A welcoming community of Jewish life, worship & learning www.tbanj.org Bulletin November 2014/5775 Mark your calendar: Wednesday, November 19, 7:30 PM Sisterhood Speaker Series presents Award-Winning Author & Anti-Bullying Expert Inside this issue: L IFE CYCLE EVENTS 2 ANNUAL TURKEY DIRVE & MIDNIGHT RUN 3 SISTERHOOD 5 MEN’S CLUB 6 MARKETPLACE & TBA MISSION TO BRAZIL 7 TBA ANNUAL GIVING TEMPLE FUNDS 10 12 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 15 K. M. Walton Details on page 5 1 LIFE CYCLE EVENTS & NEW FAMILIES As of October 20, 2014 MAZEL TOV Leanne & Brad Glassman, daughter Morgan becoming a Bat Mitzvah Mindy Gould, daughter Alexa becoming a Bat Mitzvah Gail & Daniel Keim, son Harrison becoming a Bar Mitzvah Mindy & Keith Golin, children Samantha and Joshua becoming B’nai Mitzvah Barbara & Michael Wildstein, granddaughter Ava Wildstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah Jane & Steven Eisenstat, birth of granddaughter, Michaela Britt Glanzberg Paula & Richard Freizer, daughter Sara’s engagement to Jason Kuperman Brenda & Steve Golombek, birth of grandson, Mason Cooper Namm Marianne & Bernard Tulman, granddaughter Amanda Radick becoming a Bat Mitzvah Deb & Ted Pearlman, daughter Jessica’s marriage to Robert Messing Natalie & Lawrence Wagenberg, birth of son, Simon Nathan Wagenberg Ellen & Barry Wagenberg, birth of grandson, Simon Nathan Wagenberg Cathy & Bruce Fischberg, daughter Lauren’s marriage to Eric Reiser Lisa & Steven Perlman, son Stuart’s engagement to Rachel Polan Julia & John Frankel, birth of grandchildren, Saul Adam Mathison Frankel and Kaila Rose Augusta Frankel CONDOLENCES ON THE PASSING OF Joyce Freeman father, Norman Cohen Barbara Drench father, Theodore Levy Cantor Lee Coopersmith husband, Dr. Jerry Coopersmith Beverly Slater mother, Dorothy Reichel Shabbat Notes: NEW FAMILIES Daniel & Isabella Chernin, Marina, Josh Christopher & Amy Drost, Sophie, Emma Stephanie Turner 2 Kabbalat Shabbat Service, (Dress Down) Fri, November 21, May 15 and June 19, Toby Singer, composer, guitarist and singer, will join us for these Dress Down Shabbatot. Toby is a Brooklynbased musician with a soulful voice and an indie sound. SOCIAL ACTION TURKEY DRIVE MIDNIGHT RUN COLLECTION 3 PRIME TIME 4 SISTERHOOD On Wednesday, November 19, 7:30 PM, at temple, the Sisterhood Speaker Series will present award-winning author and anti-bullying expert, K. M. Walton. She is the author of Cracked, Empty and the co-author of Teaching Numeracy: 9 Critical Habits to Ignite Mathematical Thinking for mathematics teachers K-8. Her contemporary Young Adults novels each focus on the deleterious effects of bullying. Walton specializes in speaking to schools and Universities on the topic of “The Power of Human Kindness.” Author Walton will speak on "The Power of Human Kindness. Bullies come from all kinds of households. But one thing bullies have in common is a lack of empathy. They were not taught to put themselves into others’ shoes, hence the ease with which they torture their fellow students. Quite simply, not teaching a child how to be empathetic and compassionate is a societal failure. Unfortunately, empathy does not come naturally for many children. Oftentimes children must be explicitly taught to think of others, to be kind and compassionate. The teachable moments must be seized. Award-winning young adult author and anti-bullying expert K.M. Walton shows audiences what compassion looks and sounds like. She shares personal and touching stories as well as highly effective anti-bullying techniques. K. M. is a graduate of West Chester University, with a degree in elementary education. As a former middle-school language arts teacher she’s passionate about education and ending peer bullying. During her