Document 396957

Aeroworks Contact Information …………….. 2
Introduction …………………………………… 2
Warranty Information ………………………... 2
Kit Contents …………………………...………. 3
Items Needed To Complete …………………… 3
Tightening and Re-shrinking Covering ……… 4
Checking Glue Joints ….………………………. 5
Aileron Assembly ……………..……………….. 5
Aileron Servo Installation …………………….. 6
4903 Nome Street
Denver, CO 80239
Phone: (303) 371-4222
Fax: (303) 371-4320
Tech Support:
Aileron Pushrod Assembly ………………….... 8
Side Force Generator Installation ……………. 9
Elevator Pushrod Assembly ………………….. 13
Rudder/Tail Wheel Assembly ………...……… 14
Rudder Servo/Pull-Pull Installation …………. 15
Main Landing Gear & Wheel Pant Installation .… 18
Motor and Speed Control Installation ………. 20
Cowl and Spinner Installation ……………….. 23
Radio and Battery Installation ………………. 24
Decal Installation …………………………...… 25
Checking CG w/ “Micro CG Buddy” ………. 26
Preflight Preparations ….…………………….. 27
Control Throws ………………………………. 28
Aeroworks manufacturing guarantees this kit to
be free from defects in both material and workmanship at the date of purchase. This warranty
does not cover any component parts damaged by
use or modification. In no case shall Aeroworks
liability exceed the original cost of the purchased kit. Further, Aeroworks reserves the right
to change or modify this warranty without notice.
In that Aeroworks has no control over the final
assembly or materials used for final assembly,
No liability shall be assumed nor accepted for
any damage resulting from the use by the user of
the final user-assembled product. By the act of
using the user-assembled product, the user accepts all resulting liability. Aeroworks does not
accept any responsibility for structural failure.
Warranty Period
Stabs/Elevator Assembly……………………… 10
Elevator Servo Installation …………………… 13
Thank you for choosing the Aeroworks
52” Extra 260 Freestyle QB-L. We put great effort into making this plane the best model you
will ever build and fly. Aeroworks has provided
you with the highest quality kit and performance
possible. We wish you great success in the assembly and flying of your new Aeroworks 52”
Extra 260 Freestyle ARF-QB-L
Great care has been taken in both the
design and manufacturing of the 52” Extra
260 Freestyle ARF-QB-L to allow for the
strongest and lightest construction possible.
Only the highest quality materials from the
covering, paint, wood and hardware have
been used in the construction of this model.
The 52” Extra 260 Freestyle ARFQB-L has been individually hand built, covered and painted by trained and experienced
craftsmen with over 25 years of manufacturing experience. Using CAD design, laser cut
technology and jig-built assures accuracy
It is important to notify Aeroworks of any
damage or problems with the model within
30 days of receiving your airplane to be covered under warranty. All returned parts must
be shipped in their original shipping boxes
and insured for full replacement value. If
you wish to return this aircraft for any reason a 15% restock fee will be charged to the
customer. In addition the customer is responsible for all return shipping cost and all
prior shipping cost will not be refunded.
Parts will be fixed or replaced once the
original item is returned at the owner’s expense. It is the decision of Aeroworks if the
item is to be replaced or repaired.
Aeroworks cannot insure the skill of the
modeler and can not influence the builder
during the construction or use of this aircraft, and therefore, will not be accountable
for any property damage, bodily injury or
death caused by this aircraft.
in all stages of production.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
Brushless Outrunner Setup:
Item Description
Part Number
Right Wing w/Aileron
Left Wing w/ Aileron
Stabilizer w/Elevator
Wheel Pants
Control Surface Hardware
Carbon Wing Tube
Inner SFG’s
1/8” Motor Mounting Spacers ELEX260FRYB52MS
Carbon Main Landing Gear
Main Wheel Set w/Hardware
Tail Wheel w/Hardware
Cowling w/Hardware
Not Pictured:
2 1/4” Aeroworks Spinner
Outer SFG’s
Micro CG Buddy
Custom Decal Set
ESC Air Scoop
Carbon Control Horn Set
Spare parts can be ordered directly through Aeroworks.
