; Sean Karn 315-436-3588. Boonville Sawmill 315-942-5284. Dave Prezyna 315-436-5329; Paul Snider 315-827-4062 (home) or 315-436-0949 (cell); Tom King 315-436-0936; Lukas Myers 315-263-6909. Miscellaneous 100 lb. IHC Style Suitcase Weights 85 ea. 10 or more 75 lb. available GOODRICH TRACTOR PARTS Rt. 38 & 38B, Newark Valley, NY 607-642-3293 Parts & Repair STARTERS, ALTERNATORS, and GENERATORS for all domestic and import engines. Also HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS. Prompt Service 315-826-7892 Gary Sneath ZERO - PATZ NuPULSE Manure Handling For All Makes & Models MARSHALL ELECTRIC HUNTING/CAMPING PROPERTY Southwestern Virginia Bland County 62+/- ACRES ATV Trails, Springs Deer, Turkey, Grouse Adjoins National Forest $90,000 Several Purchase Options Available. Call 540-255-9112 315-364-8452 LAND: 390 acres. Constable,NY. 150 acres hay, wood land & river through property. 518-358-4183 Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale (607) 334-9727 Cell 607-316-3758 We Also Offer: Tractors and Tank Spreaders, Lime and Compost, Spreading, Big Square Baling Call Clinton (315) 729-1066 Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE in Dummerston, VT - 151 acres includes 30 acres of open hay and pasture land – remainder is mature forest. Garage and barn. Protected by conservation easement and option to purchase at ag value. Vermont Land Trust seeks buyers who will farm commercially. $200,000. Call 802-533-7705 or or 787 Bates-Wilson Road Norwich, NY 13851 Drag hose pumping and injecting, with as-applied mapping 2 - pumps with “light speed” wireless remote controlled 2 - mi. hose. We use 8 in. mainline for more fuel efficient operation! Real Estate For Sale TRACTOR WEIGHTS AC, IHC, MF, JD, CASE & OTHERS Wheel weights and suitcase weight brackets. Free freight 1,000 lbs or more. Also skid steer weights and brackets. Venice Center, NY We Offer: Real Estate For Sale Parts Bulk Tank Repair Parts “Custom Farming Since 1995” Real Estate For Sale YARD SIGNS: Full color with stakes, double sided. Stakes included. Starting at $15.00 each. Call your sales representative or Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or Please allow 7 to 10 business days when ordering. LOCUST 4x4’s, fence posts, split rails, lumber. Natural, chemical free non poisonous alternative to pressure treated that has strength and lasts a lifetime. 518-883-8284 Spring Lake Farms Real Estate For Sale November 3, 2014 David C. Posson, Broker Richard E. Posson, Associate Broker 2443 - Montgomeryy Free Stalll Operation 280+/- acres, 200 tillable balance mostly pasture. Some woods. 6 row center feed barn with 140 free stalls. Double 8 parallel parlor. Large bunker silo. commodity buildings. Big Morton machinery building. 2 good homes. This is a very nice farm that is ready to milk with feeds available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Asking $800,000 0 - Chenango County Organic Dairy Farm - 110 acres. Half 2420 tillable currently in pastured paddocks. Balance woods bordering large state forest. Very nice modern 50 stall conventional dairy barn. Set up for milking. Brand new free-stall barn for 30 head plus room for 2 big pens. Older 2 story farmhouse with new windows, roof, and siding. Farm could be used for dairy or would make an excellent place to raise a herd of beef. 30 mins north of Binghamton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Askingg $275,000 owner is considering all offers. LAND BARGAINS: FORT PLAIN,NY AREA, 16 acres w/2 barns, zoned residential w/village water, $75,000; 3.6 acres fields, $13,000. Owner financing 518-861-6541 Call 800-836-2888 to place your classified ad. Real Estate For Sale Nov. 12th @ 12:00pm, 1100 Randall Chapel Rd, Newton Grove, NC, 129+ acres, multiple tracts, 1-35 acre lots. Nov. 14th @ 12:00pm, 4200 NC HWY 50 North, Benson, NC, 78+ acres, multiple tracts 1-15 acre lots. JOHNSON PROPERTIES, 919-639-2231 Real Estate For Sale Pricee Reduced d - 2434 - Great Buy on a Western NY Farm. Close to 100 acres of land situated on a quiet road. 40 acres tillable. Good gravel loam soils. 