time in the classroom she developed proven ways to stop bullying. She is also the former director/owner of the summer day camp, Camp Kindness. Basically, teaching about kindness, empathy and tolerance has been a life-long passion for her. Cost: Members $18. Non-members $20. Students (Under 21 years old) $5. Teens & Young Adults are welcome! For Members Only...Meet and Greet with author K.M. Walton, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, with light refreshments. $25. A book signing will take place after the event. Walton’s novels, Cracked & Empty, are available for purchase. (Cracked $9.99 and Empty, $10.99) Call the temple office to register, 973.994.2290, or register online at www.tbanj.org Alyssa Sutton, Speaker Series Chair Sandra Kantor & Suzanne Weinick, Sisterhood Co-Presidents 5 MEN’S CLUB Men’s Club Minyan with Rabbi Kulwin YOU + 1... bring a friend with you! Breakfast following services Sunday, November 9 8:30 AM Sunday, December 14 8:30 AM 6 ANNUAL MARKETPLACE TRIP TO BRAZIL WITH RABBI KULWIN 7 CONGREGATIONAL LEARNING 2014-2015 Our sages taught (Pirke Avot 2:7), "The more Torah, the more life!" Congregational Learning at Temple B’nai Abraham provides opportunities for learners of all ages to explore their identities as Jews. Through spiritual, academic and social programs and courses, opportunities for learning bring people together, helping to create a special sense of family and community. Our courses allow each participant to connect to the personal, ethical and social dilemmas that impact our Jewish and secular worlds. Participants in these courses and events often find it to be the first stone in a pathway towards a more committed and informed Jewish life, as well as an impetus for greater involvement in all aspects of congregational life: prayer, ethics, ritual practice, celebrations, social building and community connection. This year, we ask you to BOOKMARK IT and visit our temple calendar and website for an array of offerings from speakers to introductory classes, cooking to Hebrew reading, we guarantee a place for you! Alyce Sands Miller & Steve Delman, Adult Learning Committee Co-Chairs For further information, please contact Melissa Weiner, Director of Jewish Learning Book Group with Rabbi Kulwin Thursday, November 6, 2014, 7:30 PM A Replacement Life by Boris Fishman Published to raves in June 2014, A Replacement Life tells the "provocative, soulful, and sometimes hilarious story of a failed journalist asked to do the unthinkable: Forge Holocaust-restitution claims for old Russian Jews in Brooklyn, New York." A real knee-slapper, right? The forger, Slava, desperately chases the serious journalistic career that never gets closer. The beneficiary? his grandfather Yevgeny, whose treatment by the Nazis was bad…just not bad enough to get him the reparations cash he yearns for. The result? Unexpected respect for and fascination with characters we expected only to laugh at, and a glimmer of understanding of yet another piece of the tragic legacies of the Holocaust and Communism. Parashat HaShavuah with Rabbi Kulwin Every Saturday morning before services, 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM. Sisterhood Rosh Hodesh Celebrations with Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz The new moon, or new month, is a special holiday for women to celebrate together. Sisterhood joins together in a warm atmosphere of sharing, learning and noshing to welcome the Hebrew months of: Tevet: Thursday, December 18, 7:30 PM; Sh’vat: Tuesday, February 3, 7:30 PM & Nisan: TBD Monthly Lunch and Learn: “Jews and Justice” with Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz Thursdays, October 30, November 20, December 11 & January 15, February 12, March 12 & May 14, 11:30 AM Each month we’ll explore traditional Jewish texts and glean lessons on current issues, ranging from economic justice to reproductive rights to gun violence, among others. Bring yourl unch and we provide the beverage. 