Please use the part numbers and item descriptions listed in
the kit contents list above to order.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
Option 1:
Torque 2814T/820 Brushless Motor
Airboss 45A Elite ESC
4 Cell 2600mah
13x6.5 APC Prop*
Option 2:
Hacker A30-12XL Motor
X-70 SB Pro ESC
4 Cell 2600mah
14x7 APC prop*
Option 3:
Rimfire 32
Great Planes Silver Series 60A Brushless ESC
4 Cell 2600mah
13x6.5 APC Prop*
*Prop sizes listed are as tested and may very
depending on specific equipment selections. It is
always recommended that a Watt meter be used to
determine the correct prop selection.
Radio Accessories:
1 - 6 Channel Computer Radio
1 - 6 Channel Receiver
2 - Hitec HS 85MG Servos (Rudder, Elevator)
2 - Hitec HS 65MG Servos (Ailerons)
1 - 18” Servo Extension
4 - 3” Servo Extension
Allen wrenches US and Metric.
Electric drill and selection of bits
Razor saw
Flat head screwdriver
Hobby heat gun
Hobby iron and covering sock
Masking tape
Modeling knife
Needle nose pliers or crimping tool
Paper towels
Pen, pencil or felt tipped marker
Phillips screwdriver
Rubbing alcohol
Ruler and tape measure
T pins
Wire Cutters
Blue Loctite
CA kicker (optional)
Thick, Thin and Medium CA
Rubbing alcohol
1. Your model is covered with Ultracote™ covering.
In case of repairs, the colors are:
Yellow/Blue Scheme
Bright Yellow
Midnight Blue
Some rubbing alcohols
may attack painted parts.
2. Using your covering iron with a soft sock, gently
apply pressure and rub in the covering. If any
bubbles occur, your iron may be to hot. Reduce
heat and work slowly.
1. Open your kit slowly and take care not to damage any parts of the kit. Remove all parts from
their plastic protective covers for inspection.
Before doing any assembly or installation of any
decals it is very important to re-shrink or retighten the already applied covering. Due to the
shipping process, heat and humidity changes
from different climates, the covering may become lose and wrinkle in the sun. If you take the
time to re-tighten the covering, you will be rewarded with a long lasting beautifully covered
3. If bubbles persist, use a small pin to punch holes
in the bubble to relieve trapped air and reheat.
4. Use your heat gun with extreme caution. Take
care not to apply too much heat to one area for
long periods of time. This may cause the trim
colors to over shrink and pull away leaving unsightly gaps on the color lines. The trim stripes
are especially vulnerable to over shrinking.
5. Go over all seams and color overlaps with your
sealing iron.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
6. Go over all hinge gaps ensure there are no
wrinkles. Excessive wrinkles in the hinge
line can cause binding and or damage the
1. Go over all seams and glue joints with thin CA,
this will ensure your model lasts for many seasons to come.
1. The ailerons and wings come pre-hinged but are
not glued. The builder must glue the hinges in
place using thin CA.
2. Gather the following items for aileron assembly:
Note: Even if you can visibly see glue on all glue
joints it is still recommended that the joints be
reglued. Due to changes in humidity during
the life of the aircraft glue joints can separate,
it is always recommended that the glue joints
be checked before each flying session.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Wing panel w/Aileron
◊ 5 - CA hinges
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 10 - Medium T Pins
◊ 1oz Bottle Thin CA Glue
◊ Straight Edge
7. Use covering iron near seems and areas of exposed wood. Over heating of these areas can
cause the covering to pull.
2. Use thin CA on the front canopy mounting tabs
as shown. DO NOT install canopy on the fuse
until glue has fully cured. Failure to do so may
cause canopy to be permanently glued to the
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
3. Center the hinge in the pre-cut hinge slot using
T-pins. Make sure that the hinge is straight to
prevent binding.
4. After all 5 CA hinges have been placed in the
wing slide the aileron onto the hinges. Once
again it is very important that the hinge stay
6. Remove the T-pins from each hinge. Deflect the
aileron before gluing to ensure full deflection is
possible. Using a new bottle of thin CA apply 34 drops on each side of the hinge. Be careful not
to over soak the hinges with CA this can cause
Note: Always use a fresh bottle of CA. Old CA will
not cure and can cause failure.
