CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall, 2200 Second Street PUBLIC NOTICE November 3, 2014 through November 7, 2014 Monday, November 3, 2014 4:30 p.m. *5:15 p.m. City Council Meeting Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall Council Chambers Proclamations and Special Presentations: 1. Proclamation proclaiming November 2014 as National American Indian Heritage Month 2. Annual report on activities at the Langford-Kingston Home for the past year from the Edison Pageant of Light, Inc. to comply with the Municipal Lease Agreement (Ward 4) (Removed from the Agenda by Frank Amati, Real Property Specialist, Housing & Real Estate Division, Community Development Department, on October 27, 2014.) 3. Annual report of activities at 2610 Edwards Drive from Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce (Ward 4) (Removed from the Agenda by Frank Amati, Real Property Specialist, Housing & Real Estate Division, Community Development Department, on October 28, 2014.) Consent Agenda: 4. Minutes of the regular meeting held on October 20, 2014 5. Bid No. 42-13-14, Installation of New Sewer Lift Station & Associated Piping, in the amount of $144,742, at the Public Works Center to Strickler Brothers Underground, Inc. (Ward 2) 5a. Master Service Agreement, Professional Services Agreement, and TASER Sales Terms & Conditions for the single source procurement, in the amount of $62,204.25 for Fiscal Year 2015, from TASER International, Inc. for TASER AXON Body Cameras and associated mounting equipment for the Police Department 6. Supplemental Task Authorization No. 5, in the amount of $78,505, to Professional Services Agreement – Civil Engineering Services - Continuing Contract, Request for Qualifications No. 04/24/09-RFQ-PW, with T.Y. Lin International for Marion Street Sidewalk Construction Engineering and Inspection Service (Ward 1) 7. Use & Occupancy Agreement, in the amount of $100 per month, with Henry Brunson for occupancy of the house located at 3632 American Avenue (Ward 2) 8. Project Close Out to Ford Street Guardrail using the County-Wide Minor Paving and Drainage Improvements, Lee County Contract B-130615 and release of final payment and retainage, in the amount of $58,574, to Denco Construction, Inc. (Ward 2 and Ward 3) 9. Acceptance and maintenance of potable water and sanitary sewer, storm utilities and road for DS&S Remanufacturing at 2901 Jacksonville Street from DS&S Remanufacturing (Ward 6) 10. Acceptance and maintenance of potable water and sanitary sewer utilities for Physicians Primary Care at Olympia Pointe located at 5700 Lee Boulevard from Lehigh Real Estate Partnership LLP (Ward 6) 10a.ESRI Small Enterprise License Agreement County and Municipality, in the annual amount of $50,000, with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) for Geographical Information Systems software, effective for 3 years Public Hearings: 11. Ordinance No. 3718 rezoning 3300 Palm Beach Boulevard, 3335 Highland Avenue, and 3341 Highland Avenue from Multi-Family Residential RM-12 to Commercial Intensive as requested by San Carlos Marine, Inc. (Ward 2) (Quasi-Judicial) 12. Ordinance No. 3719 amending the City Code, Chapter 54, Nuisances; Article IV, Unsafe or Condemned Structures and Buildings, Section 54-156 Definitions; Section 54-157 Enumeration; Section 54-160 Inspections; initiation of enforcement proceedings; Section 54-162 Major violations; notice, Sub-Section (a); Section 54-165 Conduct of hearings; 1 CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall, 2200 Second Street PUBLIC NOTICE November 3, 2014 through November 7, 2014 Monday, November 3, 2014, continued appeals, Sub-Section (b); and Section 54-166 Noncompliance; extensions of time; interference; performance of work, Sub-Sections (a) Noncompliance and (b) Extension of time 13. Hosting Agreement with Earth Networks, Inc. for a weather observation system to be installed on the City Pier building located at 1300 Hendry Street, in the Downtown Community Redevelopment Area, pursuant to Florida Statute 163.380 (Ward 4) City Council Comments and Items for Consideration: 14. Nomination of Francesca Whitt by Mayor Henderson to the Fort Myers Teen Advisory Council, term effective November 3, 2014 through November 2, 2016, replacing LeKeisha Wilson 14a.Nomination of Fred J. Burson by