8 CONGREGATIONAL LEARNING 2014-2015 Global Jewish Journey – Perception vs. Reality We know there are Jews who live in “the rest of the world,” but how much do we know about them? And is what we know correct? Do Jews in France and Argentina genuinely face rampant anti-Semitism? Is Australia really the one shining star of Jewish growth in the Diaspora? Did all the Jews leave the former Soviet Union and if not, what is life like for those still there? This year we will have the opportunity to move beyond the perception and learn the reality, straight from people who live, work and study these Jewish regions of the world. Save the Date for the next Global Jewish Journey Lecture Saturday, November 15, 6:00 PM (Seudat Shlishit) Rabbi Dr. Andreas Nachama Executive Director, Topography of Terror Foundation and Memorial Museum, Berlin, Germany German Jewry in the 21st Century – A new story or an old one? How are we to understand German Jews of today? The celebrated and tragic history of German Jewry is familiar. What happened after World War II is less known: a few of returnees from before the war; tens of thousands of immigrants from Eastern Europe and later Russia; a community divided between capitalist West and communist East; a current population of over 100,000 Jews who live in Europe’s most prosperous country, though one in which both skinhead and Islamist anti-Semitisms are to be found. Rabbi Andreas Nachama, Ph.D., both knows and is German Jewish history. Son of one of Germany’s most celebrated cantors, he served for several years as President of the Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin, the Jewish Community of Berlin. He teaches at Touro College’s Berlin campus and directs the Topographie des Terrors , a museum devoted to the Nazi era. There is no one better to convey the truth of German Jewry today. Presented jointly with the Holocaust Council of Greater MetroWest 9 TBA ANNUAL GIVING — PARTNERS IN LEADERSHIP 2014-2015 Thank you for being a Partner in Leadership! as of October 20, 2014 President’s Circle Anonymous Donor Anonymous Family Anonymous Member* Randi & Marc Berson Joni & Alan Cohen Charles M. Greef & Shawn Lech Ellen Hyman & Robert Rothman In memory of Mildred & Leonard Rothman Bob & Sherry Lieb & Family Julie & M. Steven Silbermann Trudy & Fred Slater Barbara & Michael Wildstein Vicki & Stephen Wildstein *Legacy Gift Rabbi’s Circle Deborah & Scott Berger Terry & Denis Bovin Nancy & Robert Eskow Amanda & Peter Fiverson Marjorie & Stephen Fiverson Terri & Mark Friedman Susan & Alan Gallinson Susan & Bruce Greene Randi & Greg Jeddis Harriet & Marvin Kirschner Karyn Klein Ellen & Peter Klein Patricia & Frank Kolodny Michael Lewis Ellen & Richard Lincer ShariEve & Mark Meller Eileen & Marc Mellman Wendi & Richard Nachwalter Judy & Eric Perlmutter Marcia & Bernard Pundyk Barbara & Michael Rosenbaum Bonnie & Ted Shapiro Penny & Greg Sherry Ellen & Barry Wagenberg Shari Weiner Marjorie & Scott Zucker Torah Circle Bernice & Ken Garbade In Honor of Daniel Glassman Susan & Alan Hammer Rabbi Clifford & Robin Kulwin Marian & David Rocker Sandi & Mark Rosenbaum Ethel & Bob Singer 1853 Society Suzanne & Saul Berkowitz Nancy & Ken Bernstein Isabella & Josh Fiske Sandy & Stephen Greenberg Julie & Gregg Klein Eileen & Jeffrey Klein Merle & Marty Kalishman Ginny & Jeff Roth Deborah & William Schatten Marcy & Mark Schwartz Myrna & Marvin Wertheimer Mitzvah Circle Arlene & Richard Bookbinder Robin & Arthur Brody Daniel Cooperberg Ruth Dolinko Barbara Drench Betty & Barry Ende Kerri & Steven Fischer Shaldine & Richard Gillman Andrea & Scott Gillman Jayne & Jim Jacoby Barbara & Warren Klein Robin & Jeffrey Kollin Barbara & Allan Kreitzman 10 TBA ANNUAL GIVING − PARTNERS IN LEADERSHIP 2014-2015 Mitzvah Circle (continued) Jackie & Howard Levine Leslie & Jay Mayesh Alyce Sands Miller Carly & David Miller Helene & David Mintz Ruth Ross Jennifer & Elliot Scher Adrienne & Stan Schwartz Bunny & Stephen Schwartz Mara & David Silber Bonnie & Harris Sterling Margie & Harvey Yonteff Naomi & Harvey Zeitel Circle of Friends Laurie & Marc Bergman Andrea & Phil Bershad Marion Berson Pamela & Robert Blumhof Heather & Elliot Braun Renee & Jeffrey Cohen Robin Comiteau-Tully Allyn & Lawrence Cooper Nancy & Richard Dinar Judy & Carter Dutch Helen & Seymour Farber Annette & Herb Feldman Marsha & Steven Fiske Rheda & Raymond Folkman Evelyn & Amos Gern Bernice Gittlin Alison & Michael Givner Karen & Stuart Gladstone Roni & Gary Glassman Tobi & Herbert Glatt Brenda & Steven Golombek Barbara Gross Bonnie & Keith Gurland Robin & Gary Hecht Tara & Richard Heyderman Madeline & Harold Hoffman Debra & Allan Janoff Jackie & David Kahan Sandra & Craig Kantor Audrey & Robert Kaye Helen Kessler Karen & David Klugman Arlene & Dan Kollin Barbara & Barrett Kolton Jessica & Jay Kooper Jill & Brett Krasnove Rita Lane Esther Laufman Wendy & Michael Lenchner Scott Levy Ilena & Paul Lieberman Norma & Jerome Marsh Evi Meinhardt Karen & Jonathan Mendez Judith & Scott Moskowitz Gail & David Numark Vita & Larry Orenstein Cynthia Pfeffer Brandi & Arthur Podnos Bunnie & Samuel Ratner Lisa & Adam Reisboard Karen & Steve Rockoff Lori & Peter Rosenbaum Renee & Edward Rosenthal Linda Ross Geri & Milton Schaeffer Dorothy Scher Sherrie & Roger Schneider Lynn & Bruce Schonbraun Luba & Mark Schonwetter Pat & Burt Sebold Patricia & Charles Seid Elaine & Stan Shapiro Terry & Ken Starr Lynda & John Wachsteter Judith & Amnon Weinstock Bobbie & Carl Weisenfeld Randi & Scott Wolfson 11 GENEROUS GIFTS FROM THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE All listings as of October 20. 2014 ONE FAMILY FUND In memory of Janet Gurland, mother of Keith & Bonnie Gurland Paula & Rick Freizer In memory of Theodore Levy, father of Barbara Drench Alyce Miller Barbara & Alan Kreitzman Leslie & Jay Mayesh In honor of Alan Cohen’s special birthday Julie & Max Silbermann In honor of the marriage of Lauren Fischberg and Eric Reiser Janice Berkowitz Janet, Jason & Adam Gelman Lois & Frank Dyer Melinda & Larry Udell Barbara & Dan Kaplan Ginny & Jeff Roth In honor of the birth of granddaughter of Robyn & David Kessler Karen & David Klugman In honor of the birth of Michaela Britt Glanzberg, granddaughter of Jane & Steven Eisenstat In memory of Lenore Shapiro, cousin of Bobby & Joel Pearlberg Renee & Ed Rosenthal In honor of the birth of Sadie, granddaughter of Robyn & David Kessler Karen & David Klugman In memory of Donna Amilani, sister & aunt of Judy Dolinko & Family In honor of Gail Milchman’s speedy recovery Betty & Charles Rubin BARRY FRIEDMAN CREATIVE SERVICE FUND PATRON In honor of Morgan Glassman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Leanne & Brad Glassman SPONSOR In honor of Arlene & Dan Kollin’s 50th wedding anniversary In honor of the birth of Sydni Gillian Skowronik, granddaughter of Renee & Ed Rosenthal In honor of the engagement of Cassie Roberts to Alex Rossi Bobby & Joel Pearlberg DONOR In honor of the marriage of Lauren Fischberg to Eric Reiser In honor of Alexa Gould becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of Ryan Koplitz becoming a Bar Mitzvah Betty & Barry Ende GIFT In honor of the birth of Michaela Britt Glanzberg, granddaughter of Jane & Steven Eisenstat Ethel & Bob Singer In honor of Jonah Berg becoming a