5. Use a straight edge to make sure that the aileron
sits flush with the wing-tip.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the aileron servo and control horn.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Carbon control horn- Single
Required Parts-Not Included
◊ 1 - Aileron Servo w/ mounting hardware
◊ 1 - 3/4” Servo Arm
◊ 1 - 3” Servo Extension
◊ 1 - Aeroworks Safety Clip
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
◊ 80 Grit Sandpaper
◊ 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
7. After the CA has fully cured, check to make
sure the hinges are secure by gently pulling on
the aileron and wing. If you find any loose
hinges, apply more CA to the hinge and recheck.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
2. Use 80 Grit Sandpaper to scuff the carbon control horn where it will be glued to the aileron as
shown below.
5. Place aileron control horn into the precut slot.
Wipe away any excess glue that may come out
at this time.
8. Fasten the pull string from the servo hole to the
male plug of the servo extension.
9. Pull aileron extension through root end of wing.
6. With aileron centered in natural position, ensure
the mounting hole of the control horn is centered
on the hinge line as shown.
10. Install servo in servo well with the output arm
toward the leading edge of the wing. Install
servo with mounting hardware provided with the
3. Test fit aileron control horn before gluing, adjust
fit if necessary.
4. Apply Thick CA inside the aileron control horn
7. Attach the 3” servo extension to the servo wire
and secure using an Aeroworks Safety Clip.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
11. Tape the servo lead inside the wing using masking tape. This will ensure the servo lead does not
fall back into the wing.
2. Use masking tape to secure the aileron to the
wing as shown. This will ensure that the linkage
is the correct length.
4. Center the servo arm on the servo as shown. Adjust the linkage length until the ball link is
aligned with the mounting hole in the control
horn. Mount the ball link to the control horn using the supplied hardware.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the aileron pushrod.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - 2 3/8” Pushrod
◊ 2 - 2mm Ball link assemblies
◊ 2 - 2x10mm Bolts
◊ 2 - 2mm Lock Nuts
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 1/16” Ball Driver
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
◊ 80 Grit Sandpaper
◊ Masking Tape
◊ 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
3. Assemble the linkage as shown below.
5. Finished ball link assembly shown below. Repeat all previous steps for the remaining wing.
2mm Ball Link
Servo Arm
2mm Lock Nut
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of both the inner and outer Side Force
Generators or SFG’s.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Outer SFG
◊ 1 - Inner Top SFG
◊ 1 - Inner Bottom SFG
◊ 2 - 4-40 SFG Mounting Bolts
◊ 2 - #6 Bonded Washers
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 5/64” Ball Driver
◊ .34oz Bottle Blue IC-Loc Thread Locker
Outer SFG
Inner Top SFG
2. If using the inner SFG the covering must be removed as shown below. Use a hobby knife to cut
away the covering.
4. Slide the Inner SFG back in the slot until it locks
in place. The Inner SFG’s are removable so no
glue is necessary for their installation.
Inner SFG
Mounting Slot
3. Slide the Inner SFG into the slot as shown. The
SFG mounting tabs may require light sanding if
they are to tight. If the mounting tabs are too
loose a thin piece of tape can be added to tighten
them in the mounting slots.
5. Using 4-40 bolts and bonded washers mount the
Outer SFG as shown.
Note: Use a drop of blue Loctite on mounting bolts
before attaching the SFG.
6. Repeat previous steps for the remaining wing.
Inner Bottom SFG
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
2. Slide elevator into fuse slot as shown.
4. The stabilizer has a locator dowel built into the
leading edge. This locator dowel must key into
the locator block in the fuse. This will ensure the
front of stab is centered in fuse.
3. Push the elevator all the way back into the
stabilizer cutout as shown.
5. Slide the stab into the fuse cutout as shown. Be
careful not to damage the front locator pin while
sliding the stab in place.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the Stabilizer and Elevator.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Horizontal Stabilizer
◊ 1 - Elevator Assembly
◊ 6 - CA Hinges
◊ 1 - Carbon control horn- Single
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 12 - Medium T Pins
◊ 1 - 1oz Bottle Thin CA Glue
◊ 1 - 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
◊ 1 - Ball Point Pen
◊ 1 - Ruler
◊ 1 - Tape Measure
◊ 1 - 80 Grit Sand Paper
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
6. Make sure the locator dowel is fully engaged
into the locator block by sliding the stab forward
in the cutout. This will help to hold the front of
stab in place.
7. Measure the stab at the trailing edge on both
sides of the fuse as shown. Make sure the stab is
centered on the fuse.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
8. Mark the location of the stab at the fuse at this
9. Use “T” pins to temporarily hold the stab in
place as shown.