Councilman Banks for appointment to the Historical Museum Advisory Board, term effective November 3, 2014, through November 2, 2017, replacing Woodward Stanley Hanson who resigned 14b.Nomination of Ryan Keith Bell by Councilwoman Brown for reappointment to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, term effective November 6, 2014, through November 5, 2017 14c.Comments and discussion on relationships with policing in the minority communities (Councilman Streets) 15. Advisory board vacancies Permission to Advertise: 16. Ordinance rezoning a portion of the Harborside Event Center parking lot containing 0.63 acres, more or less, located on City owned property at 2150 Edwards Avenue, from Civic to Urban Center as requested by the City of Fort Myers, owner (Ward 4) (Quasi-Judicial) 16a.Ordinance amending and restating Ordinance Nos. 3430 and 3652 for Eastwood Village Planned Unit Development consisting of 838 acres, more or less, by amending the plan for 410 acres, more or less, located west of Ortiz Avenue, north of Colonial Boulevard and south of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and rescinding Ordinance Nos. 3430 and 3652 (Ward 2) (Quasi-Judicial) 16b.Advertise ordinance for the first public hearing amending the City Code, Sub-Part B Land Development Code, Chapter 118, Land Use Regulations, Article 4. Overlay Districts, Section 118.4.4 Reserved for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard by renaming and creating an overlay district for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard (Ward 1, Ward 2, and Ward 3) 17. 15 day comment period and public hearing for the Fourth Program Year Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Community Development Block Grant Program, pursuant to Housing and Urban Development requirements City Manager’s Items: 18. Designate two members of City Council as the voting delegate and alternate voting delegate for Fort Myers at the Annual Business Meeting of the National League of Cities 19. Termination of the Service Provider Agreement with Scott Shilling d.b.a. Gulf Coast Hockey Plus for the Hockey Pro Shop at the Skatium, 2250 Broadway (Ward 4) 19a.Amendment No. 2 to the Multi-Party Agreement for the Development of a Hotel and Parking Garage Including the Transfer Slab, and for the Renovation of Harborside Event Center in Downtown Fort Myers, Florida among the City of Fort Myers, the Community Redevelopment Agency, Acquest Realty Advisors, Inc. and Western National Capital Partners for an additional 90 day period, effective November 14, 2014, to February 12, 2015 (Ward 4) 19b.First Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement [Hotel and Garage Use] with FMCC Developer, LLC, the convention center hotel developer, revising Exhibit G - Performance Schedule (Ward 4) 19c.Participation in Florida Sheriff’s Association, Florida 2 CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall, 2200 Second Street PUBLIC NOTICE November 3, 2014 through November 7, 2014 Association of Counties, and Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association Contract No. 13-11-0904 for procurement of seven 2015 Peterbilt refuse trucks, in the amount of $2,157,319, from Palm Peterbilt Truck Centers, Inc. May be televised on Comcast Cablevision, Channel 98 *on or about or as soon thereafter as can be heard Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:00 a.m. City Council May reconvene to complete agenda items not considered November 3, 2014 Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall Council Chambers May be televised on Comcast Cablevision, Channel 98 2:00 p.m. Police Officers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees – Special Meeting Fort Myers Police Department, 2210 Widman Way – Third Floor Conference Room 1. Public Input 2. Burgess Chambers & Associates – Quarterly Report 3. Interview of Perspective Large Cap Growth Managers 4:00 p.m. Local Affordable Housing Authority Advisory Committee Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall Council Chambers 1. Minutes of the regular scheduled meeting on August 5, 2014 2. State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP) Updates 3. Home Foreclosure presentation by the Home Ownership Resource Center and Lee County Housing Development Corporation 4. Discussion of the Fair Housing