Bar Mitzvah Betty & Barry Ende *In honor of the birth of Saul Adam Mathison Frankel and Kaila Rose Augusta Frankel, grandchildren of Julia & John Frankel *In honor of the birth of Mason Cooper Namm, grandson of Brenda & Steve Golombek *In memory of Harvey Zeitel, husband of Naomi Zeitel Merle & Marty Kalishman *Rae & Harold Hurwitz Fund 12 CLERGY DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Rabbi Kulwin’s speedy recovery Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf & Dr. Perry Robins In memory of Theodore Levy, father of Barbara Drench In memory of Donna Amilani, sister of Judy Dolinko In memory of Roger Manners, husband & father Joni & Alan Cohen In memory of Theodore Levy, father of Barbara Drench In honor of Rabbi Kulwin’s speedy recovery Wishing a Shana Tova to Robin & Rabbi Kulwin Adele & Sid Bernstein In memory of Barbara Roth, with thanks and appreciation to Rabbi Kulwin Mindy & Dave Roth In honor of Barbara & Michael Wildstein’s granddaughter, Ava becoming a Bat Mitzvah Jennifer & Elliot Scher In honor of their Aliyah at the Yom Kippur Family Service Evelyn & Amos Gern In honor of their Rosh HaShanah Aliyah Betty & Barry Ende In honor of their Yom Kippur Aliyah Nancy & Bob Eskow Rori & Robert Denholtz In memory of Barbara Roth, mother of David Roth Sandi & Stephen Markman To the Fund Marc Bergman In honor of the marriage of Lauren Fischberg & Eric Reiser Cathy & Bruce Fischberg Leslie & Stuart Reiser Nancy & Jim Hochberg GENEROUS GIFTS FROM THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE In memory of Marcia Gabbe Patricia & Steven Gabbe In memory of Dorothy Reichel, mother of Beverly Slater Karen & Stuart Gladstone In memory of Norman Cohen, father of Joyce Freeman Joyce & Bruce Freeman In memory of Lilyan Kreitchman The Kreitchman Family CARING CONNECTIONS In honor of the birth of Sydni Gillian Skowronek, granddaughter of Renee & Ed Rosenthal Evelyn & Amos Gern In honor of the engagement of Sara Freizer & Jason Kuperman Paula & Richard Freizer In memory of William Smith, father & grandfather of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Smith & Family Jeffrey, Harriet & Alexandra Robbins In memory of Theodore Levy, father of Barbara Drench Marlene & Saul Lupin Allyn & Larry Cooper In honor of the engagement of David Gersten to Susan Rydz Barbara Gross DIAMOND FUND for YOUTH ACTIVITIES In honor of the birth of Mason Cooper Namm, grandson of Brenda & Steve Golombek Adria & Mark Rolnik DONATIONS In memory of Dr. Jerry Coopersmith, husband of Cantor Lee Coopersmith Cantor Jill & Dr. Herbert Spasser Lisa & Steven Perlman Patti, Steven, Alex, Victoria & Katie Veneziano Marianne & Bernard Tulman The Stempler Family Shari & Bill Lefkowitz & Family Arleen & Herb Tarutz Susan, Bruce & Mark Greene Dorothy Kleinert Randy, Roberta, Josh & Jake Samuels Betty & Charles Rubin Helen & Sy Farber Barbara & Allan Kreitzman Steven & Julie Silbermann & Family Myrna & Marvin Wertheimer Lucy & Joe Borg Betty & Barry Ende The Gurland Family Steve & Karen Rockoff Ginny & Jeff Roth Ellen & Peter Klein Evelyn & Amos Gern Lori & David Schlanger & Family Pat & Burt Sebold SHEILA GROSSMAN EARLY SCHOOL FUND In honor of the marriage of Jessica Pearlman & Rob Messing In honor of the birth of Mason Cooper Namm, grandson of Brenda & Steve Golombek Patti & Barry Roberts In memory of Jack Cohen, grandfather of Lori Rosenbaum The Barishaw Family In honor of the marriage of Lauren Fischberg & Eric Reiser Sandi & Mark Rosenbaum In honor of the birth of Michaela Britt Glanzberg, granddaughter of Jane & Steve Eisenstat Barbara Gross 13 ELLEN & PETER KLEIN GARDEN FLOWER FUND In memory of Norman Cohen, father of Joyce Freeman In honor of the birth of Michaela Britt Glanzberg, granddaughter of Jane & Steven