40 acres of pasture, balance woods. Nice little 2 story dairy barn with room for 40 head. Also small shop and tool shed. Older 2 story 5 bdrm farm house in good condition. Farm would be good for beef or milking a small dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced from $215,000 to $180,000. 9 - Southern Otsego County. 100 acre Hobby Farm. 35 acres 2449 in good hay meadows. 50 acres of good pasture w/year round pond. Balance woods. Older 2 story 4 bdrm farmhouse in good to fair condition. 30x50 pole barn and small run in shed. An excellent farm to run beef or horses & make hay. Close to I88. Easy to get to. Short drive to shopping, hospitals, yet in the country. Spectacular views, very nice setting. . . . . . . . Asking $170,000. More land available. 6 - Oswego County Muck k Farm and Vegetable operation. 2456 Close to 40 acres total with 35 acres of super productive muck ground w/water for irrigation. Very nice 3 bdrm 2 bath double wide home on a poured concrete pad at the end of a 1,500ft private drive. Good 60x60 finished Pole Barn for processing vegetables, machinery & shop. This is a nice little vegetable operation. Farm could be certified organic. Close to I81 and Route 90. 20 mins into Syracuse. Close to shopping, hospitals, & airports. This is an awesome opportunity to take over a profitable proven vegetable operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Askingg $275,000.. November 3, 2014 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Call us today for your Subscription to Country Folks Your Weekly Connection to Agriculture 888-596-5329 As our readers say... “Monday just isn’t Monday without your Country Folks!” Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Service Agency NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the United States of America, acting through an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will sell by Sealed Bid on FSA-2592 the following described real property: A farm located at 5460 Beaver Meadows Road, Machias, New York 14701. The property is approximately 8.5 miles North of the Village of Ellicottville off of County Route 240 in the Town of Ellicottville, in the County of Cattaraugus, State of New York. The property includes a 2-story farm house, an older free stall dairy complex with 76 stalls and double 4 herringbone parlor and machine shed. The 195 acre parcel includes approximately 65 acres cropland, 32 acres pasture, 10 acres woods, 84.5 acres wasteland and 3.5 acres farmstead and roads. This property is being sold subject to a conservation easement deed restriction. Refer to Tax Map Parcel # 38.001-1-15.2 The market value of this property is $245,000.00. USDA Farm Service Agency financing is not available for this property. The Government reserves the right to cancel the sale at any time during the sale process and also reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bidders must make sealed bids on form FSA-2592. Bid must include a 10% deposit. Deposit must be in the form of cashier’s or certified check or postal or bank money order. Bid must be received in a sealed envelope marked “Sealed bid offer for property ID #3700500015”. Real Estate For Sale Page 13 Real Estate For Sale Van Billings Real Estate, LLC 315-429-0300 Offering the Best in Farms, Land, Homes 14 S. Main St., Dolgeville, NY 13329 Licensed Real Estate Broker Real Estate For Sale Dawn Forrester Smith Thomas Gillette Jason Horender Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Van Billings Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Georgetown, NY - $499,500 Turin, NY - $289,900 Dairy of Distinction milking 53 cows on 135 acres. An additional 46 acres can be purchased separately. 