Værdiansættelse i praksis Erfaringer med DCF-modellen Finansforeningen, 24 April 2015 Tina Aggerholm, VP Group Accounting Andreas Mailand, Director IFRS Controlling Anvendte DCF modeller Aktiv Model Formål Virksomhed DCF, typisk 10 årig M&A Trinvise opkøb og frasalg Interne overdragelser CGU DCF, typisk 3 årig Nedskrivningstest Varemærke, licens rettighed Relief from royalty Virksomhedsopkøb Nedskrivningstest Bryggeri DCF, typisk 10 årig Nedskrivningstest Kundeforhold, logistik forretninger DCF, aftalebestemt Interne overdragelser Virksomhedsopkøb Rettigheder Afhænger af aftale Virksomhedsopkøb Interne overdragelser CapEx DCF afhængig af investeringsmodel Investeringsanmodning 1 Sammenhænge i forudsætninger Diskontering Forecast periode Estimeret cash flow Vækst i forecast perioden Vækst i terminalperiode DCF, med risikovægtede cash flow scenarier Risikofri rente 3 år Frit cash flow ihht budget og target for følgende år; Korrigeret for ikke DCF-relevante poster N/A - Anvender specifikt budgetteret/ target vækst Forventet langsigtet inflation DCF, uden risikovægtede cash flow scenarier Wacc, efter skat 5-10 år Cash flow estimeret pba EBITDA, CapEx og skat Individuelt for: - Volumen - Salgspris - Indkøbspris/ Cogs - EBIT/EBITDA - Investeringer Forventet langsigtet inflation Relief from Royalty Wacc, efter skat Op til 20 år Royalty indtægt estimeret som % af omsætning (Royalty rate) Omsætning Forventet langsigtet inflation; Dog individuelt højere/lavere ved særlige forventninger/markedsposition Markedsdata Egne data, erfaringer, forventninger 2 Oplysninger i årsrapporten – Section 2.3 Future free cash flow Goodwill The expected future free cash flow (value in use) is based on budgets and business plans for the next three years and projections for subsequent years. Trademarks The impairment test of trademarks is performed using the relief from royalty method and is based on expected future free cash flows from the Group’s calculated royalty income generated by the individual trademark for the next 20 years and projections for subsequent years. Growth rates Growth rates are determined for each individual cash-generating unit, trademark and item of property, plant and equipment tested. The growth rates applied for the terminal period are in line with the expected rate of inflation. The applied projections for growth rates and discount rates are compared to ensure a reasonable link between the two (real interest rate). 3 Vækst rater Oplysninger i årsrapporten – Section 2.3 Goodwill The budgets and target plans are based on concrete commercial initiatives, and the risks associated with the key parameters are assessed and incorporated in expected future free cash flows. The impairment test is based on scenarios for possible future cash flows. Potential upsides and downsides identified during the budget process and in the daily business are reflected in the future cash flow scenarios for each individual cash-generating unit. The scenarios reflect, among other things, different assumptions about combinations of market, price and input cost developments. Projections for the terminal period are based on general expectations and risks, taking into account the general growth expectations for the brewing industry in the relevant segments. The growth rates applied are not expected to exceed the average long-term growth rate for the Group’s individual geographical segments. Trademarks For each individual trademark, a 20-year curve is projected, reflecting the expected future growth in revenue per year. Depending on the expectations for the individual trademark, the growth in individual years is above, equal to or below the current inflation level in the countries where the individual trademark is sold. The curve for each individual trademark is determined by reference to its market position, the overall condition of the markets where the trademark is marketed, as well as regional and national macroeconomic trends etc. For some trademarks, national, regional and international potential has been linked to the value of the trademark, and investments in terms of product development and marketing strategy are expected to be made. For these trademarks, the expected growth rate is generally higher than for comparable trademarks, especially at the beginning of the 20-year period. The growth rates determined for the terminal period are in line with the expected rate of inflation. 