D ov e Ta l e N e w s l e t t e r N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 4 A message from Pastor Josh Reese I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. 14 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. 13 Psalm 116:13-14 I have made four vows of lifelong significance: salvation, marriage, parenthood and the pastorate. I’m grateful to God for the clarity with which he’s called me in these areas of life. They each have eternal significance, community impact and public accountability. The stakes are high, but the joy is huge. Each of these vows demands more of me than I am able to give on my own. Salvation is a product of God’s initiative and sovereign grace (Jn 6:44; Eph 2:8-9). Christ has called me and saved me out of spiritual death (Eph 2:1). I respond in love only because God has loved me first (1 Jn 4:19). Marriage is a mystery on par with the Gospel, and my role as husband calls for supreme sacrifice (Eph 5:25, 32). Parenthood is a privilege and responsibility with massive influence (Prov 22:6). The godly training and instruction of our kids is a strong command (Deut 6:4-9; Eph 6:4). The pastorate is a calling lived out in the presence of God’s people. For pastors, there is a measure of community accountability and doctrinal soundness that can only be established over time (Titus 2). Part of this discernment process is a humble, prayerful and visible authorizing, commissioning or sending. We call this process “ordination.” Ordination typically takes a number of years, because God’s word encourages caution when it comes to filling this role (1 Tim 5:22; Jms 3:1). Examples of ordination in scripture include Joshua (Num 27:18-19), Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:2-3) and Timothy (1 Tim 4:14). Praying, laying on of hands by church leaders and commissioning in public view are all part of this process. On Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 3PM, the final portion of my ordination process will happen at our church. The elders of St. Germain Evangelical Free Church, our regional denominational leaders, other pastors, family, friends and members of this community will gather to worship and pray and witness this final step of ordination. The goal is to follow the biblical pattern. My heart is to take my vows seriously. It is an honor to love our Lord together, serve His people and declare His glory. Thank you for allowing me to be your pastor. May He give us wisdom and strength to pursue His vision for loving Jesus and our community. Because He lives, Pastor Josh Reese Building a community that loves Christ, to reach a community for Christ. 6065 Hwy 70 • St Germain,WI 54558 • 715-479-2173 • info@stgefc.com Joshua Reese, Senior Pastor • joshr@stgefc.com Daniel Shields, Associate Pastor • dans@stgefc.com www.stgefc.com CHURCH COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS The Council approved to affirm support for Pastor Josh’s ordination on November 16th at 3:00pm. Pastor Josh discussed plans to reorganize the Outreach Ministry Team. Harvey discussed the upcoming budget for 2015. Final budget discussions are planned for the next Council meeting. A decision has been made to defer any further Associate Pastor search activity until after the building expansion project is completed. There was a Building Committee update. Building plans are with an engineer/architect for estimates and building requirements. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS S TIME IP H S R WO DAY R SATU orship ailable m W hurch av p 0 0 5: hildren’s C C AY ery & s r u N SUND orship able W rch avail m a 0 hu 10:3 n’s C re Child & y er Nurs r Decembe 2014 , 4 2 r e b Novem The congregation unanimously approved the motion to support the ordination of Pastor Josh. The ordination service is scheduled for Sunday, November 16th at 3:00pm. A Building Committee update was given. The plans are with an engineer/architect for estimates and building requirements. Once this is complete, the congregation will be given more details. The current floor plans of the building expansion can be viewed at www.stgefc.com/ happenings/building. Elder Bob Owens asked those in attendance at the meeting carefully consider volunteering for church activities and/or Ministry Teams. Stewardship Team Leader Ron Vermoch stated he is evaluating ways of reducing heating and lighting costs. This month we will see another of our missionaries visiting. Jany (with his new bride Lenka) is planning on being here November 15. His nuptials were held October 25. He works with Josiah Venture and helps to lead the English camps in Slovakia throughout the summer. We again were part of that ministry when we sent a team this summer. He follows up with students throughout the year, holds Bible studies and meets with others for his own personal growth. With his marriage, he now needs more funds also. Melissa Hrdlicka is looking at getting a gift to bless the new couple. If you are interested in going in on this with her please call her at 715-614-4084. She is also prayerfully considering going on next year’s trip to Slovakia. If you are interested in that, or would like to know more, she has gone twice so far and has a definite passion for this ministry. In the words of Aaron Hewitt who lead the team this year: “This past summer in Slovakia, 113 unbelievers came to the KECY camps and from that number 52 made a decision to accept Christ's salvation. That is almost half of the unbelievers this summer that put their faith in Jesus! Hundreds more of the Slovak students who already knew Jesus recommitted