3 silos, 6 ton grain bin, hay barn holds 10,000 small bales. Machine shop, equipment barns. Two lovely homes in great condition. The 4BR Ranch even has an in ground pool. An older 4BR home is totally remodeled. Put your cows in and start milking tomorrow. Or make this a beautiful grazing farm. Purchase the farm with just the older home for $375,000. Stately New York Farm, currently utilized for horses, with two huge pole barns, one for the seven box stalls, tack room and machinery storage and the other is for the indoor riding arena. Multiple fenced pastures for rotational grazing. Over 40 tillable acres produces all the hay you need and extra to sell! The beautifully remodeled farmhouse features an open floor plan with gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances and a breakfast bar. Extensive windows in the 19 ft. living room overlook the outdoor hot tub, cabana, and large pool. The elegant first floor master suite includes a private bath and dressing room. This amazing property would also be ideal fo a small sustainable farm, an alpaca farm, or for raising beef or heifers. Mature Maple trees enable a small maple syrup operation. Or why not a winery, cheese making, etc. Need more land? An additional 39.7 acres is available for $60,000. Manheim - 40.2 Ac - Fields bordered by trout stream, possible small beaver pond. Will sell half at $55,000 . . . . .$99,000 Oppenheim - 75.8 Ac - Mostly open with little woods, pond and lots of road frontage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150,000 Minden - 36.8 Ac - Great hay fields, some pasture, small pond, stream & view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$70,000 Oppenheim - 16.4 Ac - Great hay field. Ideal for small farm, horses, a home site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30,000 Rome - 208.43 Ac - Agricultural land with muck soils & over 2000 ft frontage on the canal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$166,700 Salisbury - 4.8 Ac - Ideal lot for camping or possible home. Beautiful trout stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500 AGENTS WANTED Active farm real estate broker seeks people with extensive farming experience to handle farm sales in Madison, Herkimer, Montgomery, Fulton, Otsego, Oneida, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties. Must have real estate license or be willing to get one. Phone Van Billings @ 315-429-0300. Real Estate Wanted Real Estate Wanted WANTED - DAIRY FARM TO RENT/RENT TO OWN The property will be sold “AS IS” for cash unless otherwise indicated herein. For inventory property (title in USDA) USDA reserves the right to reject all bids. Experienced dairy couple in our 30’s looking to relocate soon. FLEXIBLE ON LOCATION: NY, New England,PA.OH etc. We own some equipment and a small herd currently and have owned up to 150 in the past. We have vast experience in farming from specialty/value added dairy herds milking 30 to larger farms milking 500 and in between. We are very open to the size and style of farm (tie/free stall pasture/confined) and willing to expand to fit the facility or stay small if the situation makes sense. One of us works off farm in an Ag. related job and can transfer if we so desire to continue working. Ideally we would prefer to make our own feed, but we would also look at purchased feed operations. We would be intrested in take over and owner financed situations. Please let us know if you have something or know of any possibilities. Thanks! The property may be examined on November 18, 2014 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The sale will be held on December 3, 2014 at 10:00 AM at 220 Fluvanna Avenue, Suite 600, Jamestown, NY 14701 Inquiry concerning the sale of the above property may be made at the USDA Agency address shown below. United States of America Farm Service Agency 220 Fluvanna Avenue, Suite 600 Jamestown, NY 14701 Amanda Ritchey Farm Loan Manager 716-664-2351 ext 2. October 22, 2014 518-858-9236 or Rentals FOR SALE BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through