THE MESSENGER First Presbyterian Church, Fargo November 2014 All Saints Sunday On Sunday, November 2, during worship we will name and recognize those church members who have died this past year. There will be an opportunity for family members to come forward to light a candle in remembrance of their loved ones. Short-Term Choir Opportunity Perhaps your schedule does not permit consistent participation in our Sanctuary Choir. We invite you to join us for one special, short-term choral singing opportunity as we prepare for the Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans Service, November 9. Rehearsal is on Wednesday, November 5, 7:30-9:00 pm. We will be participating in both the 9:00 & 11:00 services. Whether you are an active participant in our choir, an occasional singer, relative, family friend, or interested guest, you are welcome. Contact Sally Harmon for more information at Thanksgiving Dinner One of the longstanding traditions of this church has been to provide meals on Thanksgiving Day to those who otherwise may not have a meal. You’re being called on to provide desserts, peel potatoes and chop vegetables, prepare gravy, carve the turkeys, fill the trays, deliver the meals and clean up. A book with all the details for volunteers is located at the Welcome Desk. You are invited to sign up for the tasks that you and your family wish to do this year. Thanksgiving Eve There will be no Wednesday night activities on Thanksgiving Eve, November 26. This includes Wednesday night dinner and music ensembles. The focus that evening will be preparation for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour on November 1. REMEMBER! NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ON NOVEMBER 9 Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans Join us on Sunday, November 9 at either 9:00 am or 11:00 am, for our annual Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans worship, to celebrate the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian church. A translation of the name would be “blessing of the tartans.” Kirk is the Scottish word for church and a tartan is the plaid-patterned fabric, usually wool, that clans or families use to distinguish themselves from other clans. Essentially, tartans provide a visual link to clan identity and heritage. Kirkin’ worship services have been held throughout North America since the early 1940’s, but the tradition is rooted in 18th century Scottish faith and patriotism. It is said that when English conquerors banned the wearing of Tartan in 1745, some Scottish families began to carry swatches of the material concealed under their clothing into their church services. At some point in the service, when the minister gave a blessing, the clanspeople would touch their hidden bits of Tartan as a way to recommit themselves to their Lord and their Scottish heritage. The Church Mouse Corner • I sit towards the front of the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and am thrilled to hear the volume of the many voices behind me as we sing our hymns and profess our faith. – C.H. • Do yourselves a favor and try out the Pastor's Class some Sunday morning. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what you may learn about your faith and yourself! – G.E. • I hear that the Worship Committee and Session have been holding spirited discussions about the best way to practice communion. I’m grateful for their commitment and energy. – K.O. The purpose of the Church Mouse Corner is to share congregation members’ perspectives about the happenings at First Presbyterian. We want to hear from you. Send your comments to Churches United PW News You may already be aware that laws about serving meals at Churches United have changed. No longer are we able to bring in food from our home kitchens to be served at the shelter. The meals need to be prepared at Churches United or at another certified kitchen. We are appealing to cooks and servers in our congregation who are willing to help prepare and serve meals at Churches United on the second Thursdays of the month. If we have several groups/families/friends willing to help in this way, we will cover our obligation and the same people won’t need to cover every meal. So, are there people among us who are willing to prepare a meal or two to help us fulfill our responsibility as a member church of Churches United for the Homeless? If so, please contact Elder Sharon Secor from the Mission Committee or Pastor Mary Holtey. Church Women United: Church women United Holy Buckets The Emergency Food Pantry (EFP) is in need of some items. We will be collecting shampoo, bar soap, liquid hand soap, feminine care items, dish soap, laundry detergent, paper products, diapers, and cleaning supplies. These are items that cannot be purchased by using food stamps. The EFP is also very low on canned fruits/veggies. Please leave donations in the green Holy Bucket bins located in the West Foyer or in the EFP bin inside the coat room. Sheltering Church Training Once again this year we will join with other congregations to provide emergency housing over the winter. Our week is February 22-March 1. The sign up for volunteers will come later. In the meantime there’s much to be done. Primarily, we need to get volunteers trained. If you did not attend a training session last year, you are invited to do so now. Here are the dates and times (all sessions will be held at First United Methodist Church on First Ave. S. in Fargo): will meet Friday, November 7 at 9:30 am. at Olivet Lutheran Church. PW Board: The PW Board meeting will meet on Tuesday, November 11 at 10:00 am. Please note the time change. There is no General Meeting/Luncheon that day. Church Bazaar: The Bdecan Ministry Team will be taking part in the Moorhead Center Mall Church Bazaar on November 14 & 15 to help raise money to pay for the salary of Joe Obermeyer, the Youth and Outreach Coordinator at Bdecan Presbyterian Church in Tokio, N.D. We are looking for people to work between 10:00 am-9:00 pm on Friday, November 14 and 10:00 am-5:00 pm on Saturday November 15. In addition, if anyone would like to donate any crafts or baked goods, that would be wonderful. Baked goods need to be labeled with what the product is and the ingredients in it. It would be helpful if you would price your items also. Any craft items not sold will be returned to the person donating them. Please contact Donna Preston at 701-238-7414 or if you can help or donate items. Don't forget to come and shop that day too! Circles: Circles meet November 18 at church in the Jennie Roberts Room at 9:30 am, l:00 pm and 7:00 pm. All women are welcome to attend our monthly Bible Studies. This month's lesson explores the meaning of Paul's reference to "old" and "new" covenants in 2 Corinthians and considers how these ideas relate to our contemporary understanding of Christian relationships with people of different faith traditions(2 Corinthians 3:1-4:6). If you are interested in learning more about the circles, contact Sue Van Osdel (232-5320) or Ruth Colwell (484-5600) or visit the PW Bulletin Board in the west foyer. Mission Sewing: Mission Sewing will meet on Tuesday, November 25 at 9:00 am. We will continue working on quilts and making personal hygiene products for girls in Africa. No experience is required and members are willing to help newcomers. There is always coffee, goodies, and good conversation. Saturdays: Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. 10 and Feb.7 from1-3 pm Thursdays: Nov. 13, Dec. 18, Jan. 15 and Feb. 19 from 7-9 pm We’ll need upwards of 80 volunteers for this ministry. Watch the bulletin and Messenger for news on the shift schedule sign-up and additional ways to serve! Thank you very much to the congregation members for the flannel sheets, fabric, and monetary contributions for our personal hygiene products. They shall keep us going for a few months; however, we will need more in the future. This is an ongoing project. Pg. 2 August 2013 FINANCIAL SUMMARY General Fund Only Meet Your Session Members The session is the council for the congregation. The session shall have responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness. There are fifteen ruling elders, who are active members of the congregation, divided into three classes of five each. Pictured: Jim Misialek, Phil Martin, Travis Voegele, Rick Greener, Joni Nudell, Troy Schmidt, Carol Prafcke, Sharon Secor, Cynthia Baumgardner, Ann Ulliman, Gracia Fulwiler, and Roberta Mohagen. Not pictured: Grace Hudson (youth member), Alexa Mazaheri, Craig Rise, and Mike Lochow. YTD August Actual YTD August Budget Income $528,594 $497,489 Expenses 561,611 557,447 Net -$33,017 -$59,958 Milestones We begin a new column in the Messenger listing births, baptisms, weddings and deaths within our congregation. In addition, we are emailing our members and friends notifications and funeral arrangements when a church member dies. We hope to stay better connected with one another, especially in times of joy and sorrow. Births: We rejoice with Brian and Susan (Kenien) Peterson upon the birth of a son, Elijah Paul on October 14. Baptisms: We welcome James Philip Gadberry, son of David and Melissa, as one of the newly baptized on October 19. Weddings: We celebrate with Marjorie Schlossman and Ivan Weir as they were married on October 11 at Roberts Chapel. Library News Looking for a quiet place? Try the library alcove to: sit-rock-relax-read! Deaths: We ask for God’s comfort and care upon the deaths of Robert Johnson on October 1, William Morrow on October 18 and Prudy Erickson on October 21. Advent Decorating Party All members and friends are invited to remain following worship on Sunday, November 23 to decorate many areas of the church for the holiday season. A soup and bread lunch will be provided by the worship committee. The work party will culminate with the lighting of the Sanctuary Christmas tree and a soup lunch. This is a particularly family-friendly event. All ages are welcome to participate. The Table The Table (FPC’s college ministry) would like to send care packages for finals week to our members who are college students. We would like to send the packages in early December so please email current addresses of college students to Scott at or drop them off in the church office by November 23. A sign up sheet to provide package items will be located on the volunteer opportunity board through the month of November. Please talk to Scott if you would like to help stuff the packages and/or deliver some of the packages locally. The Youth Ministry has a great group of youth taking part in Sunday night youth group and other activities. New people try Sunday night and related activities each week and are enjoying it so much that they continue to join us. So, if you have not tried Sunday Night Youth Group (6-8pm), please join us. If Sunday night doesn’t work for you, watch for other events in the near future that take place on other nights. This is a very welcoming group so join us and see what we are all about. The next youth event is a progressive dinner on November 23 