10. Attach a “T” pin at the corner of each aileron at
the wing tip. Make sure the “T” pins are placed
in the exact corner of each aileron.
11. Using a tape measure, attach the end hook to the
“T” pin in the aileron and measure to the trailing
edge of the stab at the tip as shown. Repeat this
step for the other side of the stab. Ensure that the
measurement is identical on each side. If the stab
is not straight as compared to the wing some
adjustment may be necessary.
12. Once satisfied with the stab alignment, the stab
can be glued in place as shown. Use thin CA
with an applicator tip to wick CA into the stab
joint as shown. Do not use accelerator for glue
as this will weaken the glue joint.
13. Center all 6 hinges in the pre-cut hinge slots using T-pins. Make sure that each hinge is straight
to prevent binding.
14. After the CA hinges have been placed in the elevator slide the hinges into the stab. Once again it
is very important that the hinge stay straight.
15. Remove the T-pins from each hinge. Check elevator throw before gluing to ensure full deflection is possible. Using a new bottle of thin CA
apply 3-4 drops on each side of the hinge. Be
careful not to over soak the hinges with CA this
can cause failure.
Note: Always use a fresh bottle of CA. Old CA will
not cure and can cause failure.
16. Use 80 Grit Sandpaper to scuff the carbon control horn where it will be glued to the elevator as
shown below.
17. Test fit elevator control horn before gluing, adjust fit if necessary.
18. Apply Thick CA inside the elevator control horn
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
19. Place elevator control horn into the precut slot.
Wipe away any excess glue that may come out
at this time.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the elevator servo.
Required Parts-Not Included
◊ 1 - Elevator Servo w/ mounting hardware
◊ 1 - 3/4” Servo Arm
◊ 1 - 18” Servo Extension
◊ 1 - Aeroworks Safety Clip
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
20. With elevator in neutral position ensure the
mounting hole of the control horn is centered on
the hinge line as shown.
2. Install servo in servo well with the output arm
toward the nose. Install servo with mounting
hardware provided with the servo.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the elevator pushrod.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - 2 3/8” Pushrod
◊ 2 - 2mm Ball link assemblies
◊ 2 - 2 x10mm Bolts
◊ 2 - 2 mm Lock Nuts
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 1/16” Ball Driver
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
◊ 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
2. Assemble the linkage as shown below.
2mm Ball Link
Servo Arm
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
2mm Nut
3. Center the servo arm on the servo as shown. Adjust the linkage length until the ball link is
aligned with the mounting hole in the control
horn. Mount the ball link to the control horn using the supplied hardware.
2. Use 80 Grit Sandpaper to scuff the carbon control horn where it will be glued to the rudder as
shown below.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the Rudder and Tail Wheel.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Rudder
◊ 1 - Tail wheel assembly
◊ 3 - Phillips head screws for Tail Wheel
◊ 3 - CA Hinges
◊ 1 - Carbon control horn - Double
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 6 - Medium T Pins
◊ 1oz Bottle Thin CA Glue
◊ 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
◊ Phillips Screwdriver
◊ 80 Grit Sand Paper
3. Center the control horn in the mounting slot as
shown. Once the horn is centered wick Thin CA
into the joint as shown below.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
4. Use Thick CA to secure the tail wheel steering
bracket in the rudder. Place glue down the hole
and in the slot cut in the hinge line as shown below.
6. Check rudder deflection before gluing hinges.
Attach the rudder using the supplied CA hinges.
Use the same method as described for the ailerons and elevator.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the rudder servo and pull-pull cables.
5. Insert the tail wheel into the rudder as shown
below. Allow the glue to fully cure before attaching the rudder to the vertical fin.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
7. Secure the tail wheel with the 3 Phillips head
mounting screws. Use a drop of thick CA on
each mounting screw for additional strength.
Required Parts
◊ 2 - Pull-pull cables
◊ 4 - Brass Swag tubes
◊ 4 - 2mm Ball Link couplers
◊ 4 - 2mm Ball link assemblies
◊ 4 - 2 x10mm Bolts
◊ 4 - 2 mm Flat washers
◊ 4 - 2 mm Lock Nuts
Required Parts-Not Included
◊ 1 - Rudder Servo w/ mounting hardware
◊ 1 - 2” Double Output servo arm
◊ 6 - CA Hinges
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 1/16” Ball Driver
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
◊ Wire Cutters
◊ Pliers
◊ 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
◊ Masking Tape
2. Install servo in servo well with the output arm
toward the nose. Install servo with mounting
hardware provided with the servo.