Eisenstat In honor of Amanda Radick, granddaughter of Marianne & Bernie Tulman, becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of the birth of Simon Nathan Wagenberg, grandson of Ellen & Barry Wagenberg In honor of the marriage of Lauren Fischberg to Eric Reiser Ellen & Peter Klein In memory of Theodore Levy, father of Barbara Drench Pat & Burt Sebold ALBERT MEINHARDT FUND FOR LEARNING Speedy recover to Gail Milchman In honor of Amanda Radick, granddaughter of Marianne & Bernie Tulman, becoming a Bat Mitzvah Evi Meinhardt In honor of Evi Meinhardt, with all good wishes for the New Year In honor of Sheila & Bernie Lurie, with all good wishes for the New Year In honor of Elena & Ed Meinhardt & Family, with all good wishes for the New Year Judy Feldman In honor of Ed Meinhardt’s special birthday Julie & Max Silbermann In memory of Mary Lastorino, mother of Lastorino Family The Charney Family PRAYERBOOK FUND In memory of Alan Gross, beloved husband, father & grandfather Barbara Gross In honor of the marriage of Lauren Fischberg & Eric Reiser In honor of the birth of Machaela Britt Glanzberg, granddaughter of Jane & Steven Eisenstat In memory of Theodore Levy, father of Barbara Drench In memory of Donna Amilani, sister of Judy Dolinko Merle & Marty Kalishman Rutgers Jewish Film Festival: Screening of the film, "Joachim Prinz: I Shall Not Be Silent." Tuesday, November 4, 2:30 PM Regal Cinema Theater A, 2399 US 1 South, New Brunswick, Special guests: Rachel Nierenberg Pasternak, director & TBA member Deborah Prinz, daughter of Dr. Joachim Prinz Ticket info: 848.932.4166 BildnerCenter.rutgers.edu YAHRZEIT FUND It is a traditional duty of Jews to recite Kaddish for a deceased parent, child, spouse, or sibling (daily during the first year, annually thereafter on the anniversary of death). We thank those who have contributed to the Yahrzeit Fund in memory of their loved ones. May their memories forever be for a blessing… Yahrzeit of Elaine Moskowitz Helen Caplowitz Blumberg Therese Berger Isadore Abramowitz Ida Abramowitz Louis Marberg Lee B. Dodis Cherie Fink Ruth Himmelfarb Dr. Alex Chertoff Max Henechowitz Anne Schoenkopf Etta Schaeffer Dorothy Bonda Mildred Parness Karon Lee Dodis Sherwin Schumer Pat Schupper Theodore Spatz Barry Shapiro Ada Schwartz Ruth Lebowitz Rabbi Barry Friedman Irma Gluck Irving Rudman Leah Shepard Harry Soloway Frances Matlick Milton Kleinert Eugene Wald Mae Movshin Gertrude B. Henoch Myer Bernard Barr Bernard Litoff Cecile Lincer Alice Levithan Lou Levithan Sylvia Brafman Scott Lane Claire Schneider Dorothy Wertheimer Helen Kadish William Rocker Kenneth Rosenberg Morton Lewis Helen Barr Mitterhoff 14 Contributor Scott Moskowitz Ken & Monica Blumberg Rebecca & Todd Bialick Paul & Ilene Lieberman Paul & Ilene Lieberman Paul & Ilene Lieberman Roz & Michael Fink Roz & Michael Fink JoAnn, Steve, Alex & Rachel Lee Fran Wien Jackie & Howard Levine Dorothy Scher Milton Schaeffer Elaine Pincus Phyllis Model Howie & Bobby Kessler Darren Schumer Linda & John Schupper Bonnie & Ted Shapiro Bonnie & Shapiro Bernice Gittlin Alan & Sylvia Lebowitz Irene Friedman George & Judy Gluck Myrna Wertheimer Ruth & Robert Binder Fran Wien Ellen & Peter Klein Dorothy Kleinert Marilyn Wald Barbara & Marc Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gillman Stephen Barr Judy Moskowitz Ellen & Richard Lincer Beth & Allen Levithan Beth & Allen Levithan April Katz Rita Lane Terry & Denis Bovin Myrna & Marvin Wertheimer Marian & David Rocker Lynn & Bruce Schonbraun Ilene & Arthur Rosenberg Michael S. Lewis Charlotte & Fred Mitterhoff 12thAnnualNCJW WonderofWomenFilm Festival A thought provoking day of ilms that are relatedtowomen’sissuesorhavebeenwritten produced or directed by a woman. Sunday,November2, 