from 5-9 pm or earlier (depending on travel time and how long each course takes to eat). For this dinner, the youth ministry is looking for people to host the various courses at their home. You do not need to have youth in the ministry to host. Any questions about the progressive dinner, please contact Scott at Pg. 3 First Presbyterian Church, Fargo 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND 58102 Phone: 701-293-6311 The Pilgrimage: Guides for Those with a God to Glorify The word “liturgy” means “work of the people.” Worship is a carefully crafted and well-ordered practice aimed at the glorification of God and the edification of God’s people. Many of us worship regularly but may not have considered the many meanings the liturgy can yield. This class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:1510:15 (lecture only) in the Social Hall, and on Sunday afternoons from 4 - 6 (lecture plus discussion) in Meeting Rooms 2 & 3. 11/16- The Lord’s Day: Why We Worship on Sunday 11/23- By Water and the Spirit: Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism 11/30- Do This in Remembrance of Me: Understanding the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 12/7-Seasons of Faith: The Ebb and Flow of the Liturgical Calendar Books available in the library: Worship and Spirituality, 2nd Ed., D. Saliers, 1996; The Companion to the Book of Common Worship, P.C. Bowers, 2003. Nurse’s Note Lord knows, there are plenty of reasons to worry. But in case you're not worried, many professionals do it for you. Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking predicts that the human race won't survive the next thousand years. British astronomer Martin Rees gives us only a 50-50 chance. Stephen Petranek, editor-in-chief of Discover, lectures about "15 Major Risks to the World and Life as We Know It." Environmentalist Paul Ehrlich writes, "humanity's prospective collision with the natural world..." In any case, the "we-are-all-done-for" mindset existed in the first century as well. The apostles had taught so persuasively about Jesus' return that a rumor spread, Jesus had already returned. In Thessalonica, the rumor had Christians concerned. No wonder the apostle Paul writes to this church urging them "not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed" (2 Thessalonians 2:2). Not shaken or alarmed. That's called peace! Our lives are in God's hands! Church Events Calendar for November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Wednesday Schedule Sunday Schedule 5:00 Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30 St. Andrew’s Brass/ Genesis Ringers/Goliathon 6:15 Children’s/Youth Choirs 6:30 Westminster Bells 7:30 Sanctuary Choir 9:00 Confirmation/ Youth Sunday School 9:15 Children’s Sun. School/ Pastor’s Class 9:45 Sanctuary Choir Warm-up 10:30 Sunday Worship 6:30 Youth Group 2 ALL SAINTS DAY/ COMMUNION 3 4 5 Sunday Schedule 6:45 Narcotics Anonymous 9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast Group (Fry’n Pan) 7:00 B&G Committee/ 8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline 10:30 TH Lecture Series(Fargo Holiday Inn) 1:30 Staff Meeting 4:15 Personnel Committee 6:00 Worship Committee/ Narcotics Anonymous 10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs. Wednesday Schedule 6:30 Mission Committee 9 10 11 12 13 Irregular Sunday NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30 Sanctuary Choir Warm-up 9:00 Kirkin’ Service 11:00 Kirkin’ Service 6:00 Youth Group 6:45 Narcotics Anonymous 9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast Group (Fry’n Pan) 6:30 Education Committee/ Health Ministry Cabinet 6:45 Man Up 8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline 10:30 PW Board Meeting 1:00 Staff Meeting 5:30 Connectivity Committee (Atomic Coffee) 6:00 Narcotics Anonymous 7:00 Board of Deacons 10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs. Wednesday Schedule 1:00 Library Committee/ Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00 TH Board Meeting 10:00 PW Bible Study Leaders 12:00 First Pres(s) Book Club 5:00 Serve at Churches United 16 17 18 PW CIRCLES 19 20 Sunday Schedule 4:00 The PilgrimageGuides 6:45 Narcotics anonymous 9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast Group (Fry’n Pan) 6:30 Session 8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline 1:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Narcotics Anonymous 10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs. Wednesday Schedule 23 24 25 26 27 OFFICE CLOSED Sunday Schedule 11:30 Advent Decorating 12:00 Msgr. Deadline 4:00 The PilgrimageGuides 6:45 Narcotics Anonymous 9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast Group (Fry’n Pan) 8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline 9:00 Mission Sewing 11:30 Friends of Nokomis 1:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Narcotics Anonymous Irregular Wednesday NO WED. ACTIVITIES 5:00 Thanksgiving Prep. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 8:00 Thanksgiving Meal Assembly Begins Fri Sat 1 Don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour! 6 7 8 9:00 Kirkin’ Orch. Rehearsal 14 15 10:00 Leah Circle 11:30 Narcotics Anonymous 21 22 5 28 Friday 29 Saturday 30 SUNDAY: ADVENT 1 Sunday Schedule 4:00 The PilgrimageGuides 6:45 Narcotics Anonymous Meet our newest members! Sarah Swanholm & Chaz Bombenger (engaged to be married Nov. 15) Scott & Jennie Swanholm Maurice & Maria Harvey Tom Clusiau Andrew Joos & Jayme Job Virginia & David Stern
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