3. Tape the rudder balance tab to the top leading
edge of the vertical fin in the neutral position as
shown. This ensures the rudder is straight when
the cables are attached.
4. Feed one rudder cable through the pre installed
cable exit tube in the rear of the fuse toward the
front of the fuse. Repeat for other side.
6. Thread the brass swag tube onto the pull pull
cable followed by the threaded coupler.
Note: Loop or tape cable to fuse to prevent cable
from being pulled into fuse.
7. Thread cable back through the brass swage tube
as shown.
5. Pull the rudder cables from rear of fuse to the
rudder servo tray.
8. Loop the cable back through the brass swage
tube and pull tight as shown.
Note: Cables run parallel down fuse and do not
cross each other.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
9. Crimp the brass tube with a crimping tool or pliers.
11. A drop of thin CA may be applied to the swage
tube to help secure the cable.
14. Plug the rudder servo into the rudder channel of
the receiver and power up. Turn on transmitter
to center rudder servo.
12. Repeat for other side rudder control linkage.
10. Cut off excess cable as shown.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
13. Attach ball links to the servo arm as shown below.
15. Pull cable snug and attach pull-pull cable to rear
ball links, using the same methods shown in
steps 6-12.
1. Gather the following items shown below for the
main landing gear assembly.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Carbon landing gear strut
◊ 2 - 2” Foam Tires
◊ 2 - Axles bolts
◊ 4 - Lock nuts for axle
◊ 2 - 6-32 mounting bolts
◊ 2 - 6-32 Flat washers
◊ 2 - 1mm Nylon Spacer
◊ 2 - Wheel pants
◊ 2 - 4-40 Bolts
◊ 2 - Flat Washers
◊ 2 - Lock Washers
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 5/64” Ball Driver
◊ 7/64” Ball Driver
◊ Pliers
◊ 1 - .34oz Bottle Blue IC-Loc Thread Locker
2. The tapered edge of the landing gear goes to the
back of the airplane.
4. Bolt landing gear strut to fuse with (2) 6-32 bolts
and washers.
3. Attach the landing gear with bolt and flat
washer. Use a drop of blue Loctite on landing
gear bolts before attaching the landing gear.
5. Slide the axle bolt into the wheel as shown.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
6. Slide 1mm nylon spacer onto axle bolt as shown.
8. Insert axle bolt into landing gear strut and secure
with a 6-32 lock nut. Ensure that the wheel turns
freely and does not bind.
7. Thread 6-32 lock nut onto the axle bolt until it is
1mm away from the wheel.
Note: Do not over-tighten nut so wheel spins freely.
9. Install the wheel pant using a 4-40 mounting
bolt, lock washer and flat washer. Use blue loctite on mounting bolt to ensure it does not come
loose from vibration.
Note: Blind nut has been preinstalled in wheel pant.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
10. Repeat above steps for other wheel and wheel
2. Use a covering iron to seal the covering over the
air exit hole as shown.
4. Finished air exit hole shown below. Aeroworks
has found this amount of air exit to be sufficient
for cooling all components, if over heating occurs additional vents may be necessary.
3. Use a hobby knife to carefully remove the covering over the air exit hole.
5. Attach radial mount to the motor using the
mounting hardware provided with the motor.
1. Gather the items shown below for the installation of the motor and speed control.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Hook and loop material
◊ 3- Aeroworks One Wrap Straps
◊ 8 - 1/8” Motor Spacers
◊ 4 - 4-40 Motor mounting bolts
◊ 4 - 4-40 Flat washers
◊ Air inlet scoop (Not Pictured)
Required Parts-Not Included
◊ 1 - Electric Motor (Torque 2814T/820 Shown)
◊ 1 - 45-70A ESC (Airboss 45A Shown)
◊ 1 - Radial motor mount w/ mounting screws
◊ 1 - Prop Adapter
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ Covering Iron
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
◊ Hobby Knife
◊ 1oz Bottle Thick CA Glue
◊ 1 - .34oz Bottle Blue IC-Loc Thread Locker
◊ Double sided tape
Note: Use blue loctite to secure radial mount
mounting bolts.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
6. Using the hardware provided with the motor,
attach prop adapter as shown below.
9. The correct distance between the firewall and the
motor prop hub is 2 3/4”. Use the correct number of 1/8” spacers to achieve this distance.