their lives to following Christ. The work God did through our team last summer was incredible. We are humbled by the way the Lord used us as his hands and feet and we are so thankful for the financial support and prayers from St. Germain E Free that made it possible for us to travel to Slovakia.” By Mary Kahl DID YOU KNOW? If you have to miss a worship ser- November 8th 7:00am *Every 2nd Saturday of the month! Remember to check our online calendar for the most current, up-to-date happenings! www.stgefc.com You can find us on Facebook, too! vice because of illness or vacation, you can receive Sunday sermons digitally! Download sermons from our church website (www.stgefc.com). Click on the “Resources” link and you’ll see “Sermon Archive.” You may also request a CD of the sermon! Please contact Dan Shields for more information or to order a CD. Daylight Savings Time comes to an end Sun, November 2nd. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back! November November Community Dinners The Northwoods Share Community Dinners will take place on Tuesday, November 4th and Tuesday, November 18th at The Rock, Eagle River. The Nov 18th meal will be a Thanksgiving meal. Doors open at 4:00pm for snacks and fellowship and dinner is served at 5:30pm. All are welcome to serve, clean up or just come and enjoy getting to know your neighbors. Reaching out to a community for Christ! For more information or to volunteer contact Pam Zaugg (715-479-3388), Cheri Shields (715 -891-1564) or Dan & Jean Sass (715-479-5711). BIRTHDAYS 2—Kris Korb 4—Bev Hunt 4—Jean Sass 4—Andrea Jacobi 5—Camryn Cox 5—Josiah Boschke 6—Ron Kroschel 6—Nolan Huelskamp 7—Michele Sanborn 9—Connie Strom 10—Holly Deal 13—Berwyn Mischo 13—Jayne Blasier 14—Barbara Kroschel 14—Carson Cox 16—Carter Maines 19—Bruce Ziolkowski 21—Abby Boschke 23—Samantha Huelskamp 24—Virginia Tosch 26—Vera Hrdlicka 26—Leif E. Offerdahl 29—Mark Soroosh ANNIVERSARIES 5—Dwight & Jackie Kimber 23—Patrick & Cheri Shields 30—Jeremy & Abbey Davidson NORTHWOODS SHARE NEEDS MINISTRY “Building a community that loves Christ to reach a community for Christ” is St. Germain’s mission statement. Northwoods Share’s Needs Ministry offers an opportunity where people can reach out into the community and make a difference! Needs Ministry is in need of volunteers and in need of product. There is opportunity to donate products such as toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, dish soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, and more. With over 400 families using this ministry there are opportunities to share Jesus in many ways starting with prayer and moving with prayer and continuing with prayer. Thank you for remembering to reach our community with the love of Christ. Contact Pam Zaugg (715-479-3388), Cheri Shields (715-891-1564) or Dan & Jean Sass (715-479-5711) for more information. THURSDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY “Unveiling Mary Magdalene” will begin Thursday mornings at 9:30am in November. This study, by Liz Curtis Higgs, requires a pre-order of materials because there is a short contemporary story to read prior to the start of the Bible study. If you are interested in attending this study, please contact the church office at 715-479-2173 so materials can be ordered. There is both a book and a workbook. The workbook is not absolutely necessary. It contains supplemental material to the book. The cost of book only is $11.99 and the cost for the book/ workbook set is $15.99. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Kuiper at 715-479-7727. Mary Martha Time Women always enjoy more time…to get those things done whether it’s fellowship, crafts, devotionals... We all enjoy time together, so here is an opportunity to have that! Saturday November 22nd from 9-Noon Time for fellowship, devotionals... Time to work on projects... Time for knitting, crocheting, quilting, scrapbooking, sewing, paper arts, etc... Time to just spend with other women... Make and take project!! Tables are available to work on your project. Sign-up at the Welcome Center. Refreshments served. Bring a light snack to share. Any questions, call Joella Wrasse 715-892-5168 CHURCH LIBRARY Is there a book, DVD, audio book that you would like to see in our church library? Send a note to the church office at info@stgefc.com, subject line LIBRARY or drop a note in the return book box in either the children’s or adult library. Please list the items you would like to have in the library. Thank you so much! Why consider EZ Giving ? It is through your generous contributions that St. Germain Evangelical Free Church is able to continue our vision of Prayerfully Building Connections That Deepen Faith In Christ. As you consider your method of contributing, we remind you that we offer electronic EZ Giving as a way to automate your offerings. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for the church. Collection basket offerings fluctuate significantly from week to week but when contributions are automated, the church receives the funds it needs to operate on a steady, uninterrupted basis. An authorization form and a “Frequently Asked Questions” flyer are available from the church office, at the Red Wall, or download at www.stgermainfreechurch.com. CARE TEAM CORNER Laura Wipperman, Care Team Leader 715-479-7490 lwipperman@gmail.com Joella Wrasse, Café 2:42 715-892-5168 jartans@charter.net Pat Van Acker, Congregational Care Coordinator 715-892-1741 vanacker.pat764@gmail.com Dear Church Family, As we celebrate Thanksgiving, may we experience the peace that comes from a living relationship with our Great God. NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL DIABETES MONTH. Take the following test to know your risk: • I have the following symptoms on a regular basis: - Excessive thirst - Frequent urination - Extreme fatigue - Unexplained weight loss - Blurry vision from time to time • I am over 40 years old • I am 20% or more overweight • I am a woman who has had more than one baby weighing over 9 pounds at birth • I am of Native American, Black or Hispanic descent • I have a parent with diabetes • I have a brother or sister with diabetes A risk factor for diabetes that is under our control is our weight. May we strive to make Godpleasing choices about diet and exercise and be encouraged by these words, “__For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses__Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Heb. 4:15-16). If you have any specific concerns, see your doctor. Blood Pressure Clinic: Saturday, November 1st - 1/2 hour before and after the 5pm Service Sunday, November 2nd - 1/2 hour before and after the 10:30am Service HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 107:1 St. Germain Evangelical Free Church Joyfully invites you to the Ordination Service for Joshua M. Reese Sunday, November 16, 2014 3:00pm St. Germain Evangelical Free Church 6065 Hwy 70 E St. Germain, WI 54558 Reception to follow Please RSVP by November 9, 2014 via email andrea@stgefc.com or call 715-479-2173 Family Fall Fest Highlights! Congratulations to our Chili Cook-Off Winners! Most Family Friendly: Shana Tomlanovich Biggest Kick: Christine Brown Most Creative: Deb Petterson Best Overall: Kara Vander Bloom The Operation Christmas Child collection at our church is in full swing! Please remember to pick up a shoe box, fill it according to the suggestions on the brochure and return it to the church. DEADLINE: Sunday, November 16th! How it Works Pick up an Operation Christmas Child brochure from church. Take a standard shoe box and fill it with school supplies, toys, personal hygiene items, small enough to fit into a shoe box (see the suggested items list in brochure). Wrap your shoe box just like you would any Christmas present and mark it with either the girl or boy tag. Drop it off at church and we will make sure it gets to a child for Christmas. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God Stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 STG KIDS Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: October 1 - May 6 4K through fifth grade We have a brand new and exciting curriculum called FaithWeaver. FaithWeaver is a three-year program. Everyone - from toddlers to 5th grade studies the same Bible Point in an age-appropriate way. Lessons are designed to encourage faith development beyond Wednesday so faith grows all week long. Whether at the kitchen table or in the car, FaithWeaver makes it easy for families to talk about the Bible and their faith. STG STUDENTS Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: September 17 - May 6 6th through 12th grade There is upbeat worship, awesome activities, community with other students, and hearing what a relationship with God really looks like. Bring as many friends as you can because it is going to be CRAZY AWESOME AND IMPACTING! ADULTS Adult Connection Group Study Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: October 1 - May 6 Adults meet for study and fellowship during the same time as STG KIDS and STG STUDENTS are meeting. CONTACT PASTOR DAN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO SIGN-UP! StG Students DECEMBER 24th CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES AT 2pm, 4pm, 6pm Scheduled to Serve—Saturday SATURDAY GREETERS *Bold text indicates greeter responsible for purchasing bread and juice for Communion. 5:00 PM WELCOME CENTER NOVEMBER 1 *JUDY KUIPER WAYNE & DEB PETTERSON NOVEMBER 8 VAL SNEDDEN CRAIG & JEANNE RISMON NOVEMBER 15 PAT VAN ACKER WAYNE & DEB PETTERSON NOVEMBER 22 LARRY SNEDDEN JUDY KUIPER NOVEMBER 29 WAYNE & DEB PETTERSON VAL SNEDDEN SATURDAY NURSERY NOV 1— Lisann Snedden & family 8— Melissa & Vera Hrdlicka, Anna Reese 15— Jacob & Julie Haiduk 22— Jen Ramirez, Bev Hunt 29— Connie & Kari Maines SATURDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH NOV 1— Beth Fojtik, Heidi Neis 8— Wendy Reese, Jane Baker-Slabich 15— Wendy Reese, Charlotte Horant 22— Charlie & Liz DePuydt 29— Beth Fojtik, Laura Bonson Scheduled to Serve—Sunday SUNDAY MORNING GREETERS *Front door people also come back at the end of the service and stay at the Welcome Center to answer questions and assist people until everyone has left. 10:30 AM WELCOME CENTER NOVEMBER 2 JIM & KNOBBY HOOVER* JOHN & PEARL HUJET NOVEMBER 9 JEFF & JEANETTE KRAFT* JEAN NEUMANN LUELLA SHERREN NOVEMBER 16 HARVEY & HELEN OVERTURF* JIM & KNOBBY HOOVER NOVEMBER 23 JIM & MARY ANNE KELLNER* JEFF & JEANETTE KRAFT NOVEMBER 30 DAN & LAURA WIPPERMAN* WES & BEV WESTENBERG SUN MORNING NURSERY SUNDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH NOV NOV 2— John & Joan Kazda 9— Lori Huelskamp, Amanda Stiemke 16— Nancy & Anna Robins 23— Pam Larsen, Sara Waltz 30— Charlie & Liz DePuydt 2— Beth Fojtik, Pam Larsen 9— Cheri Shields, Norma Pennycuff 16— Cheri Shields, Laura Shields 23— Pearl Hujet, Cindi Tosch 30— Beth Fojtik, Becky Webber SUNDAY USHERS NOV 2— Terry Gromer, Craig Weberg, Bill Schrieber 9— Jeff Kraft, Jim Grace, Dan Kellner 16— Jeff Maines, John Hujet, Dan Sass 23— Harvey Overturf, Chuck Zaugg, Noel Foate 30— Gary Kellner, Dwight Kimber, Jim Kellner
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