Satellite Applications Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Announcement of Opportunity

The Natural Environment Research Council / Satellite Applications Catapult
Satellite Applications Knowledge Exchange Fellowship
(up to 18 mths with possibility of extension)
Announcement of Opportunity
Closing date: 29th October 2014 (at 16:00)
Interviews to be held in London on 26th November 2014
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), in partnership with the Satellite
Applications Catapult, is seeking to invest in a suitably qualified academic to broker links
between the Catapult and the NERC community and provide expert input and advice to the
As a Knowledge Exchange (KE) Fellow you will share your expertise and knowledge to
assist the Catapult in their strategic thinking in one or more of the Catapult’s Programmes
(Maritime, Transport, Explore Technology and Explore Markets (including Agri-Tech, Future
Cities, and Energy). Applications in the Health and Security areas will also be considered if
the proposal falls within NERC’s environmental scope.
The KE Fellow will enable the Satellite Applications Catapult to accelerate access to UK
environmental science, data and expertise for uptake by a range of end-users, including
businesses and public bodies, who are working with the Catapult. The Fellow’s core role
will be to act as an ambassador for the NERC Community with the Catapult, identifying
opportunities to pull through NERC funded science and link to, or apply their own,
academic expertise to participate in relevant projects, by for example,
aggregating/integrating large environmental datasets for application by the Catapult and its
partners. There is an expectation that the fellow will, as well as working with the wider
NERC community, work closely with the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).
The Fellowship will be expected to spend approximately 4 days a month at the Satellite
Applications Catapult offices in Harwell. Applicants are welcome from throughout the UK.
Applications are welcomed on a part-time basis (between 60% and 80% FTE). Ideally, the
Fellowship will commence as soon as possible.
NERC and the Satellite Applications Catapult have identified an opportunity to develop a
collaborative activity together to enhance the links between the communities. By jointly
investing in this KE Fellowship, to increase the uptake and application of NERC
environmental science, data and expertise, the successful Fellow will be expected to
enhance the application of NERC environmental data and science to develop potentially
innovative new products, processes and services.
The Satellite Applications Catapult is an independent Research and Technology Organisation
(RTO), which aims to “help businesses of all sizes realise the potential from space”. The
Catapult helps organisations make use of and benefit from satellite technologies, and brings
together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation
Using its world-class facilities and expertise, businesses, researchers and end-users are able
to work together to develop new satellite-based products, services and applications,
translating ideas from concept to market.
Scope of the Call
The successful Fellow will work within the Satellite Application Catapult team (between 60%
and 80% FTE) and will engage closely with businesses (including SMEs), public bodies, NCEO
and other research organisations to enable uptake of NERC-remit science and data.
The successful applicant will have an excellent understanding of working with environmental
data and particularly information from satellites and its potential application in wider
products and services. The role will include:
Engaging with one or more of the Satellite Applications Catapult programme areas
to explore the ways environmental science, data and expertise can be used to
develop new satellite based products, services and applications (that may integrate
environmental information from non-satellite sources).
Acting as an ambassador between the NERC community and the Catapult developing new relationships between researchers, business and industrial users and
other stakeholders.
Synthesising and packaging research outputs, and provide briefings and reports, to
help businesses easily understand what NERC has to offer when considering the
development of new satellite-based products, services and applications.
Applying your expertise in relevant projects, which for example may include the
handling and/or integration of large datasets to transform environmental data into
suitable formats for easy uptake and use within products and services.
Capturing evidence from successful examples of applied environmental science and
data for the generation of impact case studies.
Ensuring that the NERC community are well represented and included at business
facing workshops.
Developing joint bids to support new ideas and innovations.
Outcomes expected from the Fellow
The Fellow will be expected to achieve the following outcomes during the duration of the
a) Increase exposure and accessibility of relevant NERC science and data to a wide
range of businesses who want to use and apply satellite and other environmental
information to develop products or associated services.
b) Increase UK business uptake of the NERC community’s science and data for the
purposes of innovation.
c) Contribute to the development of one or more of the Catapult’s programme areas
through the integration, application and/or translation of NERC science and data.
Reporting, management and governance requirements
The Fellow will work closely with the Satellite Applications Catapult programme teams, who
will be responsible for guiding and shaping the nature of the work.
NERC Swindon Office will provide an oversight management function and the Fellow will
attend regular meetings with an assigned Knowledge and Innovation Manager.
