B6 Havre DAILY NEWS Monday, Nov 3, 2014 www.havredailynews.com Garage Sales • Pets • Cars • Trucks • ATV's • RV's • Homes • Employment • Rentals • Farm & Ranch • Bulletin Board • Notices • Legals GARAGE SALES RENTALS NOTICES Havre East Apartments Legals ESTATE SALE Wed- Sat 10-6 Sunday 10-4 2120 Hwy 2 East Come check out our store full of estate sale treasures! Furniture, decor, glassware, movies, games, household items, and much more! Real Estate FOR SALE Mobile Home 14x60, 2 bdrm w/porch, lot rents $165/mo. Recent new water heater & furnace Needs some interior work $3750 - Sold as is. Call 265-9554 265-0096 Outside Sales Consultant The Havre Daily News is looking for an addition to our sales team. If you have print advertising experience, or knowledge, that's great. If you don't, but have enthusiasm, a positive attitude, solid people skills, professional appearance, some sales background, and you have an ability to learn, then we could train you to be successful in this field. In this position, you would work with local businesses; helping them design and run effective advertising campaigns. We offer a base salary. Plus a generous monthly commission plan of $1,000 - $1,500 or more, company benefits, and mileage allowance for your good-running vehicle. And best of all, you'll join a team of dedicated, fun-to-be-around professionals. Position Open Until Filled. Studios, 1 & 2 bdrm; all utilities pd. Call for availability. 390-1381 Houses Call Janis Flynn Pyrak @ 265-7845 DISTRICT 4 HRDC Call Janis Flynn Pyrak @ 265-7845 Mobile Home For Sale 2 bdrm/1 bath. Must be Moved. $8500.00 Call 945-1710 ATV’s 2010 Artic Cat M-8 Snowmobile, 597 original miles, 2 Place Snowmobile Trailer Call 406-390-0235 EMPLOYMENT 2229 5th Ave. Havre, MT, 59501 (406)265-6743 (800)640-6743 FAX: (406) 265-1312 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Head Start Custodian Position includes food service to Hillview Classroom $9.09/hr 40 hrs per week during Head Start school year 5 hrs per week during summer months Qualifies for benefits Early Head Start Home Base/Combination Teacher $10.96-$12.50/hr depends on qualifications 40 hrs per week Qualifies for benefits CASE MANAGER- FT position providing targeted case management/ coordinating support services to persons age 16 or older w/ developmental disabilities in Conrad, MT. Minimum requirements: BA in Human Services and 1 year exp w/individuals with disabilities. M-F: 8a- 5p. $15.70/hr. Closes: 11/4/14, 5p. Excellent Benefits!! Must Have: Valid Mt driver license, No history of neglect, abuse or exploitation Applications available at OPPORTUNITY RESOURCES, INC., 2821 S. Russell, Missoula, MT. 59801 or online at www.orimt.org. Extensive background checks will be completed. NO RESUMES. EOE. 3 bdrm Sec 8 approved Home in Box Elder & Laredo Call to view: 9452027 Housing’s Tight. Moving for your job? Railroad, Nat. gas, etc.? Large home, att. garage, mins. from city. 395-4381 BULLETIN BOARD Sales/Service ANTIQUES Going out of Business Sale NOV 1- NOV 22 Save MORE each week !! • 40 % off • 60 % off • 80 % off MISCELLANEA Big Sandy 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat - Tues (406) 378-2637 Application Deadline: Wed., Nov. 12 @ 5 p.m. HELP WANTED: "This Institution is an EqualOpportunity Provider and Employer.” Extension Agent, Ft. Belknap Reservation, Harlem, MT. Will provide leadership and education in Ag, Natural Resources and 4-H/Youth Development. Complete description is at www.msuextension. org/jobs, or contact Linda (406) 994-1752, linda.shott@montana.edu, MSU Extension, PO Box 172230, Bozeman, MT 59717-2230. ADA/EO/AA/ Veterans Preference CK Builders of Havre is looking for laborers, installers, and tradesmen. Self motivated, detailoriented employees are compensated well. F/T long term. Come make a career! Send resume to chad@ckbuildersinc.com Call 399-5881. Drug free. EOE WHITE SKY HOPE CENTER, ROCKY BOY CLINIC, BOX ELDER, MT REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS. The White Sky Hope Center is seeking services for an Independent External Evaluator for a one-year period commencing with the present Year for program ending September 29, 2015. Sealed proposals/bids for Independent Evaluator are requested by the White Sky Hope Center’s SAMHSA System of Care Planning Project. All proposals bids must be submitted to Lenore Myers, White Sky Hope Center Director-Chief Administrator, no later than December 1, 2014 by 12:00 P. M. Please direct all inquiries and requests for Proposal Information from Allen LaMere, System of Care Project Director at 406-395-4818, extension 213, or email alamere@rbclinic.org. JENNIFER E. FORSYTH Lorang Law, PC 410 3rd Avenue Havre, MT 59501 Telephone: (406)265-1530 Fax: (406)265-1531 Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, HILL COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ROGER MARDEN, Deceased. Probate No. DP-14-037 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to the personal representative, return receipt requested, at 410 3rd Avenue, Havre, Montana 59501, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 16 day of October, 2014. Full job description & applications available at: Havre Job Service, District 4 HRDC, www.hrdc4.org General The Hill County Farm Service Agency Office located in Havre, MT is accepting applications for a temporary full-time Program Technician position. The technician will be responsible for carrying out office activities and functions pertaining to one or more of the federal farm program areas. A copy of the vacancy announcement can be obtained from the FSA Office at 206 25th Ave W, STE 2, Havre, MT, by calling (406) 265-6792, Ext. 111, requested via e-mail from leslie.rispens@ mt.usda.gov or by visiting your local Job Service Office. Applications must be received by close of business November 7, 2014. USDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider. Water & Garbage included in rent EHO Call 265-6743 PARKVIEW APARTMENTS 3 bdrm, 1 bath home located on +/-1.3 Acres West of Havre. Includes a 20x60 garage/shop. This property is an ''As Is'' purchase. (Home has had frozen pipes) Updated 2 bdrm, 2 bath home in Chinook, MT. New windows, new heating & AC system, new master suite addition. Nice yard, oversized single garage/ shop area in back with large carport for RV parking. Two bedroom Subsidized, Multi-Family Complex Interested applicants must submit resume and cover letter to Stacy Mantle, Havre Daily News, 119 Second St., Havre, MT 59501; smantle@havredailynews.com Equal Opportunity Employer 7133 US Hwy 87 W $110,000 1015 New York St Chinook ~ $112,000 Surrey Court 1633 2nd St Havre, MT 59501 /s/ Steven Marden Personal Representative (October 20, 27, November 3, 2014) MNAXLP Right-of-Way Agent To research and ascertain ownership of property and deal with regulatory agencies and the public in negotiating the necessary right-of-way, governmental and utility permits needed to perform the construction work of our Companies. Must be able to work under tense situations, be customer orientated and highly effective in providing solutions that benefit the Companies and our members. Must obtain & maintain a current MT Drivers license, insurability, and pass a pre-employment drug screening. A Notary Public will be required. Periods of extensive travel may be required. Accountant (part-time, varying hours): Responsible for the preparation, care, and maintenance of the accounting functions of the companies. Knowledge of REA accounting practices and laws governing electric and telephone utility accounting preferred. Any combination equivalent to the following education and experience that would provide the required knowledge, skills and abilities would qualify. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skills and abilities would be: AA/AS in Accounting or related field with 5 years of related work experience and / or training. A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or a related field is preferred. Apply through our “careers” website at www.montanajobs.me and read the job description with full requirements. A resume and application must be submitted through this website. Position is open until filled. For more information call 1-800-332-1201. Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/trianglecommunications. (EOE) Gregory A. Luinstra LUINSTRA & YOUNG, PLLC 219 Second Avenue South, Suite 302 P.O. Box 3169 Great Falls, MT 594033169 Telephone: (406) 7614800 Facsimile: (406) 761-4804 Email: gluinstra@gfmtlaw. com Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF HILL In the Matter of the Estate of Gladys Irene Johnston, also known as Gladys I. Johnston Deceased File No. DP-14-042 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All SUDOKU Puzzle & Answer SUDOKU persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Daniel D. Heimbigner, Personal Representative, at Luinstra & Young, PLLC, Attn: Greg Luinstra, P.O. Box 3169, Great Falls, MT 59403-3169, or filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. DATED this 22nd day of October, 2014. /s/Daniel D. Heimbigner Daniel D. Heimbigner Personal Representative (November 3, 10, 17, 2014) MNAXLP B7 Havre Monday, Nov 3, 2014 DAILY NEWS www.havredailynews.com Garage Sales • Pets • Cars • Trucks • ATV's • RV's • Homes • Employment • Rentals • Farm & Ranch • Bulletin Board • Notices • Legals
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