4 Royalty rate og levetid Royalty rate Royalty income generated by the trademark is based on the Group’s total income and earned globally, i.e. the income is also earned outside the segment that owns the trademark. If external license agreements for the individual trademark already exist, the market terms of such agreements are considered when assessing the royalty rate which the trademark is expected to generate in a transaction with independent parties. Eksport og koncern ekstern licens The royalty rate is based on the actual market position of the individual trademark in the global, regional and local markets. International, premium and speciality beers 3.5 - 15.0% Strong regional and national trademarks 3.0 - 5.0% Local trademarks and mainstream trademarks 2.0 - 3.5% 5 Udfordringer – Risikofri rente og inflation Risikofri Rente (Wacc element) Inflation og realrente • • • Hvad er den forventede lange rente – på langt sigt…… Kan den altid observeres ? Hvordan estimeres den lange rente, når den ikke kan observeres • Hvad er en realistisk realrente på langt sigt • Vesteuropa; f.x. Grækenland • Østeuropa; f.x. Rusland, Ukraine • Asien; f.x. Kina, Indien, Vietnam …. 12 ”Alle” forventer af de Asiatiske økonomier tilnærmer sig Europæiske økonomier... Men hvornår…..? % 10 8 Hvad er ”den rigtige” realrente i fremtiden? Er den konstant? 6 Rente 4 Inflation 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 År 6 Udfordringer – Wacc elementer Equity risk premium Leveraged Beta Amerikansk studie viser at 4.5% er ”rigtig” på langt sigt Observerbar? Undgå markedsstøj Risk free interest rate Debt premium Tax rate Hvad er den lange rente for virksomheden hhv. for markedet Påvirkning fra usædvanlige ”spidser” i de finansielle markeder Skatte%, lempelser, skat på dividende Cost of debt pretax Risk premium Cost of Equity Cost of debt Vægtet med optimal kapitalstruktur Risk free interest rate 7 Udfordringer – CGU’er CGU’er Selskaber der er integreret regionalt eller sub-regional testes i en samlet CGU Alle markeds-input faktorer skal vægtes – skal dække hele regionen EBIT – Herved undgås langsigtet påvirkning fra kortsigtet udsving i f.x. CapEx Valuta omregning Rente Hyperinflation Valg af ”test”-valuta Hvis ikke forventet langsigtet udvikling er ens, sker der en skævvridning Forsigtighed ved hyperinflation • Hovedvaluta Udfordring, når valutaerne ikke korrelerer ens; • • bånd til andre valutaer, forskellige olie-afhængighed • Forskellig økonomisk styrke, (u-)afhængighed • Væksten fra landet bliver’ for lav (høj) ved vægtning 8 Oplysninger i årsrapporten – Section 2.3 Discount rates applied The risk-free interest rates used in impairment tests performed at year-end 2014 were based on observed market data. For countries where long-term risk-free interest rates are not observable or valid due to specific national or macroeconomic changes affecting the country, the interest rate is estimated based on observations from other markets and/or long-term expectations expressed by major international credit institutions. The risk premium (spread) for the risk-free interest rate was fixed at market price or slightly lower reflecting the expected long-term market price. The total interest rate, including spread, thereby reflected the long-term interest rate applicable to the Group’s investments in the individual markets. Discount Rates (Trademarks) In the impairment testing of trademarks, the Group uses a post-tax discount rate for each country. In determining the discount rate, a risk premium (spread) on the riskfree interest rate is fixed at a level that reflects management’s expectations of the spread for future borrowings. The total interest rate, including spread, thereby reflects the long-term interest rate applicable to the Group’s investments in the individual markets. The tax rate is the expected future tax rate in each country based on current legislation. The impairment test at year-end 2014 incorporated tax rates in the range of 15-38%. The WACC rates in Asia vary within a wide range with the lowest rate for China and developed countries, whereas the subcontinent, including India and Nepal, has the highest WACC rates in the region. 9 Page 10
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