In addition, the Satellite Applications Catapult KE Fellow will operate as part of a UK-wide,
NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellow network and work alongside existing Satellite
applications Catapult Fellows, to source and share information and good practice.
The Fellow will be expected to participate in monitoring, training and networking activities,
regular (quarterly) progress monitoring with contacts at both NERC and the Satellite
Applications Catapult;
attending network meetings with other KE fellows who are working on other NERC
projects and other Satellite Applications Catapult Fellows.
Assessment criteria
The successful KE Fellow will demonstrate the following elements in their application:
An ability to bring fresh insights to the Satellite Applications Catapult through their
connections with NERC-funded research base and wider community (for example
Met Office);
An awareness of relevant NERC-funded data and science across the UK and its
potential for uptake in satellite applications.
A demonstrated ability to work with satellite and key environmental data sets,
sources and data owners;
A demonstrated ability or desire to undertake translation activities related to
environmental science and data, enabling access by a broad range of end-users
including businesses, public sector and third sector organisations.
Knowledge of the Satellite Applications Catapult strategic objectives.
Preliminary ideas for the relevant environmental science, data, networks and names
of key contacts for the development of a work programme in one or more of the
Satellite Application Catapult’s priority areas.
Who should apply?
Applicants are not limited to those currently engaged with the NERC Community.
Applicants may be currently active in the environmental science research arena with a
strong background in managing large data sets, including those from satellites; or, in
computational/data sciences with a strong passion for the environment and the ability to
work with satellite and environmental datasets.
It is possible that some mentoring will be provided for those relatively new to knowledge
exchange, as the Fellow will be included in the cohort of the NERC Knowledge Exchange
Fellows (details available here).
Eligibility criteria
Applicants must be a resident in the UK and be employed by an eligible Research
Organisation (Higher Education Institution, Research Council Institute or a recognised
Independent Research Organisation) as stated in the NERC Research Grants Handbook.
This can either be an applicant’s current place of work or one where it has been agreed that
they can be employed for the duration of the fellowship. Employment terms and conditions
of the fellowship will be analogous to those of their host institution.
A total budget of up to £100k per annum of the Fellowship is available for this call which
aims to support one fellowship for a period of up to 18 months, with a possibility of a 6
month extension based on the outcome of periodic reviews.
The Fellowship will be paid pro-rata at 80% FEC in the same way as NERC Research
Fellowships. Payments will be made quarterly to the host institution via the NERC profile
payments system. Up to £30K of the total amount available can be requested via the
application to support the Fellow’s activities where these are demonstrably essential to
knowledge exchange. These could include but are not limited to:
travel and subsistence;
establishing clubs, networks or similar;
events such as workshops, seminars, open days or user training.
Application process
Applications should be submitted through the Joint electronic Submission (Je-S) system.
Applicants must ensure that they refer to the call specific guidance before completing an
application via Je-S.
Guidance notes on submitting Satellite Applications Catapult
Attachments required:
CV of up to two pages A4 – the font size should be no smaller than Times New
Roman or Arial point size 10. Applicants should include details of two nominated
referees (preferably one from academia and one with a user background).
A detailed project plan of up to two pages A4 – the font size should be no smaller
than Times New Roman or Arial point size 10; further details of requirements are
available in the call specific guidance.
A separate statement on ‘Justification of Resources’, including Travel and Subsistence,
on one page of A4 (maximum).
A statement of approval from their employer agreeing to their release and accepting
the conditions of the scheme.
Once you have submitted to Je-S it is essential that you email to
alert NERC to your application reference. Please ensure that all of the guidance and links to
supporting information are read in advance of making the application.
Deadline for applications: 16:00 on 29th October 2014
Interview and assessment process
An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the applicant within a week. Applications
will be processed within NERC and prepared for a selection panel. Short-listed applicants
will be invited for interview.
Applicants will be assessed based on evidence of their competencies, as described in this
Announcement of Opportunity, and their performance at interview.
Key dates
Closing date for applications: 16:00 on 29th October 2014.
Applicants are advised that interviews will be held on 26th November 2014
For further information on the KE Fellowship scheme or the applications process:
Lynne Porter, Knowledge Exchange Manager
Tel: 01793 411791
For further information on the Satellite Applications Catapult opportunity:
Andrea Sharpe, Knowledge and Innovation Manager
Tel: 01793 44 4136
Nafeesa Dajda, Knowledge Exchange Manager
Tel: 01235 567999
For further information on the National Centre for Earth Observation:
Professor John Remedios