Summer School in International Health 3 – 21 August 2015 Course leader: Thor Theander Course Coordinator: Birgitte Gantriis ( Course Assistant: Anne Kristine Gadeberg ( Student co-organizers: Oria Mahmood, Mathilde Søndergaard Madsen, Sofie Aagaard Rerup, Katrine Pedersbæk Hansen, Louise Bönsdorff Sloth, Sagar Deb Teaching staff: Initials – Name AIB – Ann-Sophie Iuel –Brockdorff AK - Anna Kildemoes BT – Britt Tersbøl BV – Birgitte Vennervald DM – Dan Meyrowitsch ES – Esben Sønderstrup FK – Flemming Konradsen GG – Grethe Gomme HK – Henrik Kähler IB – Ib Bygbjerg JK – Jørgen Kurtzhals KS - Kasper Stokbro Education / position Nurse / Industrial PhD Fellow PhD student Anthropologist / Associate Professor Medical Doctor / Professor Epidemiologist / Associate Professor Engineer, MIH Biologist / Professor, Deputy Head of Department Biomedical Laboratory Technologist Medical Doctor / Retired / Self-employed Medical Doctor / Professor Medical Doctor, Professor Dentist LL – Lotte Lennert ME – Merete Engell MEd – Michael Eddleston MKP – Mathias Klok Pedersen MA student, Law Nurse / Head of HR Medical Doctor / Senior Clinical Research Fellow Medical Doctor MW - Maureen Wilkinson NB – Nikita Bulanin NM - Nanna Maaløe PKJ – Peter Kjær Jensen PK – Per Kallestrup SK – Signe Skriver SL – Stine Lund ST – Siri Tellier STh – Søren Thybo TSP – Thomas Storr-Paulsen TT – Thor Theander VMR – Vibe M. Rasmussen ZT- Zahra Theilgaard UD - Ulrik Dragsted Psychiatrist HR officer Medical Doctor / PhD Engineer / Associate Professor Medical Doctor / Associate Professor Medical Doctor Medical Doctor / PhD Public health demographer / External lecturer Medical Doctor / Consultant Medical Doctor Medical Doctor / Professor Medical Doctor Medical Doctor Medical Doctor / Head of Infectious Disease Unit SSIH: Summer School in International Health 2015 Current place MSF Denmark SUND / University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Consultant University of Copenhagen Rigshospitalet Prev. Forsvaret University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Odense Universitetshospital, Dentists without borders University of Copenhagen MSF Denmark University of Edinburgh Head of (part of Spot Clinics) Consultant MSF, Denmark University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Aarhus University Rigshospitalet University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Rigshospitalet Odense University Hospital University of Copenhagen Hvidovre Hospital Hvidovre Hospital Roskilde Hospital Main theme: Introduction to International Health Venue: CSS 35.01.44 Responsible co-organizers: Oria/Mathilde WEEK 1 Monday 3 August Tuesday 4 August Wednesday 5 August Thursday 6 August Friday 7 August 8:15- 9:00 9:15-10:00 10:15-11:00 11:15-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-13:45 14:00-14:45 9.00 – 10.45: Introduction /TT, BG, co-organizers An overview on health systems and financing in low income countries /ES 10.45 – 11.15: Coffee in the hall General introduction to global health incl. disease patterns /TT LUNCH Double burden of diseases /IB Non communicable diseases /IB 15:00-15:45 EveningActivity SSIH: Summer School in International Health 2015 Continued Primary health care in a global perspective /PK Continued Child malnutrition /AIB Continued Intro to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) /ST SRHR: Family planning and abortion /ST Human rights /LL Continued Continued LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Public health demography /ST PHC in a global perspective continued /PK Introduction to international child health /SL SRHR: maternal and neonatal health /SL Continued Continued Continued Continued Ageing /ST Continued Continued 19:00-22:00 “Food for Thought” 19.00 - ?? Party with dinner Location: “Kommunen” at CSS Campus NB. Only a limited number of participants Main theme: Infectious and Non-infectious Diseases – Diagnose and Treatment Venue: CSS 35.01.44 NB: On afternoons Wednesday-Friday (August 11-13) teaching also takes place at Panum, Blegdamsvej, Copenhagen N Responsible co-organizers: Sofie/Sagar WEEK 2 Monday 10 August Tuesday 11 August Wednesday 12 August Thursday 13 August Friday 14 August 8 15-9.00 9:15-10:00 Malaria /IB 10:15-11:00 Febrilia /IB 11:15-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-13:45 14:00-14:45 15:00-15:45 Schistosomiasis & Lymphatic filariasis /BV & DM Trypanosomiasis & other neglected tropical diseases. /IB LUNCH Leishmaniasis /JK Tuberculosis /STh Challenges for mental health care /MW Continued Continued Travel Medicine /JK Continued Continued Continued Sexually transmitted diseases /Sth Conflict, migration and mental health /MW LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Intestinal worms and parasites /STh Group 1: Microscopy /GG, AK & JK (NB Incl. Deprived Lab Facilities) Location: Panum Group 2: Microscopy /GG, AK & JK (NB Incl. Deprived Lab Facilities) Location: Panum Group 3: Microscopy /GG, AK & JK (NB Incl. Deprived Lab Facilities) Location: Panum Hepatitis /UD Leprosy /STh Group 2: - Management of Tropical Diseases / STh - Reproductive Health in a Tropical Setting /NM Location: CSS Group 3: - Management of Tropical Diseases / STh - Reproductive Health in a Tropical Setting /NM Location: CSS Group 1: - Management of Tropical Diseases /STh - Reproductive Health in a Tropical Setting /NM Location: CSS Group 3: Triage /HK Location: CSS Group 1: Triage /HK Location: CSS Group 2: Triage /HK Location: CSS Diarrhoea /STh Evening Activity SSIH: Summer School in International Health 2015 19:00-22:00 “Food for Thought” NB. Only a limited number of participants Continued HIV/AIDS Overview /UD Main theme: Natural and Human made Disasters and How to Cope Venue: CSS 35.01.44 Responsible co-organizers: Katrine/Louise WEEK 3 Monday 17 August Tuesday 18 August Wednesday 19 August Thursday 20 August Friday 21 August 8:15 – 9:00 9:15-10:00 10:15-11:00 Eyediseases /TSP 11:15-12:00 Continued 12:00-13:00 LUNCH 13:00-13:45 Poisoning and envenoming /MEd 14:00-14:45 15:00-15:45 Urbanisation /FK Health in emergencies /ME Continued (Sale of Handicraft Street Children Project /JK ) Violence against women /ME Evening Activity 19:30 – 21:30 Introduction to MSF Continued Continued Safety and security management /NB Continued Water and sanitation /PKJ Workshop “Do No Harm” /SK & VMR Continued LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Continued HIV/AIDS Mother-to- child transmission /ZT Anthropology and global health /BT Sum-up by Ib Bygbjerg Where there is no dentist /KS Continued Continued SSIH: Summer School in International Health 2015 Continued Vaccinations - rationale and procurement /MKP 19:00-22:00 “Food for Thought” NB. Only a limited number of participants Distribution of certificates Goodbye /TT & BG
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