the Farm Service Agency: A rural property located at 176 Kunz Road, Broadalbin, NY 12025. The property includes a log home, a garage, several barns/outbuildings and 3 sites for mobile homes on approximately 14 acres. The property is also described as Fulton County Tax map # 138.2-1-14. Property is currently occupied. The market value of the property is $210,000.00 METHOD OF SALE: “SEALED BID CASH SALE ONLY” CREDIT TERMS FROM FARM SERVICE AGENCY ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS SALE. ALL BIDS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A CERTIFIED CHECK, CASHIERS CHECK, POSTAL OR BANK MONEY ORDER, OR BANK DRAFT PAYABLE TO THE FARM SERVICE AGENCY FOR AT LEAST 10% OF THE TOTAL BID. The property may also contain wetlands that are not protected with a conservation easement that will be subject to other environmental laws such as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Highly Erodible Land Conservation and Wetland Conservation provisions of the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996. Contact NYS DEC for wetland information. This property may also be subject to certain housing and environmental restrictions. THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD AS IS. Information concerning this property and bid forms can be obtained at the Greenwich Farm Service Agency Office, 2530 State Route 40, Greenwich, NY 12834, (518) 692-9940 Ext 2. All bids must be completed and received by 1:00 PM on November 18, 2014. A Public Bid Opening will be held at 1:00 p.m. on November 18, 2014. Bids received after this date and time will not be given consideration. The Government reserves the right to cancel the sale at any time, and the right to reject any and all bids or in the event of default, to accept the next highest acceptable bid or to negotiate a private sale with any interested person. Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to enter a binding contract); because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Protection Act. The Federal agency that administers compliance with this law is the Federal Trade Commission, Equal Credit Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20580. USDA regulations prohibit discrimination in USDA programs because of your race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, martial status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability; or because all or part of your income is derived from any public assistance program; or because you have filed a program complaint, participated in any program complaint proceeding or opposed a prohibited practice. If you believe that you have been discriminated against for any of the reasons state above, you may file a complaint with the Director, Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Agriculture, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 1-800-836-2888 To place a Classified Ad Rentals FORESTRY CUTTER FOR RENT • Blaze Wildlife Trails • Trim Tree Lines • Clean Up Old Orchards • Reclaim Grown Up Meadows (For Rent or Custom Hire) Call Lamar 315-246-1154 Do you have a digital subscription? Page 14 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Roofing Roofing ROOFING & SIDING e Metal Roofing g & Siding.. BUY DIRECT – We manufacture ABM & ABX Panel - Standingg Seam m - PBR Panel LOW PRICES - FAST DELIVERY – FREE LITERATURE A.B. MARTIN ROOFING SUPPLY, LLC Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 N e w v i l l e , PA 1-800-782-2712 Full line Pole Building material. ~ Lumber - Trusses - Plywood. • Email: Services Offered Silos, Repairs, Silo Equipment SILO DOORS • Sales & Installation • On The Farm Service • A Large Parts Inventory • Willing to Travel for Service Work • 7 Days a Week, Parts & Service • Financing Available Plywood Cedar Poly Also: Silos, Silo Unloader Replacement Parts, Graetz Silo Unloader & Parts 3626 Brown St., Collins, NY 14034 Shop - (716) 532-2040 Eves & Weekends (716) 532-2919 ART TIMMEL RUBBER STAMPS self inking. All sizes. Call Beth at Lee Publications. 