11. Use a One Wrap Strap to provide additional security for the ESC.
2 3/4”
7. Slide the 4-40 mounting bolts through radial motor mount and into the 1/8” standoff blocks. Exact number of standoff blocks needed may vary
on motor selection.
8. Bolt motor to firewall using the 4 preinstalled
motor mounting blind nuts.
10. Secure ESC to bottom of motor box with a small
portion of hook and loop material.
12. Switch mounts have been installed on both sides
of the fuse as shown below. If your ESC uses a
soft switch, it can be installed in these cutouts.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
13. Finished soft switch installation shown below.
15. Either thick CA or double sided tape can be used
to attach the air scoop. Double sided tape is recommended incase the scoop needs to be removed in the future.
17. If using thick CA, use a piece of 80 grit sand
paper to lightly scuff the gluing surface.
14. A plastic air scoop has been provided to better
direct air over the ESC and into the fuse. A balsa
air scoop was used on the prototype and is
shown in the finished pictures however the
scoop provided in the kit will be plastic.
16. If using double sided tape, attach small squares
of tape to air scoop mounting flange as shown.
18. Attach air scoop over the ESC as shown with the
air inlet facing the front of the airplane.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
3. Install (4) 4-40 mounting bolts into pre-installed
blind nuts as shown.
5. Test fit spinner back plate onto prop hub, if a
spacer is needed find the correct size spacer and
install in the back of the spinner.
4. Locate the supplied spinner and mounting hardware.
6. Install the correct spacer in the prop as shown.
1. Gather the items listed below for the installation
of the cowling and spinner.
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Cowling
◊ 4 - 4-40 Mounting bolts
◊ 1 - Aeroworks plastic spinner w/mounting
Required Parts-Not Included
◊ 1 - Propeller- Specific size will depend on
motor selection
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ 5/64” Ball driver
◊ Small Phillips screw Driver
2. Slide cowling over motor and onto fuse as
Note: Failure to install the correct spacer can result
in damage to your model or personal injury.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
7. Install spinner back plate and prop to the motor
adapter as shown. Follow the motor manufactures recommendation for tightening the prop.
8. Install spinner using the supplied Phillips
screws. Do not over tighten screws as this can
cause the mounting locations to become weak.
9. Finished cowling/spinner installation shown below. The air inlet hole has been pre cut and will
align with the air scoop installed in the previous
1. Using a small piece of hook and loop material,
attach the receiver to the receiver mounting tray
as shown.
2. Final receiver mounting position shown below.
Secure any antennas at this time.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
3. Attach the loop side of the hook and loop material to the battery as shown. Attach the hook portion to the battery tray. Ensure that both the hook
and loop side make full contact.
5. Attach two 3” extensions to the receiver for the
aileron servo to plug into. This will prevent
damage to the receiver from removing the plugs
each flying session.
1. Gather the items listed below for the installation
of the supplied decal package
Required Parts
◊ 1 - Custom Decal Package
Required Tools and Adhesives
◊ Straight Edge
◊ Hobby Knife
◊ Scissors
2. Cut each decal away from the decal sheet and
remove backing. Place decal on airplane in desired location.
4. Use a one wrap strap (supplied) to secure the
battery in place.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
6. Finished radio installation shown below.
3. Factory decal placement shown below.
5. Factory decal placement shown below.
1. Gather the Micro CG Buddy as shown below.
CG Can also be measured at the wing root. CG is
located 3
7/8” From the leading edge next to the
4. Factory decal placement shown below.
6. Factory decal placement shown below.
2. Slide string under the wing tube as shown.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
3. Slide Micro CG Buddy handle onto the string
through the pre cut slot as shown below.
5. With plane ready to fly and battery installed on
the center of the battery tray, lift airplane using
the Micro CG Buddy handle. The Extra 260
Freestyle should sit slightly nose down. Adjust
battery placement on battery tray to achieve the
proper CG.
1. Using a 5-64” ball driver, tighten all 4 cowl
mounting bolts.
Note: CG is measured with the canopy off when
using the Micro CG Buddy.