Ordinance and survey for the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice 5. Discussion of time for future meetings 6. Items to be discussed at the next scheduled meeting on December 4, 2014 7. Advisory Board Vacancies May be televised on Comcast Cablevision, Channel 98 9:00 a.m. Fort Myers City Employees Union Public Works Annexation Building - 2600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Conference Rooms A, B, and C 1. Contract Negotiations 1:00 p.m. Planning Board Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall Council Chambers Public Hearings: 1. Consider amending the Crossroads Commerce Center Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow two more years before the project must commence. The property is located on the SW corner of State Road 82 and Colonial Boulevard on 70 acres. Grady Minor Engineering, agent. Case No. 14-PUD-12. 2. Consider approving a new Planned Unit Development for Page Health Care for a walk-in rehabilitation center to be located on the property of Page Health Care assisted living facility. Ten acres located at 2310 North Airport Road. Matt Uhle, Esquire, agent. Case No. 14-PUD-10. 3. Consider vacating the westerly 685 feet of the right-of-way of Walpear Street between two vacant parcels in order for the parcels to be combined. Time Keene, agent. Case No. 14-V-02. 4. Consider vacating a drainage easement running adjacent to the right-of-way of Walpear Street to be vacated. Tim Keene, agent. Case No. 14-V-03. 5. Consider amending the Comprehensive Plan to add the 5- 3 CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall, 2200 Second Street PUBLIC NOTICE November 3, 2014 through November 7, 2014 Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. Case No. 14-TEXT-04. Continued Public Hearing: 6. Consider amending the Land Development Code Chapter 118, Article &, Community Appearance, specifically, Section 118.7.7 Public Art, to institute a public art permit fee in order to establish a permanent funding mechanism to provide for incorporation of visual art throughout the City. Presented by Public Works Department. Case No. 14-LDC-7. (Public Works requests this case be continued to December 3, 2014.) Other Business: 7. Monthly report from James Ink, liaison to the County LPA 8. Planning Board Vacancy May be televised on Comcast Cablevision, Channel 98 4:00 p.m. S.T.A.R.S. Management Advisory Board Oscar M. Corbin, Jr. City Hall – Second Floor Conference Room A 1. Approval of September 3, 2014 Minutes 2. Introduction of new Board Member, Lloyd Landrum, Jr. 3. Nomination for S.T.A.R.S. Board Vice-chairperson 4. S.T.A.R.S. Afterschool Program Report 5. S.T.A.R.S. Lobby and Office Improvements 6. S.T.A.R.S. Monthly Meeting Day 7. S.T.A.R.S. Mission Statement 8. S.T.A.R.S. 10-Year Plan End of Public Notice for Week of November 3 - November 7, 2014 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OF CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 12, 2015 2:00 p.m. - City Council - Workshop Council Chambers Topic: Proposed amendments to the Charter as recommended by City Council Meetings in Council Chambers Because of broadcast content restrictions, please be aware that all videos, presentations and materials to be shown during any broadcast meeting in Council Chambers must be reviewed by Information Technology Services personnel at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. The City will not broadcast any material that has not been properly reviewed. This also applies to any outside agencies who present materials for broadcasting at meetings held in the Council Chambers. Any specialized equipment to be used at a meeting or presentation also must be available a minimum of two hours in advance of the meeting to ensure the proper set-up and functionality. This includes laptops (especially from speakers outside the City), the speakerphone for conference calls, easels, etc. If you require special aid or services as addressed in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (239) 321-7035 or for the hearing impaired, TDD telephone number (239) 332-2541. City Hall Receptionist WINK WBBH FOX, Lou News-Press Community Voice Lee Co. School Board From: Marie Adams, MMC, City Clerk, Fort Myers City Clerk’s Office (239) 321-7035 4 WGCU
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