518-673-0101 WEDDING INVITATIONS printed and designed by Lee Publications: 100 (4.5x6) Invitations including envelopes with 100 RSVP postcards. Only $150.00 +tax. We can also do smaller and larger amounts. Call for pricing and designs 518-673-0101, or Also Save the Dates • Shower Invitations • Baby Announcements and more. 717-949-2034 Silos, Repairs, Silo Equipment FARMERS FALL IS HERE! Does that Wood or Concrete Silo Need Help? ALL TYPE OF REPAIR Cabling of Barn & All Types of Barn Roof Repair Call MAC HYNEY 518-993-4613 Silos, Repairs, Silo Equipment November 3, 2014 Trailers Silos, Repairs, Silo Equipment Horse • Livestock • Dump • Cargo Equipment • Landscape • Motorcycle Snowmobile • ATV • Car and More MID-STATE TECH INC. 6024 Greene Rd. Munnsville, NY 315-495-6506 315-404-6721 David Stanek Pre-Owned Tanks & Silos NRCS Approved Slurry Storage Systems New Conventional Silos Silo Unloaders Van Dale Jamesway Patz (Used) FULL LINES N-TECH NORBCO RISSLER Conveyors & Carts GRAETZ LAIDIG All Silo Repairs Conveyors & Mixers Utility Augers Trailer Parts & Towing Accessories Arcade, N.Y. (585) 492-1300 • Precast Bunk Silos 6’x8” to 13’-4” High • Silo Accessories • Salt Storage Structures 11’ center wall 10’ side wall 13’4” side wall 11’T wall Tires & Tire Repair Service Radial 240 R4™ Traction/Flotation Truck Tire NORTHEAST SILO DEMO: Need a cheap, quick & easy way to get your silo down? Will travel, give us a call. 518568-3560 Morrisville, New York 315-684-7807 JAMESWAY & VAN DALE Equipment, Parts & Service Authorized Harvestore & Laidig Dealer Sales, Service-Repair PATZ DEALER Parts-Sales-Service VALMETAL DEALER Sales-Service-Parts DAIRYMASTER DEALER # # # # # # # # # #Sales-Service-Parts # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #Mixers, # # Stationary # # # & #Trailer # # # of # # # # # VENTILATION # # # # # # #We # carry # #a full # line # # # # All # Types # # of#Systems # # # milking # # # # # #for#tie# # equipment # # # # # # # # # # #stalls # #& parlor # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # SILO REPAIRS - Blower Pipe, Vinyl & Steel, Distributors, Silo Hoppers, Poly Chute Hoppers, Chute Replacements, Chute Liner, Klean Chute Tubing, Wood Doors # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # WOOD CONVEYORS - Single & Double Chain, # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Taper Board Feeders # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Give Us a Call for More Information Or Visit our Website at SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Hill Top Tire 402 State Hwy 163 Fort Plain, NY (518)) 993-2235 New PJ 8’x14’ Deckover Dump Trailer 14,000 lb. GVW, fold down/removable sides, self contained 12v hydraulics, scissor Prices valid hoist, 2 way gate, LED lights, tarp kit. till 11/10/14 $ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # Center State Ag. Service B & G Trailer Sales Dryden, NY 13053 607-898-9558 1993 Hillsboro 20 ft. alum gooseneck stock . . .$6,700 2015 Featherlite 16 ft. alum bumper pull stock $11,000 2015 Featherlite 20 ft. alum gooseneck stock combo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,700 2015 Adam 16 ft. steel bumper pull stock . . . . .$5,700 2014 Adam 16 ft. alum gooseneck stock . . . . .$13,500 2014 Adam 18 ft. alum gooseneck stock . . . . .$14,650 2014 Quality 14 ft. dump trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,985 2015 Quality 12 ft. dump trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,185 2013 Belmont dump trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,000 Can Be Used on Silage Trucks or Manure Trucks # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 3 RIBSTONE SILOS with tops, silo unloaders, fill pipe & blowers. Very reasonable. 