4. Ensure that the string is not caught on the fuse
side or any wires.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
2. Slide the wing tube in the fuse wing tube sleeve.
Slide the wings on the wing tube and plug in the
aileron servo connectors. Slide the rubber
backed washers on the wing mounting bolts and
insert bolts through the fuse side and into the
wing root blind nuts. Tighten snugly but do not
over tighten and crack the fuse or wing root
3. Slide canopy onto fuse as shown. Ensure that the
front mounting tabs and center mounting hooks
are fully engaged, do not force canopy into position.
Low Rate
1. Gather the Rudder Throw Meter (Supplied) and
scotch tape.
Medium Rate
1 1/4” or 19˚ up
1 1/2” or 25˚ up
1 1/4” or 19˚ down 1 1/2” or 25˚ down
25˚ left
25˚ right
Note: One small and one medium throw meter have
been supplied use the small meter for the
rudder and the medium throw meter for the
ailerons and elevators.
Elevator 1 1/2” or 20˚ up
2 1/8 ” or 35˚ up
1 1/2” or 20˚ down 2 1/8” or 35˚ down
For 3D flying use the following throws:
High Rate
4. Turn the 1/4 turn canopy latch at the top of the
canopy as shown. This will secure the canopy in
place and will allow for quick battery access.
2 1/4” or 35˚ up
2 1/4” or 35˚ down
Full rudder deflection is typically
recommended for all out 3D
2. Slide the throw meter under the rudder boost tab.
Elevator 3” or 50˚ up
3” or 50˚ down
Recommend Expediential:
25% expediential on low rates
45% expediential on medium rates
60% expediential on high rates
Use the given rates as a starting point. Then
adjust rates from there to suit your own flying
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
3. Secure the tabs to the fin using scotch tape.
4. Degrees are measured at the tip of the boost tab
as shown below.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
5. Secure the medium throw meter to the wing using the same method shown for the rudder. Degrees are measured at aileron root as shown.
6. Secure the medium throw meter to the stab using
the same method shown for the rudder. Degrees
are measured at elevator boost tab.
7. Aileron throw measured in inches at the widest
point of the aileron.
8. Elevator throw measured in inches at the widest
point of the elevator
The 52” Extra 260 Freestyle has been designed
for unlimited 3D and precision aerobatic performance. It is capable of any maneuver that you can
imagine and will do them with incredible ease. However, the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle’s docile flight
characteristics provide for a great sport airplane, by
using the recommended low rates, the airplane can
do all of the standard aerobatic maneuvers you are
used to. With a flip of the rate switch the airplane
can be transformed into a 3D monster, performing
waterfalls, rolling loops, rolling harriers, knife edge
spins, washers, and many other high energy 3D maneuvers.
First Flights:
The first few flights should be performed on
low rates until you are comfortable with the airplane.
Takeoff is as easy as slowly applying power until the
airplane reaches take off speed, once at this speed
lightly apply up elevator to get your 52” Extra 260
Freestyle into the air.
Once airborne, fly the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle
around the pattern a few times, getting used to its
low and high speed handling characteristics. You
will see that the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle has a very
soft stall that can only be induced at low speeds, attaching the included SFG’s will reduce this stall
speed even further.
After you have become comfortable with the
plane, switch to medium and high rates and really
explore the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle’s full 3D potential. Leaving the SFG’s attached to the wing is
highly recommended and will add stability in high
alpha maneuvers as well as improve knife edge
flight. You will find that the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle
is extremely stable in both upright and inverted harriers, use the throttle to control the attitude of the
nose throughout harrier flight and you will be surprised at how easy the airplane is to control.
Landing the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle is very
easy due to its exceptional low speed handling characteristics. Carry a slight amount of power until the
airplane is about 6 inches off the ground, reduce the
throttle and let the 52” Extra 260 Freestyle settle in
for a perfect 3 point landing.
It is always a good idea to check your airplane before each flying session. Listed below are a
couple of key areas that should be checked before
each flying session, checking these items will result
in an airframe that lasts for many years.
1.A model aircraft shall be defined as a non-human
device capable of sustained flight in
the atmosphere. It shall not exceed limitations
established in this code and is intended to be used
exclusively for recreational or competition activity.
2. The maximum takeoff weight of a model aircraft,
including fuel, is 55 pounds, except for those flown
under the AMA Experimental Aircraft Rules.
Covering seams and Overlaps
Glue joints
Motor mounting bolts
Prop mounting bolts
Servo mounting screws
Servo gears
Control Horns
3. I will abide by this Safety Code and all rules
established for the flying site I use. I will not
willfully fly my model aircraft in a reckless and/or
dangerous manner.