10:00AM–3:00PM JCCMetroWest, 760North ieldRoad, WestOrange Members$45 Nonmembers$60 Includesaboxlunch. Our annual Wonder of Women Film Festival, which takes please every fall, is an opportunity to view short ilms and documentaries by independent ilm-makers that depict the lives, strengths, struggles, and accomplishmentsofwomen. RegisterEarly-asthiseventusually sellsoutfast! RSVP:NCJWEssexCountySection 973.740.0588 15 AROUND THE COMMUNITY TEMPLE SPONSOR 16 AROUND THE COMMUNITY 17 NOVEMBER 2014 SERVICES Friday, October 31 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Saturday, November 1 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Lech Lecha 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services Friday, November 7 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, November 8 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Vayera 10:00 AM Shabbat Services Oliver Simon son of Melissa & Mark Simon will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Amanda Weissman daughter of Alisa & Eric Weissman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Friday, November 14 7:00 PM Membership Wine & Cheese Reception 7:30 PM Shabbat Services/Third Grade Consecration Service Saturday, November 15 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Chaye Sarah 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services Jonah Reisboard son of Lisa & Adam Reisboard will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Shayna Turbin daughter of Shari & Roger Turbin will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. 6:00 PM Seudat Shlishit with Rabbi Andreas Nachama, a Global Jewish Journey Lecture Friday, November 21 10:15 AM Shabbat Spot for Tots 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services with Toby Singer (Dress Down Shabbat) Saturday, November 22 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Toldot 9:30 AM Jr. Congregation 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services Casey Dutch son of Judith & Carter Dutch will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Lauren Hoffman daughter of Michele & Scott Hoffman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Friday, November 28 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday, November 29 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Vayetze 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services Jake Hyman son of Lauren & Paul Hyman will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Madelyn Arsht daughter of Jodi & Steven Arsht will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Julie A. Silbermann, President Bruce H. Greene, Vice President Jeffrey Klein, Vice President Jeffrey Kollin, Treasurer Saul Berkowitz, Asst. Treasurer Randi Jeddis, Vice President Ginny Roth, Vice President Stacey Rosenberg, Secretary Scott Loventhal Asst. Secretary Edward Meinhardt, Immediate Past President 300 East Northfield Road, Livingston, New Jersey 07039 mailing address: PO Box 46, Livingston, NJ 07039 www.tbanj.org Herb Ford, Counsel Clifford M. Kulwin, Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz, Rabbi Jessica Epstein , Cantor Lee Coppersmith, Cantor Emeritus Gail Milchman, Executive Director Debbie Aronson Ziering, Director of Early Childhood Education Melissa G. Weiner, Director of Jewish Learning Janet Resnick, Religious School Director Emeritus Temple The Early School Jewish Learning Program (K-12) 973.994.2290 973.994.7016 973.994.3950 Fax: 973.994.1838 Fax: 973.994.7999 Fax: 973.994.7999 November, 2014 The Temple B’nai Abraham Bulletin is published monthly. Online at www.tbanj.org Barbara Birnbaum & Ruth Ross, Marketing & Communications Co-Chairs Tina Greenberg, Communications Coordinator 18
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