434-369-5813 7,340 Cash Only Midlakes Trailer Sales # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # For All Your Automation and Filling Needs Call: Route 12, North Norwich, NY Hammer Mills Silos, Repairs, Silo Equipment New Stave Silos Trailers “We’ll hook you up” 1595 Yale Farm Rd., Romulus, NY 14541 Toll Free 888-585-3580 ~ 315-585-6411 MARTIN’S SILO REPAIR Trucks Specializing in Teardown & Rebuilding New & Used Staves Silos • Shotcrete Relining • Distributors • Fill Pipe • Replacement Doors • Roofs • Chutes • General Repair Will Buy Good Used Concrete Stave Silos SHOTCRETE SERVICE Repair Retaining Walls Strength Existing Masonry Walls Stanley, NY 585-526-6575 POLY SILO DOORS: Horse hitches, horse bedding products, fly tape power winder. Wholesale-Retail. Brochures or online info. A Betterway Products, Lancaster County,PA 717-768-3337 SOLLENBERGER SILOS, LLC, 5778 Sunset Pike, Chambersburg, PA 17202. Poured Concrete silos since 1908, Manure Storage and Precast Products. For Information: Ken Mansfield 717-503-8909 “1908-2008” Celebrating 100 Years Tractor Parts NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS: John Deere 10,20,30,40 series tractors. Allis Chalmers, all models. Large inventory! We ship. Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage, 715-673-4829 Trailers TEITSWORTH TRAILERS: 400 different trailers, in stock, ready to haul. Dumps, tilttops, landscape trailers and goosenecks. Financing always available. Call 585243-1563. 1990 CHEVY SILVERADO 4x4, 1 ton, V8 w/HD Fisher plow, new: front end, brakes, starter, $3,500. 518-638-6370 November 3, 2014 COUNTRY FOLKS Combined Zones Classifieds Trucks Trucks Trucks Page 15 Do You Grow or Sell Fruits, Vegetables, Greenhouse or Nursery Crops? Trucks 2 AVAILABLE 2008 Freightliner M112 MB 370, Jake, Allison Automatic, 14,000 Front, 40,000 Rears, No Rust. Priced To Sell Or Trade ROADABLE STORAGE TRAILERS 45’, 48’ and 53’ Both Swing and Roll Up Doors. Prices Starting at $1,500 1985 Custom 9200 gallon manure tanker. 8 inch pump and boom. Can field spread, Budd rims, clean southern trailer. Call for Price Call Chuck at 585-734-3264 Martin’s Farm Trucks, LLC If You Answered Yes You May be Interested in Our Trucks for All Your Needs - Specializing in Agri-Business Vehicles 1974 Mack DM685 300 Mack, Mack 6 Speed Transmission, 18,000 Front, 44,000 Rears, Mack Camelback, Double Frame, 16’6” Steel Dump Body, Runs Excellent, Cheap! Priced To Sell Or Trade ADVANTAGE TRUCKS (716) 685-6757 Storage Containers, Storage Van Bodies Many To Choose From - CHEAP! Priced To Sell Or Trade Country Folks Grower T M T P F C H WE DELIVER HE “Exporters Welcome” Fan Us On Facebook www.Facebook.Com/CountryFolks 1996 Peterbilt 357, 3306 Cat 300hp, Jake, 8LL, 18/60 Axles, Hend Spring, Triple Frame, 12.00-24 Rubber, 205k. $27,500 Trucks CALEDONIA DIESEL, LLC TRUCK & EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE “The Diesel People!” 2905 Simpson Rd., Caledonia, NY 585-538-4395 • 1-800-311-2880 Since 1982 Just 1 mile south of Route 20 on 36 south (Qty. 5) 2005 Osh Kosh 6x6 Cab and Chassis Cummins ISM 330 HP, Allison automatic transmission, 23,000# front axle, 46k full locking rears, 212” wheelbase, 18’ of frame, 152” C-T, 67k and 83k miles. Call for price CALL 1992 Reitnouer Aluminum Flat Trailer, 45’x96”, Spread Axle, Air Ride, All Aluminum Wheels, Good Rubber. $9,900 888-596-5329 For a Free Sample 888-497-0310 Trucks Trucks (Qty. 2) 2004 Peterbilt 357 Cab & Chassis 2004 Mack MR600 Cab & Chassis, 300hp, Cat C10 335 HP, Alison Automatic Transmission, Allison automatic transmission, 20k front 20k front axle, 46k full locking rears, 19’ of frame, axle, 46k rears, double frame, 18’8” of 172” C-T, 135k and 167k miles, frame behind the cab, 180” C-T, stock #’s 4623/4624. Call for price stock #4655. $39,900 ONTHLY RADE APER OR OMMERCIAL ORTICULTURE 5 Easy Ways To Place A Country Folks Classified Ad 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PHONE IT IN FOR BEST RESULTS, RUN YOUR AD FOR TWO ISSUES! Just give Peggy a call at 1-800-836-2888 