4. I will not fly my model aircraft in sanctioned
air shows, or model demonstrations until it has
been proven airworthy.
By checking each of the above listed items
before each flying session your airplane will last for
many season. These guidelines are a great way to
check any airplane in your hangar to prevent
unnecessary accidents with your airplanes.
5. I will not fly my model aircraft higher than
approximately 400 feet above ground level, when
within three (3) miles of an airport without notifying
the airport operator. I will yield the right-of-way
and avoid flying in the proximity of full-scale
aircraft, utilizing a spotter when appropriate.
Lithium Polymer batteries are significantly
more volatile than Ni-Cd/ Ni-MH batteries used in
RC applications. Follow all manufactures instructions
while using these batteries. Mishandling of Li-Po
batteries can result in fire. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when disposing of Lithium
Polymer batteries.
6. I will not fly my model aircraft unless it is identified
with my name and address, or AMA number,
inside or affixed to the outside of the model
aircraft. This does not apply to model aircraft flown
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
7. I will not operate model aircraft with metal-blade
propellers or with gaseous boosts (other than
air), nor will I operate model aircraft with fuels
containing tetranitromethane or hydrazine.
8. I will not operate model aircraft carrying
pyrotechnic devices which explode burn, or propel
a projectile of any kind. Exceptions include Free
Flight fuses or devices that burn producing smoke
and are securely attached to the model aircraft
during flight. Rocket motors up to a G-series
size may be used, provided they remain firmly
attached to the model aircraft during flight. Model
rockets may be flown in accordance with the
National Model Rocketry Safety Code; however,
they may not be launched from model aircraft.
Officially designated AMA Air Show Teams (AST)
are authorized to use devices and practices as
defined within the Air Show Advisory Committee
9. I will not operate my model aircraft while under
the influence of alcohol or within eight (8) hours of
having consumed alcohol.
10. I will not operate my model aircraft while using
any drug which could adversely affect my ability to
safely control my model aircraft.
11. Children under six (6) years old are only allowed
on a flightline or in a flight area as a pilot or while
under flight instruction.
12. When and where required by rule, helmets must
be properly worn and fastened. They must be OSHA,
DOT, ANSI, SNELL or NOCSAE approved or
comply with comparable standards.
1. All model flying shall be conducted in a manner to
avoid over flight of unprotected people.
52” Aeroworks Extra 260 Freestyle Assembly Manual
2. I will have completed a successful radio equipment ground-range check before the first flight of a
new or repaired model aircraft.
3. I will not fly my model aircraft in the presence
of spectators until I become a proficient flier,
unless I am assisted by an experienced pilot.
4. At all flying sites a line must be established,
in front of which all flying takes place. Only
personnel associated with flying the model aircraft
are allowed at or in front of the line. In the case
of air shows demonstrations straight line must be
established. An area away from the line must be
maintained for spectators. Intentional flying behind
the line is prohibited.
5. I will operate my model aircraft using only
radio-control frequencies currently allowed by
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Only individuals properly licensed by the FCC are
authorized to operate equipment on Amateur Band
6. I will not knowingly operate my model aircraft
within three (3) miles of any preexisting flying site
without a frequency-management agreement. A
frequency management agreement may be an
allocation of frequencies for each site, a day use
agreement between sites, or testing which
determines that no interference exists. A frequency
agreement may exist between two
or more AMA chartered clubs, AMA clubs and
individual AMA members, or individual AMA
members. Frequency-management agreements,
including an interference test report if the
agreement indicates no interference exists, will be
signed by all parties and copies provided to AMA
7. With the exception of events flown under official
AMA rules, no powered model may be flown
outdoors closer than 25 feet to any individual,
except for the pilot and located at the flight line.
8. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other
person touch a model aircraft in flight while it is
still under power, except to divert it from striking
an individual.
9. Radio-controlled night flying is limited to low
performance model aircraft (less than 100 mph).
The model aircraft must be equipped with a
Lighting system which clearly defines the
aircraft’s attitude and direction at all times.
10. The operator of a radio-controlled model aircraft shall control it during the entire flight, maintaining visual contact without enhancement other
than by corrective lenses that are prescribed for
the pilot. No model aircraft shall be equipped with
devices which allow it to be flown to a selected
location which is beyond the visual range of the
Enjoy your new
Aeroworks 52”
Extra 260
Freestyle ARF