FAX IT IN - For MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover customers, fill out the form below completely and FAX to Peggy at (518) 673-2381 Cost per week per zone: $9.50 for the first 14 words, plus 30¢ for each additional word. (Phone #’s count as one word) If running your ad multiple weeks: Discount $1.00 per week, per zone. MAIL IT IN - Fill out the attached form, calculate the cost, enclose your check or credit card information and mail to: Country Folks Classifieds, PO Box 121, East Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 West PLACE MY AD IN THE FOLLOWING ZONES: E-MAIL Country Folks East E-mail your ad to Country Folks West Mid-Atlantic Country Folks of New England ON-LINE - Go to Country Folks Mid-Atlantic Farm Chronicle and follow the Place a Classified Ad button to Number of weeks to run_______ place your ad 24/7! New England Name: (Print)________________________________________________________________ Farm/Company Name: ________________________________________________________ Street: _________________________________________ County: ____________________ City: __________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: __________ Phone #_____________________Fax #________________Cell #_____________________ 2007 International 7400 Silage Truck, 300hp, 8LL transmission, double frame, 20’ self-unloading body, dual steer boxes, 46,000# rears, 70,000 miles, rubber 95%, stock #4650. $69,500 2003 Mack Granite day cab, 460hp, 18 speed, air ride, 14,600# front axle 44,000# rears, 206” wheelbase, wetline, 467k miles stock #4678. $32,500 2000 Mack RD688S Cab and Chassis 350hp, 8LL transmission, double frame, 20k front axle, 44k rears, camelback suspension, ONLY 108K MILES!!!, 19 1/2’ of frame, 190” C-T, stock #4647. $35,900 e-mail address: _____________________________________________________________ Payment Method: Check/Money Order American Express Discover Visa MasterCard Card # __________________________________________Exp. Date __________________ (MM/YY) Name On Credit Card:(Print)____________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________ Todays Date: ______________ (for credit card payment only) Please check our Web site @ 2004 Cat 740 Off Road Articulated Truck 3 in stock, 21,000 hours, 40 ton capacity, rubber 85%, auto-grease system, retarder. $73,000 each 2006 Western Star 4900EX day cab, Detroit 14L 515hp, 18 speed, 528k miles, 46k full locking rears, wetline, 24.5’s on aluminum wheels, stock #4702. $49,500 2003 Peterbilt 379 day cab, Detroit 500hp, 10 speed trans, 12k front 44k rears, 215” wheel base, Air ride, 24.5 rubber, wetline system, stock #4534. $33,900 15 1 Week $9.80 per zone / 2+ Weeks $8.80 per zone per week 16 19 2004 Kenworth T800 Cab and Chassis, Cat C15 475hp, 18 speed trans, 14,600# front axle, 46k full locking rears, 20’ of frame, 156” C-T, 253,000 miles, stock #4372. $59,900 17 18 1 Week $10.10 per zone / 2+ Weeks $9.10 per zone per week 1 Week $10.40 per zone / 2+ Weeks $9.40 per zone per week 1 Week $10.70 per zone / 2+ Weeks $9.70 per zone per week 20 21 2006 Komatsu D31PX-21A 1 Week $11.00 per zone / 2+ Weeks $10.00 per zone per week 1 Week $11.30 per zone / 2+ Weeks $10.30 per zone per week 1 Week $11.60 per zone / 2+ Weeks $10.60 per zone per week 360 hours, new U/C, full cab, 6 way blade, 24” pads $48,500 1 Week $11.90 per zone / 2+ Weeks $10.90 per zone per week 1 Week $12.20 per zone / 2+ Weeks $11.20 per zone per week 1 Week $12.50 per zone / 2+ Weeks $11.50 per zone per week 22 25 23 26 24 27 1 Week $12.80 per zone / 2+ Weeks $11.80 per zone per week 1 Week $13.10 per zone / 2+ Weeks $12.10 per zone per week 1 Week $13.40 per zone / 2+ Weeks $12.40 per zone per week 28 29 30 1 Week $13.70 per zone / 2+ Weeks $12.70 per zone per week 1 Week $14.00 per zone / 2+ Weeks $13.00 per zone per week 1 Week $14.30 per zone / 2+ Weeks $13.30 per zone per week
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